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The incomplete perfect phylogeny (IPP) problem and the incomplete perfect phylogeny haplotyping (IPPH) problem deal with constructing a phylogeny for a given set of haplotypes or genotypes with missing entries. The earlier approaches for both of these problems dealt with restricted versions of the problems, where the root is either available or can be trivially re-constructed from the data, or certain assumptions were made about the data. In this paper, we deal with the unrestricted versions of the problems, where the root of the phylogeny is neither available nor trivially recoverable from the data. Both IPP and IPPH problems have previously been proven to be NPcomplete. Here, we present efficient enumerative algorithms that can handle practical instances of the problem. Empirical analysis on simulated data shows that the algorithms perform very well both in terms of speed and in terms accuracy of the recovered data.  相似文献   

The multistate perfect phylogeny problem is a classic problem in computational biology. When no perfect phylogeny exists, it is of interest to find a set of characters to remove in order to obtain a perfect phylogeny in the remaining data. This is known as the character removal problem. We show how to use chordal graphs and triangulations to solve the character removal problem for an arbitrary number of states, which was previously unsolved. We outline a preprocessing technique that speeds up the computation of the minimal separators of a graph. Minimal separators are used in our solution to the missing data character removal problem and to Gusfield's solution of the perfect phylogeny problem with missing data.  相似文献   

Inferring haplotype data from genotype data is a crucial step in linking SNPs to human diseases. Given n genotypes over m SNP sites, the haplotype inference (HI) problem deals with finding a set of haplotypes so that each given genotype can be formed by a combining a pair of haplotypes from the set. The perfect phylogeny haplotyping (PPH) problem is one of the many computational approaches to the HI problem. Though it was conjectured that the complexity of the PPH problem was O(nm), the complexity of all the solutions presented until recently was O(nm (2)). In this paper, we make complete use of the column-ordering that was presented earlier and show that there must be some interdependencies among the pairwise relationships between SNP sites in order for the given genotypes to allow a perfect phylogeny. Based on these interdependencies, we introduce the FlexTree (flexible tree) data structure that represents all the pairwise relationships in O(m) space. The FlexTree data structure provides a compact representation of all the perfect phylogenies for the given set of genotypes. We also introduce an ordering of the genotypes that allows the genotypes to be added to the FlexTree sequentially. The column ordering, the FlexTree data structure, and the row ordering we introduce make the O(nm) OPPH algorithm possible. We present some results on simulated data which demonstrate that the OPPH algorithm performs quiet impressively when compared to the previous algorithms. The OPPH algorithm is one of the first O(nm) algorithms presented for the PPH problem.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of reconstructing near-perfect phylogenetic trees using binary character states (referred to as BNPP). A perfect phylogeny assumes that every character mutates at most once in the evolutionary tree, yielding an algorithm for binary character states that is computationally efficient but not robust to imperfections in real data. A near-perfect phylogeny relaxes the perfect phylogeny assumption by allowing at most a constant number of additional mutations. We develop two algorithms for constructing optimal near-perfect phylogenies and provide empirical evidence of their performance. The first simple algorithm is fixed parameter tractable when the number of additional mutations and the number of characters that share four gametes with some other character are constants. The second, more involved algorithm for the problem is fixed parameter tractable when only the number of additional mutations is fixed. We have implemented both algorithms and shown them to be extremely efficient in practice on biologically significant data sets. This work proves the BNPP problem fixed parameter tractable and provides the first practical phylogenetic tree reconstruction algorithms that find guaranteed optimal solutions while being easily implemented and computationally feasible for data sets of biologically meaningful size and complexity.  相似文献   

Each person's genome contains two copies of each chromosome, one inherited from the father and the other from the mother. A person's genotype specifies the pair of bases at each site, but does not specify which base occurs on which chromosome. The sequence of each chromosome separately is called a haplotype. The determination of the haplotypes within a population is essential for understanding genetic variation and the inheritance of complex diseases. The haplotype mapping project, a successor to the human genome project, seeks to determine the common haplotypes in the human population. Since experimental determination of a person's genotype is less expensive than determining its component haplotypes, algorithms are required for computing haplotypes from genotypes. Two observations aid in this process: first, the human genome contains short blocks within which only a few different haplotypes occur; second, as suggested by Gusfield, it is reasonable to assume that the haplotypes observed within a block have evolved according to a perfect phylogeny, in which at most one mutation event has occurred at any site, and no recombination occurred at the given region. We present a simple and efficient polynomial-time algorithm for inferring haplotypes from the genotypes of a set of individuals assuming a perfect phylogeny. Using a reduction to 2-SAT we extend this algorithm to handle constraints that apply when we have genotypes from both parents and child. We also present a hardness result for the problem of removing the minimum number of individuals from a population to ensure that the genotypes of the remaining individuals are consistent with a perfect phylogeny. Our algorithms have been tested on real data and give biologically meaningful results. Our webserver (http://www.cs.columbia.edu/compbio/hap/) is publicly available for predicting haplotypes from genotype data and partitioning genotype data into blocks.  相似文献   

A haplotype is an m-long binary vector. The XOR-genotype of two haplotypes is the m-vector of their coordinate-wise XOR. We study the following problem: Given a set of XOR-genotypes, reconstruct their haplotypes so that the set of resulting haplotypes can be mapped onto a perfect phylogeny (PP) tree. The question is motivated by studying population evolution in human genetics, and is a variant of the perfect phylogeny haplotyping problem that has received intensive attention recently. Unlike the latter problem, in which the input is "full" genotypes, here we assume less informative input, and so may be more economical to obtain experimentally. Building on ideas of Gusfield, we show how to solve the problem in polynomial time, by a reduction to the graph realization problem. The actual haplotypes are not uniquely determined by that tree they map onto, and the tree itself may or may not be unique. We show that tree uniqueness implies uniquely determined haplotypes, up to inherent degrees of freedom, and give a sufficient condition for the uniqueness. To actually determine the haplotypes given the tree, additional information is necessary. We show that two or three full genotypes suffice to reconstruct all the haplotypes, and present a linear algorithm for identifying those genotypes.  相似文献   

Perfect phylogenetic networks with recombination.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The perfect phylogeny problem is a classical problem in evolutionary tree construction. In this paper, we propose a new model called phylogenetic network with recombination that takes recombination events into account. We show that the problem of finding a perfect phylogenetic network with the minimum number of recombination events is NP-hard; we also present an efficient polynomial time algorithm for an interesting restricted version of the problem.  相似文献   

Haplotyping as perfect phylogeny: a direct approach.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A full haplotype map of the human genome will prove extremely valuable as it will be used in large-scale screens of populations to associate specific haplotypes with specific complex genetic-influenced diseases. A haplotype map project has been announced by NIH. The biological key to that project is the surprising fact that some human genomic DNA can be partitioned into long blocks where genetic recombination has been rare, leading to strikingly fewer distinct haplotypes in the population than previously expected (Helmuth, 2001; Daly et al., 2001; Stephens et al., 2001; Friss et al., 2001). In this paper we explore the algorithmic implications of the no-recombination in long blocks observation, for the problem of inferring haplotypes in populations. This assumption, together with the standard population-genetic assumption of infinite sites, motivates a model of haplotype evolution where the haplotypes in a population are assumed to evolve along a coalescent, which as a rooted tree is a perfect phylogeny. We consider the following algorithmic problem, called the perfect phylogeny haplotyping problem (PPH), which was introduced by Gusfield (2002) - given n genotypes of length m each, does there exist a set of at most 2n haplotypes such that each genotype is generated by a pair of haplotypes from this set, and such that this set can be derived on a perfect phylogeny? The approach taken by Gusfield (2002) to solve this problem reduces it to established, deep results and algorithms from matroid and graph theory. Although that reduction is quite simple and the resulting algorithm nearly optimal in speed, taken as a whole that approach is quite involved, and in particular, challenging to program. Moreover, anyone wishing to fully establish, by reading existing literature, the correctness of the entire algorithm would need to read several deep and difficult papers in graph and matroid theory. However, as stated by Gusfield (2002), many simplifications are possible and the list of "future work" in Gusfield (2002) began with the task of developing a simpler, more direct, yet still efficient algorithm. This paper accomplishes that goal, for both the rooted and unrooted PPH problems. It establishes a simple, easy-to-program, O(nm(2))-time algorithm that determines whether there is a PPH solution for input genotypes and produces a linear-space data structure to represent all of the solutions. The approach allows complete, self-contained proofs. In addition to algorithmic simplicity, the approach here makes the representation of all solutions more intuitive than in Gusfield (2002), and solves another goal from that paper, namely, to prove a nontrivial upper bound on the number of PPH solutions, showing that that number is vastly smaller than the number of haplotype solutions (each solution being a set of n pairs of haplotypes that can generate the genotypes) when the perfect phylogeny requirement is not imposed.  相似文献   

We consider the effect of informative missingness on association tests that use parental genotypes as controls and that allow for missing parental data. Parental data can be informatively missing when the probability of a parent being available for study is related to that parent's genotype; when this occurs, the distribution of genotypes among observed parents is not representative of the distribution of genotypes among the missing parents. Many previously proposed procedures that allow for missing parental data assume that these distributions are the same. We propose association tests that behave well when parental data are informatively missing, under the assumption that, for a given trio of paternal, maternal, and affected offspring genotypes, the genotypes of the parents and the sex of the missing parents, but not the genotype of the affected offspring, can affect parental missingness. (This same assumption is required for validity of an analysis that ignores incomplete parent-offspring trios.) We use simulations to compare our approach with previously proposed procedures, and we show that if even small amounts of informative missingness are not taken into account, they can have large, deleterious effects on the performance of tests.  相似文献   

Here we explore the effect of missing data in phylogenetic analyses using a large number of real morphological matrices. Different percentages and patterns of missing entries were added to each matrix, and their influence was evaluated by comparing the accuracy and error of most parsimonious trees. The relationships between accuracy and error and different parameters (e.g. the number of taxa and characters, homoplasy, support) were also evaluated. Our findings, based on real matrices, agree with the simulation studies, i.e. the negative effect increases with the percentage of missing entries, and decreases with the addition of more characters. This indicates that the main problem is the lack of information, not just the presence of missing data per se. Accuracy varies with different distribution patterns of missing entries; the worst case is when missing data are concentrated in a few taxa, while the best is when the missing entries are restricted to just a few characters. The results expand our knowledge of the missing data problem, corroborate many of the findings previously published using simulations, and could be useful for empirical or theoretical studies. © The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Inferring networks of proteins from biological data is a central issue of computational biology. Most network inference methods, including Bayesian networks, take unsupervised approaches in which the network is totally unknown in the beginning, and all the edges have to be predicted. A more realistic supervised framework, proposed recently, assumes that a substantial part of the network is known. We propose a new kernel-based method for supervised graph inference based on multiple types of biological datasets such as gene expression, phylogenetic profiles and amino acid sequences. Notably, our method assigns a weight to each type of dataset and thereby selects informative ones. Data selection is useful for reducing data collection costs. For example, when a similar network inference problem must be solved for other organisms, the dataset excluded by our algorithm need not be collected. RESULTS: First, we formulate supervised network inference as a kernel matrix completion problem, where the inference of edges boils down to estimation of missing entries of a kernel matrix. Then, an expectation-maximization algorithm is proposed to simultaneously infer the missing entries of the kernel matrix and the weights of multiple datasets. By introducing the weights, we can integrate multiple datasets selectively and thereby exclude irrelevant and noisy datasets. Our approach is favorably tested in two biological networks: a metabolic network and a protein interaction network. AVAILABILITY: Software is available on request.  相似文献   

We study the problem of reconstructing haplotype configurations from genotypes on pedigree data with missing alleles under the Mendelian law of inheritance and the minimum-recombination principle, which is important for the construction of haplotype maps and genetic linkage/association analyses. Our previous results show that the problem of finding a minimum-recombinant haplotype configuration (MRHC) is in general NP-hard. This paper presents an effective integer linear programming (ILP) formulation of the MRHC problem with missing data and a branch-and-bound strategy that utilizes a partial order relationship and some other special relationships among variables to decide the branching order. Nontrivial lower and upper bounds on the optimal number of recombinants are introduced at each branching node to effectively prune the search tree. When multiple solutions exist, a best haplotype configuration is selected based on a maximum likelihood approach. The paper also shows for the first time how to incorporate marker interval distance into a rule-based haplotyping algorithm. Our results on simulated data show that the algorithm could recover haplotypes with 50 loci from a pedigree of size 29 in seconds on a Pentium IV computer. Its accuracy is more than 99.8% for data with no missing alleles and 98.3% for data with 20% missing alleles in terms of correctly recovered phase information at each marker locus. A comparison with a statistical approach SimWalk2 on simulated data shows that the ILP algorithm runs much faster than SimWalk2 and reports better or comparable haplotypes on average than the first and second runs of SimWalk2. As an application of the algorithm to real data, we present some test results on reconstructing haplotypes from a genome-scale SNP dataset consisting of 12 pedigrees that have 0.8% to 14.5% missing alleles.  相似文献   

The Pure Parsimony Haplotyping (PPH) problem is a NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem that consists of finding the minimum number of haplotypes necessary to explain a given set of genotypes. PPH has attracted more and more attention in recent years due to its importance in analysis of many fine-scale genetic data. Its application fields range from mapping complex disease genes to inferring population histories, passing through designing drugs, functional genomics and pharmacogenetics. In this article we investigate, for the first time, a recent version of PPH called the Pure Parsimony Haplotype problem under Uncertain Data (PPH-UD). This version mainly arises when the input genotypes are not accurate, i.e., when some single nucleotide polymorphisms are missing or affected by errors. We propose an exact approach to solution of PPH-UD based on an extended version of Catanzaro et al.[1] class representative model for PPH, currently the state-of-the-art integer programming model for PPH. The model is efficient, accurate, compact, polynomial-sized, easy to implement, solvable with any solver for mixed integer programming, and usable in all those cases for which the parsimony criterion is well suited for haplotype estimation.  相似文献   

Allelic dropout is a commonly observed source of missing data in microsatellite genotypes, in which one or both allelic copies at a locus fail to be amplified by the polymerase chain reaction. Especially for samples with poor DNA quality, this problem causes a downward bias in estimates of observed heterozygosity and an upward bias in estimates of inbreeding, owing to mistaken classifications of heterozygotes as homozygotes when one of the two copies drops out. One general approach for avoiding allelic dropout involves repeated genotyping of homozygous loci to minimize the effects of experimental error. Existing computational alternatives often require replicate genotyping as well. These approaches, however, are costly and are suitable only when enough DNA is available for repeated genotyping. In this study, we propose a maximum-likelihood approach together with an expectation-maximization algorithm to jointly estimate allelic dropout rates and allele frequencies when only one set of nonreplicated genotypes is available. Our method considers estimates of allelic dropout caused by both sample-specific factors and locus-specific factors, and it allows for deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium owing to inbreeding. Using the estimated parameters, we correct the bias in the estimation of observed heterozygosity through the use of multiple imputations of alleles in cases where dropout might have occurred. With simulated data, we show that our method can (1) effectively reproduce patterns of missing data and heterozygosity observed in real data; (2) correctly estimate model parameters, including sample-specific dropout rates, locus-specific dropout rates, and the inbreeding coefficient; and (3) successfully correct the downward bias in estimating the observed heterozygosity. We find that our method is fairly robust to violations of model assumptions caused by population structure and by genotyping errors from sources other than allelic dropout. Because the data sets imputed under our model can be investigated in additional subsequent analyses, our method will be useful for preparing data for applications in diverse contexts in population genetics and molecular ecology.  相似文献   

Related individuals share potentially long chromosome segments that trace to a common ancestor. We describe a phasing algorithm (ChromoPhase) that utilizes this characteristic of finite populations to phase large sections of a chromosome. In addition to phasing, our method imputes missing genotypes in individuals genotyped at lower marker density when more densely genotyped relatives are available. ChromoPhase uses a pedigree to collect an individual's (the proband) surrogate parents and offspring and uses genotypic similarity to identify its genomic surrogates. The algorithm then cycles through the relatives and genomic surrogates one at a time to find shared chromosome segments. Once a segment has been identified, any missing information in the proband is filled in with information from the relative. We tested ChromoPhase in a simulated population consisting of 400 individuals at a marker density of 1500/M, which is approximately equivalent to a 50K bovine single nucleotide polymorphism chip. In simulated data, 99.9% loci were correctly phased and, when imputing from 100 to 1500 markers, more than 87% of missing genotypes were correctly imputed. Performance increased when the number of generations available in the pedigree increased, but was reduced when the sparse genotype contained fewer loci. However, in simulated data, ChromoPhase correctly imputed at least 12% more genotypes than fastPHASE, depending on sparse marker density. We also tested the algorithm in a real Holstein cattle data set to impute 50K genotypes in animals with a sparse 3K genotype. In these data 92% of genotypes were correctly imputed in animals with a genotyped sire. We evaluated the accuracy of genomic predictions with the dense, sparse, and imputed simulated data sets and show that the reduction in genomic evaluation accuracy is modest even with imperfectly imputed genotype data. Our results demonstrate that imputation of missing genotypes, and potentially full genome sequence, using long-range phasing is feasible.  相似文献   

We develop an iterative relaxation algorithm called RIBRA for NMR protein backbone assignment. RIBRA applies nearest neighbor and weighted maximum independent set algorithms to solve the problem. To deal with noisy NMR spectral data, RIBRA is executed in an iterative fashion based on the quality of spectral peaks. We first produce spin system pairs using the spectral data without missing peaks, then the data group with one missing peak, and finally, the data group with two missing peaks. We test RIBRA on two real NMR datasets, hbSBD and hbLBD, and perfect BMRB data (with 902 proteins) and four synthetic BMRB data which simulate four kinds of errors. The accuracy of RIBRA on hbSBD and hbLBD are 91.4% and 83.6%, respectively. The average accuracy of RIBRA on perfect BMRB datasets is 98.28%, and 98.28%, 95.61%, 98.16%, and 96.28% on four kinds of synthetic datasets, respectively.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The problem of phylogenetic inference from datasets including incomplete or uncertain entries is among the most relevant issues in systematic biology. In this paper, we propose a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from partial distance matrices. The new method combines the usage of the four-point condition and the ultrametric inequality with a weighted least-squares approximation to solve the problem of missing entries. It can be applied to infer phylogenies from evolutionary data including some missing or uncertain information, for instance, when observed nucleotide or protein sequences contain gaps or missing entries. RESULTS: In a number of simulations involving incomplete datasets, the proposed method outperformed the well-known Ultrametric and Additive procedures. Generally, the new method also outperformed all the other competing approaches including Triangle and Fitch which is the most popular least-squares method for reconstructing phylogenies. We illustrate the usefulness of the introduced method by analyzing two well-known phylogenies derived from complete mammalian mtDNA sequences. Some interesting theoretical results concerning the NP-hardness of the ordinary and weighted least-squares fitting of a phylogenetic tree to a partial distance matrix are also established. AVAILABILITY: The T-Rex package including this method is freely available for download at http://www.info.uqam.ca/~makarenv/trex.html  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Peptide identification following tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is usually achieved by searching for the best match between the mass spectrum of an unidentified peptide and model spectra generated from peptides in a sequence database. This methodology will be successful only if the peptide under investigation belongs to an available database. Our objective is to develop and test the performance of a heuristic optimization algorithm capable of dealing with some features commonly found in actual MS/MS spectra that tend to stop simpler deterministic solution approaches. RESULTS: We present the implementation of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) in the reconstruction of amino acid sequences using only spectral features, discuss some of the problems associated with this approach and compare its performance to a de novo sequencing method. The GA can potentially overcome some of the most problematic aspects associated with de novo analysis of real MS/MS data such as missing or unclearly defined peaks and may prove to be a valuable tool in the proteomics field. We assess the performance of our algorithm under conditions of perfect spectral information, in situations where key spectral features are missing, and using real MS/MS spectral data.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Preliminary results on the data produced using the Affymetrix large-scale genotyping platforms show that it is necessary to construct improved genotype calling algorithms. There is evidence that some of the existing algorithms lead to an increased error rate in heterozygous genotypes, and a disproportionately large rate of heterozygotes with missing genotypes. Non-random errors and missing data can lead to an increase in the number of false discoveries in genetic association studies. Therefore, the factors that need to be evaluated in assessing the performance of an algorithm are the missing data (call) and error rates, but also the heterozygous proportions in missing data and errors. RESULTS: We introduce a novel genotype calling algorithm (GEL) for the Affymetrix GeneChip arrays. The algorithm uses likelihood calculations that are based on distributions inferred from the observed data. A key ingredient in accurate genotype calling is weighting the information that comes from each probe quartet according to the quality/reliability of the data in the quartet, and prior information on the performance of the quartet. AVAILABILITY: The GEL software is implemented in R and is available by request from the corresponding author at nicolae@galton.uchicago.edu.  相似文献   

In studies of complex diseases, a common paradigm is to conduct association analysis at markers in regions identified by linkage analysis, to attempt to narrow the region of interest. Family-based tests for association based on parental transmissions to affected offspring are often used in fine-mapping studies. However, for diseases with late onset, parental genotypes are often missing. Without parental genotypes, family-based tests either compare allele frequencies in affected individuals with those in their unaffected siblings or use siblings to infer missing parental genotypes. An example of the latter approach is the score test implemented in the computer program TRANSMIT. The inference of missing parental genotypes in TRANSMIT assumes that transmissions from parents to affected siblings are independent, which is appropriate when there is no linkage. However, using computer simulations, we show that, when the marker and disease locus are linked and the data set consists of families with multiple affected siblings, this assumption leads to a bias in the score statistic under the null hypothesis of no association between the marker and disease alleles. This bias leads to an inflated type I error rate for the score test in regions of linkage. We present a novel test for association in the presence of linkage (APL) that correctly infers missing parental genotypes in regions of linkage by estimating identity-by-descent parameters, to adjust for correlation between parental transmissions to affected siblings. In simulated data, we demonstrate the validity of the APL test under the null hypothesis of no association and show that the test can be more powerful than the pedigree disequilibrium test and family-based association test. As an example, we compare the performance of the tests in a candidate-gene study in families with Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

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