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New Zealand populations of Gracilaria chilensis are uniform in anatomical reproductive characteristics but vary morphologically and have been found to separate into two distinct groups with respect to agar methylation level, namely low (24–30%) and high (43–47%). To investigate the genetic variation within New Zealand populations of this species, 14 isozyme loci detected by starch-gel electrophoresis were examined in 17 wild populations from a wide range of localities, and in cultures derived from these populations. Five of these loci were polymorphic, but the genetic variation within populations was low: of the 17 populations examined, 15 were fixed at all loci (heterozygosity 0.000) and in the remaining two populations the observed heterozygosity was still low (0.004 and 0.011). The genetic distances between the populations ranged from 0.00 to 0.43. UPGMA cluster analysis separated the populations into two groups, a northern group and a group found throughout the country. Although these two groups do not correlate with the two groups based on agar methylation level at every locality, the correlation is sufficiently striking to merit further investigation.  相似文献   

Long  S. C.  Morris  V. B.  Byrne  M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,420(1):95-98
Partial homeobox gene fragments were amplified from Patiriella exigua genomic DNA by PCR using degenerate primers. The primers spanned a region of 82 nucleotides within the homeobox, encompassing amino acids 21–47 of the homeodomain. The deduced amino acid sequences of the seven Hox gene sequences plus one Xlox-type gene sequence from P. exigua are presented and compared with similar sequences from other organisms. This work is a preliminary step in the analysis of the evolution of development in the Patiriella species group and the roles of Hox gene expression therein.  相似文献   

Lysozyme represents the best characterized enzyme involved in the self-defense from bacteria. In this study we analysed the effects of zinc on the lysozyme-like activity of the seastar Marthasterias glacialis mucus. This activity, detected by measuring the cleared lysis area of dried Micrococcus lysodeikticus cell walls on Petri dishes, was significantly reduced in presence of zinc. The results are discussed in the light of elucidating the possible relationship between environmental contaminants and increased disease susceptibility in seastars due to the decrease of antibacterial protection. The benefits of using the test of lysozyme activity to monitoring environmental pollution are highlighted.  相似文献   

Traditional morphological features have formed the basis for distinguishing species of Porphyra. Among these features are number of cell layers, number of chloroplasts per cell, arrangement of reproductive structures on the thallus, and overall morphology. Chromosome number and chromosome morphology have helped corroborate some species identities. A survey of northeast Pacific species of Porphyra using starch gel electrophoresis of 15 soluble proteins has shown that electrophoretic banding patterns provide a reliable diagnostic tool for species identification. Data from starch gel electrophoresis are presented to confirm the identities of species formerly associated with the Porphyra perforata species-complex in British Columbia and northern Washington. Porphyra abbottae, P. fallax, P. kanakaensis, and P. torta are recognized as distinct species, and Porphyra sanjuanensis is synonymized with P. perforata.  相似文献   

The Pterasteridae comprises a diversified group of extant largely deep-sea starfishes. Generic diagnoses have been based classically on soft tissue characters and skeletal architecture. A preliminary phylogeny of sixteen extant species is here worked out by cladistic analysis. The resulting tree suggests monophyly of extant genera and the validity of dissociated plates for identification of genera. Fossil remains of Pterasteridae are here described for the first time. By comparison with extant species, all the skeletal remains from the lower Upper Campanian of Belgium and from the lower Maastrichtian of Germany are tentatively assigned to the genusPteraster. The fossil record of starfishes is poor, but the present Late Cretaceous pterasterids provide one more piece of evidence of the high diversity of starfishes during the Mesozoic. Known Late Cretaceous and Paleogene fossils are broadly similar, which suggests the end-Cretaceous extinction event did not cause major turnover in asteroid faunal composition. As suggested for other starfish groups, both the fossil record of deep-sea Pterasteridae in shelf settings and tree topology imply an onshore-offshore evolutionary trend.   相似文献   

The genetic relatedness between the green and red forms of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, was analysed using an allozyme marker, MDH, detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Cross experiments showed that each of the two forms had form-specific alleles for MDH. Furthermore, there was no overlapping in the alleles for MDH between the field populations of the two forms, suggesting that no gene flow would occur between them in the field.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to investigate the seed proteins of 36 accessions belonging toSolanum sect.Solanum (Solanaceae). These accessions represented 20 species, of four differing ploidy levels, and included infraspecific morphological variants. The resultant band patterns tended to reflect the morphological differences and genetical isolation displayed by many of the species. The most variable band patterns were encountered in the taxa with the greatest infraspecific variation, while many of the more morpho-genetically distinct taxa seemed to have species-specific band patterns.Good matches were found between the band patterns of artificial hybrids, those of their known parents, and mixtures of the parental protein extracts. This illustrates the potential use of such a technique for pinpointing possible genome donors of natural hybrids, and especially of polyploids. These comparative band patterns confirmed experimental work on the origin of the hexaploidS. nigrum from the diploidS. americanum and the tetraploidS. villosum, and also supported the suggestion thatS. nigrum contains two genomes from the diploidS. sarrachoides, but not four genomes of the diploidS. americanum.  相似文献   

Phylogeny and classification of the Asteroidea (Echinodermata)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Post-Palaeozoic asteroids share a large number of derived characters of the ambulacral column and the mouth frame, and constitute the crown group of the monophyletic group Asteroidea. This crown group is here called the Neoasteroidea (new subclass). The stem species of the crown group lived in the Permian or early Triassic and so the evolution of the asteroids parallels that of the echinoids. Character distribution within the Neoasteroidea, especially morphology of the skeleton, digestive system, larvae and tube feet, allows subdivision into four orders (Paxillosida, Notomyotida, Valvatida, Forcipulatida). The latter three orders possess the synapomorphy of suckered tube feet and are united as the Surculifera (new superorder); the Paxillosida are their primitive sister group. Palaeozoic asteroids represent the stem group of the class, and may be divided into plesions according to the order of appearance of synapomorphies with the crown group. Classification of Palaeozoic asteroids requires much further study. The appearance of new characters within the crown group asteroids, such as suckered tube feet, implies that these were absent in the stem group. The range of life-habits possible in Palaeozoic asteroids can thus be partly deduced from evidence provided by living asteroids. Palaeozoic asteroids are deduced to have lacked suckered tube feet and were presumably unable to evert the stomach; hence they were precluded from life on hard substrates and extraoral feeding on epifaunal organisms. It is suggested that they lived on soft substrates by deposit feeding, scavenging and predation on small benthos.  相似文献   

A new astropectinid sea star,Coulonia parva n. sp., is described from the Santonian of the Sierra de Montsech, northern Spain. The single specimen shows part of a rather weathered ventral side. It is characterized by comparatively long arms (R/r approx. 3/1), with one row of actinals reaching far into the arms; inferomarginals on the interbrachial arc have deep fasciolar grooves that are less developed on the arms; there are no larger spines on adambulacrals and probably also on inferomarginals. Based on presence of deep marginal fascioles,C. parva n. sp. is inferred to have shared the capability for self-burial with the relatedC. platyspina Hess &Blake.   相似文献   

The seed proteins ofTrigonella foenum-graecum, T. berythaea, T. macrorrhyncha andT. gladiata were fractionated on polyacrylamide gels in anodic and cathodic systems. Similarity indices between the profiles of any two species indicated close affinity betweenT. gladiata andT. macrorrhyncha and betweenT. foenum-graecum andT. berythaea. It has been pointed out that according to morphological resemblance and similarity index of the seed protein profileT. berythaea is closer to the cultigen than any other species of sectionFoenum-graecum, but these two species are strongly isolated from one another by the albino seedlings of their F1 hybrids.  相似文献   

The Valvatacea is one the most ecologically important, taxonomically diverse, and widespread groups of post‐Palaeozoic (i.e. modern) Asteroidea. Classification within the group has been historically problematic. We present a comprehensively sampled, three‐gene (12S, 16S, early‐stage histone H3) molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Valvatacea. We include five of the six families within the Paxillosida, the monotypic Notomyotida, and 13 of the 16 families of the living Valvatida. The Solasteridae is removed from the Velatida (Spinulosacea) and joins the Ganeriidae and the Leilasteridae as members of the clade containing the Asterinidae. The Poraniidae is supported as the sister group to the large cluster of Valvatacea. Asteropseids and poraniids are phylogenetically distant, contrary to morphological evidence. Several goniasterid‐like ophidiasterids, such as Fromia and Neoferdina are supported as derived goniasterids rather than as Ophidiasteridae. The Benthopectinidae (Notomyotida) are supported as members of the Paxillosida as are two members of the Pseudarchasterinae that have traditionally been considered members of the Goniasteridae. Our data suggest that Antarctic valvataceans may be derived from sister taxa in adjacent regions. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161 , 769–788.  相似文献   

Danis B  Jangoux M  Wilmes J 《ZooKeys》2012,(185):73-78
This dataset includes information on sea stars collected during the ANDEEP3 expedition, which took place in 2005. The expedition focused on deep-sea stations in the Powell Basin and Weddell Sea.Sea stars were collected using an Agassiz trawl (3m, mesh-size 500µm), deployed in 16 stations during the ANTXXII/3 (ANDEEP3, PS72) expedition of the RV Polarstern. Sampling depth ranged from 1047 to 4931m. Trawling distance ranged from 731 to 3841m. The sampling area ranges from -41°S to -71°S (latitude) and from 0 to -65°W (longitude). A complete list of stations is available from the PANGAEA data system (http://www.pangaea.de/PHP/CruiseReports.php?b=Polarstern), including a cruise report (http://epic-reports.awi.de/3694/1/PE_72.pdf).The dataset includes 50 records, with individual counts ranging from 1-10, reaching a total of 132 specimens.The andeep3-Asteroidea is a unique dataset as it covers an under-explored region of the Southern Ocean, and that very little information was available regarding Antarctic deep-sea starfish. Before this study, most of the information available focused on starfish from shallower depths than 1000m. This dataset allowed to make unique observations, such as the fact that some species were only present at very high depths (Hymenaster crucifer, Hymenaster pellucidus, Hymenaster praecoquis, Psilaster charcoti, Freyella attenuata, Freyastera tuberculata, Styrachaster chuni and Vemaster sudatlanticus were all found below -3770m), while others displayed remarkable eurybathy, with very high depths amplitudes (Bathybiaster loripes (4842m), Lysasterias adeliae (4832m), Lophaster stellans (4752m), Cheiraster planeta (4708m), Eremicaster crassus (4626m), Lophaster gaini (4560m) and Ctenodiscus australis (4489m)).Even if the number of records is relatively small, the data bring many new insights on the taxonomic, bathymetric and geographic distributions of Southern starfish, covering a very large sampling zone. The dataset also brings to light six species, newly reported in the Southern Ocean.The quality of the data was controlled very thoroughly, by means of on-board Polarstern GPS systems, checking of identification by a renowned specialist (Prof. Michel Jangoux, Université Libre de Bruxelles), and matching to the Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS) and World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). The data is therefore fit for completing checklists, for inclusion in biodiversity patterns analysis, or niche modeling. It also nicely fills an information gap regarding deep-sea starfish from the Southern Ocean, for which data is very scarce at this time. The authors may be contacted if any additional information is needed before carrying out detailed biodiversity or biogeographic studies.  相似文献   

Seven populations ofDrosophila melanogaster, representing a worldwide distribution, were compared using two-dimensional protein gel electrophoresis. A total of 611 protein spots was scored, which probably represent a sample of over 500 loci that were surveyed. Of the protein spots scored, 521 spots were found to be invariant, but another 90 spots were found to be variable among the populations. Of these variable protein spots, 12 were found to be present in only one population. All the populations, except one, had at least one protein spot restricted to itself. However, the Japanese population had by far the most, with five protein spots restricted to this one population, which has been observed in previous studies of private alleles in oriental populations. The mean genetic similarity (F) found among the seven populations was 0.965, with a range of between 0.956 and 0.977. This is similar to previous reports of lower variation found in population genetic surveys using two-dimensional electrophoresis. It was found that the historical relationships among these populations was somewhat congruent with the geographic distribution of the populations, but as in previous studies, it was not exactly coincident.  相似文献   

The occurrence of eight biflavones belonging to the biluteolin series, the apigenin-luteolin series and the 2,3-dihydro-biluteolin series, and one monomeric flavone with an acid group, was investigated in six taxa ofBartramia with emphasis on sect.Ithyphyllae. The variation of biflavone profiles contributes to the characterization of theBartramia species studied; substitution patterns signalize relevance also on the sectional level. Based upon the flavonoid composition,Bartramia afro-ithyphylla is suggested to be transferred from sect.Ithyphyllae to sect.Bartramia of the genusBartramia.  相似文献   

Lion tamarins are among the World's most critically endangered primates. Many studies have been produced under guidance of the International Management Committees for the preservation and management of these tamarins. Primates present morphological sexual differences in a wide range of characteristics, including cranial morphology. Studies of sexual dimorphism in the cranial morphology of theLeontopithecus are few in number and contradictory in their results. In order to check for the existence of sexual dimorphism in lion tamarins the present study analyzed 17 craniometric distances on 56 crania of three species of lion tamarins (Leontopithecus): 20L. rosalia (14 females and 6 males); 13L. chrysomelas (6 females and 7 males); and 23L. chrysopygus (8 females and 15 males). All crania are housed in the CPRJ-FEEMA collection (Primatological Center of Rio de Janeiro) and came from animals born in captivity.L. chrysopygus was more sexually dimorphic (10/17 measurements, 59%) thanL. chrysomelas (9/17 measurements, 53%) orL. rosalia (7/17 measurements, 41%). In all three species, male values are greater than the female ones, except for orbital breadth (m7) inL. rosalia. However, this distance is not sexually dimorphic in this species. This study reveals that some cranial distances, especially in the facial region, are sexually dimorphic in lion tamarins.  相似文献   

Summary The spermatozoon of the holothurian Leptosynapta clarki has a small circular head measuring about 3.0 at the greatest diameter, a midpiece containing a single mitochondrion and a tail flagellum measuring between 35 and 45 in length. The acrosomal region contains a granule measuring 0.7 in diameter which consists of electron dense material arranged in concentric lamellae. Five concentric very electron dense lamellae alternate with areas of much less electron dense material in the central region of the granule. This granule rests in an anterior nuclear depression.The nucleus is circular in shape and contains one or two unbound vacuoles which frequently contain a fine granular material. Posteriorly the nucleus is bounded by a large mitochondrion and an occasional Golgi complex. The proximal centriole which contains a lateral arm of dense material lies in a deep fossa projecting into the nucleus. The distal centriole lies posteriorly in the mitochondrial mass and gives rise to nine satellite projections and their Y-shaped connective extensions.The tail contains the 9 + 2 tubule arrangement and tapers at its distal end.This investigation was supported by a National Research Council grant to F. S. Chia.  相似文献   

Infraspecific genetic differentiation was analysed in two tetraploid annual bromegrasses,Bromus lanceolatus (from N Africa) andB. hordeaceus (from N Africa and France). Genetic analysis of populations was based on allozyme polymorphisms at 17 loci. Different fixed heterozygous phenotypes were scored in both species, according to their allopolyploid origin. In N Africa, more variation occurred among populations ofB. lanceolatus than ofB. hordeaceus. The variation was not randomly distributed among populations of both species. InB. lanceolatus, differentiation was correlated with climatic variables rather than with geographic distance between populations. Higher correlation of genetic differentiation with geographic distance occurred inB. hordeaceus, particularly at large geographic scale, between French and N African populations. Within each region, the populations appeared weakly genetically differentiated, even when belonging to different subspecies.  相似文献   

Twenty enzyme loci were examined in the diploid species ofTriticum andAegilops for allelic variation by starch gel electrophoresis. SectionSitopsis, including the five species,Ae. speltoides, Ae. lingissima, Ae. sharonensis, Ae. bicornis andAe. searsii form a close subgroup withAe. speltoides slightly removed from the others.T. monococcum s. lat., was found to be closest to the species of theSitopsis group.Ae. comosa, Ae. umbellulata andAe. uniaristata form a second subgroup withAe. caudata most closely related to these species.Ae. squarrosa appears almost equally related to all of the species, showing no special affinity for any one species group. Nineteen out of twenty loci examined were polymorphic with a mean of 6.7 alleles per locus. Species could be, for most loci, characterized by the presence of predominant alleles. A conspicious genetic characteristic ofTriticum-Aegilops is the sharing of these predominant alleles between species. Within species variation is characterized by a diffuse distribution of secondary alleles.  相似文献   

Igor Hudec 《Hydrobiologia》2000,421(1):165-178
The genus Kurzia is divided into two subgenera: Kurzia s. str. and Rostrokurzia n. subg. Subgenus Kurzia includes Kurzia (K.) latissima Kurz, 1874, with a palearctic -, Kurzia (K.) polyspina n. sp. with a neotropic - , and Kurzia (K.) cf. media (Birge, 1879) with a nearctic distribution. Rostrokurzia includes Kurzia (R.) longirostris Daday, 1898 (pantropical distribution), and Kurzia (R.) brevilabris Rajapaksa & Fernando, 1986, from subtropical and tropical Asia. Kurzia latissima Kurz, 1874, from Central Europe is redescribed in detail.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty-three sakis (Pithecia), 107 bearded sakis (Chiropotes), and 7 red uakaris (Cacajao) were studied in relation to 18 genetic loci expressed on blood through electrophoretic techniques. Eight of the 18 loci showed intrapopulational variation. The low level of genetic diversity found inPithecia could be a consequence of a decrease in populational size due to intense habitat destruction. The genetic distances between the species investigated were:Pithecia ×Chiropotes: 0.49;Pithecia ×Cacajao: 0.57;Cacajao ×Chiropotes: 0.18–0.20. These results suggest, in accordance with other data, thatChiropotes andCacajao constitute a sister group within the pithecines.  相似文献   

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