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SYNOPSIS. The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas), wasintroduced into North America in 1986. Initial North American(N.A.) studies suggested that physiological responses variedbetween N.A. and European populations. However, literature reviewindicates agreement on most aspects of physiological adaptationincluding: respiratory responses; hypoxia/anoxia tolerance;salinity limits; emersion tolerance; freezing resistance; environmentalpH limits; calcium limits; starvation responses; and bioenergeticpartitioning. The main differences among N.A. and European musselsappear to be elevated upper thermal limits and temperaturesfor optimum growth among N.A. populations. N.A. zebra musselsprobably originated from the northern shore of the Black Seain the warmest portion of the mussel's European range. However,most European physiological data come from northern Europe wherepopulations may be adapted to colder temperatures. Alternatively,N.A. research suggests that mussels may have a capacity forseasonal temperature acclimatization such that responses recordedin warmer N.A. waters may be different from those recorded innorthern Europe even after short-term laboratory acclimation.Studies of genetic variation and physiological response amongEuropean and N.A. D. polymorpha populations are required toelucidate the basis for physiological differentiation. Recentlyevolved D. polymorpha has poor resistance adaptations comparedto unionacean and sphaeriid bivalves with longer freshwaterfossil histories. Poor resistance adaptations make it less suitedfor stable habitats, instead, its high fecundities, early maturity,and rapid growth are adaptations to unstable habitats whereextensive resistance adaptations are of little value.  相似文献   

The high mutation rate at microsatellite loci can supply important demographic information on founder events and range expansion in an invasive species such as the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha, following its initial introduction. In order to facilitate studies into the colonization patterns of this species in new habitats in Europe and North America, five trinucleotide microsatellite loci were isolated from a partial DNA library. Allelic diversity at all described loci was high, ranging from 20 to 35 alleles per locus. Homologous loci were not amplified in a second related invasive species, Dreisenna bugensis, using the primers developed here.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in the lower Don River system in Russia to confirm the presence of Dreissena bugensis, and to compare its distribution relative to that of Dreissena polymorpha. In 1999 and 2001–2002, dreissenid mussels were collected at 15 sites in the main river, in connecting reservoirs, and in a major tributary, the Manych River. Collections were made near stations where long‐term monitoring data on total mineral (sum of principal ions) and calcium content were available. Both dreissenid species were found at all sites, with D. bugensis comprising 4–75% of all dreissenids at individual sites. D. bugensis was relatively more abundant than D. polymorpha in the Manych River where total mineral and calcium content was significantly higher than in the Don River, suggesting the two species may have different calcium requirements. Examination of archived samples indicated that D. bugensis was present in the Don River system as early as the 1980s, presenting the unresolved enigma of why D. bugensis has not displaced D. polymorpha as the dominant species as typically found over shorter time periods in other water bodies. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Determinants of vertebrate invasion success in Europe and North America   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Species that are frequently introduced to an exotic range have a high potential of becoming invasive. Besides propagule pressure, however, no other generally strong determinant of invasion success is known. Although evidence has accumulated that human affiliates (domesticates, pets, human commensals) also have high invasion success, existing studies do not distinguish whether this success can be completely explained by or is partly independent of propagule pressure. Here, we analyze both factors independently, propagule pressure and human affiliation. We also consider a third factor directly related to humans, hunting, and 17 traits on each species' population size and extent, diet, body size, and life history. Our dataset includes all 2362 freshwater fish, mammals, and birds native to Europe or North America. In contrast to most previous studies, we look at the complete invasion process consisting of (1) introduction, (2) establishment, and (3) spread. In this way, we not only consider which of the introduced species became invasive but also which species were introduced. Of the 20 factors tested, propagule pressure and human affiliation were the two strongest determinants of invasion success across all taxa and steps. This was true for multivariate analyses that account for intercorrelations among variables as well as univariate analyses, suggesting that human affiliation influenced invasion success independently of propagule pressure. Some factors affected the different steps of the invasion process antagonistically. For example, game species were much more likely to be introduced to an exotic continent than nonhunted species but tended to be less likely to establish themselves and spread. Such antagonistic effects show the importance of considering the complete invasion process.  相似文献   

亚欧美栗疫病菌群体的遗传多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从 12 0个随机引物中筛选出条带清晰、主带明显、重复性好的 9个引物 ,对来自不同地域和寄主的 7个群体的 14 2个栗疫病菌菌株进行 RAPD分析。 9个引物共扩增出条带 12 4条 ,其中多态性条带 111条 ,多态性比率为 89.5 2 %。利用 Popgen3.2软件对供试群体进行遗传多样性分析和 UPGMA聚类。结果表明 ,中国地区 4个群体间的遗传相似性较大 ,与美国、意大利和日本群体间的相似性较小 ;美国和意大利群体间的遗传相似性较大 ,且它们与日本群体间的相似性大于与中国群体间的相似性。病原菌群体的遗传变异率为 0 .2 35 1,其中在地区水平上 ,82 .34%由群体内的变异引起 ,17.6 6 %由群体间的差异引起 ,群体间的基因流动值为 2 .3311;而在寄主水平上 ,则 79.4 2 %由群体内的变异引起 ,2 0 .5 8%由群体间的差异引起 ,群体间的基因流动值为 1.92 97  相似文献   

The Veronica alpina complex comprises eight species of alpine habitats over a wide range of mountain systems in the Northern Hemisphere. The occurrence of sympatric species in the European and North American mountain systems allowed us not only to investigate the effect of the ice ages on intraspecific phylogeographical patterns and genetic diversity in different continents of the Northern Hemisphere, but also to compare these patterns in closely related species. Plastid DNA trnL-F sequences and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) fingerprints were used to infer the phylogenetic history of the group and phylogeographical patterns within species. Hybrid origin of tetraploid eastern North American V. wormskjoldii from western North American V. nutans (= V. wormskjoldii s.l.) and Eurasian V. alpina is suggested. A number of phylogeographical groups have been found both in V. alpina from Europe and in V. nutans from western North America. Phylogeographical substructuring in the Alps is inferred for V. alpina but not for V. bellidioides, which is moreover characterized by an overall very low genetic diversity. Western North American V. cusickii is much more genetically diverse than its sympatric relative, V. nutans, an effect that is likely due to differences in the breeding system. Populations of V. nutans are differentiated into three groups, those from the Cascades and from the southern and the northern Rocky Mountains. Genetic diversity seems to be higher in the North American V. nutans than in the morphologically and ecologically similar European V. alpina. A possible scenario to explain this pattern is suggested.  相似文献   

Increasing Demands for Life Cycle Assessments in North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Two major disjunctions are recognized between the bryofloras of Europe and North America: Amphi-Atlantic and Western Europe—Western North America. Each of these has specifically segregated floras related to climatic regimes and correlated with different historical development. An interpretation of the disjunctions is based on reconstruction of past continental interconnections coincident with reconstructed climates and an understanding of the biology of the bryophytes.  相似文献   

Dark‐coloured ectotherms absorb energy from the environment at higher rates than light‐coloured ectotherms. The thermal melanism hypothesis (TMH) states that this physical mechanism links the colour lightness of the body surfaces of ectotherms to their thermal environment and hence to their geographical distribution. Studies on different insect taxa in Europe found support for this prediction of the TMH. However, whether these results hold also for other biogeographical regions remains unclear. Here, we quantify and map the colour lightness of dragonfly species in North America and directly compare our results to previously published findings for Europe. We estimated the colour lightness of 152 North American dragonfly species from published illustrations, compiled their distribution data from the literature and combined all these data with six biologically relevant environmental variables. We evaluated the importance of phylogenetic autocorrelation for the spatial variation of mean colour lightness of dragonfly assemblages (grid cells of approximately 50 × 50 km size) by repeating all analyses also for the phylogenetically predicted component of the colour lightness of species and the species‐specific deviation from this prediction. We also accounted for spatial autocorrelation with autoregressive error models. All statistical approaches showed that dragonfly assemblages from both continents consistently tended to be darker coloured in regions with cold climates and lighter coloured in regions with warm climates. Regression slopes, however, were significantly less steep, and the amount of variance explained by environmental variables was lower for North America than for Europe. Our results highlight the importance of colour lightness for the distribution of dragonfly species, but they also indicate that idiosyncrasies of the continents modify the general pattern.  相似文献   

We examine patterns of nestedness and species incidence for the resident and migrant components of avifaunas in North America and Europe. While all assemblages were significantly nested, there were no significant differences between North American and European avifaunas overall in nestedness or incidence. Residents did not differ from migrants in their adherence to a nested distribution, but did exhibit significantly higher incidences when continental affiliation was ignored.¶We develop a new nestedness index that examines each species' relative contribution to an assemblage's overall pattern of nestedness. The relative nestedness index exhibits a quadratic relationship with incidence such that species with low incidences and species with high incidences generally increase the overall level of nestedness, while species with intermediate incidence tend to decrease nestedness.  相似文献   

Birth by Design: Pregnancy, Maternity Care, and Midwifery in North America and Europe. Raymond DeVries. Cecilia Benoit. Edwin R. Van Teijlingen. and Sirpa Wrede. eds. New York: Routledge, 2001. xviii. 301 pp.  相似文献   

Salmonid proliferative kidney disease (PKD) is caused by the myxozoan Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae. Given the serious and apparently growing impact of PKD on farmed and wild salmonids, we undertook a phylogeographic study to gain insights into the history of genealogical lineages of T. bryosalmonae in Europe and North America, and to determine if the global expansion of rainbow trout farming has spread the disease. Phylogenetic analyses of internal transcribed spacer 1 sequences revealed a clade composed of all North American sequences plus a subset of Italian and French sequences. High genetic diversity in North America and the absence of genotypes diagnostic of the North American clade in the rest of Europe imply that southern Europe was colonized by immigration from North America; however, sequence divergence suggests that this colonization substantially pre-dated fisheries activities. Furthermore, the lack of southern European lineages in the rest of Europe, despite widespread rainbow trout farming, indicates that T. bryosalmonae is not transported through fisheries activities. This result strikingly contrasts with the commonness of fisheries-related introductions of other pathogens and parasites and indicates that fishes may be dead-end hosts. Our results also demonstrate that European strains of T. bryosalmonae infect and induce PKD in rainbow trout introduced to Europe.  相似文献   

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