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Growth of white clover was investigated in permanent grasslandcut three or five times per year. The influence of cutting frequencyand nitrogen fertilization on dry-matter yield, leaf-area distributionand the distribution of photosynthetically active radiationwithin the canopy were examined. In the five cut treatments, total dry-matter yield was nearlyequal, with and without nitrogen. However, nitrogen practicallyeliminated white clover. Leaf-area distribution showed characteristicpatterns for the different treatments. The small proportionof white clover in the treatment with nitrogen fertilizationwas thought to be due to the large leaf area of the other speciesat heights which white clover could not attain. This conclusionwas supported additionally by the radiation measurements withinthe canopy. The sunlit fractional area within canopy layers was measuredwith ‘quantum sensors’ and calculated from canopytransmission measured with tube solarimeters. The leaf areaindex of white clover was highly correlated (r2 = 0.68) withthe sunlit fractional area above the canopy layers where whiteclover was present. This response of white clover leaf growth to the light regimeis discussed in relation to the potential petiole growth. White clover, Trifolium repens L., permanent grassland, irradiance distribution, sunlit fractional area, petiole extension, leaf area, dry matter, stratified clipping  相似文献   

The puhrinule of the terminal leaflet in the trifoliate leafof bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) responds to its continuous exposureto directional overhead light by increasing the elevation ofits attached lamina. Blue light drives this response, but theeffectiveness of unfiltered white light equalled, or exceededthe effectiveness of blue light at equivalent irradiances (200–800µmol m–2 s–1). Adding red light to blue lightenhanced the initial rate of response, and increased its steady-state.These effects of red light increased with irradiance. Adding200–800 µmol m–2 s–1 red light to 50µmol m–2 s–1 blue light was more effectivein enhancing the initial rate of response than adding blue lightat equivalent irradiances, whereas added blue light was moreeffective in increasing the steady-state. In continuous bluelight the initial (maximal) angular velocity of laminar reorientation,as well as the eventual steady-state of the response increasedlinearly with log PFD (up to 800 µmol m–2s–2).Laminar reorientation also took place in continuous red lightby itself, and the angular velocity of the response was initiallyhigh, then became considerably slower. The initial phase wasapparently independent of irradiance up to PFD 100 µmolm–2 s–1 but increased progressively with log PFDat higher irradiances. During the second phase, the rate increasedlinearly with irradiance, becoming saturated at PFD 200 µmolm–2 s–1. Key words: Phaseolus, phototropism, pulvinule, spectral dependence, trifoliate leaf movements  相似文献   

In three experiments measurements of photosynthesis were madeon single leaves of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) on threecultivars grown in a controlled environment. Plants which had grown under an irradiance of 30 J m–2s–1, or in shade within a simulated mixed sward, producedleaves with photosynthetic capacities some 30 per cent lowerthan did plants grown at 120 J m–2 s–1 without shade.There were no differences between treatments either in photosynthesismeasured at 30 J m–2 s–1, or in respiration ratesper unit leaf dry weight. Respiration per unit leaf area washigher in the plants grown at 120 J m–2 s–1, reflectingthe lower specific leaf area of these leaves. There were nodifferences between the three cultivars examined. Leaves which were removed from the shade of a simulated swardshortly after becoming half expanded achieved photosyntheticcapacities as high as those which were in full light throughouttheir development. It is suggested that it is this characteristicwhich enables clover plants growing in an increasingly densemixed sward to produce a succession of leaves of high photosyntheticcapacity, even though each lamina only reaches the top of thesward at a relatively late stage in its development. Trifolium repens L., white clover, photosynthesis, leaf expansion, shade, specific leaf area, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

Microswards of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were grownin controlled environments at 10/7, 18/13 and 26/21 °C day/nighttemperatures. The vertical distribution of leaves of differentages and their rates of 14CO2-uptake in situ were studied. Extending petioles carried the laminae of young leaves throughthe existing foliage. A final position was reached within 1/4to 1/3 of the time between unfolding and death. Newly unfoldedleaves had higher rates of 14CO2-uptake per leaf area than olderones at the same height in the canopy. At higher temperatures,the decrease with age was faster. However, the light-photosynthesisresponse of leaves which were removed from different heightsin the canopy varied much less with leaf age than did the ratesof 14CO2-uptake in situ. The comparison of the rates of 14CO2-uptake in situ with thelight-photosynthesis response curves suggests that young leavesreceive more light than older ones at the same height in thecanopy. This would imply that young white clover leaves havethe ability to reach canopy positions having a favourable lightenvironment. This ability may improve the chances of survivalof white clover in competition with other species. Trifolium repens L., white clover, photosynthesis, canopy, leaf age, 14CO2-uptake, ecotypes, temperature  相似文献   

KAMALUDDIN  M.; GRACE  J. 《Annals of botany》1992,69(6):557-562
Acclimation of fully developed leaves of Bischofia javanicaBlume to shadelight was examined. Seedlings were grown undersimulated daylight (1000 µmol m–2 s–1), thentransferred to a simulated shadelight (40 µmol m–2s–1). When a high-light leaf was transferred to low light, large negativenet photosynthetic rates (Pm) were recorded. This decrease wasrapid, but within 7 d the rate increased and became equal tothe low-light control leaf. These changes in photosynthesisdid not follow the pattern of changes in stomatal conductance(gs). Transfer to the low light resulted in a dramatic decreasein leaf weight per unit area (Lw), and most of the decreasesin Lw occurred within 3 d of transfer when the Pm of the transferredleaf was well below that of the low-light control leaf. There was a significant decrease in chlorophyll a in the transferredleaf without an appreciable change in chlorophyll b resultingin a large decrease in the chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b ratio.Leaf chlorophylls per unit area were higher in the transferredleaf than the low-light control leaf. Maximum photosyntheticrate in the transferred leaf was decreased by 40% compared tothat for the high-control leaf, but was almost at the same extenthigher than the low-light control leaf The results are discussedin the context of carbon gain capacity of its seedlings underlight-limiting forest understorey habitats. Bischofia, chlorophylls, light, photosynthesis, shade acclimation, tree seedlings, tropical tree  相似文献   

The growth of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) in conditionstypical of April in Southern England (8 °C day/4 °Cnight, 12 h photoperiod of 90 J m–2 s–1 visibleradiation) was extremely slow, whether the plants were dependentfor nitrogen on fixation by their root nodules or were suppliedwith abundant nitrate; although growth was slower in the nodulatedplants. The reasons for slow growth were a large root: shootratio and a small leaf area, particularly in the nodulated plants,and a low photosynthetic rate in all plants. The probable effectsof these characteristics on the growth of white clover withgrasses in mixed pastures are discussed. Trifolium repens L, white clover, low temperature, leaf area, photosynthetic rate, nitrogen supply, growth  相似文献   

Single clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L) grownfrom explants in a Perlite rooting medium, and dependent fornitrogen on N2 fixation in root nodules, were grown for severalweeks in controlled environments which provided two regimesof CO2, and temperature 23/18 °C day/night temperaturesat 680 µmol mol–1 CO2, (C680), and 20/15 °Cday/night temperatures at 340 µmol mol–1 CO2 (C340)After 3–4 weeks of growth, when the plants were acclimatedto the environmental regimes, leaf and whole-plant photosynthesisand respiration were measured using conventional infra-red gasanalysis techniques Elevated CO2 and temperature increased ratesof photosynthesis of young, fully expanded leaves at the growthirradiance by 17–29%, despite decreased stomatal conductancesand transpiration rates Water use efficiency (mol CO2 mol H2O–1)was also significantly increased Plants acclimated to elevatedCO2, and temperature exhibited rates of leaf photosynthesisvery similar to those of C340 leaves ‘instantaneously’exposed to the C680 regime However, leaves developed in theC680 regime photosynthesised less rapidly than C340 leaves whenboth were exposed to a normal CO2, and temperature environmentIn measurements where irradiance was varied, the enhancementof photosynthesis in elevated CO2 at 23 °C increased graduallyfrom approx 10 % at 100 µmol m–1 s–1 to >27 % at 1170 µmol m–2 s–1 In parallel, wateruse efficiency increased by 20–40 % at 315 µmolm–2 s–1 In parallel, water use efficiency increasedby 20–40 % at 315 µmol m–2 s–1 In parallel,water use efficiency increased by 20–40 % at 315 µmolm–2 s–1 In parallel, water use efficiency increasedby 20–40 % at 315 µmol m–2 s–1 to approx100 % at the highest irradiance Elevated CO2, and temperatureincreased whole-plant photosynthesis by > 40 %, when expressedin terms of shoot surface area or shoot weight No effects ofelevated CO2 and temperature on rate of tissue respiration,either during growth or measurement, were established for singleleaves or for whole plants Dependence on N2, fixation in rootnodules appeared to have no detrimental effect on photosyntheticperformance in elevated CO2, and temperature Trifolium repens, white clover, photosynthesis, respiration, elevated CO2, elevated temperature, water use efficiency, N2 fixation  相似文献   

To better understand source-sink interactions, this work focusedon the influence of fruit number on leaf area and photosyntheticactivity in cantaloupe. To this end, flowers were removed over2 years on two Charentais cultivars to obtain single-fruit plantsand plants with an unrestricted fruit load (which set two tofive fruits and constituted control plants). At the whole plantscale, net photosynthesis was reduced by about 30% under highfruit load. At the leaf scale, a submodel of stomatal conductancewas fitted to the data and was included in a rectangular hyperbolamodel of leaf photosynthesis. Maximum leaf net photosynthesisaveraged 14.83 µmol CO2m-2s-1at 1000 µmol quantam-2s-1. Light use efficiency was not affected by fruit loadand equalled 0.040 mol CO2mol-1quanta. Leaf area of plants withunrestricted fruit load decreased after 24 days from pollination,while the leaf area of single-fruit plants was still increasing.The decrease was due to production of fewer new leaves per day,whereas the number of senescent leaves and the size of individualleaves were not affected by the treatment. Under high fruitload, cultivar Galoubet developed a larger projected leaf areathan cultivar Talma. Thus it is concluded that: (1) large cantaloupefruits may divert a large amount of assimilates away from, andgrow at the expense of, the canopy; and (2) photosynthesis ofthe canopy was lowered because leaf area was reduced whereasphotosynthetic rate of leaves was not altered.Copyright 1998Annals of Botany Company. Cucumis meloL., fruit load, source-sink interactions, leaf photosynthesis, canopy photosynthesis, leaf area, SLA, source strength.  相似文献   

When young tomato plants grown in high light (400 µmolquanta m–2s–1 PAR) were transferred to low light(100 µmol quanta m–2s–1 PAR), non-cyclic electrontransport capacity was decreased and the rate of dark re-oxidationof Q, the first quinone electron acceptor of photosystemII, was decreased within 1–2 d. In contrast, the amountof coupling factor CF1, assayed by its ATPase activity, decreasedmore gradually over several days. The total chlorophyll contentper unit leaf area remained relatively constant, although thechlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio declined. When young tomato plants grown in low light were transferredto high light, the ATPase activity of isolated thylakoids increasedmarkedly within 1 d of transfer. This increase occurred morerapidly than changes in chlorophyll content per leaf area. Inaddition, in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence induction curvesindicate that forward electron transfer from Q occurredmore readily. The functional implications of these changes arediscussed. Key words: Tomato, leaves, light intensity, thylakoid membrane  相似文献   

Increase in fluence rates of white light over the range of 5to 80 µmol m–2 s–1 brought about a correspondingincrease in amounts of anthocyanin production in shoots of Zeamays L. seedlings. Roots also exhibited a similar relationshipbetween increased fluence rate and increased anthocyanin productionover the range of 5 to 40 µmol m–2 s–1 whereasfluence rates above 40 µmol m–2 s–1 broughtabout decreases in anthocyanin production. Rates of productionand amounts of accumulation of anthocyanin in both shoots androots were found to vary with the age of the seedlings at thetime of exposure to light. Age, fluence rates, anthocyanin, seedlings, Zea mays  相似文献   

The application of nitrogenous fertilizer in March to a whiteclover (cv. Blanca) and perennial ryegrass (cv. S23) sward resultedin a rapid suppression of the clover, relative to clover ina treatment given no added nitrogen. Thereafter, the cloverin both treatments grew more rapidly than the grass and itsproportion of the total leaf area in the mixture increased,as the leaf area index rose to 8. After a second applicationof N in early July, clover was not suppressed to the same extentas in the first growth period. Overall, the photosynthetic capacities of newly expanded cloverlaminae were similar in the two treatments. Clover laminae hadhigher photosynthetic capacities than grass, even in the grass-dominant+ N treatment. Lamina area, petiole length, and the number of live leaves perstolon were similar in the two treatments, indicating that thedifferences in total leaf area were due to the presence of fewerstolon growing points in the + N treatment. Trifolium repens L., white clover, Lolium perenne L., perennial ryegrass, nitrogen, leaf area index, photosynthesis, growth  相似文献   

Four species,Sinapis albaL.,Medicago sativaL.,Gypsophila paniculataL.andPicea abies(L.) Karsten, were grown in three light regimes:darkness, low light (25 µmol m-2s-1for 10 min d-1) andhigh light (120 µmol m-2s-1for 12 h  d-1) and fourlevels of carbon dioxide: 0, 350, 700 and 1400±50 µll-1. Germination was not affected by any of the treatments.The effects of carbon dioxide on stem elongation were identicalin low and high light: stem length increased at a decreasingrate with level of carbon dioxide in all species. Level of carbondioxide also affected stem elongation in complete darkness,but the pattern was more complex and varied among species. Totalweight did not vary with level of carbon dioxide to any significantextent in either darkness or low light, but increased with levelof carbon dioxide at high light in all four species. Due tothe absence of any effect of carbon dioxide on growth in darknessand low light, we suggest the effects of carbon dioxide on stemelongation are independent of effects on growth and may be dueto a direct interaction with developmental processes. In contrast,level of carbon dioxide had little effect on allocation patternsin the dark and low light experiments, but had marked effectsin high light. Therefore, the effect of carbon dioxide on allocationwas probably due to the effects of carbon dioxide on growthrather than to any direct interaction between carbon dioxideand development. An understanding of the mechanisms by whichcarbon dioxide affects development may help us understand theoften variable effects of carbon dioxide upon plants.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Sinapis albaL.;Medicago sativaL.;Gypsophila paniculataL. andPicea abies(L.) Karsten; elevated carbon dioxide; stem elongation; germination; allocation; phytochrome.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the potential for lightacclimation in shade grown seedlings of Bischofia javanica Blume.The seedlings were grown under simulated forest shade light(40 µmol m–2 s–1), and after transfer to ahigher light level (1200 µmol m–2 s–1), chlorophyllfluorescence induction kinetics, net photosynthesis, and changesin leaf chlorophylls and leaf anatomy were examined in leavesthat were fully developed prior to the transfer. The low-light (LL) leaf displayed photoinhibition immediatelyafter transfer to high-light (HL). This photo-inhibition wassubstantial, and continued for several days. Chlorophyll bleachingoccurred only after a certain degree of photoinhibition hadproceeded. Photosynthetic light acclimation commenced immediatelyafter severe photoinhibition. An increase in chlorophylls perunit leaf area was also immediate after severe bleaching. Thechanges in leaf chlorophylls over time were consistent withthe visual observations of bleaching and recovery. The leafweight per unit leaf area increased gradually on transfer toHL and finally it approached that of the newly formed HL leaf.Although fully expanded prior to transfer to HL, the leaf thicknesswas increased by about 45% and the leaf tissues became denserwithout changing the leaf area and the stomatal density. Finally,the net photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area was higher thanthat before exposure by 75% but less than that of newly formedHL leaf by more than 30%. Moreover, leaf movements were observedafter exposure to HL and also the formation of short epicormicshoots with a cluster of small leaves on the lower part of thestem during light acclimation. It is concluded that the fully expanded shade leaf has a wideacclimation plasticity. In addition to leaf acclimation, wholeplant responses such as leaf movements, the formation of epicormicshoots and the production of new ‘sun-type’ leavesunder HL may be of crucial importance to the success of thespecies following opening of the canopy. Photoinhibition, light acclimation, photosynthesis, fluorescence, tropical trees, shade, Bischofia javanica  相似文献   

Triticum aestivumxZea mayscrosses are now widely used in theproduction of wheat doubled haploids to produce homozygous lines.Seasonal effects are known to influence the number of haploidembryos produced through wheatxmaize crosses, but the effectsof temperature and light have not been quantified. This studyinvestigated the effect of temperature and light intensity onhaploid embryo production. New Zealand wheat cultivars weregrown in a glasshouse until booting when they were transferredto growth cabinets at three temperatures (day/night; 17/12,22/17 or 27/22 °C at an irradiance of 250 µmol m-2s-1PAR).In another experiment, wheat lines were transferred to a growthcabinet at one of three light intensities (300, 500 or 1000µmol m-2s-1PAR at 22/17 °C day/night, with a photoperiodof 16 h). The temperature and light intensity at which pollinationswere made and subsequent fertilisation and embryo developmentoccurred, significantly (P<0.01) influenced the frequencyof haploid embryo production. The optimal temperature for embryorecovery was 22/17 °C. The greatest number of embryos wasproduced at a light intensity of 1000 µmol m-2s-1. Thesefindings will result in improvements in the overall efficiencyof the wheatxmaize system for wheat doubled haploid production.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Intergeneric crossing, temperature, light intensity,Triticum aestivum,wheat,Zea mays,maize.  相似文献   

Mistletoes usually have slower rates of photosynthesis thantheir hosts. This study examines CO2assimilation, chlorophyllfluorescence and the chlorophyll content of temperate host–parasitepairs (nine hosts parasitized by Ileostylus micranthus and Carpodetusserratus parasitized by Tupeia antarctica). The hosts of I.micranthus had higher mean annual CO2assimilation (3.59 ±0.41 µmol m-2 s-1) than I. micranthus(2.42 ± 0.20µmol m-2 s-1), and C. serratus(2.41 ± 0.43 µmolm-2 s-1) showed higher CO2assimilation than T. antarctica(0.67± 0.64 µmol m-2 s-1). Hosts saturated at significantlyhigher electron transport rates (ETR) and light levels thanmistletoes. The positive relationship between CO2assimilationand electron transport suggests that the lower CO2assimilationrates in mistletoes are a consequence of lower electron transportrates. When photosynthetic rates, ETR and chlorophyll a /b ratioswere adjusted for photosynthetically active radiation, hostsdid not have significantly higher CO2assimilation (3.21 ±0.37 µmol m-2 s-1) than mistletoes (2.54 ± 0.41µmol m-2 s-1), but still had significantly higher ETRand chlorophyll a / b ratios. The electron transport rates,saturating light and chlorophyll a / b ratios of sun leavesfrom mistletoes were similar to host shade leaves. These responsesindicate that in comparison with their hosts, mistletoe leaveshave the photosynthetic characteristics of the leaves of shadeplants. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company CO2assimilation, photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), chlorophyll fluorescence, electron transport rate (ETR), photochemical quenching (qp), non-photochemical quenching (qn), sun and shade leaves, chlorophyll content, Ileostylus micranthus, Tupeia antarctica, New Zealand  相似文献   

Changes in nuclear DNA content and cell size of adaxial andabaxial epidermal pavement cells were investigated using brightlight-induced leaf expansion of Phaseolus vulgaris plants. Inprimary leaves of bean plants grown under high (sunlight) ormoderate (ML; photon flux density, 163 µmol m–2s–1) light, most adaxial epidermal pavement cells hada nucleus with the 4C amount of DNA, whereas most abaxial pavementcells had a 2C nucleus. In contrast, plants grown under lowintensity white light (LL; 15 µmol m–2 s–1)for 13 d, when cell proliferation of epidermal pavement cellshad already finished, had a 2C nuclear DNA content in most adaxialpavement cells. When these LL-grown plants were transferredto ML, the increase in irradiance raised the frequency of 4Cnuclei in adaxial but not in abaxial pavement cells within 4d. On the other hand, the size of abaxial pavement cells increasedby 53% within 4 d of transfer to ML and remained unchanged thereafter,whereas adaxial pavement cells continuously enlarged for 12d. This suggests that the increase in adaxial cell size after4 d is supported by the nuclear DNA doubling. The differentresponses between adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells were notinduced by the different light intensity at both surfaces. Itwas shown that adaxial epidermal cells have a different propertythan abaxial ones. Key words: Cell enlargement, endopolyploidization, epidermal pavement cells, incident light intensity, leaf expansion, nuclear DNA content, Phaseolus vulgaris  相似文献   

The effects of blue light (B) pretreatments on internode extensiongrowth and their possible interaction with phytochrome mediatedresponses were examined in Sinapis alba seedlings grown for11 d under 280 µmol m–2 s–1 of continuousblue-deficient light from low pressure sodium lamps (SOX). SupplementaryB (16 µmol m–2 s–1) caused no detectable inhibitionof the first internode growth rate under continuous SOX, butgrowth rate was inhibited after transfer to darkness. This effect,and the growth promotion caused by far-red bend-of-day' lightpulses were additive. The addition of B at 16 µmol m–2s–1 during 11 d, or only during the first 9 or 10 d orthe latest 0.75, 1 or 2 d of the SOX pretreatment caused approximatelythe same extent of inhibition after the transition to darkness.A single hour of supplementary B before darkness caused morethan 50% of the maximum inhibition. However, 24 h of lower fluencerates of B (4 or 7 µmol m–2 s–1) were ineffective.Covering the internode during the supplementary B period didnot prevent the response to B after the transition to darkness.Far-red light given simultaneously with B (instead of the SOXbackground) reduced the inhibitory effect of B. Above a given threshold fluence rate, B perceived mainly inthe leaves inhibits extension growth in subsequent darkness,provided that high phytochrome photo-equilibria are presentduring the irradiation with B. Once triggered, this effect doesnot interact significantly with the ‘end-of-day’phytochrome effect. Key words: Blue light, extension growth, phytochrome  相似文献   

The effect of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) on carboxylationefficiency, estimated as the initial slope (IS) of net CO2 assimilationrate versus intercellular CO2 partial pressure response curve,as well as on ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco)activation was measured in Trifolium subterraneum L. leavesunder field conditions. The relationship between IS and PPFDfits a logarithmic curve. Rubisco activation accounts for theIS increase only up to a PPFD of 550 µmol photons m-2s-1. Further IS increase, between 550 and 1000 µmol photonsm-2 s-1, could be related to a higher ribulose fcwphosphate(RuBP) availability. The slow, but sustained IS increase above1000 µmol photons m-2 s-1 could be explained by the mesophyllCO2 diffusion barriers associated with the high chlorophylland protein content in field developed leaves. Key words: Photosynthesis, initial slope, ribulose-1, 5-bissphosphate carboxylase activation, light response, Trifolium subterraneum L  相似文献   

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