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γ-氨基丁酸诱发人精子顶体反应及其受精能力   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
Yuan YY  He CN  Shi QX 《生理学报》1998,50(3):326-332
本文的目的是为了探讨γ-氨基丁酸是否可激发人精子顶体反应,受主其可能的作用方式。实验采用金霉素荧光染色法,胞内游离C62+测定和精子穿透去透明带仓鼠卵试验,分别评价GABA诱发人精子AR及其穿卵能力。结果表明;GABA可诱发人获能精子发生AR,且随精子获得进程而显著增加,并存在明显的量效关系,该作用可被P4加强。  相似文献   

Proteolytic membrane digestion and motility were used to determine the effects of cryopreservatives and freezing on acrosomal damage and survival of chicken spermatozoa. None of the cryopreservatives, glycerol, DMSO, or ethylene glycol caused a decrease in proteolytic membrane digestion by the chicken spermatozoon before freezing. After rapid freezing, high levels (16 and 24%) of glycerol prevented significant freeze-thaw reductions in proteolytic digestion. High levels of ethylene glycol (16 and 24%) and DMSO (12 and 14%) significantly reduced the ability of frozen spermatozoa to completely digest the protein membrane. Motility after freezing was highest (63%) in 16% glycerol.Glycerol at high levels appeared to be the best cryopreservative under these conditions.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that sex-sorted sperm exhibit different physiology, including fertilizing capacity, from non-sorted sperm. However, differences between X- and Y-bearing sperm in their ability to undergo an acrosome reaction have never been investigated. This study determined the ability of non-sorted and sex-sorted sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction prior to and after cryopreservation. Sperm were treated with dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (PC12) to induce the acrosome reaction and the percentages of live-acrosome-reacted sperm and dead sperm were evaluated. The X- and Y-bearing sperm reacted similarly to the PC12 treatment, regardless of whether sperm were assessed prior to or after cryopreservation. Fresh control sperm exhibited lower percentages of live sperm (60%) than either X- or Y- sorted sperm (69-74%, P<0.05). Percentages of live control sperm were also lower after thawing (29-35%) than sex-sorted sperm (55-58%, P<0.05). Control and sex-sorted fresh sperm responded similarly to PC12 treatment. However, sex-sorted cryopreserved sperm exhibited higher percentages of live-acrosome-reacted sperm (23%) than control sperm (9%, P<0.05) after 40 min without PC12 treatment. In addition, cryopreserved control sperm treated with 79 microM PC12 exhibited higher percentages of live-acrosome-reacted sperm than sex-sorted sperm. In conclusion, X- and Y-bearing sperm responded similarly to PC12 treatment. In addition, fresh sexed and non-sorted sperm responded similarly to PC12 treatment. However, cryopreserved sex-sorted sperm underwent an acrosome reaction more rapidly in the absence of PC12 (over a 40 min period) than the non-sorted sperm. Therefore, sex-sorting induced changes in sperm membranes that accelerated the acrosome reaction process in sperm after cryopreservation.  相似文献   

In many mammals, the first interaction between gametes during fertilization occurs when sperm contact the zona pellucida surrounding the egg. Although porcine sperm first contact the zona pellucida via their plasma membrane, the regions of the sperm surface that display zona receptors have not been determined. We have used the Alexa 488 fluorophore conjugated to solubilized porcine zona pellucida proteins to observe zona receptors on live boar sperm. Zona proteins bound live, acrosome-intact sperm on the anterior portion of the sperm head, concentrated in a thin band over the acrosomal ridge. When sperm membranes were permeabilized by fixation or acrosome reactions induced by the ionophore A23187, zona binding was extended to a broad area covering the entire acrosomal region. Zona binding proteins were present in the acrosomes of sperm from all regions of the epididymis. In contrast, zona binding sites were found on the plasma membrane of most sperm from the corpus and cauda epididymis, but on only 6% of caput epididymal sperm. In conclusion, acrosome-intact boar sperm exhibit concentrated zona protein binding over the acrosomal ridge and acquire this binding in the corpus region of the epididymis, correlating with the developmental stage at which sperm gain the ability to fertilize oocytes.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that progesterone can initiate the acrosome reaction (AR) of capacitated human and hamster sperm in vivo. We report here that progesterone can initiate a morphologically normal AR in porcine sperm that have undergone capacitation in a Hepes-buffered medium in vitro. In addition, we have compared the abilities of progesterone and heat-solubilized porcine zona pellucida (zona) to initiate the porcine sperm AR. Capacitated porcine sperm were treated with 1 m?g/ml progesterone, 150 m?g/ml porcine zona, or solvent control for 10 min. After treatment, sperm were incubated with the supravital dye Hoechst 33258, fixed and the acrosomal status determined in the previously viable sperm by fluorescence microscopy with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled Pisum sativum agglutini (FITC-PSA). There was no significant difference between the percentage of AR initiated by zona compared to that initiated by progesterone. In order to determine whether there was a synergistic interaction between the two AR initiators, both were added simultaneously to capacitated porcine sperm at optimal (1 m?g/ml progesterone, 150 m?g/ml zona) and suboptimal (75 ng/ml progesterone and 75 m?g/ml zona) concentrations. Simultaneous addition of the two AR-initiators at the two concentrations stimulated an additive AR-initating response, rather than a synergistic one. Several possible explanations for the additive results are discussed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to characterize the effect of progesterone on the hamster sperm acrosome reaction (AR). Progesterone stimulated exocytosis of previously capacitated spermatozoa in a dose-dependent manner Progesterone-3-(O-carboxymethyl)oxime:BSA conjugate also induced AR when added to capacitated sperm suspensions. EGTA and La3+, added 10 min before progesterone, completely abolished the steroid-stimulatory effect. Benzamidine, a trypsin inhibitor, also inhibited AR when added to sperm cells 10 min before progesterone. This effect was avoided when spermatozoa were treated with the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin. Conversely, the H+ ionophore PCCP, or the Na+/K+ ionophore nigericin, did not prevent the effect of the inhibitor. Results suggest that progesterone acts on the hamster sperm plasma membrane to stimulate exocytosis, which requires external Ca2+ and presumably Ca2+ influx. In addition, a sperm trypsin like protease may be part of the mechanism by which progesterone stimulates AR. Since the ionomycin-induced AR does not require this proteolytic activity, the possible involvement of such an enzyme in the progesterone-stimulated Ca2+ influx necessary for the occurrence of AR is discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Effect of sperm diluents on the acrosome reaction in canine sperm   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study we investigated the influence of sperm diluting media and temperature on the incidence of the acrosome reaction in dog sperm. Ejaculates were collected from 5 dogs, diluted with six different media and then incubated at 37 degrees C and 20 degrees C. Fluorescein isothiocynate conjugated peanut agglutinin (FITC-PNA) and ethidium homodimer as a vital stain were used in combination to determine the acrosomal status of viable spermatozoa, the technique was validated using electron microscopy. The outer acrosomal membrane of dog spermatozoa was shown to be the specific binding site for FITC-PNA. After 6 h of incubation, ejaculates diluted in media with a high Ca2+ concentration showed a significantly higher percentage (means +/- SD) of acrosome reacted spermatozoa [64 +/- 7 and 58 +/- 9 in sperm capacitation medium with (SP-TALP-1) and without BSA (SP-TALP-2), respectively] than those diluted in media with a low Ca2+ concentration [36 +/- 5, 39 +/- 4, 18 +/- 2 and 20 +/- 4 in Canine Capacitation Medium (CCM), Egg Yolk Tris dog semen extender (EXT-1), Modified Egg Yolk Tris extender (EXT-2) and Modified CCM (MCCM), respectively]. The increase in the percentage of acrosome reaction (AR) was slower at 20 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. In addition, the percentage of viable acrosome reacted spermatozoa increased significantly from 19 +/- 5 and 22 +/- 3 in non-bound sperm to 27 +/- 4 and 30 +/- 6 in zona pellucida bound sperm (diluted in EXT-2 and MCCM, respectively). We conclude that the composition of the spermatozoa diluent has a marked effect on the incidence of the acrosome reaction. Therefore, both the media used to dilute dog sperm and the temperature at which the spermatozoa are handled are important factors to consider when processing spermatozoa for artificial insemination, IVF procedures or preservation.  相似文献   

When a newt sperm-head was treated with trypsin and DNase, an arrow-like thin rod was revealed. This rod presumably corresponds to the ‘perforatorium’ described by Picheral [1, 2] in Pleurodele sperm. It consisted of one apical and one caudal part. In the apical part there appeared to be an envelope with a 530 Å structural repeat, inside which coursed a filament bundle, presumably identical with that in the caudal part. In the caudal part, a characteristic filament bundle, quite similar to the paracrystal of rabbit skeletal actin [3], was observed after extensive treatment with trypsin. The optical diffraction pattern of this bundle indicates that it has the same helical symmetry as that of rabbit skeletal actin [4] but slightly different from that of the acrosomal process of Limulus sperm [5]. The diffraction pattern frequently has a strong meridional reflection at about (27 Å)−1, which is usually observed only with low intensity in the actin paracrystals. This fact suggests that the structural unit in the bundle has a shape considerably different from that of the usual G-actin.  相似文献   

In K+-free medium, epididymal sperm suspensions, whether washed free of epididymally-derived K+ or not, were unable to penetrate washed cumulus masses; some penetration of zona-free eggs was obtained with unwashed sperm suspensions, while washed samples were generally non-fertilizing. Within 5 min of K+ introduction, however, spermatozoa were able to fertilize intact eggs rapidly and synchronously, indicating that K+ was not required for capacitation. Measurements of extracellular K+ concentrations in these experiments indicate that 0.1-0.15 mM-K+ is sufficient to support sperm: egg fusion, but concentrations greater than 0.15 mM are required for penetration of cumulus-intact eggs. When medium of normal osmolality (318 mosmol) but elevated K+/Na+ ratio (27.7 mM/125 mM) was compared with control medium (2.7/150), the former promoted lower rates of penetration after both 30 and 120 min preincubation (8 and 10%, respectively) than those obtained with control medium (45 and 95%). Upon reduction to the ratio in control media, however, the fertilizing potential of these suspensions was equivalent to control samples: relatively slow and asynchronous penetration after 30 min preincubation (50%) and rapid, synchronous penetration after 120 min (92%). Thus there was no evidence of a shortening of sperm capacitation time, but rather a suppression of fertilizing potential in the presence of elevated K+. Uterine sperm samples recovered shortly after mating gave similar results when tested in these media 30 and 120 min after release from the male tract. Preincubation of epididymal samples in high K+ (27.7 mM) hyperosmolal media (368 mosmol) for 30 min significantly shortened sperm capacitation as shown by rapid penetration of intact eggs (94%) after reduction in osmolality, but this appeared to be a non-specific effect; high Na+ (175 mM) hyperosmolal medium had a similar effect (98% of eggs fertilized). Acrosome loss and hyperactivated motility were significantly lower in media with very low or very high K+ concentrations but, after alteration to control medium values, increased to levels similar to those obtained with control samples. It is proposed that the relatively high K+ concentrations found in female tract fluids (approximately 20-30 mM) may serve to modulate fertilizing potential of spermatozoa in vivo.  相似文献   

When the surface of sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) sperm is radioiodinated, 75% of the protein-incorporated radioactivity is associated with two glycoproteins of Mr 84,000 (84K) 64,000 (64K) (Lopo and Vacquier 1980). Antibodies were prepared against these two components by separating a Triton X-100 extract of sperm on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, cutting out the band containing the glycoprotein and injecting the homogenized gel into rabbits. Both anti-84K and anti-64K sera agglutinate sperm. Light and EM immunoperoxidase localization show both antigens are distributed over the entire sperm surface. By the immunoperoxidase technique there is some degree of cross-reactivity of both antisera with sperm of other Strongylocentrotus species, but not with those of other genera. Living sperm incubated with anti-84K Fab fragments are completely inhibited from undergoing the egg jelly-induced acrosome reaction and fertilizing eggs. Anti-64K Fab fragments have no effect on the ability of the sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction or fertilize eggs. Sperm incubated in anti-84K or anti-64K Fab fragments undergo the acrosome reaction in response to the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, or when the extracellular pH is increased to 9.2 with NH4OH, indicating that the inhibition of the egg jelly-induced acrosome reaction results from the binding of the anti-84K Fab to an external molecule involved in the initiation or propagation of the acrosome reaction. The 84K glycoprotein is the first sperm surface component identified that might have a role in the induction of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Capacitation and the acrosome reaction in equine sperm.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During sexual reproduction, the sperm and oocyte must fuse before the production of a diploid zygote can proceed. In mammals such as equids, fusion depends critically on complex changes in the plasma membrane of the sperm and, not surprisingly, this membrane differs markedly from that of somatic cells. After leaving the testes, sperm cease to synthesize plasma membrane lipids or proteins, and vesicle-mediated transport stops. When the sperm reaches the female reproductive tract, it is activated by so-called capacitation factors that initiate a delicate reorientation and modification of molecules within the plasma membrane. These surface changes enable the sperm to bind to the extracellular matrix of the egg (zona pellucida ZP) and the zona then primes the sperm to initiate the acrosome reaction, an exocytotic event required for the sperm to penetrate the zona. This paper will review the processes that occur at the sperm plasma membrane before and during successful penetration of the equine ZP. It is noted that while several methods have been described for detecting changes that occur during capacitation and the acrosome reaction in bovine and porcine sperm, relatively little has been documented for equine sperm. Special attention will therefore be dedicated to recent attempts to develop and implement new assays for the detection of the capacitation status of live, acrosome-intact and motile equine sperm.  相似文献   

The binding of zona pellucida (ZP) glycoprotein ZP3 to mouse sperm surface receptors is mediated by protein-carbohydrate interactions. Subsequently, ZP3 induces sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction, an obligatory step in fertilization. We have previously identified Lewis X (Le(x); Gal beta 4[Fuc alpha 3]GlcNAc) as a potent inhibitor of in vitro sperm-ZP binding (Johnston et al. J Biol Chem 1998; 273:1888-1895). This glycan is recognized by approximately 70% of the ZP3 binding sites on capacitated, acrosome-intact mouse sperm, whereas Lewis A (Le(a); Gal beta 3[Fuc alpha 4]GlcNAc) is recognized by most of the remaining sites (Kerr et al. Biol Reprod 2004; 71:770-777). Herein, we test the hypothesis that Le(x)- and Le(a)-containing glycans, when clustered on a neoglycoprotein, bind ZP3 receptors on sperm and induce sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction via the same signaling pathways as ZP3. Results show that a Le(x)-containing neoglycoprotein induced the acrosome reaction in a dose-dependent and capacitation-dependent manner. A Le(a)-containing neoglycoprotein also induced sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction but was less potent than Le(x)-containing neoglycoproteins. In contrast, neoglycoproteins containing beta4-lactosamine (Gal beta 4GlcNAc), Lewis B (Fuc alpha 2Gal beta 3[Fuc alpha 4]GlcNAc), and sialyl-Le(x) glycans were inactive, as were four other neoglycoproteins with different nonfucosylated glycans. Consistent with these results, unconjugated Le(x)- and Le(a)-capped glycans were dose-dependent inhibitors, which at saturation, reduced the ZP-induced acrosome reaction by about 60% and 30%, respectively. Experiments utilizing pharmacological inhibitors suggest that induction of the acrosome reaction by solubilized ZP and Le(x)- and Le(a)-containing neoglycoproteins require the same calcium-dependent pathway. However, only the ZP-induced acrosome reaction requires a functional G(i) protein. Thus, Le(x)-containing neoglycoproteins bind to a major class of ZP3 receptors on capacitated sperm. A Le(a)-containing neoglycoprotein binds a second ZP3 receptor but is a less-potent inducer of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Progesterone (P) has previously been shown to rapidly increase free intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2−]i), and subsequently to initiate the acrosome reaction (AR) in capacitated human sperm. The present study used cytochemical analysis of the AR, and spectrofluorometric determination of sperm [Ca2−]i and intracellular pH (pHi) in Na+-containing and Na+-deficient bicarbonate/CO2-buffered media to investigate the role of Na+ in these P-initiated changes. We found that P failed to initiate the AR in Na+-deficient medium, and that the initial rise in [Ca2+]i following P (1 μg/ml) stimulation was similar for both media; however, the [Ca2+]i in the Na+-deficient medium regressed more rapidly and plateaued at a significantly lower [Ca2+]i. Moreover, the differences in plateau [Ca2+]i were directly related to the percentage of acrosome reactions, suggesting that the plateau phase is not due to [Ca2+]i, but rather to the release of intracellular fura-2 into the medium during the AR. These [Ca2+]i and AR results are in contrast to those reported previously by others for human sperm and suggest that a Na+-dependent mechanism is important in the P-initiated human sperm AR. Such a Na+ requirement may reflect the involvement of this ion in pHi regulation, as capacitated sperm that were incubated in a Na+-deficient medium for ≥ 30 min displayed a significantly lower pHi. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have investigated the production of diacylglycerol (DAG) and phosphatidate (PtdOH) during the exocytosis of the sperm acrosome. Ram spermatozoa treated with Ca2+ and the ionophore A23187 experienced a rapid breakdown of the polyphosphoinositides (PPIs), and a rise in [32P]Pi-labelled PtdOH and DAG mass; PtdOH mass, however, was unaffected. Treatment with Ca2+/A23187 and the DAG kinase inhibitor R59022 resulted in a dose-dependent increase in DAG mass and a concomitant decrease in [32P]PtdOH; such treatment showed a dose-dependent stimulation of acrosomal exocytosis. Pre-incubation with exogenous PtdOHs before stimulation with Ca2+/A23187 did not affect the time-course of exocytosis, whereas treatment with Ca2+/A23187 and exogenous DAGs (dioctanoylglycerol, oleoyl-acetyl-glycerol, or dioleoylglycerol) resulted in a dose-dependent stimulation of acrosomal exocytosis. Our results suggest that DAG, rather than PtdOH, is the important metabolite generated upon PPI hydrolysis; however, since spermatozoa lack protein kinase C, the target of DAG in most cells, a role for DAG in acrosomal exocytosis is as yet unclear.  相似文献   

When cholesterol is added to sperm membranes before cryopreservation, higher percentages of motile and viable cells are recovered after thawing. However, because one of the first steps in sperm capacitation is cholesterol efflux from the sperm plasma membrane, adding cholesterol to enhance cryosurvival may retard sperm capacitation. These studies evaluated the ability of sperm treated with cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrins (CLC) to capacitate, acrosome react, and fertilize oocytes. Control (non-CLC-treated) and CLC-treated sperm were treated with heparin, dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (PC12), or calcium ionophore A23187 (A23187) to capacitate and induce the acrosome reaction. Sperm capacitation, assessed by an increase in intracellular calcium level, and acrosome-reacted sperm were measured using flow cytometry. Fresh CLC-treated sperm cells underwent capacitation and/or the acrosome reaction at rates different from control samples, and the differences detected were dependent on the method used to induce sperm capacitation and the acrosome reaction. After cryopreservation, however, CLC-treated and control sperm underwent capacitation and the acrosome reaction at similar rates regardless of the method used to induce capacitation and the acrosome reaction. The primary concern for CLC-treated sperm, however, is whether this treatment would affect in vitro or in vivo fertility. Adding either control or CLC-treated cryopreserved sperm to bovine oocytes in vitro resulted in similar oocyte cleavage rates and blastocyst formation rates. In addition, when inseminated into heifers, pregnancy rates for control and CLC-treated sperm were also similar. Therefore, treating bull sperm with CLC permits greater numbers of sperm to survive cryopreservation while preserving the fertilizing potential of each individual sperm.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the effect of chemicals on acrosome reaction in elephant spermatozoa. Semen was collected at the Washington Park Zoo in Portland, Oregon, from an 11-yr-old Asian elephant by artificial vagina (7 ejaculates) and transported to Mahidol University in Bangkok in extender at 4 to 5 degrees C within 24 to 28 h. A total of 500 x 10(6) sperm/mL was used for the control and for each of the 4 treatment groups: 1) cAMP (0.1 mM); 2) caffeine (0.1 mM); 3) Penicillamine hypotaurine and epinephine, PHE (penicillamine 2 mM, hypotaurine 1 mM, epinephine 1 mM); and 4) heparin (10 microg/mL) at 39 degrees C for 2 h. Aliquots were removed and the sperm viability, abnormal morphology, and acrosome status were evaluated by triple stain technique. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to observe changes of the sperm head membrane in all treatment groups. Trypan blue reliably stained dead spermatozoa, while rose Bengal stained only the spermatozoa with intact acrosomes. The concentration of dead sperm cells was similar in the 4 groups. The percentages of live acrosome-reacted spermatozoa in the control and in groups treated with caffeine, PHE, cAMP and heparin were 19.5 +/- 4.3, 38.1 +/- 4.0, 34.8 +/- 3.7, 29.8 +/- 0.8 and 28.0 +/- 4.2, respectively. The acrosome reaction rate was higher in the treatment groups than in the control (P<0.05). Caffeine and PHE caused significantly higher acrosome reaction of the sperm head than cAMP or heparin (P<0.05). The electron micrographs showed that the acrosome reaction occurred by the presence of apical vesiculation. The results indicated that 1) the triple stain technique allowed for evaluation of both viability and acrosome reaction simultaneously in elephant spermatozoa,2) acrosome reaction occurred at a high rate in all 3 treatment groups. 3) the effects of caffeine and PHE were significantly higher (P<0.05) than of cAMP and heparin, and 4) the data obtained from the triple stain technique corresponded to those from TEM.  相似文献   

Sperm from the toad Bufo arenarum must penetrate the egg jelly before reaching the vitelline envelope (VE), where the acrosome reaction is triggered. When the jelly coat is removed, sperm still bind to the VE, but acrosomal exocytosis is not promoted. Our previous work demonstrated that diffusible substances of the jelly coat, termed "egg water" (EW), triggered capacitation-like changes in B. arenarum sperm, promoting the acquisition of a transient fertilizing capacity. In the present work, we correlated this fertilizing capacity with the ability of the sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction, further substantiating the role of the jelly coat in fertilization. When sperm were exposed to the VE, only those preincubated in EW for 5 or 8 min underwent an increase in the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)), which led to acrosomal exocytosis. Responsiveness to the VE was not acquired on preincubation in EW for 2 or 15 min or in Ringer solution regardless of the preincubation time. In contrast, depletion of intracellular Ca(2+) stores (induced by thapsigargin) promoted [Ca(2+)](i) rise and the acrosome reaction even in sperm that were not exposed to EW. Acrosomal exocytosis was blocked by the presence of Ca(2+) chelators independent of whether a physiological or pharmacological stimulus was used. However, Ni(2+) and mibefradil prevented [Ca(2+)](i) rise and the acrosome reaction of sperm exposed to the VE but not of sperm exposed to thapsigargin. These data suggest that the acrosomal responsiveness of B. arenarum sperm, present during a narrow period, is acquired during EW incubation and involves the modulation of a voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channel.  相似文献   

In a previous study we established that sperm from four species of echinoids differ in their specificity for induction of the acrosome reaction by heterotypic jelly coat and we presented evidence that there were only small compositional differences in the active component of the jelly coat, a polysaccharide composed of fucose sulfate units. In the current report we present additional studies related to the species specificity of jelly coat with respect to Ca2+ uptake (or exchange), which occurs concomitantly with the acrosome reaction, and activation of phospholipase activity, which appears to occur subsequent to the acrosome reaction. The specificity of jelly coat in inducing these processes is the same as that previously observed in induction of the acrosome reaction. Binding of jelly coat to sperm has been demonstrated, and has been shown to be species specific. This finding raises the possibility that a receptor for jelly coat exists on the surface of the sperm. Finally, based on chemical and physical-chemical studies, evidence is presented that establishes that, despite compositional similarities, the fucose sulfate polysaccharides from the four species of eggs differ in structure.  相似文献   

Experiments indicate that the mammalian acrosome develops as a result of a time-dependent sequence of events which involves protein incorporation into distinct regions or acrosomal domains. These domains can be characterized by electron microscopy and their isolation and partial purification are being accomplished. Recent success in isolating and characterizing major proteins that compromise the Golgi apparatus should accelerate knowledge of the interaction of the Golgi with the developing acrosome. Progress in this area is reviewed with the view that understanding the events involved in the transport of proteins from the Golgi apparatus to the acrosome and the mechanisms involved in positioning and modifying these proteins during spermiogenesis should provide a clearer understanding of how the acrosome develops in preparation for its role in fertilization.  相似文献   

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