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The structure of the vitellogenic follicle of the sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, is described. Follicles enlarge primarily by protein yolk accumulation (vitellogenesis) and subsequently increase in size by hydration. This study uses the electron-dense tracer, horseradish peroxidase, and a larger heterologous protein,Xenopus laevis [3H]vitellogenin, to follow the fate of exogenous proteins from the maternal circulation to yolk spheres of the growing oocyte. Materials appear to leave the perifollicular capillaries via an interendothelial route, traverse the theca and the patent intercellular channels of the follicular epithelium and the pore canals of the vitelline envelope. At the oocyte surface they are incorporated via micropinocytosis and translocated to growing yolk spheres in the peripheral ooplasm. In contrast to other studies on oocyte growth in teleosts which suggest that yolk is an autosynthetic product, this study substantiates the importance of heterosynthetic processes during oocyte growth in C. Variegatus.  相似文献   

Avian  M.  Rottini Sandrini  L. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):189-195
Oocyte development was followed in 4 species of Scyphomedusae. In Pelagia noctiluca a centrifugal maturity gradient is present. Vitellogenesis may be related first to exogenous endodermal production and later to oocyte endogenous activity. Simultaneously, the paraovular body (POB) develops from the secondary endoderm; it is connected to the oocyte and controls secretion of mucus, which envelops the oocyte during spawning. In Aurelia aurita, there is no maturity gradient, nor any differentiated structures of endodermal origin, associated with oocytes. In Discomedusa lobata a maturity gradient is absent. Its vitellogenesis is similar to that in P. noctiluca, and is associated with structural modification of the secondary endoderm in the area contacting the oocyte. This structure is cytologically similar to the POB of P. noctiluca, though less differentiated. Spawning is similar to that of P. noctiluca, with fenestration of the surrounding endodermal cells as the oocyte passes from the ovary to the genital sinus. In Rhizostoma pulmo a maturity gradient is absent. An early and fairly evident development of the vitelline membrane was observed.  相似文献   

Seven ovarian stages are described in summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus. In the prespawning season plasma oestradiol levels increased in maturing fish with lipidogenic oocytes and gonadosomatic index increased in fish undergoing vitellogenesis. Atretic oocytes present in the postspawning season indicated which individuals may have spawned. The pattern of oocyte development is similar to that of other flatfishes and some teleosts. The summer flounder was unusual in having a long lipid uptake phase (oocyte diameter up to 301 μm) prior to any indication of vitellogenin (yolk protein) uptake. This information will be useful in the construction of an updated maturity schedule for the wild population.  相似文献   

The present study shows experimentally that primary growth of the native Patagonian Cupressaceae Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic.-Serm et Bizz., Fitzroya cupressoides (Molina) I. M. Johnst. and Pilgerodendron uviferum (D. Don) Florin is potentially continuous. External morphological markers of interannual growth limits have been identified for the main axes of these species after several years of observation. Such limits correspond with axis portions in which internodes are relatively short and leaves have a small distal free end forming an acute angle with the axis. The causality of these results and their utility for studying the productivity, adaptation to different environments, population management and conservation of these threatened species are discussed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 146 , 285–293.  相似文献   

In Manduca sexta the major size increase of ovarian follicles is accomplished by two processes: (1) vitellogenesis in which follicular volume and dry weight increase simultaneously, and (2) hydration in which absorption of water by the oocyte accounts for an 80% increase in volume prior to chorion formation. Vitellogenic growth occurs in both a slow and rapid phase. Rapid vitellogenic growth is initiated only by follicles of a threshold size (1 mm) and is a juvenile hormone (JH)-dependent event. In the absence of JH follicles grow to 1 mm and then degenerate.  相似文献   

In Calicut populations of P. hydrodromous, the ovary is not refractory during September—November of the prebreeding season; it is inhibited from developing apparently by a gonad-inhibiting hormone(s) contained in the eyestalks. The prevalent tendency in Paratelphusa during the prebreeding season is to reproduce, and not to moult. The precocious ovarian growth induced by eyestalk removal during this season is biochemically impoverished, possibly due to uneven oocyte development, which in turn may be caused by the unpreparedness of a section of the population of oocytes for vitellogenesis. The ovary appears to have to pass through a period of oogonial proliferation under the influence of the moult-precipitating hormones during the moulting season, and subsequently through a period of oocyte differentiation during the prebreeding season, for normal vitellogenesis during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Hyphal development in Candida albicans contributes to virulence, and inhibition of filamentation is a target for the development of antifungal agents. Lithium is known to impair Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth in galactose-containing media by inhibition of phosphoglucomutase, which is essential for galactose metabolism. Lithium-mediated phosphoglucomutase inhibition is reverted by Mg(2+). In this study we have assessed the effect of lithium upon C. albicans and found that growth is inhibited preferentially in galactose-containing media. No accumulation of glucose-1-phosphate or galactose-1-phosphate was detected when yeasts were grown in the presence of galactose and 15 mM LiCl, though we observed that in vitro lithium-mediated phosphoglucomutase inhibition takes place with an IC(50) of 2 mM. Furthermore, growth inhibition by lithium was not reverted by Mg(2+). These results show that lithium-mediated inhibition of growth in a galactose-containing medium is not due to inhibition of galactose conversion to glucose-6-phosphate but is probably due to inhibition of a signaling pathway. Deletion of the Ser-Thr protein phosphatase SIT4 and treatment with rapamycin have been shown to inhibit filamentous differentiation. We observed that C. albicans filamentation was inhibited by lithium in solid medium containing either galactose as the sole carbon source or 10% fetal bovine serum. These results suggest that suppression of hyphal outgrowth by lithium could be related to inhibition of the target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway.  相似文献   

In the lizard Podarcis sicula, the major vitellogenin (VTG)-derived yolk proteins, lipovitellins and phosvitins, were extracted from the yolk globules of laid and fertilized eggs at different periods of incubation up to 44 days close to hatching. Embryonic development was almost over at this time. Yolk proteins were isolated by precipitation in saturated (NH(4))(2)SO(4), separated on SDS-PAGE and detected by Western blotting with homologous polyclonal anti/VTG antibody. Two lipovitellins of 110 and 116 kDa were always present in the yolk of laid eggs after 1, 10, 18, and 44 days from oviposition. Both these proteins were glycosylated and were recognized by the anti/VTG antibody; their N-terminal sequences were analyzed. Four phosvitins were detected in freshly laid eggs, but their number decreased during incubation, and after 44 days only a single protein of approximately 6.5 kDa was present. The results indicated that, in this lizard, during embryonic development, lipovitellins remain unchanged, whereas the phosphorylated components of yolk undergo continuous degradation.  相似文献   

The pattern of oocyte development in association with changes of plasma concentrations of vitellogenin (Vtg), 17β‐oestradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) was investigated in maturing female greenback flounder Rhombosolea tapirina over the first part of a reproductive season (February to June). Examination of oocyte size‐frequency distributions showed that the oocyte developmental pattern in R. tapirina is multiple group synchrony, and that reproductively mature fish were present at all sampling times. There were no significant temporal variations in the gonado‐somatic index ( I G), hepato‐somatic index ( I H), or plasma concentrations of Vtg, E2 and T during the sampling period, which indicates that reproductive development is not synchronized within the population. Significant increases in I G, I H and plasma concentrations of Vtg, E2 and T, however, were observed in vitellogenic fish, and in fish undergoing final maturation. A positive relationship was also found between the growth of oocytes and plasma concentrations of Vtg, E2 and T, although the patterns of increase were different for each variable. Plasma concentrations of Vtg and E2 rose steadily across oocyte sizes from 100 to 450 μm, but the rate of increase of plasma E2 was slower than that of Vtg, and both reached a saturated concentration at oocyte sizes of c . 450 μm. In contrast, plasma concentrations of T showed no marked increase until oocytes grew beyond 400 μm.  相似文献   

pH值对萼花臂尾轮虫种群增长及繁殖的影响   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
采用种群积累培养法,实验观察了 pH在3.5~11.5之间(间隔 1)萼花臂尾轮虫 (Brachionus calyciflorus)种群的增长及繁殖.结果表明,该轮虫种群在PH6.5~8.5之间增 长较快, 8. 5时增长最快,即瞬时增长率 r和种群密度较大和最大; pH在 3. 5~4. 5和 9. 5 ~10. 5之间,种群为负增长,即 r为负值; pH在 5. 5~9. 5之间种群为正增长,即正为正 值.该轮虫存活的pH上限为11.5,下限为3.5.在种群增长最适pH(8.5)条件下,该轮虫 的繁殖最快,即绝对带卵量最高(132个·ml-1);pH在9.5时,其相对带卵量最高.为其它 pH值条件下的2~4倍.本研究结果可为淡水轮虫的大批量培养提供可靠的pH值技术指 标.  相似文献   

An increase of the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) of the growth room atmosphere (from 600 Pa up to 2000 Pa) induced a variation in the air VPD inside the vessels used for rose micropropagation.During the photoperiod, the in vitro plants lost water by evaporation. During the night period, depending upon the VPD of the growth room, plants could take water from the vessel atmosphere.According to the intensity of the transpiration, large changes in the growth and morphology were observed: decrease in multiplication rate, modification of leaf colour and area, reduction of the elongation and changes of the level of axillary buds which grew.  相似文献   

Environmental and internal control of seasonal growth in seaweeds   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Lüning  Klaus 《Hydrobiologia》1993,250(1):1-14
All 6 naupliar stages of Scutellidium hippolytes (Kröyer, 1863), belonging to Tisbidae are described. A key for the identification of the naupliar stages is given. Naupliar peculiarities are discussed in the light of phylogenetic affinities. The nauplii are compared with those of the tisbids Tisbe gracilis and Drescheriella glacialis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. During conjugation of the hypotrich ciliate Paraurostyla weissei , the two partners fuse to form a transient dedifferentiated stage, the zygocyst, which later redifferentiates into a vegetative cell. Immunocytochemical studies have been performed to follow the deployment of microtubules and basal bodies during the entire cycle of conjugation. They show that a superficial lattice persists during the whole zygocyst stage, after most of the infraciliature of the exconjugants has been disassembled. These superficial microtubules display different immunocytochemical properties in the mature zygocyst and during its morphogenesis, suggesting that some transient chemical modifications of the microtubules are associated with the morphogenetic activity. In the zygocyst, the superficial microtubules retain the specific orientation characteristic of the ventral and the dorsal sides of the recipient cell, respectively. In the course of subsequent morphogenesis of the zygocyst, these specific cellular territories differentiate into the ventral and dorsal sides of the new cell. Although our experiments do not resolve the question of whether superficial microtubules play an active or merely a passive role in the transmission of surface pattern, they show that no complete breakdown in cell polarity occurs, even through a profound dedifferentiated stage. Thus, the overall surface pattern appears to be retained, in a simplified form, through the conjugation cycle.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(14):2897-2911.e6
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《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1216-1220
For different research purposes, there is a need to mass rear mosquitoes, such as Aedes aegypti, under laboratory conditions. The rearing process begins with egg production followed by egg storage in a dry environment, inside containers. Stored eggs are susceptible to environmental threats when storage conditions are suboptimal. Some terrestrial insects can invade this environment and attack stored eggs. In this brief report, we assessed whether Ae. aegypti eggs exposed to Liposcelis sp. individuals had reduced hatching and immature development rates. We exposed 100 eggs in different treatment conditions (fixed in porous paper and loosed) to 30 Liposcelis sp. individuals for ten days and then we induced hatching. We observed a hatching rate of 99% reduced for those eggs adhered to porous paper and loosed eggs showed a hatching rate of 45% decreased for those eggs exposed to Liposcelis sp. The remaining larvae took longer to develop into pupae as well, showing a four-day delay on average to the final metamorphosis of the aquatic stage. These results reinforce the need to frequently monitor egg storage conditions to maintain laboratory colonies stable and free from pests that can interfere with mosquito life-history traits.  相似文献   

The somatic growth, sexual maturation and fecundity of individually marked first‐time spawning female Atlantic cod Gadus morhua were examined under different varying temperature and feeding regimes over the months preceding spawning. A negative correlation between somatic and oocyte growth was found, reflecting the changing energy allocation pattern. Nevertheless, the somatic growth of mature individuals was at least as high as those of immature fish over the period of vitellogenesis. Potential fecundity was positively correlated with body size, but neither temperature or feeding regime significantly affected this relationship. Consequently, fish with unlimited feeding opportunity invested more energy into somatic growth during vitellogenesis compared to those held under a restricted ration. This indicated that once Atlantic cod had made the decision to invest in first reproduction, they allocated a certain amount of energy relative to their size into egg production and any surplus was invested into somatic growth. Low temperature led to an arrest in the onset of vitellogenesis and significantly affected the number of females that matured.  相似文献   

The distribution of microtubules was studied during fertilization of the rabbit oocyte by immunofluorescence microscopy after staining with an anti-alpha-tubulin antibody. In ovulated oocytes, microtubules were found exclusively in the meiotic spindle. At fertilization, the paternal centrosome generated sperm astral microtubules. During pronuclear development, the sperm aster increased in size, and microtubules extended from the male pronucleus to the egg center and towards the female pronucleus. These observations indicate that microtubules emanating from the sperm centrosome were involved in the movements leading to the union of the male and female pronuclei. At late pronuclear stage, microtubules surrounded the adjacent pronuclei. The mitotic spindle that emerged from the perinuclear microtubules contained broad anastral poles.  相似文献   

We present a mathematical model of the genetic regulation controlling skeletogenesis and the influence of the physical environment on a branching sponge with accretive growth (e.g. Haliclona oculata or Lubomirskia baikalensis). From previous work, it is known that high concentrations of silicate induce spicule formation and upregulate the silicatein gene. The upregulation of this gene activates locally the production of spicules in the sponge and the deposition of the skeleton. Furthermore, it is known that the expression of the gene Iroquois induces the formation of an aquiferous system, consisting of exhalant and inhalant pores. We propose a model of the regulatory network controlling the separation in time and space of the skeletogenesis and the formation of the aquiferous system. The regulatory network is closely linked with environmental influences. In building a skeleton, silicate is absorbed from the environment. In our model, silicate is transported by diffusion through the environment and absorbed at the surface of a geometric model of the sponge, resulting in silicate gradients emerging in the neighbourhood of the sponge. Our model simulations predict sponge morphology and the positioning of the exhalant pores over the surface of the sponge.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of elicitors, such as mannan, gβ-1,3-glucan, ancymidol, and cork crumbs, on morphogenetic and biosynthetic potencies of shoot cultures of Hypericum perforatum L. In the presence of these elicitors, different morphogenetic structures of H. perforatum callus cultures were formed. A correlation was found between the morphogenetic processes and induction of hypericin and pseudohypericin biosynthesis in the callus cultures.  相似文献   

Growth and shaping in colonial hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) are realized due to the functioning of special colony elements, growing tips located at the terminuses of branched colony body. Unlike in plants, the growing tips of colonial hydroids are sites of active cell movements related to morphogenesis and lacking proliferation. The activity of hydroid growing tips is expressed as growth pulsations: cyclic repetitions of their apex extensions and retractions. The parameters of growth pulsations are species specific and related to the shape of a forming element. Here, the succession of cell movements and changes in mutual arrangement within the growing tip are described in detail at all pulsation phases. The role of the inner cell layer in the tip activity was demonstrated for the first time. Relationships between the growing tip parameters, length and diameter, and pulsations are discussed. A scheme is proposed for cyclic processes in both epithelial layers. An explanation is provided for the two-step mode of growth pulsations with relative independence of the main phases. It was proposed that successive activities of the tip ecto-and endoderm serve as driving forces provided there is a hard outer skeleton. This scheme makes it possible to explain some patterns of growth and morphogenesis in colonial hydroids, such as gradually increasing growth rate of a new tip and its maximum growth rate, differences in the parameters of growth pulsations between shoot and stolon tips, shoot base inclination towards the stolon tip, etc., and provides a basis for further improvement of the model of morphogenesis in hydroids.  相似文献   

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