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In cells, proteins execute specific tasks in crowded environments; these environments influence their stability and dynamics. Similarly, for an enzyme molecule encapsulated in an inorganic cavity as in biosensors or biocatalysts, confinement or excluded volume plays an important role in its stability and dynamics. In this article we present results of our experimental and theoretical investigations of the confinement and macromolecular crowding effects on protein. On the experimental side we study the stability of encapsulated cytochrome c against unfolding induced by the presence of denaturants, such as urea. Results show that, as the pore size in which protein is trapped is reduced, protein shows higher stability against denaturant-induced unfolding. On the theoretical side, after reviewing our previous study of the confinement effects on the equilibrium and dynamic properties of protein using a minimalist (two-dimensional lattice, Monte Carlo, Brownian dynamics) model, we have extended the model so that the effects of macromolecular crowding on such properties can be studied. Our simulations show that both folding and unfolding times increase with the number of crowders in solution, however, the equilibrium constant is affected such that the equilibrium is shifted towards the folded state. Furthermore, our results show that, for a fixed number of crowders as the size of crowder (or excluded volume) increases, the average size of protein at equilibrium decreases.  相似文献   

Thermally induced transition curves of hen egg-white lysozyme were measured in the presence of several concentrations of dextran at pH 2.0 by near-UV and far-UV CD. The transition curves were fitted to a two-state model by a non-linear, least-squares method to obtain the transition temperature (T(m)), enthalpy change (deltaH(u)(T(m))), and free energy change (deltaG(u)(T)) of the unfolding transition. An increase in T(m) and almost constant deltaH(u)(T(m)) values were observed in the presence of added dextran at concentrations exceeding ca 100 g l(-1). In addition, dextran-induced conformational changes of fully unfolded protein were investigated by CD spectroscopy. Addition of high concentrations of dextran to solutions of acid-unfolded cytochrome c at pH 2.0 results in a shift of the CD spectrum from that characteristic of the fully unfolded polypeptide to that characteristic of the more compact, salt-induced molten globule state, a result suggesting that the molten globule-like state is stabilized relative to the fully unfolded form in crowded environments. Both observations are in qualitative accord with predictions of a previously proposed model for the effect of intermolecular excluded volume (macromolecular crowding) on protein stability and conformation.  相似文献   

Changes in excluded volume and contact interaction with the surface of a protein have been suggested as mechanisms for the changes in stability induced by cosolvents. The aim of the present paper is to present an analysis that combines both effects in a quantitative manner. The result is that both processes are present in both stabilizing and destabilizing interactions and neither can be ignored. Excluded volume was estimated using accessible surface area calculations of the kind introduced by Lee and Richards. The change in excluded volume on unfolding, deltaX, is quite large. For example, deltaX for ribonuclease is 6.7 L in urea and approximately 16 L in sucrose. The latter number is greater than the molar volume of the protein. Direct interaction with the protein is represented as the solvent exchange mechanism, which differs from ordinary association theory because of the weakness of the interaction and the high concentrations of cosolvents. The balance between the two effects and their contribution to overall stability are most simply presented as bar diagrams as in Fig. 3. Our finding for five proteins is that excluded volume contributes to the stabilization of the native structure and that contact interaction contributes to destabilization. This is true for five proteins and four cosolvents including both denaturants and osmolytes. Whether a substance stabilizes a protein or destabilizes it depends on the relative size of these two contributions. The constant for the cosolvent contact with the protein is remarkably uniform for four of the proteins, indicating a similarity of groups exposed during unfolding. One protein, staphylococcus nuclease, is anomalous in almost all respects. In general, the strength of the interaction with guanidinium is about twice that of urea, which is about twice that of trimethylamine-N-oxide and sucrose. Arguments are presented for the use of volume fractions in equilibrium equations and the ignoring of activity coefficients of the cosolvent. It is shown in the Appendix that both the excluded volume and the direct interaction can be extracted in a unified way from the McMillan-Mayer formula for the second virial coefficient.  相似文献   

The volume of a typical Eschericia coli nucleoid is roughly 104 times smaller than the volume of a freely coiling linear DNA molecule with the same length as the E. coli genome. We review the main forces that have been suggested to contribute to this compaction factor: macromolecular crowding (that “pushes” the DNA together), DNA charge neutralization by various polycationic species (that “glues” the DNA together), and finally, DNA deformations due to DNA supercoiling and nucleoid proteins. The direct contributions of DNA supercoiling and nucleoid proteins to the total compaction factor are probably small. Instead, we argue that the formation of the bacterial nucleoid can be described as a consequence of the influence of macromolecular crowding on thick, supercoiled protein-DNA fibers, that have been partly charge neutralized by small multivalent cations.  相似文献   

Environmental variables can exert significant influences on the folding stability of a protein, and elucidating these influences provides insight on the determinants of protein stability. Here, experimental data on the stability of FKBP12 are reported for the effects of three environmental variables: pH, salt, and macromolecular crowding. In the pH range of 5-9, contribution to the pH dependence of the unfolding free energy from residual charge-charge interactions in the unfolded state was found to be negligible. The negligible contribution was attributed to the lack of sequentially nearest neighboring charged residues around groups that titrate in the pH range. KCl lowered the stability of FKBP12 and the E31Q/D32N double mutant at small salt concentrations but raised stability after approximately 0.5 M salt. Such a turnover behavior was accounted for by the balance of two opposing types of protein-salt interactions: the Debye-Hückel type, modeling the response of the ions to protein charges, favors the unfolded state while the Kirkwood type, accounting for the disadvantage of the ions moving toward the low-dielectric protein cavity from the bulk solvent, disfavors the unfolded state. Ficoll 70 as a crowding agent was found to have a modest effect on protein stability, in qualitative agreement with a simple model suggesting that the folded and unfolded states are nearly equally adversely affected by macromolecular crowding. For any environmental variable, it is the balance of its effects on the folded and unfolded states that determines the outcome on the folding stability.  相似文献   

The effects of four single macromolecular crowding agents, Ficoll 70, dextran 70, polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2000, and calf thymus DNA (CT DNA), and three mixed crowding agents containing both CT DNA and polysaccharide (or PEG 2000) on the refolding of guanidine hydrochloride-denatured rabbit muscle creatine kinase (MM-CK) have been examined by activity assay. When the total concentration of the mixed crowding agent is 100 g/l, in which the weight ratio of CT DNA to Ficoll 70 is 1:9, the refolding yield of MM-CK after refolding for 3 h under these conditions increases 23% compared with that in the presence of 10 g/l CT DNA, 18% compared with 100 g/l Ficoll 70, and 19% compared with that in the absence of crowding agents. A remarkable increase in the refolding yield of MM-CK by a mixed crowding agent containing CT DNA and dextran 70 (or PEG 2000) is also observed. Further folding kinetics analyses show that these three mixed crowding agents remarkably accelerate the refolding of MM-CK, compared with single crowding agents. Aggregation of MM-CK in the presence of any of the three mixed crowding agents is less serious than that in the presence of a single crowding agent at the same concentration but more serious than that in the absence of crowding agents. Both the refolding yield and the refolding rate of MM-CK in mixtures of these agents are increased relative to the individual agents by themselves, indicating that mixed macromolecular crowding agents are more favorable to MM-CK folding and can be used to reflect the physiological environment more accurately than single crowding agents.  相似文献   

Fluorescence quenching has been used to measure quantitatively the effects of sucrose and triethylene glycol on the interaction between the Escherichia coli regulatory protein TyrR and a 30-basepair oligonucleotide containing the strong TyrR box of the TyrR operon. It was observed that the apparent binding constant increased in the presence of co-solutes, the dependence of the logarithm of the apparent binding constant on molar concentration being indistinguishable and essentially linear for both co-solutes. This activation of the TyrR-oligonucleotide interaction is attributed to thermodynamic nonideality arising from molecular crowding, an interpretation which is supported by the reasonable agreement observed between the experimental extent of reaction enhancement and that predicted on the statistical-mechanical basis of excluded volume.  相似文献   

The reaction between cytochrome f and plastocyanin is a central feature of the photosynthetic electron-transport system of all oxygenic organisms. We have studied the reaction in solution to understand how the very weak binding between the two proteins from Phormidium laminosum can nevertheless lead to fast rates of electron transfer. In a previous publication [Schlarb-Ridley, B. G., et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 4057-4063], we suggested that the reaction is diffusion-controlled because of a strong effect of viscosity of the medium. The effects of viscosity and temperature have now been examined in detail. High molecular mass viscogens (Ficoll 70 and Dextran 70), which might mimic in vivo conditions, had little effect up to a relative viscosity of 4. Low molecular mass viscogens (ethane diol, glycerol, and sucrose) strongly decreased the bimolecular rate constant (k(2)) over a similar viscosity range. The effects correlated well with the viscosities of the solutions of the three reagents but not with their dielectric constants or molalities. A power law dependence of k(2) on viscosity suggested that k(2) depends on two viscosity-sensitive reactions in series, while the reverse reactions are little affected by viscosity. The results were incompatible with diffusion control of the overall reaction. Determination of the effect of temperature on k(2) gave an activation enthalpy, DeltaH(++) = 45 kJ mol(-)(1), which is also incompatible with diffusion control. The results were interpreted in terms of a model in which the stable form of the protein-protein complex requires further thermal activation to be competent for electron transfer.  相似文献   

The oxidative refolding of reduced, denatured hen egg white lysozyme in the presence of a mixed macromolecular crowding agent containing both bovine serum albumin (BSA) and polysaccharide has been studied from a physiological point of view. When the total concentration of the mixed crowding agent is 100 g/liter, in which the weight ratio of BSA to dextran 70 is 1:9, the refolding yield of lysozyme after refolding for 4 h under this condition increases 24% compared with that in the presence of BSA and 16% compared with dextran 70. A remarkable increase in the refolding yield of lysozyme by a mixed crowding agent containing BSA and Ficoll 70 is also observed. Further folding kinetics analyses show that these two mixed crowding agents accelerate the oxidative refolding of lysozyme remarkably, compared with single crowding agents. These results suggest that the stabilization effects of mixed macromolecular crowding agents are stronger than those of single polysaccharide crowding agents such as dextran 70 and Ficoll 70, whereas the excluded volume effects of mixed macromolecular crowding agents are weaker than those of single protein crowding agents such as BSA. Both the refolding yield and the rate of the oxidative refolding of lysozyme in these two mixed crowded solutions with suitable weight ratios are higher than those in single crowded solutions, indicating that mixed macromolecular crowding agents are more favorable to lysozyme folding and can be used to simulate the intracellular environments more accurately than single crowding agents do.  相似文献   

Larval diapause induction in Ephestia cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is a function of the interaction between genotype and larval crowding. A diapause stock in which 79% of the larvae diapaused under crowded conditions and 40% diapaused under uncrowded conditions was maintained by selection. Outbreeding of adults from this diapause stock to those from a non-diapause stock resulted in 36% diapause under crowded conditions and 6% diapause under uncrowded conditions. The rate of termination of larval diapause is inheritable and temperature dependent. These data seem to explain the seasonal trends in percentage larval diapause among E. cautella infesting citrus pulp during storage.Larval diapause was induced in groups of larvae by crowding in mass cultures and in single larvae by rearing on a small amount of fresh diet or on a larger amount of fresh diet containing residual diet from crowded cultures. The diapause-inducing effects of this residual diet could be removed by extraction with lipid solvents. Some activity was demonstrated when the extract was dried onto fresh diet.
Resume L'induction de la diapause larvaire d'Ephestia cautella (Walker) dépend du génotype et de la densité larvaire.Des croisements à l'intérieur de la souche diapausante donnent 79% de diapause aux fortes densités larvaires et 40% aux faibles densités. Les croisements des adultes de cette souche avec ceux de la souche non-diapausante donnent 36% de diapause aux fortes densités et 6% aux faibles densités. La fréquence de fin de diapause est héréditaire et dépend de la température. Ces résultats peuvent expliquer les variations saisonnières du taux de diapause E. cautella dans la pulpe de citron stockée.La diapause larvaire a été induite chez des groupes de chenilles par surpeuplement dans des élevages standards, et chez des chenilles isolées par élevage sur une quantité limitée d'aliments frais ou sur une quantité abondante d'aliments frais contenant des résidus alimentaires provenent d'élevages surpeuplés. Les effets inducteurs de ces résidus alimentaires disparaissent après extraction avec les solvants de lipides. Une certaine action est observée par de l'extraint sec sur de l'aliment frais.

Characterization of an interaction between protein C and ceruloplasmin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coagulation factors V and VIII are substrates for activated protein C. Binding sites for the protease have been localized to homologous sequences within the terminal A domains of these proteins. Since ceruloplasmin contains significant sequence homology to these domains, a study was undertaken to determine whether ceruloplasmin was an activated protein C-binding protein. Ceruloplasmin was observed to inhibit the activated protein C-catalyzed inactivation of both factor Va and factor VIII. Searches of the ceruloplasmin sequence revealed a decapeptide sequence, HAGMETTYTV (residues 1028-1037) that shares 60 and 40% sequence identity with the activated protein C binding sequence in factors VIII and V, respectively. This peptide also inhibited factor Va inactivation and in addition was observed to enhance the amidolytic activity of activated protein C. The ferrous oxidase activity of ceruloplasmin was stimulated 5-fold by activated protein C, and this effect was negated by the peptide HAGMETTYTV. These results indicate that these conserved sequences of ceruloplasmin and factors V and VIII interact with activated protein C and suggest that this region may be important in the regulation of this anticoagulant protein.  相似文献   

The unfolded protein response (UPR) is a conserved adaptive reaction that increases cell survival under conditions of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. The UPR controls diverse processes such as protein folding, secretion, ER biogenesis, protein quality control and macroautophagy. Occurrence of chronic ER stress has been extensively described in neurodegenerative conditions linked to protein misfolding and aggregation, including Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Prion-related disorders, and conditions such as Parkinson's, Huntington's, and Alzheimer's disease. Strong correlations are observed between disease progression, accumulation of protein aggregates, and induction of the UPR in animal and in vitro models of neurodegeneration. In addition, the first reports are available describing the engagement of ER stress responses in brain post-mortem samples from human patients. Despite such findings, the role of the UPR in the central nervous system has not been addressed directly and its contribution to neurodegeneration remains speculative. Recently, however, pharmacological manipulation of ER stress and autophagy - a stress pathway modulated by the UPR - using chemical chaperones and autophagy activators has shown therapeutic benefits by attenuating protein misfolding in models of neurodegenerative disease. The most recent evidence addressing the role of the UPR and ER stress in neurodegenerative disorders is reviewed here, along with therapeutic strategies to alleviate ER stress in a disease context.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe environment inside cells in which proteins fold and function are quite different from that of the dilute buffer solutions often used during in vitro experiments. The presence of large amounts of macromolecules of varying shapes, sizes and compositions makes the intracellular milieu extremely crowded.Scope of reviewThe overall concentration of macromolecules ranges from 50 to 400 g l 1, and they occupy 10–40% of the total cellular volume. These differences in solvent conditions and the level of crowdedness resulting in excluded volume effects can have significant consequences on proteins' biophysical properties. A question that arises is: how important is it to examine the roles of shape, size and composition of macromolecular crowders in altering the biological properties of proteins? This review article aims at focusing, gathering and summarizing all of the research investigations done by means of in vitro and in silico approaches taking into account the size-dependent influence of the crowders on proteins' properties.Major conclusionsAltogether, the internal architecture of macromolecular crowding environment including size, shape and concentration of crowders, appears to be playing an extremely important role in causing changes in the biological processes. Most often the small sized crowders have been found more effective crowding agents. However, thermodynamic stability, structure and functional activity of proteins have been governed by volume exclusion as well as soft (chemical) interactions.General significanceThe article provides an understanding of importance of internal architecture of the cellular environment in altering the biophysical properties of proteins.  相似文献   

We have measured the effect of temperature and denaturant concentration on the rate of intrachain diffusion in an unfolded protein. After photodissociating a ligand from the heme iron of unfolded horse cytochrome c, we use transient optical absorption spectroscopy to measure the time scale of the diffusive motions that bring the heme, located at His18, into contact with its native ligand, Met80. Measuring the rate at which this 62 residue intrachain loop forms under both folding and unfolding conditions, we find a significant effect of denaturant on the chain dynamics. The diffusion of the chain accelerates as denaturant concentration decreases, with the contact formation rate approaching a value near approximately 6x10(5) s(-1) in the absence of denaturant. This result agrees well with an extrapolation from recent loop formation measurements in short synthetic peptides. The temperature dependence of the rate of contact formation indicates an Arrhenius activation barrier, Ea approximately 20 kJ/mol, at high denaturant concentrations, comparable to what is expected from solvent viscosity effects alone. Although Ea increases by several kBT as denaturant concentration decreases, the overall rate of diffusion nevertheless increases. These results indicate that inter-residue energetic interactions do not control conformational diffusion in unfolded states, even under folding conditions.  相似文献   

Evidence for an interaction of the membrane (M) protein of Newcastle disease and Sendai viruses with cellular actin was obtained by three different techniques. M protein linked to Sepharose 4B was found to bind actin, but not myoglobin or bovine serum albumin, and to selectively remove actin from a mixture of these three proteins. Sedimentation of a mixture of M protein and F-actin through a sucrose gradient resulted in sedimentation of M protein with actin. Control proteins, bovine serum albumin and cytochrome c, did not sediment with actin. In circular dichroism studies, M protein added to actin in a 1:1 complex resulted in a significant increase in negative ellipticity at 220 nm, which corresponds to an increase in alpha-helix and a decrease in beta-structure and random coil. This is indicative of an interaction between M protein and actin. It is possible that the frequent identification of cellular actin in a number of enveloped viruses may be attributed to the interaction of actin and M protein or its equivalent.  相似文献   

As it is important to understand how protein conformational changes affect the separation performance in ion exchange chromatography (IEC), we investigated two model systems, unfolded proteins (lysozyme and bovine serum albumin) with urea and dithiothreitol, and PEGylated proteins (lysozyme attached with polyethyleneglycol molecular weight 5000). Linear gradient elution IEC experiments were carried out and the data were analysed by our model previously presented in order to obtain the binding site value B and the peak salt concentration I(R). Unfolded proteins (bovine serum albumin and lysozyme) with urea and dithiothreitol showed weaker retention and larger binding site values compared with the values for native proteins. Multiple PEGylated lysozyme peaks were separated, and eluted earlier than the native peak appeared. There is a good correlation between B and I(R) for PEGylated lysozymes.  相似文献   

Thermal stability of mutant proteins has been investigated using temperature dependent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in vacuo. The numerical modeling was aimed at mimicking protein expansion upon heating. After the conditions for an expanding protein accessible surface area were established for T4 lysozyme and barnase wild-type proteins, MD simulations were carried out under the same conditions using the crystal structures of several mutant proteins. The computed thermal expansion of the accessible surface area of mutant proteins was found to be strongly correlated with their experimentally measured stabilities. A similar, albeit weaker, correlation was observed for model mutant proteins. This opens the possibility of obtaining stability information directly from protein structure.  相似文献   

Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) is an unfolded protein that contains well characterized actin-binding sites within the phosphorylation site domain (PSD), yet paradoxically, we now find that intact MARCKS does not bind to actin. Intact MARCKS also does not bind as well to calmodulin as does the PSD alone. Myristoylation at the N terminus alters how calmodulin binds to MARCKS, implying that, despite its unfolded state, the distant N terminus influences binding events at the PSD. We show that the free PSD binds with site specificity to MARCKS, suggesting that long-range intramolecular interactions within MARCKS are also possible. Because of the unusual primary sequence of MARCKS with an overall isoelectric point of 4.2 yet a very basic PSD (overall charge of +13), we speculated that ionic interactions between oppositely charged domains of MARCKS were responsible for long-range interactions within MARCKS that sterically influence binding events at the PSD and that explain the observed differences between properties of the PSD and MARCKS. Consistent with this hypothesis, chemical modifications of MARCKS that neutralize negatively charged residues outside of the PSD allow the PSD to bind to actin and increase the affinity of MARCKS for calmodulin. Similarly, both myristoylation of MARCKS and cleavage of MARCKS by calpain are shown to increase the availability of the PSD so as to activate its actin-binding activity. Because abundant evidence supports the conclusion that MARCKS is an important protein in regulating actin dynamics, our data imply that post-translational modifications of MARCKS are necessary and sufficient to regulate actin-binding activity.  相似文献   

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