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Methane emissions from rice grown within Temperature Gradient Greenhouse Tunnels under doubled CO2 concentrations were 10–45 times less than emissions from control plants grown under ambient CO2. For two cultivars of rice (cvs. Lemont and IR-72), methane emissions increased with a temperature increase of 2°, from outdoor ambient temperatures to the first cell of the ambient CO2 tunnel (ambient temperature + 2 °C). Within both tunnels and for both cultivars methane emissions decreased with further temperature increases (from 2° to 5 °C above ambient). Carbon dioxide enrichment stimulated both above- and below-ground production. Our original hypothesis was that increased CO2 would stimulate plant productivity and therefore stimulate methane emission, since direct linkages between these parameters have been observed. We hypothesize that CO2 enrichment led to the attenuation of methane production due to increased delivery of oxygen to the rhizosphere because of increased root biomass and porosity. The increased root biomass due to elevated CO2 may have more effectively aerated the soil, suppressing methane production. However, this study may be unique because the low organic content (< 1%) of the sandy soils in which the rice was grown created very little oxygen demand.  相似文献   

Although the effects of elevated ozone on aboveground carbon (C) assimilation are well understood, its effects on soil C fluxes are less certain. Mesocosms taken from a lowland raised bog in northern England were exposed in open‐top chambers for 2 years to ambient air or ambient air plus ozone elevated for 8 h day?1 by an average of 49 ppb in summer and 10 ppb in winter. The effects of elevated ozone on methane emission and ecosystem dark respiration were measured throughout this period, along with soil and plant variables. Methane emissions were significantly reduced, by about 25%, by elevated ozone during midsummer periods of both years, but no significant effect of ozone was found during the winter periods. Dark ecosystem respiration was not significantly affected by elevated ozone. There was no evidence that effects of elevated ozone on methane emissions were mediated through changes in aboveground plant biomass or soil water dissolved organic C concentrations. Our results imply that the increased northern hemisphere background ozone concentrations over the 21st century that are predicted by most models may reduce the rate of increase in methane emissions as the region warms.  相似文献   

Using the free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) techniques, we carried out a 3‐year mono‐factorial experiment in temperate paddy rice fields of Japan (1998–2000) and a 3‐year multifactorial experiment in subtropical paddy rice fields in the Yangtze River delta in China (2001–2003), to investigate the methane (CH4) emissions in response to an elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (200±40 mmol mol?1 higher than that in the ambient atmosphere). No significant effect of the elevated CO2 upon seasonal accumulative CH4 emissions was observed in the first rice season, but significant stimulatory effects (CH4 increase ranging from 38% to 188%, with a mean of 88%) were observed in the second and third rice seasons in the fields with or without organic matter addition. The stimulatory effects of the elevated CO2 upon seasonal accumulative CH4 emissions were negatively correlated with the addition rates of decomposable organic carbon (P<0.05), but positively with the rates of nitrogen fertilizers applied in either the current rice season (P<0.05) or the whole year (P<0.01). Six mechanisms were proposed to explain collectively the observations. Soil nitrogen availability was identified as an important regulator. The effect of soil nitrogen availability on the observed relation between elevated CO2 and CH4 emission can be explained by (a) modifying the C/N ratio of the plant residues formed in the previous growing season(s); (b) changing the inhibitory effect of high C/N ratio on plant residue decomposition in the current growing season; and (c) altering the stimulatory effects of CO2 enrichment upon plant growth, as well as nitrogen uptake in the current growing season. This study implies that the concurrent enrichment of reactive nitrogen in the global ecosystems may accelerate the increase of atmospheric methane by initiating a stimulatory effect of the ongoing dramatic atmospheric CO2 enrichment upon methane emissions from nitrogen‐poor paddy rice ecosystems and further amplifying the existing stimulatory effect in nitrogen‐rich paddy rice ecosystems.  相似文献   

The effect of soil warming on CO2 and CH4 flux from a spruce–fir forest soil was evaluated at the Howland Integrated Forest Study site in Maine, USA from 1993 to 1995. Elevated soil temperatures (~5 °C) were maintained during the snow-free season (May – November) in replicated 15 × 15-m plots using electric cables buried 1–2 cm below the soil surface; replicated unheated plots served as the control. CO2 evolution from the soil surface and soil air CO2 concentrations both showed clear seasonal trends and significant (P < 0.0001) positive exponential relationships with soil temperature. Soil warming caused a 25–40% increase in CO2 flux from the heated plots compared to the controls. No significant differences were observed between heated and control plot soil air CO2 concentrations which we attribute to rapid equilibration with the atmosphere in the O horizon and minimal treatment effects in the B horizon. Methane fluxes were highly variable and showed no consistent trends with treatment.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max) was grown at ambient and enhanced carbon dioxide (CO2, + 250 μL L?1 above ambient) with and without the presence of a C3 weed (lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L.) and a C4 weed (redroot pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus L.), in order to evaluate the impact of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [CO2] on crop production losses due to weeds. Weeds of a given species were sown at a density of two per metre of row. A significant reduction in soybean seed yield was observed with either weed species relative to the weed‐free control at either [CO2]. However, for lambsquarters the reduction in soybean seed yield relative to the weed‐free condition increased from 28 to 39% as CO2 increased, with a 65% increase in the average dry weight of lambsquarters at enhanced [CO2]. Conversely, for pigweed, soybean seed yield losses diminished with increasing [CO2] from 45 to 30%, with no change in the average dry weight of pigweed. In a weed‐free environment, elevated [CO2] resulted in a significant increase in vegetative dry weight and seed yield at maturity for soybean (33 and 24%, respectively) compared to the ambient CO2 condition. Interestingly, the presence of either weed negated the ability of soybean to respond either vegetatively or reproductively to enhanced [CO2]. Results from this experiment suggest: (i) that rising [CO2] could alter current yield losses associated with competition from weeds; and (ii) that weed control will be crucial in realizing any potential increase in economic yield of agronomic crops such as soybean as atmospheric [CO2] increases.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 and temperature alter nitrogen allocation in Douglas-fir   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on principal carbon constituents (PCC) and C and N allocation between needle, woody (stem and branches) and root tissue of Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco seedlings were determined. The seedlings were grown in sun‐lit controlled‐environment chambers that contained a native soil. Chambers were controlled to reproduce ambient or ambient +180 ppm CO2 and either ambient temperature or ambient +3.5 °C for 4 years. There were no significant CO2 × temperature interactions; consequently the data are presented for the CO2 and temperature effects. At the final harvest, elevated CO2 decreased the nonpolar fraction of the PCC and increased the polar fraction and amount of sugars in the needles. In contrast, elevated temperature increased the nonpolar fraction of the PCC and decreased sugars in needles. There were no CO2 or temperature effects on the PCC fractions in the woody tissue or root tissue. Elevated CO2 and temperature had no significant effects on the C content of any of the plant tissues or fractions. In contrast, the foliar N content declined under elevated CO2 and increased under elevated temperature; there were no significant effects in other tissues. The changes in the foliar N concentrations were in the cellulose and lignin fractions, the fractions, which contain protein, and are the consequences of changes in N allocation under the treatments. These results indicate reallocation of N among plant organs to optimize C assimilation, which is mediated via changes in the selectivity of Rubisco and carbohydrate modulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

Stomatal density (SD) and stomatal conductance ( g s) can be affected by an increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration. This study was conducted on 17 species growing in a naturally enriched CO2 spring and belonging to three plant communities. Stomatal conductance, stomatal density and stomatal index (SI) of plants from the spring, which were assumed to have been exposed for generations to elevated [CO2], and of plants of the same species collected in a nearby control site, were compared. Stomatal conductance was significantly lower in most of the species collected in the CO2 spring and this indicated that CO2 effects on g s are not of a transitory nature but persist in the long term and through plant generations. Such a decrease was, however, not associated with changes in the anatomy of leaves: SD was unaffected in the majority of species (the decrease was only significant in three out of the 17 species examined), and also SI values did not vary between the two sites with the exception of two species that showed increased SI in plants grown in the CO2-enriched area. These results did not support the hypothesis that long-term exposure to elevated [CO2] may cause adaptive modification in stomatal number and in their distribution.  相似文献   

Changes in atmospheric composition affect plant quality and herbivore performance. We used the Aspen Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility to investigate the impacts of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3) on the performance of the aphid Cepegillettea betulaefoliae Granovsky feeding on paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.). In Year 1, we simultaneously measured individual performance and population growth rates, and in Year 2 we surveyed natural aphid, predator and parasitoid populations throughout the growing season. Aphid growth and development (relative growth rate (RGR), development time, adult weight, embryo number and the birth weight of newborn nymphs) were unaffected by CO2 and O3. Aphid fecundity decreased on trees grown at elevated CO2, O3 and CO2+O3. Neither nymphal performance nor adult size were reliable indicators of future fecundity at elevated CO2 and/or O3. Aphid populations protected from natural enemies were unaffected by elevated CO2, but increased significantly at elevated O3. Individual fecundity in elevated CO2 and O3 atmospheres did not predict population growth rates, probably because of changes in the strength of intraspecific competition or the ability of the aphids to induce nutrient sinks. Natural aphid, predator and parasitoids populations (Year 2) showed few significant responses to CO2 and O3, although CO2 and O3 did affect the timing of aphid and natural enemy peak abundance. Elevated CO2 and O3 affected aphid and natural enemy populations independently: no CO2× O3 interactions were observed. We conclude that: (1) aphid individual performance did not predict population responses to CO2 and O3 and (2) elevated CO2 and O3 atmospheres are unlikely to affect C. betulaefoliae populations in the presence of natural enemy communities.  相似文献   

Environmental change is anticipated to negatively affect both plant and animal populations. As abiotic factors rapidly change habitat suitability, projections range from altered genetic diversity to wide-spread species loss. Here, we assess the degree to which changes in atmospheric composition associated with environmental change will influence not only the abundance, but also the genotypic/phenotypic diversity, of herbivore populations. Using free-air CO2 and O3 enrichment (FACE) technology, we assess numerical responses of pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) exhibiting a pink–green genetic polymorphism and an environmentally determined wing polyphenism on broad bean plants (Vicia faba) under enriched CO2 and/or O3 atmospheres, over multiple generations. We show that these two greenhouse gases alter not only aphid population sizes, but also genotypic and phenotypic frequencies. As the green genotype was positively influenced by elevated CO2 levels, but the pink genotype was not, genotypic frequencies (pink morph : green morph) ranged from 1 : 1 to 9 : 1. These two genotypes also displayed marked differences in phenotypic frequencies. The pink genotype exhibited higher levels of wing induction under all atmospheric treatments, however, this polyphenism was negatively influenced by elevated O3 levels. Resultantly, frequencies of winged phenotypes (pink morph : green morph) varied from 10 : 1 to 332 : 1. Thus, atmospheric conditions associated with environmental change may alter not just overall population sizes, but also genotypic and phenotypic frequencies of herbivore populations, thereby influencing community and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) is a particularly potent greenhouse gas with a radiative forcing 23 times that of CO2 on a per mass basis. Flooded rice paddies are a major source of CH4 emissions to the Earth's atmosphere. A free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment was conducted to evaluate changes in crop productivity and the crop ecosystem under enriched CO2 conditions during three rice growth seasons from 1998 to 2000 in a rice paddy at Shizukuishi, Iwate, Japan. To understand the influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on CH4 emission, we measured methane flux from FACE rice fields and rice fields with ambient levels of CO2 during the 1999 and 2000 growing seasons. Methane production and oxidation potentials of soil samples collected when the rice was at the tillering and flowering stages in 2000 were measured in the laboratory by the anaerobic incubation and alternative propylene substrates methods, respectively. The average tiller number and root dry biomass were clearly larger in the plots with elevated CO2 during all rice growth stages. No difference in methane oxidation potential between FACE and ambient treatments was found, but the methane production potential of soils during the flowering stage was significantly greater under FACE than under ambient conditions. When free‐air CO2 was enriched to 550 ppmv, the CH4 emissions from the rice paddy field increased significantly, by 38% in 1999 and 51% in 2000. The increased CH4 emissions were attributed to accelerated CH4 production potential as a result of more root exudates and root autolysis products and to increased plant‐mediated CH4 emissions because of the larger rice tiller numbers under FACE conditions.  相似文献   

Two published models of canopy photosynthesis, MAESTRO and BIOMASS, are simulated to examine the response of tree stands to increasing ambient concentrations of carbon dioxide (Ca) and temperatures. The models employ the same equations to described leaf gas exchange, but differ considerably in the level of detail employed to represent canopy structure and radiation environment. Daily rates of canopy photosynthesis simulated by the two models agree to within 10% across a range of CO2 concentrations and temperatures. A doubling of Ca leads to modest increases of simulated daily canopy photosynthesis at low temperatures (10% increase at 10°C), but larger increases at higher temperatures (60% increase at 30°C). The temperature and CO2 dependencies of canopy photosynthesis are interpreted in terms of simulated contributions by quantum-saturated and non-saturated foliage. Simulations are presented for periods ranging from a diurnal cycle to several years. Annual canopy photosynthesis simulated by BIOMASS for trees experiencing no water stress is linearly related to simulated annual absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, with light utilization coefficients for carbon of ?= 1.66 and 2.07g MJ?1 derived for Ca of 350 and 700 μmol mol?1, respectively.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 and plant structure: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Consequences of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration on plant structure, an important determinant of physiological and competitive success, have not received sufficient attention in the literature. Understanding how increasing carbon input will influence plant developmental processes, and resultant form, will help bridge the gap between physiological response and ecosystem level phenomena. Growth in elevated CO2 alters plant structure through its effects on both primary and secondary meristems of shoots and roots. Although not well established, a review of the literature suggests that cell division, cell expansion, and cell patterning may be affected, driven mainly by increased substrate (sucrose) availability and perhaps also by differential expression of genes involved in cell cycling (e.g. cyclins) or cell expansion (e.g. xyloglucan endotransglycosylase). Few studies, however, have attempted to elucidate the mechanistic basis for increased growth at the cellular level. Regardless of specific mechanisms involved, plant leaf size and anatomy are often altered by growth in elevated CO2, but the magnitude of these changes, which often decreases as leaves mature, hinges upon plant genetic plasticity, nutrient availability, temperature, and phenology. Increased leaf growth results more often from increased cell expansion rather than increased division. Leaves of crop species exhibit greater increases in leaf thickness than do leaves of wild species. Increased mesophyll and vascular tissue cross-sectional areas, important determinates of photosynthetic rates and assimilate transport capacity, are often reported. Few studies, however, have quantified characteristics more reflective of leaf function such as spatial relationships among chlorenchyma cells (size, orientation, and surface area), intercellular spaces, and conductive tissue. Greater leaf size and/or more leaves per plant are often noted; plants grown in elevated CO2 exhibited increased leaf area per plant in 66% of studies, compared to 28% of observations reporting no change, and 6% reported a decrease in whole plant leaf area. This resulted in an average net increase in leaf area per plant of 24%. Crop species showed the greatest average increase in whole plant leaf area (+ 37%) compared to tree species (+ 14%) and wild, nonwoody species (+ 15%). Conversely, tree species and wild, nontrees showed the greatest reduction in specific leaf area (– 14% and – 20%) compared to crop plants (– 6%). Alterations in developmental processes at the shoot apex and within the vascular cambium contributed to increased plant height, altered branching characteristics, and increased stem diameters. The ratio of internode length to node number often increased, but the length and sometimes the number of branches per node was greater, suggesting reduced apical dominance. Data concerning effects of elevated CO2 on stem/branch anatomy, vital for understanding potential shifts in functional relationships of leaves with stems, roots with stems, and leaves with roots, are too few to make generalizations. Growth in elevated CO2 typically leads to increased root length, diameter, and altered branching patterns. Altered branching characteristics in both shoots and roots may impact competitive relationships above and below the ground. Understanding how increased carbon assimilation affects growth processes (cell division, cell expansion, and cell patterning) will facilitate a better understanding of how plant form will change as atmospheric CO2 increases. Knowing how basic growth processes respond to increased carbon inputs may also provide a mechanistic basis for the differential phenotypic plasticity exhibited by different plant species/functional types to elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Increased atmospheric CO2 often but not always leads to large decreases in leaf conductance. Decreased leaf conductance has important implications for a number of components of CO2 responses, from the plant to the global scale. All of the factors that are sensitive to a change in soil moisture, either amount or timing, may be affected by increased CO2. The list of potentially sensitive processes includes soil evaporation, run-off, decomposition, and physiological adjustments of plants, as well as factors such as canopy development and the composition of the plant and microbial communities. Experimental evidence concerning ecosystem-scale consequences of the effects of CO2 on water use is only beginning to accumulate, but the initial indication is that, in water-limited areas, the effects of CO2-induced changes in leaf conductance are comparable in importance to those of CO,2-induced changes in photosynthesis. Above the leaf scale, a number of processes interact to modulate the response of canopy or regional evapotran-spiration to increased CO2. While some components of these processes tend to amplify the sensitivity of evapo-transpiration to altered leaf conductance, the most likely overall pattern is one in which the responses of canopy and regional evapotranspiration are substantially smaller than the responses of canopy conductance. The effects of increased CO2 on canopy evapotranspiration are likely to be smallest in aerodynamically smooth canopies with high leaf conductances. Under these circumstances, which are largely restricted to agriculture, decreases in evapotranspiration may be only one-fourth as large as decreases in canopy conductance. Decreased canopy conductances over large regions may lead to altered climate, including increased temperature and decreased precipitation. The simulation experiments to date predict small effects globally, but these could be important regionally, especially in combination with radiative (greenhouse) effects of increased CO2.  相似文献   

This paper attempts some preliminary evaluation of the potential of agroforestry techniques as a forestry strategy for controlling atmospheric CO2—a critical greenhouse gas. The end-use scenario that attempts to meet the wood and related needs of the nation while mitigating climate change was adopted. The net emission estimate for the Forestry Sector in 1990—the base year for the study—was 9.5 million tonnes of carbon (MtC). Based on this figure, projections into the year 2030 gave cumulative net emissions of 427.4 and 580.5 MtC at 1.3% and 2.6% deforestation rates respectively. However, mitigating with agroforestry techniques, assuming that about 76% of the estimated 39.5 million ha of farmland in the country is committed to a variety of agroforestry systems, the results show that a total of 1530 MtC can be withdrawn from the atmosphere by the year 2030. The paper concludes that there is a reasonable case for the use of agroforestry techniques in the country, both as a means of sustaining soil productivity and as a strategy for mitigating climate change.  相似文献   

Abstract The experimental determination of cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH values is discussed. Despite variation in these values evidence indicates that intracellular pH values are normally regulated within narrow limits. The regulatory mechanisms proposed involve the metabolic consumption of OH& and the active efflux of H +. The evidence for intracellular pH modification in response to CO2 hydration and the production of HCO?3 and H+ is examined. Theoretical calculations and experimental data indicate that CO2 concentrations as high as 5% will lower intracellular pH. Conversely, variation in CO2 levels around atmospheric concentrations is unlikely to perturb intracellular pH. High CO2 levels are found in bulky tissues, and flooded root systems. Evidence is presented that the slow diffusion of dissolved CO2 compared to gaseous CO2 results in its accumulation. It is proposed that the accumulation of respiratory CO2 may reduce intracellular pH values when plant tissues, cells or protoplasts are maintained in a liquid culture medium. Finally, the possible role of dark CO2 fixation and organic acid synthesis in the regulation of intracellular pH is examined.  相似文献   

We studied the three‐way interaction of elevated CO2, nitrogen (N), and temperature (T), and the two‐way interaction of elevated CO2 and early‐season defoliation on the secondary chemistry and resistance of Eurasian silver birch (Betula pendula) and North American paper birch (B. papyrifera) against the Eurasian hare (Lepus timidus) and the North American eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus), respectively. Elevated CO2 decreased the palatability of winter‐dormant silver and paper birch stems to both hares and rabbits, respectively. But the effect on hares was only apparent at intermediate levels of N fertilization. Elevated T had no effect on palatability. The effects of elevated CO2, N, and T on levels of silver birch bark phenolics and terpenoids were dominated by two‐way interactions between N and CO2, and N and T. Generally, however, N amendments elicited a parabolic response in carbon partitioning to most biosynthetic classes of silver birch phenolics (i.e. highest concentrations occurring at intermediate N). CO2 elevation was most enhancing at highest levels of N. On the other hand, T increases, more often than not, elicited reductions in phenolics, but especially so at the highest N level. In the case of B. papyrifera, elevated CO2 increased carbon partitioning to Folin‐Denis stem and branch phenolics and condensed tannins. Early‐season defoliation, on the other hand, had no effect on phenolics and tannins but lowered both N and energy levels of branches. Elevated CO2 substantially ameliorated the negative effects of severe defoliation on tree growth. These results support the hypothesis that continuing anthropogenic alterations of the atmosphere may trigger significant changes in plant phenotypic resistance to mammalian herbivores owing to an increasing net carbon balance between the highly vagile supply and demand capacities of plant carbon sources and sinks.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that high CO2 availability would increase monoterpene emission to the atmosphere. This hypothesis was based on resource allocation theory which predicts increased production of plant secondary compounds when carbon is in excess of that required for growth. Monoterpene emission rates were measured from needles of (a) Ponderosa pine grown at different CO2 concentrations and soil nitrogen levels, and (b) Douglas fir grown at different CO2 concentrations. Ponderosa pine grown at 700 μmol mol–1 CO2 exhibited increased photosynthetic rates and needle starch to nitrogen (N) ratios when compared to trees grown at 350 μmol mol–1 CO2. Nitrogen availability had no consistent effect on photosynthesis. Douglas fir grown at 550 μmol mol–1 CO2 exhibited increased photosynthetic rates as compared to growth at 350 μmol mol–1 CO2 in old, but not young needles, and there was no influence on the starch/N ratio. In neither species was there a significant effect of elevated growth CO2 on needle monoterpene concentration or emission rate. The influence of climate warming and leaf area index (LAI) on monoterpene emission were also investigated. Douglas fir grown at elevated CO2 plus a 4 °C increase in growth temperature exhibited no change in needle monoterpene concentration, despite a predicted 50% increase in emission rate. At elevated CO2 concentration the LAI increased in Ponderosa pine, but not Douglas fir. The combination of increased LAI and climate warming are predicted to cause an 80% increase in monoterpene emissions from Ponderosa pine forests and a 50% increase in emissions from Douglas fir forests. This study demonstrates that although growth at elevated CO2 may not affect the rate of monoterpene emission per unit biomass, the effect of elevated CO2 on LAI, and the effect of climate warming on monoterpene biosynthesis and volatilization, could increase canopy monoterpene emission rate.  相似文献   

A global ‘CO2 fertilizer effect’ multiplier is often used in crop or ecosystem models because of its simplicity. However, this approach does not take into account the interaction between CO2, temperature and light on assimilation. This omission can lead to significant under- or overestimation of the magnitude of beneficial effects from elevated CO2, depending on environmental conditions. We use a mechanistic model of the biochemistry of photosynthesis to represent the response of net assimilation to different levels of CO2, temperature and radiation, on the daily time scale. Instantaneous assimilation rates for an idealized canopy model are integrated through diurnal cycles of environmental variables derived from historical climate data at three locations in North America. The calculated CO2 fertilizer effect is greatest at high light and warm temperatures. The results are summarized by assimilation response surfaces specified by the CO2 concentration, the canopy leaf area index, and by daily values of temperature and radiation available from climatic records. These summary functions are suitable for incorporation into crop or ecosystem models for predicting carbon assimilation or biomass production on a daily time step. An example application of the function reveals that for a relatively cool, high latitude location, the beneficial effects from a CO2 doubling would be negligible during the early spring, even assuming a + 4°C global warming scenario. In contrast, the beneficial effects from increasing CO2 at a relatively warm, lower latitude location are greatest in the spring, but decline in late summer because of excessively warm temperatures with a + 4°C global warming.  相似文献   

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