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Human myometrium includes two important cell populations involved in its contractility: smooth muscle fibers and interstitial cells. The pacemaking mechanism is not yet identified, but it is possible that myometrial smooth muscle cells contract in response to a signal generated by c-kit positive interstitial cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of imatinib as a c-kit receptor antagonist on the spontaneous or oxytocin (OT) induced contractions of human non-pregnant myometrium in vitro. Myometrial strips were obtained from non-pregnant women (reproductive age) undergoing hysterectomy for benign indications. The strips were suspended in organ baths for recording of isometric tension. Imatinib effects were assessed on spontaneous contraction and after preexposure to OT.Direct exposure of myometrial strips to imatinib inhibits both amplitude and frequency of contractions (80-320 μM) in a dose dependent manner. Amplitude reverted back to 90% of the baseline amplitude by consequent addition of imatinib (until 480 μM). Total inhibition of myometrial contraction was obtained after addition of OT 60 nM. If myometrium was pre-exposed to OT (320 nM), imatinib 80-160 μm increased amplitude, while decreasing frequency. These data provide evidence that telocytes may be involved as modulators of the spontaneous contractions of the non-pregnant human uterus, via a tyrosine-kinase independent signaling pathway.  相似文献   

There is now considerable evidence for the involvement of K+ channels in nitric oxide (NO) induced relaxation of smooth muscles including the myometrium. In order to assess whether apamin-sensitive K+ channels play a role in NO – induced relaxation of the human uterus, we have studied the effect of specific blockers of these channels on the relaxation of myometrium from non-pregnant women. In vitro isometric contractions were recorded in uterine tissues from non-pregnant premenopausal women who had undergone hysterectomy. Apamin (10 nM) and scyllatoxin (10 nM) did not alter spontaneous myometrial contractions. However, 15-min pretreatment of the myometrium strips with apamin completely inhibited relaxation caused by diethylamine-nitric oxide (DEA/NO). The pretreatment with scyllatoxin significantly reduced (about 2.6 times) maximum relaxation of the strips induced by DEA/NO (p < 0.05). These results strongly suggest that, beside Ca2+ and voltage dependent charybdotoxin-sensitive (CTX-sensitive) K+ channels, apamin-sensitive K+ channels are also present in the human non-pregnant myometrium. These channels offer an additional target in the development of new tocolytic agents.  相似文献   

Effect of methylene blue on cardiac output response to exercise in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determine whether the increase in cardiac output during mild to moderate exercise is related to an increase in the tissue redox potential, we compared the responses of cardiac output, total body oxygen consumption, and arterial blood lactate-to-pyruvate ratio (a measure of NADH/NAD) to treadmill exercise between dogs treated with normal saline and those treated with a hydrogen acceptor, new methylene blue. Normal saline was infused into the left atrium in the first group of dogs at a rate of 0.38 ml/min throughout the treadmill exercise (2.5 mph and 5.0 mph on a 6% incline, each for 20 min). In the second group, methylene blue was administered as a loading dose (4 mg/kg) before exercise, followed by a continuous infusion (0.15 mg X kg-1 X min-1) throughout exercise. A similar infusion of methylene blue was given to a third group of dogs without exercise; it reduced the arterial lactate-to-pyruvate ratio from 6.70 +/- 0.35 to 4.12 +/- 0.27 but had no or little effects on cardiac output, heart rate, arterial pressure, and left ventricular dP/dt and (dP/dt)/P. Treadmill exercise doubled cardiac output and increased total body O2 consumption three- to fourfold in the first two groups but increased arterial blood lactate-to-pyruvate ratio only in group 1 (6.0 +/- 0.54 to 9.97 +/- 0.91). The relationship between cardiac output and total body O2 consumption was unaffected by the simultaneous administration of methylene blue during exercise. Groups 1 and 2 also did not differ in their heart rate, left ventricular dP/dt and (dP/dt)/P, and plasma catecholamine responses to exercise.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The validity of the methylene blue colorimetric microassay for determining the response of monolayers of human ovarian tumour cell lines to different growth factors was investigated. Linearity of the relationship between cell density and optical density was confirmed for each cell line (r=0.989–0.999,p<0.001), and when initial cell density was optimised to give exponential growth over the assay period, differences in response to medium supplements were obvious. The response of target cells to growth factors, obtained using the methylene blue assay, were compared with, and found to parallel, previously documented responses obtained non-colorimetrically. Thus Mink lung epithelial cells (MLEC) were inhibited by TG (Holleyet al., 1983), EGF had an inhibitory effect on A431 cells (Gill & Lazar, 1981; Barnes, 1982), and the mesothelial cell line showed a proliferative response to EGF and hydrocortisone (Connell and Rheinwald, 1983).The methylene blue colorimetric microssay was found to be a simple, reliable, sensitive method with low variability, for determining the response of cultured cells to growth factors.  相似文献   

Reduction and uptake of methylene blue by human erythrocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A thiazine dye reductase has been described in endothelial cells that reduces methylene blue (MB), allowing its uptake into cells. Because a different mechanism of MB uptake in human erythrocytes has been proposed, we measured MB uptake and reduction in this cell type. Oxidized MB (MB+) stimulated reduction of extracellular ferricyanide in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, reflecting extracellular reduction of the dye. Reduced MB was then taken up by the cells and partially oxidized to MB+. Both forms were retained against a concentration gradient, and their redox cycling induced an oxidant stress in the cells. Whereas concentrations of MB+ <5 µM selectively oxidized NAD(P)H, higher concentrations also oxidized both glutathione (GSH) and ascorbate, especially in the absence of D-glucose. MB+-stimulated ferricyanide reduction was inhibited by thiol reagents with different mechanisms of action. Phenylarsine oxide, which is selective for vicinal dithiols in proteins, inhibited MB+-dependent ferricyanide reduction more strongly than it decreased cell GSH and pentose phosphate cycle activity, and it did not affect cellular NADPH. Open erythrocyte ghost membranes facilitated saturable NAD(P)H oxidation by MB+, which was abolished by pretreating ghosts with low concentrations of trypsin and phenylarsine oxide. These results show that erythrocytes sequentially reduce and take up MB+, that both reduced and oxidized forms of the dye are concentrated in cells, and that the thiazine dye reductase activity initially responsible for MB+ reduction may correspond to MB+-dependent NAD(P)H reductase activity in erythrocyte ghosts. thiazine dyes; ascorbic acid; ferricyanide; phenylarsine oxide; oxidant stress; redox cycling  相似文献   

The coefficient of diffusion of methylene blue in pathologically changed human maxillary sinus mucosa in vitro has been estimated for the first time. The mean value of the diffusion coefficient is (4.8 +/- 2.9) x 10(-7) cm2/s. The method is based on the registration of the dynamics of reflectance of tissue samples under the action of the dye. The diffusion coefficient has been estimated by approximation of experimental data in the framework of the model presented.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of antiprogesterone RU 486 on spontaneous uterine contractility and PGI2 release with human myometrial strips superfused “in vitro”. A decrease of PGI2 release into the superfusion medium was observed after 20 min superfusion. The inhibition was dose-dependent and reversible. After 20 min washing with tyrode medium without RU 486, the uterine strips recovered their initial rate of release. R5020, a progesterone agonist, did not affect PGI2 release nor dexamethasone and testosterone. Parallel to the decrease of PGI2 observed during RU 486 superfusion, the uterine spontaneous contraction frequency decreased, while the amplitude and duration of contractions increased. The alteration of uterine contractility was also rapid, dose-dependent and reversible. Modifications of uterine strip spontaneous contractility, similar to those induced by RU 486, were also observed with superfusions of R5020 at concentrations as low as 10−9M, dexamethasone (10−8M), but not with superfusions of testosterone. These observations are not in favour of a progesterone-receptor mediated effect of RU 486 in our model. The mechanism of action may be related to the antiprogesterone specific structure i.e. the bulky substituent at the C-11 position. The RU 486 effect on uterine strip contractility, mimicked by other steroids, could point to a non-specific lipid/membrane interaction. However, the fact that testosterone did not affect motility, may indicate a possible specificity of steroids having a 3 oxo pregnene structure.  相似文献   

Gentamicin sulfate, an aminoglycoside antibiotic known to cause depression of neuromuscular function, is a drug of choice in intrauterine antibiotic treatment of bovine chronical or subclinical uterine infections but its effects on the contractility of the cow uterus have not been studied. The aim of this study was to characterize, in vitro, the effect of gentamicin sulfate on spontaneous as well as prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) and oxytocin-induced contractility of the non-pregnant cow uterus. Myometrial strips were isolated from non-pregnant cows in follicular phase and suspended in a jacketed organ bath filled with Krebs solution at 37 degrees C (pH 7.4) continuously bubbled with 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide and isometric contractions were recorded using isometric force displacement transducer. After manifestation of the spontaneous contractions during equilibration period the test substances PGF2alpha (1 microM), oxytocin (2.5 mIU/ml bath fluid) and gentamicin sulfate (150-600 microm) were added to the bath. The effects of gentamicin sulfate on amplitude (g) and frequency of spontaneous and the agonist-induced contractions were evaluated by 20 min intervals. Data were statistically analyzed using the Student's t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test where appropriate. P <0.05 was considered to be significant. Gentamicin sulfate inhibited spontaneous, as well as oxytocin or PGF2alpha-induced contractions in a dose-dependent manner. Although both the frequency and amplitude of contractions were significantly inhibited by gentamicin sulfate, the effect on the frequency of the spontaneous and agonist-induced contractions were more prominent than on the amplitude. The result from this in vitro study indicated that gentamicin sulfate inhibits spontaneous as well as oxytocin and PGF2alpha-induced contractions of myometrium isolated from non-pregnant cows. This may be of importance considering the potentially negative effect of gentamicin sulfate on uterine involution in cows with puerperal endometritis, resulting in impairment of fertility performance.  相似文献   

Zhang LM  Wang YK  Hui N  Sha JY  Chen X  Guan R  Dai L  Gao L  Yuan WJ  Ni X 《Life sciences》2008,83(17-18):620-624
AIMS: Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) has been implicated in the mechanisms controlling human parturition. The aims of the present study were to explore effects of CRH on contractility of human term myometrium and compare these effects in labouring and non-labouring myometrial strips. MAIN METHODS: The cumulative effects of CRH (10(-10) to 10(-7) mol/l) on the spontaneous contractility of labouring and non-labouring myometrial samples were evaluated using isometric tension recordings. KEY FINDINGS: CRH exhibited a concentration-dependent relaxant effect on spontaneous contractions in non-labouring term myometrium. This effect was mediated principally via a reduction in the amplitude rather than any changes in the frequency of contractions. The CRH-induced inhibitory effect on contractility could be blocked by pre-treatment with a CRH-R1 antagonist antalarmin, but not by pre-treatment with the CRH-R2 antagonist astressin 2B. CRH had no effect on spontaneous contractions in the labouring myometrium, as no change in either the amplitude or the frequency was observed. SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings indicate that CRH acts on CRH-R1 to inhibit spontaneous contractions in term myometrium from women who were not undergoing labour, but not those who were undergoing labour, supporting the hypothesis that CRH exerts dual effect on myometrium during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Several immunological and haematological indices as well as infection of carp with ectoparasites of the Dactylogyrus genus have been studied in fish that have been subjected to methylene blue treatment, to infection with Rhabdovirus carpio and Aeromonas hydrophila in different combinations. A dosage of 0.05 mg/l (exposure lasting for 3 days) over 20 days increases most of the immunological indices. A treatment of the carp with drug (dosage of 100 mg/l) for 4 hours has a stimulating effect on the immune system over a period of 40-60 days. The infection of the carp with virus immediately after the drug treatment (dosage 100 mg/l) gives rise to a disease of a certain part of fish. In connection with this a problem on terms of the methylene blue treatment is discussed taking into account the development of the disease.  相似文献   

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