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We evaluated the effect of stigma-anther separation (SAS) in flowers of the self-incompatible tropical tree Ipomoea wolcottiana (Convolvulaceae). We measured the deposition of self pollen on the stigma and the growth of pollen tubes. We also evaluated phenotypic selection on female fertility using univariate regressions of SAS with fruit production. SAS varied among individuals in two years, with a range of 0–6 mm. There was a negative correlation between SAS and the number of self pollen grains on the stigma; trees with SAS of 0–2 mm received averages of ca 80–130 self grains. The effect of loading the stigma with self-pollen was tested by allowing isolated flowers to self-pollinate, then cross-pollinating by hand: there was a negative correlation between the pollen load and the proportion of grains forming pollen tubes. The highest proportion of grains forming tubes was found with loads of <10 grains, while the minimum frequency of tubes occurred with loads of >50 grains. The results suggest that more self pollen deposition leads to fewer tubes from outcross pollen. There was a significant effect of SAS on fruit production in both years. The analyses suggested stabilizing selection; very small SAS is disadvantageous due to the high load of self pollen, while very large SAS probably led to damage to the style during pollinator visits. We suggest that herkogamy may be a key character for determining the success of fruit production in self-incompatible hermaphroditic species.  相似文献   

Changes in intracellular pH, K+and Clconcentrations were measured in pollen grains, anther loculi, and whole anthers during in vivodifferentiation of male gametophyte of Nicotiana tabacumL. The effects of extracellular K+and Clon intracellular pH regulation were also studied during development of pollen grains in vitro. Ion-selective electrodes and X-ray microanalysis were used to measure ion concentrations, and microfluorometry was used to measure pH. The intracellular pH and [K+] decreased at the mid- and late binucleate stages of pollen grain development, while [Cl] increased. At the same stages, K+and Clconcentrations in locular liquid were found to increase. The intracellular pH in pollen grains, isolated at the mid-binucleate stage, decreased during in vitrodevelopment in the medium containing 50 mM KCl. It was suggested that changes in ionic composition of the external medium can regulate the intracellular pH during development of pollen grain in vivo.  相似文献   

The air that we inhale contains simultaneously a multiple array of allergenic pollen. It is well known that such allergens cause allergic reactions in some 15 of the population of the Western World. However little is known about the quantitative aspect of this phenomenon. What is the lowest concentration of pollen that might trigger allergic responses? As people are exposed to heterogeneous and variable environments, clarification of the partial contribution of each of the major airborne pollen allergens and determination of its role in invoking allergy are of prime importance. Objectives: (1) Assessment of a possible correlation between the concentration of airborne pollen and incidence of allergy. (2) Estimation of the lowest average concentrations for various species of airborne pollen that elicit allergic symptoms when exceeded. (3) Determination of the extent of the variations in manifestation of allergy symptoms that can be explained by fluctuations in the concentration of individual species of airborne pollen. Methods: The study was conducted during 14months with a rural population in Israel. The participants completed a detailed questionnaire and were skin prick tested with the common airborne allergens. The appearance of clinical symptoms, i.e. nasal, bronchial, ocular or dermal, were reported daily by the patients. Concentrations of the airborne pollen and spores were monitored in the center of activity of the residents during one day every week, using three Rotorod pollen traps. The pollen grains were identified by light microscopy. Results: The pollen spectrum was divided into time-blocks presenting the main pollination periods of the investigated species. The correlation between the concentration of airborne pollen of the relevant species and the clinical symptoms of the patients was determined for each time block. The correlation differed for different clinical symptoms and for different pollen allergens. Highest correlation with airborne pollen counts was found for patients with nasal and bronchial symptoms. The onset of the clinical symptoms by sensitive patients started, in each of the relevant groups, once the weekly average concentration of the airborne pollen crossed a threshold level. Under the limitations of the present study, this level was estimated to be 2–4 pollen m–3 air for olive, 3–5 pollen m–3 air for grasses, 4–5 pollen m–3 air for Artemisia, 10–20 pollen m–3 air for pecan and 50–60 pollen m–3 air for cypress. Conclusions: Fluctuations in specific airborne pollen grains explained up to 2/3 of the variation in clinical allergy responses. Those were: 69 of the variation for cypress (March–April), 66 for the grasses (March–April), 49 for the pecan (May–June) and 62 for Artemisia (Autumn).  相似文献   

The influence of meteorological parameters on airborne pollen of Australian native arboreal species was investigated in the sub-tropical city of Brisbane, Australia over the five-year period, June 1994–May 1999. Australian native arboreal pollen (ANAP), shed by taxa belonging to the families Cupressaceae, Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae accounts for 18.4% of the total annual pollen count and is distributed in the atmosphere during the entire year with maximum loads restricted to the months May through November. Daily counts within the range 11–100 grains m–3 occurred over short intervals each year and were recorded on 100 days during the five-year sampling period. Total seasonal ANAP concentrations varied each year, with highest annual values measured for the family Cupressaceae, for which greater seasonal frequencies were shown to be related to pre-seasonal precipitation (r 2 = 0.76, p = 0.05). Seasonal start dates were near consistent for the Cupressaceae and Casuarinaceae. Myrtaceae start dates were variable and established to be directly related to lower average pre-seasonal maximum temperature (r 2 = 0.78, p = 0.04). Associations between daily ANAP loads and weather parameters showed that densities of airborne Cupressaceae and Casuarinaceae pollen were negatively correlated with maximum temperature (p < 0.0001), minimum temperature (p < 0.0001) and precipitation (p < 0.05), whereas associations with daily Myrtaceae pollen counts were not statistically significant. This is the first study to be conducted in Australia that has assessed the relationships between weather parameters and the airborne distribution of pollen emitted by Australian native arboreal species. Pollen shed by Australian native Cupressaceae, Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae species are considered to be important aeroallergens overseas, however their significance as a sensitising source in Australia remains unclear and requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Pollen is one of the primary causes of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis in urban centers. In the present study, the concentrations of 39 different pollens in the Santiago de Chile metropolitan area over the period 2009–2013 are characterized. The pollen was monitored daily using Burkard volumetric equipment. The contribution of each type of pollen and the corresponding time trends are evaluated. The concentrations of the pollens are compared with the established threshold levels for the protection of human health. The results show that the total amount of pollen grains originating from trees, grasses, weeds and indeterminate sources throughout the period of the study was 258,496 grains m-3, with an annual average of 51,699 ± 3,906 grains m-3 year-1. The primary source of pollen is Platanus orientalis, which produces 61.8% of the analyzed pollen. Grass pollen is the third primary component of the analyzed pollen, with a contribution of 5.82%. Among the weeds, the presence of Urticacea (3.74%) is remarkable. The pollination pattern of the trees is monophasic, and the grasses have a biphasic pattern. The trends indicate that the total pollen and tree pollen do not present a time trend that is statistically significant throughout the period of the study, whereas the grass pollen and weed pollen concentrations in the environment present a statistically significant decreasing trend. The cause of this decrease is unclear. The pollen load has doubled over the past decade. When the observed concentrations of the pollens were compared with the corresponding threshold levels, the results indicated that over the period of the study, the pollen concentrations were at moderate, high and very high levels for an average of 293 days per year. Systematic counts of the pollen grains are an essential method for diagnosing and treating patients with pollinosis and for developing forestation and urban planning strategies.  相似文献   

A study is made of the seasonal and daily variations in the concentrations of pollen ofOlea europaea L. over three consecutive years (1993–1995) in the atmosphere of Jaén (southern Spain). A Burkard volumetric spore trap was used for sampling. The results show that the highest concentrations of airborne olive pollen occur during May and the first 2 weeks of June, when levels often exceed 500 grains/m3 and occasionally reach nearly 5000 grains/m3 (the levels of allergenic pollen in the atmosphere of Jaén are among the highest in Europe). Over the 3-year study period a significant seasonal variation was detected, not only in the development of the principal pollination period, but also in the value of the maximum pollen concentrations recorded.  相似文献   

Grass pollen is an important risk factor for allergic rhinitis and asthma in Australia and is the most prevalent pollen component of the aerospora of Brisbane, accounting for 71.6% of the annual airborne pollen load. A 5-year (June 1994–May 1999) monitoring program shows the grass pollen season to occur during the summer and autumn months (December–April), however the timing of onset and intensity of the season vary from year to year. During the pollen season, Poaceae counts exceeding 30 grains m–3 were recorded on 244 days and coincided with maximum temperatures of 28.1 ± 2.0 °C. In this study, statistical associations between atmospheric grass pollen loads and several weather parameters, including maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation, were investigated. Spearmans correlation analysis demonstrated that daily grass pollen counts were positively associated (P < 0.0001) with maximum and minimum temperature during each sampling year. Precipitation, although considered a less important daily factor (P < 0.05), was observed to remove pollen grains from the atmosphere during significant periods of rainfall. This study provides the first insight into the influence of meteorological variables, in particular temperature, on atmospheric Poaceae pollen counts in Brisbane. An awareness of these associations is critical for the prevention and management of allergy and asthma for atopic individuals within this region.  相似文献   

The regulatory role of intracellular pH changes and of transmembrane Cl transport in the activation of Nicotiana tabacum L. pollen grains at a stage preceding in vitro germination was studied. The acidification of the cytosol with propionic acid hindered the germination of pollen grains, whereas its alkalization by fusicoccin-stimulated H+-ATPase activity of plasma membranes sharply increased the germination frequency with respect to control values. The activation of pollen grains was accompanied by the Cl efflux. The blockage of Cl efflux with 1 mM ethacrynic acid significantly decreased the intracellular pH and fully inhibited germination. The results allow assumption that the intracellular pH rise and Cl efflux are prerequisites for pollen grain activation.  相似文献   

Relationships between weather parameters andairborne pollen loads of Pinus inBrisbane, Australia have been investigated overthe five-year period, June 1994–May 1999.Pinus pollen accounts for 4.5% of the annualairborne pollen load in Brisbane where thePinus season is confined to the winter months,July–early September. During the samplingperiod loads of 11–>100 grains m3 wererecorded on 24 days and 1–10 grains m3 on204 days. The onset and peak dates wereconsistent across each season, whereas the enddates varied. The onset of the Pinuspollen season coincided with the coolestaverage monthly temperatures (< 22°C),lowest rainfall (< 7mm), and four weeks afterdaily minimum temperatures fell to 5–9°Cin late autumn. Correlations obtained betweendaily airborne Pinus pollen counts andtemperature/rainfall parameters show thatdensities of airborne Pinus pollen arenegatively correlated with maximum temperature(p < 0.0001), minimum temperature (p < 0.0001)and rainfall (p < 0.05) during the mainpollination period. The mean duration of eachpollen season was 52 days; longer seasons wereshown to be directly related to lower averageseasonal maximum temperatures (r2 = 0.85,p = 0.025). These results signify that maximumand minimum temperatures are the majorparameters that influence the onset andduration of the Pinus pollen season inthe environs of Brisbane. Respiratory allergyis an important health issue in Brisbane,Australia, but it remains unknown whether ornot airborne Pinus pollen is acontributing factor.  相似文献   

A comparison of Betula pollen, animportant European aeroallergen, was undertakenat two sites of similar latitude, Derby, UnitedKingdom and Poznan, Poland from 1995–1999. Bothsites routinely monitor Betula pollenusing a Burkard continuous volumetric sampler.Daily and two-hourly March–June Betulapollen counts per cubic metre of air werestudied at both sites, together withcorresponding meteorological data. Detailedanalysis was undertaken to compare start dates,duration and quantity of Betula pollen.Derby usually had an earlier start of seasonthan Poznan, and both cities showed very littledifference between start dates determined byusing the SUM 75 or 2.5% method. The longestseasonal durations at Derby and Poznan yieldedthe lowest seasonal pollen indexes. Every yearfrom 1995–1999 the Betula seasonal pollenindex was higher in Poznan than in Derby. Poznanhad more daily counts of Betula pollengrains per cubic metre above 500, and at leastone daily count of 1000, each year. At bothsites the yearly seasonal variation correlatedwith the number of April days per year having amaximum temperature of 17 °C or above.There was a similar diurnal periodicity ofApril Betula pollen in Derby and Poznan.Although the two cities, at approximately thesame latitude, have different regional andmeteorological characteristics, the weatherappears to influence Betula pollenseasons in a similar manner. Local clinicianscould use the SUM 75 method as indicative ofthe start of the Betula pollen season atboth sites.  相似文献   

The present article deals with the efficacy of seed hairs of poplar trees (Populus spp.) as a potent natural airborne pollen trap. Different species of Populus are commonly found planted along the streets in the cities of North China. The seed hairs and pericarp of poplar trees were collected from the trees and on the ground in Beijing Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences and around Miyun Reservoir during May 2005 for pollen analysis. Different pollen spectra are recorded from different samples and are characterised by dominant occurrence of pollen grains of arboreal and anemophilous plants. In addition, pollen grains of non‐arboreal plants including grasses are also found trapped. Among the 46 trapped pollen grains, 26 are known to be allergenic. This study suggests that poplar seed hairs possibly make people feel uncomfortable due to the presence of allergenic pollen trapped in the hairs.  相似文献   

Yves Loublier 《Aerobiologia》1998,14(2-3):291-298
The study aimed to evaluate the possible contamination by passive indoor pollen sedimentation in a laboratory where routine pollen analyses were conducted, but where no particular laboratory policies were adopted to limit contamination. Gravimetric pollen deposition was observed on traps (petri dishes soaked with glycerol) set in the palynology laboratory, under an extractor hood and on the bench beside it over 1 year (1995–1996), and in an air filtered room in a flow cabinet and on its roof over 1 month for comparison. Under the extractor hood, three types of airborne particles were deposited: pollen grains, spores and algae, representing 32.35, 67.28 and 0.37%, respectively, of the total sedimented particles over 1 year. The number of pollen grains deposited on the surface trap ranged from 0 (27 November to 4 December 1995) to 707 (10–18 April 1995). The highest number of taxa during a weekly collection was 23 (9–15 May 1995). The pollen flora represented by anemophilous pollen (>90% of the trapped pollen) was related to the vegetation next to the laboratory:Acer, Carpinus, Castanea, Corylus, Cupressaceae, Pinus, Quercus, Salix, Taxus for trees and shrubs andArtemisia, Brassicaceae, Plantago, Poaceae, andUrticaceae for grasses and weeds. Indoor pollen deposition corresponded to the period of the outdoor pollination (macroscopic field observation) which lasted from March to the beginning of August. However, some pollen were almost always present in the collection (Poaceae, Salix, Castanea, Betula), reflecting the occurrence of pollen grains in the atmosphere out of the pollination period. Moreover, about five times more entomophilous pollen was found under the extractor hood compared to the other area of the laboratory; even in the flow cabinet of the air filtered room, 237 particles were captured (versus only 15 on the roof). These data suggest a possible human contamination during operations under the extractor hood or in the flow cabinet. Although few airborne pollen were found, possible contamination has to be considered in investigations where even low pollen quantities are of interest.  相似文献   

The number and biomass of prey captured were estimated for Pinguicula alpina, P. villosa and P. vulgaris in a subarctic environment. Seasonal captures were estimated for one site per species for 4–5 years. Captures were related to reproductive status (reproductive/non-reproductive) and to leaf area. For one species (P. vulgaris) the catch was also compared across a range of habitats. Of the seasonal catch, 50–75% was obtained during June and less than 5% during August. For P. alpina and P. villosa the seasonal catch varied threefold or more between years (means of 89–329 g dry matter plant–1 season–1 for P. alpina, and 11–91 g dry matter plant–1 season–1 for P. villosa), whereas the between-year variation for P. vulgaris was small (mean c. 600 g plant–1 season–1). Large variations were, however, observed among habitats for P. vulgaris. Captured prey may contribute a substantial amount of nutrients to the most successful individuals (up to 85% of the mean seasonal turnover), but prey capture varied greatly and during any given season many individuals obtained only marginal amounts of nutrients through carnivory. P. vulgaris trapped almost twice as much per unit leaf area and season as the other two species (224 for P. vulgaris versus 127 g cm–2 season–1 for the other two species). Reproductive individuals of P. vulgaris trapped almost twice as much as non-reproductive individuals (after taking differences in leaf area into account). For the other two species no differences were observed between reproductive and non-reproductive individuals.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts were made to store pollen grains of Crotalaria retusa L. in a mineral oil (paraffin oil) and two vegetable oils (soybean oil and olive oil). Under laboratory conditions pollen grains not stored in oil lost in vitro germinability within 15–30 days, while those stored in oils maintained some degree of germinability even after 60 days. Pollen samples stored in oils at –20° C did not show any decline in germinability or pollen tube vigour even after 6 months of storage. The results amply demonstrate the feasibility of using oils for short- and long-term pollen storage.  相似文献   

The investigation of airborne pollen and fungalspore concentrations was carried out in Cracowbetween 1997–1999. For this study thevolumetric method has been employed (Burkard).At the same time the clinical diagnosis ofpollen allergy in 40 patients was obtained onthe basis of an interview, positive skin pricktests with pollen extracts and increasedspecific IgE level. An increase in seasonalallergy symptoms in all patients occurred fromthe middle of May to the middle of August.Eighty eight percent of the patients (35 out of40) were sensitive to Poaceae pollen and about50% of them were additionally sensitive totree and herb pollen excluding grasses. Forpatients with additional allergy to tree pollenthe seasonal symptoms started at the end ofMarch (Betula) while for patients withadditional allergy to herb pollen it wasextended to the middle of September (Artemisia).Five people out of 40 revealed positive skinreactions to Alternaria spores and anincrease in specific IgE level. Positive skinreaction to Cladosporium spores with noincrease in specific IgE level occurred in 2patients. The increase in seasonal allergysymptoms in people sensitive to Alternariaspores noted in July and August could becaused not only by these spores but also byPoaceae pollen.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the pollenrepresentation of Cupressaceae in theatmosphere of Santiago de Compostela (NWIberian Peninsula) during the years 1993–1998.The samples were collected with a Hirstvolumetric spore trap, situated at a height of27 m above ground level on a building situatedin the south of the city. Cupressaceae pollenis present in the atmosphere practically allyear round, although it is predominant in thewinter period along with Alnus andPinus, standing out due to its markedallergenic nature. During the period understudy 5,128 grains were recorded, whichrepresented 5% of the total pollen identified.The principal pollination period for thispollen type in each sampling year and itsintra-diurnal variation were calculated. Thecorrelation between the pollen content of eachyear and the main meteorological parameters islikewise presented.  相似文献   

The embryology ofHeliotropium scabrum andH. strigosum has been studied. The development of the anthers follows the dicotyledonous type, the tapetal cells become binucleate. The pollen grains are shed at the two-celled stage. Megaspore tetrads are linear and the development of the megagametophyte corresponds with the Polygonum type. The endosperm is cellular. The embryo development follows the Onagrad Type, i.e. the Capsella variation inH. scabrum and the Nicotiana variation of the Solanad Type inH. strigosum. The pericarp is differentiated into a one-layered epicarp with bulbous-based, unicellular hair, a 5–6-layered chlorenchymatous mesocarp and a 6–7-layered endocarp. The seed coat consists only of the thickened portions of the epidermis.  相似文献   

Diana Bass  Geoffrey Morgan 《Grana》2013,52(5):293-300
The relevance of allergy skin prick testing in the diagnosis and treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis and pollen asthma can usefully be interpreted in relation to the timing and duration of seasonal symptoms and the presence of pollen and mould spores in the air. This calendar has been constructed from three years continuous observations of pollen and Alternaria mould spore counts between January 1993 and December 1995, using a Burkard 7‐day volumetric spore trap. Of the total airborne pollen, tree pollen comprises 65%, weeds and herbs 11% and grasses 18%. Unidentified pollen, “other”; group, accounts for 6% of the total airborne pollen. The most numerous of the tree pollen is that of the introduced trees cypress (Cupressus spp.) and privet (Ligustrum spp.). Grass pollen is seen in small numbers throughout the winter but shows a rapid increase in spring to peak in mid to late November. Weeds pollinate from early spring through to summer. Alternaria mould, which is a risk factor for childhood asthma, occurs mainly in late spring and summer but is present in small numbers intermittently throughout winter.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen grains of Borassus flabellifer were recorded at Madhyamgram, during February to June 1995–1996 commensurate with the plants flowering season. The following year (1996–1997), the exposed Burkard tape segments with the optimal and minimal daily concentrations were divided into two longitudinal equal halves. For each segment, after immunoblotting, one half was incubated with human sera having high IgE titer against Borassus, and the other half with anti-Borassus rabbit sera for the detection of allergen and antigen respectively. Antigen detection was performed by general immunoblotting method, whereas the allergens were detected by chemiluminescence. The occurrence of the pollen grains in air was compared and correlated with that of the allergen and antigen. The number of allergen and antigen spots were always found to be higher than airborne pollen with great size variation due to the presence of exine free protein particles originating from the pollen grains. The number of allergen spots was always lower than the antigen spots. The occurrence of pollen grains and antigen spots showed stronger positive correlation compared with allergen spots. The peak hours for the occurrence of pollen grains, allergens and antigens were recorded. It is evident from this study that the application of direct aeroallergen monitoring method will be highly useful in allergological research.  相似文献   

The data obtained characterize the changes in the contents of endogenous phytohormones (IAA, cytokinins, GA, and ABA) in germinating pollen grains and growing pollen tubes of a self-compatible clone of petunia (sPetunia hybrida L.) within an 8-h period under in vitro conditions. The hydration and initiation of germination of pollen grains brought the ABA content down to a zero level, while the levels of GA, IAA, and cytokinins increased 1.5–2-fold. Later, in the growing pollen tubes, the GA content increased twofold, while the levels of IAA and cytokinins decreased. The exogenous ABA and GA3 considerably promoted pollen germination and pollen tube growth; however, only the treatment with GA3 produced the maximum length of pollen tubes. The exogenous IAA promoted and the exogenous cytokinins hindered the growth of pollen tubes. The membrane potential, as assessed with a potential-sensitive dye diS-C3-(5), considerably increased in the pollen grains treated with ABA and benzyladenine, whereas IAA and GA3 did not practically affect it. The authors conclude that the mature pollen grains contain the complete set of hormones essential for pollen germination and pollen tube growth. ABA, GA, and IAA together with cytokinins control the processes of pollen grain hydration, germination, and pollen tube growth, respectively.__________Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2005, pp. 584–590.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Kovaleva, Zakharova, Minkina, Timofeeva, Andreev.  相似文献   

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