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Three new species ofTrichogramma occurring in India are described. Two of these were reared from eggs of the sugarcane stem-borerChilotraea infuscatellus, while the third was found attacking eggs ofAchaea janata, Tiracola plagiata andHeliothis armigera. The diagnostic value of the male genitalia in this genus is emphasized and a discussion is presented justifying the consideration of these as new species.
Résumé Trois nouvelles espèces deTrichogramma présentes en Inde sont décrites. Deux d'entre elles ont été obtenues d'œufs du foreur des tiges de la canne à sucre,Chilotraea infuscatellus, la troisième s'attaque aux œufs deAchaea janata, Tiracola plagiata etHeliothis armigera. La valeur pour la diagnose des genitalia males dans ce genre est soulignée et les arguments en faveur d'espèces nouvelles sont discutés.

Sensory receptors of the ovipositor ofTrichogramma maidis are described. Sense organs are found on the 2nd valvifers (1 type), on the tip of the 3rd valvulae (2 types) and on the 1st valvulae (4 types). The nature and possible functions of these sensilla are discussed.   相似文献   

An account is given of 4 new species ofMirufens Girault:M. brevifuniculata Khan & Shafee, M.albiscutellum Khan & Shafee,M. magniclavata Khan & Shafee andM. longiclavata Khan & Shafee. A key to Indian species of the genusMirufens is also provided.  相似文献   

Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko is used throughout Europe as an effective biological control agent against the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner). However, in certain climatic regions, the biological control exerted by this parasitoid is less effective. High temperatures inside the released capsules are suspected to have a negative influence on the parasitoids. To simulate these adverse conditions, we applied heat shocks (35°C and 44°C) for 6 hours to pupae ofTrichogramma brassicae at two periods: white pupae and melanized pupae. The results showed the susceptibility of both the white pupae and melanized pupae, especially at 44°C. At this temperature, the adults (G0 generation) derived from pupae treated at any age showed reduced longevity and fecundity. Moreover, those descended from treated melanized pupae showed an emergence rate lower than that of the control. These effects reduced to half and more the parasitic efficiency of the G0 generation. For the progeny (G1 generation), we observed a decrease of the female ratio: 38% for the progeny of adults derived from treated melanized pupae; 88% for the progeny of those derived from treated white pupae. In that condition, the G1 generation, almost totally male, could not have any parasitic activity.  相似文献   

P. Vargas  T. Cabello 《BioControl》1985,30(3):225-230
Trichogramma cordubensis n. sp. is a parasite ofHeliothis armigera Hb. eggs in cotton crops in western Andalusia. Reproduced onEphestia kuehniella Zeller eggs, it is described morphologically and compared withT. chilonis Ishii andT. evanescens Westwood as both present similarities with this species.T. cordubensis can be distinguished in the male genitalia by the shape of the dorsal expansion of the gonobase and the size, shape and relative position of the median ventral projection. Male antennal setae are longer inT. cordubensis than in the other 2 species. In addition, unlikeT. chilonis andT. evanescens, T. cordubensis is thelytokous at 20°C. in our laboratory, though males and gynandromorphs can be obtained by altering the rearing temperature, this being another difference of this species.  相似文献   

SubgenusLathromeromina nov. of the genusLathromeromyia with a type speciesLathromeromyia (Lathromeromina) tingiphaga sp. nov. has been described and illustrated. Four species of Tingid hosts and their host plants are recorded.  相似文献   

SubgenusEpoligositina nov. of the genusEpoligosita with a type speciesEpoligosita (Epoligositina) duliniae sp. nov., a new record as egg parasite of the morinda Tingid,Dulinius conchatus Dist. has been described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Trichogramma brasiliensis (Ashmead) could be successfully reared on the eggs laid by gamma-irradiated sterile ♀ of the potato tuberworm,Phthorimaea operculella Zeller. Even after rearing 10 generations of the parasitoid on such eggs there were no adverse effects on various developmental parameters.   相似文献   

Encarsia deserti n.sp., a parasite ofBemisia tabaci Gennadius is described. It resemblesE. formosa Gahan, but has a light brown head and thorax, is smaller, and is biparental. This species was found in Southern California and Arizona parasitizingB. tabaci and was introduced into Israel for the control of this pest.  相似文献   

The ability of female parasitoids (Chelonus insularis Cresson,Telenomus heliothidis Ashmead, andTrichogramma pretiosum Riley) to distinguish between parasitized and unparasitized tobacco budworm,Heliothis virescens (F.), eggs was determined in laboratory studies. All 3 species were relatively efficient at detecting eggs that were previously parasitized by conspecific females.T. heliothidis andT. pretiosum were able to discriminate on the basis of external examination of host eggs, whereasC. insularis appeared to examine hosts internally as well as externally. In interspecific tests, no species readily rejected eggs parasitized by the other 2 species.  相似文献   

Parasitism ofOstrinia nubilalis egg masses byTrichogramma minutum was observed in maize-bare ground monocultures and polycultures of maize/bean/squash and maize/clover. Parasitism rates were 1.9 times higher in monocultures than in polycultures; seasonal phenology of parasitism, however, was similar in both. Parasitism first occurred during the late whorl/early tassel stage of maize; peak parasitism occurred during the mid to late tassel stage, and then dropped off rapidly. We speculate that direct predation of egg masses, and ammensal preemptive competition for egg masses byColeomegilla maculata may have contributed to the decline in parasitism rates in both monocultures and polycultures during the latter part of the season.   相似文献   

The effect of 9 insecticides recommended for the control of cotton bollworms was studied, under laboratory conditions, on the emergence ofTrichogramma brasiliensis Ashmead from the parasitized eggs ofCorcyra cephalonica (Stainton) of different age groups. The insecticide concentrations tested were equivalent to those recommended for field application viz. phenthoate 0.14%, phosalone 0.15%, endosulfan 0.25%, permethrin 0.014%, monocrotophos 0.13%, fenvalerate 0.014%, cypermethrin 0.014%, fenitrothion 0.30% and quinalphos 0.14%, quinalphos and fenitrothion caused complete inhibition of emergence of the parasitoid from parasitized host eggs of all ages (1 to 7 days); but in general, adverse effect of insecticides on the disruption of emergence decreased with the advancement in the age of the parasitized eggs. For 1 day old parasitized host eggs, emergence ofT. brasiliensis adults varied from 33 to 57% for the remaining 7 treatments. For the 7 days old parasitized host eggs, emergence of parasitoids from the treatments with endosulfan, phosalone and phenthoate was similar to that from control. However, 46 to 59% inhibition of emergence was observed for permethrin, monocrotophos and cypermethrin. Fenvalerate treatment also significantly inhibited the emergence but at a comparatively lower level (40%). Out of 9 insecticides tested, phosalone and fenvalerate were considered to be relatively safe toT. brasiliensis.   相似文献   

Host specificity and the effect of conditioning on a behavioral response to lepidopteran scales varied among the females of 4Trichogramma spp. observed in laboratory experiments.Trichogramma species nrPretiosum Riley andT. exiguum Pinto & Platner responded weakly toOstrinia nubilalis (Hübner) scales relative toHeliothis zea (Boddie) andManduca sexta (L.).T. maltbyi Nagaraja & Nagarkatti andT. minutum Riley did not discriminate between scales from these 3 hosts. Conditioning with various combinations of host scales and eggs did not alter host specificity, but in some cases, changed general responsiveness to scales. These were attributed to habituation, loss of appetitive drive due to long oviposition bouts, and associative learning. In general, the scale response seems to be innate and fairly nonspecific.   相似文献   

The exotic root weevil egg parasite,Tetrastichus haitiensis Gahan, imported from Puerto Rico and released in Florida between 1969 and 1971, was found established on citrus root weevil egg masses in 1978 near Oakhill, Florida. It was also recovered there from field-collected weevil egg masses from June to August 1978 and from citrus bouquets containing egg masses placed in the grove during July and August 1978. In addition, a new species ofTrichogramma was discovered. In the laboratory, this species parasitized egg masses of 4 species of weevils that attack citrus in Florida. These areDiaprepes abbreviatus (L.),Pachnaeus litus (Germar),P. opalus (Olivier) andArtipus floridanus Horn.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit enth?lt die Beschreibung der neuen GattungChaetopauesia und von fünf neuen Arten von Blattlausparasiten der FamilieAphidiidae: Areopraon antiquum n. sp., einem Parasiten der BlattlausgattungMindarus Koch (Thelaxidae);Praon caricicola n. sp.,Trioxys curvicaudus n. sp. undTrioxys iziphyae n. sp., welche s?mtlich parasitisch bei Vertretern der FamilieCallaphididae leben; undChaetopauesia talis n. sp., deren Wirt unbekannt ist.   相似文献   

J. H. Brower 《BioControl》1983,28(4):355-361
Eggs were collected fromAnagasta küehniella (Zeller),Ephestia cautella (Walker),E. elutella, (Hübner),E. figulilella (Gregson), andPlodia interpunctella (Hübner) and exposed to adults of the egg parasite,Trichogramma evanescens Westwood, in a free choice experiment. Host eggs were ranked by decreasing percentages of parasitization as follows:E. elutella > E. cautella > E. figulilella > A. küehniella > P. interpunctella. Differences in percent parasitization were not significant betweenEphestia spp., butA. küehniella andP. interpunctella were parasitized significantly less often. Average percentage egg hatch after exposure toTrichogramma ranged from 5.0 to 9.3%, except forPlodia where it averaged 33.3%. It appears that inundative releases ofTrichogramma into commodity storages could play an important role in suppression of stored-product moth populations.  相似文献   

A. N. Volkoff  J. Daumal 《BioControl》1994,39(3-4):303-312
The ovarian cycle was studied in two species ofTrichogramma, the thelytokousT. cacoeciae and the arrhenotokousT. brassicae. For both species, egg development was recorded (1) in the immature stages (2) in adult females before and after one bout of oviposition. The two species differed in the numbers of immature eggs formed and stored in the ovaries, and in the pattern of egg replenishment after oviposition.  相似文献   

ME, PGM and PGI electrophoretic banding patterns in 20 laboratory cultures representing 14 species ofTrichogramma were studied. Variations in PGM were found inT. exiguum, T. marylandense, andT. pretiosum. PGI also showed variation inT. exiguum, T. marylandense, T. minutum, andT. parkeri. However, ME variations were found only inT. pretiosum. Based on progeny analyses, we concluded that ME is a tetramer inTrichogramma with fast and slow alleles at a single locus, and that both PGM and PGI have a single locus and each has four alleles. PGM is a monomer, but PGI is a dimer.
Résumé Les bandes électrophorétiques de l'enzyme malique, de la P.G.M. et de la P.G.I. ont été étudiées chez 20 souches de laboratoire représentant 14 espèces deTrichogramma. Des variations de la P.G.M. ont été trouvées chezT. exiguum, T. marylandense etT. pretiosum. La. P.G.I. montre aussi des variations chezT. exiguum, T. marylandense, T. minutum etT. parkeri. Par contre, des variations de l'enzyme malique ne sont trouvées que chezT. pretiosum. En nous basant, sur l'analyse de progénitures, nous avons conclu que l'enzyme malique est un tétramère chezTrichogramma comprenant un allèle “lent” et un alléle “rapide”, à un seul locus, et que la P.G.M. et la P.G.I. ont chacune un seul locus à quatre allèles. La P.G.M. est un monomère mais la P.G.I. est un dimère.

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