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Though to a lesser extent than other Italian regions, in recent years Apulia, from being exclusively an area through which immigrants passed, has become more and more an area which hosts immigrants. In all five provincial capitals the Albanians and Moroccans are without doubt the most numerous communities. Each province is, however, characterized by the tendency of immigrant communities to settle almost exclusively there. The aim of this study is to consider the consequences of the migration, evaluating the effects such as psychological vulnerability resulting from the distance from one's normal context, and which is all a consequence of an attempt to adapt to a new and difficult reality. The research is part of a European project, and particular attention is dedicated to the “refugee” adolescents (whose migration occurred after traumatic socio-political and economic events in their country of origin), for understanding the psychological risks and the protective factors linked to the socio-cultural integration and contributing to the implementation of programmes that favour the psycho-physical recovery of these adolescents from South-East Europe. Migratory stress may, in fact, easily cause the explosion of latent conflicts or lead to physical or psychological disturbances (manias, depression, paranoia), or even to deviant or criminal behaviour. 1 A collaborative Project (conducted by University of Bari, Johannes Kepler University in Linz, University of Tuzla, University of Prishtina, University of Tirana, Institute for Anthropological Research in Zagreb), supported by the European Commission 5th Framework specific research and technological development programme “Confirming The International Role Of Community Research” —INCO—Copernicus (ICA2-CT-2002-10006).  相似文献   

The European Searchable Tumour line Database (ESTDAB) () is a freely available and fully searchable database of melanoma-derived cell lines, which have been characterised for over 250 immunologically relevant markers by a consortium of European scientists. The database is linked to a cell bank, which can provide melanoma cell lines to non-profit investigators for a nominal handling charge. All cells are fully HLA typed at the genomic and surface expression levels. The expression of a number of surface antigens, apoptotic markers, tumour-associated antigens and extracellular matrix proteins has also been determined. Cytokine secretion has been tested and polymorphisms in cytokine genes have been identified. Glycans at the cell surface were identified and glycosyltransferase activity quantified. Cell lines with a particular constellation of these parameters can be sought online via the ESTDAB interface, which is included as part of the Immuno-Polymorphism Database (IPD) section of the European Bioinformatics Institute’s (EBI) website. This paper is a focussed research review from the meeting which took place on the 28th–29th May 2008 in Nottingham, UK, celebrating the contribution of Prof. I.A. “Tony” Dodi (29.1.2008) to the EU project “Network for the identification and validation of antigens and biomarkers in cancer and their application in clinical tumour immunology (ENACT).”  相似文献   

In this article I will try to analyse the transformation regarding the italian regulation of prostitution on the grounds of another issue, that is the building up of cultural borders for the definition of “national” and “european” gender identities. The creation of cultural borders allows to outline the differentiation traits between social groups, while escaping plurality and internal contradictions which on the other hand could only show continuity and vicinity traits. In my point of view, the italian current debate on prostitution is a discoursive process that produces a “western” pattern of relation between men and women, while referring internal tensions and contradictions to other cultures. The following analysis will use data and information coming from national official statistics on immigration, estimates on prostitutions and findings from national researchers on prostitution carried out by the research group called “Migration & Prostitutions” based at the Department of Sociology of the Padua University.  相似文献   

In historical literature, Edouard van Beneden (1846–1910) is mostly remembered for his cytological discoveries. Less well known, however, is that he also introduced evolutionary morphology – and indeed evolutionary theory as such – in the Belgian academic world. The introduction of this research programme cannot be understood without taking both the international and the national context into account. It was clearly the German example of the Jena University that inspired van Beneden in his research interests. The actual launch of evolutionary morphology at his University of Liège was, however, also connected with the dynamic of Belgian university reforms and the local rationale of creating a research “school.” Thanks to his networks, his mastering of the rhetoric of the “new” biology, his low ideological profile and his capitalising on the new academic élan in late-19th century Belgium, van Beneden managed to turn his programme into a local success from the 1870s onwards. Two decades later, however, the conceptual underpinnings of evolutionary morphology came under attack and the “Van Beneden School” lost much of its vitality. Despite this, van Beneden’s evolutionary morphology was prototypical for the research that was to come. He was one of the first scientific heavyweights in Belgium to turn the university laboratory into a centre of scientific practice and the hub of a research school.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biology and feminism share a variety of philosophical and practical concerns. I have tried to describe how a perspective from both evolutionary biology and feminism can accelerate the achievement of goals for both feminists and evolutionary biologists. In an early section of this paper I discuss the importance of variation to the disciplines of evolutionary biology and feminism. In the section entitled “Control of Female Reproduction” I demonstrate how insight provided by participation in life as woman and also as a feminist suggests testable hypotheses about the evolution of social behavior—hypotheses that are applicable to our investigations of the evolution of social behavior in nonhuman animals. In the section on “Deceit, Self-deception, and Patriarchal Reversals” I have overtly conceded that evolutionary biology, a scientific discipline, also represents a human cultural practice that, like other human cultural practices, may in parts and at times be characterized by deceit and self-deception. In the section on “Femininity” I have indicated how questions cast and answered and hypotheses tested from an evolutionary perspective can serve women and men struggling with sexist oppression. Patricia Adair Gowaty studies the evolution of social behavior, particularly mating systems and sex allocation, primarily in birds. She is most well-known for her long-term studies of eastern bluebirds, which began in 1977 and are on-going. She was an undergraduate at H. Sophie Newcomb College of Tulane University (1963–1967). In the late sixties and early seventies, while employed at the Bronx Zoo (New York Zoological Society), she belonged to a feminist “consciousness-raising” group. She started graduate school in 1974 at the University of Georgia and received her Ph.D. from Clemson University (1980). She had a postdoctoral position at the University of Oklahoma (1982–1983) and a visiting faculty position at Cornell University through the Visiting Professorships for Women NSF program (1983–1984) before returning to her bluebird study sites at Clemson in 1985. She has supported herself and her research efforts throughout her academic career on a series of awards and grants. She is currently (1990–1995) supported by a Research Scientist Development Award from The National Institute of Mental Health.  相似文献   

There have been two different schools of thought on the evolution of dominance. On the one hand, followers of Wright [Wright S. 1929. Am. Nat. 63: 274–279, Evolution: Selected Papers by Sewall Wright, University of Chicago Press, Chicago; 1934. Am. Nat. 68: 25–53, Evolution: Selected Papers by Sewall Wright, University of Chicago Press, Chicago; Haldane J.B.S. 1930. Am. Nat. 64: 87–90; 1939. J. Genet. 37: 365–374; Kacser H. and Burns J.A. 1981. Genetics 97: 639–666] have defended the view that dominance is a product of non-linearities in gene expression. On the other hand, followers of Fisher [Fisher R.A. 1928a. Am. Nat. 62: 15–126; 1928b. Am. Nat. 62: 571–574; Bürger R. 1983a. Math. Biosci. 67: 125–143; 1983b. J. Math. Biol. 16: 269–280; Wagner G. and Burger R. 1985. J. Theor. Biol. 113: 475–500; Mayo O. and Reinhard B. 1997. Biol. Rev. 72: 97–110] have argued that dominance evolved via selection on modifier genes. Some have called these “physiological” versus “selectionist,” or more recently [Falk R. 2001. Biol. Philos. 16: 285–323], “functional,” versus “structural” explanations of dominance. This paper argues, however, that one need not treat these explanations as exclusive. While one can disagree about the most likely evolutionary explanation of dominance, as Wright and Fisher did, offering a “physiological” or developmental explanation of dominance does not render dominance “epiphenomenal,” nor show that evolutionary considerations are irrelevant to the maintenance of dominance, as some [Kacser H. and Burns J.A. 1981. Genetics 97: 639–666] have argued. Recent work [Gilchrist M.A. and Nijhout H.F. 2001. Genetics 159: 423–432] illustrates how biological explanation is a multi-level task, requiring both a “top-down” approach to understanding how a pattern of inheritance or trait might be maintained in populations, as well as “bottom-up” modeling of the dynamics of gene expression.  相似文献   

This paper reports the lecture delivered on the occasion of the “Ceremony of Professional Recognition” to the author at the 6th European Conference on Marine Natural Products (Porto, Portugal, 19–23 July 2009). The most recent results obtained studying opisthobranchs and diatoms at ICB are presented after a synthetic overview of the most significant moves played during this exciting 40 years game in the field of Marine Natural Products. In a symbolic manner this career is compared to a chess game. After the “romantic” opening dedicated to the study of natural black (melanin) and red-brown (phaeomelanins) pigments in the prestigious group of Rodolfo A. Nicolaus, the research on marine organisms started in 1969 and rapidly led to the characterization of an impressive number of new compounds exhibiting very unusual structures. Substantially, the “structure hunt” ended with the publication of a series of alkaloids with absolutely unprecedented structural features: the saraines. Slowly, the scientific interest shifted “from structure to function”. Opisthobranchs were selected as models to investigate. The majority of the protective allomones possessed by opisthobranch molluscs are sequestered through the food chain from algae and invertebrates. However, opisthobranchs were also able to biosynthesize many compounds structurally related to typical molecules possessed by their prey. These aspects “from function to ecology, to biosynthesis, to evolution” are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Recent conceptual and technological advances now enable fisheries geneticists to detect and monitor the dynamics and distribution of marine fish populations more effectively than ever before. Information on the extent of genetically-based divergence among populations, so-called “population diversity”, is crucial in the quest to manage exploited living resources sustainably since it endows evolutionary potential in the face of environmental change. The generally limited dialogue between scientists, fisheries managers and policy makers, however, continues to constrain integration of population genetic data into tangible policy applications. Largely drawing on the approach and outputs from a European research project, FishPopTrace, we provide an example how the uncovering of marine fish population diversity enables players from genetics, forensics, management and the policy realm to generate a framework tackling key policy-led questions relating to illegal fishing and traceability.  相似文献   

Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is an intensive medical treatment involving myeloablative chemo-radiotherapy followed by stem cell rescue using allogeneic haematopoietic stem cells harvested from HLA-matched donors, which is primarily used for the treatment of haematological malignancies. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is one of the major causes of morbidity and death after HSCT. This focused research review highlights the advances made with research into CMV in the HSCT setting. It provides the reader with an overview of current CMV research into the prevention and management of CMV infection. This paper is a Focussed Research Review from the meeting which took place 28–29 May 2008 in Nottingham, UK, celebrating the contribution of Prof. I. A. “Tony” Dodi (+29.1.2008) to the EU project “Network for the identification and validation of antigens and biomarkers in cancer and their application in clinical tumour immunology (ENACT)”.  相似文献   

The home range of resident animals is considered as “familiar area” including a “foraging area.” It has been revealed that the activity of an average animal unit in the “foraging area” could be approximated by normal distribution. Estimation of activity distribution in the “familiar area” (beyond the “foraging area”) was impeded by means of marking since it might be difficult to record distant movements, and the method does not provide an essential body of data. In the case of the common shrew Sorex araneus, the “familiar area” was estimated using pitfall as animals evade them in the known areal. The “foraging area” radius of the average shrew was taken to be 30 m (95% of the animal unit activity), the radius of “familiar area” was within the range of 180–240 m. The “foraging area” was expected to provide the animal with vital resources, and the “familiar area” reflects its need for exploratory activity.  相似文献   

Source-sink landscape theory and its ecological significance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Exploring the relationships between landscape pattern and ecological processes is the key topic of landscape ecology, for which, a large number of indices as well as landscape pattern analysis model were developed. However, one problem faced by landscape ecologists is that it is hard to link the landscape indices with a specific ecological process. Linking landscape pattern and ecological processes has become a challenge for landscape ecologists. “Source” and “sink” are common concepts used in air pollution research, by which the movement direction and pattern of different pollutants in air can be clearly identified. In fact, for any ecological process, the research can be considered as a balance between the source and the sink in space. Thus, the concepts of “source” and “sink” could be implemented to the research of landscape pattern and ecological processes. In this paper, a theory of sourcesink landscape was proposed, which include: (1) In the research of landscape pattern and ecological process, all landscape types can be divided into two groups, “source” landscape and “sink” landscape. “Source” landscape contributes positively to the ecological process, while “sink” landscape is unhelpful to the ecological process. (2) Both landscapes are recognized with regard to the specific ecological process. “Source” landscape in a target ecological process may change into a “sink” landscape as in another ecological process. Therefore, the ecological process should be determined before “source” or “sink” landscape were defined. (3) The key point to distinguish “source” landscape from “sink” landscape is to quantify the effect of landscape on ecological process. The positive effect is made by “source” landscape, and the negative effect by “sink” landscape. (4) For the same ecological process, the contribution of “source” landscapes may vary, and it is the same to the “sink” landscapes. It is required to determine the weight of each landscape type on ecological processes. (5) The sourcesink principle can be applied to non-point source pollution control, biologic diversity protection, urban heat island effect mitigation, etc. However, the landscape evaluation models need to be calibrated respectively, because different ecological processes correspond with different source-sink landscapes and evaluation models for the different study areas. This theory is helpful to further study landscape pattern and ecological process, and offers a basis for new landscape index design. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(5): 1444–1449 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate whether proximity to nuclear power plants may increase the risk of abnormal pregnant outcomes among the resident women. In this ecological study, data were used from the Health Services Birth Reports Database established by the Bureau of Health Promotion, National Department of Health, Taiwan, in 2001–2004. Chi-square-tests were carried out to investigate the “Plant-vicinity” and “Non plant-vicinity” group in terms of pregnancy outcome. Additionally, logistic regression was performed to investigate whether residence in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant was related to any abnormal pregnancy results. Based on data from 5,679 included subjects, no difference was observed between pregnancy outcomes of the “Plant-vicinity” and “Non plant-vicinity” groups. After accounting for possible confounders, the adjusted odds ratios were 1.20 (95% CI = 0.56–2.56) for stillbirth, 1.21 (95% CI = 0.95–1.53) for premature birth, 1.04 (95% CI = 0.79–1.37) for low birth weight, and 1.58 (95% CI = 0.85–2.93) for congenital deficiencies, respectively, when comparing the “Plant-vicinity” with the “Non plant-vicinity” group. The results of the study indicate that residence in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant is not a significant factor which will cause abnormal health situations during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Water nanoclusters are shown from first-principles calculations to possess unique terahertz-frequency vibrational modes in the 1–6 THz range, corresponding to O–O–O “bending,” “squashing,” and “twisting” “surface” distortions of the clusters. The cluster molecular-orbital LUMOs are huge Rydberg-like “S,” “P,” “D,” and “F” orbitals that accept an extra electron via optical excitation, ionization, or electron donation from interacting biomolecules. Dynamic Jahn–Teller coupling of these “hydrated-electron” orbitals to the THz vibrations promotes such water clusters as vibronically active “structured water” essential to biomolecular function such as protein folding. In biological microtubules, confined water-cluster THz vibrations may induce their “quantum coherence” communicated by Jahn–Teller phonons via coupling of the THz electromagnetic field to the water clusters’ large electric dipole moments.  相似文献   

High-performance computing increasingly occurs on “computational grids” composed of heterogeneous and geographically distributed systems of computers, networks, and storage devices that collectively act as a single “virtual” computer. A key challenge in this environment is to provide efficient access to data distributed across remote data servers. Our parallel I/O framework, called Armada, allows application and data-set providers to flexibly compose graphs of processing modules that describe the distribution, application interfaces, and processing required of the dataset before computation. Although the framework provides a simple programming model for the application programmer and the data-set provider, the resulting graph may contain bottlenecks that prevent efficient data access. In this paper, we present an algorithm used to restructure Armada graphs that distributes computation and data flow to improve performance in the context of a wide-area computational grid. This work was supported by Sandia National Laboratories under DOE contract DOE-AV6184. Ron A. Oldfield is a senior member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM. He received the B.Sc. in computer science from the University of New Mexico in 1993. From 1993 to 1997, he worked in the computational sciences department of Sandia National Laboratories, where he specialized in seismic research and parallel I/O. He was the primary developer for the GONII-SSD (Gas and Oil National Information Infrastructure–Synthetic Seismic Dataset) project and a co-developer for the R&D 100 award winning project “Salvo”, a project to develop a 3D finite-difference prestack-depth migration algorithm for massively parallel architectures. From 1997 to 2003 he attended graduate school at Dartmouth college and received his Ph.D. in June, 2003. In September of 2003, he returned to Sandia to work in the Scalable Computing Systems department. His research interests include parallel and distributed computing, parallel I/O, and mobile computing. David Kotz is a Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth College in Hanover NH. After receiving his A.B. in Computer Science and Physics from Dartmouth in 1986, he completed his Ph.D in Computer Science from Duke University in 1991. He returned to Dartmouth to join the faculty in 1991, where he is now Professor of Computer Science, Director of the Center for Mobile Computing, and Executive Director of the Institute for Security Technology Studies. His research interests include context-aware mobile computing, pervasive computing, wireless networks, and intrusion detection. He is a member of the ACM, IEEE Computer Society, and USENIX associations, and of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. For more information see http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/dfk/.  相似文献   

Fruit ethylene production genotypes for Md-ACS1 and Md-ACO1 were determined for 60 apple cultivars and 35 advanced breeding selections. Two alleles for each gene are commonly found in cultivated apple. Earlier studies showed that genotypes homozygous for the ACS1-2 allele produce less ethylene and have firmer fruit than ACS1-1/2 and ACS1-1/1 genotypes. ACO1 plays a minor role compared to ACS1, with homozygous ACO1-1 having lower ethylene production. In this study, ACS1-2 and ACO1-1 homozygotes had firmer fruit at harvest and after 60 days of 0–1°C cold storage compared to other genotypes. These genotypes, ACS1-2/2 and ACO1-1/1, were observed for the following 8 of 95 cultivars/selections: “Delblush”, “Fuji”, “Pacific Beauty”, “Sabina” and four breeding selections. Cultivars/selections that were homozygous ACS1-2 but not ACO1-1 were: “Ambrosia”, “Aurora Golden Gala”, “CrimsonCrisp”, “Gala”, “GoldRush”, “Huaguan”, “Pacific Rose, “Pacific Queen”, “Pinova”, “Sansa”, “Sonja”, “Sundance”, “Zestar”, and 17 breeding selections. Cultivars with the heterozygous ACS1-1/2 genotype were “Arlet”, “Braeburn”, “Cameo”, “Delicious”, “Delorgue”, “Empire”, “Enterprise”, “Ginger Gold”, “Golden Delicious”, “Granny Smith”, “Honeycrisp”, “Orin”, “Pink Lady”, “Silken”, “Suncrisp”, “Sundowner”, “Sunrise” and 11 breeding selections. No cultivars were detected homozygous for both ACS1-1 and ACO1-1, or for both ACS1-2 and ACO1-2. This study is the first large-scale allelic genotyping of both ethylene synthesis genes for a comprehensive set of apple breeding parents used in an ongoing breeding project. The data reported here are important for informative selection of parent combinations and marker-assisted selection of progeny for breeding low ethylene-producing apple cultivars for better storability and improved consumer acceptance.  相似文献   

The Martian Environment Simulator (SAM “Simulatore di Ambiente Marziano”) is a interdisciplinary project of Astrobiology done at University of Padua. The research is aimed to the study of the survival of the microorganisms exposed to the “extreme” planetary environment. The facility has been designed in order to simulate Mars’ environmental conditions in terms of atmospheric pressure, temperature cycles and UV radiation dose. The bacterial cells, contained into dedicated capsules, will be exposed to thermal cycles simulating diurnal and seasonal Martian cycles. The metabolism of the different biological samples will be analysed at different phases of the experiment, to study their survival and eventual activity of protein synthesis (mortality, mutations and capability of DNA reparing). We describe the experimental facility and provide the perspectives of the biological experiments we will perform in order to provide hints on the possibility of life on Mars either autochthonous or imported from Earth. Presented at: National Workshop on Astrobiology: Search for Life in the Solar System, Capri, Italy, 26 to 28 October, 2005.  相似文献   

The 3-D structure of the human mTOR kinase domain was modeled based on the crystal structure of PI3Kγ using comparative modeling methods, and the ATP-binding site of mTOR was characterized. The mTOR kinase 3-D model structure is similar to the structure of the PI3Kγ kinase domain, and exhibits great similarity to PI3Kγ at the active site of the kinase. Pharmacophore generation, the docking of mTOR inhibitors, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of mTOR–inhibitor docked complexes were carried out in this work. The best pharmacophore model generated from 27 ATP-competitive mTOR inhibitors comprised two hydrogen-bond acceptors, one aromatic ring, and one hydrophobic feature. These 27 inhibitors were docked into the ATP-binding site comprising the DFG motif, and the interactions in each protein–inhibitor complex were characterized. Mapping the pharmacophore model onto the docked inhibitors explained the specificity of the features of the pharmacophore and how they were arranged inside the active site of mTOR kinase. MD studies revealed important structural features, such as the large hydrophobic pocket “HP” and hydrophilic pocket “A1,” and the solvent-exposed hydrophilic pocket “A2” at the active site of mTOR. Our results provide structural models of mTOR–inhibitor complexes and clues that should aid in the design of better mTOR kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

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