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The timing of mobilisation of lipid, sucrose, raffinose and phytate in lettuce seeds (achenes) (cv. Grand Rapids) has been examined. These reserves (33%, 1.5%, 0.7%, 1.4% of achene dry weight, respectively) are stored mostly in the cotyledons. Except for a slight degradation of raffinose and increase in sucrose, there is no detectable reserve mobilisation during germination. The endosperm (8% of seed dry weight), which has thick, mannan-containing cell walls (carbohydrate, 3,4% of seed dry weight), is completely degraded within about 15h following germination. Mannanase activity increases about 100-fold during the same period and arises in all regions of the endosperm. Also during this period sucrose and raffinose are degraded and fructose and glucose accumulate in the embryo. The endosperm hydrolysis products are taken up by the embryo, and are probably used as an additional reserve to support early seedling growth. However, endosperm cell-wall carbohydrates, such as mannose, are not found as free sugars. Lipid and phytate are degraded in a later, second phase of mobilisation. Low levels of sucrose are present in the embryo, mostly in the cotyledons, and large amounts of fractose and glucose (14% of seedling dry weight at 3 days after sowing) accumulate in the hypocotyl and radicle. It is suggested that sucrose, produced in the cotyledons by gluco-neogenesis, is translocated to the axis and converted there to fructose and glucose.  相似文献   

P. Halmer  J. D. Bewley 《Planta》1979,144(4):333-340
Endo--mannanase (EC is produced and secreted by the cells of the endosperm of lettuce (lactuca sativa L.) seeds (achenes). In imbibed intact seeds, production is prevented by inhibitors. If the endosperm is incubated alone, these inhibitors can be removed by leaching, allowing mannanase production. Abscisic acid, a component of lettuce seeds, inhibits the production of mannanase in the isolated endosperm, and may be involved in regulation of mannanase production in intact seeds. During germination the inhibition is removed, beginning 4–8 h after red-light irradiation, which was given 4 h from sowing. The cotyledons participate in this process, and are controlled by events occuring in the axis within 4 h from red-light irradiation. This control by the axis apparently depends on the exchange of diffusible substances. Both benzyladenine and gibberellic acid can replace the influence of the axis if the latter is removed, and may therefore be involved in the control by the axis of the rest of the seed.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BA 6-benzyladenine - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indol-3-yl acetic acid - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid - R red light Part of this work was carried out by P. Halmer at the Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA (his present address)  相似文献   

T. Górski  K. Górska 《Planta》1979,144(2):121-124
Using glass filters that transmit various spectral bands and different intensities of natural daylight, experiments with achenes of lettuce cv. Vanquard were performed. Germination during prolonged treatment depended both on the far red/red radiation ratio and on the irradiance. The promotive effect of red radiation present in natural light prevailed at low irradiances, the inhibitory effect of far red radiation at high irradiances. The dormancy imposed by prolonged white light of high intensity can be cancelled by transferring the achenes to darkness or to diffuse weak white light. The effects are obviously of the high irradiance response type; they are exerted by the same mechanism that causes seed dormancy under leaf canopies. Some considerations on the ecological significance of seed behaviour are given.Abbreviations FR far red radiation - R red radiation - HIR high irradiance response - Pfr the far red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr the red absorbing form of phytochrome  相似文献   

Some 22% of the dry weight of the cotyledons of resting seeds of Lupinus angustifolius cv. Unicrop has been shown to be non-starch polysaccharide material comprising the massively thickened walls of the storage mesophyll cells. On hydrolysis this material released galactose (76%), arabinose (13%), xylose (4%), uronic acid (7%): only traces of glucose were detected indicating the virtual absence of cellulose from the walls. Changes in the amount and composition of this material following germination have been studied in relation to parameters of seedling development and the mobilisation of protein, lipid and oligosaccharide reserves. Starch, which was not present in the resting seed, appeared transitorily following germination: under conditions of continuous darkness starch levels were reduced. During the period of bulk-reserve mobilisation, 92% of the non-starch polysaccharide material disappeared from the cotyledons. The residual cell-wall material released galactose (14%), arabinose (19%), xylose (24%) and uronic acid (43%). The galactose and arabinose residues of the cotyledonary cell walls clearly constitute a major storage material, quantitatively as important as protein. The overall role of the wall polysaccharides in seedling development is discussed.  相似文献   

Leena Mikola  Juhani Mikola 《Planta》1980,149(2):149-154
In germinating grains of barley, Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya, free proline accumulated in the starchy endosperm during the period of rapid mobilization of reserve proteins. When starchy endosperms were separated from germinating grains and homogenized in a dilute buffer of pH 5 (the pH of the starchy endosperm), the liberation of proline continued in these suspensions. The process was completely inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate, indicating that it was totally dependent on serine carboxy-peptidases. The carboxypeptidases present in the starchy endosperms of germinating grains were fractionated by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. Four peaks were obtained, all with different activity spectra on the seven carbobenzoxydipeptides (Z-dipeptides) tested. Two of the peaks corresponded to previously known barley carboxypeptidases; these as well as a third peak hydrolyzed substrates of the types Z-X-Y and Z-X-Pro (X and Y denote any amino acid residue except proline). The fourth peak corresponded to a proline carboxypeptidase specific for substrates of the Z-Pro-X type. Apparently, in the hydrolysis of longer proline-containing peptides there must be sequential cooperation between the two carboxypeptidase types. The carboxypeptidases in extracts of starchy endosperms also liberated proline from the peptides Ala-Ala-Ala-Pro and Ala-Ala-Pro while Ala-Pro and Pro-Ala were not attacked. The dipeptides, however, were rapidly hydrolyzed around pH 7 by extracts prepared from the scutella of germinating grains. It is concluded that one part of the proline residues of the reserve proteins is liberated in situ in the starchy endosperm through the combined action of acid proteinases and carboxypeptidases, while another part is taken up in the form of small peptides by the scutellum, where proline is liberated by amino- and/or dipeptidases in some neutral compartment.Abbreviations DFP diisopropylfluorophosphate - DTT dithiothreitol - TNBS 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid - Z N-carbobenzoxy - TLC thin layer chromatography A preliminary account of these results was given at the Meeting of the Federation of European Plant Physiological Societies in Edinburgh in July 1978. Abstract No. 181  相似文献   

Changes in total nitrogen, soluble amino nitrogen, lipid and phytate contents, and in the activities of proteinase (pH 7.0), isocitrate lyase and phytase were followed in the endosperm, cotyledons, and axis during germination of fenugreek seeds and subsequent growth of the seedlings. The endosperm is comprised largely of cell-wall galactomannans: the majority of the seed total nitrogen, lipid and phytate (5%, 8%, 0.44% of seed dry weight respectively) is localised within the cotyledons as stored reserves. Germination is completed after 10–14 h from the start of imbibition, but the major reserves are not mobilised during the first 24 h. Then the total nitrogen content of the cotyledons starts to decrease and that of the axis increases; there is a concomitant accumulation of soluble amino nitrogen in both cotyledons and axis. An increase in proteinase activity in the cotyledons correlates well with the depletion of total nitrogen therein. Depletion of lipid and phytate reserves in the different seed tissues constitutes a late event, occurring after 50 h from the start of imbibition, and is coincident with the final disintegration of the endosperm tissue. The depletion of phytate and stored lipids is accompanied by an increase in phytase and isocitrate lyase activity. It appears that the products of lipid hydrolysis are converted by gluconeogenesis to serve as the major source of sugars for the growing axis after the endosperm galactomannan has been completely mobilised.  相似文献   

The seed storage proteins of oats (Avena sativa L.) are synthesized and assembled into vacuolar protein bodies in developing endosperm tissue. We used double-label immunolocalization to study the distribution of these proteins within protein bodies of the starchy endosperm. When sections of developing oat endosperm sampled 8 d after anthesis were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, the vacuolar protein bodies consisted of light-staining regions which were usually surrounded by a darker-staining matrix. Immunogold staining of this tissue demonstrated a distinct segregation of proteins within protein bodies; globulins were localized in the dark-staining regions and prolamines were localized in the light-staining regions. We observed two additional components of vacuolar protein bodies: a membranous component which was often appressed to the outside of the globulin, and a granular, dark-staining region which resembled tightly clustered ribosomes. Neither antibody immunostained the membranous component, but the granular region was lightly labelled with the anti-globulin antibody. Anti-globulin immunostaining was also observed adjacent to cell walls and appeared to be associated with plasmodesmata. Immunostaining for both antigens was also observed within the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Based on the immunostaining patterns, the prolamine proteins appeared to aggregate within the rough endoplasmic reticulum while most of the globulin appeared to aggregate in the vacuole.Abbreviations DAA days after anthesis - IgG immunoglobulin G - Mr apparent molecular mass - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate — polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

J. V. Jacobsen  E. Pressman 《Planta》1979,144(3):241-248
Germination of celery seed occurred after 6 d of imbibition in light. During this time the embryo enlarged at the expense of the adjacent endosperm cells and at the time of germination was 2–3 times as long as in the dry seed. Breakdown of the endosperm cells near the root cap preceeded radicle emergence. None of these changes occurred in darkness.Endosperm digestion began adjacent to the embryo and spread radially. In degrading cells, the aleurone grains often became larger and fewer in number. The cell walls were modified and appeared to undergo partial degradation. Ultimately the cells seemed to lose their contents. In cells adjacent to the root cap, similar changes occurred except there was a transient appearance of starch grains. Radial progression of endosperm breakdown also occurred in isolated endosperm treated with gibberellin A4+7.The results indicate that (1) the stimulus for breakdown of celery endosperm emanates from the embryo in response to light; (2) the stimulus may be a gibberellin because changes in endosperm cells and the sequence of endosperm digestion during germination resemble the responses of isolated endosperm to gibberellin; and (3) the radial progression of endosperm breakdown during germination may be the result of a sequential response of cells to a uniformly applied stimulus rather than the result of gradual embryo expansion.  相似文献   

J. Forde  B. J. Miflin 《Planta》1983,157(6):567-576
The prolamin storage proteins of the wheat endosperm contain a sub-class of high-molecular-weight (HMW) polypeptides which have been implicated in determining breadmaking quality. Membrane-bound polysomes isolated from developing wheat endosperms contain mRNA for these HMW components. Although unfractionated polyadenylated RNA derived from the polysomes did not direct the synthesis of these components in an in-vitro wheat-germ system, it did when incubated with a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system. Identification of the translation products as HMW prolamins was based on their large incorporation of [3H]leucine and [3H]glycine relative to [3H]lysine, their mobility on polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and the observation that the changes of mobility in response to change in wheat genotype were the same as those observed for the authentic protein. The mRNA was fractionated by electrophoresis and density-gradient centrifugation. The mRNA for the HMW prolamins was found to have a relative molecular mass of about 1.6·106.Abbreviations HMW high molecular weight - PAGE polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis - poly(A)+RNA polyadenylated RNA - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

By means of crossed immunoelectrophoresis of the cotyledonary storage proteins of Pisum sativum L. it was shown that reduced accumulation of the legumin fraction, resulting from severe sulphur deficiency during growth, is accompanied by relative suppression of a quantitatively minor storage protein (Peak 3) shown previously by subunit analysis to be related to the vicilin series of holoproteins. The pattern of isotopic labelling of the storage proteins after injection of [35S]methionine into the pedicel during seed development under normal nutritional conditions indicated that Peak-3 protein, like legumin, has a relatively high content of sulphur amino-acids. Like certain of the vicilin molecules carrying the determinants responsible for Peak-4, Peak-3 protein binds selectively to concanavalin A.  相似文献   

Summary Sugary, shrunken, floury, white core, amylose extender and dull mutants induced in japonica varieties were used in this study. The results of an allelic analysis conducted in japonica background indicated that the two sugary mutants 82GF and EM5 are allelic. The two amylose extender mutants 2064 and EM16 are also allelic. The opaque mutant ESD7-3(0) and floury mutants 2047, EM17 and EM28 are allelic as well and have the flo-1 gene. The three white core mutants EM3, EM24 and EM66 were found to be non-allelic. Eleven dull mutants were investigated. Dull mutants 2057, 2083, 2091 and EM15 were found to be allelic to each other. Similarly, dull mutants 2077, 2078 and 2120 have allelic genes. Dull mutants 2035, EM12, EM47, and EM98 are non-allelic to the above loci. Dull genes in EM12, EM15, and EM98 were designated earlier as du-1, du-2 and du-4, respectively.The mutant genes were transferred to indica background by two backcrosses to IR36. Some of the mutant genes were located to respective chromosomes through trisomic analysis using primary trisomics of IR36. In this way the amylose extender gene ae was located to chromosome 2, the flo-1 was located to chromosome 5 and the flo-2 to chromosome 4. Dull genes of EM47, 2120, and 2035 were assigned to chromosomes 6, 9, and 6, respectively.  相似文献   

Barron C  Parker ML  Mills EN  Rouau X  Wilson RH 《Planta》2005,220(5):667-677
Endosperm cell walls of cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) selected for their endosperm texture (two soft and two hard) were analysed in situ by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy. FTIR imaging coupled with statistical analysis was used to map the compositional and structural heterogeneity within transverse sections from which cell contents had been removed by sonication. In the majority of grains analysed, two distinct populations of endosperm cells could be identified by spectral features that were related to cell morphology and age, regardless of cultivar. The main cell-wall component responsible for these differences was the polysaccharide arabinoxylan. In a few samples, this heterogeneity was absent, for reasons that are not understood, but this was not correlated to endosperm texture or growth conditions. Within the same population of endosperm cells, cell walls of hard endosperm could be distinguished from those of soft endosperm by their spectral features. Compared to hard cultivars, the peripheral endosperm of soft cultivars was characterised by a higher amount of polymer, whose spectral feature was similar to water-extractable arabinoxylan. In contrast, no specific compound has been identified in the central endosperm: structural differences within the polysaccharides probably contribute to the distinction between hard and soft cultivars. In developing grain, a clear difference in the composition of the endosperm cell walls of hard and soft wheat cultivars was observed as early as 15 days after anthesis.  相似文献   

Spores ofAdiantum capillus-veneris L., which were preincubated at 25 C for three days in the dark, were suspended in 1 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH 6.0, and incubated for four days under continuous red light in the presence or absence of 3 mM sulfite. At day 0, 2 and 4 of the incubation, contents of cell constituents were determined. Total lipid content decreased continuously over four days of incubation in the absence of sulfite or in the presence of 3 mM sulfate. In contrast, when sulfite was added to the medium, the decrease stopped after day 2. The content of insoluble glucan increased markedly between day 2 and 4 in the medium without sulfite, whereas it decreased continuously for four days in the medium containing sulfite. The protein content decreased promptly by day 2, but its decrease was delayed when 3 mM sulfite was added to the medium. The content of amino acids also decreased by day 2, but it increased thereafter in the absence of sulfite or in the presence of 3 mM sulfate. In the presence of sulfite, however, the content continued to decrease until day 4. The results indicate that 3 mM sulfite in the incubation medium depressed the utilization of reserve lipid and protein, the synthesis of insoluble glucan and the increase of amino acid pool sizes in fern spores.  相似文献   

H. V. Davies  J. M. Chapman 《Planta》1980,149(3):288-291
An analysis of the in vitro activities of proteolytic enzymes from cotyledons of germinating cucumber seeds has been carried out and the effects of protein degradation products on such activities monitored. Aminopeptidase activity is substantially inhibited with either L-leucine or L-phenylalanine and trypsin activity with L-arginine. Aminopeptidase activity was also markedly reduced in the presence of individual di- and tripeptides. Of the peptides tested, however, only L-tryptophyl-L-phenylalanine inhibited the degradation of native cucumber seed protein by the endogenous cucumber seed protease(s) (autodigestive activity).Abbreviations TCA trichloroacetic acid - L-leuglygly L-leucylglycylglycine - L-pheglygly L-phenylalanylglycylglycine - L-phe-L-leu L-phenylalanyl-L-leucine - L-leu-L-phe L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine - L-tryp-L-phe L-tryptophyl-L-phenylalanine - LPA L-leucine-p nitroanilide - BAPNA -N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-p nitroanilide - ADA autodigestive activity  相似文献   

During germination of lupin seeds, the levels of in-vivo tRNA aminoacylation increase in different ways, depending on the species of tRNA. Column chromatography of tRNA on reverse-phase-chromatography (RPC-5) has shown the presence of 4 peaks of isoleucyl-tRNA, 5 of leucyl-tRNA, 5 of lysyl-tRNA, 2 of tyrosyl-tRNA, and 4 of valyl-tRNA. Cochromatography of periodate treated and control tRNA preparations, labeled with radioactive amino acids, indicates identical aminoacylation in vivo of isoaccepting tRNAs during plant development. One isoacceptor of isoleucine tRNA changes its elution profile after periodate treatment.Abbreviation RPC-5 reverse-phase-chromatography  相似文献   

Phaseolin, the major seed storage protein of Phaseolus vulgaris L., is degraded in the cotyledons in the first 7–10 d following seed germination. We assayed cotyledon extracts for protease activity by using [3H]phaseolin as a substrate and then fractionated the digestion mixtures by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in order to identify the cleavage products. The cotyledons of 4-d-old seedlings contain an endopeptidase which cleaves the polypeptides of [3H]phaseolin (apparent molecular weights=51 000, 48 000, 46 000 and 43 000) into three discrete clusters of proteolytic fragments (M rs=27 000, 25 000 and 23 000). Endopeptidase activity is not detected in the cotyledons until the protein content of these organs starts to decline, shortly after the first day of seedling growth. Endopeptidase activity increases to a maximum level in the cotyledons of 5-d-old seedlings and then declines to a minimum value by day 10. The enzyme was purified 335-fold by ammonium-sulfate precipitation, organomercurial-agarose chromatography, gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. The endopeptidase constitutes 0.3% of the protein content in the cotyledons of 4-d-old seedlings. It is a cysteine protease with a single polypeptide chain (M r=30 000). Optimum hydrolysis of [3H]phaseolin occurs at pH 5. The enzyme is irreversibly inactivated at pH values above 7 and at temperatures above 45° C. The endopeptidase attacks only a limited number of peptide bonds in [3H]phaseolin, without causing any appreciable change in the native molecular weight of the storage protein. The endopeptidase is also able to hydrolyze the bean-seed lectin, phytohemagglutinin. Thus, this enzyme may play a general role in degrading cotyledon proteins of P. vulgaris following seed germination.Abbreviations Da dalton - DTT dithiothreitol - M r apparent molecular weight - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PHA phytohemagglutinin - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Red light (R) and gibberellins (GA) each induce a water potential decrease in the axes of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) embryos resulting in germination of intact seeds (achenes) or an increase in growth of the axes of isolated embryos. The fruit coat and endosperm are a substantial barrier to the penetration of exogeneous GA. Isolated embryos take up 35 times as much [3H]GA1 as the embryos of intact seeds and respond to less than 1·10-10 M GA3 or GA4+7. We calculated that only 1·10-8 M of either GA3 or GA4+7 would result in 50% germination if the GA were able freely to penetrate the fruit coat. Exogenous GA3 or GA4+7, at concentrations insufficient to cause germination, result in an apparent synergistic promotion of germination when suboptimal R is applied. Yet suboptimal concentrations of exogenous GA3 or GA4+7 and suboptimal R result in only additive increases in the growth response in axes of isolated embryos. Dose-response curves demonstrate quantitative increases in the growth response of the isolated axes after R or GA treatments insufficient to induce germination in intact seeds, indicating that a threshold potential must be achieved by the embryonic axes before germination can occur.Abbreviations FR far=red light - GA gibberellin - PEG poly-ethylene glycol 4000 - Pfr far-red-absorbing phytochrome - R red light III.=Carpita et al. 1979b; IV.=Carpita et al. 1979c  相似文献   

Seed storage proteins are thought to be accumulated exclusively in the cell-expansion phase of embryogenesis and metabolized during germination and seedling growth. Here we show by a sensitive immunohistological technique that the two Vicia faba L. storage proteins vicilin and legumin are accumulated in substantial amounts in the suspensor and coenocytic endosperm and to a lesser extent in the mid-globular embryo. Both proteins appear and disappear at precise stages specific for each tissue. In the endosperm the accumulation starts around 12 d after pollination (DAP). After a maximum attained at 14–15 DAP, storage proteins are degraded within about 4 d. Accumulation is restricted to that part of the endosperm which covers the embryo and displays the highest levels of endoploidy (maximum 96n). In all other parts of the endosperm, storage proteins do not appear to accumulate, although storage-protein-specific mRNA synthesis takes place. In the suspensor, storage proteins are already observed at 6 DAP and disappear very quickly at approximately 10 DAP. Low amounts of legumin and vicilin are also detectable in the mid-globular embryo, but disappear completely as the embryo enters the heart stage. We conclude that storage proteins of Vicia faba accumulated transiently during early seed development are used as nutritive reserves for the growing embryo.Abbreviation DAP days after pollination Dedicated to Prof. Rigomar Rieger in the occasion of his 65th birthdayThis research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Research, Land Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. U.W. acknowledges additional support by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie.  相似文献   

Summary The zone of endosperm breakdown in the germinated date seed (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is a narrow area immediately adjacent to the surface of the enlarging cotyledon, or haustorium. The zone width is correlated with the amount of cell division in the adjacent region of the haustorium. The sequence of endosperm breakdown is: 1. protein bodies vacuolate, 2. storage cell walls become electron-transparent immediately adjacent to the protoplast of each endosperm cell, 3. all remaining cytoplasm and lipid bodies disappear, and 4. the remaining cell walls become electron-transparent and collapse against the haustorium surface. Two cell wall hydrolases are present—endo-mannanase (EC3.2.1.78) and -mannosidase (EC3.2.1.25). -mannosidase is detectable in the endosperm before germination. At germination, the major portion of activity is found in the softened endosperm. -mannanase is only detectable from germination and there is always hundreds of fold greater activity in the softened endosperm than elsewhere. Proteinase is detectable in trace amounts at germination in the softened endosperm but is also found in the haustorium at later stages. Isolated haustoria, incubated in extracted ivory nut (Phytelephas macrocarpa) mannan in buffer, cause no mannan breakdown. Haustoria, incubated in a solution of locust bean galactomannan, cause no decrease in galactomannan viscosity. Our observations suggest that although haustoria probably regulate mannan breakdown in the endosperm, they do not seem to secrete the hydrolytic enzymes concerned.  相似文献   

Storage proteins of maize (Zea mays L.) were studied in germinated seeds, as were the proteins of protein bodies isolated from endosperms at different germination times. Major endosperm storage proteins were degraded in a sequential way, glutelin 2 being hydrolysed faster than zein 1. Immunocytochemical labelling of the different protein bodies using the antisera anti-glutelin 2 and anti-zein 1 indicates that the protein bodies were degraded by progressive hydrolysis from their surface. The digestion of glutelin 2 correlated with the disappearance of the protein-body membranes.  相似文献   

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