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P. Katsoyannos 《BioControl》1984,29(4):387-397
Introduction releases of the exotic coccinellid predatorRhyzobius forestieri Mulsant were made in 22 localities throughout Greece. The releases were made on olive, citrus, fig and almond trees infested with differentCoccidae scales. In 9 of these localities,R. forestieri was recovered 2–5 months later. The most important factor for the successful establishment ofR. forestieri seems to be an abundance of scales on the trees. To study the ability ofR. forestieri to enhance overall predation, 3 releases were made in an olive grove heavily infested withSaissetia oleae Olivier on Chios island during 1982 and 1983. The experiment began in June 1982. By April 1983, theS. oleae infestation was clearly in the process of being controlled by the coccinellid. A native coccinellid,Exochomus quadripustulatus L., contributed little during this period because of its obligatory estival diapause. The other main coccinellid,Chilocorus bipustulatus L., made an appreciable contribution toward achieving control during the summers of 1982 and 1983, but it was affected from July onward by increasing parasitism of its larvae. Both species are quiescent during the winter months. The introduced speciesR. forestieri was readily established in the olive grove and multiplied quickly. One month after the initial release,R. forestieri larvae made up most of the coccinellid larval population in the field. Thereafter until April 1983,R. forestieri larvae and adults comprised the dominant coccinellid population in the olive grove. During the winter months,R. forestieri remains active as long as temperature exceeds 8 °C. The important increase inR. forestieri's population size between July 1982 and April 1983 coincided with the increased rate of predation onS. oleae. This suggests thatS. forestieri played a key role in bringing theS. oleae infestation under control during this period. After April 1983, however, theR. forestieri population diminished rapidly andC. bipustulatus became the dominant coccinellid in the olive grove. It is believed that scarcity of prey was the cause of this reversal: by April 1983, the density ofS. oleae in the olive grove had already been reduced by about 100 times.  相似文献   

The CerambycidAlcidion cereicola Fisher attacks cacti in northern Argentina, the larval feeding resulting in the death of mature plants. The insect is hardy and easily reared, with a short life cycle. Laboratory tests and field observations demonstrate that it will only damage plants in the sub-familyCereanae of theCactaceae. It was approved for liberation in Queensland, Australia, in October 1974 for the control ofEriocereus martinii Lab.
Résumé Le longicorneA. cereicola Fisher ataque les Cactus d'Argentine septentrionale, les larves provoquant la mort des plantes adultes. L'insecte est robuste et facile à élever, ayant un cycle biologique de courte durée. Les observations faites en laboratoire et dans la nature montrent qu'il s'attaque exclusivement aux plantes de la sous-familleCereanae de la famille des Cactacées. Son introduction en Queensland, Australie a été approuvée en Octobre 1974 pour la lutte contreEriocereus martinii Lab.

FormerlyCruttwell.  相似文献   

The weevilEriocereophaga humeridens O'Brien attacks the cactusEriocereus adscendens (Gurke) in N.E. Brazil. Laboratory tests and field observations demonstrate that it will also acceptEriocereus martinii Lab. as host, and does not damage plants except in the sub-familyCereanae of theCactaceae. Young plants and regrowth are preferentially attacked and larval feeding inE. martinii results in the death of attacked stems.E. humeridens was approved for liberation in Queensland, Australia in February 1976, for the control ofEriocereus spp., and field releases were made in 1976.
Résumé Le coléoptèreEriocereophaga humeridens O'Brien attaque le cactusEriocereus adscendens (Gurke) qui est indigène du Nord-Est du Brésil. Il a été établi par des essais en laboratoire ainsi que par des observations en champ d'expérimentation, qu'E. humeridens peut également vivre surEriocereus martinii Lab., et qu'il n'est nuisible que pour les plantes de la sous-familleCereanae desCactaceae. Il attaque de préférence les jeunes pousses et les rejetons; et ses larves tuent en les mangeant les tiges d'E. martinii qui sont atteintes. En février 1976, afin de limiter les espèces d'Eriocereus, l'approbation fut donnée de lacherE. humeridens en Queensland, Australie, ce qu'on a fait sur les lieux au cours de la même année.

K. P. Carl 《BioControl》1975,20(4):381-388
An undescribed fungus of the genusEntomophthora infecting nymphs and adults ofThrips tabaci Lind. and related species was recorded in Switzerland, Austria, Germany and France. The morphology, development and seasonal history are described. The first infections in the field were found in early July or later, epizootics did not occur before September or October, when the host had already damaged the crop. Therefore, the fungus was not an effective control agent under field conditions, despite its density-dependent reaction and despite high rates of mortality caused in host populations. Model experiments in the laboratory suggest that the fungus might be used as an effective control agent in glasshouses where environmental conditions are more suitable and, by suppressing resting spores, active stages of the fungus can be introduced at an earlier stage of host development.  相似文献   

Red imported fire ants,Solenopsis invicta Buren, are effective predators of the boll weevil,Anthonomus grandis Boheman, in east Texas cotton fields. Boll weevils caused no economic loss in 11 years due to mortality attributed primarily to ants. Removal of the ants resulted in an increase in crop damage by the boll weevil. Insecticides used for cotton pests greatly reduce the abundance of the ants. To capitalize on this effective predation of boll weevils by ants, unnecessary applications of insecticides should be eliminated.  相似文献   

The growth characteristics of Heterosigma akashiwo virus clone 01 (HaV01) were examined by performing a one-step growth experiment. The virus had a latent period of 30 to 33 h and a burst size of 7.7 x 10(2) lysis-causing units in an infected cell. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the virus particles formed on the peripheries of viroplasms, as observed in a natural H. akashiwo cell. Inoculation of HaV01 into a mixed algal culture containing four phytoplankton species, H. akashiwo H93616, Chattonella antiqua (a member of the family Raphidophyceae), Heterocapsa triquetra (a member of the family Dinophyceae), and Ditylum brightwellii (a member of the family Bacillariophyceae), resulted in selective growth inhibition of H. akashiwo. Inoculation of HaV01 and H. akashiwo H93616 into a natural seawater sample produced similar results. However, a natural H. akashiwo red tide sample did not exhibit any conspicuous sensitivity to HaV01, presumably because of the great diversity of the host species with respect to virus infection. The growth characteristics of the lytic virus infecting the noxious harmful algal bloom-causing alga were considered, and the possibility of using this virus as a microbiological agent against H. akashiwo red tides is discussed.  相似文献   

Cleobora mellyi Mulstant has been introduced into New Zealand in an attempt to controlParopsis charybdis Stål. Artificial diets and a practical method for rearing the predatory Australian ladybird,C. mellyi, are described.  相似文献   

Field survey showed that the fungusBeauveria bassiana Vuillemin was the predominant natural enemy ofSitona discoideus Gyllenhal larvae and pupae in the Mediterranean region. The present area of distribution of the disease does not, however, include the parts of North Africa, Cyprus, Syria and Iraq with a Mediterranean climate. At localities regularly investigated in southern France over the period 1973–79, the population dynamics of larvalSitona on volunteerMedicato species appeared to be correlated to some extent with the impact of the fungal disese, which could produce up to 100% mortality on its host larval populations. Several isolates of the pathogen were tested in laboratory bioassays to determine their potential activity. One accession from southern France proved particularly virulent toS. discoideus larvae and pupae at the relatively low concentration of 105 conidia/g of soil. This accession seemed worth considering for further quarantine testing and introduction into Australia. Differences between isolates were however confounded by varying ages of the cultures involved.
Résumé Les recherches entreprises de 1973 à 1984 ont montré que le champignon entomophatogèneBeauveria bassiana Vuillemin était largement répandu sur larves deSitona spp. en rǵeion méditerranéenne. Il y fait toutefois défaut (tableau 2) dans les zones pastorales d'Afrique du Nord, de Chypre, de Syrie et d'Irak. La mortalité larvaire due à cette mycose parait en mesure d'influencer l'évolution dynamique des populations deSitona discoideus Gyllenhal (tableau 3). En effet,B. bassiana est susceptible d'affecteur jusqu'à 100% des larves deS. discoiduus s'attaquant aux dieverses espèces deMedicago, suivant les sites considérés en France méditerranéenne. Lors de tests en laboratoire une souche méridionale deB. bassiana s'est révélée paritculièrement infectieuse à des doses relativement faibles, de l'ordre de 105 conidies par gramme de terre (tableau 4). Une telle virulence perment d'envisager d'éventuelles applications de plein champ contreS. discoideus en Australie méridionale. Une expérimentation plus détaillée est`a prévoir, qui devra cependant tenir compte d'un affaiblissement graduel du pouvoir infectieux des isolats au cours de leur conservation en mycothéque.

The stem-boring weevilListronotus setosipennis (Hustache) is widespread and damaging to its hostParthenium hysterophorus L. in northern Argentina and southern Brazil. In detailed host-testing it was shown to have a restricted host-range and, despite some feeding and development on sunflower in tests, to be a safe biological control agent againstP. hysterophorus. Field releases in Queensland, Australia took place from 1982 to 1986 and the weevil has established over several thousand hectares at numerous sites. Spread is however slow and the effect on the plant still negligible.   相似文献   

The biology of the noctuid,Tyta luctuosa (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lep.: Noctuidae), a defoliator of field bindweed,Convolvulus arvensis L., was studied in southern Europe.T. luctuosa is widely distributed and feeds on both thick stands and scattered host populations growing in a diversity of habitats. It undergoes 2 and perhaps a partial 3rd generation/year in southern Europe and is active during most of the growing season ofC. arvensis. In the laboratory the total time from egg to adult averages 45.6 days. There are 5 larval instars. Adult females deposit on average over 400 eggs. The larvae being able to feed and develop on native North AmericanCalystegia spp. in the laboratory, there are some reservations about its release in North America. However, the moth has potential value as a biological control agent for field bindeed in the western USA where it would fill an almost unoccupied niche.   相似文献   

The impact of foraging byMonochamus titillator (Fab.) on within-tree populations ofDendroctonus frontalis Zimm. was described. Total population estimates forD. frontalis and inner bark area foraged byM. titillator were computed for 89 loblolly pine,Pinus taeda L., sampled over a 3 year period. Frequency histograms were prepared for the surface area of habitat infested, area foraged byM. titillator, and within-tree populations ofD. frontalis. These data were used to calculate the proportion of area foraged byM. titillator, the proportionalD. frontalis mortality for the entire tree, and the proportional mortality occurring in the foraged area. Histograms showing the variation of these components were prepared and described using nonlinear mathematical models. Ca. 20% of the infested surface area was foraged byM. titillator. Mortality toD. frontalis on a per tree basis was ca. 14%. Mortality in the area foraged byM. titillator was ca. 70%. These estimates were highly variable between individual trees and a procedure for predicting the probability of a given level of foraging and mortality was described. Sources of variation influencing foraging byM. titillator and mortality toD. frontalis were investigated. Variation between years and season followed similar trends with both foraging and mortality increasing from the base to the top of the infested bole. Variation between tree size-class was highly significant. Larger size-class trees had substantially greater foraging and mortality than did the smaller size-classes. Mortality within the foraged area was also found to be greater at the extremes of the infested bole.
Résumé L’impact de l’activité deMonochamus titillator (Fab.) sur les populations à l’intérieur de l’arbre deDendroctonus frontalis Zimm. est décrit. Le total des évaluations de population deD. frontalis dans des zones à l’intérieur du tronc attaquées parM. titillator a été soumis à l’ordinateur pour 89 pins,Pinus taeda L., échantillonnés pendant 3 ans. Les histogrammes de fréquence ont été établis pour la surface de l’habitat infesté, la surface explorée parM. titillator et pour les populations deD. frontalis présentes dans l’arbre. A partir de ces données on a calculé la part de surface utilisée parM. titillator, la mortalité deD. frontalis extrapolée pour l’arbre entier et la mortalité se produisant dans la surface exploitée. Les histogrammes traduisant les variations de ces composantes ont été dressés en ayant recours à des modèles mathématiques non linéaires. Environ 20% de la surface infestée a été exploitée parM. titillator; la mortalité du scolyte fut d’environ 14% dans l’arbre et de 70% dans la zone attaquée parM. titillator. Ces évaluations sont très variables d’un arbre à l’autre et on a mis au point un procédé pour prévoir la probabilité d’un taux donné d’activité alimentaire du cerambycide et de mortalité du scolyte. Les causes de cette variabilité ont été étudiées. La variation suivant les années et les saisons suit les mêmes tendances à savoir l’augmentation à la fois de l’activité alimentaire et de la mortalité de la base au sommet du pin attaqué. La variation selon les classes de taille des arbres est hautement significative: les arbres les plus gros présentent une exploitation et une mortalité beaucoup plus importantes que les arbres plus petits. La mortalité du scolyte dans la zone attaquée par le cerambycide est également plus élevée aux extrémités du pin infesté.

Texas Agricultural Experiment Station No.TA15244.  相似文献   

The LT50 ofFarinocystis tribolii Weiser to larvae ofTribolium castaneum (Herbst) increased with the age of the insect indicating that older larvae were relatively more tolerant to the infection though there was 100 % mortality ultimately. The adults were less susceptible than larvae and between sexes, females were more susceptible than males. The number of spores produced increased with the stage of the larvae, but there was no variation in the size of spores in the different instars. The LC50 on 20th and 40th day of inoculation were 1.4×107 and 2.1×106 respectively. Mortality-time due toF. tribolii was shorter at 35 °C than at 25 °C. Sporulation occurred earlier at 35 °C than at 25 °C.  相似文献   

W. O. C. Symondson 《BioControl》1994,39(3-4):323-333
Previous work has shown thatAbax parallelepipedus Piller &; Mitterpacher preys upon slugs in the field, and can be effectively employed to control slugs in polythene tunnels. To be a viable biological control agent this carabid must also be amenable to mass culturing. Manipulation of the substrate ensured that eggs were laid in soil capsules, but deposited in peat, facilitating collection and monitoring. Up to 570 eggs per beetle were laid at 20°C. No cannibalism was exhibited at any stage by this species. Larvae were reared intensively in batches and fed ad libitum on live earthworms, eliminating the need for regular feeding and the removal of decaying food. Rearing experiments were undertaken under a number of different temperature regimes. At constant 20°C it was found that growth was arrested in some 2nd instar larvae for long periods. Co-ordinated changes between 2nd and 3rd instar stages were induced by reduction of the temperature to 14°C between days 24–31 from hatching. The complete life cycle, from newly laid egg to adult beetle, could be reduced to less than 110 days. Mortality was greatest at the late 3rd instar and pre-pupal stages, and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

R. E. McFadyen 《BioControl》1979,24(3):281-287
The mealybugHypogeococcus festerianus (Lizer y Trelles) infests cacti in Northern Argentina and Paraguay, causing deformed and distorted growth of attacked plants. Laboratory studies and field observations demonstrate that it will only infest plants in the sub-familyCereanae of theCactaceae. Its liberation in Queensland, Australia, for the control ofEriocereus spp., was approved in October 1974, and it has since established widely.
Résumé La cochenille farineuseHypogeococcus festerianus (Lizer y Trelles) infeste les cactus dans le nord de l’Argentine et le Paraguay, causant chez ces plantes, des déformations et une croissance anormale. Les observations faites dans la nature et en laboratoire montrent qu’elle s’attaque exclusivement aux plantes de la sous-famille desCereanae de la famille desCactaceae. Son introduction en Australie a été approuvée en octobre 1974, et elle s’est largement établie depuis.

B. Zelazny 《BioControl》1985,30(2):121-124
Bioassay indicated that 1 st instar larvae ofOryctes rhinoceros are resistant to infections by the nematodeSteinernema feltiae (estimated LD50: 90 nematodes) but thatTirathaba rufivena larvae larger than 15 mm are highly susceptible (estimated LD50: 3 nematodes). The “All” strain and the “mexican” strain ofS. feltiae gave very similar responses. In a field trial 300,000 nematodes were sprayed on each of 25 palms to controlT. rufivena. Although some mortality from nematodes was observed, the treatment failed to reduce the pest population significantly.  相似文献   

Chilocorus bipustulatus L. was successfully established in oases of the Aïr Mountain region of Northern Niger (West Africa), where it became the major cause of mortality among adult females of the armored scaleParlatoria blanchardi Targioni-Tozzetti. This resulted in significantly lower scale infestation of date palms in a test plot when compared to a control with no introduced ladybeetles. The coccinellids were able to reproduce year-round, but during the hot season were largely confined to natural refuges composed of dense stands of date palms. Dispersal and multiplication occurred primarily during the rainy season, toward the end of which the greatest suppression of scale populations was seen.  相似文献   

The host specificity of a chrysomelid beetle,Calligrapha pantherina Stål, from Mexico, was verified in the CSIRO quarantine facilities in Brisbane, Australia on 80 species of plants in 28 families, either closely related to Malvaceae or in families containing economically important species.C. pantherina oviposited and developed successfully on its preferred host,S. acuta, and less successfully onS. rhombifolia andS. spinosa, all of which are weeds in Australia. Aspects of oviposition, larval development, and adult feeding and longevity ofC. pantherina are described.C. pantherina was released in Australia during 1989 and readily established onS. acuta but established at only a few sites onS. rhombifolia.  相似文献   

Rafiq Ahmad 《BioControl》1978,23(2):161-162
Hyperodes bonariensis Kuschel underwent ovarial diapause from March to August in the Bariloche area in Argentina. Feeding on germinating seedlings ofTriticum aestivum L. andPoa annua L. in continuous dark induced the weevil for oviposition in 24 and 32 days, respectively. Breeding techniques are described forH. bonariensis and its parasitePatasson atomarius (Brethes).  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2020,124(1):65-72
This review deals with characteristics of peptidases of fungi whose life cycles are associated with insects to varying degrees. The review examines the characteristic features of the extracellular peptidases of entomopathogenic fungi, the dependence of the specificity of these peptidases on the ecological characteristics of the fungi, and the role of peptidases in the development of the pathogenesis. Data on the properties and physiological role of hydrolytic enzymes of symbiotic fungi in “fungal gardens” are also considered in detail. For the development of representations about mechanisms of control over populations of insect pests, special attention is given to analysis of possibilities of genetic engineering for the creation of entomopathogens with enhanced virulence. Clarification of the role of fungi and their secreted enzymes and careful environmental studies are still required to explain their significance in the composition of the biota and to ensure widespread adoption of these organisms as effective biological control agents. The systematization and comparative analysis of the existing data on extracellular peptidases of insect-associated fungi will help in the planning of further work and the search for markers of pathogenesis and symbiosis.  相似文献   

P. J. McFadyen 《BioControl》1987,32(4):377-379
Foliage-feeding beetles of the genusAnacassis [A. phaeopoda Buzzi,A. fuscata (Klug),A. fuscata var.unicolor (Burmeister),A. cribrum (Klug) andA. dubia (Boheman)] were collected fromBaccharis spp. andBaccharidastrum spp. in South America. Specificity studies showed that they were restricted to these 2 host genera. Between 1974 and 1976 these species were introduced into Australia for the control ofBaccharis halimifolia. A. phaeopoda andA. fuscata were first released in 1976. One field colony ofA. fuscata persisted for up to 3 years but no recoveries ofA. phaeopoda were made after the 1st field generation. The other species died out in quarantine and were not released.   相似文献   

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