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Maternal consumption of a fat-rich diet during pregnancy, which causes later overeating and weight gain in offspring, has been shown to stimulate neurogenesis and increase hypothalamic expression of orexigenic neuropeptides in these postnatal offspring. The studies here, using an in vitro model that mimics in vivo characteristics after prenatal high-fat diet (HFD) exposure, investigate whether these same peptide changes occur in embryos and if they are specific to neurons. Isolated hypothalamic neurons were compared with whole hypothalamus from embryonic day 19 (E19) embryos that were prenatally exposed to HFD and were both found to show similar increases in mRNA expression of enkephalin (ENK) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) compared with that of chow-exposed embryos, with no change in melanin-concentrating hormone, orexin, or galanin. Further examination using immunofluorescence cytochemistry revealed an increase in the number of cells expressing ENK and NPY. By plotting the fluorescence intensity of each cell as a probability density function, three different populations of neurons with low, medium, or high levels of ENK or NPY were found in both HFD and chow groups. The prenatal HFD shifted the density of neurons from the population containing low peptide levels to the population containing high peptide levels. This study indicates that neuronal culture is a useful in vitro system for studying diet effects on neuronal development and shows that prenatal HFD exposure alters the population of hypothalamic neurons containing ENK and NPY in the embryo. These changes may contribute to the increase in HFD intake and body weight observed in offspring.  相似文献   

Dispersed neurons from embryonic chicken sympathetic ganglia were innervated in vitro by explants of spinal cord containing the autonomic preganglionic nucleus or somatic motor nucleus. The maturation of postsynaptic acetylcholine (ACh) sensitivity and synaptic activity was evaluated from ACh and synaptically evoked currents in voltage-clamped neurons at several stages of innervation. All innervated cells are more sensitive to ACh than uninnervated neurons regardless of the source of cholinergic input. Similarly, medium conditioned by either dorsal or ventral explants mimics innervation by enhancing neuronal ACh sensitivity. This increase is due to changes in the rate of appearance of ACh receptors on the cell surface. There are also several changes in the nature of synaptic transmission with development in vitro, including an increased frequency of synaptic events and the appearance of larger amplitude synaptic currents. In addition, the mean amplitude of the unit synaptic current mode increases, as predicted from the observed changes in postsynaptic sensitivity. Although spontaneous synaptic current amplitude histograms with multimodal distributions are seen at all stages of development, histograms from early synapses are typically unimodal. Changes in the synaptic currents and ACh sensitivity between 1 and 4 days of innervation were paralleled by an increase in the number of synaptic events that evoked suprathreshold activity in the postsynaptic neurons. The early pre- and postsynaptic differentiation described here for interneuronal synapses formed in vitro may be responsible for increased efficacy of synaptic transmission during development in vivo.  相似文献   

The Trk receptors and their neurotrophin ligands control development and maintenance of the nervous system. The crystal structures of the ligand binding domain of TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC were solved and refined to high resolution. The domains adopt an immunoglobulin-like fold, but crystallized in all three instances as dimers with the N-terminal strand of each molecule replaced by the same strand of a symmetry-related mate. Models of the correctly folded domains could be constructed by changing the position of a single residue, and the resulting model of the binding domain of TrkA is essentially identical with the bound structure as observed in a complex with nerve growth factor. An analysis of the existing mutagenesis data for TrkA and TrkC in light of these structures reveals the structural reasons for the specificity among the Trk receptors, and explains the underpinnings of the multi-functional ligands that have been reported. The overall structure of all three domains belongs to the I-set of immunoglobulin-like domains, but shows several unusual features, such as an exposed disulfide bridge linking two neighboring strands in the same beta-sheet. For all three domains, the residues that deviate from the standard fingerprint pattern common to the I-set family fall in the region of the ligand binding site observed in the complex. Therefore, identification of these deviations in the sequences of other immunoglobulin-like domain-containing receptors may help to identify their ligand binding site even in the absence of structural or mutagenesis data.  相似文献   

Testicular spermatozoa are incapable of fertilising eggs in vivo and the epididymal epithelium is responsible for creating a luminal environment conducive to the acquisition of fertilising capacity by the spermatozoa within it. It does this by modifying sperm membranes so that they can interact with stimuli from the female tract, and by supplying or removing low molecular weight compounds that modify sperm cytoplasmic composition. Both these extracellular and intracellular events associated with signal transduction and second messenger systems in maturing spermatozoa are reviewed here.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in carbohydrate antigens in embryonic rat lens   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The functions of glycosphingolipids, especially those containingthe  相似文献   

In order to study remodeling of connective tissue during development, changes in glycosaminoglycan, collagen and collagenase activity in embryonic chick skin at various stages have been studied. Collagen content in the skin increased rapidly during days 14 to 18, then leveled off until hatching. Prior to the increase of collagen deposition in the skin, a sharp decrease in chondroitin sulfate was observed between days 11 and 14, while dermatan sulfate increased almost 4 fold during days 12 to 14, then increased steadily until hatching. Hyaluronic acid decreased progressively during the stages investigated (days 11 to 20). At the same stage as the rate of collagen deposition in the tissue became maximal (day 16), the amount of dialyzable hydroxyproline showed a maximum, indicating that an increased rate of collagen deposition in the tissue was accompanied by accelerated collagenolysis. Culture of skin from various stages of embryonic development revealed that 16 day old tissue was potentially capable of secreting the highest levels of collagenase. This collagenase was mostly inactive against soluble collagen and collagen fibrils but could be activated by 3 M NaSCN treatment.  相似文献   

The content and composition of gangliosides in cultures enriched in granule neurones and in astrocytes from rat cerebellum (P6–8) showed marked differences; astrocytes contained less than 10% of the amount of granule neurones and the profile was dominated by simple gangliosides with lactosyl ceramide backbone, while gangliosides of the b series, which constitute about 40% in nerve cells, were virtually undetectable. Granule cell maturation was accompanied by a 16-fold increase in the ganglioside content during the initial 8 days in a serum-supplemented medium (S+), reaching a plateau much earlier and at a higher level than observed in the cerebellum in vivo. Developmental changes were characterized, as in vivo, by a pronounced decrease in the GD3 proportion and an increase in the b series of gangliosides. Compared with S+, adhesion among cells and fibres is different in a serum-free medium (S) in which the rise in cellular ganglioside content was less (30%) but the developmental changes in ganglioside profile were similar. However, in cultures in S only, GM3 was not detectable, while the distribution of GM1 and GD3 indicated that maturation is retarded relative to cells in S+. Surface exposure of gangliosides (studied by the periodate/[3H]borohydride method) was similar under the two culture conditions. There was an initial delay, especially in S, in the insertion of gangliosides into the plasma membrane, while the labelling of GD3 (the dominant ganglioside of immature granule cells) was very low compared with all the other species throughout the whole cultivation time.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Frederick E. Samson.  相似文献   

Extracellular-signal-regulated kinase signalling in neurons.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Extracellular-signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) are emerging as important regulators of neuronal function. Recent advances have increased our understanding of ERK signalling at the molecular level. In particular, it has become evident that multiple second messengers, such as cyclic adenosine monophosphate, protein kinase A, calcium, and diacylglycerol, can control ERK signalling via the small G proteins Ras and Rap1. These findings may explain the role of ERKs in the regulation of activity-dependent neuronal events, such as synaptic plasticity, long-term potentiation and cell survival. Moreover, they allow us to begin to develop a model to understand both the control of ERKs at the subcellular level and the generation of ERK signal specificity.  相似文献   

Chick brain precursor neurons were observed to introduce sialic acid biosynthetically into only three specific gangliosides: monosialosyl lactosyl ceramide (GM3), disialosyl lactosyl ceramide (GD3), and disialosyl gangliotrihexosyl ceramide (GD2), when sialic acid was labeled metabolically by its obligate precursor, [3H] ManNAc. Sialosyl donor CMP-[3H]NeuAc supplied in the culture medium gave rise uniquely to surface-labeled GD3. Thus sialosyl transferase/GD3 synthase activity is expressed both intraneuronally and in the neuronal exofacial surface. Upon epidermal growth factor-induced onset of neurite outgrowth, labeled complex sialosyl gangliotetrahexosyl ceramide species of gangliosides began to appear in the embryonic neuronal plasma membrane. However, intraneuronal and exofacial sialosyl transferase/GD3 synthase activities remained constant, with or without neurite outgrowth. Moreover, simpler species of gangliosides maintained a steady quantitative sialosyl level (1.6 +/- 0.2 micrograms of sialic acid/mg of protein), whereas more complex species completely absent before neurite outgrowth accrued and reached 4.8 +/- 0.9 micrograms of sialic acid/mg of protein with full neurite development. This analysis of developmental patterns of ganglioside sialosylation has provided evidence that stable neurite outgrowth depends upon generation by the neuron of special plasma membrane with a massive content of complex higher species of gangliosides.  相似文献   

This study examines the mechanisms by which the tyrosine kinase receptor TrkB is down-regulated following binding of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). In primary cultures of cerebellar granule neurons, BDNF-induced reduction of TrkB receptors was largely prevented by the addition of specific proteasome inhibitors. HN10 cells, a neuronal cell line that can be readily transfected, also showed a marked down-regulation of cell surface TrkB following BDNF exposure. In addition, we observed that prolonged exposure to nerve growth factor of TrkA-transfected cells did not lead to the down-regulation seen with BDNF and TrkB. TrkA and TrkB chimeric molecules were therefore expressed in HN10 cells and tested for ligand-induced regulation. These experiments led to the conclusion that the motives responsible for down-regulation are contained in the cytoplasmic domain of TrkB, and a short sequence in the juxtamembrane domain of TrkB was identified that confers nerve growth factor-induced down-regulation when inserted into TrkA.  相似文献   

At birth, the intestine becomes the sole site for nutrient absorption requiring a dramatic increase in blood flow. The vascular changes accompanying this transition have been partly characterized in mammals. We investigated, using wire myography, the developmental changes in chick mesenteric artery (MA) reactivity. Rings of the MA from 15-day (E15) and 19-day (E19) chicken embryos (total incubation 21 days) as well as non-fed 0–3-h-old (NH3h) and first-fed 1-day-old (NH1d) newly hatched chicks contracted in response to KCl, norepinephrine (NE), U46619, and endothelin (ET)-1 and relaxed in response to acetylcholine (ACh), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), and forskolin indicating the presence of electro- and pharmaco-mechanical coupling as well as cGMP- and cAMP-mediated relaxation. In ovo development and transition to ex ovo life was accompanied by alterations in the response of the MAs, but a different developmental trajectory was observed for each reactivity pathway tested. Thus, the contractile efficacy of KCl underwent a linear increase (E15 < E19 < NH3h < NH1d). The efficacy of NE and U46619 increased in ovo, but not ex ovo (E15 < E19 = NH3h = NH1d) and the efficacy of ET-1 peaked at E19 (E15 < E19 > NH3h = NH1d). The relaxations elicited by ACh (endothelium-dependent), SNP, and forskolin did not undergo significant developmental changes. In conclusion, the ability of chick MAs to constrict in response to pharmacological stimuli increases during the embryonic period, but no dramatic changes are induced by hatching or the first feeding. Maturation of vasodilator mechanisms precedes that of vasoconstrictor mechanisms. Alterations of the delicate balance between vasoconstrictors and vasodilators may play an important role in perinatal intestinal diseases.  相似文献   

Midbrain dopaminergic neurons (mDA) play an important role in controlling the voluntary motor movement, reward, and emotion-based behaviour. Differentiation of mDA neurons from progenitors depends on several secreted proteins, such as sonic hedgehog (SHH). The present study attempted to elucidate the possible role(s) of some SHH signaling components (Ptch1, Gli1, Gli2 and Gli3) in the spatiotemporal development of mDA neurons along the rostrocaudal axis of the midbrain and their possible roles in differentiation and survival of mDA neurons and the significance of using in vitro models for studying the development of mDA neurons. At E12 and E14, only Ptch1 and Gli1 were expressed in ventrolateral midbrain domains. All examined SHH signalling molecules were not detected in mDA area. Whereas, in MN9D cells, many SHH signalling molecules were expressed and co-localized with the dopaminergic marker; tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), and their expression were upregulated with SHH treatment of the MN9D cells. These results suggest that mDA neurons differentiation and survival might be independent of SHH in the late developmental stages (E12-18). Besides, MN9D cell line is not the ideal in vitro model for investigating the differentiation of mDA and hence, the ventral midbrain primary culture might be favored over MN9D line.  相似文献   

The odorant-induced Ca(2+) increase inside the cilia of vertebrate olfactory sensory neurons controls both excitation and adaptation. The increase in the internal concentration of Ca(2+) in the cilia has recently been visualized directly and has been attributed to Ca(2+) entry through cAMP-gated channels. These recent results have made it possible to further characterize Ca(2+)'s activities in olfactory neurons. Ca(2+) exerts its excitatory role by directly activating Cl(-) channels. Given the unusually high concentration of ciliary Cl(-), Ca(2+)'s activation of Cl(-) channels causes an efflux of Cl(-) from the cilia, contributing high-gain and low-noise amplification to the olfactory neuron depolarization. Moreover, in combination with calmodulin, Ca(2+) mediates odorant adaptation by desensitizing cAMP-gated channels. The restoration of the Ca(2+) concentration to basal levels occurs via a Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, which extrudes Ca(2+) from the olfactory cilia.  相似文献   

Summary Using the patch-clamp technique, we recorded whole-cell calcium current from isolated cardiac myocytes dissociated from the apical ventricles of 7-day and 14-day chick embryos. In 70% of 14-day cells after 24 hr in culture, two component currents could be separated from totalI Ca activated from a holding potential (V h) of –80 mV. L-type current (I L) was activated by depolarizing steps fromV h –30 or –40 mV. The difference current (I T) was obtained by subtractingI L, fromI Ca.I T could also be distinguished pharmacologically fromI L in these cells.I T was selectively blocked by 40–160 m Ni2+, whereasI L was suppressed by 1 m D600 or 2 m nifedipine. The Ni2+-resistant and D600-resistant currents had activation thresholds and peak voltages that were near those ofI T andI L defined by voltage threshold, and resembled those in adult mammalian heart. In 7-day cells,I T andI L could be distinguished by voltage threshold in 45% (S cells), while an additional 45% of 7-day cells were nonseparable (NS) by activation voltage threshold. Nonetheless, in mostNS cells,I Ca was partly blocked by Ni2+ and by D600 given separately, and the effects were additive when these agents were given together. Differences among the cells in the ability to separateI T andI L by voltage threshold resulted largely from differences in the position of the steady-state inactivation and activation curves along the voltage axis. In all cells at both ages in which the steady-state inactivation relation was determined with a double-pulse protocol, the half-inactivation potential (V 1/2) of the Ni2+-resistant currentI L averaged –18 mV. In contrast,V 1/2 of the Ni2+-sensitiveI T was –60 mV in 14-day cells, –52 mV in 7-dayS cells, and –43 mV in 7-day NS cells. The half-activation potential was near –2 mV forI L at both ages, but that ofI T was –38 mV in 14-day and –29 mV in 7-day cells. Maximal current density was highly variable from cell to cell, but showed no systematic differences between 7-day and 14-day cells. These results indicate that the main developmental change that occurs in the components ofI Ca is a negative shift with, embryonic age in the activation and inactivation relationships ofI T along the voltage axis.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins control neuronal survival in a target-derived manner during the period of naturally occurring cell death in development. The specificity of this mechanism has been attributed to a restricted spatio-temporal expression of neurotrophin ligands in target tissues, as well as a selective expression of their cognate tyrosine kinase (Trk) receptors in different neuronal subpopulations. However, several in vitro and in vivo studies of null mutant mice have suggested that neurotrophin 3 (NT 3) also signals through the non-preferred TrkB receptor. In this study, we have directly addressed the in vivo preference of NT 3 to signal through TrkB or TrkC, by crossing the NT 3 knock-in mice (BDNF(NT 3/NT 3) mice) with the TrkB- or TrkC-null mutant mice. We find that TrkB is dispensable, whereas TrkC is required for the neuronal rescue by the NT 3 allele in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor- and NT 3-dependent cochleovestibular system. Our results show that NT 3 maintains survival of cells as well as target innervation only through interactions with TrkC in vivo. TrkB and TrkC receptors are thus not functionally redundant for NT 3, even when coexpressed in neurons of the cochleovestibular system.  相似文献   

A major focus of stem cell research is the generation of neurons that may then be implanted to treat neurodegenerative diseases. However, a picture is emerging where astrocytes are partners to neurons in sustaining and modulating brain function. We therefore investigated the functional properties of NT2 derived astrocytes and neurons using electrophysiological and calcium imaging approaches. NT2 neurons (NT2Ns) expressed sodium dependent action potentials, as well as responses to depolarisation and the neurotransmitter glutamate. NT2Ns exhibited spontaneous and coordinated calcium elevations in clusters and in extended processes, indicating local and long distance signalling. Tetrodotoxin sensitive network activity could also be evoked by electrical stimulation. Similarly, NT2 astrocytes (NT2As) exhibited morphology and functional properties consistent with this glial cell type. NT2As responded to neuronal activity and to exogenously applied neurotransmitters with calcium elevations, and in contrast to neurons, also exhibited spontaneous rhythmic calcium oscillations. NT2As also generated propagating calcium waves that were gap junction and purinergic signalling dependent. Our results show that NT2 derived astrocytes exhibit appropriate functionality and that NT2N networks interact with NT2A networks in co-culture. These findings underline the utility of such cultures to investigate human brain cell type signalling under controlled conditions. Furthermore, since stem cell derived neuron function and survival is of great importance therapeutically, our findings suggest that the presence of complementary astrocytes may be valuable in supporting stem cell derived neuronal networks. Indeed, this also supports the intriguing possibility of selective therapeutic replacement of astrocytes in diseases where these cells are either lost or lose functionality.  相似文献   

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