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Glutamate, an excitatory amino acid, acts at several glutamate receptor subtypes. Recently, we reported that central administration of glutathione induced hypnosis under stressful conditions in neonatal chicks. Glutathione appears to bind to the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. To clarify the involvement of each glutamate receptor subtype during stressful conditions, intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of several glutamate receptor agonists was given to chicks under social separation stress. Glutamate dose-dependently induced a hypnotic effect. NMDA, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) and kainate are characterized as ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs). Although NMDA also induced sleep-like behavior or sedative effects, the potency of NMDA was less than that of glutamate. AMPA tended to decrease distress vocalizations induced by acute stress and brought about a sedative effect. Kainate and (S)-3, 5-dehydroxyphenylglycine, which is a metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, had no influence on chick behavior. Thus, it is suggested that the iGluRs, NMDA and AMPA, are important in inducing hypnosis and sedation under acute stress in chicks.  相似文献   

Persistent postsurgical pain is a serious issue in public health, which has received increased interest in recent years. Previous studies have reported that psychological factors promote the development of chronic postsurgical pain. However, it is unclear how chronification of postsurgical pain occurs. The α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid receptor(AMPA) phosphorylation in the central nervous system plays a critical role in synaptic plasticity and contributes to central sensitization and chronic pain development. Here, we discuss the role of AMPA receptor regulation in stress-induced pain chronification after surgery.  相似文献   

Polyamine-containing toxins and synthetic dicationic derivatives of adamantane and phenylcyclohexyl selectively antagonize Ca(2+)-permeable α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) receptor channels. These compounds demonstrate voltage-dependent open-channel block and are trapped by closed channels. In this study, we describe an alternative mechanism of non-competitive AMPA receptor inhibition caused by 9-aminoacridine and some of its derivatives. These compounds exhibit similar potency against Ca(2+)-permeable and Ca(2+)-impermeable AMPA receptors. The inhibition is largely voltage-independent, binding and unbinding do not require presence of agonist. We conclude that 9-aminoacridine binds to a shallow site in the AMPA receptor, which is located above the activation gate. A comparison of three-dimensional structures of the antagonists suggests that the 'V-like' shape of the hydrophobic headgroup favors voltage-dependent binding to the deep site in the channel pore, whereas the compounds possessing flat aromatic headgroups preferably bind to the shallow site. The characterization of the novel mechanism of AMPA receptor channel antagonism opens a way to develop a new family of pharmacological agents, which can be of scientific and practical importance.  相似文献   

Glutamate receptors of the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) type mediate fast excitatory synaptic transmission in the CNS. Synaptic strength is modulated by AMPA receptor binding partners, which regulate receptor synaptic targeting and functional properties. We identify Contactin-associated protein 1 (Caspr1) as an AMPA receptor interactor. Caspr1 is present in synapses and interacts with AMPA receptors in brain synaptic fractions. Coexpression of Caspr1 with GluA1 increases the amplitude of glutamate-evoked currents. Caspr1 overexpression in hippocampal neurons increases the number and size of synaptic GluA1 clusters, whereas knockdown of Caspr1 decreases the intensity of synaptic GluA1 clusters. Hence, Caspr1 is a regulator of the trafficking of AMPA receptors to synapses.  相似文献   

Ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluRs) are ligand-gated ion channels with a modular structure. The ion channel itself shares structural similarity, albeit an inverted membrane topology, with P-loop channels. Like P-loop channels, prokaryotic GluR subunits (e.g. GluR0) have two transmembrane segments. In contrast, eukaryotic GluRs have an additional transmembrane segment (M4), located C-terminal to the ion channel core. However, the structural/functional significance of this additional transmembrane segment is poorly defined. Although topologically similar to GluR0, mammalian AMPA receptor (GluA1) subunits lacking the M4 segment do not display surface expression. This lack of expression is not due to the M4 segment serving as an anchor to the ligand-binding domain because insertion of an artificial polyleucine transmembrane segment does not rescue surface expression. Specific interactions between M4 and the ligand-binding domain are also unlikely because insertion of polyglycines into the linker connecting them has no deleterious effects on function or surface expression. However, tryptophan and cysteine scanning mutagenesis of the M4 segment, as well as recovery of function in the polyleucine background, defined a unique face of the M4 helix that is required for GluR surface expression. In the AMPA receptor structure, this face forms intersubunit contacts with the transmembrane helices of the ion channel core (M1 and M3) from another subunit within the homotetramer. Thus, our experiments show that a highly specific interaction of the M4 segment with an adjacent subunit is required for surface expression of AMPA receptors. This interaction may represent a mechanism for regulating AMPA receptor biogenesis.  相似文献   

The AMPA receptor (AMPA-R) is a major excitatory neurotransmitter receptor in the brain. Identifying and characterizing the neuronal proteins interacting with AMPA-Rs have provided important information about the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic transmission and plasticity. In this study, to identify more AMPA-R interactors in vivo, we performed proteomic analyses of AMPA-R complexes from the brain. AMPA-R complexes were isolated from the brain through various combinations of biochemical techniques for solubilization, enrichment, and immunoprecipitation. Mass spectrometry analyses of these isolated complexes identified several novel components of the AMPA-R complexes as well as some previously identified components. The identification of these novel components helps to further define the complex mechanisms involved in the regulation of AMPA receptor function and synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

The carotid bodies (CBs) are chemosensory organs that respond to hypoxemia with transmitter neurosecretion, leading to a respiratory reflex response. It has been proposed that acetylcholine is a key regulator of transmitter release through activation of presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). In the present work, we studied the identity of such nAChRs and their contribution to catecholamine release from CBs. Neonatal rat CBs were placed in a recording chamber for electrochemical recordings or disassociated for voltage-clamp studies on isolated cells. Fast nicotine superfusion increases catecholamine release from intact CBs. This response was diminished reversibly by the non-selective nAChR blocker hexamethonium, by the selective α7 blocker α-bungarotoxin and by the α4-containing nAChR blocker erysodine. In isolated CB cells the nAChR agonists nicotine, acetylcholine and cytisine all evoke inward currents with similar potencies. The nicotine-evoked current was fully blocked by mecamylamine and partially inhibited by α-bungarotoxin or erysodine. However, the combination of both α-bungarotoxin an erysodine failed to suppress this response. Immunodetection studies confirm the presence of α7 and α4 subunits in isolated dopaminergic CB cells. Our results show that activation of α7 and/or α4-containing nAChR subtypes have the ability to regulate catecholamine release from intact CB due to activation of fast inward currents expressed in chemoreceptor cells. Therefore, our results suggest that both nAChR subtypes contribute to the cholinergic nicotinic regulation of catecholamine signaling in the carotid body system.  相似文献   

The neonatal administration of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine to rats (100 mg kg?1 s.c. on the 1st and 2nd day after birth) resulted in marked reductions in serotoninergic presynaptic markers ([3H]-5-HT synaptosomal uptake, tryptophan hydroxylase activity and endogenous 5-HT content) in various forebrain areas, particularly the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus. In contrast, this treatment produced an increased outgrowth of serotoninergic terminals in the brain stem as judged by the significant increments of these presynaptic markers in this region. Both in the hippocampus and the brain stem, these 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine-induced changes in serotoninergic innervation were associated with a transient increase in 5-HT-sensitive adenylate cyclase activity. No significant alteration of the specific high affinity binding of [3H]-5-HT to synaptosomal membranes from various brain regions was detected in 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine-treated rats for at least the first postnatal month.The chronic blockade of 5-HT receptors by metergoline (5 mg kg?1 day?1 from day 3 to day 22 after birth) altered neither the changes in presynaptic markers nor the evolution of [3H]-5-HT high affinity binding in 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine-treated rats.These findings further illustrate that the high affinity binding sites for [3H]-5-HT do not correspond to postsynaptic 5-HT receptors coupled to adenylate cyclase in the rat brain. Apparently, 5-HT receptors play no role in the increased outgrowth of serotoninergic systems in the brain stem following neonatal 5,7-dihydroxy-tryptamine treatment.  相似文献   

The primary auditory cortex is subject to the modulation of numerous neurotransmitters including norepinephrine (NE), which has been shown to decrease cellular excitability by yet unclear mechanisms. We investigated the possibility that NE directly affects excitatory glutamatergic synapses. We found that bath applications of NE (20 μM) decreased glutamatergic excitatory post-synaptic currents (EPSCs) in all cortical layers. Changes in the kinetics of synaptic EPSCs, invariance of pair pulse ratio and of the coefficient-of-variation, together with the decrease of responses to pressure-application of AMPA (500 μM), indicated the postsynaptic nature of the adrenergic effect. Pharmacological experiments suggested that the NE-induced depression of EPSCs is caused by the activation of α1 adrenoceptors, PLC, and a Ca2+-independent PKC. We speculate that the decrease in temporal cortex excitability might promote a posterior-to-anterior shift in cortical activation together with a decrease in spontaneous background activity, resulting eventually in more effective sensory processing.  相似文献   

The C terminus of AMPA-type glutamate receptor (AMPAR) GluA1 subunits contains several phosphorylation sites that regulate AMPAR activity and trafficking at excitatory synapses. Although many of these sites have been extensively studied, little is known about the signaling mechanisms regulating GluA1 phosphorylation at Thr-840. Here, we report that neuronal depolarization in hippocampal slices induces a calcium and protein phosphatase 1/2A-dependent dephosphorylation of GluA1 at Thr-840 and a nearby site at Ser-845. Despite these similarities, inhibitors of NMDA-type glutamate receptors and protein phosphatase 2B prevented depolarization-induced Ser-845 dephosphorylation but had no effect on Thr-840 dephosphorylation. Instead, depolarization-induced Thr-840 dephosphorylation was prevented by blocking voltage-gated calcium channels, indicating that distinct Ca2+ sources converge to regulate GluA1 dephosphorylation at Thr-840 and Ser-845 in separable ways. Results from immunoprecipitation/depletion assays indicate that Thr-840 phosphorylation inhibits protein kinase A (PKA)-mediated increases in Ser-845 phosphorylation. Consistent with this, PKA-mediated increases in AMPAR currents, which are dependent on Ser-845 phosphorylation, were inhibited in HEK-293 cells expressing a Thr-840 phosphomimetic version of GluA1. Conversely, mimicking Ser-845 phosphorylation inhibited protein kinase C phosphorylation of Thr-840 in vitro, and PKA activation inhibited Thr-840 phosphorylation in hippocampal slices. Together, the regulation of Thr-840 and Ser-845 phosphorylation by distinct sources of Ca2+ influx and the presence of inhibitory interactions between these sites highlight a novel mechanism for conditional regulation of AMPAR phosphorylation and function.  相似文献   

Establishing clear effects of gender and natural hormonal changes during female ovarian cycles on cognitive function has often proved difficult. Here we have investigated such effects on the formation and long-term (24 h) maintenance of social recognition memory in mice together with the respective involvement of α- and β-estrogen receptors using α- and β-estrogen receptor knockout mice and wildtype controls. Results in wildtype animals showed that while females successfully formed a memory in the context of a habituation/dishabituation paradigm at all stages of their ovarian cycle, only when learning occurred during proestrus (when estrogen levels are highest) was it retained after 24 h. In α-receptor knockout mice (which showed no ovarian cycles) both formation and maintenance of this social recognition memory were impaired, whereas β-receptor knockouts showed no significant deficits and exhibited the same proestrus-dependent retention of memory at 24 h. To investigate possible sex differences, male α- and β-estrogen receptor knockout mice were also tested and showed similar effects to females excepting that α-receptor knockouts had normal memory formation and only exhibited a 24 h retention deficit. This indicates a greater dependence in females on α-receptor expression for memory formation in this task. Since non-specific motivational and attentional aspects of the task were unaffected, our findings suggest a general α-receptor dependent facilitation of memory formation by estrogen as well as an enhanced long-term retention during proestrus. Results are discussed in terms of the differential roles of the two estrogen receptors, the neural substrates involved and putative interactions with oxytocin.  相似文献   

Peng J  Andersen JK 《Aging cell》2011,10(2):255-262
Neurogenesis, the production of new neurons from less differentiated precursor cells, normally occurs in adult brains in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Neurogenesis declines with aging. In previous studies, neurogenesis was stimulated by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine hydrochloride (MPTP) in young animals. In this study, we examined the effect of acute MPTP administration and mutant α-synuclein A53T on neurogenesis and migration of newborn neurons in the aged (23-month) vs. young (2-month) rodent brain. Cell proliferation and neurogenesis were assessed via bromodeoxyuridine labeling and immunostaining for cell type-specific markers. In the aged brain, neural precursor cells in the rostral SVZ retained the capacity for proliferation and migration in response to MPTP-induced Parkinsonism, although the response is less robust than in younger animals. Furthermore, in transgenic mice that overexpress mutant α-synuclein (A53T), brains examined day 21 after MPTP administration showed markedly decreased olfactory bulb and substantia nigra neurogenesis. Our data suggest that in addition to aging effects associated with decline in the number of newly generated cells, mutant α-synuclein reduces MPTP-induced neurogenesis. This could provide a novel therapeutic target for chronic brain repair in this condition.  相似文献   

Receptors for excitatory amino acid,L-glutamate, have been classified into three subtypes named as N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), quisqualate (QA) and kainate receptors. In the present study, an effect of age on binding sites of [3H]-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (3H-AMPA), a QA agonist, was studied in the rat brain through quantitative in vitro autoradiography.3H-AMPA binding sites were most concentrated in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex where glutamate receptors have been demonstrated to play a role in synaptic transmission. In aged rats,3H-AMPA binding sites in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex were not significantly changed. In our previous studies, it was noticed that strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors, which functionally coupled with NMDA receptors, showed marked age-dependent decreases in telencephalic regions. It has been shown that the glutamatergic neuronal system is involved in learning and memory. Nevertheless, it is considered that AMPA binding sites are not involved in the decline of neuronal functions, especially impairment of learning and memory, accompanying with aging process.  相似文献   

AMPA receptors are gated through binding of glutamate to a solvent-accessible ligand-binding domain. Upon glutamate binding, these receptors undergo a series of conformational rearrangements regulating channel function. Allosteric modulators can bind within a pocket adjacent to the ligand-binding domain to stabilize specific conformations and prevent desensitization. Yelshansky et al. (Yelshansky, M. V., Sobolevsky, A. I., Jatzke, C., and Wollmuth, L. P. (2004) J. Neurosci. 24, 4728–4736) described a model of an electrostatic interaction between the ligand-binding domain and linker region to the pore that regulated channel desensitization. To test this hypothesis, we have conducted a series of experiments focusing on the R628E mutation. Using ultrafast perfusion with voltage clamp, we applied glutamate to outside-out patches pulled from transiently transfected HEK 293 cells expressing wild type or R628E mutant GluA2. In response to a brief pulse of glutamate (1 ms), mutant receptors deactivated with significantly slower kinetics than wild type receptors. In addition, R628E receptors showed significantly more steady-state current in response to a prolonged (500-ms) glutamate application. These changes in receptor kinetics occur through a pathway that is independent of that of allosteric modulators, which show an additive effect on R628E receptors. In addition, ligand binding assays revealed the R628E mutation to have increased affinity for agonist. Finally, we reconciled experimental data with computer simulations that explicitly model mutant and modulator interactions. Our data suggest that R628E stabilizes the receptor closed cleft conformation by reducing agonist dissociation and the transition to the desensitized state. These results suggest that the AMPA receptor external vestibule is a viable target for new positive allosteric modulators.  相似文献   

Glutamate is the principal excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian CNS. By analyzing the metabolic incorporation of azidohomoalanine, a methionine analogue, in newly synthesized proteins, we find that glutamate treatments up-regulate protein translation not only in intact rat cortical neurons in culture but also in the axons emitting from cortical neurons before making synapses with target cells. The process by which glutamate stimulates local translation in axons begins with the binding of glutamate to the ionotropic AMPA receptors and metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 and members of group 2 metabotropic glutamate receptors on the plasma membrane. Subsequently, the activated mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway and the rise in Ca2+, resulting from Ca2+ influxes through calcium-permeable AMPA receptors, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and transient receptor potential canonical channels, in axons stimulate the local translation machinery. For comparison, the enhancement effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on the local protein synthesis in cortical axons were also studied. The results indicate that Ca2+ influxes via transient receptor potential canonical channels and activated the mTOR pathway in axons also mediate BDNF stimulation to local protein synthesis. However, glutamate- and BDNF-induced enhancements of translation in axons exhibit different kinetics. Moreover, Ca2+ and mTOR signaling appear to play roles carrying different weights, respectively, in transducing glutamate- and BDNF-induced enhancements of axonal translation. Thus, our results indicate that exposure to transient increases of glutamate and more lasting increases of BDNF would stimulate local protein synthesis in migrating axons en route to their targets in the developing brain.  相似文献   

In the retina information decoding is dependent on excitatory neurotransmission and is critically modulated by AMPA glutamate receptors. The Src-tyrosine kinase has been implicated in modulating neurotransmission in CNS. Thus, our main goal was to correlate AMPA-mediated excitatory neurotransmission with the modulation of Src activity in retinal neurons. Cultured retinal cells were used to access the effects of AMPA stimulation on nitric oxide (NO) production and Src phosphorylation. 4-Amino-5-methylamino-2′,7′-difluorofluorescein diacetate fluorescence mainly determined NO production, and immunocytochemistry and Western blotting evaluated Src activation. AMPA receptors activation rapidly up-regulated Src phosphorylation at tyrosine 416 (stimulatory site) and down-regulated phosphotyrosine 527 (inhibitory site) in retinal cells, an effect mainly mediated by calcium-permeable AMPA receptors. Interestingly, experiments confirmed that neuronal NOS was activated in response to calcium-permeable AMPA receptor stimulation. Moreover, data suggest NO pathway as a key regulatory signaling in AMPA-induced Src activation in neurons but not in glial cells. The NO donor SNAP (S-nitroso-N-acetyl-dl-penicillamine) and a soluble guanylyl cyclase agonist (YC-1) mimicked AMPA effect in Src Tyr-416 phosphorylation, reinforcing that Src activation is indeed modulated by the NO pathway. Gain and loss-of-function data demonstrated that ERK is a downstream target of AMPA-induced Src activation and NO signaling. Furthermore, AMPA stimulated NO production in organotypic retinal cultures and increased Src activity in the in vivo retina. Additionally, AMPA-induced apoptotic retinal cell death was regulated by both NOS and Src activity. Because Src activity is pivotal in several CNS regions, the data presented herein highlight that Src modulation is a critical step in excitatory retinal cell death.  相似文献   

AMPA receptors are tetrameric glutamate-gated ion channels that mediate fast synaptic neurotransmission in mammalian brain. Their subunits contain a two-lobed N-terminal domain (NTD) that comprises over 40% of the mature polypeptide. The NTD is not obligatory for the assembly of tetrameric receptors, and its functional role is still unclear. By analyzing full-length and NTD-deleted GluA1–4 AMPA receptors expressed in HEK 293 cells, we found that the removal of the NTD leads to a significant reduction in receptor transport to the plasma membrane, a higher steady state-to-peak current ratio of glutamate responses, and strongly increased sensitivity to glutamate toxicity in cell culture. Further analyses showed that NTD-deleted receptors display both a slower onset of desensitization and a faster recovery from desensitization of agonist responses. Our results indicate that the NTD promotes the biosynthetic maturation of AMPA receptors and, for membrane-expressed channels, enhances the stability of the desensitized state. Moreover, these findings suggest that interactions of the NTD with extracellular/synaptic ligands may be able to fine-tune AMPA receptor-mediated responses, in analogy with the allosteric regulatory role demonstrated for the NTD of NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

A method for the analysis of the AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate) receptor antagonist LY300164 (compound I) and its N-acetyl metabolite (compound II) in plasma was developed. The assay utilized solid-phase extraction on a C18 Bond Elut cartridge followed by reversed-phase HPLC with UV detection at 310 nm. The method exhibited a large linear range from 0.05 μg/ml to 50 μg/ml with an intra-sassay accuracy for compound I and compound II ranging from 89.0% to 114.5% and intra-assay precision ranging from 0.5 to 15.3% in mouse, rat, dog, and monkey plasma. The inter-assay accuracy of compound I and compound II was 93.3% to 101.8% and the inter-assay precision was 1.6% to 11.2% in dog plasma. The lower limit of quantitation was 0.05 μg/ml for compound I in plasma from all species tested. The lower limit of quantitation for compound II was 0.05 μg/ml in dog and monkey plasma and 0.1 μg/ml in mouse and rat plasma. Extracts of compound I and II from dog plasma were shown to be stable for 24 h at room temperature, and both compounds were stable when spiked into rat and monkey plasma frozen at −70°C for 27 days. The method has shown to be useful in the investigation of the pharmacokinetics of the parent compound (I) and metabolite (II) in preclinical studies.  相似文献   

The stereoselective syntheses of 2-cyclopropyl- and (2S)-2-hydroxymethyl-(3R,4S)-4-hydroxy-β3-homoproline are described. The reported amino acids were constructed through 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of strained alkylidenecyclopropanes with enantiopure pyrroline N-oxides derived from malic acid followed by thermal rearrangement of the adducts in the presence of trifluoroacetic acid. The two-step sequence afforded the homoprolines suitably protected to be directly used as building blocks in peptidomimetic synthesis as proved by the synthesis of the two model mixed α/β/α tripeptides Phe-β3-HPro-Val.  相似文献   

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