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新型佐剂在破伤风抗毒素血浆生产中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用两种新型佐剂(Montan inde ISA 50V和Montan inde ISA 206)分别乳化精制破伤风类毒素制备成油乳抗原,免疫豚鼠三程,并与弗氏不完全佐剂(FIA)进行对比;在弗氏不完全佐剂免疫马匹到第7程后,改换新型佐剂抗原免疫三程(第8、9、10程)。采用小鼠中和试验测定血清效价。结果表明,两种新型佐剂使用安全,稳定性良好,且操作方便;使用Montan inde ISA 50V免疫豚鼠与马匹的免疫效果均有明显优势,Montan inde ISA 206次之,FIA效果相对较差。表明新型佐剂Montan inde ISA 50V的应用前景良好。  相似文献   

采用抗原加倍方法用于成率率低于705群的巴匹免疫,结果显示,进一步免疫成功的马匹明显多于常规免疫(P<0.05),免疫效价和死亡率无明显变化(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

应用酶联免疫法(ELISA)和间接血凝法(IHA)对1014份破伤风类毒素全程免疫后人血浆进行抗体水平检测,比较两者的收浆率、收浆符合率以及与动物实验的相关性。结果表明两者收浆率均达80%。ELISA法与IHA法的合格浆符合率达92%,与动物实验的相关性更好。ELISA法操作简便快速,结果判读客观明确,优于传统的IHA法,可作为人破伤风类毒素免疫血浆筛选的常规方法。  相似文献   

简要回顾了破伤风类毒素主要的发展历程;概述了目前国内外精制破伤风类毒素的两种生产工艺各自的优缺点,并且肯定了吸附精制破伤风类毒素几十年实际应用的效果,同时指出了在大规模人群接种时可能出现为数不多的各种不良反应,以及引起不良反应的可能的原因。对国内外破伤风疫苗研究进展和主要发展方向,如亚单位疫苗和新型破伤风类毒素的研究概况和前景也作了介绍。  相似文献   

Human tonsil cells in vitro immunized with tetanus toxoid were fused with human-mouse heteromyeloma line RF to generate human-mouse hybridomas. Hybridoma 891112-50 was cloned and 2 subclones (891112-50-3 and -4) were obtained. The secreted antibodies from the subclones were antigen specific, since they did not cross react with three irrelevant antigens (OVA, TCS and F gamma G). The hybridomas were quite stable. After 13 passages in tissue culture flasks, they still retained their antibody secreting ability. From flow cytometry analysis the subclone 50-3 was more stable than the subclone 50-4. The human immunoglobulin contained in supernatant collected during regular passages was equivalent to 69.6 micrograms/ml.  相似文献   

研制破伤风类毒素抗体酶联双抗原夹心法定量检测试剂,用于破伤风免疫血浆抗体效价检测。以精制破伤风类毒素经Sephacryl S-300柱层析纯化后作为包被抗原,用辣根过氧化物酶以改良过碘酸钠法标记精制破伤风类毒素作为酶标记抗原,以破伤风人免疫球蛋白国家标准品采用小鼠中和试验法标定试剂盒定量标准品,制备双抗原夹心法定量检测试剂;进行试剂盒检测范围、特异性、重复性、精密度及稳定性考核,并与小鼠中和试验法、琼脂双扩散法及国外破伤风类毒素抗体酶联试剂盒进行比较。结果显示,试剂盒的检测范围为10~150mIU/ml,灵敏度为10mIU/ml,线性好(r>0.996),板内孔间变异度小(CV<8%),特异性强(100%),重复性好(CV<13%),于37℃放置6天测定结果无明显差异,与小鼠中和试验法、英国Biding Site酶联试剂有良好的一致性。试验证明所研制的试剂盒适用于破伤风免疫血浆中的破伤风抗体效价定量检测。  相似文献   

目的了解不同温度条件对马免疫血浆外观和效价的稳定性影响,为马免疫血浆的采集、分离、贮存、运输及抗毒素生产提供数据支持。方法将破伤风类毒素及肉毒A、B、E、F型类毒素制备的马免疫血浆,分别放置于2~8℃、20℃、37℃3种温度下,并分别于0、1、3、6、12个月取样,依据《中国药典》三部(2010版)的检测方法和标准,对样品进行外观检查及效价检测。结果破伤风及肉毒A、B、E、F型马免疫血浆在2~8℃条件下,放置12个月稳定性良好,外观及效价均符合《中国药典》三部(2010版)规定要求。20℃与37℃下放置的马免疫血浆随着时间的延长,外观会发生不同程度的浑浊,效价也均有不同程度的降低,低效价组比中、高效价组的效价下降明显,且温度越高效价降低幅度越大。结论马免疫血浆在2~8℃条件下质量稳定。  相似文献   

由戊二醛脱毒的聚合破伤风类毒素,经高压液相层析及聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析,类毒素中多聚体含量占81.9%以上,多聚体分子量为800kD,常规破类多聚体仅占有2.24%。聚合破类免疫豚鼠后,平均心血抗体单位达2IU/ml,常规破类仅为0.75IU/ml(T=13.15,P<0.001),聚合破类免疫马匹后所诱发的抗体水平较常规抗原的高。  相似文献   

我们应用破伤风类毒素体外免疫的人扁桃体细胞和人-鼠异源骨髓瘤RF 系细胞进行融合,从中筛选到一株杂交瘤细胞89112—50,并通过克隆化筛选获得了两个亚克隆,其分泌的抗体是抗原特异的,和三种抗原(OVA、TC-S、FYG)都不交叉,分泌抗体的功能也比较稳定,在培养瓶内连续扩增传代13次后,仍维持相当高的抗体分泌能力,在常规传代培养过程中所收集的培养物上清液中抗体的含量平均为69.6μg/ml。  相似文献   

The cynomolgus monkey was studied as an animal model to investigate the cell-mediated immunity induced by vaccines. Optimal conditions are described to isolate peripheral blood lymphocytes. Lymphocyte transformation tests were performed with tetanus toxoid and smallpox vaccine. Antigen-specific lymphocyte transformations with smallpox vaccine could only be demonstrated when lymphocytes were obtained from vaccinated monkeys. Tetanus toxoid appeared to be a weak antigen. However, after adsorption of the toxoid to aluminum phosphate, a significant antigen-specific lymphocyte transformation was observed.  相似文献   

The detoxification of tetanus toxin by formaldehyde is a crucial step in the production of tetanus toxoid. The inactivation results in chemically modified proteins and it determines largely the ultimate efficacy and safety of the vaccine. Currently, the quality of tetanus toxoid lots is evaluated in potency and safety tests performed in animals. As a possible alternative, this article describes a panel of in vitro methods, which provides detailed information about the quality of tetanus toxoid. Ten experimental lots of tetanus toxoid were prepared using increasing concentrations of formaldehyde and glycine to obtain tetanus toxoids having differences in antigenicity, immunogenicity, residual toxicity and protein structure. The structural properties of each individual toxoid were determined using immunochemical and physicochemical methods, including biosensor analysis, ELISA, circular dichroism, TNBS assay, differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence and SDS-PAGE. The quality of a tetanus toxoid lot can be assessed by these set of analytical techniques. Based on antigenicity, immunogenicity and residual toxicity data, criteria are formulated that tetanus toxoids lot have to meet in order to have a high quality. The in vitro methods are a valuable selection of techniques for monitoring consistency of production of tetanus toxoid, especially for the detoxification process of tetanus toxin.  相似文献   

从志贺氏I型痢疾杆菌LPS中分离纯化出O SP半抗原 ,以ADH为连接剂将其与TT结合形成O SP TT结合疫苗 ,并用此结合疫苗免疫NIH小鼠 ,结果显示单独使用O SP免疫后 ,小鼠血清中没有抗LPS抗体产生 ,而用O SP TT免疫后小鼠血清中产生了抗LPSIgG和IgM抗体 ,且IgG抗体水平高于IgM抗体 ;O SP TT免疫组第二次和第三次免疫后IgG抗体水平均有显著的升高 (P <0 0 1) ,但第二次和第三次免疫后血清IgM抗体虽有升高 ,但与前一次免疫相比均无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ,表明O SP TT结合疫苗具有加强免疫应答效应。补体介导的体外杀菌活性试验结果证明 ,O SP TT免疫血清在 1∶16 0倍稀释后仍对志贺氏I型痢疾杆菌具有特异性杀菌活性。  相似文献   

通过己二酸二肼(ADH)将福氏2a痢疾杆菌脂多糖(LPS)经酸水解脱毒纯化后得到的O-SP和破伤风类毒素(TT)蛋白共价结合,制备了福氏2a痢疾杆菌结合物。以2.5μg多糖或含2.5μg多糖的结合物经皮下注射免疫NIH品系雌性小鼠,同时以25μg多糖或含25μg多糖的结合物经耳缘静脉注射家兔。用ELISA方法分别检测小鼠和家兔血清中抗脂多糖抗体水平及抗TT水平,并用豚鼠血清补体介导进行了体外杀菌实验。结果显示:用本实验方法提取的多糖,合成的多糖衍生物,多糖-蛋白结合物都具有福氏2a痢疾杆菌O-抗原特异性,其化学组成及结构特异性和国外文献报道基本一致。单独用多糖免疫小鼠和家兔未能诱导LPS抗体,而结合物免疫小鼠和家兔的血清诱导出了较高的抗LPS IgG抗体及抗TT抗体,并有较强的体外杀菌活性。产生的抗体存在着免疫记忆性,可以产生再次免疫应答加强反应。  相似文献   

Results are presented concerning our attempts to create a suitable model system for studying the connection between microbial antigen (micAg), autoimmunity and autoimmune disease on the basis of hyper-immunization and application of micAg in different contexts. Our research was focused on tetanus toxoid (TTd) as a model micAg. Non-pretreated and complete Freund's adjuvant pretreated BALB/c mice were immunized with high doses of TTd mixed with glycerol or aluminum hydroxide as adjuvants. The main aims of the experiments were to evaluate the properties of induced humoral immune responses, evaluate the pathological potential of induced immune responses and determine possible correlations between the properties of a humoral immune response and its pathological potential. The production of TTd-specific and self-reactive β2-glycoprotein I (β2-GP I)-specific antibodies (Abs) was detected in all groups but with specific, context-related properties. Analysis of pregnancy-related pathology (anti-β2-GP I Abs-associated) showed differences in the pathological potential of the induced immune response. It was demonstrated that severity of pathology is positively correlated to the abundance of IgG that recognizes β2-GP I adsorbed onto phosphatidylserine, and to IgG affinity. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that molecular mimicry, which results in generation of anti-β2-GP I Abs upon TTd immunization, is necessary but not sufficient for the development of pregnancy-related pathology.  相似文献   

研究不同剂量及不同白喉类毒素纯度引起的迟发型超敏反应的状况,用于指导疫苗的生产,提高疫苗的质量。以豚鼠为动物模型,采用迟发型超敏试验法,对原制白喉类毒素、精制白喉类毒素、纯化精制白喉类毒素、高纯度的精制白喉类毒素的剂量与超敏反应试验。试验结果表明,注射白喉类毒素剂量的大小与超敏反应成正相关,与纯度成负相关。剂量越大,超敏反应越强;纯度越高,超敏反应愈弱。  相似文献   

霍乱毒素佐剂的研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
霍乱毒素(CT)是霍乱弧菌分泌的一种不耐热肠毒素,具有很强的免疫原性和佐剂活性,是当今研究得最多且最深入的粘膜免疫佐剂之一,CT本身有很强的毒副作用,而一定的毒性又似乎是发挥佐剂作用所必须的。通过各种改造,使之具备优良的佐剂活性而没有显的毒副作用是当前研究的主要目标。本从CT作为佐剂的作用机理出发,概述当前对其进行改造的几种研究方向。  相似文献   

Epidemiological evidence indicates infants immunised against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT) are at decreased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Asymptomatic whooping cough and pyrogenic toxins of Staphylococcus aureus have been implicated in the aetiology of SIDS. The objectives of the present study were: (1) to determine if the DPT vaccine induced antibodies cross-reactive with the staphylococcal toxins; (2) to determine if antibodies to the pertussis toxin (PT) and the staphylococcal toxins were present in the sera of women during late pregnancy; (3) to examine the effects of infant immunisation on levels of antibodies to PT and the staphylococcal toxins; (4) to assess the effects of changes in immunisation schedules in the UK on the incidence and age distribution of SIDS. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were used to measure binding of rabbit or human IgG to the DPT vaccine, PT, toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) and staphylococcal enterotoxins A (SEA), B (SEB) and C (SEC). Neutralisation activity of anti-DPT serum was assessed by a bioassay for induction of nitric oxide from human monocytes by the staphylococcal toxins. Anti-DPT serum bound to the DPT vaccine, PT and each of the staphylococcal toxins. It also reduced the ability of the four toxins to induce nitric oxide from monocytes. In pregnant women, levels of IgG to PT, SEC and TSST-1 decreased significantly in relation to increasing weeks of gestation while antibodies to SEA and SEB increased. In infants' sera there were significant correlations between levels of IgG bound to DPT and IgG bound to PT, TSST-1 and SEC but not SEA or SEB. Antibody levels to the toxins in infants declined with age; sera from infants < or = 2 months of age had higher levels of IgG bound to the toxins than those older than 2 months. This pattern was observed for infants whose immunisation schedules began at 2 months of age or 3 months of age. The decrease in IgG bound to the toxins was, however, less for those immunised at 2 months. The decrease in SIDS deaths after the change in immunisation schedules was greatest in the 4-6-month age range. While DPT immunisation might prevent some unexplained infant deaths due to asymptomatic whooping cough, these data indicate that immunisation with DPT also induces antibodies cross-reactive with pyrogenic staphylococcal toxins implicated in many cases of SIDS. Passive immunisation of infants who have low levels of these antibodies might reduce further the numbers of these infant deaths.  相似文献   

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