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  • Plant immunity is regulated by a huge phytohormone regulation network. Ethylene(ET) and brassinosteroids (BRs) play critical roles in plant response to biotic stress; however, the relationship between BR and ET in plant immunity is unclear.
  • We used chemical treatments, genetic approaches and inoculation experiments to investigate the relationship between ET and BR in plant defense against Pst DC3000 in Nicotiana benthamiana.
  • Foliar applications of ET and BR enhanced plant resistance to Pst DC3000 inoculation, while treatment with brassinazole (BRZ, a specific BR biosynthesis inhibitor) eliminated the ET induced plant resistance to Pst DC3000. Silencing of DWARF 4(DWF4, a key BR biosynthetic gene), BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1, aBR receptor) and BRASSINOSTEROID-SIGNALING KINASE 1 (BSK1, downstream of BRI1) also neutralised the ET‐induced plant resistance to Pst DC3000. ET can induce callose deposition and reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation to resistPst DC3000, BRZ‐treated and gene‐silenced were completely eliminate this response.
  • Our results suggest BR is involved in ET‐induced plant resistance, the involvement of ET in plant resistance is possibly by the induction of callose deposition and ROS accumulation, in a BR‐dependent manner.

Electron microscopy studies were carried out to investigate the cytopathological changes induced in tomato leaves by Tomato torrado virus (ToTV) that infects tomato plants worldwide causing severe necrotic symptoms. Plants infected with one of the Polish isolates of ToTV were used for cytopathological research. The results revealed severe cellular alterations, especially in Solanum lycopersicum. Moreover, it was shown that crystalline aggregates of virions occurred not only within the phloem cells as it has been previously reported.  相似文献   

Excised leaves of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) were used to investigate the mechanism of NO generation under UV-B stress. We showed that two signaling molecules, NO and H2O2, were produced in the irradiated leaves. NO release was blocked by LNNA, an inhibitor of NOS. Application of CAT (EC not only effectively eliminated H2O2 in the leaves, but also inhibited the activity of NOS and the emission of NO. In contrast, treatment with exogenous H2O2 increased both of those events. Therefore, we suggest that, under UV-B stress, NO production is mediated by H2O2 through greater NOS activity.  相似文献   

For the production of therapeutic proteins in plants, the presence of β1,2‐xylose and core α1,3‐fucose on plants’ N‐glycan structures has been debated for their antigenic activity. In this study, RNA interference (RNAi) technology was used to down‐regulate the endogenous N‐acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GNTI) expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. One glyco‐engineered line (NbGNTI‐RNAi) showed a strong reduction of plant‐specific N‐glycans, with the result that as much as 90.9% of the total N‐glycans were of high‐mannose type. Therefore, this NbGNTI‐RNAi would be a promising system for the production of therapeutic glycoproteins in plants. The NbGNTI‐RNAi plant was cross‐pollinated with transgenic N. benthamiana expressing human glucocerebrosidase (GC). The recombinant GC, which has been used for enzyme replacement therapy in patients with Gaucher's disease, requires terminal mannose for its therapeutic efficacy. The N‐glycan structures that were presented on all of the four occupied N‐glycosylation sites of recombinant GC in NbGNTI‐RNAi plants (GCgnt1) showed that the majority (ranging from 73.3% up to 85.5%) of the N‐glycans had mannose‐type structures lacking potential immunogenic β1,2‐xylose and α1,3‐fucose epitopes. Moreover, GCgnt1 could be taken up into the macrophage cells via mannose receptors, and distributed and taken up into the liver and spleen, the target organs in the treatment of Gaucher's disease. Notably, the NbGNTI‐RNAi line, producing GC, was stable and the NbGNTI‐RNAi plants were viable and did not show any obvious phenotype. Therefore, it would provide a robust tool for the production of GC with customized N‐glycan structures.  相似文献   

N‐glycosylation is critical for recombinant glycoprotein production as it influences the heterogeneity of products and affects their biological function. In most eukaryotes, the oligosaccharyltransferase is the central‐protein complex facilitating the N‐glycosylation of proteins in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Not all potential N‐glycosylation sites are recognized in vivo and the site occupancy can vary in different expression systems, resulting in underglycosylation of recombinant glycoproteins. To overcome this limitation in plants, we expressed LmSTT3D, a single‐subunit oligosaccharyltransferase from the protozoan Leishmania major transiently in Nicotiana benthamiana, a well‐established production platform for recombinant proteins. A fluorescent protein‐tagged LmSTT3D variant was predominately found in the ER and co‐located with plant oligosaccharyltransferase subunits. Co‐expression of LmSTT3D with immunoglobulins and other recombinant human glycoproteins resulted in a substantially increased N‐glycosylation site occupancy on all N‐glycosylation sites except those that were already more than 90% occupied. Our results show that the heterologous expression of LmSTT3D is a versatile tool to increase N‐glycosylation efficiency in plants.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are essential for plant growth and development; however, whether and how they promote stomatal closure is not fully clear. In this study, we report that 24‐epibrassinolide (EBR), a bioactive BR, induces stomatal closure in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) by triggering a signal transduction pathway including ethylene synthesis, the activation of Gα protein, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) production. EBR initiated a marked rise in ethylene, H2O2 and NO levels, necessary for stomatal closure in the wild type. These effects were abolished in mutant bri1‐301, and EBR failed to close the stomata of gpa1 mutants. Next, we found that both ethylene and Gα mediate the inductive effects of EBR on H2O2 and NO production. EBR‐triggered H2O2 and NO accumulation were canceled in the etr1 and gpa1 mutants, but were strengthened in the eto1‐1 mutant and the cGα line (constitutively overexpressing the G protein α‐subunit AtGPA1). Exogenously applied H2O2 or sodium nitroprusside (SNP) rescued the defects of etr1‐3 and gpa1 or etr1 and gpa1 mutants in EBR‐induced stomatal closure, whereas the stomata of eto1‐1/AtrbohF and cGα/AtrbohF or eto1‐1/nia1‐2 and cGα/nia1‐2 constructs had an analogous response to H2O2 or SNP as those of AtrbohF or Nia1‐2 mutants. Moreover, we provided evidence that Gα plays an important role in the responses of guard cells to ethylene. Gα activator CTX largely restored the lesion of the etr1‐3 mutant, but ethylene precursor ACC failed to rescue the defects of gpa1 mutants in EBR‐induced stomatal closure. Lastly, we demonstrated that Gα‐activated H2O2 production is required for NO synthesis. EBR failed to induce NO synthesis in mutant AtrbohF, but it led to H2O2 production in mutant Nia1‐2. Exogenously applied SNP rescued the defect of AtrbohF in EBR‐induced stomatal closure, but H2O2 did not reverse the lesion of EBR‐induced stomatal closure in Nia1‐2. Together, our results strongly suggest a signaling pathway in which EBR induces ethylene synthesis, thereby activating Gα, and then promotes AtrbohF‐dependent H2O2 production and subsequent Nia1‐catalyzed NO accumulation, and finally closes stomata.  相似文献   

CLE peptides have been implicated in various developmental processes of plants and mediate their responses to environmental stimuli. However, the biological relevance of most CLE genes remains to be functionally characterized. Here, we report that CLE9, which is expressed in stomata, acts as an essential regulator in the induction of stomatal closure. Exogenous application of CLE9 peptides or overexpression of CLE9 effectively led to stomatal closure and enhanced drought tolerance, whereas CLE9 loss‐of‐function mutants were sensitivity to drought stress. CLE9‐induced stomatal closure was impaired in abscisic acid (ABA)‐deficient mutants, indicating that ABA is required for CLE9‐medaited guard cell signalling. We further deciphered that two guard cell ABA‐signalling components, OST1 and SLAC1, were responsible for CLE9‐induced stomatal closure. MPK3 and MPK6 were activated by the CLE9 peptide, and CLE9 peptides failed to close stomata in mpk3 and mpk6 mutants. In addition, CLE9 peptides stimulated the induction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) synthesis associated with stomatal closure, which was abolished in the NADPH oxidase‐deficient mutants or nitric reductase mutants, respectively. Collectively, our results reveal a novel ABA‐dependent function of CLE9 in the regulation of stomatal apertures, thereby suggesting a potential role of CLE9 in the stress acclimatization of plants.  相似文献   

Plants must switch rapidly between light harvesting and photoprotection in response to environmental fluctuations in light intensity. This switch can lead to losses in absorbed energy usage, as photoprotective energy dissipation mechanisms can take minutes to hours to fully relax. One possible way to improve photosynthesis is to engineer these energy dissipation mechanisms (measured as non‐photochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence, NPQ) to induce and relax more quickly, resulting in smaller losses under dynamic light conditions. Previous studies aimed at understanding the enzymes involved in the regulation of NPQ have relied primarily on labor‐intensive and time‐consuming generation of stable transgenic lines and mutant populations – approaches limited to organisms amenable to genetic manipulation and mapping. To enable rapid functional testing of NPQ‐related genes from diverse organisms, we performed Agrobacterium tumefaciens‐mediated transient expression assays in Nicotiana benthamiana to test if NPQ kinetics could be modified in fully expanded leaves. By expressing Arabidopsis thaliana genes known to be involved in NPQ, we confirmed the viability of this method for studying dynamic photosynthetic processes. Subsequently, we used naturally occurring variation in photosystem II subunit S, a modulator of NPQ in plants, to explore how differences in amino acid sequence affect NPQ capacity and kinetics. Finally, we functionally characterized four predicted carotenoid biosynthesis genes from the marine algae Nannochloropsis oceanica and Thalassiosira pseudonana and examined the effect of their expression on NPQ in N. benthamiana. This method offers a powerful alternative to traditional gene characterization methods by providing a fast and easy platform for assessing gene function in planta.  相似文献   

Pattern‐triggered immunity (PTI) is broad spectrum and manipulation of PTI is believed to represent an attractive way to engineer plants with broad‐spectrum disease resistance. PTI is activated upon perception of microbe‐associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) by pattern‐recognition receptors (PRRs). We have recently demonstrated that the L‐type lectin receptor kinase‐VI.2 (LecRK‐VI.2) positively regulates Arabidopsis thaliana PTI. Here we show through in vitro pull‐down, bimolecular fluorescence complementation and co‐immunoprecipitation analyses that LecRK‐VI.2 associates with the PRR FLS2. We also demonstrated that LecRK‐VI.2 from the cruciferous plant Arabidopsis remains functional after interfamily transfer to the Solanaceous plant Nicotiana benthamiana. Wild tobacco plants ectopically expressing LecRK‐VI.2 were indeed more resistant to virulent hemi‐biotrophic and necrotrophic bacteria, but not to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea suggesting that, as with Arabidopsis, the LecRK‐VI.2 protective effect in N. benthamiana is bacteria specific. Ectopic expression of LecRK‐VI.2 in N. benthamiana primed PTI‐mediated reactive oxygen species production, mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity, callose deposition and gene expression upon treatment with the MAMP flagellin. Our findings identified LecRK‐VI.2 as a member of the FLS2 receptor complex and suggest that heterologous expression of components of PRR complexes can be used as tools to engineer plant disease resistance to bacteria.  相似文献   

Agroinfiltrated Nicotiana benthamiana is a flexible and scalable platform for recombinant protein (RP) production, but its great potential is hampered by plant proteases that degrade RPs. Here, we tested 29 candidate protease inhibitors (PIs) in agroinfiltrated N. benthamiana leaves for enhancing accumulation of three unrelated RPs: glycoenzyme α‐Galactosidase; glycohormone erythropoietin (EPO); and IgG antibody VRC01. Of the previously described PIs enhancing RP accumulation, we found only cystatin SlCYS8 to be effective. We identified three additional new, unrelated PIs that enhance RP accumulation: N. benthamiana NbPR4, NbPot1 and human HsTIMP, which have been reported to inhibit cysteine, serine and metalloproteases, respectively. Remarkably, accumulation of all three RPs is enhanced by each PI similarly, suggesting that the mechanism of degradation of unrelated RPs follows a common pathway. Inhibitory functions HsTIMP and SlCYS8 are required to enhance RP accumulation, suggesting that their target proteases may degrade RPs. Different PIs additively enhance RP accumulation, but the effect of each PI is dose‐dependent. Activity‐based protein profiling (ABPP) revealed that the activities of papain‐like Cys proteases (PLCPs), Ser hydrolases (SHs) or vacuolar processing enzymes (VPEs) in leaves are unaffected upon expression of the new PIs, whereas SlCYS8 expression specifically suppresses PLCP activity only. Quantitative proteomics indicates that the three new PIs affect agroinfiltrated tissues similarly and that they all increase immune responses. NbPR4, NbPot1 and HsTIMP can be used to study plant proteases and improve RP accumulation in molecular farming.  相似文献   

An up‐regulated gene derived from Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV)‐infected Nicotiana benthamiana plants was cloned and characterized in this study. BaMV is a single‐stranded, positive‐sense RNA virus. This gene product, designated as NbTRXh2, was matched with sequences of thioredoxin h proteins, a group of small proteins with a conserved active‐site motif WCXPC conferring disulfide reductase activity. To examine how NbTRXh2 is involved in the infection cycle of BaMV, we used the virus‐induced gene silencing technique to knock down NbTRXh2 expression in N. benthamiana and inoculated the plants with BaMV. We observed that, compared with control plants, BaMV coat protein accumulation increased in knockdown plants at 5 days post‐inoculation (dpi). Furthermore, BaMV coat protein accumulation did not differ significantly between NbTRXh2‐knockdown and control protoplasts at 24 hpi. The BaMV infection foci in NbTRXh2‐knockdown plants were larger than those in control plants. In addition, BaMV coat protein accumulation decreased when NbTRXh2 was transiently expressed in plants. These results suggest that NbTRXh2 plays a role in restricting BaMV accumulation. Moreover, confocal microscopy results showed that NbTRXh2‐OFP (NbTRXh2 fused with orange fluorescent protein) localized at the plasma membrane, similar to AtTRXh9, a homologue in Arabidopsis. The expression of the mutant that did not target the substrates failed to reduce BaMV accumulation. Co‐immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that the viral movement protein TGBp2 could be the target of NbTRXh2. Overall, the functional role of NbTRXh2 in reducing the disulfide bonds of targeting factors, encoded either by the host or virus (TGBp2), is crucial in restricting BaMV movement.  相似文献   

Co‐expression of protease inhibitors like the tomato cystatin SlCYS8 is useful to increase recombinant protein production in plants, but key proteases involved in protein proteolysis are still unknown. Here, we performed activity‐based protein profiling to identify proteases that are inhibited by SlCYS8 in agroinfiltrated Nicotiana benthamiana. We discovered that SlCYS8 selectively suppresses papain‐like cysteine protease (PLCP) activity in both apoplastic fluids and total leaf extracts, while not affecting vacuolar‐processing enzyme and serine hydrolase activity. A robust concentration‐dependent inhibition of PLCPs occurred in vitro when purified SlCYS8 was added to leaf extracts, indicating direct cystatin–PLCP interactions. Activity‐based proteomics revealed that nine different Cathepsin‐L/‐F‐like PLCPs are strongly inhibited by SlCYS8 in leaves. By contrast, the activity of five other Cathepsin‐B/‐H‐like PLCPs, as well as 87 Ser hydrolases, was unaffected by SlCYS8. SlCYS8 expression prevented protein degradation by inhibiting intermediate and mature isoforms of granulin‐containing proteases from the Resistant‐to‐Desiccation‐21 (RD21) PLCP subfamily. Our data underline the key role of endogenous PLCPs on recombinant protein degradation and reveal candidate proteases for depletion strategies.  相似文献   

Many Gram‐negative plant pathogenic bacteria express effector proteins of the XopQ/HopQ1 family which are translocated into plant cells via the type III secretion system during infection. In Nicotiana benthamiana, recognition of XopQ/HopQ1 proteins induces an effector‐triggered immunity (ETI) reaction which is not associated with strong cell death but renders plants immune against Pseudomonas syringae and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria strains. Additionally, XopQ suppresses cell death in N. benthamiana when transiently co‐expressed with cell death inducers. Here, we show that representative XopQ/HopQ1 proteins are recognized similarly, likely by a single resistance protein of the TIR‐NB‐LRR class. Extensive analysis of XopQ derivatives indicates the recognition of structural features. We performed Agrobacterium‐mediated protein expression experiments in wild‐type and EDS1‐deficient (eds1) N. benthamiana leaves, not recognizing XopQ/HopQ1. XopQ recognition limits multiplication of Agrobacterium and attenuates levels of transiently expressed proteins. Remarkably, XopQ fails to suppress cell death reactions induced by different effectors in eds1 plants. We conclude that XopQ‐mediated cell death suppression in N. benthamiana is due to the attenuation of Agrobacterium‐mediated protein expression rather than the cause of the genuine XopQ virulence activity. Thus, our study expands our understanding of XopQ recognition and function, and also challenges the commonly used co‐expression assays for elucidation of in planta effector activities, at least under conditions of ETI induction.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) can regulate osteoblast activities. This study was aimed to evaluate the protective effects of pretreatment with sodium nitroprusside (SNP) as a source of NO on hydrogen peroxide‐induced osteoblast insults and its possible mechanisms. Exposure of human osteosarcoma MG63 cells to hydrogen peroxide significantly increased cellular oxidative stress, but decreased ALP activity and cell viability, inducing cell apoptosis. Pretreatment with 0.3 mM SNP significantly lowered hydrogen peroxide‐induced cell insults. Treatment of human MG63 cells with hydrogen peroxide inhibited Bcl‐2 mRNA and protein production, but pretreatment with 0.3 mM SNP significantly ameliorated such inhibition. Sequentially, hydrogen peroxide decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential, but increased the levels of cytochrome c and caspase‐3 activity. Pretreatment with 0.3 mM SNP significantly lowered such alterations. Exposure to hydrogen peroxide decreased Runx2 mRNA and protein syntheses. However, pretreatment with 0.3 mM SNP significantly lowered the suppressive effects. Runx2 knockdown using RNA interference inhibited Bcl‐2 mRNA production in human MG63 cells. Protection of pretreatment with 0.3 mM SNP against hydrogen peroxide‐induced alterations in ALP activity, caspase‐3 activity, apoptotic cells, and cell viability were also alleviated after administration of Runx2 small interference RNA. Thus, this study shows that pretreatment with 0.3 mM SNP can protect human MG63 cells from hydrogen peroxide‐induced apoptotic insults possibly via Runx2‐involved regulation of bcl‐2 gene expression. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 1084–1093, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Catharanthus roseus constitutes the unique source of several valuable monoterpenoid indole alkaloids, including the antineoplastics vinblastine and vincristine. These alkaloids result from a complex biosynthetic pathway encompassing between 30 and 50 enzymatic steps whose characterisation is still underway. The most recent identifications of genes from this pathway relied on a tobacco rattle virus‐based virus‐induced gene silencing (VIGS) approach, involving an Agrobacterium‐mediated inoculation of plasmids encoding the two genomic components of the virus. As an alternative, we developed a biolistic‐mediated approach of inoculation of virus‐encoding plasmids that can be easily performed by a simple bombardment of young C. roseus plants. After optimisation of the transformation conditions, we showed that this approach efficiently silenced the phytoene desaturase gene, leading to strong and reproducible photobleaching of leaves. This biolistic transformation was also used to silence a previously characterised gene from the alkaloid biosynthetic pathway, encoding iridoid oxidase. Plant bombardment caused down‐regulation of the targeted gene (70%), accompanied by a correlated decreased in MIA biosynthesis (45–90%), similar to results obtained via agro‐transformation. Thus, the biolistic‐based VIGS approach developed for C. roseus appears suitable for gene function elucidation and can readily be used instead of the Agrobacterium‐based approach, e.g. when difficulties arise with agro‐inoculations or when Agrobacterium‐free procedures are required to avoid plant defence responses.  相似文献   

Protein bodies (PBs) are endoplasmic reticulum (ER) derived organelles originally found in seeds whose function is to accumulate seed storage proteins. It has been shown that PB formation is not limited to seeds and green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to either elastin‐like polypeptide (ELP) or hydrophobin (HFBI) fusion tags induce the formation of PBs in leaves of N. benthamiana. In this study, we compared the ELP‐ and HFBI‐induced PBs and showed that ELP‐induced PBs are larger than HFBI‐induced PBs. The size of ELP‐ and HFBI‐induced PBs increased over time along with the accumulation levels of their fused protein. Our results show that PB formation is a concentration‐dependent mechanism in which proteins accumulating at levels higher than 0.2% of total soluble protein are capable of inducing PBs in vivo. Our results show that the presence of fusion tags is not necessary for the formation of PBs, but affects the distribution pattern and size of PBs. This was confirmed by PBs induced by fluorescent proteins as well as fungal xylanases. We noticed that in the process of PB formation, secretory and ER‐resident molecules are passively sequestered into the lumen of PBs. We propose to use this property of PBs as a tool to increase the accumulation levels of erythropoietin and human interleukin‐10 by co‐expression with PB‐inducing proteins.  相似文献   

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