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The combined effects of mitomycin C (MMC) and thio-tepa (TT) with gamma-ray doses of 5 and 9 Gy on mouse stem cells were studied using the spermatocyte test. Both chemicals induced very low yields of translocations after single treatments. In combined treatments with a dose of 5 Gy, a subadditive effect of MMC and an additive effect of TT were found. Combined with a dose of 9 Gy the compounds potentiated the effect of radiations. Up to now, most of the chemicals tested have shown additive effects when combined with doses of the ascending part of the dose-response curve and potentiating effects when combined with doses of its descending part. This has been considered additional confirmation of the concept that depletion of any kind of spermatogonia is sufficient to modify the genetic response of stem cells. However, the subadditive and additive responses found could be considered evidence that common biological mechanisms can modulate the response to combined treatments of chemicals and ionizing radiations.  相似文献   

The effect of bleomycin (BLM) on mouse stem cells has been analysed using the spermatocyte test. The dose-response relationships after treatment with doses of 20, 40 and 60 mg/kg of the compound as well as the combined effect of BLM and gamma-rays and BLM and thio-tepa (TT) were studied. A positive, significant correlation between the dose of BLM and the frequency of translocations was found. Two different responses were found when the yields of translocations induced after combined treatments, separated by a lapse of 24 h, were compared with the sum of translocation frequencies induced after the corresponding single treatments: (1) Potentiation, in the treatments with 1 Gy plus 9 Gy and 60 mg/kg of BLM plus 9 Gy; (2) additivity, in the treatments with 60 mg/kg of BLM plus 1 Gy, 1 Gy plus 60 mg/kg of BLM, and 0.2 mg of TT plus 60 mg/kg of BLM. In mice irradiated with 1 Gy plus 9 Gy and mice treated with 60 mg/kg of BLM plus 9 Gy, similar translocation yields were found. The potentiating effect of BLM is similar to that obtained with non-radiomimetic compounds such as triethylenemelamine, cyclophosphamide and adriamycin. These results are discussed taking into account the hypothesis of germ cell selection, and the dose of radiation employed.  相似文献   

Male B6CF1 mice were exposed to either fission neutrons or 60Co gamma-rays at once-weekly doses approaching occupational levels for periods up to 60 weeks. Both during and after the irradiation sequence, the mice were screened to determine the incidence of abnormal epididymal sperm and of reciprocal chromosome translocations in metaphase spermatocytes. Abnormal sperm frequencies equilibrated with dose/week by 10 weeks and also showed an additive nonlinear seasonal increment. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for these damages is 12 +/- 1. After exposures ended, sperm frequencies in gamma-irradiated mice quickly returned to near-normal levels. Neutron-irradiated males showed a significantly elevated level of abnormalities for approximately 30 weeks--a paradoxical finding--as no clear evidence of cumulative injury was seen during exposure. When assayed at 10 and 25 weeks of exposure but not later, translocation frequencies demonstrated an increment, significant in the neutron series, attributed to irradiated spermatocytes. Dose-response analysis with cumulative dose up to the 60-week maximum gave an RBE of 45 +/- 10. Post exposure, the incidence of translocations subsided slightly, but the RBE remained above 30.  相似文献   

《Mutation Research Letters》1990,243(4):259-266
The induction of reciprocal translocations in mouse spermatogonial stem cells, visualized in dividing primary spermatocytes, was studied after combined treatments with hydroxyurea (250 and 500 mg/kg) and X-rays (6, 8 and 9 Gy). The time intervals between the 2 treatments were 16 h (leading to extremely high cell killing) and 48 h (giving rise to less killing than irradiation alone). Comparison of the observed frequencies of translocations with reported data on stem cell killing (de Ruiter-Bootsma and Davids, 1981 show that the ratio between the probabilities that a radiation-induced basic lesion kills a cell or produces a translocation, theoretically calculated by Leenhouts and Chadwick (1981) to be about 10, can indeed be confirmed experimentally.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of male and female pre-meiotic germ cells of the mouse to the induction of non-disjunction by low doses of X-rays, has been tested. No enhancement with 5 rad was observed over control of values in dictyate oocytes irradiated from young or aged females. In males, a 3-fold increase in overall chromosome abnormalities (aneuploids, polyploids and mosaics) was found following the treatment of germ cells sampled in the 7th week after irradiation (spermatogonia and early primary spermatocytes) with 100 rad. The increase in aneuploidy alone was not however significant at the 5% level of probability. Primary spermatocytes sampled in week 5 after irradiation were generally insensitive to the induction of chromosome abnormalities.  相似文献   

The increase in sister-chromatid exchanges induced by 5 chemicals, with different DNA damaging and carcinogenic activities, was studied in short-term foetal-mouse cultures. A significant increase in SCE was induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, N-diazoacetylglycine-amide, azaserine and methotrexate. k-Strophantin, on the contrary, was totally inactive. On a molar basis, MNNG was the most active chemical followed by MTX, AZS and DGA, in that order. At equitoxic concentrations (D37), the order of SCE-inducing abilities was MNNG, DGA, AZS and MTX. Compared with previous data, at equitoxic concentrations, the most DNA-damaging agents were also the most effective in inducing SCE. The SCE increase seems to correlate not with unspecific cytotoxicity but more with DNA damage or other damage at the genome level. MTX, a non-mutagen, which induced SCE only at toxic levels, could be considered a false positive because this positivity may reflect an enhancement of incorporation of 5-BrdUrd into DNA. The positive results obtained with AZS suggest a sufficient sensitivity of the method for detecting relatively weak carcinogens.  相似文献   

Protective effect of cystamine (150 mg/kg) against genetic damages induced by gamma-irradiation in germ cells of male mice of CBA strain (at doses of 100, 300, 600 r) was studied. The application of cystamine decreased the frequency of dominant lethal mutations induced by radiation in sperms, spermatids and spermatocytes. The degree of the protective effect of cystamine depended on a radiation dose. The protective effect of cystamine was the highest at the radiation dose of 300 r. It was negligible at the radiation dose of 100 r and was completely absent at the dose of 600 r. Cystamine did not affect the rate of induced reciprocal translocations in the spermatogonia at all the radiation doses used.  相似文献   

A large series of independent mutants deficient in HPRT enzyme activity, isolated from V79-4 hamster cells (Brown and Thacker, 1984), were assessed for properties which reflect the nature of the genetic changes induced. A total of 88 mutants were screened, 43 isolated from gamma-ray-treated cultures and 45 induced by ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS). Firstly, each mutant was assayed for the presence of protein with the antigenic response of HPRT (cross-reacting material, CRM), using an antibody raised against partially purified V79-4 HPRT enzyme. In a competitive inhibition assay, 31% of EMS-induced mutants were CRM-positive compared to 7% of the gamma-ray series. Secondly, each mutant was tested for ability to revert to HPRT proficiency, either spontaneously or after treatment with the powerful mutagen ethyl nitrosourea (ENU). All except 2 of the EMS-induced mutants reverted with ENU, and many reverted spontaneously, under the given conditions. However reversion was not detected in about 80% of gamma-ray-induced mutants, suggesting that the types of forward mutation caused by ionizing radiation differ qualitatively from those caused by EMS. The EMS-induced mutations are likely to be mostly point mutations, with at least 40% of the missense type, while gamma-ray-induced mutations may arise mostly through larger genetic changes.  相似文献   

J Favor 《Mutation research》1999,428(1-2):227-236
Mouse germ cell specific locus mutagenesis data and a molecular characterization of mutant alleles have been reviewed to arrive at an understanding of the mechanism of mutation induction in mammals. (a) The spermatogenic stage specificity for the sensitivity to mutation induction by 20 chemical mutagens is considered. (b) The effects of a saturable repair process and its recovery over time are examined for the mutagenic efficiency of ethylnitrosourea. (c) The mutagenic events following methylnitrosourea and chlorambucil are shown to be mainly deletions. In contrast the mutations recovered after ethylnitrosourea treatment are almost exclusively base pair substitutions. (d) It is emphasized that to date very few specific locus experiments have been designed to test for mutagenic events outside the interval stem cell spermatogonia-mature spermatozoa. A specific locus mutation has recently been shown to be due to loss of heterozygosity via mitotic recombination in an early zygote stage and suggests a broader range of possible mechanisms of mutation when these stages are considered. (e) With the cloning of all 7 marker loci mutation analysis at the molecular level will allow a more direct assessment of the mutation process in future studies.  相似文献   

The induction of reciprocal translocations in rhesus monkey stem-cell spermatogonia was studied using multivalent analysis at metaphase of primary spermatocytes. Animals were exposed to 1 Gy gamma-rays at dose rates of 140 and 0.2 mGy/min or to 0.25 Gy acute 2 MeV neutrons. Reduction of the dose rate from 140 mGy/min to 0.2 mGy/min did not result in a lowering of the frequencies of recovered translocations of 0.43%. The neutron data indicated an RBE (neutrons vs. X-rays) of 2.1, which is clearly lower than the value of 4 obtained in the mouse. It is made plausible that in general mammalian species with high sensitivities for the cytotoxic effects of ionizing radiation, such as the rhesus monkey, will exhibit relatively high threshold dose rates below which no further reduction in aberration yield occurs, whereas in more resistant species, such as the mouse, the threshold dose rate will be at a very low level. Similarly, resistant species will show relatively high RBE values for neutron irradiation and sensitive species low ones.  相似文献   

A study was made of the influence of the repair genotype on lambda prophage induction by ionizing radiation of different LET in lysogenic E. coli cells. Bacterial strains W3110, P3478, GC244, and 30SO were exposed to gamma-rays and helium ions of 22 keV/microns. Induction of the prophage in GC244 and 30SO strains deficient by lexA and recA genes was either inhibited (GC244) or lacking (30SO). Inducibility of P3478 carrying polA mutation was 12 and 5 times as high as that of the wild type strain after exposure to gamma-radiation and helium ions, respectively.  相似文献   

Although no detectable interferon was produced when L cells were infected with wild-type VSV (VSV-o), considerable amounts of interferon were produced when cells were infected with UV-irradiated VSV-o at a multiplicity equivalent to 10 PFU/cell. Treatment of VSV-o with UV-light resulted in the marked reduction of the RNA synthesizing capacity and cytotoxity of the virus, and the UV-irradiated virus had neither infectivity nor interfering activity against homologous viruses. The amount of interferon induced by UV-VSV-o was markedly influenced by multiplicity of infection and incubation temperature. Less-virulent temperature-sensitive mutants (VSV-mp and VSV-sp) derived from L cells persistently infected with VSV induced interferon in L cells without treatment of the viruses with UV-light, but these viruses could not induce interferon if the infected cells were incubated at nonpermissive temperature, or if cells were infected at multiplicities of more than 10 PFU/cell. On the other hand, it was shown that treatment of cells with cycloheximide (100 μg/ml) delayed the expression of cell damage caused by non-irradiated VSV-o and resulted in the production of interferon when cycloheximide was removed from the cultures. These results indicate that VSV has intrinsically interferon-inducing capacity in L cells and can induce interferon if the induction is carried out under such condition that cell damage caused by VSV are suppressed or delayed. Furthermore, the effect of pretreatment of cells by interferon and undiluted passage of VSV-o on interferon induction was discussed in relation to persistent infection.  相似文献   

The modification effect of the anoxic radiosensitizer TAN on the mutagenesis in various Salmonella tester strains after gamma-ray and helium ion irradiation was studied. The oxygen enhancement ratios (OER) for all 3 strains on the lethal assay after gamma-irradiation are approximately equal to 2. The induction of reversions in TA98 and TA100 does not modify under anoxia. The value of OER on the mutagenic assay in TA102 equals 1.6. The OER after helium ion irradiation on the lethal and mutagenic assays was less than after gamma-irradiation. The mutagenesis in 3 strains after irradiation under anoxia is enhanced by TAN. The value of the TAN modification effect after gamma-irradiation increases from 2.1 +/- 0.2 for TA102 to 5.2 +/- 0.4 for TA100. However, the TAN influence on mutagenesis in TA100 after helium ion irradiation decreases to 3.1 +/- 0.3. We conclude that peculiarities of mutagenesis in various tester strains under anoxia with TAN can be explained by considering the nature of premutational DNA damages.  相似文献   

J Thacker 《Mutation research》1986,160(3):267-275
DNA from 58 independent HPRT-deficient mutants of V79 hamster cells induced by ionising radiation was analysed by Southern blot hybridization to a full-length hamster hprt cDNA. About half of the gamma-ray-induced mutants (20/43) were apparently total gene deletions, because they lacked all functional hprt gene sequences hybridizing to the cDNA probe. Another 10 mutants showed various partial deletions and/or rearrangements of the hprt gene. The remaining 13 mutants showed no detectable change in comparison to the structure of the normal gene, which correlated well with previous characterization of these mutants indicating that most carry point mutations in the hprt gene. However, it is probable that some of these point mutations occurred spontaneously rather than being radiation-induced. A smaller number of alpha-particle induced mutants gave similar results: out of a total of 15 mutants, 6 appeared to be total gene deletions, 5 had partial deletions and/or rearrangements, and 4 had no detectable changes. Thus, 70% or more of radiation-induced HPRT-deficient mutants arise through large genetic changes, especially deletions of all or part of the hprt gene. This result is to be contrasted with data published previously by ourselves and others indicating that the majority of spontaneous and ethyl methanesulphonate-induced mutations of hprt and similar genes arise by point mutation.  相似文献   

It was previously shown that there is multigene control of the response of mouse spleen cells to two types of sheep erythrocytes (H and L). Discriminator strains of mice make a much higher response to extra antigens found only on H SRBC than to the shared antigens found on both types of erythrocyte. Non-discriminator strains respond only to the shared antigens, making a response as great as the discriminator response to the extra antigens. In this study we have shown that the response to the extra antigen(s) on H SRBC is under the genetic control of a gene(s) located in the VH region near or to the left of the A5a, alpha 1, 3-dextran and NP makers.  相似文献   

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