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AIM: To evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the different CD34+cell subsets after priming by chemotherapy granulocyte colony-stimulating factor(± G-CSF)in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.METHODS: Peripheral blood and bone marrow sampleswere harvested in 8 acute myeloid leukemia patients during and after induction chemotherapy. The CD34/CD38 cell profile was analyzed by multi-parameter flow cytometry. Adhesion profile was made using CXC chemokine receptor 4(CXCR4)(CD184), VLA-4(CD49d/CD29) and CD47.RESULTS: Chemotherapy ± G-CSF mobilized immature cells(CD34+CD38 population), while the more mature cells(CD34+CD38lowand CD34+CD38+populations) decreased progressively after treatment. Circulating CD34+cells tended to be more sensitive to chemotherapy after priming with G-CSF. CD34+cell mobilization was correlated with a gradual increase in CXCR4 and CD47expression, suggesting a role in cell protection and the capacity of homing back to the marrow.CONCLUSION: Chemotherapy ± G-CSF mobilizes into the circulation CD34+bone marrow cells, of which, the immature CD34+CD38-cell population. Further manipulations of these interactions may be a means with which to control the trafficking of leukemia stem cells to improve patients’ outcomes.  相似文献   

We have assessed expression of MIP-1alpha binding sites on the surface of CD34+ cells from normal bone marrow (NBM) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) peripheral blood. This study has highlighted a small subpopulation of CD34+ (15.7 +/- 6.2% in NBM and 9 +/- 4% in CML), which has specific macrophage-inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha) cell surface binding sites. Further phenotypic characterization of the receptor-bearing cells has shown that they do not express the Thy-1 Ag, suggesting that they are committed progenitor cells rather than CD34+ Thy+ stem cells. However, more than 80% of methanol-fixed CD34+ cells do bind MIP-1alpha, suggesting that these cells may possess a pool of internal receptors, although we were unable to induce cell surface expression by cytokine stimulation. The percentage of these CD34+, MIP-1alpha-R+ cells present in the CD34 compartment of NBM is significantly higher than in CML, implicating lack of binding sites as part of the mechanism for the loss of response to this chemokine seen in CML. Specific Ab to the MIP-1alpha receptor implicated in HIV infection, CCR5, revealed that very few CD34+ cells expressed these receptors and that expression was confined to the CD34+ Thy- progenitor population. Data presented in this work suggest that active binding sites for the stem cell growth inhibitor MIP-1alpha are not constitutively expressed on the surface of most resting primitive multipotent cells, and that these cells are not potential targets for HIV-1 infection through CCR5.  相似文献   

AIM To evaluate the importance of the CD34+CD38-cell population when compared to the CD34+CD38+/low and CD34+CD38+/high leukemic cell sub-populations and to determine its correlations with leukemia characteristics and known prognostic factors, as well as with response to therapy and survival.METHODS Two hundred bone marrow samples were obtained at diagnosis from 200 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia(AML) were studied between September 2008 and December 2010 at our Institution(Hematology Department, Lyon, France). The CD34/CD38 cell profile was analyzed by multiparameter flowcytometry approach using 8 C panels and FACS CANTO and Diva software(BD Bioscience).RESULTS We analyzed CD34 and CD38 expression in bone marrow samples of 200 AML patients at diagnosis, and investigated the prognostic value of the most immature CD34+CD38-population. Using a cut-off value of 1% of CD34+CD38-from total "bulk leukemic cells" we found that a high( 1%) level of CD34+CD38-blasts at diagnosis was correlated with advanced age, adverse cytogenetics as well as with a lower rate of complete response after induction and shorter disease-free survival. In a multivariate analysis considering age, leukocytosis, the % of CD34+ blasts cells and the standardized cytogenetic and molecular risk subgroups, a percentage of CD34+CD38-leukemic cells 1% was an independent predictor of DFS [HR = 2.8(1.02-7.73), P = 0.04] and OS [HR = 2.65(1.09-6.43), P = 0.03].CONCLUSION Taken together, these results show that a CD34/CD38 "backbone" for leukemic cell analysis by multicolour flowcytometry at diagnosis provides useful prognostic information.  相似文献   

During conventional follow-up of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the emergence of cytopenias is considered to be a sign of impending relapse, and it represents an example of how leukemic hematopoiesis affects normal hemopoietic differentiation. In the present study, we have explored the possible value of the analysis of the distribution of CD34+ myeloid and CD34+ lymphoid progenitor cells in follow-up complete remission bone marrow samples from de novo AML patients as a prognostic parameter for predicting relapse. A total of 213 bone marrow samples from 36 AML patients in morphological complete remission, obtained at the end of induction, consolidation, and intensification therapy and every six months thereafter were analyzed. The normal CD34+ myeloid/CD34+ lymphoid ratio ranged between 2.4 and 8.9. In contrast, in most AML cases an abnormally high ratio (> or =10) was observed at the end of induction and consolidation therapy: 96% and 75% of cases, respectively. On the other hand, at the end of intensification, 70% of the patients displayed a normal CD34+ ratio. Patients with a myeloid/lymphoid CD34+ ratio higher than 10 at the end of intensification showed a significantly lower overall survival (median survival of 19 months versus median not reached, P = 0.05), as well as a lower disease-free survival (median of 7 months versus 30 months, P = 0.0001). Regarding sequential studies, 67% of the relapses were preceded by the re-appearance of an abnormal CD34 ratio, whereas relapse was not predicted in four patient with leukemia classified as M3 undergoing maintenance therapy. From the remaining 18 patients who are still in continuous complete remission, all except 3 cases (17%) displayed a normal CD34 myeloid/lymphoid ratio. In summary, the present study shows that the persistence at the end of chemotherapy of an abnormally high (> or =10) ratio between CD34+ myeloid and CD34+ lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow of AML patients is associated with high risk of relapse and a shorter overall survival.  相似文献   


Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) constitutively express growth factors and cytokines for survival. Chemotherapy alters these signals to induce cell death. However, drug resistance in AML remains a major hindrance to successful treatment and early warning is unavailable. Modulation of signaling pathways during chemotherapy may provide a window to detect response and predict treatment outcome. Blood samples collected from AML patients before and at day-3 of induction therapy were compared for changes in expression of CD117, CD34, pro-inflammatory cytokines and mediators of Akt and MAPK pathways, using multi-color flow cytometry. Nine patients were diagnosed as drug-resistant and seven sensitive to chemotherapy. Twelve were paired. Average percentages of CD34 (66.8?±?11.7% vs. 26.2?±?5.8%, p?=?0.033) and pBAD (66.9?±?8.2% vs. 28.9?±?8.2%, p?=?0.016) were significantly increased in chemo-resistant (N?=?9) compared to chemo-sensitive (N?=?5) samples. Percentages of CD34 were strongly correlated with pBAD (R?=?0.785; p?=?0.001; N?=?14) and pFKHR (R?=?0.755; p?=?0.002; N?=?14) at day-3 induction. Chemo-sensitive cases expressed significantly higher percentages of IL-18Rα (71.9?±?9.6% vs. 29.8?±?5.8%, p?=?0.016). Though not significantly different in the outcome, IL-1β was strongly associated with activated Akt-S473, IL-6 with phosphorylated JNK and FKHR while TNF-α appeared to trigger Bim, in treated samples. These preliminary results suggested AML cells resistant to chemotherapy increased expression of CD34 and may signal through pBAD while cells sensitive to chemotherapy-induced IL18Rα expression. These were observed early during induction therapy. Identifying CD34 is interesting as it is a convenient marker to monitor drug-resistance in AML patients. Inhibition of CD34 and pBAD signaling may be important in treating drug-resistant AML.  相似文献   

Contrasting the wealth of information that is available about various biological and therapeutic aspects of human CD34+ stem cells, little data exist concerning their quantity and dynamics as well as their mutual relationships with other hematopoietic constituents in the bone marrow of patients with chronic myeloproliferative disorders. In comparison with a control group frequency of progenitors is significantly increased in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Following different therapeutic modalities their quantity reflects therapeutic efficacy (responder and non-responder patients) and therefore exerts a predictive value regarding acceleration and blastic crisis. The significant correlations between fiber content and number of these precursors elucidates the complex interactions between stroma and progenitor cell differentiation and maturation. Following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation there is a rapid recovery of the CD34+ stem cell population in the first month. A higher number of these cells is related with graft size, an earlier independence for platelet transfusion and a more extended regeneration of erythro- and megakaryopoiesis. The slight increase in reticulin fibers in these patients may be associated with the complex and so far ill-defined pathomechanism of homing (adherence to the fibrous matrix). In idiopathic myelofibrosis (IMF) an increased number of CD34+ stem cells is found predominantly in the early (prefibrotic or mild fibrotic) hypercellular stages and probably indicates a higher proliferative activity of the precursor cell pool. According to sequential biopsies most patients with early IMF that later evolved into an overt fibrosclerotic stage usually display a reduction of progenitor cells during the development of myelofibrosis. The unequal distribution of CD34+ stem cells in the bone marrow versus spleen in IMF (advanced fibrosclerotic stage) is in support of the currently discussed hypothesis of splenic filtration and concentration of precursor cells as an essential feature of myeloid metaplasia. Regarding prognosis in CML a higher amount of CD34+ stem cells is significantly associated with an unfavorable survival and thus confirms the assumed implication of an accelerated phase of disease at onset. On the other hand, in polycythemia vera (PV) and IMF a low number of progenitors is probably due to a decreased proliferation rate (reduced hematopoietic turnover index) and therefore reflects a reduction in the regenerative capacity of hematopoiesis. For this reason, a presumptive defect in the recovery of normal and clonally transformed stem cells is speculated to add to the worsening of prognosis by causing the well-known bone marrow insufficiency in terminal stage PV and IMF.  相似文献   

Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and HTLV-2 are highly related viruses that differ in disease manifestation. HTLV-1 is the etiologic agent of adult T-cell leukemia and lymphoma, an aggressive clonal malignancy of human CD4-bearing T lymphocytes. Infection with HTLV-2 has not been conclusively linked to lymphoproliferative disorders. We previously showed that human hematopoietic progenitor (CD34(+)) cells can be infected by HTLV-1 and that proviral sequences were maintained after differentiation of infected CD34(+) cells in vitro and in vivo. To investigate the role of the Tax oncoprotein of HTLV on hematopoiesis, bicistronic lentiviral vectors were constructed encoding the HTLV-1 or HTLV-2 tax genes (Tax1 and Tax2, respectively) and the green fluorescent protein marker gene. Human hematopoietic progenitor (CD34(+)) cells were infected with lentivirus vectors, and transduced cells were cultured in a semisolid medium permissive for the development of erythroid, myeloid, and primitive progenitor colonies. Tax1-transduced CD34(+) cells displayed a two- to fivefold reduction in the total number of hematopoietic clonogenic colonies that arose in vitro, in contrast to Tax2-transduced cells, which showed no perturbation of hematopoiesis. The ratio of colony types that developed from Tax1-transduced CD34(+) cells remained unaffected, suggesting that Tax1 inhibited the maturation of relatively early, uncommitted hematopoietic stem cells. Since previous reports have linked Tax1 expression with initiation of apoptosis, lentiviral vector-mediated transduction of Tax1 or Tax2 was investigated in CEM and Jurkat T-cell lines. Ectopic expression of either Tax1 or Tax2 failed to induce apoptosis in T-cell lines. These data demonstrate that Tax1 expression perturbs development and maturation of pluripotent hematopoietic progenitor cells, an activity that is not displayed by Tax2, and that the suppression of hematopoiesis is not attributable to induction of apoptosis. Since hematopoietic progenitor cells may serve as a latently infected reservoir for HTLV infection in vivo, the different abilities of HTLV-1 and -2 Tax to suppress hematopoiesis may play a role in the respective clinical outcomes after infection with HTLV-1 or -2.  相似文献   

Engagement between the natural killer group 2, member D (NKG2D) receptor and its ligands is one of the main mechanisms used by immune cells to target stressed cells for cell death. NKG2D ligands are known markers of cellular stress and are often upregulated on tumor cells. Certain drugs can further increase NKG2D ligand levels, thereby making tumor cells more susceptible to immune cell detection and destruction. However, the effectiveness of this approach appears to be limited with drug treatment alone, possibly due to immune dysregulation in the setting of malignancies. We hypothesized that a more effective approach would be a combination of NKG2D ligand-inducing drugs, such as the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib, and ex vivo-expanded peripheral blood γδ T cells (i.e., Vγ9Vδ2 T cells). Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a high-risk hematologic malignancy, and treatment has shown limited benefit with the addition of bortezomib to standard chemotherapy regimens. Two AML cells lines, Nomo-1 and Kasumi-1, were treated with increasing concentrations of bortezomib, and changes in NKG2D ligand expression were measured. Bortezomib treatment significantly increased expression of the NKG2D ligand UL16 binding protein (ULBP) 2/5/6 in both cell lines. Vγ9Vδ2 T cells were expanded and isolated from peripheral blood of healthy donors to generate a final cellular product with a mean of 96% CD3+/γδ T-cell receptor-positive cells. Combination treatment of the AML cell lines with γδ T cells and bortezomib resulted in significantly greater cytotoxicity than γδ T cells alone, even at lower effector-to-target ratios. Based on the positive results against AML and the generalizable mechanism of this combination approach, it was also tested against T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), another high-risk leukemia. Similarly, bortezomib increased ULBP 2/5/6 expression in T-ALL cell lines, Jurkat and MOLT-4 and improved the cytotoxicity of γδ T cells against each line. Collectively, these results show that bortezomib enhances γδ T-cell-mediated killing of both AML and T-ALL cells in part through increased NKG2D ligand-receptor interaction. Furthermore, proof-of-concept for the combination of ex vivo-expanded γδ T cells with stress ligand-inducing drugs as a therapeutic platform for high-risk leukemias is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) is capable of chronically infecting various types of T cells and nonlymphoid cells. The effects of chronic infection on the specific functional activities and growth requirements of mature cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) have remained poorly defined. We have, therefore, investigated the results of HTLV-I infection of both CD4+ and CD8+ human CTL clones. HTLV-I infection resulted in the establishment of functional CTL lines which propagated indefinitely in culture many months longer than the uninfected parental clone. The infected cells became independent of the need for antigen (target cell) stimulation as a requirement for proliferation and growth. Like their uninfected counterparts, however, these HTLV-I-infected clones remained strictly dependent on conditioned medium from mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes for their growth. This growth factor requirement was not fulfilled by recombinant interleukin-2 alone. Furthermore, the infected lines remained functionally identical to their uninfected parental CTL clones in their ability to specifically recognize and lyse the appropriate target cells. Our findings indicate that the major effects of HTLV-I infection on mature CTL consist of (i) the capacity for proliferation in the absence of antigen stimulation and (ii) a prolonged or immortal survival in vitro, but they also indicate that the fine specificity and cytolytic capacity of these cells remain unaffected.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence indicates that CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell immunity is differentially regulated. Here we have delineated differences and commonalities among antiviral T-cell responses by enumeration and functional profiling of eight specific CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell populations during primary, memory and recall responses. A high degree of coordinate regulation among all specific T-cell populations stood out against an approximately 20-fold lower peak expansion and prolonged contraction phase of specific CD4+ T-cell populations. Surprisingly, although CD8+ T-cell memory was stably maintained for life, levels of specific CD4+ memory T cells gradually declined. However, this decay, which seemed to result from less efficient rescue from apoptosis, did not affect functionality of surviving virus-specific CD4+ T cells. Our results indicate that CD4+ T-cell memory might become limiting under physiological conditions and that conditions precipitating CD4+ T-cell loss might compromise protective immunity even in the presence of unimpaired CD8+ T-cell responses.  相似文献   

To investigate the function of the main adhesion receptors (CD62L, CD49d, CD49e, CD11b and CD18) on CD34+ cells during homing, their expression was quantified by flow cytometry using calibration beads. CD34+ cells were isolated from bone-marrow (BM), cord blood (CB) or peripheral blood (PB) from patients with myeloma. As this process might mimic the mature leukocyte migration, we also observed the effect of exposing endothelial cells to shear stress (7 dyn/cm(2)) on the adhesion of CB CD34+ cells.The proportion of CD34+/CD62L+ cells was greater in PB than in BM (p<0.05). Likewise, we found a significantly greater expression of CD62L receptor on PB cells compared to BM cells (p<0.05) and on BM cells compared to CB cells (p<0.05). The proportions of CD34+/CD49d+ cells and CD34+/CD49e+ cells were significantly higher in the BM and CB than in PB. However, no significant difference in CD49d or CD49e antigen densities was observed. The beta_2 integrins (CD11b and CD18) receptors are also implicated in CD34+ cells homing to BM. No significant variation in CD34+/CD11b+ and CD34+/CD18+ cells frequency was noted. However quantitative analysis revealed that CD18 was more strongly expressed on BM cells than on PB and CB cells.The adhesion assay showed that fluid flow may favour a firm adhesion of CB CD34+ cells to endothelial cells whereas static conditions just allowed CD34+ cells sedimentation.In conclusion, quantitative expression of the main receptors on CD34+ cells indicates that the three main sources of CD34+ cells currently used for transplantation have neither the same phenotype nor the same number of antigenic sites for a receptor. So, we hypothesize that migrational capacity of these cells might be different. Moreover, it seems that shear stress could favor adhesion of CD34+ cells to endothelial cells.  相似文献   

《Cancer epidemiology》2014,38(5):471-478
PurposeThe expression of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Most studies have linked the common functional C677T and A1298C polymorphisms of the MTHFR gene and susceptibility to AML and CML, but the results were not consistent. The aim of the present study was to derive a more precise estimation of the relationship.MethodsMeta-analyses assessing the association of MTHFR C677T and A1298C variations with AML and CML were conducted. Eligible articles were identified from the PubMed and EMBASE databases. All statistical analyses were conducted using Review Manager Software.Results10 and 10 studies were included in the meta-analysis about the role of C677T polymorphism on the AML and CML risks, respectively; 6 and 4 studies were included about the role of A1298C polymorphism on the AML and CML risks, respectively. Overall, both the C677T and A1298C polymorphisms were significantly associated with CML risk under the recessive model (P = 0.04, OR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.02–1.79 for C677T and P = 0.003, OR = 2.17, 95% CI = 1.29–3.63 for A1298C). In addition, the risk of CML was higher in 1298CC genotype carriers than in 1298AA genotype carriers (P = 0.004, OR = 2.17, 95% = 1.28–3.69). Conversely, the overall data failed to indicate a significant association of C677T or A1298C polymorphisms with AML risk under any model.ConclusionsThe findings provide evidence that C677T and A1298C polymorphisms are risk factors for CML risk.  相似文献   

Myeloid antigen-presenting cells (APC) are known to cross-present exogenous antigen on major histocompatibility class I molecules to CD8+ T cells and thereby induce protective immunity against infecting microorganisms. Here we report that liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) are organ-resident, non-myeloid APC capable of cross-presenting soluble exogenous antigen to CD8+ T cells. Though LSEC employ similar molecular mechanisms for cross-presentation as dendritic cells, the outcome of cross-presentation by LSEC is CD8+ T cell tolerance rather than immunity. As uptake of circulating antigens into LSEC occurs efficiently in vivo, it is likely that cross-presentation by LSEC contributes to CD8+ T cell tolerance observed in situations where soluble antigen is present in the circulation.  相似文献   

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