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In understanding how visual scene is processed in visual cortex, it has been an intriguing problem for theoretical and experimental neuroscientists to examine the relationship between visual stimuli and the induced responses of visual cortex. In particular, it is less explored whether and how the collective responses of visual neurons are patterned to reflect the geometrical regularities. In this paper, through a computation model and statistical analysis, we show that the orientation preference maps induced from correlated visual stimuli exhibit geometrical regularities similar as observed in natural images.  相似文献   

Single unit responses in the visual cortex of the waking rabbit to repetitive photic stimulation at a frequency of once every 2.5 sec were studied. Depending on the total number of spikes in the response, the dynamics of the responses could be divided into two types: "fast" and "slow." From 5 to 15 stimuli were required to establish a stable level of response with changes of the first type, but 50 to 100 stimuli were needed for the response with changes of the second type. About 50% of all neurons did not change the characteristics of response. In the group of neurons with changing responses, partial habituation was found in 55–59% of cells; there were 25% of neurons with sensitization of discharge and 17–20% with a humpbacked type of response dynamics. A "slow" dynamics of unit responses in most cases was accompanied by changes in the duration of inhibitory pauses in the response; negative correlation of these values was observed in 65% of neurons.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 451–459, September–October, 1978.  相似文献   

The effect of various physical factors (SM F: 460 O; microwave EMF: 6 GHz, continuous mode, 200 microW/sm2; sound: clicks of 50 Hz, 6 db above a threshold of EEG response) on responses of neurons in visual area of cerebral cortex of rabbits to light flashes (1 Hz, 1 ms, 0.62 J) has been studied in experiments on 27 rabbits. The character of changes depended on the indicators for a background and for the response to the isolated action of light. Inhibition, rather than activation, was observed at a significantly higher initial frequency. Effect of the factors of magnetic nature was similar to the action of sound (inadequate irritant for the visual area). Inhibitory reactions were observed more frequently (significant result for the group of neurons), with their amplification at a combined action of irritants (SMF and microwave EMF; SMF and sound). The basic character of changes was limited to the drop in the pulsation frequency at the first phase of activation and to the increase in the latent periods of the first and second active phases. Other indicators for reaction to light flashes actually didn't change.  相似文献   

Visual cortical unit responses of the squirrelSciurus vulgaris to shaped visual stimuli (stationary and moving spots and bands) were studied. Neurons responding selectively to the direction of stimulus movement and orientation of lines and those not responding selectively to these features were distinguished. Many neurons, whether responding selectively or not to movement direction, were specifically sensitive to high speeds of movement, of the order of hundreds of degrees per second. This selectivity in neurons responding selectively to movement direction persisted at these high speeds, despite the short time taken by the stimulus to move across the receptive field. Neurons responding selectively to line orientation were sensitive to lower speeds of stimulus movement — from units to tens of degrees per second. Neuronal sensitivity to high speeds of stimulus movement is achieved through rapid summation of excitation from large areas of the receptive field crossed by the fast-moving stimulus. Selectivity of the response to movement direction is produced under these conditions with the aid of directed short-latency inhibition, inhibiting unit activity for stimulus movement in "zero" direction.  相似文献   

The effect of electrical stimulation of the hypothalamic positive reinforcement zone (PRZ), the neutral hypothalamic zone (NZ), and the reticular formation (RF), of the midbrain on the impulse activity of single neurons of the visual cortex evoked by light flashes was studied in unanesthetized and uncurarized white rats. Poststimulus histograms of the neurons's responses were compared. Under the influence of stimulation the evoked activity of the neurons which responded to light changed in a majority of them (from 63% for the NZ to 82% for the RF). Qualitative differences were found in the effects of PRZ and RF stimulation. The effects of PRZ stimulation consisted in the invariability or in a decrease in the frequency of the neuron's discharge comprising the short-latent response, and an increase in the frequency of the discharges in the long-latent response ("positive-motivation" type). The effects of RF stimulation were manifested in intensification of the neuronal discharges in the short-latent and a decrease in the discharges in the long-latent response ("reticular" type). The responses of a considerable number of the neurons changed to the "combined" type. The data obtained indicates the different natures and mechanisms of the ascending activating effects caused by stimulation of the PRZ and the RF and which brings about positive nonspecific reinforcements. These effects, which are manifested differently in different periods of the neuron's working cycle cannot be explained by "energizing" or "tonus" concepts; their explanation must be sought for in informational (systemic) concepts.N. I. Grashchenkov Laboratory of Problems of Functional Control in the Human and Animal Organism, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 359–368, July–August, 1971.  相似文献   

Brain cells have a highly active oxidative metabolism, yet they contain only low to moderate superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. Thus, their antioxidant defenses rely mainly on cellular reduced glutathione levels. In this work, in cortical neurons we characterized viability and changes in reduced and oxidized glutathione levels in response to a protocol of iron accumulation. We found that massive death occurred after 2 days in culture with 10 microM Fe. Surviving cells developed an adaptative response that included increased synthesis of GSH and the maintenance of a glutathione-based reduction potential. These results highlight the fundamental role of glutathione homeostasis in the antioxidant response and provide novel insights into the adaptative mechanisms of neurons subjected to progressive iron loads.  相似文献   

The responses of the rabbit's visual cortical neurons to paired and rhythmic punctiform stimulation of their receptive fields were compared with responses to diffuse photic stimuli and the electric stimulation of the optic nerve. Diffuse photic and electric stimuli evoke a short-lasting initial activation of a neuron, followed by an inhibitory phase, during which the response to repetitive stimulation is suppressed. By contrast, localized stimulation of the neuron's receptive field with a spot of light produces an intensive and longer-lasting activation which is not followed by profound inhibition. Fusion of the responses to paired and rhythmic localized stimuli is therefore possible when the intervals between stimuli are brief enough. Rhythmic stimulation is capable of evoking sustained activation of a neuron during the entire duration of light flicker. During stimulation of a single point of the receptive field such prolonged activation can take place only within a limited range of stimulation frequencies (up to 15/sec), while higher frequencies evoke responses to the onset and offset of sequences of light flashes only. If, however, rhythmic stimuli alternate between the various points of a receptive field, prolonged neuronal activation is observed with any frequency of stimulation.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 252–259, May–June, 1971.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the variability of firing of retinal ganglion cells have led to apparently contradictory conclusions. To a first approximation, maintained discharges derive their variability from a noise source that is linearly added to the signal setting the mean firing rate. On the other hand, the variability of responses to abrupt changes in lighting seems to result from a nonlinear interaction between signal and noise. In both the cat and the goldfish retinae, the variance of rate is a fractional power function of the mean response amplitude (impulses/s). The exponent of that power function depends on the duration of the period in which the response is sampled after each transition in luminance; longer durations have a larger exponent. These results are difficult to explain with any simple model. The variability of the maintained discharges also deviates from the predictions of simple additivity. We propose a model for the variability of responses to abrupt changes in lighting that incorporates variability of the form observed for maintained discharges. The parameters of our model that provide the best fits to the variability of responses also provide a reasonable fit to the variability of maintained discharges. Thus, a single explanation can account for the variability of maintained discharges and responses of ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Extracellular microelectrode recordings were carried out on 150 neurons in the anterior ectosylvian sulcal region of halothane-anesthetized, immobilized, artificially ventilated cats. Fifty-nine neurons were visual, 60 were auditory and 31 were bimodal visual-auditory. As the extent of the receptive fields has never been exactly determined, we introduced a quasi-objective, computer-based, statistical method in order to estimate the receptive field sizes in the anterior half of the perimeter. The visual, auditory and bimodal cells had very large receptive fields, often with portions extending well into the ipsilateral hemifield. The mean extents of the visual and auditory receptive fields in the horizontal plane were 75.75 degrees (N=59, SD: +/- 28.620, range: 15-135 degrees), and 132.5 degrees (N=60, SD: +/- 46.72 degrees, range: 15-165 degrees) respectively. These data suggest that a single visual neuron can carry information from the whole visual field of the right eye and a single auditory unit can carry information of azimuths throughout the whole area of the horizontal plane studied. The mean extent of the bimodal receptive fields in the horizontal plane was 82.1 degrees (N=31, SD: +/- 24.24 degrees, range: 30-135 degrees). In 21 of the 31 bimodal cells we observed a facilitatory interaction between visual and auditory stimuli. The mean extent of the facilitatory interactions in these cells was 75.75 degrees (N=21, SD: +/- 24.56 degrees, range: 45-135 degrees).  相似文献   

The organization of receptive fields of neurons sensitive to orientation of visual stimuli was investigated in the squirrel visual cortex. Neurons with mutually inhibitory on- and off-areas of the receptive field, with partially and completely overlapping excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms, were distinguished. Neurons of the second group are most typical. They exhibit orientation selectivity within the excitatory area of the receptive field because, if the stimulus widens in the zero direction, perpendicular to the preferred direction, lateral inhibition is much stronger than if it widens in the preferred direction. Additional inhibitory areas (outside the excitatory area) potentiate this inhibition and increase selectivity. It is suggested that there is no strict separation of simple (with separate excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms in the receptive field) and complex (with overlapping of these mechanisms) neurons in the squirrel visual cortex.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 540–549, November–December, 1979.  相似文献   

It has been shown by two-wavelength cytospectrophotometry of gallocyanin-chrome alum-stained sections that visual deprivation in adult rats kept in a complete darkness for 30 days resulted in an accumulation of cytoplasmic RNA by layer V neurons of the visual cerebral cortex and by the cells of the perineuronal neuroglia of this layer. The nuclear RNA content remained unchanged. Stimulation of intact rats with a flickering or constant light induced an increase in the cytoplasmic RNA in these neurons rather than in the nuclear RNA as well as in RNA in their glial satellite cells. Similar light stimulation of the deprived animals gave rise to a complete return of the neuronal RNA to normal with only a slight decrease in the deprivation-induced RNA accumulation by the neuroglial cells. Neither visual deprivation nor light stimulation affected the RNA content in the neurons and neuroglia of layer V of the motor cerebral cortex. Compartmentation of RNA metabolism within the neuronal-neuroglial unit is discussed.  相似文献   

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