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菲氏叶猴与黑叶猴面颅形态的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对16个菲氏叶猴(Presbytis phayrei)和8个黑叶猴(P.francoisi)的成年头骨作了比较研究。经45项定性和定量的差异性分析表明,在种间22项达到显著或非常显著差异;菲氏叶猴为低颅型,而黑叶猴为正颅型;菲氏叶猴面颅比黑叶猴更凸出,枕骨大孔比黑叶猴更向嘴侧;黑叶猴比菲氏叶猴有更发育的视力;在犬齿与颅长的相关性中,黑叶猴比菲氏叶猴显示了更强的相关性。  相似文献   

潘汝亮  彭燕章 《动物学报》1992,38(2):128-135
本文利用三维笛卡儿空间座标对菲氏叶猴(Presbytis phayrei)和黑叶猴(P.francoisi)颅骨的形态结构作了比较研究,描绘了它们的侧视和俯视投影图形。结果表明,两种投影图形均显示黑叶猴的颅骨大于菲氏叶猴,且显著性增大的区域出现在眉点、囟门、枕骨大孔附近和下颌骨体的高度。但菲氏叶猴较黑叶猴具有更凸的面颅。据枕骨隆突至眉点的侧视投影弧长,两种叶猴的数学模式均为:Y=a+bX-cX~2(R=0.92)。从侧视投影看,两种叶猴自枕骨隆突至眉点主要表出大小的不同。若据俯视投影图,两种颅骨的差异主要出现在外耳道以前的部分。黑叶猴较菲氏叶猴具有十分显著性增高的下颌骨体以及相对应更发达的咬肌和咀嚼器官,这很可能与它取食更多的果类食物有关。  相似文献   

菲氏叶猴与黑叶猴的下颌骨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对15只菲氏叶猴和8只黑叶猴成年下颌骨作了功能形态学研究。在21项所分析的变量中,两种之间有4项达到显著性差异水平,而10项达到非常显著的差异水平。从所分析的结构看来,菲氏时猴下臼齿及门齿的面积大于黑叶猴,而黑叶猴的咬肌附着部分(支高、颌高,支宽及髁头长)大于菲氏叶猴。这表现了黑叶猴比菲氏叶猴具更强的咀嚼能力。因而,可以推测在食物成分中,黑叶猴食坚果的比例要大于菲氏叶猴。  相似文献   

RAPD分析与白头叶猴分类地位探讨   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
为确定白头叶猴的分类地位,分析了菲氏叶猴、紫面叶猴、长尾叶猴、黑叶猴、白头叶猴、共13个个体的随机扩增DNA多态。用于检测的30个随机引物中有22个产生清晰的条带。根据遗传距离建立的系统树显示,黑叶猴与白头叶猴亲缘关系最近,且两者都不是单系群。白头叶猴3与黑叶猴6的亲缘关系比与白头叶猴1、2的更近。根据系统树中的关系对群体进行了t检验,结果显示:在5%水平上,白头叶猴与黑叶猴有显著差异;然而,在同  相似文献   

本文记述的云南江川、保山发现的三种猕猴类:江川猕猴(Macaca jiangchuanensis sp.nov.),早更新世;保山塘子沟的短尾猴(M.arctoides)和菲氏叶猴(Presbytis cf.phayrei),早全新世,经~(14)C年代测定约7000年B.P.。江川猕猴是联系西瓦立克地区和华北地区的早期猕猴类型,为南方早更新世猕猴种的首次记录。保山菲氏叶猴的发现意义则是在更新世一全新世时期猴科的地史和地理分布上增加了新的成员。  相似文献   

白头叶猴的分类订正   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
作者于1963、1976和1977年间,先后几次到贵州、广西南部进行黑叶猴的生态地理调查,采到黑叶猴标本22号,观察了近40个猴群。经研究,认为白头叶猴 Presbytis leucocephalus T’an,1957应让正为黑叶猴 Presbytis francoisi的一个亚种。鉴于原命名人未作正式描记,故予记述如后:  相似文献   

太行山猕猴牙齿与颅长的相关性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对太行山猕猴牙齿有关变量做了测量,统计,并就其与颅骨长间的异速生长和相关程度进行了研究。结果表明,太行山猕猴牙齿具有明显的性别差异,雄性牙齿的变异程度在犬齿和中央门齿表现尤为突出。在线性型或面积方面,雄性牙齿的异速生长均快于雌性和雄+雌,此与其生活史对策相适应,在雄性,雌性或雄+雌,下颌齿变量与颅骨长的相关程度比上颌更为密切,与有关资料的比较表明,太行山猕猴与金丝猴之间的差异小于与菲氏叶猴之间的差异。  相似文献   

袁传照  周绮楼 《动物学报》1990,36(3):324-326
菲氏叶猴(Presbytis phayrei)为疣猴亚科,叶猴属动物。有学者在评述叶猴的分类地位时指出,叶猴在进化的历程中,虽进化的步伐很慢,但仍继续沿着其重要的演化路线发展。叶猴在旧大陆猴类中享有特殊的地位,兼有进步和原始特征。其进步特征处于旧大陆猴与长臂猿之间,而原始特征仍保留着类似其祖先的特点,它与这个祖先的亲缘关系似较其它旧大陆猴更为接近。通过对长尾叶猴(Presbytisentellus)的形态解剖,有人认为叶猴的脑髓演化水平介于猴科动物与长臂猿之间。  相似文献   

金丝猴牙齿与体重间的相关性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对金丝猴牙齿与体重间关系的研究结果表明,在雄性中,无论是线性还是面积与颅长之间的相关关系均较雌性的更为紧密。而且,随着体重的增加,雄性牙齿的近中远中长(M/D)也比雌性的增长较快。在上、下颌中,上颌牙齿与颅长的关系表现出更强的相联性。与其他灵长类相比较,金丝猴在取食和咀嚼过程中主要利用颊齿;大的个体具有大的犬齿及一定比例的臼齿面积和齿弓(牙合)面面积;上齿弓(牙合)面面积大于下齿弓(牙合)面面积。也就是说上齿弓提供了比下齿弓更大的咀嚼面积。金丝猴牙齿与体重间的关系位于猴类和人猿类之间,更接近于大猩猩(Gorilla)、疣猴(Colobus)和猕猴。  相似文献   

黑叶猴是分布于我国广西、贵州、重庆南部和越南北部喀斯特石山特有的灵长类,全世界不足2000只,其中四分之三以上分布在我国。黑叶猴隶属于哺乳纲灵长目猴科疣猴亚科乌叶猴属,该属是疣猴亚科种类最多的一个属,共有20个种。根据系统演化,这个属可以分为戴帽叶猴种组、郁乌叶猴种组、银叶猴种组和黑叶猴种组,其中黑叶猴种组包括了我国的黑叶猴、白头叶猴、越南的金头叶猴、德氏叶猴、越南乌叶猴、印支乌叶猴和老挝乌叶猴,这7个种只生活在喀斯特石山环境,所以它们又被称为石山叶猴,其中黑叶猴扩散能力最强,是分布范围最广和分布纬度最高的种类。  相似文献   

中国东北地区地卷属地衣的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文作者根据前人的文献资料,对中国科学院林业土壤研究所1950年以来在东北地区所采集的1200余号地卷属地衣植物标本进行整理、研究,共报道23个种,其中8个种为东北地区新分布。本文包括属的特征、分种检索表、种的文献考证、生境、产地以及国内外的地理分布。  相似文献   

The distribution of ent-2,3-secoaromadendrane-, ent-aromadendrane-, ent-bicyclogermacrane- and ent-maaliane-type sesquiterpenoids in fourteen Plagiochila species is described. These sesquiterpenes are the significant chemosystematic markers of Plagiochila. The intense pungent substance of some Plagiochila species is due to an ent-2,3-secoaromadendrane-type sesquiterpene hemiacetal, plagiochiline A.  相似文献   

拟盘多毛孢属真菌的新种*   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
报导拟盘多毛孢属真菌的8个新种。这8个新种是:近似状拟盘多毛孢Pestalotiopsis affinis、山姜拟盘多毛孢P. alpiniae、见血封喉拟盘多毛孢P. antiaris、五桠果拟盘多毛孢P. dilleniae、广西拟盘多毛孢P. kuwangsiensis、莲拟盘多毛孢P. nelumbinis、木荷拟盘多毛孢P. schimae、和神秘果拟盘多毛孢P. synsepali。新种的模式标本保存在广西大学植保系标本室。  相似文献   

广东鼎湖山自然保护区内的大型真菌比较丰富和复杂。本文报道该地区有关多孔菌科的4个新种和14个新纪录,其中小多孔菌Polyporus minor Bi et G.Y.Zheng sp.nov.,近莲座多孔菌Polyporus subfloriformis Bi et Zheng sp. nov.,近软多孔菌Polyporus submollis Bi etZheng sp.nov.和近多年生多孔菌Polyporus subperennis Bi et Zheng sp.nov.,等为新种。  相似文献   

本文报道在我国伞形科植物上寄生的4种单轴霉(Plasmopara)。其中寄生于鸭儿芹(Cryptotaenia japonic Hassk)上的鸭儿芹单轴霉(Plasmopara cryptotaeniae sp.nov.)和寄生于水芹[Oenanthe javanica(BI.)DC.]及卵叶水芹(O.rosthornii Diels)上的水芹单轴霉(Plasmopara oenantheae sp.nov.)是2个新种。寄生于变豆菜(Sanicula chinensis Bunge)上的变豆菜单轴霉(Plasmopara saniculae Traian et O.savulescu)是亚洲的新记录种。  相似文献   

The present paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of five species in Polygonatum from Anhui of China. The materials used in this work are listed in Table 1, Photomicrographs of somatic metaphase and karyograms of the five species of Polygonatum in Plate 1, 2, 3, the idiograms in Fig. 1-11 and a comparison of the karyotype of them is provided in Table 2. The results are shown as follows: 1. Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.)Druce Two materials were examined. One from Mt. Huangshan, Anhui, has 2n= 16 = 10m (3sc)+ 6sm (Plate 1 :A, B). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 1. The chromosomes range in length from 2.85 to 8.85 μm, with the total length 48.63μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.11, The karyotype belong to Stebbins’(1971) 2B. The two chromosomes of the first pair have arm ratios 1.01 and 1.29 respectively, and The first pair has one chromosome carrying a satellite attached to the short arm, showing heterozyosity .The chromosome num ber of 2n= 16 in P. odoratum and its karyotype are reported for the first time. The other from Langyashan, Chu - xian, Anhui, is found to have 2n = 18 = 10m (Isc)+2sm+6st(2sc) (Plate 1: C, D). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 2. The chromosomes range in length from 2.43 to 8.29μm, with the total length 46.67µm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.41. The karyotype is also of 2B. In a somatic chromosome complement the 2nd pair have one chromosome carrying a satellite attached to the long arm, showing heterozygosity. 2. Polygonatum filipes Merr. Two materials were examined. One from the Huangshan, Anhui is found to have two cytotypes: 2n= 16 and 2n=22. This paper reports one of them. The karyotype formula is 2n=22=8m+8sm(2sc)+6st(Plate 3: Q, R). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 3. The chromosomes range in length from 2.55- 5.85μm, with the total length 45.01 μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.29. The karyotype belongs to 3B. The other material from the Fangchang, Anhui, is shown to have four cytitypes: 2n= 14, 2n= 16, 2n=20 (Plate 3: W) and 2n=22. This paper reports two of them. Type I: the karytype formula is 2n=14=10m+4sm (Plate 3: S, T). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 5. The chromosomes range in length from 2.59 to 7.61μm, the total length 37.44μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest is 2.94. the karyotype belongs to 2B. Type II :The karyotype formula is 2n=16=8m+4sm+4st (Plate 3: U, V). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 4. The chromosomes range in length from 2.65 to 8.21 μm, the total length 46.01 μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.10. The karyotype belongs to 2B. The chromosome numbers of 2n=20, 2n= 14 and 2n=22, and karyotype of 2n= 14 and 2n=22 in P. filipes are reported for the first time. 3. Polygonatum cytonema Hua Two materials were examined. One from the Langyashan, Chuxian, anhui, is found to have 2n = 18 = 8m (2sc)+ 6sm+ 4st (Plate 2: K, L). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 7. The chromosomes range in length from 3.41 to 9.21 μm, the total length 56.34μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest is 2.70. The karyotype belongs to 2B. The other material from the Huangshan, Anhui, has two cytotypes: 2n=20 and 2n= 22. Type I: The karyotype formula is 2n= 20= 8m+ 6sm+ 6st (Plate 2: M, N). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 8. The chromosomes range in length from 1.75 to 5.03μm, with the total length 32. 91μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2. 87. The karyotype is also of 2B. Type II: The karyotype formula is 2n=22=6m+ 8sm+4st+ 4t (Plate 2: O, P ). The idiogram is Shown in Fig. 10. The chromosomes range in length from 1.75 to 4.95 μm, with total length 35.05μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.83. The karyotype brlongs to 3B. 4. Polygonatum desoulayi kom. The material from Xuancheng, Anhui, is found to have karyotype 2n = 22 = 10m (2sc) + 6sm (lsc) + 6st ( Plate 2. I, J). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 6. The chromosomes range in length from 1.86 to 5.61μm, with the total length 41.98μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.02. The karyotype is also of 3B. The first pair has one chromosome carrying a satellite attached to the long arm, showing heterozygosity. The chromosome number and karyotype of Chinese material are reported for the first time. 5. Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. The material from the Langyashan, Chuxian, Anhui is found to have two cytotypes. Type 1: the karyotype formula is 2n = 18 = 2m+ 2sm+ 10st+ 2t+ 2T (Plate 1: G, H). The idiogram is shown in Fig.9. The chromosomes range in length from 1.86 to 4.03μm, with total length 28.28μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.17. The karyotype classification belongs to 3B. Type II: The karyotype formula is 2n=24=6m+4sm+12st+2T (Plate 1: E, F). The idiogram is shown in Fig. II. The chromosomes range in length from 2.01 to 5.03μm, with total length 41.36μm and the ratio of longest to shortest 2.50. The karyotype is also of 3B. The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of Chinese material are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

In 1934, the rotifer Paradicranophorus aculeatus was discovered by Neistwestnova-Shadina in the River Oka near Murom (Russia). She described it as a Dicranophorus species. In 1958, the rheophilic rotifer was rediscovered in the Polish River Grabia by Pawlowski. This paper reports a third occurence in three samples from the Yun Nan Luoxiao River in China, allowing additional studies of this rare species.  相似文献   

本文报道中国假尾孢属的24个种,其中有2个新种:杨桐假尾孢(Pseudocercospora adinandrae Guo&Liu),钟萼假尾孢(Pseudocercospora bretschneiderae Liu&Guo),10个新组合,1个新名称:木豆假尾孢(Pseudoeercospora cajani-flavi Guo&Liu)和11个中国新记录。文中对2个新种提供了拉丁文简介、描述及图。所研究的标本全部保存在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。  相似文献   

四种云杉的核型分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李林初  王刚  苏苏  徐阿生 《广西植物》2001,21(1):43-46,T001,T002
首次报道了中国珍稀濒危保护植物长叶云杉 ( P. smithiana ( Wall.) Boiss.)和康定云杉 ( P. likian-gensis( Franch.) Pritz.var.montigena( Mast.) Cheng ex Chen)及我国特产的青海云杉 ( P.crassif oliaKom.)和林芝云杉 ( P.likiangensis( Franch.) Pritz.var.linzhiensis Cheng et L.K.Fu)的核型。它们的核型公式都是 K( 2 n) =2 4 =2 2 m+2 sm (林芝云杉有 1条 B染色体 ) ,染色体相对长度组成分别为 2 n=1 4 M2 +8M1 +2 S,2 L+1 2 M2 +6M1 +4S,2 L +1 0 M2 +1 0 M1 +2 S,和 2 L+1 2 M2 +6M1 +4S.均为 2 A (除青海云杉 1 A外 )核型类型。  相似文献   

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