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SH3 domains from the Src family of tyrosine kinases represent an interesting example of the delicate balance between promiscuity and specificity characteristic of proline-rich ligand recognition by SH3 domains. The development of inhibitors of therapeutic potential requires a good understanding of the molecular determinants of binding affinity and specificity and relies on the availability of high quality structural information. Here, we present the first high-resolution crystal structure of the SH3 domain of the c-Yes oncogen. Comparison with other SH3 domains from the Src family revealed significant deviations in the loop regions. In particular, the n-Src loop, highly flexible and partially disordered, is stabilized in an unusual conformation by the establishment of several intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Additionally, we present here the first report of amyloid aggregation by an SH3 domain from the Src family.  相似文献   

Yeast Ubp3 and its co-factor Bre5 form a deubiquitylation complex to regulate protein transport between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi compartments of the cell. A novel N-terminal domain of the Ubp3 catalytic subunit forms a complex with the NTF2-like domain of the Bre5 regulatory subunit. Here, we report the X-ray crystal structure of an Ubp3-Bre5 complex and show that it forms a symmetric hetero-tetrameric complex in which the Bre5 NTF2-like domain dimer interacts with two L-shaped beta-strand-turn-alpha-helix motifs of Ubp3. The Ubp3 N-terminal domain binds within a hydrophobic cavity on the surface of the Bre5 NTF2-like domain subunit with conserved residues within both proteins interacting predominantly through antiparallel beta-sheet hydrogen bonds and van der Waals contacts. Structure-based mutagenesis and functional studies confirm the significance of the observed interactions for Ubp3-Bre5 association in vitro and Ubp3 function in vivo. Comparison of the structure to other protein complexes with NTF2-like domains shows that the Ubp3-Bre5 interface is novel. Together, these studies provide new insights into Ubp3 recognition by Bre5 and into protein recognition by NTF2-like domains.  相似文献   

We have determined the solution structure of epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8 (Eps8) L1 Src homology 3 (SH3) domain in complex with the PPVPNPDYEPIR peptide from the CD3ε cytoplasmic tail. Our structure reveals the distinct structural features that account for the unusual specificity of the Eps8 family SH3 domains for ligands containing a PxxDY motif instead of canonical PxxP ligands. The CD3ε peptide binds Eps8L1 SH3 in a class II orientation, but neither adopts a polyproline II helical conformation nor engages the first proline-binding pocket of the SH3 ligand binding interface. Ile531 of Eps8L1 SH3, instead of Tyr or Phe residues typically found in this position in SH3 domains, renders this hydrophobic pocket smaller and nonoptimal for binding to conventional PxxP peptides. A positively charged arginine at position 512 in the n-Src loop of Eps8L1 SH3 plays a key role in PxxDY motif recognition by forming a salt bridge to D7 of the CD3ε peptide. In addition, our structural model suggests a hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl group of the aromatic ring of Y8 and the carboxyl group of E496, thus explaining the critical role of the PxxDY motif tyrosine residue in binding to Eps8 family SH3. These finding have direct implications also for understanding the atypical binding specificity of the amino-terminal SH3 of the Nck family proteins.  相似文献   

The membrane-anchored FtsH protease is essential in Escherichia coli as it adjusts the cellular amount of LpxC, the key enzyme in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis. Both accumulation and depletion of LpxC are toxic to E. coli. By continuous proteolysis of LpxC, FtsH maintains a low concentration of LpxC and, hence, the proper equilibrium between LPS and phospholipids. The C terminus of LpxC is required for turnover. By adding this tail to glutathione-S-transferase (GST) we show that it is necessary but not sufficient for FtsH-mediated degradation. A detailed mutational analysis revealed six non-polar residues in the C terminus of LpxC that are critical for degradation. Alteration of the C-terminal AVLA motif towards the SsrA-like sequence ALAA directed LpxC to other cellular proteases reinforcing the importance of the C-terminal tail for targeting to FtsH. Short C-terminal truncations stabilized LpxC. Most mutations in the C terminus of LpxC left its enzymatic activity intact as was shown by growth assays, microscopy and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate (KDO) determination. The critical length of the turnover element was defined by internal deletions. A C-terminal tail of about 20 amino acids length is required for proteolysis of LpxC by FtsH.  相似文献   

Here we report the first crystal structure of the SH3 domain of the cellular Src tyrosine kinase (c-Src-SH3) domain on its own. In the crystal two molecules of c-Src-SH3 exchange their -RT loops generating an intertwined dimer, in which the two SH3 units, preserving the binding site configuration, are oriented to allow simultaneous binding of two ligand molecules. The dimerization of c-Src-SH3 is induced, both in the crystal and in solution, by the binding of a PEG molecule at the dimer interface, indicating that this type of conformations are energetically close to the native structure. These results have important implications respect to in vivo oligomerization and amyloid aggregation.  相似文献   

Schreiner D  Müller K  Hofer HW 《FEBS letters》2006,580(22):5295-5300
The cadherin superfamily protein Fat1 is known to interact with the EVH1 domain of mammalian Ena/VASP. Here we demonstrate that: (i) the scaffolding proteins Homer-3 and Homer-1 also interact with the EVH1 binding site of hFat1 in vitro, and (ii) binding of Homer-3 and Mena to hFat1 is mutually competitive. Endogenous Fat1 binds to immobilised Homer-3 and endogenous Homer-3 binds to immobilised Fat1. Both, endogenous and over-expressed Fat1 exhibit co-localisation with Homer-3 in cellular protrusions and at the plasma membrane of HeLa cells. As Homer proteins and Fat1 have been both linked to psychic disorders, their interaction may be of patho-physiological importance.  相似文献   

Beclin-1, originally identified as a Bcl-2 binding protein, is an evolutionarily conserved protein required for autophagy. The direct interaction between Beclin-1 and Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL provides a potential convergence point for apoptosis and autophagy, two programmed cell death processes. Given the functional significance of the interaction between Beclin-1 and Bcl-2/Bcl-xL, we performed detailed biochemical and structural characterizations of this interaction. We demonstrated that the Bcl-xL-binding domain of Beclin-1 contains a BH3 domain. Therefore, Beclin-1 is a new member of the BH3-only family proteins. The structure of Bcl-xL in complex with the Beclin-1 BH3 domain was determined at high resolution by NMR spectroscopy. Although similar to other known BH3 domains, the Beclin-1 BH3 domain displays its own distinct features in the complex with Bcl-xL. Systematic analysis of all known Bcl-xL/BH3 domain complexes helped us to identify the molecular basis underlying the capacity of Bcl-xL to recognize diverse target sequences.  相似文献   

Desmoplakin is a cytoplasmic desmosomal protein that plays a vital role in normal intercellular adhesion. Mutations in desmoplakin can result in devastating skin blistering diseases and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, a heart muscle disorder associated with ventricular arrhythmias, heart failure, and sudden death. The desmoplakin N-terminal region is a 1056-amino-acid sequence of unknown structure. It mediates interactions with other desmosomal proteins, is found in a variety of plakin proteins, and spans what has been termed the “plakin domain,” which includes residues 180-1022 and consists of six spectrin repeats (SRs) and an Src homology 3 domain. Herein we elucidate the architecture of desmoplakin's plakin domain, as well as its constituent tandem SRs. Small-angle X-ray scattering analysis shows that the entire plakin domain has an “L” shape, with a long arm and a short arm held at a perpendicular angle. The long arm is 24.0 nm long and accommodates four stably folded SRs arranged in tandem. In contrast, the short arm is 17.9 nm in length and accommodates two independently folded repeats and an extended C-terminus. We show that mutations linked to arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (K470E and R808C) cause local conformational alterations, while the overall folded structure is maintained. This provides the first structural and mechanistic insights into an entire plakin domain and provides a basis for understanding the critical role of desmoplakin in desmosome function.  相似文献   

The Shc (Src homology collagen-like) adaptor protein plays a crucial role in linking stimulated receptors to mitogen-activated protein kinase activation through the formation of dynamic signalling complexes. Shc comprises an N-terminal phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain, a C-terminal Src homology 2 (SH2) domain and a central proline-rich collagen homology 1 domain. The latter domain contains three tyrosine residues that are known to become phosphorylated. We have expressed and purified the human p52Shc isoform and characterised its binding to different ligands. CD spectra revealed that some parts of the Shc protein are not fully folded, remaining largely unaffected by the binding of ligands. The PTB domain binds peptide and Ins-1,4,5-P3 (but not Ins-1,3,5-P3) independently, suggesting two distinct sites of interaction. In the unphosphorylated Shc, the SH2 domain is non-functional. Ligand binding to the PTB domain does not affect this. However, phosphorylation of the three tyrosine residues promotes binding to the SH2 domain. Thus, Shc has an intrinsic phosphorylation-dependent gating mechanism where the SH2 domain adopts an open conformation only when tyrosine phosphorylation has occurred.  相似文献   

The guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Vav1 plays an important role in T-cell activation and tumorigenesis. In the GEF superfamily, Vav1 has the ability to interact with multiple families of Rho GTPases. The structure of the Vav1 DH-PH-CRD/Rac1 complex to 2.6 Å resolution reveals a unique intramolecular network of contacts between the Vav1 cysteine-rich domain (CRD) and the C-terminal helix of the Vav1 Dbl homology (DH) domain. These unique interactions stabilize the Vav1 DH domain for its intimate association with the Switch II region of Rac1 that is critical for the displacement of the guanine nucleotide. Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) studies support this domain arrangement for the complex in solution. Further, mutational analyses confirms that the atypical CRD is critical for maintaining both optimal guanine nucleotide exchange activity and broader specificity of Vav family GEFs. Taken together, the data outline the detailed nature of Vav1's ability to contact a range of Rho GTPases using a novel protein-protein interaction network.  相似文献   

Huntingtin interacting protein 1 (HIP1) is a member of a family of proteins whose interaction with Huntingtin is critical to prevent cells from initiating apoptosis. HIP1, and related protein HIP12/1R, can also bind to clathrin and membrane phospholipids, and HIP12/1R links the CCV to the actin cytoskeleton. HIP1 and HIP12/1R interact with the clathrin light chain EED regulatory site and stimulate clathrin lattice assembly. Here, we report the X-ray structure of the coiled-coil domain of HIP1 (residues 482-586) that includes residues crucial for binding clathrin light chain. The dimeric HIP1 crystal structure is partially splayed open. The comparison of the HIP1 model with coiled-coil predictions revealed the heptad repeat in the dimeric trunk (S2 path) is offset relative to the register of the heptad repeat from the N-terminal portion (S1 path) of the molecule. Furthermore, surface analysis showed there is a third hydrophobic path (S3) running parallel with S1 and S2. We present structural evidence supporting a role for the S3 path as an interaction surface for clathrin light chain. Finally, comparative analysis suggests the mode of binding between sla2p and clathrin light chain may be different in yeast.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease is a genetic neurological disorder that is triggered by the dissociation of the huntingtin protein (htt) from its obligate interaction partner Huntingtin-interacting protein 1 (HIP1). The release of the huntingtin protein permits HIP1 protein interactor (HIPPI) to bind to its recognition site on HIP1 to form a HIPPI/HIP1 complex that recruits procaspase-8 to begin the process of apoptosis. The interaction module between HIPPI and HIP1 was predicted to resemble a death-effector domain. Our 2.8-Å crystal structure of the HIP1 371-481 subfragment that includes F432 and K474, which is important for HIPPI binding, is not a death-effector domain but is a partially opened coiled coil. The HIP1 371-481 model reveals a basic surface that we hypothesize to be suitable for binding HIPPI. There is an opened region next to the putative HIPPI site that is highly negatively charged. The acidic residues in this region are highly conserved in HIP1 and a related protein, HIP1R, from different organisms but are not conserved in the yeast homologue of HIP1, sla2p. We have modeled ∼ 85% of the coiled-coil domain by joining our new HIP1 371-481 structure to the HIP1 482-586 model (Protein Data Bank code: 2NO2). Finally, the middle of this coiled-coil domain may be intrinsically flexible and suggests a new interaction model where HIPPI binds to a U-shaped HIP1 molecule.  相似文献   

βPIX (p21-activated kinase interacting exchange factor) and Shank/ProSAP protein form a complex acting as a protein scaffold that integrates signaling pathways and regulates postsynaptic structure. Complex formation is mediated by the C-terminal PDZ binding motif of βPIX and the Shank PDZ domain. The coiled-coil (CC) domain upstream of the PDZ binding motif allows multimerization of βPIX, which is important for its physiological functions. We have solved the crystal structure of the βPIX CC-Shank PDZ complex and determined the stoichiometry of complex formation. The βPIX CC forms a 76-Å-long parallel CC trimer. Despite the fact that the βPIX CC exposes three PDZ binding motifs in the C-termini, the βPIX trimer associates with a single Shank PDZ. One of the C-terminal ends of the CC forms an extensive β-sheet interaction with the Shank PDZ, while the other two ends are not involved in ligand binding and form random coils. The two C-terminal ends of βPIX have significantly lower affinity than the first PDZ binding motif due to the steric hindrance in the C-terminal tails, which results in binding of a single PDZ domain to the βPIX trimer. The structure shows canonical class I PDZ binding with a β-sheet interaction extending to position − 6 of βPIX. The βB-βC loop of Shank PDZ undergoes a conformational change upon ligand binding to form the β-sheet interaction and to accommodate the bulky side chain of Trp − 5. This structural study provides a clear picture of the molecular recognition of the PDZ ligand and the asymmetric association of βPIX CC and Shank PDZ.  相似文献   

hnRNP K and hnRNP E1/E2 are RNA-binding proteins comprised of three hnRNP K-homology (KH) domains. These proteins are involved in the translational control and stabilization of mRNAs in erythroid cells. hnRNP E1 and hnRNP K regulate the translation of reticulocyte 15-lipoxygenase (r15-LOX) mRNA. Both proteins bind specifically to the differentiation control element (DICE) in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of the r15-LOX mRNA. It has been shown that hnRNP K is a substrate of the tyrosine kinase c-Src and that tyrosine phosphorylation by c-Src inhibits the binding of hnRNP K to the DICE. Here, we investigate which of the three KH domains of hnRNP E1 and hnRNP K mediate the DICE interaction. Using RNA-binding assays, we demonstrate DICE-binding of the KH domains 1 and 3 of hnRNP E1, and KH domain 3 of hnRNP K. Furthermore, with RNA-binding assays, NMR experiments and in vitro translation studies, we show that tyrosine 458 in KH domain 3 of hnRNP K is important for the DICE interaction and we provide evidence that it is a target of c-Src.  相似文献   

Chagasin is a protein produced by Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas' disease. This small protein belongs to a recently defined family of cysteine protease inhibitors. Although resembling well-known inhibitors like the cystatins in size (110 amino acid residues) and function (they all inhibit papain-like (C1 family) proteases), it has a unique amino acid sequence and structure. We have crystallized and solved the structure of chagasin in complex with the host cysteine protease, cathepsin L, at 1.75 A resolution. An inhibitory wedge composed of three loops (L2, L4, and L6) forms a number of contacts responsible for high-affinity binding (K(i), 39 pM) to the enzyme. All three loops interact with the catalytic groove, with the central loop L2 inserted directly into the catalytic center. Loops L4 and L6 embrace the enzyme molecule from both sides and exhibit distinctly different patterns of protein-protein recognition. Comparison with a 1.7 A structure of uncomplexed chagasin, also determined in this study, demonstrates that a conformational change of the first binding loop (L4) allows extended binding to the non-primed substrate pockets of the enzyme active site cleft, thereby providing a substantial part of the inhibitory surface. The mode of chagasin binding is generally similar, albeit distinctly different in detail, when compared to those displayed by cystatins and the cysteine protease inhibitory p41 fragment of the invariant chain. The chagasin-cathepsin L complex structure provides details of how the parasite protein inhibits a host enzyme of possible importance in host defense. The high level of structural and functional similarity between cathepsin L and the T. cruzi enzyme cruzipain gives clues to how the cysteine protease activity of the parasite can be targeted. This information will aid in the development of synthetic inhibitors for use as potential drugs for the treatment of Chagas disease.  相似文献   

RASSF5 is a member of the Ras association domain family, which is known to be involved in cell growth regulation. Expression of RASSF5 is extinguished selectively by epigenetic mechanism(s) in different cancers and cell lines, and reexpression usually suppresses cell proliferation and tumorigenicity. To date, the mechanism regulating RASSF5 nuclear transport and its role in cell growth regulation remains unclear. Using heterokaryon assay, we have demonstrated that RASSF5 shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, and its export from the nucleus is sensitive to leptomycin B, suggesting that RASSF5 is exported from the nucleus by a CRM-1-dependent export pathway. We further demonstrate that RASSF5 contains a hydrophobic-rich nuclear export signal (NES) towards the C-terminus and two nuclear localization signals—one each at the N-terminus and the C-terminus. Combination of mutational and immunofluorescence analyses suggests that the functional NES residing between amino acids 260 and 300 in the C-terminus is necessary for the efficient export of RASSF5 from the nucleus. In addition, substitution of conserved hydrophobic residues within the minimal NES impaired RASSF5 export from the nucleus. Furthermore, exchange of proline residues within the putative Src homology 3 binding motifs altered the export of RASSF5 from the nucleus despite the presence of functional NES, suggesting that multiple domains independently modulate the nucleocytoplasmic transport of RASSF5. Interestingly, the present investigation provided evidence that RASSF5 interacts with the tyrosine kinase Lck through its C-terminal Src homology 2 binding motif and showed that Lck-mediated phosphorylation is critical for the efficient translocation of RASSF5 into the nuclear compartment. Interestingly, our data demonstrate that wild type and nuclear export defective (ΔNES) mutant of RASSF5 but not the import defective mutant of accumulate the cells at G1/S phase and induce apoptosis. Furthermore, the Lck-interaction-defective mutant of RASSF5 induces apoptosis without altering cell cycle progression, suggesting that RASSF5 induces apoptosis independent of cell cycle arrest. Together, our data demonstrate that interaction with Lck is critical for RASSF5 phosphorylation, which in turn regulates the cell growth control activity of RASSF5. Finally, we have shown that RASSF5 encodes four splice variants and is translocated to the nucleus by the classical nuclear import pathway. One of the splice variants, RASSF5C, was found to be localized in the cytoplasm and translocated into the nucleus upon leptomycin B treatment despite the absence of N-terminal nuclear localization signal, suggesting that distribution of RASSF5 variants in different cellular compartments may be critical for Ras-dependent cell growth regulation. Collectively, the present investigation provided evidence that Lck-mediated phosphorylation regulates the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling and cell growth control activities of RASSF5.  相似文献   

SH3 domains represent versatile scaffolds within eukaryotic cells by targeting proline-rich sequences within intracellular proteins. More recently, binding of SH3 domains to unusual peptide motifs, folded proteins or lipids has been reported. Here we show that the newly defined hSH3 domains of immune cell adapter proteins bind lipid membranes with distinct affinities. The interaction of the hSH3 domains of adhesion and degranulation promoting adapter protein (ADAP) and PRAM-1 (Promyelocytic-Retinoic acid receptor alpha target gene encoding an Adaptor Molecule-1), with phosphatidylcholine-containing liposomes is observed upon incorporation of phosphatidylserine (PS) or phosphoinositides (PIs) into the membrane bilayer. Mechanistically we show that stable association of the N-terminal, amphipathic helix with the beta-sheet scaffold favours lipid binding and that the interaction with PI(4,5)P(2)-containing liposomes is consistent with a single-site, non-cooperative binding mechanism. Functional investigations indicate that deletion of both amphipathic helices of the hSH3 domains reduces the ability of ADAP to enhance adhesion and migration in stimulated T cells.  相似文献   

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