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This paper analyzes a consumer's adaptive feeding response to environmental gradients. We consider a consumer-resource system where resources are distributed among many discrete resource patches. Each consumer exhibits a feeding morphology allowing it to remove resources from a patch down to some threshold density (or level) before having to seek resources elsewhere. Assuming consumers trade off resource extraction with patch access and predation, we show that for a given environment there often exists a single evolutionarily stable feeding threshold and it is an evolutionary attractor. We then investigate how the population dynamics of the resource and the consumer change as the environment changes. Two cases are considered: (i) all consumers exhibit a fixed feeding threshold that is adaptive for an intermediate environment; and (ii) the consumer population adapts and adopts the evolutionarily stable feeding threshold associated with the current environment. In less harsh environments (i.e., environments where consumers experience a lower risk of predation, or environments where resource patches are more abundant) the adaptive consumer population is predicted to evolve so that resources within a patch are depleted to lower densities. We show that the change in consumer density due to environmental change can be rather different depending on whether or not the population can adapt. In some situations we observe that when the consumer's environment becomes harsher, the consumer population may increase in density before a rapid crash to extinction. This result has implications for monitoring and managing a population.  相似文献   

Temporal resource variability and the habitat-matching rule   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The ideal free distribution of competitors in a heterogeneous environment often predicts habitat matching, where the equilibrium number of consumers in a patch is proportional to resource abundance in that patch. We model the interaction between habitat matching and temporal variation in resource abundance. In one patch the rate of resource input follows a Markov chain; a second patch does not vary temporally. We predict patch use by scaling transition rates in the variable patch to the time that consumers require to respond to changes in rates of resource input. If consumers respond very quickly, habitat matching tracks temporal variability. If resource input fluctuates faster than consumers respond, habitat matching averages over the equilibrium of the Markov chain. Tracking and averaging produce the same mean resource consumption for individuals, but long-term mean occupation of the patches differs. When habitat matching tracks temporal variability in resources, consumer density in the variable patch has a lower mean and a higher variance than when habitat matching reflects only average rates of resource input.We tested our model by feeding free-living mallard ducks (Anas platyrynchos) at two artificial patches. The foragers' behavior satisfied the quantitative predictions of the model in each of two experiments.  相似文献   

The marginal value theorem is an optimal foraging model that predicts how efficient foragers should respond to both their ecological and social environments when foraging in food patches, and it has strongly influenced hypotheses for primate behavior. Nevertheless, experimental tests of the marginal value theorem have been rare in primates and observational studies have provided conflicting support. As a step towards filling this gap, we test whether the foraging decisions of captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) adhere to the assumptions and qualitative predictions of the marginal value theorem. We presented 12 adult chimpanzees with a two-patch foraging environment consisting of both low-quality (i.e., low-food density) and high-quality (i.e., high-food density) patches and examined the effect of patch quality on their search behavior, foraging duration, marginal capture rate, and its proxy measures: giving-up density and giving-up time. Chimpanzees foraged longer in high-quality patches, as predicted. In contrast to predictions, they did not depress high-quality patches as thoroughly as low-quality patches. Furthermore, since chimpanzees searched in a manner that fell between systematic and random, their intake rates did not decline at a steady rate over time, especially in high-quality patches, violating an assumption of the marginal value theorem. Our study provides evidence that chimpanzees are sensitive to their rate of energy intake and that their foraging durations correlate with patch quality, supporting many assumptions underlying primate foraging and social behavior. However, our results question whether the marginal value theorem is a constructive model of chimpanzee foraging behavior, and we suggest a Bayesian foraging framework (i.e., combining past foraging experiences with current patch sampling information) as a potential alternative. More work is needed to build an understanding of the proximate mechanisms underlying primate foraging decisions, especially in more complex socioecological environments.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogasteradults were employed in single resource patches of varying density and size and in a multiple-patch array to determine the degree to which resource dispersion influences searching success. Individuals from rover and sitter selected lines, with extreme genotypes for local search duration, are not as successful as control-line (wild-type) flies in locating sucrose drops in single patches varying in size and density. The number of new drops located differed significantly between fly lines in all patch types, except in a high-density patch, and within each fly line over the different patch sizes and densities. The similarities in number of drops found by rovers and sitters in all patch types are not reflected in the time periods spent searching. In the multiple-patch array sitters never left the central patch, whereas most rovers and con-trol-line flies found additional patches. The proximate explanations for the success or failure of the three fly lines in different patch sizes and densities relate to the looping locomotor pattern characterizing local search in D. melanogaster.The reactivation of searching each time a drop is ingested or revisited keeps an individual in the immediate vicinity of the last encountered resource. Flies from the selected lines, each exhibiting extreme types of locomotor patterns, leave patches relatively unexploited because local search consists either of rapid, nearly linear movement away from a drop in rovers or of relatively long bouts of local search in sitters, which promotes revisiting rather than locating new drops. Control-line flies locate more drops than either rovers or sitters and in less time than sitters, suggesting that their intermediate phenotype for search behavior allows for more flexibility in searching in various patch sizes and resource densities. The results are discussed with reference to environmental and physiological factors that may modify searching behavior and, possibly, enhance the survival of individuals with extreme genotypes.  相似文献   

Size of environmental grain and resource matching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For most animals their foraging environment consists of a patch network. In random environments there are no spatial autocorrelation at all, while in fine-grained systems positive autocorrelations flip to negative ones and back again against distance. With increasing grain size the turnover rate of spatial autocorrelation slows down. Using a cellular automaton with foragers having limited information about their feeding environment we examined how well consumer numbers matched resource availability, also known as the ideal free distribution. The match is the better the smaller the size of the environmental grain. This is somewhat contrary to the observation that in large-grained environments the spatial autocorrelation is high and positive over long distances. In such an environment foragers, by knowing a limited surrounding, should in fact know a much larger area because of the spatially autocorrelated resource pattern. Yet, when foragers have limited knowledge, we observed that the degree of undermatching (i.e., more individuals in less productive patches than expected) increases with increasing grain size.  相似文献   

According to optimal foraging theory, animals should decidewhether or not to leave a resource patch by comparing the currentprofitability of the patch with the expected profitability ofsearching elsewhere in the habitat. Although there is abundantevidence in the literature that foragers in general are wellable to estimate the value of a single resource patch, theirdecision making has rarely been investigated with respect tohabitat quality. This is especially true for invertebrates.We have conducted experiments to test whether parasitic waspsadjust patch residence time and exploitation in relation tothe abundance of patches within the environment. We used thebraconid Asobara tabida, a parasitoid of Drosophila larvae,as our model species. Our experiments show that these waspsreduce both the residence time and the degree of patch exploitationwhen patches become abundant in their environment, as predictedby optimal foraging models. Based upon a detailed analysis ofwasp foraging behavior, we discuss proximate mechanisms thatmight lead to the observed response. We suggest that parasitoidsuse a mechanism of sensitization and desensitization to chemicalsassociated with hosts and patches, in order to respond adaptivelyto the abundance of patches within their environment.  相似文献   

Animals foraging in a heterogeneous environment may combine prior information on patch qualities and patch sample information to maximize intake rate. Prior information dictates the long-term expectations, whereas prior information in combination with patch sample information determines when to leave an individual food patch. We examined patch use behaviour of benthic feeding fish in their natural environment at different spatial scales to test if they could determine patch quality and if patch use behaviour was correlated with environmental quality. In seven lakes along a gradient of environmental quality (measured as maximum benthivore size), we made repeated measurements of giving-up density (GUD) in artificial food patches of different qualities. At the largest spatial scale, between lakes, we tested if giving-up densities revealed the long-term growth expectation of benthic fish. At the local scale of patches and micro patches we tested for the ability of benthic fish to assess patch quality, and how this ability depended on the patch exploitation levels between the different lakes. We found that GUD was positively related to maximum size of bream, suggesting that short-term behavioural decisions reflected long-term growth expectations. Benthic fish discriminated between nearby rich and poor patches, but not between rich and poor micropatches within a food patch. This suggests that the foraging scale of benthic fish lies between the patch and micro patch scale in our experiments. We conclude that patch use behaviour of benthic fish can provide a powerful measure of habitat quality that reveals how benthic fish perceive their environment.  相似文献   

If the food distribution contains spatial pattern, the food density in a particular patch provides a forager with information about nearby patches. Foragers might use this information to exploit patchily distributed resources profitably. We model the decision on how far to move to the next patch in linear environments with different spatial patterns in the food distribution (clumped, random, and regular) for foragers that differ in their degree of information. An ignorant forager is uninformed and therefore always moves to the nearest patch (be it empty or filled). In contrast, a prescient forager is fully informed and only exploits filled patches, skipping all empty patches. A Bayesian assessor has prior knowledge about the content of patches (i.e. it knows the characteristics of the spatial pattern) and may skip neighbouring patches accordingly by moving to the patch where the highest gain rate is expected. In most clumped and regular distributions there is a benefit of assessment, i.e. Bayesian assessors achieve substantially higher long-term gain rates than ignorant foragers. However, this is not the case in distributions with less strong spatial pattern, despite the fact that there is a large potential benefit from a sophisticated movement rule (i.e. a large penalty of ignorance). Bayesian assessors do also not achieve substantially higher gain rates in environments that are relatively rich or poor in food. These results underline that an incompletely informed forager that is sensitive to spatial pattern should not always respond to existing pattern. Furthermore, we show that an assessing forager can enhance its long-term gain rate in highly clumped and some specific near-regular food distributions, by sampling the environment in slightly larger spatial units.  相似文献   

If the food distribution contains spatial pattern, the food density in a particular patch provides a forager with information about nearby patches. Foragers might use this information to exploit patchily distributed resources profitably. We model the decision on how far to move to the next patch in linear environments with different spatial patterns in the food distribution (clumped, random, and regular) for foragers that differ in their degree of information. An ignorant forager is uninformed and therefore always moves to the nearest patch (be it empty or filled). In contrast, a prescient forager is fully informed and only exploits filled patches, skipping all empty patches. A Bayesian assessor has prior knowledge about the content of patches (i.e. it knows the characteristics of the spatial pattern) and may skip neighbouring patches accordingly by moving to the patch where the highest gain rate is expected. In most clumped and regular distributions there is a benefit of assessment, i.e. Bayesian assessors achieve substantially higher long-term gain rates than ignorant foragers. However, this is not the case in distributions with less strong spatial pattern, despite the fact that there is a large potential benefit from a sophisticated movement rule (i.e. a large penalty of ignorance). Bayesian assessors do also not achieve substantially higher gain rates in environments that are relatively rich or poor in food. These results underline that an incompletely informed forager that is sensitive to spatial pattern should not always respond to existing pattern. Furthermore, we show that an assessing forager can enhance its long-term gain rate in highly clumped and some specific near-regular food distributions, by sampling the environment in slightly larger spatial units.  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects are commonly faced with host plants being distributed in scattered patches across a landscape. Immigration rates into habitat patches may strongly depend on the sensory cues used in the patch location process, and immigration rates of insects can be predicted based on the scaling of sensory cues. Here, we tested recent estimates of the scaling of olfactory information to patch size, which predicts a scaling coefficient ζ ≈ ?0.5 (A ζ , where A = patch size, ζ = scaling coefficient). We predicted that immigration rates of olfactory searching insects into patches of different sizes should scale according to the estimated slope. We investigated attraction of the weevils Cionus tuberculosus and Cionus scrophulariae to odors from figwort Scrophularia nodosa and quantified immigration rates of weevils into differently sized patches. We also investigated oviposition rates of the sawfly Tenthredo scrophulariae. The slope in the regression between density and patch size for herbivores was then compared with the predicted scaling coefficient. Using olfactometers, we found that weevils were attracted to figwort odors. Weevil densities were significantly affected by patch size, and the slope in the relationship between density and patch size was ζ = ?0.53. The slope in the relationship between larval densities of sawflies and patch size was less negative with a slope of ζ = ?0.15, indicating differences in search behavior compared with the weevils. The density–patch size relationship for the weevils closely matched the predicted slope and supported the previous estimations of the scaling of olfactory information to patch size.  相似文献   

Context-dependent foraging behaviour is acknowledged and well documented for a diversity of animals and conditions. The contextual determinants of plant foraging behaviour, however, are poorly understood. Plant roots encounter patchy distributions of nutrients and soil fungi. Both of these features affect root form and function, but how they interact to affect foraging behaviour is unknown. We extend the use of the marginal value theorem to make predictions about the foraging behaviour of roots, and test our predictions by manipulating soil resource distribution and inoculation by soil fungi. We measured plant movement as both distance roots travelled and time taken to grow through nutrient patches of varied quality. To do this, we grew Achillea millefolium in the centers of modified pots with a high-nutrient patch and a low-nutrient patch on either side of the plant (heterogeneous) or patch-free conditions (homogeneous). Fungal inoculation, but not resource distribution, altered the time it took roots to reach nutrient patches. When in nutrient patches, root growth decreased relative to homogeneous soils. However, this change in foraging behaviour was not contingent upon patch quality or fungal inoculation. Root system breadth was larger in homogeneous than in heterogeneous soils, until measures were influenced by pot edges. Overall, we find that root foraging behaviour is modified by resource heterogeneity but not fungal inoculation. We find support for predictions of the marginal value theorem that organisms travel faster through low-quality than through high-quality environments, with the caveat that roots respond to nutrient patches per se rather than the quality of those patches.  相似文献   

Many communities comprise species that select resources that are patchily distributed in an environment that is otherwise unsuitable or suboptimal. Effects of this patchiness can depend on the characteristics of patch arrays and animal movements, and produce non-intuitive outcomes in which population densities are unrelated to resource abundance. Resource mosaics are predicted to have only weak effects, however, where patches are ephemeral or organisms are transported advectively. The running waters of streams and benthic invertebrates epitomize such systems, but empirical tests of resource mosaics are scarce. We sampled 15 common macroinvertebrates inhabiting distinct detritus patches at four sites within a sand-bed stream, where detritus formed a major resource of food and living space. At each site, environmental variables were measured for 100 leaf packs; invertebrates were counted in 50 leaf packs. Sites differed in total abundance of detritus, leaf pack sizes and invertebrate densities. Multivariate analysis indicated that patch size was the dominant environmental variable, but invertebrate densities differed significantly between sites even after accounting for patch size. Leaf specialists showed positive and strong density–area relationships, except where the patch size range was small and patches were aggregated. In contrast, generalist species had weaker and variable responses to patch sizes. Population densities were not associated with total resource abundance, with the highest densities of leaf specialists in sites with the least detritus. Our results demonstrate that patchy resources can affect species even in communities where species are mobile, have advective dispersal, and patches are relatively ephemeral.  相似文献   

BarbaraMoser  MartinSchütz 《Oikos》2006,114(2):311-321
Classical foraging theory states that animals feeding in a patchy environment can maximise their long term prey capture rates by quitting food patches when they have depleted prey to a certain threshold level. Theory suggests that social foragers may be better able to do this if all individuals in a group have access to the prey capture information of all other group members. This will allow all foragers to make a more accurate estimation of the patch quality over time and hence enable them to quit patches closer to the optimal prey threshold level. We develop a model to examine the foraging efficiency of three strategies that could be used by a cohesive foraging group to initiate quitting a patch, where foragers do not use such information, and compare these with a fourth strategy in which foragers use public information of all prey capture events made by the group. We carried out simulations in six different prey environments, in which we varied the mean number of prey per patch and the variance of prey number between patches. Groups sharing public information were able to consistently quit patches close to the optimal prey threshold level, and obtained constant prey capture rates, in groups of all sizes. In contrast all groups not sharing public information quit patches progressively earlier than the optimal prey threshold value, and experienced decreasing prey capture rates, as group size increased. This is more apparent as the variance in prey number between patches increases. Thus in a patchy environment, where uncertainty is high, although public information use does not increase the foraging efficiency of groups over that of a lone forager, it certainly offers benefits over groups which do not, and particularly where group size is large.  相似文献   

A key problem faced by foragers is how to forage when resources are distributed heterogeneously in space. This heterogeneity and associated trade‐offs may change with spatial scale. Furthermore, foragers may also have to optimize acquiring multiple resources. Such complexity of decision‐making while foraging is poorly understood. We studied the butterfly Ypthima huebneri to examine how foraging decisions of adults are influenced by spatial scale and multiple resources. We predicted that, at a small‐spatial scale, the time spent foraging in a patch should be proportional to resources in the patch, but at large‐spatial scales, due to limitations arising from large travel costs, this relationship should turn negative. We also predicted that both adult and larval resources should jointly affect foraging butterflies. To test these predictions, we laid eleven plots and sub‐divided them into patches. We mapped nectar and larval resources and measured butterfly behavior in these patches and plots. We found that adult foraging behavior showed contrasting relationships with adult resource density at small versus large‐spatial scales. At the smaller‐spatial scale, butterflies spent more time feeding in resource‐rich patches, whereas at the large‐scale, butterflies spent more time feeding in resource‐poor plots. Furthermore, both adult and larval resources appeared to affect foraging decisions, suggesting that individuals may optimize search costs for different resources. Overall, our findings suggest that the variation in foraging behavior seen in foragers might result from animals responding to complex ecological conditions, such as resource heterogeneity at multiple spatial scales and the challenges of tracking multiple resources.  相似文献   

Clonal plants that are physiologically integrated might perceive and interact with their environment at a coarser resolution than smaller, non-clonal competitors. We develop models to explore the implications of such scale asymmetries when species compete for multiple depletable resources that are heterogeneously distributed in space across two patches. Species are either 'non-integrators', whose growth in each patch depends on resource levels in that patch alone, or 'integrators', whose growth is equal between patches and depends on average resource levels across patches. Integration carried both benefits and costs. It tended to be advantageous in poorer patches, where the integrators drew resources down further than the non-integrators (more easily excluding competitors) and might persist by using resources from richer adjacent patches. Integration tended to be disadvantageous in richer patches, where integrators did not draw resources down as far (creating an opportunity for competitors) and could be excluded due to the cost of supporting growth in poorer adjacent patches. Complementarity between patches (each rich in a separate resource) favoured integrators. Integration created new opportunities for local coexistence, and for delayed susceptibility of patches to invasion, but eliminated some opportunities for regional coexistence. Implications for the interpretations of species' zero net growth isoclines and Rs are also discussed.  相似文献   

When searching for resources in heterogeneous environments, animals must rely on their abilities to detect the resources via their sensory systems. However, variation in the strength of the sensory cue may be mediated by the physical size of the resource patch. Patch detection of insects are often predicted by the scaling of sensory cues to patch size, where visual cues has been proposed to scale proportional to the diameter of the patch. The scaling properties of olfactory cues are, however, virtually unknown. Here, we investigated scaling rules for olfactory information in a gradient of numbers of odour sources, relevant to odour‐mediated attraction under field conditions. We recorded moth antennal responses to sex pheromones downwind from pheromone patches and estimated the slope in the scaling relationship between the effective length of the odour plumes and the number of odour sources. These measurements showed that the effective plume length increased proportional to the square root of the number of odour sources. The scaling relationship, as estimated in the field experiment, was then evaluated against field data of the slope in the relationship between trap catch and release rate of chemical attractants for a wide range of insects. This meta‐analysis revealed an average slope largely consistent with the estimated scaling relationship between the effective plume length and the number of odour sources. This study is the first to estimate the scaling properties of olfactory cues empirically and has implications for understanding and predicting the spatial distributions of insects searching by means of olfactory cues in heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

Ola Olsson  Joel S. Brown 《Oikos》2010,119(2):292-303
Animals possess different abilities to gain and use information about the foraging patches they exploit. When ignorant of the qualities of encountered patches, a smart forager should leave all patches after the same amount of fixed search time. A smarter forager can be Bayesian by using information on cumulative harvest and time spent searching a patch to better inform its patch‐departure decision. The smartest forager has immediate and continuous knowledge about patch quality, and can make a perfect decision about when to leave each patch. Here we let each of these three strategies harvest resources from a slowly regenerating environment. Eventually a steady‐state distribution of prey among patches arises where the environment‐wide resource renewal just balances the environment‐wide harvest of the foragers. The fixed time forager creates a distribution with the highest mean and highest variance of patch qualities, followed by the Bayesian and the prescient in that order. The less informed strategies promote distributions with both more resources and more exploitable information than the more informed strategies. While it is true that a better‐informed strategy will always out‐perform a less well‐informed, its increase in performance may not compensate it for any costs associated with being better informed. We imagine that the fixed time strategy may be least expensive and the prescient strategy most expensive in terms of sensory organs and associated assess and respond capabilities. To consider competition between such strategies with varying costs, we introduced a single individual of each of the strategies into the environments created by populations of the other strategies. There are threshold costs associated with the better‐informed strategy such that it can or cannot outcompete a less‐informed strategy. However, over a relatively narrow range of foraging costs, less‐informed and better‐informed strategies will coexist. Furthermore, for the prescient and the Bayesian strategies, some combinations of foraging costs produce alternate stable states – whichever strategy establishes first remains safe from invasion by the other.  相似文献   

Understanding complex movement behaviors via mechanistic models is one key challenge in movement ecology. We built a theoretical simulation model using evolutionarily trained artificial neural networks (ANNs) wherein individuals evolve movement behaviors in response to resource landscapes on which they search and navigate. We distinguished among non-oriented movements in response to proximate stimuli, oriented movements utilizing perceptual cues from distant targets, and memory mechanisms that assume prior knowledge of a target??s location and then tested the relevance of these three movement behaviors in relation to size of resource patches, predictability of resource landscapes, and the occurrence of movement barriers. Individuals were more efficient in locating resources under larger patch sizes and predictable landscapes when memory was advantageous. However, memory was also frequently used in unpredictable landscapes with intermediate patch sizes to systematically search the entire spatial domain, and because of this, we suggest that memory may be important in explaining super-diffusion observed in many empirical studies. The sudden imposition of movement barriers had the greatest effect under predictable landscapes and temporarily eliminated the benefits of memory. Overall, we demonstrate how movement behaviors that are linked to certain cognitive abilities can be represented by state variables in ANNs and how, by altering these state variables, the relevance of different behaviors under different spatiotemporal resource dynamics can be tested. If adapted to fit empirical movement paths, methods described here could help reveal behavioral mechanisms of real animals and predict effects of anthropogenic landscape changes on animal movement.  相似文献   

The spatial arrangement of resources in patchy habitats influences the distribution of individuals and their ability to acquire resources. We used Chironomus riparius, a ubiquitous aquatic insect that uses leaf particles as an important resource, to ask how the dispersion of resource patches influences the distribution and resource acquisition of mobile individuals in patchy landscapes. Two experiments were conducted in replicated laboratory landscapes (38×38 cm) created by arranging sand and leaf patches in a 5×5 grid so that the leaf patches were either aggregated or uniformly dispersed in the grid. One-day-old C. riparius larvae were introduced into the landscapes in one of three densities (low, medium, high). In experiment 1, we sampled larvae and pupae by coring each patch in each landscape 3, 6, 12, or 24 days after adding larvae. In experiment 2, emerging adults were collected daily for 42 days from each patch in each landscape. In aggregated landscapes, individuals were aggregated in one patch type or the other during a particular developmental stage, but the ”preferred” type changed depending on developmental stage and initial density. Adult emergence was lower by about 30% in all aggregated landscapes. In dispersed landscapes, individuals used both types of patch throughout their life cycles at all initial densities. Thus, patch arrangement influences the distribution of mobile individuals in landscapes, and it influences resource acquisition even when average resource abundance is identical among landscapes. Regardless of patch arrangement, high initial density caused accumulation of early instars in edge patches, 75% mortality of early instars, a 25% increase in development time, and a 60% reduction in adult emergence. Because mortality was extremely high among early-instar larvae in high-density treatments, we do not have direct evidence that the mechanism by which patch arrangement operates is density dependent. However, the results of our experiments strongly suggest that dispersion of resource patches across a landscape reduces local densities by making non-resource patches available for use, thereby reducing intraspecific competition. Received: 20 July 1999 / Accepted: 28 January 2000  相似文献   

To define general principles of predator‐prey dynamics in an estuarine subtidal environment, we manipulated predator density (the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus) and prey (the clam, Macoma balthica) patch distribution in large field enclosures in the Rhode River subestuary of the central Chesapeake Bay. The primary objectives were to determine whether predators forage in a way that maximizes prey consumption and to assess how their foraging success is affected by density of conspecifics. We developed a novel ultrasonic telemetry system to observe behavior of individual predators with unprecedented detail. Behavior of predators was more indicative of optimal than of opportunistic foraging. Predators appeared responsive to the overall quality of prey in their habitat. Rather than remaining on a prey patch until depletion, predators appeared to vary their patch use with quality of the surrounding environment. When multiple (two) prey patches were available, residence time of predators on a prey patch was shorter than when only a single prey patch was available. Predators seemed to move among the prey patches fairly regularly, dividing their foraging time between the patches and consuming prey from each of them at a similar rate. That predators more than doubled their consumption of prey when we doubled the number of prey (by adding the second patch) is consistent with optimizing behaviors ‐ rather than with an opportunistic increase in prey consumption brought about simply by the addition of more prey. Predators at high density, however, appeared to interfere with each other's foraging success, reflected by their lower rates of prey consumption. Blue crabs appear to forage more successfully (and their prey to experience higher mortality) in prey patches located within 15–20 meters of neighboring patch, than in isolated patches. Our results are likely to apply, at least qualitatively, to other crustacean‐bivalve interactions, including those of commercial interest; their quantitative applicability will depend on the mobility of other predators and the scale of patchiness they perceive.  相似文献   

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