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A mutation of Klebsiella aerogenes causing production of an altered PII regulatory protein which stimulates overadenylylation of glutamine synthetase and also prevents its derepression was combined with mutations abolishing the activity of adenylyltransferase. The results support the idea that PII plays a role in the regulation of the level of glutamine synthetase which is independent of its interaction with adenylyltransferase.  相似文献   

The glutamine synthetase (GS) from Klebsiella aerogenes is similar to that from Escherichia coli in several respects: (i) it is repressed by high levels of ammonia in the growth medium; (ii) its biosynthetic activity is greatly reduced by adenylylation; and (iii) adenylylation lowers the pH optimum and alters the response of the enzymes to various inhibitors in the gamma-glutamyl transferase (gammaGT) assay. There are, however, several important differences: (i) the isoactivity point for the adenylylated and non-adenylylated forms in the gammaGT assay occurs at pH 7.55 in K. aerogenes and at pH 7.15 in E. coli; (ii) the non-adenylylated form of the GS from K. aerogenes is stimulated by 60 mM MgCl2 in the gammaGT assay at pH 7.15. A biosynthetic reaction assay that correlates well with number of non-adenylylated enzyme subunits, as determined by the method of Mg2+ inhibition of the gammaGT assay, is described. Finally, we have found that it is necessary to use special methods to harvest growing cells to prevent changes in the adenylylation state of GS from occurring during harvesting.  相似文献   

An L-asparaginase has been purified some 250-fold from extracts of Klebsiella aerogenes to near homogeneity. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 141,000 as measured by gel filtration and appears to consist of four subunits of molecular weight 37,000. The enzyme has high affinity for L-asparagine, with a Km below 10(-5) M, and hydrolyzes glutamine at a 20-fold lower rate, with a Km of 10(-3) M. Interestingly, the enzyme exhibits marked gamma-glutamyltransferase activity but comparatively little beta-aspartyl-transferase activity. A mutant strain lacking this asparaginase has been isolated and grows at 1/2 to 1/3 the rate of the parent strain when asparagine is provided in the medium as the sole source of nitrogen. This strain grows as well as the wild type when the medium is supplemented with histidine or ammonia. Glutamine synthetase activates the formation of L-asparaginase. Mutants lacking glutamine synthetase fail to produce the asparaginase, and mutants with a high constitutive level of glutamine synthetase also contain the asparaginase at a high level. Thus, the formation of asparaginase is regulated in parallel with that of other enzymes capable of supplying the cell with ammonia or glutamate, such as histidase and proline oxidase. Formation of the asparaginase does not require induction by asparaginase and is not subject to catabolite repression.  相似文献   

When suspensions of Klebsiella aerogenes are incubated in a nitrogen-free medium there is a gradual decrease in the levels of acid-precipitable protein and of aspartokinase III (lysine-sensitive) and aspartokinase I (threonine-sensitive) activities. In contrast, the level of glutamine synthetase increases slightly and then remains constant. Under these conditions, the glutamine synthetase and other proteins continue to be synthesized as judged by the incorporation of [14C]leucine into the acid-precipitable protein fraction and into protein precipitated by anti-glutamine synthetase antibodies, by the fact that growth-inhibiting concentrations of chloramphenicol also inhibit the incorporation of [14C]leucine into protein and into protein precipitated by anti-glutamine synthetase antibody, and by the fact that chloramphenicol leads to acceleration in the loss of aspartokinases I and III and promotes a net decrease in the level of glutamine synthetase and its cross-reactive protein. The loss of aspartokinases I and III in cell suspensions is stimulated by glucose and is inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol. Glucose also stimulates the loss of aspartokinases and glutamine synthetase in the presence of chloramphenicol. Cell-free extracts of K. aerogenes catalyze rapid inactivation of endogenous glutamine synthetase as well as exogenously added pure glutamine synthetase. This loss of glutamine synthetase is not associated with a loss of protein that cross-reacts with anti-glutamine synthetase antibodies. The inactivation of glutamine synthetase in extracts is not due to adenylylation. It is partially prevented by sulfhydryl reagents, Mn2+, antimycin A, 2,4-dinitrophenol, EDTA, anaerobiosis and by dialysis. Following 18 h dialysis, the capacity of extracts to catalyze inactivation of glutamine synthetase is lost but can be restored by the addition of Fe2+ (or Ni2+) together with ATP (or other nucleoside di- and triphosphates. After 40-60 h dialysis Fe3+ together with NADH (but not ATP) are required for glutamine synthetase inactivation. The results suggest that accelerated protein degradation in cells exposed to nitrogen-limited conditions reflects the differential destruction of some proteins, including aspartokinases I and III, in order to sustain the biosynthesis of others such as glutamine synthetase. The loss of glutamine synthetase activity in cell-free extracts is likely mediated in part by mixed-function oxidation systems and could represent a 'marking' step in protein turnover.  相似文献   

Urease was purified 24-fold from extracts of Klebsiella aerogenes. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 230,000 as determined by gel filtration, is highly substrate specific, and has a Km for urea of 0.7 mM. A mutant strain lacking urease was isolated; it failed to grow with urea as the sole source of nitrogen but did grow on media containing other nitrogen sources such as ammonia, histidine, or arginine. Urease was present at a high level when the cells were starved for nitrogen; its synthesis was repressed when the external ammonia concentration was high. Formation of urease did not require induction by urea and was not subject to catabolite repression. Its synthesis was controlled by glutamine synthetase. Mutants lacking glutamine synthetase failed to produce urease, and mutants forming glutamine synthetase at a high constitutive level also formed urease constitutively. Thus, the formation of urease is regulated like that of other enzymes of K. aerogenes capable of supplying the cell with ammonia or glutamate.  相似文献   

We isolated an F' episome of Escherichia coli carrying the glnA+ gene from K. aerogenes and an F' episome of E. coli carrying the glnA4 allele from K. aerogenes responsible for the constitutive synthesis of glutamine synthetase. Complementation tests with these episomes showed that the glnA4 mutation (leading to the constitutive synthesis of active glutamine synthetase) was in the gene identified by mutations glnA20, glnA51, and glnA5 as the structural gene for glutamine synthetase. By using these merodiploid strains we were able to show that the glnA51 mutation lead to the synthesis of a glutamine synthetase that lacked enzymatic activity but fully retained its regulatory properties. Finally, we discuss a model that explains the several phenotypes associated with mutations such as glnA4 located within the structural gene for glutamine synthetase leading to constitutive synthesis of active glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

A lambda phage (lambdaNK55) carrying the translocatable element Tn10, conferring tetracycline resistance (Tetr), has been utilized to isolate glutamine auxotrophs of Escherichia coli K-12. Such strains lack uridylyltransferase as a result of an insertion of the TN10 element in the glnD gene. The glnD::Tn10 insertion has been mapped at min 4 on the E. coli chromosome and 98% contransducible by phage P1 with dapD. A lambda transducing phage carrying the glnD gene has been identified. A glnD::Tn10 strain synthesizes highly adenylylated glutamine synthetase under all conditions of growth and fails to accumulate high levels of glutamine synthetase in response to nitrogen limitation. However, this strain, under nitrogen-limiting conditions, allows synthesis of 10 to 20 milliunits of biosynthetically active glutamine synthetase per mg of protein, which is sufficient to allow slow growth in the absence of glutamine. The GlnD phenotype in E. coli can be suppressed by the presence of mutations which increase the quantity of biosynthetically active glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

Mutations at two sites of the Klebsiella aerogenes chromosome, unlinked by transduction with phages PW52 and P1, result in the lack of enzymatically active glutamine synthetase. A mutation in the glnB site leads to a marked decrease in the formation of an apparently normal enzyme. Some of the mutations in the glnA site lead to the production of enzymatically inactive material capable of reacting with anti-glutamine synthetase serum. The revertant of a glnA mutant was found to produce a glutamine synthetase with less activity and less stability to heat than the enzyme of the wild type. These results locate the structural gene to the production of enzymatically inactive glutamine synthetase antigen, not subject to repression by exogenously added ammonia. This observation suggests that glutamine synthetase is itself involved in the regulation of the synthesis of glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase could be repressed several hundredfold rather than 6- to 10-fold as previously reported. Ammonia was not the primary repression signal for glutamine synthetase. Repression appeared to be mediated by a high level of glutamine and probably by a high ratio of glutamine to alpha-ketoglutarate. Mutations in glnA (the structural gene for glutamine synthetase) were seen to fall into three phenotypic groups: glutamine auxotrophs that produced no detectable glnA product; glutamine auxotrophs that produced a glnA product lacking enzymatic activity (and hence repressibility by ammonia) but were repressible under appropriate conditions; and glutamine synthetase regulatory mutants, whose glnA product was enzymatically active and not repressible under any conditions.  相似文献   

We have isolated three strains of Klebsiella aerogenes that failed to show repression of glutamine synthetase even when grown under the most repressing conditions for the wild-type strain. These mutant strains were selected as glutamine-independent derivatives of a strain that is merodiploid for the glnA region and contains a mutated glnF allele. The mutation responsible for the Gln+ phenotype in each strain was tightly linked to glnA, the structural gene for glutamine synthetase, and was dominant to the wild-type allele. These mutations are probably lesions in the control region of the glnA gene, since each mutation was cis-dominant for constitutive expression of the enzyme in hybrid merodiploid strains. Strains harboring this class of mutations were unable to produce a high level of glutamine synthetase unless they also contained an intact glnF gene, and unless cells were grown in derepressing medium. This study supports the idea that the glnA gene is regulated both positively and negatively, and that the deoxyribonucleic acid sites critical for positive control and negative control are functionally distinct.  相似文献   

《Bioorganic chemistry》1986,14(2):163-169
The inhibition of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase by phosphinothricin [2-amino-4-(methylphosphinyl)butanoic acid] has been studied. This amino acid was observed to function as an active site directed inhibitor exhibiting time-dependent inhibition of glutamine synthetase in the presence of ATP or adenylylimidodiphosphate (AMPPNP) but not adenylyl(β,γ-methylene) diphosphonate (AMPPCP). The inactivation was observed to be pseudo-first order. Phosphinothricin was also found to inhibit the enzyme reversibly under initial rate conditions and was competitive with respect to glutamate with K1S = 18 ± 3 μm. The inactive enzyme inhibitor complex was found to contain approximately 11 molecules of ADP and of 32P per dodecamer using [γ-32P]ATP. Reactivation of the inactive enzyme complex was achieved by incubating the enzyme complex in 50 mm acetate (pH 4.4), 1 m KCl, and 0.40 m (NH4)2SO4. ADP, phosphinothricin, and Pi were released upon reactivation.  相似文献   

Further details are given of crystals of glutamine synthetase prepared from Escherichia coli. Crystals of two kinds have been observed: (1) rhombic dodecahedra which correspond to the morphology of the crystals studied by Eisenberg et al. (1971) (and which were found by them to contain dodecamers), and (2) rhombohedra, reported here. Cell dimensions and packing considerations led to the consideration of two possible structures for the rhombohedral crystals. These we have called the “T = 7 structure” and the “B.C.C. structure”. The T = 7 structure would be related to that derived by Eisenberg and would contain dodecamers, but is inconsistent with our X-ray intensity data. The B.C.C. structure is considered more probable. It is built of cubic octomers or square tetramers. Electron micrographs of our glutamine synthetase preparations show a wide variety of aggregates, including dodecamers and tetramers. The unit cell dimensions of our crystals are a = 140 ± 2 Å, and c = 148 ± 2 Å. The Laue symmetry group is 3̄m P31.  相似文献   

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