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Quantification of regional V/Q ratios in humans by use of PET. I. Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With positron emission tomography, quantitative measurements of regional alveolar and mixed venous concentrations of positron-emitting radioisotopes can be made within a transaxial section through the thorax. This allows the calculation of regional ventilation-to-perfusion (V/Q) ratios by use of established tracer dilution theory and the constant intravenous infusion of 13N. This paper considers the effect of the inspiration of dead-space gas on regional V/Q and investigates the relationship between the measured V/Q, physiological V/Q, and V/Q defined conventionally in terms of bulk gas flow (VA/Q). Ventilation has been described in terms of net gas transport, and the term effective ventilation has been introduced. A simple two-compartment model has been constructed to allow for the reinspiration of regional (or personal) and common dead-space gas. By use of this model, with parameters representative of normal lung the effective V/Q ratio for 13N [(VA/Q)eff(13N)] is shown to overestimate VA/Q by 18% when VA/Q = 0.1 but underestimate VA/Q by 68% when VA/Q = 10. For physiological gases, the model predicts that the behavior of O2 should be similar to that of 13N, so that, in terms of gas transport, V/Q ratios obtained using the infusion of 13N closely follow those for O2. Values of the effective V/Q ratio for CO2 [(VA/Q)eff(CO2)] lie approximately halfway between (VA/Q)eff(13N) and VA/Q. These results indicate that dead-space ventilation is far less a confounding issue when V/Q is considered in terms of net gas transport (VAeff), rather than bulk flow (VA).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tokics, Leif, Göran Hedenstierna, Leif Svensson, BoBrismar, Torsten Cederlund, Hans Lundquist, and ÅkeStrandberg. / distributionand correlation to atelectasis in anesthetized paralyzed humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4):1822-1833, 1996.Regional ventilation and perfusion were studiedin 10 anesthetized paralyzed supine patients by single-photon emissioncomputerized tomography. Atelectasis was estimated from twotransaxial computerized tomography scans. The ventilation-perfusion(/) distribution was alsoevaluated by multiple inert gas elimination. While the patients wereawake, inert gas / ratio wasnormal, and shunt did not exceed 1% in any patient. Computerizedtomography showed no atelectasis. During anesthesia, shunt ranged from0.4 to 12.2%. Nine patients displayed atelectasis (0.6-7.2% ofthe intrathoracic area), and shunt correlated with the atelectasis(r = 0.91, P < 0.001). Shunt was located independent lung regions corresponding to the atelectatic area. There wasconsiderable / mismatch, withventilation mainly of ventral lung regions and perfusion of dorsalregions. Little perfusion was seen in the most ventral parts (zone 1)of caudal (diaphragmatic) lung regions. In summary, shunt during anesthesia is due to atelectasis in dependent lung regions. The / distributions differ fromthose shown earlier in awake subjects.


Constant-flow ventilation (CFV) is achieved by delivering a constant stream of inspiratory gas through cannulas aimed down the main stem bronchi at flow rates totaling 1-3 l.kg-1.min-1 in the absence of tidal lung motion. Previous studies have shown that CFV can maintain a normal arterial PCO2, although significant ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) inequality appears. This VA/Q mismatch could be due to regional differences in lung inflation that occur during CFV secondary to momentum transfer from the inflowing stream to resident gas in the lung. We tested the hypothesis that substitution of a gas with lower density might attenuate regional differences in alveolar pressure and reduce the VA/Q inequality during CFV. Gas exchange was studied in seven anesthetized dogs by the multiple inert gas elimination technique during ventilation with intermittent positive-pressure ventilation, CFV with O2-enriched nitrogen (CFV-N2), or CFV with O2-enriched helium (CFV-He). As an index of VA/Q inequality independent of shunt, the log SD blood flow increased from 0.757 +/- 0.272 during intermittent positive-pressure ventilation to 1.54 +/- 0.36 (P less than 0.001) during CFV-N2. Switching from CFV-N2 to CFV-He at the same flow rate did not improve log SD blood flow (1.45 +/- 0.21) (P greater than 0.05) but tended to increase arterial PCO2. In excised lungs with alveolar capsules attached to the pleural surface, CFV-He significantly reduced alveolar pressure differences among lobes compared with CFV-N2 as predicted. Regional alveolar washout of Ar after a stap change of inspired concentration was slower during CFV--He than during CFV-N2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We developed micropore membrane inlet mass spectrometer (MMIMS) probes to rapidly measure inert-gas partial pressures in small blood samples. The mass spectrometer output was linearly related to inert-gas partial pressure (r(2) of 0.996-1.000) and was nearly independent of large variations in inert-gas solubility in liquid samples. We infused six inert gases into five pentobarbital-anesthetized New Zealand rabbits and used the MMIMS system to measure inert-gas partial pressures in systemic and pulmonary arterial blood and in mixed expired gas samples. The retention and excretion data were transformed into distributions of ventilation-to-perfusion ratios (V(A)/Q) with the use of linear regression techniques. Distributions of V(A)/Q were unimodal and broad, consistent with prior reports in the normal rabbit. Total blood sample volume for each VA/Q distribution was 4 ml, and analysis time was 8 min. MMIMS provides a convenient method to perform the multiple inert-gas elimination technique rapidly and with small blood sample volumes.  相似文献   

Treppo, Steven, Srboljub M. Mijailovich, and José G. Venegas. Contributions of pulmonary perfusion and ventilation toheterogeneity in A/measured by PET. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(4): 1163-1176, 1997. To estimate the contributions of the heterogeneity in regionalperfusion () and alveolar ventilation(A) to that of ventilation-perfusionratio (A/), we haverefined positron emission tomography (PET) techniques to image localdistributions of andA per unit of gas volume content(s and sA,respectively) and VA/ indogs. sA was assessed in two ways:1) the washout of 13NN tracer after equilibrationby rebreathing (sAi), and2) the ratio of an apneic image after a bolus intravenousinfusion of 13NN-saline solution to an image collectedduring a steady-state intravenous infusion of the same solution(sAp).sAp was systematically higher than sAi in allanimals, and there was a high spatial correlation betweens andsAp in both body positions(mean correlation was 0.69 prone and 0.81 supine) suggesting thatventilation to well-perfused units was higher than to those poorlyperfused. In the prone position, the spatial distributions ofs, sAp, and A/ were fairlyuniform with no significant gravitational gradients; however, in thesupine position, these variables were significantly more heterogeneous,mostly because of significant gravitational gradients (15, 5.5, and10%/cm, respectively) accounting for 73, 33, and 66% of thecorresponding coefficient of variation (CV)2 values. Weconclude that, in the prone position, gravitational forces in blood andlung tissues are largely balanced out by dorsoventral differences inlung structure. In the supine position, effects of gravity andstructure become additive, resulting in substantial gravitationalgradients in s andsAp, with the higherheterogeneity inA/ caused by agravitational gradient in s, only partially compensated by that in sA.


Promoter hypermethylation-associated tumor suppressor gene (TSG) silencing has been explored as a therapeutic target for hypomethylating agents. Promoter methylation change may serve as a pharmacodynamic endpoint for evaluation of the efficacy of these agents and predict the patient’s clinical response. Here a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay has been developed for quantitative regional DNA methylation analysis using the molar ratio of 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine (5mdC) to 2′-deoxycytidine (2dC) in the enzymatic hydrolysate of fully methylated bisulfite-converted polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons as the methylation indicator. The assay can differentiate 5% of promoter methylation level with an intraday precision ranging from 3 to 16% using two TSGs: HIN-1 and RASSF1A. This method was applied to characterize decitabine-induced promoter DNA methylation changes of these two TSGs in a breast cancer MCF-7 cell line. Promoter methylation of these TSGs was found to decrease in a dose-dependent manner. Correspondingly, the expression of these TSGs was enhanced. The sensitivity and reproducibility of the method make it a valuable tool for specific gene methylation analysis that could aid characterization of hypomethylating activity on specific genes by hypomethylating agents in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

The pattern of rib cage (RC) and abdomen (AB) motion and the electromyograms of the triangularis sterni (TS) and abdominal external oblique (EO) muscles were studied during speech and reading in six normal uninformed subjects in the sitting posture. Most phrases were started from within the tidal breathing range and extended below RC and AB spontaneous end-expiratory volumes. On the average, 75% of the change in chest wall volume occurred below the resting end-expiratory level. The expired volume resulted from a large predominance of RC displacement, and this was accompanied by marked recruitment of the TS. The EO was also generally activated, but the pattern of activation was less consistent. We conclude that 1) speech occurs primarily below the spontaneous end-expiratory level; 2) most of the volume change is caused by active emptying of the RC produced, at least in part, by contraction of the TS; 3) concomitant activation of the abdominal muscles serves to optimize the inspiratory function of the diaphragm, which has to contract rapidly between phrases to refill the respiratory system.  相似文献   

Ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) inequality has been shown to increase with exercise. Potential mechanisms for this increase include nonuniform pulmonary vasoconstriction, ventilatory time constant inequality, reduced large airway gas mixing, and development of interstitial pulmonary edema. We hypothesized that persistence of VA/Q mismatch after ventilation and cardiac output subside during recovery would be consistent with edema; however, rapid resolution would suggest mechanisms related to changes in ventilation and blood flow per se. Thirteen healthy males performed near-maximal cycle ergometry at an inspiratory PO2 of 91 Torr (because hypoxia accentuates VA/Q mismatch on exercise). Cardiorespiratory variables and inert gas elimination patterns were measured at rest, during exercise, and between 2 and 30 min of recovery. Two profiles of VA/Q distribution behavior emerged during heavy exercise: in group 1 an increase in VA/Q mismatch (log SDQ of 0.35 +/- 0.02 at rest and 0.44 +/- 0.02 at exercise; P less than 0.05, n = 7) and in group 2 no change in VA/Q mismatch (n = 6). There were no differences in anthropometric data, work rate, O2 uptake, or ventilation during heavy exercise between groups. Group 1 demonstrated significantly greater VA/Q inequality, lower vital capacity, and higher forced expiratory flow at 25-75% of forced vital capacity for the first 20 min during recovery than group 2. Cardiac index was higher in group 1 both during heavy exercise and 4 and 6 min postexercise. However, both ventilation and cardiac output returned toward baseline values more rapidly than did VA/Q relationships. Arterial pH was lower in group 1 during exercise and recovery. We conclude that greater VA/Q inequality in group 1 and its persistence during recovery are consistent with the hypothesis that edema occurs and contributes to the increase in VA/Q inequality during exercise. This is supported by observation of greater blood flows and acidosis and, presumably therefore, higher pulmonary vascular pressures in such subjects.  相似文献   

Antibiotic use in humans and bacterial resistance.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
As with any public health problem, the evolution of antibacterial resistance must be viewed from a perspective of risk, and analysed in terms of probabilities within the populations. It is necessary to be able to predict the risk of antibacterial resistance, in the future, and two main strategies have recently been developed in mathematical models that may help to evaluate these risks. It is also important to understand how antibiotics are used and how their use affects the evolution of antibacterial resistance. Understanding the epidemiology of antibacterial resistance will enable us to develop preventive strategies to limit existing resistance and to avoid the emergence of new strains of resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

Using positron emission tomography (PET) and intravenously injected (13)N(2), we assessed the topographical distribution of pulmonary perfusion (Q) and ventilation (V) in six healthy, spontaneously breathing subjects in the supine and prone position. In this technique, the intrapulmonary distribution of (13)N(2), measured during a short apnea, is proportional to regional Q. After resumption of breathing, regional specific alveolar V (sVA, ventilation per unit of alveolar gas volume) can be calculated from the tracer washout rate. The PET scanner imaged 15 contiguous, 6-mm-thick, slices of lung. Vertical gradients of Q and sVA were computed by linear regression, and spatial heterogeneity was assessed from the squared coefficient of variation (CV(2)). Both CV and CV were corrected for the estimated contribution of random imaging noise. We found that 1) both Q and V had vertical gradients favoring dependent lung regions, 2) vertical gradients were similar in the supine and prone position and explained, on average, 24% of Q heterogeneity and 8% of V heterogeneity, 3) CV was similar in the supine and prone position, and 4) CV was lower in the prone position. We conclude that, in recumbent, spontaneously breathing humans, 1) vertical gradients favoring dependent lung regions explain a significant fraction of heterogeneity, especially of Q, and 2) although Q does not seem to be systematically more homogeneous in the prone position, differences in individual behaviors may make the prone position advantageous, in terms of V-to-Q matching, in selected subjects.  相似文献   

Class II-restricted murine T cell clones specific for the immunogenic determinant L-tyrosine-p-azobenzenearsonate failed to proliferate to Ag presented by L cell lines transfected with and expressing the appropriate class II genes, but are activated to kill the APC in an Ag-dependent, MHC-restricted manner. Inhibition of APC proliferation was used as an assay to determine the relative contributions of polymorphic sites on the class II alpha- and beta-chains to MHC-restricted activation of I-A beta k-restricted cloned T cells. Transfectants expressing A beta k in conjunction with the alpha chain of k, u, or d were equally effective APCs, whereas transfectants expressing A beta u were completely ineffective, implicating the beta-chain as more critical for the presentation of L-tyrosine-p-azobenzenearsonate. Site-directed mutagenesis of polymorphic positions in the beta chain revealed a remarkable stringency for the k haplotype, in contrast to the relaxed alpha-chain requirement. These results, in conjunction with others, indicate that the relative contribution of polymorphic sites on class II alpha- and beta-chains to T cell Ag recognition can differ markedly, and, furthermore, may vary as a function of the Ag.  相似文献   

To characterize chylomicron remnant clearance by the liver, plasma elimination of retinyl palmitate-labeled chylomicron remnants was studied in 18 healthy subjects, ages 21-42 years. Autologous plasma containing retinyl palmitate-labeled chylomicrons and their remnants was injected intravenously, and retinyl palmitate disappearance was measured in serial plasma samples in all subjects and in lipoprotein fractions in 11 subjects. The injected doses (n = 18) ranged from 0.34 to 7.11 mumol retinyl palmitate in d less than or equal to 1.006 g/ml particles with an average molar ratio of 330/1 of retinyl palmitate/apoB-48 (n = 8). The label distributed in the intravascular space and exhibited apparent first order elimination, monoexponential in 6 and biexponential in 12 subjects. The first rapid component k1 (t1/2 18.8 +/- 11.4 min, n = 18) was shown to represent retinyl palmitate in particles of d less than or equal to 1.006 g/ml, i.e., chylomicron remnants, and the second slow component k2 (t1/2 123 +/- 62 min, n = 12) small amounts of retinyl palmitate (11 +/- 7%) injected in d greater than 1.006 g/ml particles (therefore excluded from analysis). Assuming a single-compartment model, initial rates of elimination (= dose x k1) of labeled chylomicron remnants obeyed (P = 0.06) Michaelis-Menten saturation kinetics: Km was 921 +/- 305 nmol retinyl palmitate label and Vmax 124 +/- 14 nmol/min corresponding to 0.88 nM apoB-48 for Km and 0.25 x 10(-3) nmol apoB-48.min-1.g-1 liver for Vmax. Their elimination was limited neither by the injected triglyceride dose nor theoretically by the liver blood flow. After the intake of 70 g of fat (cream) containing retinyl palmitate, the plasma retinyl palmitate concentration exceeded the estimated saturation concentration for 7 h. In conclusion, physiological chylomicron remnant catabolism by the liver appears to be saturable by ordinary lipid intake in healthy humans.  相似文献   

Imperceptible levels of proportional assist ventilation applied throughout inspiration reduced inspiratory time (TI) in awake humans. More recently, the reduction in TI was associated with flow assist, but flow assist also reaches a maximum value early during inspiration. To test the separate effects of flow assist and timing of assist, we applied a pseudorandom binary sequence of flow-assisted breaths during early, late, or throughout inspiration in eight normal subjects. We hypothesized that imperceptible flow assist would shorten TI most effectively when applied during early inspiration. Tidal volume, integrated respiratory muscle pressure per breath, TI, and TE were recorded. All stimuli (early, late, or flow assist applied throughout inspiration) resulted in a significant increase in inspiratory flow; however, only when the flow assist was applied during early inspiration was there a significant reduction in TI and the integrated respiratory muscle pressure per breath. These results provide further evidence that vagal feedback modulates breathing on a breath-by-breath basis in conscious humans within a physiological range of breath sizes.  相似文献   

We have recently described a new method for measuring distributions of ventilation-perfusion ratios (VA/Q) based on inert gas elimination. Here we report the initial application of the method in normal dogs and in dogs with pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, and pneumonia. Characteristic distributions appropriate to the known effects of each lesion were observed. Comparison with traditional indices of gas exchange revealed that the arterial PO2 calculated from the distributions agreed well with measured values, as did the shunts indicated by the method and by the arterial PO2 while breathing 100 per cent 02. Also the Bohr dead space closely matched the dispersion of ventilation in realtion to VA/Q. Assumptions made in the method were critically evaluated and appear justified. These include the existence of a steady state of gas exchange, an alveolar-end-capillary diffusion equilibration, and the fact that all of the observered VA/Q inequality occurs between gas exchange units in parallel. However, theoretical analysis suggests that the method can detect failure of diffusion equilbration across the blood-gas barrier should it exist. These results suggest that the method is well-suited to clinical investigation of patients with pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

We measured regional lung volumes from apex to base in humans during changes in thoracoabdominal shape which we monitored with magnetometers. In erect subjects, voluntary changes of shape at FRC did not change regional volume distribution. In supine subjects, the effect of negative pressure applied to the abdomen and a similar thoracoabdominal configuration achieved by voluntary means were studied. The distribution of regional volumes in both situations was the same as that measured during relaxation at the same overall lung volumes. We concluded that neither voluntary changes in shape nor negative abdominal pressure influenced the human pleural pressure gradient. This result, which differed from findings in animals, was probably because the human chest was relatively stiff and behaved with one degree of freedom; all parts of the human rib cage changed dimensions proportionally while negative abdominal pressure distorted the rib cage of animals.  相似文献   

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