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SYNOPSIS. Plasmodium (Huffia) hermani sp. n. is described from wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus) in Florida. It produces rounded schizonts with 6–14 nuclei arranged peripherally as a rosette and elongate, slender gametocytes with irregular margins. Asexual stages parasitize all cells in the erythrocyte series and, in heavy infections, predominantly occur in erythroblasts and their precursors. Presence and degree of pigmentation vary with maturity of the host cell. Gametocytes occupy erythrocytes only, with pigment dispersed in black granules throughout the cytoplasm. Cells containing schizonts are often rounded and enlarged and those parasitized by gametocytes may be somewhat distorted in shape by lateral hypertrophy. Host cell nuclei may be displaced, but are not distorted, except slightly by pressure from the parasite. Plasmodium hermani differs from P. (Giovannolaia) durae by producing low level (> 6%), nonlethal parasitemias in turkey poults, an absence of phanerozoites in capillary endothelium of the brain and viscera, and inability to infect chicks. Plasmodium hermani is more like P. (Huffia) elongatum in gametocyte morphology, schizogony in all types of erythrocyte precursors, with gametocytes occurring in erythrocytes only, and concentration of schizonts in heavy infections in bone marrow and spleen. It differs from P. elongatum by its lack of infectivity to passeriform and anseriform hosts and by a strong immune response which develops in infected birds.  相似文献   

Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) durae Herman was originally described from Kenya, the type host being the common turkey, Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus. There are no field records of this association outside of Africa, where the parasite, herein reported from another introduced and domesticated bird (the common peafowl, Pavo cristatus Linnaeus), was recently listed from 2 native Phasianidae of the genus Francolinus. The justification for the present identification is submitted against background data concerning malaria parasites from turkeys and other Galliformes in Africa and elsewhere, and restraint is urged in describing yet more "new species" of avian Plasmodium belonging to morphologically close taxa within Novyella and Giovannolaia. A near relative of P. durae, Plasmodium dissanaikei de Jong, is transferred from the former subgenus to the latter one.  相似文献   

绿孔雀(Pavomuticus)在世界共3个亚种,其中P.muticusimperator主要分布于我国云南、缅甸东部、泰国和印度等地[1~3]。三十多年前,在西双版纳的大部分地区均有该种的分布,是有名的“孔雀之乡”[4]。随着人类经济活动的影响,云...  相似文献   

野生与笼养绿孔雀种群的随机扩增多态DNA研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
常弘  柯亚永  苏应娟  张国萍  朱世杰 《遗传》2002,24(3):271-274
利用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术对野生14只和笼养18只绿孔雀(Pavo muticus)个体进行了种群遗传多样性分析。用23个随机引物,野生与笼养绿孔雀分别获得161和166个扩增片段,计算发现野生与笼养绿孔雀的种群内平均相对遗传距离分别是0.0555和0.1355,两种群间的为0.1635;两种群的Shannon多样性指数平均分别是0.4348和1.0163,有显著性差异。以上分析都显示野生绿孔雀的遗传多样性很低。用UPGMA法聚类显示两个种群都是分别来源于两个家系,可据此进行繁育管理。 Abstract:Random-amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD) was used to investigate the genetic diversity of the population of 14 wild green peafowl and 18 captive green peafowl(pavo muticus).Total of 161 and 166 bands were obtained respectively,and 23 random primers were used to amplify the genomic DNA of the wild and captive green peafowls.The average relative hereditary distance of the wild and captive green peafowls is 0.0555 and 0.1355 respectively;and the Shannon diversity index is 0.4348 and 1.0163 respectively.There is a prominent differentia between the two populations by T-Test of HO.All the analyses above show that the genetic diversity is very low in wild green peafowl.It tells us that the two populations come from two families by using UPGMA,which can be useful in the breeding management in the future.  相似文献   

绿孔雀在中国的分在现状调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
绿孔雀在中国现仅见于云南西部、中部和南部,通过1991年至1993年的调查,绿孔雀现存数量较多的地区有云南省瑞丽县、陇川县、昌宁县、永德县、新平县、普洱县、墨江县、景东县、楚雄市、双柏县、南华县。过去有分布记录现已绝迹或濒临绝迹的地区有盈江县、沪水县、腾冲县、蒙自县、河口县。永仁县的中和、直左为新近发现的分布点,据当地群众反映,在维西县的叶枝,德钦县的拖顶和奔子栏也发现绿孔雀。由于栖息地生境的破坏,导致绿孔雀现存种群形成小家族群点状隔离分布。据估计,中国现存野生种群数量约为800~1100只。  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms of pvdhfr and pvdhps genes of Plasmodium vivax were investigated in 83 blood samples collected from patients in the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Nepal. The SNP-haplotypes of the pvdhfr gene at the amino acid positions 13, 33, 57, 58, 61, 117, and 173, and that of the pvdhps gene at the positions 383 and 553 were analyzed by nested PCR-RFLP. Results suggest diverse polymorphic patterns of pvdhfr alone as well as the combination patterns with pvdhps mutant alleles in P. vivax isolates collected from the 3 endemic countries in Asia. All samples carried mutant combination alleles of pvdhfr and pvdhps. The most prevalent combination alleles found in samples from the Philippines and Bangladesh were triple mutant pvdhfr combined with single mutant pvdhps allele and triple mutant pvdhfr combined with double wild-type pvdhps alleles, respectively. Those collected from Nepal were quadruple mutant pvdhfr combined with double wild-type pvdhps alleles. New alternative antifolate drugs which are effective against sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP)-resistant P. vivax are required.  相似文献   

Common reed (Phragmites australis) is a well known salt-tolerant plant and it is suggested that reeds recover Na(+) in the xylem sap of the shoot base (basal part of the shoot), store it temporarily in the shoot base, release it into the phloem sap, and then retranslocate it to the roots. To investigate whether Na(+) is retained in the shoot base of reeds, confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) observations were conducted using an intracellular Na(+)-specific fluorescent probe. The CLSM observations revealed that reeds produced a large number of the starch granules at the shoot base when salt-stressed, and that the fluorescence indicating the location of intracellular free Na(+) was observed in the same position as the starch granules. The Na content of starch granules was considerably greater than that of the shoot base, whereas the potassium (K) contents of the granules was only slightly greater than that of the shoot base. Reeds produced Na(+)-binding starch granules in the parenchyma cells of the shoot base when salt-stressed; these starch granules may decrease intracellular free Na(+). It is proposed that the site-specific production of Na(+)-binding starch granules constitutes a novel salt tolerance mechanism.  相似文献   

Small ubiquitin-related modifiers (SUMOs) are post-translationally conjugated to other proteins and are thereby essential regulators of a wide range of cellular processes. Sumoylation, and enzymes of the sumoylation pathway, are conserved in the malaria causing parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. However, the specific functions of sumoylation in P. falciparum, and the degree of functional conservation between enzymes of the human and P. falciparum sumoylation pathways, have not been characterized. Here, we demonstrate that sumoylation levels peak during midstages of the intra-erythrocyte developmental cycle, concomitant with hemoglobin consumption and elevated oxidative stress. In vitro studies revealed that P. falciparum E1- and E2-conjugating enzymes interact effectively to recognize and modify RanGAP1, a model mammalian SUMO substrate. However, in heterologous reactions, P. falciparum E1 and E2 enzymes failed to interact with cognate human E2 and E1 partners, respectively, to modify RanGAP1. Structural analysis, binding studies, and functional assays revealed divergent amino acid residues within the E1-E2 binding interface that define organism-specific enzyme interactions. Our studies identify sumoylation as a potentially important regulator of oxidative stress response during the P. falciparum intra-erythrocyte developmental cycle, and define E1 and E2 interactions as a promising target for development of parasite-specific inhibitors of sumoylation and parasite replication.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum is the parasite responsible for the most acute form of malaria in humans. Recently, the serine repeat antigen (SERA) in P. falciparum has attracted attention as a potential vaccine and drug target, and it has been shown to be a member of a large gene family. To clarify the relationships among the numerous P. falciparum SERAs and to identify orthologs to SERA5 and SERA6 in Plasmodium species affecting rodents, gene trees were inferred from nucleotide and amino acid sequence data for 33 putative SERA homologs in seven different species. (A distance method for nucleotide sequences that is specifically designed to accommodate differing GC content yielded results that were largely compatible with the amino acid tree. Standard-distance and maximum-likelihood methods for nucleotide sequences, on the other hand, yielded gene trees that differed in important respects.) To infer the pattern of duplication, speciation, and gene loss events in the SERA gene family history, the resulting gene trees were then "reconciled" with two competing Plasmodium species tree topologies that have been identified by previous phylogenetic studies. Parsimony of reconciliation was used as a criterion for selecting a gene tree/species tree pair and provided (1) support for one of the two species trees and for the core topology of the amino acid-derived gene tree, (2) a basis for critiquing fine detail in a poorly resolved region of the gene tree, (3) a set of predicted "missing genes" in some species, (4) clarification of the relationship among the P. falciparum SERA, and (5) some information about SERA5 and SERA6 orthologs in the rodent malaria parasites. Parsimony of reconciliation and a second criterion--implied mutational pattern at two key active sites in the SERA proteins-were also seen to be useful supplements to standard "bootstrap" analysis for inferred topologies.  相似文献   


Pearl millet downy mildew (DM) incidence, severity and yield losses of two pearl millet varieties (local and improved) due to the disease were determined in the field. Significant differences in the disease incidence and severity were recorded in the plots sown with metalaxyl-treated seeds and those sown with non-treated seeds, indicating the efficacy of the fungicide on the fungus. Yield losses due to non-treatment of seeds with metalaxyl was 40.88 and 45.39% in a local variety and 43.00 and 18.60% in an improved variety in the 2000 and 2001 cropping seasons respectively. Significant differences between plots sown with metalaxyl-treated and those sown with non-treated seeds were obtained for other yield components such as 1000-grains weight, panicle length and weight.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Oocysts of Eimeria ambystomae Saxe, 1955, Eimeria microcapi sp. n., and Eimeria urodela sp. n. are described from the tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum , collected in Colorado and New Mexico. The oocysts of E. ambystomae are ellipsoid, 29.8 × 17.3 (24–38 × 15–25) μm, and the sporocysts lanceolate, 22.6 × 5.4 (16–27 × 5–7) μm. Oocyst and sporocyst residua are present, but not a polar granule and a micropyle. The oocysts and sporocysts of E. microcapi are ellipsoid, measuring respectively 38.1 × 25.3 (35-41 × 23-26) μm and 18.1 × 7.4 (16-19 × 6–8) μm. Oocyst and sporocyst residua, a micropyle (mean 3 μm), and a distinct micropyle cap (2 μm high) are present, but not a polar granule. The oocysts of E. urodela are spheroid, 22.2 (14-26) μm, and the sporocysts lanceolate, 16.3 × 5.8 (12-19 × 4-7) μm. Oocyst and sporocyst residua are present, but a polar granule and a micropyle are absent.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to prepare and characterize subcellular fractions from the intestinal mucosa of the Northern pike (Esox lucius), with special emphasis on the preparation of a microsomal fraction suitable for studying xenobiotic metabolism. The purity of the different fractions obtained by differential centrifugation, as well as the recovery of different organelles, was determined using both enzyme markers and morphological examination with the electron microscope. The subcellular distributions of several enzymes involved in drug metabolism (NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, NADH-ferricyanide reductase, epoxide hydrolase activity towards both cis- and trans-stilbene oxide as substrates, and glutathione transferase) were also examined. The subcellular distributions obtained here for drug-metabolizing and marker enzymes closely resembled those reported for rat and pike liver. The microsomal fraction obtained contained about 50% of the total endoplasmic reticulum. This fraction was relatively free of nuclei, mitochondria, Golgi, peroxisomes and cytosol, but relatively heavily contaminated with lysosomes and fragments of the plasma membrane. Within the limitations discussed, the subfractions prepared here are suitable for further characterization of drug-metabolizing systems in the intestinal mucosa of the Northern pike, as well as for other studies with this tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract An isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (BTI) was obtained from field-collected larvae of the saturniid moth, Hylesia metabus . This isolate was shown to belong to serotype H 14, and to produce a spherical parasporal body identical to that of the type strain of BTI. With an LC50 of 0.764 μg cm−2, this isolate was more toxic to H. metabus than the HD-1 strain of B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (HD-1). These results demonstrate that BTI can be active against lepidopterous insects, a wider spectrum of activity than previously realized.  相似文献   

A new sciaenid,Johnius (Johnieops) philippinus, is described from the Davao Gulf, Mindanao Island Philippines. It differs from all known species of the subgenus in the combination of 29–32 dorsal fin soft rays, 5–6 scales above and 10–13 scales below the lateral line, 10–12 lower gill rakers, a broadly rounded anterior snout margin (from dorsal aspect), large eyes (28–35% HL), a narrow interorbital space (23–28% HL) and well-developed pleural ribs on 11th vertebra. A synopsis of species included in the subgenusJohnieops is provided.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles were extracted from the shoots of 10-day-old oat, rye and rice plants and incubated with either cholesterol, stigmasterol or a mixture of sitosterol + campesterol (60:40). After ascertaining that the sterol composition of the vesicles had been altered by this treatment, the specific hydrolytic activity of the membrane-bound H+-ATPase (EC 3. 6. 1. 35) was measured. The results indicated that, although all sterols were taken up, cholesterol was best integrated into the plasma membrane of the species tested. After treatment, ATPase activity was altered in oat and rice, but not in rye. The results are discussed in the context of sterol/lipid and sterol/protein interactions in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

采用纸片扩散法和试管稀释法,研究金樱子茎不同溶剂粗提取物对临床常见病原细菌的抑菌活性。结果表明,金樱子茎水提取物对绿脓杆菌、痢疾杆菌、大肠杆菌、变形杆菌无抑菌活性;对伤寒杆菌的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)为20 mg(生药)/mL;对金黄色葡萄球菌的MIC为10 mg(生药)/mL。金樱子茎75%乙醇提取物对绿脓杆菌、伤寒杆菌、痢疾杆菌、大肠杆菌、变形杆菌无抑菌活性;对金黄色葡萄球菌MIC为10 mg(生药)/mL。金樱子茎乙酸乙酯、氯仿、石油醚提取物对绿脓杆菌、伤寒杆菌、痢疾杆菌、大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、变形杆菌无抑菌活性。  相似文献   

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