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Isolation of Aeromonas spp. from water by using anaerobic incubation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A membrane filtration method incorporating a combination of anaerobic and aerobic incubation has been developed for the enumeration of Aeromonas spp. in drinking water. The use of anaerobic incubation improved the detection of Aeromonas spp. by reducing the growth of nonaeromonads. The confirmation rate of presumptive Aeromonas spp. identified on the initial isolation agar exceeded 92%.  相似文献   

A membrane filtration method incorporating a combination of anaerobic and aerobic incubation has been developed for the enumeration of Aeromonas spp. in drinking water. The use of anaerobic incubation improved the detection of Aeromonas spp. by reducing the growth of nonaeromonads. The confirmation rate of presumptive Aeromonas spp. identified on the initial isolation agar exceeded 92%.  相似文献   

1. When using the seedling-emergence method to analyse a soil seed bank the greenhouse conditions should match the germination requirements of the species involved. Although the seedling-emergence method is common practice in ecological studies, the germination characteristics of many species are not known, or are only partly known.
2. Before carrying out a large-scale seed-bank study in a wet dune slack, we tested the water requirements of the species in the seed bank, comparing a waterlogged soil with a moist soil. Four species germinated in significantly larger numbers in a waterlogged soil, seven species in a moist soil and 11 species showed no significant difference. When a species was present in low densities, it was often missed using the less appropriate treatment.
3. These results emphasize the need for a preliminary study before carrying out a seed-bank analysis and show the danger of using a 'standard' method to analyse soil samples from different habitats.  相似文献   

We conducted a laboratory study at 10 °C on the biological decontamination of the waste water from a garage and car-wash that was contaminated with anionic surfactants (57 mg l−1) and fuel oil (184 mg hydrocarbons l−1). The indigenous microorganisms degraded both contaminants efficiently after biostimu- lation by an inorganic nutrient supply. After 7 days at 10 °C, the residual contaminations were 11 mg anionic surfactants l−1 and 26 mg hydrocarbons l−1. After 35 days, only the anionic surfactants had been further reduced to 3 mg l−1. Bioaugmentation of the unfertilized waste water with a cold-adapted inoculum, able to degrade both hydrocarbons (diesel oil) and anionic surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulphate), resulted in a significant increase of the hydrocarbon biodegradation during the first 3 days of decontamination, whereas biodegradation of anionic surfactants was inhibited during the first 21 days following inoculation. Bioaugmentation of the nutrient-amended waste water was without any effect. Received: 14 November 1997 / Accepted: 29 November 1997  相似文献   

During sporogony, malaria-causing parasites infect a mosquito, reproduce and migrate to the mosquito salivary glands where they can be transmitted the next time blood feeding occurs. The time required for sporogony, known as the extrinsic incubation period (EIP), is an important determinant of malaria transmission intensity. The EIP is typically estimated as the time for a given percentile, x, of infected mosquitoes to develop salivary gland sporozoites (the infectious parasite life stage), which is denoted by EIPx. Many mechanisms, however, affect the observed sporozoite prevalence including the human-to-mosquito transmission probability and possibly differences in mosquito mortality according to infection status. To account for these various mechanisms, we present a mechanistic mathematical model, which explicitly models key processes at the parasite, mosquito and observational scales. Fitting this model to experimental data, we find greater variation in the EIP than previously thought: we estimated the range between EIP10 and EIP90 (at 27°C) as 4.5 days compared to 0.9 days using existing statistical methods. This pattern holds over the range of study temperatures included in the dataset. Increasing temperature from 21°C to 34°C decreased the EIP50 from 16.1 to 8.8 days. Our work highlights the importance of mechanistic modelling of sporogony to (1) improve estimates of malaria transmission under different environmental conditions or disease control programs and (2) evaluate novel interventions that target the mosquito life stages of the parasite.  相似文献   

Incubation of unaltered deep-sea water and grazing experiment of nano- and micro- protozooplankton during incubation of deep-sea water were carried out to quantitatively characterize the planktonic structures of lower-trophic organisms and clarify the trophic pathways and controlling mechanisms involved. Phytoplankton biomass increased to 637 mg as carbon weight in a 500-l tank on Day 7 and was dominant in the planktonic structure of lower-trophic organisms. Nitrates in the incubation water was depleted after Day 7 and phytoplankton biomass decreased rapidly. On the other hand, bacteria, heterotrophic nano-flagellates and ciliates increased toward the end of incubation and were dominant in the later days of incubation. In grazing experiments on microbial organisms, bacterivory is more important for the carbon pathway in microbial food webs than herbivory when phytoplankton biomass is less than that of bacteria (low P/B conditions), while herbivory is more important than bacterivory when phytoplankton biomass is more than that of bacteria (high P/B conditions). Deep-sea water exhibited high phytoplankton productivity due to inherent high nutrients values. After depletion of nutrients, phytoplankton decreased (due also to enhanced nano- and micro-zooplankton grazing) and microbial organisms dominated. Thus, nutrients in the incubation water control the planktonic structure of lower-trophic organisms.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop and analyse a model for the spread of HIV/AIDS amongst a population of injecting drug users. We start off with a brief literature survey and review; this is followed by the derivation of a model which allows addicts to progress through three distinct stages of variable infectivity prior to the onset of full blown AIDS and where the class of infectious needles is split into three according to the different levels of infectivity in addicts. Given the structure of this model we are required to make assumptions regarding the interaction of addicts and needles of different infectivity levels. We deliberately choose these assumptions so that our model serves as an upper bound for the prevalence of HIV under the assumption of a three stage AIDS incubation period. We then perform an equilibrium and stability analysis on this model. We find that there is a critical threshold parameter R(0) which determines the behaviour of the model. If R(0)< or =1, then irrespective of the initial conditions of the system HIV will die out in all addicts and all needles. If R(0)>1, then there is a unique endemic equilibrium which is locally stable if, as is realistic, the time scale on which addicts inject is much shorter than that of the other epidemiological and demographic processes. Simulations indicate that if R(0)>1, then provided that disease is initially present in at least one addict or needle it will tend to the endemic equilibrium. In addition we derive conditions which guarantee this. We also find that under calibration the long term prevalence of disease in our variable infectivity model is always greater than in an equivalent constant infectivity model. These results are confirmed and explored further by simulation. We conclude with a short discussion.  相似文献   

Calcification processes are largely unknown in scleractinian corals. In this study, live confocal imaging was used to elucidate the spatiotemporal dynamics of the calcification process in aposymbiotic primary polyps of the coral species Acropora digitifera. The fluorophore calcein was used as a calcium deposition marker and a visible indicator of extracellular fluid distribution at the tissue-skeleton interface (subcalicoblastic medium, SCM) in primary polyp tissues. Under continuous incubation in calcein-containing seawater, initial crystallization and skeletal growth were visualized among the calicoblastic cells in live primary polyp tissues. Additionally, the distribution of calcein-stained SCM and contraction movements of the pockets of SCM were captured at intervals of a few minutes. Our experimental system provided several new insights into coral calcification, particularly as a first step in monitoring the relationship between cellular dynamics and calcification in vivo. Our study suggests that coral calcification initiates at intercellular spaces, a finding that may contribute to the general understanding of coral calcification processes.  相似文献   

The incubation of peripheral blood smears in distilled water frequently used for the control of the digestion with ribonuclease produced distinct changes of basophilic ribonucleic acid containing structures in peripheral lymphocytes. The alteration of these structures was apparently produced by the activity of the endogenous ribonuclease since it was reduced or prevented by the lowering of the temperature or addition of the ribonuclease inhibitor. In addition, marked differences were found between peripheral blood lymphocytes of healthy persons and patients suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia with respect to the sensitivity of lymphocytic basophilia to the incubation in distilled water.  相似文献   

Selective biocatalyzed synthesis of 2'-deoxyadenosine from 2'-deoxypyrimidine nucleosides was carried out using free or immobilized whole cells. The reaction was performed at 57 degrees C without secondary reactions. Two psychrotrophic microorganisms, Bacillus psychrosaccharolyticus and Psychrobacter immobilis, are described for the first time as active and specific strains for the synthesis of 2'-deoxyadenosine. Adenosine deaminase activity was not detected. Whole cells were immobilized in different matrixes. Calcium alginate and calcium pectate gave the best biocatalysts. The synthesis of 2'-deoxyadenosine follows an apparent first order kinetic expression. External mass transfer control was negligible as deduced from k(s), N(A), and Omega values. Internal mass transfer was the rate controlling step according to eta(T) and phi values.  相似文献   

Productivity of semiarid grasslands is primarily limited by seasonal rainfall amount and becomes increasingly limited by nutrient availability under wet conditions. Interactive effects of water and N availability on grassland productivity and parameters related to water use were studied on a grassland site in Inner Mongolia, China, in a 2-factorial experiment with two levels of water (rainfed: 158 mm; irrigated: 839 (N0) and 972 (N1) mm) and N supply (0 or 180 kg N ha?1). RUE was calculated from ANPP and cumulative water supply. Bare soil evaporation (E) was calculated from climatic data and leaf area dynamics, and percolation (D) and transpiration (T) were estimated with HYDRUS-1D. Water-use efficiency (WUE, ANPP / (T + D)) and transpiration efficiency (TE, ANPP / T) were calculated. Resource availability had pronounced effects on the water-use efficiency of semiarid grassland. RUE, WUE, and TE all decreased under irrigated compared to rainfed conditions and were significantly increased with N fertilizer application at both levels of water supply. While the irrigation effect on parameters of water-use efficiency were accordingly reflected in stable carbon isotope signatures, N supply resulted in significantly less negative δ13C-values under rainfed but not irrigated conditions. It is concluded, that spatial or temporal gradients in resource availability have pronounced effects on the water-use efficiency of semiarid grassland. The decrease of water use-efficiency under high water supply was related to differences in TE and not to a relative increase of unproductive water loss. Carbon isotope discrimination was highly correlated with WUE and TE, but can be a poor predictor of RUE.  相似文献   

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