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现存的兰属分类系统是基于宏观形态学性状、尤其是花粉块的数目以及唇瓣与蕊柱的愈合程度而建立的。兰属因此而划分为3个亚属:兰亚属(subgenus Cymbidium),大花亚属(subgenus Cyperorchis)和建兰亚属(subgenus Jensoa)。本文运用PCR扩增和直接测序的方法分析兰属(Cymbidium)27种、3个栽培品种以及3个外类群的核DNA ITS区段序列,通过最简约性分析产生的ITS系统发育树表明,兰属的3个亚属均可能为不自然的类群,大花亚属表现为一复系群,兰亚属的冬凤兰(C.dayanum)隐藏于基点;建兰亚属为一并系群,它的成员之一兔耳兰(C.lancifolium)偏离出去而成为兰属一最基部的分支;兰亚属为一复系群,它分为几支而分别与另两个亚属组合在一起,由于兰属ITS序列位点变异率较低,最简约性分析产生的几支主要分支均得不到Bootstrap分析的高度支持,各亚属内组之间的关系也不明确,研究兰属的系统发育关系还需要新的数据。  相似文献   

现存的兰属分类系统是基于宏观形态学性状、尤其是花粉块的数目以及唇瓣与蕊柱的愈合程度而建立的.兰属因此而划分为3个亚属:兰亚属 (subgenus Cymbidium),大花亚属(subgenus Cyperorchis) 和建兰亚属 (subgenus Jensoa).本文运用PCR扩增和直接测序的方法分析兰属 (Cymbidium) 27种、3个栽培品种以及3个外类群的核DNA ITS 区段序列.通过最简约性分析产生的ITS系统发育树表明,兰属的3个亚属均可能为不自然的类群.大花亚属表现为一复系群,兰亚属的冬凤兰 (C.dayanum) 隐藏于其中;建兰亚属为一并系群,它的成员之一兔耳兰 (C.lancifolium) 偏离出去而成为兰属一最基部的分支;兰亚属为一复系群,它分为几支而分别与另两个亚属组合在一起.由于兰属ITS序列位点变异率较低,最简约性分析产生的几支主要分支均得不到Bootstrap分析的高度支持,各亚属内组之间的关系也不明确.研究兰属的系统发育关系还需要新的数据.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科石豆兰属2新记录种,即普洱石豆兰(Bulbophylhum didymotropis Seidenf)和版纳石豆兰(Bulbophylhum protractum HK.f),并提供描述和图片.  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨忍冬属的系统发育关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以七子花(Heptacodium miconioides)为外类群,运用MEGA软件对20种忍冬属植物进行系统发育分析,采用邻接法(NJ)和最大简约法(MP)构建系统发育树,从分子系统学角度探讨忍冬属下的亲缘关系.结果表明:(1)在NJ和MP系统树中,没有形成系统树的基部分支,忍冬亚属(Subg.Chamaecerasus)和轮花亚属(Subg.Lonicera)没有形成姐妹群关系.(2)在各系统树中,囊管组内的各种没有聚为一支,故认为对囊管组的划分应进一步探讨.(3)忍冬属ITS区(ITS1+ITS2)的信息位点达到11.0%,信息位点比较丰富,证明ITS序列可以为解决忍冬属植物的系统发育问题提供较强的证据.  相似文献   

栝楼属基于核糖体ITS序列的系统发育分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
栝楼属(Trichosanthes)是葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)中一个种类较多、药用价值较大的属。本文基于ITS序列分析了栝楼属16个种的系统发育关系。聚类分析表明:在组的划分上,具有分类争议的截叶组(sect. Truncata)与大苞组(sect. Involucraria)形成一大支,处于一亚分枝位置,不支持独立成组。在属内分类地位上,在核酸水平不支持贵州栝楼(T.guizhouensis)为一独立种,结合形态特征建议并入双边栝楼(T.rosthornii)。大方油栝楼(T.dafangensis)与小苞组(sect. Trichosanthes)成为姊妹群,处于一个向叶苞组(sect. Foliobracteola)过渡位置,结合其形态特征,建议作为小苞组(sect. Trichosanthes)成员。  相似文献   

报道了在西藏自治区林芝市墨脱县发现的中国兰科石豆兰属二新记录种,即金氏石豆兰(Bulbophyllum kingii Hook. f.)和五脉石豆兰(Bulbophyllum pentaneurum Seidenf.)。该文对二者进行了描述,介绍了物候和分布信息,并提供彩色图片便于鉴别。凭证标本存放于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。  相似文献   

江西的野生兰属植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兰花,是民间对兰科兰属(Cymbidium)植物的泛称,是中国人民广为喜爱的传统名花;在文明古老的中华大地,栽培与观赏兰花的历史,可追溯到唐朝末年,至今已有1100多年。兰属植物主产于亚洲热带与亚热带地区,少数分布于大洋洲与非洲,全世界约有40余种,我国产30余种及许多变种。 江西省位于我国长江中下游,北面和湖北、安徽两省相邻,南有大庾岭、九连山与广东接壤,西有幕阜山、万洋诸山与湖南毗邻,东有武夷山、怀玉山与福建、浙江两省接境。江西是江南丘陵的重要组成部分,东南西三面环山,北面虽为平原地区,但也有庐山雄峙长江、鄱阳湖之滨,山地、丘陵面积约占全省总面积的60%,广阔的山区极宜兰花生长。 据初步调查,江西省有野生兰属植物9种(变种)以上,它们是:  相似文献   

基于香菇菌株rDNA-ITS序列的系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据真菌核糖体通用引物ITS1和ITS4扩增出13个福建袋栽香菇主要菌株的5.8S rDNA、ITS序列,对该序列进行测序后,得到完整的5.8S rDNA、ITS序列,将该序列提交NCBI并获得登录号,对该序列进行比对分析并构建了系统发育树,从分子水平对香菇菌株进行了区分鉴定,结果显示13个菌株可以明显的分成2丛,而其他菌株又可以从一丛中延伸出几个亚丛。  相似文献   

基于核rDNA的ITS序列在种子植物系统发育研究中的应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
种子植物核rDNA是高度重复的串联序列,由于同步进化的力量.大多数物种中这些重复单位间已发生纯合或接近纯合。5.8S rDNA把核rDNA的内转录间隔区分为ITS1和ITS2两部分.在被子植物中ITS1的长度为165~298bp,ITS2的长度为177~266bp,而在裸子植物中ITS片段较长。且其长度变化主要由ITS1的长度变异所致。可对这两个片段PCR产物进行直接测序或克隆测序。由于ITS序列变异较快.能够提供较丰富的变异位点和信息位点,已成为被子植物较低分类阶元的系统发育和分类研究中的重要分子标记,为探讨多倍体复合体网状进化关系,异源多倍体的起源提供了重要的系统学信息.但它一般不适合科以上水平的系统学研究。裸子植物中ITS片段较长,重复序列间的纯合程度不同,测序比较困难.因此对探讨裸子植物系统发育和分类受到了一定的限制,但近年来有所发展。  相似文献   

盾腹吸虫为寄生扁形动物中一小的类群。我国已报道7种盾腹吸虫,其中5种隶属于盾腹虫属(Aspidogastridae,Aspidogastrinae)。研究测定了在我国采集到的4种盾腹虫属吸虫的核糖体DNA转录内间隔区(ITSrDNA)序列,并分别采用邻接法和最大似然法构建分子系统发育树。结果显示,这4种盾腹吸虫的ITS-1和ITS-2序列的长度分别在728—877bp和518—645bp之间,其G+C含量分别在50.1%—52.3%和49.2%—52.2%范围内。4种盾腹吸虫的种间遗传距离在0.2%—26.9%之间,其中重庆盾腹吸虫(Aspidogaster chongqingensis)和似螺盾腹吸虫(A.limacoides)间仅为0.2%。所构建的最大似然树和邻接树具有相同的拓扑结构,均支持重庆盾腹吸虫和似螺盾腹吸虫亲缘关系最近,它们与饭岛盾腹吸虫(A.ijimai)亲缘关系较近,而与位于系统树基部的贝居盾腹吸虫(A.conchicola)关系较远。此外,对我国盾腹属种类的宿主特异性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

测定了簇毛黄耆亚属(Pogonophace)4组8种和外类群Caragana roborovskyi的ITS序列,从GenBank中调出相关12属47种的ITS序列,组成数据距阵,应用PAUP程序中的最大简约法构建了系统发育树状图.扁荚组(Sect. Sesbanella)与亚属其余类群在系统树上处于不同的分支,亲缘关系较远,这个亚属不是一个单系类群;膨果组(Sect. Bibracteola),背扁组(Sect. Phyllolobium)和袋果组(Sect. Trichostylus)作为一个单系类群能得到ITS序列的支持,但与鱼鳔槐亚族比与黄耆属其他类群的关系更近; Astragatus complanatus和A. tribulifolius可能为一对替代种;亚属下的分组以及膨果组下系的划分都得不到ITS序列分析的支持.  相似文献   

测定了簇毛黄耆亚属(Pogonophace)4组8种和外类群Caragana roborovskyi的ITS序列,从GenBank中调出相关12属47种的ITS序列,组成数据距阵,应用PAUP程序中的最大简约法构建了系统发育树状图。扁荚组(Sect.Sesbanella)与亚属其余类群在系统树上处于不同的分支,亲缘关系较远这个亚属不是一个单系类群;膨果组(Sect.Bibracteola)。背扁组(Sect.Phyllolobium)和袋果组(Sect.Trichostylus)作为一个单系类群能得到ITS序列的支持,但与分组以及膨果组下系的划分都得不到ITS序列分析的支持。  相似文献   

The genus Cymbidium comprises three subgenera with ca. 50 species. Interactions between pollinators and plants have been studied in the two subgenera Cymbidium and Cyperorchis, but only a few studies in the subgenus Jensoa have been reported. Here we report on the reproductive characteristics of C. goeringii (in sub-genus Jensoa) in three populations in the southwest of Hunan Province, China, during the winter from December 2005 to March 2006. Floral phenological and morphological features, behavior of visitors, the breeding system, and fruit sets under natural conditions were studied. The flowers of C. goeringii were strongly fragrant, but did not present any rewards to the visitors. The flowering period of C. goeringii in the studied populations lasted about 40 days, and most flowers (about 60%) opened within 30 days. Flowers opened immediately when temperature increased obviously and reached to about 16 ℃. The flowering time of the pollinated flowers, unpollinated flow-ers and the flowers with pollinarium removed were similar. Two bees of Apidae, Apis cerana cerana (honeybee) and Anthophora melanognatha, were observed visiting flowers of C. goeringii, but only the honeybees performed as pollinators. The honeybees mostly visited the orchid flowers at 10:00–17:00 on sunny days with temperature above 10 ℃. A total of only thirteen visits were observed during 20 days of observation, indicating pollinators were rare. Honeybees directly landed on the upper surface of the labellum and inserted their heads into the flowers between column and labellum, while the hind legs trod on the surface of the curved downward mid-lobe of label-lum. When a honeybee landed on the labellum of a flower, the labellum moved up and down slightly. After the honeybee entered the flower further, its head might touch the foot of the column. At this time, the body of the honeybee was parallel with the upper surface of the labellum. Then the honeybee used its front legs to scratch on the callus ridges on the upper surface of the labellum, and its hind legs hooked the edges of the side lobe of label-lum, trying to exit forcibly from the flower. During exiting process, sometimes the honeybee’s body was arched owing to tension. In this case, the surface of the scutellum came into close contact with the viscidium and then pollinaria, together with the anther cap, were removed. When this honeybee visited next flower, the pollinaria would be adhered to the stigma when it arched its body during the exiting process. Three plant species flowered synchronously with C. goeringii in the studied areas, but their flowers were different with C. goeringii in color or shape. Because C. goeringii is rewardless to pollinators, the flowers probably attract visitors by olfactory stimu-lus. Breeding system experiments showed no spontaneous autogamy and pollination success relying on pollinators in C. goeringii. Artificial pollination resulted in 90% fruit set by induced autogamy, 100% by pollinating within clone, and 100% by xenogamous pollination, respectively. These results indicate that C. goeringii is highly self-compatible and the fruit production is pollen limited. Because pollinators are essential for fruit set of C. goeringii in natural habitats, protection of wild honeybee populations or apiculture is likely a simple but effective strategy to maintain the orchid populations.  相似文献   

matK gene, which is located in the chloroplast genome and evolves more quickly than the rbcL gene. A total of 31 species representing 31 of the 59 genera in the family were examined in this study. We also used 21 species from another ten families of Asparagales, four species from three families of Liliales and Acorus as outgroups. We obtained partial sequences of matK with lengths of 1,109–1,148 bp, corresponding to positions 230 to 1,343 of the Oryza sativa matK gene. The pairwise percentage sequence divergence ranged from 0 to 19.1% for all the species examined except Acorus, and 0 to 4.6% within Amaryllidaceae. Two methods of phylogenetic analysis, the Maximum Parsimony and Neighbor-Joining methods, were used. The trees obtained from these two analyses were fundamentally consistent. In both trees, the Amaryllidaceae sensu Dahlgren et al. formed a well-supported monophyletic clade with 100% bootstrap support. Amaryllidaceae were included in the Asparagales; however, its phylogenetic position within the Asparagales was not clearly resolved. Judging from the NJ tree, Agapanthus might be a sister group of the Amaryllidaceae, although bootstrap support for this was low. Character-state mapping was used to infer a center of origin and the biogeographic history of Amaryllidaceae. The result supports the hypothesis that the family evolved in Africa and subsequently spread to other continents, further suggesting that South America is the center of secondary diversification. Received 6 January 1999/ Accepted in revised form 8 April 1999  相似文献   

We aimed to describe and analyse the morphological, anatomical and micromorphological traits of 36 Turkish orchids representing 12 genera (e.g. Anacamptis, Cephalanthera, Dactylorhiza, Orchis, Serapias) in detail and analyse their usability for solving phylogenetic and taxonomic issues. We applied UPGMA cluster analysis to anatomical, morphological and micromorphological characters such as root tubers, leaf and flower structures, pit, sclerenchymatic sheath, vascular bundle shape, crystal and starch, exodermis and endodermis structure, stomata type, bulliform cells in roots, shoots and leaves, surface structures like papillae, hairs and ornamentation on flower parts, leaves, fruits and seeds. Furthermore, in a phylogenetic framework, we analysed nuclear ribosomal ITS diversity in the same orchid species belonging, and in a combined Bayesian phylogenetic analysis based on anatomical, morphological, micromorphogical and ITS data we confirmed the usefulness of multiple data sets for effectively assessing taxonomically critical orchids. In the combined analysis, all genera were resolved as monophyletic with topologies congruent with recently published more thorough molecular phylogenetic reconstructions, while the trees obtained by seprately analysing the ITS and the anatomical, morphological, micromorphogical data were less resolved and partly inconclusive.  相似文献   

JUDD, W. S., STERN, W. L. & CHEADLE, V. I. 1993. Phylogenetic position of Apostasia and Neuwiedia (Orchidaceae). Cladistic analyses of the phylogenetic relationships of selected orchid taxa were conducted in order to assess the phylogenetic position of Apostasia and Neuwiedia (Orchidaceae: Apostasioideae). These analyses employed newly available anatomical characters, along with several morphological features that had been used in recent phylogenetic analyses of Orchidaceae. Our analyses indicate that Apostasia is more closely related to Neuwiedia than it is to Cypripedioideae. The two genera comprise an apostasiad clade; this clade is the sister-group to a clade including Cypripedioideae and monandrous orchids. The apostasiad clade is diagnosed by the derived features of operculate pollen colpi, Apostasia-type seeds, and vessel members with simple perforation plates. Of these, the presence of simple perforation plates is considered to be the most significant phylogenetically. Therefore, the apostasiads should not be considered ancestral to the remaining orchid groups. Vessel members of the monandrous orchids, as well as the cypripediads, are multiperforate–the hypothesized ancestral state based on the condition in Hypoxidaceae.  相似文献   

采用RAPD 技术对云南兰属的11 个种和3 个变种中的39 个样本进行了相似性分析。在相似系数0. 58 水平上, 大花亚属的虎头兰、西藏虎头兰、长叶兰和碧玉兰聚为一支; 建兰亚属的寒兰、墨兰、蜜蜂兰、蕙兰、春兰、豆瓣兰、春剑、莲瓣兰和送春聚为另一支, 兔耳兰与大花亚属关系更近。春剑和莲瓣兰相似性更高, 它们与春兰的关系较远, 不支持送春作为蕙兰下的变种。这些结果可为开展兰属育种提供重要参考价值。  相似文献   

兔耳兰食源性欺骗传粉的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
兰科植物具有精巧、多样化的花部结构以及高度多样的吸引传粉者方式。作者对广西雅长兰科植物自治区级保护区内的一个兔耳兰(Cymbidium lancifolium)居群进行了连续2年的观察和研究。观察发现兔耳兰唯一的传粉者为膜翅目蜜蜂科的中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)。中华蜜蜂一般直接落在唇瓣外弯的中裂片上, 然后调整身体的方向, 进入花中, 当发现花中无蜜液等回报时, 借助于后足的蹬力退出花朵。在退出的过程中, 花粉块连同药帽会通过粘盘粘附在中华蜜蜂的胸部。中华蜜蜂在花内的停留时间为8–71 s, 平均18.3 s (N = 11)。根据观察我们推测兔耳兰可能是通过其唇瓣上无规则的紫栗色小斑点(假蜜导)来吸引中华蜜蜂为其传粉, 属于食源性欺骗方式。在传粉过程中兔耳兰的药帽与花粉团和粘盘一起粘在中华蜜蜂背部。药帽的存在能够阻止下一朵被拜访的花实现雌性功能。兔耳兰药帽高度(0.154 ± 0.032 cm) (N = 10)加上传粉昆虫胸高(2005年为0.37 ± 0.03 cm (N = 10), 2006年0.35 ± 0.04 cm (N = 7))大于传粉通道入口的高度(0.29 ± 0.04 cm) (N = 21), 支持兔耳兰可能通过药帽来减少同株异花授粉现象的推测。2005和2006年该兔耳兰居群的自然繁殖成功率分别为21.13%和21.28%。繁育系统实验证明兔耳兰是高度自交亲和物种, 自交和异交的繁殖成功率没有显著性差异, 表明该种在结实过程中未显示近交衰退。兔耳兰不存在无融合生殖和自花授粉的现象, 其结实依赖传粉者。TTC法检测结果显示兔耳兰种子活力达85.78%(N = 11), 可见种子活力不是制约兔耳兰种子萌发的主要原因。因此传粉者的密度和访问频率可能是影响兔耳兰结实的重要因素, 并最终影响兔耳兰种群的维持和扩张。  相似文献   

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