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The European Beaver Castor fiber once occurred throughout Europe, but in many countries was exterminated or greatly reduced by over-hunting. In the UK, Beavers were last recorded in Scotland in the sixteenth century. Thirteen countries have carried out reintroduction programmes to restore the range of the Beaver in Europe, We provide a basis for discussing the feasibility and desirability of reintroducing the Beaver to Britain. The basic biology of the Beaver is described, followed by summaries of reintroductions in Europe and an evaluation of their successes and failures. We address the fundamental questions of propagule size, habitat requirements, habitat size and provenance of Beavers to be released, before examining in theory whether reintroducing Beavers to Britain is likely to fulfil UKCINC and IUCN criteria relating to environmental impact, socioeconomics and conservation. We then make suggestions as to how a reintroduction to Britain could proceed. Essential work outstanding includes site assessment and public consultation. The restoration of the Beaver to Britain could be a fitting start to the millennium.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene extinctions are of interest to paleontological and anthropological research. In North America and Australia, human occupation occurred during a short period of time and overexploitation may have led to the extinction of mammalian megafauna. In northern Eurasia megafaunal extinctions are believed to have occurred over a relatively longer period of time, perhaps as a result of changing environmental conditions, but the picture is much less clear. To consider megafaunal extinction in Eurasia, we compare differences in the geographical distribution and commonness of extinct and extant species between paleontological and archaeological localities from the late middle Pleistocene to Holocene. Purely paleontological localities, as well as most extinct species, were distributed north of archaeological sites and of the extant species, suggesting that apart from possible differences in adaptations between humans and other species, humans could also have a detrimental effect on large mammal distribution. However, evidence for human overexploitation applies only to the extinct steppe bison Bison priscus. Other human-preferred species survive into the Holocene, including Rangifer tarandus, Equus ferus, Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus, Equus hemionus, Saiga tatarica, and Sus scrofa. Mammuthus primigenius and Megaloceros giganteus were rare in archaeological sites. Carnivores appear little influenced by human presence, although they become rarer in Holocene archaeological sites. Overall, the data are consistent with the conclusion that humans acted as efficient hunters selecting for the most abundant species. Our study supports the idea that the late Pleistocene extinctions were environmentally driven by climatic changes that triggered habitat fragmentation, species range reduction, and population decrease, after which human interference either by direct hunting or via indirect activities probably became critical.  相似文献   

High quality Altai Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes are revealing which regions of archaic hominin DNA have persisted in the modern human genome. A number of these regions are associated with response to infection and immunity, with a suggestion that derived Neanderthal alleles found in modern Europeans and East Asians may be associated with autoimmunity. As such Neanderthal genomes are an independent line of evidence of which infectious diseases Neanderthals were genetically adapted to. Sympathetically, human genome adaptive introgression is an independent line of evidence of which infectious diseases were important for AMH coming in to Eurasia and interacting with Neanderthals. The Neanderthals and Denisovans present interesting cases of hominin hunter‐gatherers adapted to a Eurasian rather than African infectious disease package. Independent sources of DNA‐based evidence allow a re‐evaluation of the first epidemiologic transition and how infectious disease affected Pleistocene hominins. By combining skeletal, archaeological and genetic evidence from modern humans and extinct Eurasian hominins, we question whether the first epidemiologic transition in Eurasia featured a new package of infectious diseases or a change in the impact of existing pathogens. Coupled with pathogen genomics, this approach supports the view that many infectious diseases are pre‐Neolithic, and the list continues to expand. The transfer of pathogens between hominin populations, including the expansion of pathogens from Africa, may also have played a role in the extinction of the Neanderthals and offers an important mechanism to understand hominin–hominin interactions well back beyond the current limits for aDNA extraction from fossils alone. Am J Phys Anthropol 160:379–388, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The geographic range of red squirrels contracted sharply in Britain during the 1940s arid 1950s, as increasingly large areas were colonized by the congeneric North American grey squirrel. Red squirrels remain common only on offshore islands, and in the large conifer forests of northern England and Scotland. The initial replacement of red squirrels was in arras dominated by oak woodland, probably because acorn crops are exploited less efficiently by red squirrels than by grey squirrels. Dirt studies have shown that acorns are digested less efficiently by the red squirrel, which occurs in conifers through most of its Eurasian range, than by the introduced grey squirrel, which is primarily a native of deciduous woodland. The red squirrel will probably be replaced in deciduous and mixed woodland throughout mainland Britain, and may eventually persist only in large areas of conifers which arc far from oak trees. The conservation of red squirrels on islands is therefore particularly important for their survival, perhaps making it worthwhile to create new island populations where they do not at present exist.  相似文献   

Lee Raye 《Historical Biology》2013,25(8):1029-1041
This paper re-examines the evidence for the extinction of the beaver (Castor fiber) in South Britain and Scotland. Much of the evidence found by previous scholars is discounted as unreliable or outdated. A new study looks at reliable historical sources and studies references to the beaver in the context of references to comparable mammals, especially the most ecologically comparable [polecat (Mustela putorius), pine marten (Martes martes), otter (Lutra lutra) and badger (Meles meles)]. Each of these mammals was present in every period studied, meaning that medieval authors were reliable witnesses to the species' presence. The beaver is present in comparable numbers to the other mammals in South Britain 1188–1307 and in Scotland 1526–1600, meaning that as a species it was frequently recorded by humans. References to it cease after 1308 in South Britain, except a single anomalous entry, and after 1600 in Scotland. The idea that this reflects a sample bias or random chance is discounted. The paper rejects the late extinction scenario and concludes that the beaver became extinct by 1300 in South Britain and by 1600 in Scotland.  相似文献   

If two previously isolated taxa mutually assimilate through hybridization and subsequent biparental introgression, and if their introgressed descendants have the same or higher fitness than their parents, then gene flow should result in the local extinction of parental taxa via replacement by hybrid derivatives. These dramatic events may occur rapidly, even in a few generations. Given the speed at which such extinction by hybridization may occur, it may be difficult to identify that the process has occurred. Thus, documented instances of extinction by hybridization are rare, and especially so for cases in which both parents are replaced by the hybrid lineage. Here we report morphological and allozyme evidence for the local extinction of two Raphanus species in California via replacement by their hybrid-derived descendants. The results from a greenhouse experiment demonstrate that California wild radishes have a specific combination of traits from their progenitors, and comparison of our results to that of an earlier report indicate that pure parental types are no longer present in the wild. Our results also show the hybrid-derived lineage has transgressive fruit weight compared to its parents. Allozyme analysis demonstrates that California wild radishes are derived from hybridization between the putative parental species. However, that analysis also demonstrates that California wild radish has now become an evolutionary entity separate from both of its parents. We suggest that the aggressive colonizing behavior of the hybrid-derived lineage probably results from a novel combination of parental traits, rather than genetic variability of the population per se.  相似文献   

Murre C 《Cell》2004,117(5):556-558
It is generally assumed that once a cell commits to a certain lineage it no longer can change its fate. A new study in this issue of Cell provides compelling evidence that committed mature B lineage cells can be reprogrammed to become macrophages.  相似文献   

The domestication of the Eurasian grape (Vitis vinifera ssp. sativa) from its wild ancestor (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris) has long been claimed to have occurred in Transcaucasia where its greatest genetic diversity is found and where very early archaeological evidence, including grape pips and artefacts of a 'wine culture', have been excavated. Whether from Transcaucasia or the nearby Taurus or Zagros Mountains, it is hypothesized that this wine culture spread southwards and eventually westwards around the Mediterranean basin, together with the transplantation of cultivated grape cuttings. However, the existence of morphological differentiation between cultivars from eastern and western ends of the modern distribution of the Eurasian grape suggests the existence of different genetic contribution from local sylvestris populations or multilocal selection and domestication of sylvestris genotypes. To tackle this issue, we analysed chlorotype variation and distribution in 1201 samples of sylvestris and sativa genotypes from the whole area of the species' distribution and studied their genetic relationships. The results suggest the existence of at least two important origins for the cultivated germplasm, one in the Near East and another in the western Mediterranean region, the latter of which gave rise to many of the current Western European cultivars. Indeed, over 70% of the Iberian Peninsula cultivars display chlorotypes that are only compatible with their having derived from western sylvestris populations.  相似文献   

Synopsis The Colorado squawfish, Ptychocheilus lucius, the principal native piscivore of the Colorado River basin, was once widespread and abundant in large rivers and their major tributaries. It occurs today only in the upstream regions of its historic range and is threatened with extinction. Growth rate of the species there is much slower than its potential rate and the rate that might once have been typical in lower-basin rivers. We develop the hypothesis that the interaction of slow growth and increased early-life mortality is an important cause of the decline of Colorado squawfish in the upper basin. We use a growth-rate versus temperature relation for Colorado squawfish to compare temperature regimes of historic and present habitats, and we describe the strong, positive relation between our measure of temperature-regime suitability and first-year growth of Colorado squawfish in upper-basin rivers. The unusually small size of the age-0 fish going into winter might be an important factor affecting recruitment to the adult stock. Simulations showed how the effect of increased early-life mortality can be especially significant on populations of slow-growing fishes. Predation by introduced fishes, as well as other man-induced causes of increased early-life mortality, probably contributed importantly to the decline of Colorado squawfish in the remaining habitat. Management efforts that might help this endangered species to recover include water management to enhance temperatures for growth, and the control of important introduced fishes.  相似文献   

Optimal foraging and habitat selection theories predict that heterogeneous environments should favour the coexistence of competitors, especially when the dominant competitor is a specialist and the sub-ordinate is a generalist. In this paper, we analysed differential habitat use as a potential mechanism for the coexistence of two competing riparian mammals, the specialist and dominant Eurasian otter ( Lutra lutra ) and the generalist and sub-ordinate American mink ( Mustela vison ). We tested three hypotheses: H1: mink coexist with otters for longer in areas with abundance of habitats hosting terrestrial prey because, by not relying on aquatic prey, mink can segregate from its competitor. H2: the characteristics of the habitat closer to the riverbank will affect the length of time the two species coexist, because mink are still tied to the water even in the presence of otters. H3: denser vegetative cover along the bank increases the duration of coexistence of mink and otters because it reduces the frequency of their encounters. The first hypothesis was supported by the data and we found that in areas where terrestrial prey was abundant mink coexisted for longer with otters. The second hypothesis was also supported by the data and the characteristics of the habitat closer to the riverbank were the most important in determining coexistence time. Finally, we did not find supporting evidence for the third hypothesis. This study provides strong evidence that habitat heterogeneity plays an important role in determining the likelihood of coexistence of American mink with Eurasian otters. This result is particularly important from a conservation standpoint. Mink are invasive and a threat to endangered species in parts of their range. The knowledge that mink have a higher chance to persist in the presence of otters when terrestrial prey is abundant should be used to target areas for preferential mink management.  相似文献   

This is an 18-year study of the endangered Papilio (Pterourus) homerus, adding substantial information to our scanty knowledge of its ecology. The contraction of a once contiguous but narrow population on a single Caribbean island carries the serious threat of extinction. There are now two populations or probably metapopulations, effectively isolated from each other. The butterfly’s larvae feed on Hernandia catalpaefolia and H. jamaicensis, both endemic to Jamaica, and development takes ~84 days from egg to the emerged adult. Adult numbers fluctuate rapidly, with peaks in July/August each year. Egg distribution was studied at three spatial levels: the food item (leaf cluster), the patch (tree) and the habitat (each valley). Major causes of developmental mortality were Chrysonotomyia, a eulophid parasitoid of the eggs, and bacterial infection of the larvae and pupae. Critically, the mortality from this wasp was lower in undisturbed forest than in the area disturbed by agriculture, this finding having important consequences for conservation. Although there was no evidence of a decline in numbers over the last century, we believe this is an artefact due to collectors working only at the periphery of its distribution. Even assuming that its population densities have not changed, the contraction of its usable habitat implies a similar reduction in average numbers and the small populations are susceptible to disaster. The efforts of researchers, NGOs, and Government agencies have greatly increased the level of awareness, making the people in some key areas the ‘protectors of the species’.  相似文献   

The problems of how warm and wet Mars once was and when climate transitions may have occurred are not well understood. Mars may have had an early environment similar to Earth's that was conductive to the ermergence of life. In addition, increasing geologic evidence indicates that water, upon which terrestrial life depends, has been present on Mars throughout its history. This evidence suggests that life could have developed not only on early Mars but also over longer periods of time in longer lasting, more clement local environments. Indications of past or present life most likely would be found in areas where liquid water existed in sufficient quantities to provide for the needs of biological systems. We suggest that paleolakes may have provided such environments. Unlike the case on Earth, this record of the origin and evolution of life has probably not been erased by extensive deformation of the Martian surface. Our work has identified eleven prospective areas where large lacustrine basins may once have existed. These areas are important for future biological, geological, and climatological investigations.Presented at the International Symposium on The Biological Exploration of Mars, October 26–27, 1990, Tallahassee, FL, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Abbott RJ  Forbes DG 《Heredity》2002,88(4):267-269
Senecio cambrensis is a new allopolyploid species, which originated independently in North Wales and in Edinburgh, Scotland. Despite extensive searches, the species has not been found growing at any of its previously recorded sites in Edinburgh or at other potential sites in the area since 1993. We have concluded that the Edinburgh lineage of S. cambrensis is now extinct and discuss possible causes of its extinction. The lineage was present in Edinburgh from at least 1974 and therefore survived in the wild for a minimum of 19 years. The species remains well established in parts of North Wales.  相似文献   

Neanderthals are a group of fossil humans that inhabited Western Eurasia from approximately 300 to 30,000 years ago (ka). They vanished from the fossil record a few millennia after the first modern humans appeared in Europe (ca. 40 ka BP). They are characterized by a unique combination of distinctive anatomical features, and are found with stone tools of the Mousterian stone tool industry. Current consensus views them as a distinct Eurasian human lineage isolated from the rest of the Old World and sharing a common ancestor with modern humans sometime in the early Middle Pleistocene. The extreme cold of the European Ice Ages is considered at least partly responsible for the evolution of some of the distinctive Neanderthal anatomy, although other factors (functional demands, effects of chance in small populations) were probably also important. The causes for the Neanderthal extinction are not well understood. Worsening climate and competition with modern humans are implicated. Neanderthals were our sister species, much more closely related to us than the chimpanzees, our closest living relatives are today.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the chronology, causes and consequences of the extinction of the autochthonous Pleistocene small mammals of Mallorca. Location Mallorca (Gymnesic Islands, Balearics, Western Mediterranean). Methods We have obtained the first direct 14C ages from the bone collagen of selected samples of two extinct endemic small mammals from Mallorca: the Balearic dormouse, Eliomys morpheus (Rodentia: Myoxidae) and the Balearic shrew, Asoriculus hidalgoi (Soricomorpha: Soricidae). We also present evidence for the absence of both endemics from the earliest Mallorcan archaeological sites and for the introduction of the garden dormouse, Eliomys quercinus, and the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus. Combined information from direct dating of bone collagen of E. quercinus and A. sylvaticus and from cultural associations provides an adequate framework to establish the chronology of the faunal change and to compare it with the chronological information available on climatic change and the first arrival of humans on the islands. Results The chronological record includes the latest evidence available for the survival of endemic species and the earliest introduction of small mammals into Mallorca. We present ‘uncertainty periods for extinction’ (UPEs) of both endemic mammals based on the chronology of their last occurrence and on the inferred timing of their extinction (restricted UPEs). Main conclusions Possible causes for the extinction of autochthonous small mammals on Mallorca are discussed. Once we have discarded climatic causes, predation by invasive species, competition with newcomers and habitat deterioration, the introduction of diseases emerges as the most reasonable explanation for these extinctions. Based on the identification of changes in keystone species in Mallorcan ecosystems, we propose a tentative schedule of key ecological changes that have taken place over the past 5 millennia.  相似文献   

The records of one pack of Otter Hounds hunting in southwest England are examined for the period 1907 to 1971 as well as the records of all packs active in Britain between 1950 and 1976. The hunting success per unit effort varies from year to year depending on changes in hunting conditions but longer term changes can also be identified. The hunting success of the Culmstock Otter Hounds (hunting in parts of south-west England) increased steadily from 1907 to 1956 but in most of England and south Wales the success rate of the hunts declined rapidly after 1957. There was also a decline in success in northern England and southern Scotland but to a lesser extent, while in north Wales and Eire, there is no evidence for a decline.
These changes are considered to reflect changes in otter populations but the extent of the decline in hunting success (to between 37% and 55% of previous levels in the southern hunts) is probably less than the actual decline in otter numbers. There are no signs of a recovery in the population but indications of a continuing decline up to 1976.
The reason for the increasing population in the first half of the century in south-west England is probably the decrease in persecution since the nineteenth century. A variety of causes for the crash in the late 1950s are considered and the factor most likely to be responsible is the introduction of the dieldrin group of insecticides in 1956. Use of these compounds has been increasingly restricted since 1963 and the possible reasons for the failufe of the otter population to recover are listed but no firm conclusions can be drawn as yet.  相似文献   

The history and ethnobotany of bracken   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fossil record shows that Pteridium has been present in all the temperate stages of the Quaternary, but that for most of this period it formed a component of the herb layer of deciduous woodlands. Bracken did not begin to reach its present abundance and importance until widespread forest clearance began with the arrival of Neolithic man about 5000 years ago. Some of the factors that have played a role in the history of bracken are illustrated by a discussion of the spread of bracken in Scotland that occurred contemporaneously with the change from cattle- to sheep-farming in the 18th century. It is shown that man has played a dominant role in influencing the spread of bracken in Scotland, but that bracken was considered of great positive economic value. The ethnobotany of bracken is discussed, and it is suggested that it was once an important source of potash for the glass, soap and bleaching industries. The use of the plant as fuel, thatch, litter, compost and food, and for medicinal purposes is considered, and mention is made of various minor uses of the plant. Unfortunately it is difficult to estimate the amount of bracken consumed by these various employments, but it is suggested that the increased abundance of the plant may have been exaggerated because what was once a useful resource has now become a pest.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic diversity of a population is important for understanding population persistence and extinction risk. The long-nosed bandicoot (Perameles nasuta) was once regarded as common throughout its range, but it is unknown whether it is at risk of decline and the genetic diversity in this species has not been assessed. We evaluated the genetic structure and diversity of a P. nasuta population from samples collected during a 6 year demographic study that encompassed a cyclical fluctuation in abundance. Genetic diversity was higher compared to other studies on bandicoot species suggesting the population is not genetically impoverished. We detected significant temporal genetic differentiation suggesting turnover of genotypes. There was no strong evidence for population structuring, indicating a panmictic population. Individual-based spatial autocorrelation analysis generated a similar pattern of relatedness across geographical distances for both sexes suggesting no or limited sex-biased dispersal. This study provides useful baseline genetic data for a large P. nasuta population that is not significantly impacted by introduced predators or habitat destruction.  相似文献   

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