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A simplified procedure for the purification of low molecular weight phosphoprotein phosphatase acting on muscle phosphorylase a has been described from rabbit heart. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity by acid precipitation, ethanol treatment, and chromatography on Sephadex G-75 and Sepharose-histone. The purified enzyme showed a single band when examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; the molecular weight calculated by this method was 34 000. The S20, W value and Stokes radius for the enzyme was 3.35 and 24.0 A(1 A = 0.1 nm), respectively. Using these two values, a molecular weight of 35 000 was calculated. Purified enzyme showed a wide substrate specificity and catalyzed the dephosphorylation of phosphorylase a, glycogen synthase D, phosphorylated histone, and phosphorylated casein. Kinetic studies revealed the lowest Km with glycogen synthase D and maximum Vmax for the reaction with phosphorylase a.  相似文献   

Incubation of four purified rat liver 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase phosphatases (G. Gil, M. Sitges, and F. G. Hegardt, (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta663, 211–221) with HMG-CoA, CoA, NADPH, or citrate caused a concentration-dependent inactivation of the enzyme activities. HMG-CoA and CoA showed similar patterns of inactivation and at 0.5 mm of both compounds, the four reductase phosphatases were fully inhibited. Half-maximal inactivation was comprised between 0.02 and 0.1 mm of HMG-CoA and CoA. NADPH at concentration ranging between 5 and 10 mm produced complete inactivation of reductase phosphatases. Citrate at 5 mm produced full inactivation, and half-maximal inhibition ranged from 0.1 to 0.4 mm for the different phosphatases. The behavior of fluoride varied with respect to the four phosphatases: Low molecular forms were inactivated in a similar manner as described for other protein phosphatases. However, high molecular forms were slightly inactivated, and phosphatase IIa at 100 mm showed a level of activity similar to the control. The effect of KCl on the four reductase phosphatases could explain this behavior since at high concentrations, KCl (and NaCl) produced activation in both high and low molecular forms, this effect being more enhanced in high Mr reductase phosphatases. The insensitivity to fluoride of high Mr reductase phosphatases could explain the discrepancies in percentage of the active form of HMG-CoA reductase described previously in literature.  相似文献   

A heat-stable protein inhibitor of phosphoprotein phosphatase has been purified to homogeneity from rabbit liver extract by heating to 95 degrees followed by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. The purified inhibitor showed a single band when examined by gel electrophoresis S20, w and Stokes radius values were 1.45 and 25.5, respectively. Using these two values, the molecular weight and frictional ratio was calculated to be 15,500 and 3.40, respectively. The molecular weight determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis was found to be 14,200. The inhibition of phosphoprotein phosphatase was linear up to 40% inhibition with respect to inhibitor was constant with time of incubation for at least 30 min. The optimum pH for the inhibition was between 6.8 and 7.6. A kinetic analysis of the effect of the inhibitor on the dephosphorylation of [32P]phosphorylase a by rabbit liver phosphoprotein phosphatase indicated a noncompetitive inhibition with respect to phosphorylase a. Purified liver inhibitor inhibited the phosphoprotein phosphatase activity in all rat tissues examined. Utilizing purified rabbit liver phosphoprotein phosphatase, the presence of inhibitor activity was also demonstrated in all rat tissues tested.  相似文献   

Some kinetic properties of gamma-glutamyltransferase from rabbit liver   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
gamma-Glutamyltransferase ((5-glutamyl)-peptide: amino-acid 5-glutamyltransferase, EC of rabbit liver (detergent form) was purified 1100-fold in order to study its kinetic properties. Kinetic studies were conducted from pH 6.0 to 12.0 in the absence and presence of the acceptor substrate glycylglycine using gamma-glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide as the donor. The existence of more than one binding site for both donor and acceptor is postulated on kinetic evidence such as donor substrate activation, donor substrate inhibition and acceptor substrate activation. Homotropic interaction is also observed, in the form of negative cooperativity, in donor substrate binding, in the absence of acceptor at pH less than 9.0 and positive cooperativity (n = 2), in the absence or presence of acceptor at pH greater than 9.0. Hydrolase reaction reaches a maximum of activity at pH 10 (pK 8.6). Transferase activity under conditions of maximal velocity is maximal at pH 9.0 (pK 7.1). The ratio of transferase activity/hydrolase activity is maximal at pH 7.0-7.5. At low donor substrate concentrations, maximal activity is attained at pH 7.5.  相似文献   

The phosphoprotein phosphatase(s) acting on muscle phosphorylase a was purified from rabbit liver by acid precipitation, high speed centrifugation, chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-50, Sephadex G-75, and Sepharose-histone. Enzyme activity was recovered in the final step as two distinct peaks tentatively referred to as phosphoprotein phosphatases I and II. Each phosphatase showed a single broad band when examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis; the molecular weights derived by this method were approximately 30,500 for phosphoprotein phosphatase I and 34,000 for phosphoprotein phosphatase II. The s20, w value for each enzyme was 3.40. Using this value and values for the Stokes radii, the molecular weight for each enzyme was calculated to be 34,500. Both phosphatases, in addition to catalyzing the conversion of phosphorylase a to b, also catalyzed the dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase D, activated phosphorylase kinase, phosphorylated histone, phosphorylated casein, and the phosphorylated inhibitory component of troponin (TN-I). The relative activities of the phosphatases with respect to phosphorylase a, glycogen synthase D, histone, and casein remained essentially constant throughout the purification. The activities of both phosphatases with different substrates decreased in parallel when they were denatured by incubation at 55 degrees and 65 degrees. The Km values of phosphoprotein phosphatase I for phosphorylase a, histone, and casein were lower than the values obtained for phosphoprotein phosphatase II. With glycogen synthase D as substrate, each enzyme gave essentially the same Km value. Utilizing either enzyme, it was found that activity toward a given substrate was inhibited competitively by each of the alternative substrates. The results suggest that phosphoprotein phosphatases I and II are each active toward all of the substrates tested.  相似文献   

A phosphoprotein phosphatase (phosphoprotein phosphohydrolase, EC has been partially purified from rat liver homogenates by (NH4)2SO4 and ethanol precipitations followed by DEAE-cellulose and Sepharose 6B chromatography. The phosphoprotein phosphatase is capable of cleaving [32P]phosphate from radiolabelled phosphopyruvate kinase (type L) (EC, phosphohistones, and phosphoprotamine. However, it did not detectably dephosphorylate ATP, ADP, DL-phosphorylserine or beta-glycerophosphate. Dephosphorylation of [32P]phosphopyruvate kinase was stimulated by divalent cations and inhibited by ATP, ADP, Fru-1,6-P2, and orthophosphate. Divalene cations could reverse inhibition induced by ADP or ATP. At least one function of the phosphoprotein phosphatase may be to remove phosphate groups from the phosphorylated form of pyruvate kinase in the liver.  相似文献   

Phytase was purified from Aspergillus niger culture fluid by molecular sieve filtration on Sephadex G-200, followed by thermal inactivation of acid phosphatase and CM-cellulose chromatography. The 12-fold purified enzyme had two pH optima at 2.7 and 5.5 and was characterized by high thermal stability in alkaline environment and broad substrate specificity. The Michaelis constant of phytase relative to myo-inositol hexaphosphate sodium salt is 4.8 X 10(-4) M and activation energy 9,217 cal/mole. The molecular weight of the enzyme is estimated at 200,000.  相似文献   

Two nuclear phosphoprotein phosphatases (PPases I and II) that cause dephosphorylation of [32P]histone, have been partially purified from goat testis. The enzymic activity is associated with nucleoplasm and chromatin. PPase I is markedly stimulated (approx. 200-600%) by Mg2+ or Mn2+ (1 mM) whereas Ca2+ (1 mM) causes slight stimulation (approx. 35%) of the enzyme. On the contrary, PPase II is only slightly activated (20-40%) by these metal ions (5 mM). Both the phosphoprotein phosphatase isoenzymes are maximally active at pH 6-7. PPases I and II are strongly inhibited (approx. 60-100%) by ZnCl2 (1 mM), P1 (5 mM) and thiol reagents. NaF (5 mM) inhibits (approx. 40%) specifically the activity of PPase I rather than PPase II. PPases are strongly inhibited by relatively high concentration of NaCl (0.4 M), isoenzyme II being more sensitive (approx. 80%) than isoenzyme I (approx. 50%). In addition to histones, both the isoenzymes can as well cause dephosphorylation of protamine, casein, and testicular nuclear proteins. Enzymic characteristics of the testicular nuclear PPases are clearly different from those of the cytosolic enzyme previously characterized.  相似文献   

Soluble preparations from mycelium of the dimorphic fungus Mucor rouxii contained detectable amounts of phosphoprotein phosphatase activity. This cytosolic phosphatase activity exhibited a molecular weight below 80,000 and could be resolved into two different forms (enzymes I and II) by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose followed by gel filtration on Sephacryl S-300. Enzyme I (Mr 64,000) was mainly a histone phosphatase activity, absolutely dependent on divalent cations, with a K0.5 for MnCl2 of 2 mm. Enzyme II (Mr 40,000) was active with histone and phosphorylase. Its activity was independent or slightly inhibited by Mn2+. This enzyme was strongly inhibited by 50 mm NaF or 1 mm ATP. When partially purified enzymes I and II were separately treated with ethanol, the catalytic properties of enzyme II were apparently not affected while those of enzyme I were drastically changed. The activity with histone, which was originally dependent on Mn2+, became independent or slightly inhibited by the cation. The treatment was accompanied by a notable increase in phosphorylase phosphatase activity which was strongly inhibited by Mn2+. Treated enzyme I eluted from DEAE-cellulose and Sephacryl S-300 columns at a position similar to that of enzyme II.  相似文献   

NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from rabbit liver microsomes by a procedure that may be used in conjunction with the isolation of the major forms of cytochrome P-450. The purified reductase is active in a reconstituted hydroxylation system containing P-450LM2 or P-450LM4. The enzyme contains one molecule each of FMN and FAD per polypeptide chain having an apparent minimal molecular weight of 74,000. Immunological techniques provided evidence for only a single form of the reductase; lower molecular weight forms occasionally seen are believed to be due to degradation by contaminating microsomal or bacterial proteases. Upon anaerobic photochemical reduction, the rabbit liver reductase undergoes spectral changes highly similar to those previously described by Vermilion and Coon for the rat liver enzyme; the fully reduced rabbit liver enzyme is converted to the three-electron-reduced form by the addition of NADP and then to the stable one-electron-reduced form by exposure to oxygen. The CD spectra of the fully oxidized enzyme, one-electron-reduced form (air-stable semiquinone), three-electron-reduced form, and fully reduced form are presented. The results obtained provide evidence that the FMN and FAD are in highly different environments in the enzyme, as also indicated by the different redox potentials and oxygen reactivities of the flavins.  相似文献   

Characterization of lysosomal acid lipase purified from rabbit liver   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lysosomal acid lipase from rabbit liver was solubilized with digitonin and purified 25,000-fold by Bio-Gel A-1.5 m, DEAE Bio-Gel A and phenyl Sepharose column chromatographies, preparative slab gel electrophoresis and finally Affi-Gel Blue affinity column chromatography. The purified enzyme gave a single protein band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis both in the presence and absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The molecular weight of the acid lipase was estimated to be 42,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 40,000 by gel filtration on Bio-Gel A-0.5 m. The enzyme was a hydrophobic glycoprotein with an isoelectric point of 5.15-5.90. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed tri-, di-, and monoolein and cholesterol oleate, with apparent Vmax values of 5.41, 56.1, 21.7, and 3.25 mumol/min/mg protein, and Km values of 50, 70, 200, and 40 microM, respectively. It hydrolyzed 4-methylumbelliferyl esters with fatty acids of different lengths in the order, medium length chains greater than long chains much greater than short chains. It did not hydrolyze dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. Its activity was inhibited by micromolar concentrations of p-chloromercuriphenyl sulfonic acid and p-bromophenacyl bromide and millimolar concentrations of Cu2+ and diethylpyrocarbonate. The activities of the enzyme towards the five substrates listed above showed almost identical thermal stabilities, mobilities on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and inhibition by several inhibitors. These findings support the idea that one enzyme is involved in the hydrolysis of both acylglycerols and cholesterol esters in lysosomes.  相似文献   

Phosphoprotein phosphatases regulate the biological activities of proteins through their involvement in cyclic phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cascades. A variety of multimeric phosphatases have been isolated and grouped into several classes, termed type 1 and types 2A, 2B, and 2C. To elucidate the relationship between the different phosphoprotein phosphatases, highly purified enzymes from soil amoebae, turkey gizzards, bovine heart and brain, and rabbit skeletal muscle and reticulocytes were tested for immunological antigenic relatedness. Two heterologous antibody preparations were employed for this purpose. One was made against an Acanthamoeba type 2A phosphatase and the other was made to bovine brain phosphatase type 2B (calcineurin, holoenzyme). Specific subunit cross-reactivity was examined by protein blot ("Western") analysis. The antibody to the type 2A phosphatase reacted with the catalytic subunits of every type 2 enzyme tested, including both the catalytic and Ca2+-binding subunits of the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent type 2B phosphatase (calcineurin), bovine cardiac type 2A phosphatase, and turkey gizzard smooth muscle phosphatase-1 (type 2A1). It did not react with any type 1 phosphatase (catalytic subunit or ATP-Mg-dependent). The antigenic relatedness of calcineurin and the bovine cardiac type 2A phosphatase (Mr 38,000) was demonstrated further by protein blot analysis showing that the anti-calcineurin antibody cross-reacted with both enzymes. The mutual cross-reactivity poses an intriguing problem because these enzymes are so different in their molecular structures and modes of regulation. The degree of evolutionary conservation exhibited by the antigenic cross-reactivity of the type 2 enzymes from a broad range of species and tissues suggests a strong selective pressure on maintaining one or more features of these important regulatory enzymes.  相似文献   

A lipoxygenase was enriched from the stoma-free supernatant of rabbit reticulocytes. The enzyme causes drastic deterioration of mitochondrial membranes. The release of matrix enzymes is paralleled by formation of products of lipid peroxidation. The enzyme reacts with isolated phospholipds and free cis-unsaturated fatty acids. Some properties were determined: molecular weight, isoelectric point, temperature and pH-dependence and Km value for linoleic acid. The enzyme is inhibited by reaction products and a variety of inhibitors, especially antioxidants and chelating agents.  相似文献   

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