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Decisions regarding the use of building materials are being made based solely on the hazards of chemicals, without conducting risk assessments that account for realistic potential exposures and effects. We present copper as an example of a versatile, sustainable building material for which hazard classification has been misapplied. As a result, copper has been “blacklisted” for use as an exterior building material. However, its purported human health effects are not relevant for exposure to exterior building materials; furthermore, the potential environmental effects to aquatic life are not considered in appropriate contexts. We recommend evaluating risks of copper in runoff water at the point in temporal, chemical, and physical spaces at which organisms of concern will be exposed, instead of evaluating copper concentrations at the point of runoff from copper roofs, gutters, etc. Instead of banning a building material, appropriate institutional controls and/or best management practices should be required to control the release of related substances, if needed. In the absence of risk and/or life cycle assessments, architects and builders might choose regrettable substitutions in which materials posing unknown but potentially higher risks will replace more completely characterized materials that have lower risk in a given application.  相似文献   

A tiered framework for assessing groundwater ecosystem health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The notion of ecosystem health has been widely adopted in environmental policy, particularly in the management of river systems. Despite this, even a notional understanding of ecosystem health and its assessment in connected aquifer ecosystems remains elusive. In this article, we propose a definition and provide a tiered framework for the assessment of ecosystem health in groundwater. From the literature we identify general attributes of a healthy groundwater ecosystem and from these develop primary (Tier 1) indicators of health. Where Tier 1 benchmarks are exceeded or more detailed assessment is required, we discuss a range of indicators (Tier 2) that may together generate a multimetric index of groundwater health. Our case study using samples from an alluvial aquifer in north-western New South Wales, Australia, demonstrates the utility of both tiers of the framework, and the ability of the approach to separate disturbed and undisturbed sites. The process of multimetric development is simple and our Tier 2 benchmarks determined from limited data. Nevertheless, our framework will be applicable and readily adaptable to site-specific contexts.  相似文献   

In assessing an insect-resistant genetically engineered (IRGE) crop before its commercialization, researchers normally use so-called "Tier-1 assays" as the initial step to determine the effects of the crop on non-target organisms. In these tests, the insecticidal proteins (IPs) produced by the IRGEs are added to the diets of test organisms in the laboratory. Test organisms in such assays can be directly exposed to much higher concentrations of the test IPs than they would encounter in the field. The results of Tier-1 assays are thus more conservative than those generated in studies in which the organisms are exposed to the IPs by feeding on IRGE plant tissue or in the case of predators or parasites, by feeding on invertebrate prey or hosts that have fed on IRGE plant tissue. In this report, we consider three important factors that must be considered in Tier-1 assays: (i) methods for delivery of the IP to the test organisms; (ii) the need for and selection of compounds used as positive controls; and (iii) methods for monitoring the concentration, stability and bioactivity of the IP during the assay. We also analyze the existing data from Tier-1 assays regarding the toxicity of Bt Cry proteins to non-target arthropod species. The data indicate that the widely used Bt proteins have no direct toxicity to non-target organisms  相似文献   

A tiered risk assessment was conducted for the use of granular and liquid formulations of chlorpyrifos in corn agroecosystems in the U.S. The initial screening Tier I assessment suggested that under high-exposure scenarios the granular and some spray formulations present potential hazards to birds. Higher tiered probabilistic risk assessments were conducted separately for the granular and liquid formulations. The probabilistic assessment indicated that risk to birds from exposure to granular formulation is small and that this route of exposure would not be a significant source of mortality. Similarly, the assessment of potential exposure of birds to food items contaminated with chlorpyrifos showed that the risk from exposure via food was small, even if it was assumed that birds feed only on the treated fields. Although they have potentially greater sensitivity to chlorpyrifos, effects in nestling birds consuming food items from fields treated with granular chlorpyrifos were negligible. However, risks to young birds may be greater where the major source of food is from fields treated with liquid formulations of chlorpyrifos. A review of field studies showed that wildlife mortality incidents associated with use of either granular or liquid formulations of chlorpyrifos are not widely apparent in agroecosystems. Based on the multiple lines of evidence, we conclude that the presumption that chlorpyrifos use in corn agroecosystems will result in extensive mortality of terrestrial wildlife, particularly birds and mammals, is not supported by the scientific evidence.  相似文献   

True risk assessments address the probability of a future risk occurring given a certain set of circumstances. However, “effects‐initiated assessments”; or “retrospective assessments”; often are improperly included under the broad appellation of “risk assessment”; and are conducted when an apparently adverse effect is seen in some environmental component and the question of cause (i.e., etiology) is raised. Base line risk assessments at Superfund sites or for Natural Resource Damage Assessments are examples of effects‐initiated assessments. We argue here that this type of study is not a risk assessment, either by strict definition of terminology or by logical approach taken in answering the posed question (s), and should more properly be called “diagnostic ecology.”; Diagnostic ecology starts from the premise that ecological effects have occurred and exposure to a Stressor has taken place. The problem then is to pose all possible etiologies and utilize deductive logic to systematically eliminate each agent except for one as the actual cause. A risk assessment, on the other hand, employs inductive reasoning. That is, hypotheses are generated about the possible sources of a stressor and the possible outcome if exposure occurs. Both exercises require an understanding of the ecological relationships of the various components in the ecosystem, both need an understanding of die cause‐and‐effect relationships of agents, and both require a proper framing of the questions being asked. However, risk assessors should not try to fit all environmental impact assessments into a single framework, but rather should recognize that biomedical techniques are better suited for solving diagnostic riddles than are prospective risk assessment approaches.  相似文献   

Latex paint is commonly used by professional and consumer painters. Potential inhalation exposure to chemical vapors from paint has been studied extensively. Potential dermal exposure is not as well studied and existing exposure evaluation methods assume the paint remains wet for the duration of skin contact. However, latex paint may dry quickly and this limits the bioavailability of paint constituents due to the decreased diffusion through a dry film. This study presents a tiered in silico (i.e., computer modeling) approach to evaluate potential dermal exposure to nonvolatile substances using a technique that begins with exposure to a wet paint film and transitions to a dry film. Experiments were performed to help quantify a key parameter, latex paint drying time, and the experimental results were used in a case study to demonstrate the tiered approach. The predicted dermal penetration ranged from 100% of the applied substance for a simple conservative approach to 5% of the applied substance for the refined wet/dry film approach. Assuming the paint film was partially wiped further reduced the predicted penetration to 2%. This study addresses only latex paint but the tiered approach could be modified to evaluate other products.  相似文献   

Radian Corporation conducted an investigation of 29 waste sites at an air force base in New Mexico in partial fulfillment of the RCRA operating permit requirements for the facility. The contract required that the investigation be conducted under the Installation Restoration Program (IRP/CERCLA). In an effort to satisfy both RCRA and CERCLA requirements, a hybrid approach was taken for the risk assessment. Site contaminants ranged from petroleum and unconventional fuels to solvents, pesticides, and PCBs. A screening method was developed to classify the level of contamination at each of the 29 sites based on soil and groundwater sampling results. Under this method, sites were classified as “dirty,”; “clean,”; or “borderline.”; Dirty sites did not require a full‐scale risk assessment because some form of remedial action would be necessary. However, clean sites and borderline sites required a full‐scale risk assessment. For clean sites, the risk assessment served as justification for no further action; for borderline sites, the risk assessment determined whether or not remedial action would be required. The screening method used previously developed multipathway and multimedia models for estimating potential human exposure to environmental contaminants in the air, water, and soil through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact routes. Pathway exposure factors (PEFs), which combined information on human physiology, behavior patterns, and models of environmental transport, were used to determine the relationship between the concentration of environmental contaminants and human exposure. The PEF converts concentrations in environmental media to lifetime‐equivalent chronic daily intakes (CDI). Three exposure pathways contributing the greatest proportion of the risk were considered for screening these sites: (1) incidental ingestion of soil; (2) dermal contact with soil; and (3) ingestion of water. This project demonstrated that a screening approach could be used effectively to limit the number of full‐scale risk assessments required for a multisite investigation.  相似文献   

Field observations of changes in the populations of aquatic weeds and phytoplankton have confirmed that aquatic weeds have antagonistic activity toward phytoplankton. Nutritional studies in the laboratory indicate that cultures of the aquatic weeds, Myriophyllum sp., Ceratophyllum sp., and duckweed (Lemma minor L.); liquid cultures of barley (Hordeum vulgare L., Dickson variety); and cultures of the filamentous green algae, Cladophora sp. and Pithophora oedogonium (Mont.) Withrock, will remain relatively free of epiphytes or competing phytoplankton if the cultures are nitrogen-limited. Field observations of Cladophora sp. have confirmed that the growth of epiphytes on the Cladophora is related to conditions of surplus available nitrogen compounds. It is proposed that this antagonistic activity may be due to a “nitrogen sink” effect in which the aquatic weeds or filamentous green algae prevent the growth of contaminating algae by competition for the limited nitrogen compounds available. However, the presence of bacteria-sized organisms which have selective toxicity to certain algae indicates that perhaps multiple factors exist. Discussed are the ecological implications of associations of certain algae with bacteria that have selective toxicities for other species of algae under certain environmental conditions such as nitrogen-limited growth.  相似文献   

Steel-industry slag, a co-product of iron and steel production, is produced and sold for use in a wide range of applications. A comprehensive study of the potential human health risks associated with the environmental applications (e.g., fill, roadbase, landscaping) of iron- and steel-making slag was performed using characterization data for 73 samples of slag collected from blast furnaces, basic oxygen furnaces, and electric arc furnaces. Characterization data were compared to regulatory health-based “screening” benchmarks to determine constituents of interest. Antimony, beryllium, cadmium, trivalent and hexavalent chromium, manganese, thallium, and vanadium were measured above screening levels and were assessed in an application-specific exposure assessment using standard U.S. Environmental Protection Agency risk assessment methods. A stochastic analysis was conducted to evaluate the variability and uncertainty in the inhalation exposure and risk estimates, and the oral bioaccessibility of certain metals in the slag was quantified. The risk assessment found no significant hazards to human health as a result of the environmental applications of steel-industry slag. However, site-specific ecological risk assessment may be required for slag applications in and around small water bodies with limited dilution volume, because high pH and aluminum were found to leach at levels that may be harmful to aquatic life  相似文献   

MTBE is a gasoline additive addressed in Delaware's Risk-Based Corrective Action Program. Due to inconclusive toxicological data, MTBE is difficult to address in a risk-based fashion pertaining to actual cancer risk. MTBE action levels in Delaware's Risk-Based Corrective Action Program (DERBCAP) are based on the low end of the aesthetic range of the contaminant (10 ppb), not a health-based number. Addressing MTBE in this manner can make it very amenable to risk-based decision making. When MTBE concentrations exceed Tier 1 RBSL values, the site must be remediated to those values or modeled in Tier 2 to calculate Site Specific Target Levels (SSTLs) and demonstrate a stable and shrinking plume. A case study is provided to evaluate the applicability of MTBE in DERBCAP at a site where several shallow, private supply wells were contaminated with MTBE following a gasoline release several hundred feet up-gradient. Following well replacement and site characterization, Tier 2 modeling was performed to establish clean-up goals (RBCA Toolkit). By using initial concentrations at the POC wells and forward calculating concentrations down-gradient, clean up goals were established for the 180 and 230 m POCs at 500 and 1100 ppb, respectively. These clean up goals will be protective of the 10 ppb maximum exposure limit (MEL) established at the down-gradient point of exposure (POE). Modflow (WHI) and MT3D (Zheng 1990) were used to determine if the pump and treat remediation schedule set forth by the consultant was sufficient to remediate to the calculated clean up levels. Transient simulations showed that pumping from wells on the leading and trailing edge of the plume “core” for 1 week each month for 2 years resulted in a drop in POE and source concentrations of 40 to 60%. Although the drop is significant, the down-gradient POE would still be in jeopardy of exceeding the MEL. This suggests that additional and/or more frequent remediation may be necessary.  相似文献   

Insufficient attention has been devoted to inter-population and inter-individual variability of CSR strategy. Hence, we selected Bellevalia webbiana as a case study for answering the following questions: (1) is there a significant intraspecific variability in leaf traits determining a significant intraspecific variability in CSR parameters, even in a narrow endemic species with a relatively homogeneous habitat? (2) If yes, does this provide a significant intraspecific CSR strategy variation? For five populations, we calculated C, S, and R parameters using leaf area, leaf fresh weight, and leaf dry weight for 10 individuals each. We found that Bellevalia webbiana is a “CS” species considering single individuals, populations or the “whole species”. However, our data suggest a significant loss of information if the species is plotted as a single average point, and attest for population-based plasticity, highlighting the applicability of CSR theory at micro-evolutionary scale. When heterogeneity in coefficients of variation (CVs) is higher for the “whole species”, “deviant” populations should be retained as additional points. Hence, we advise to perform CSR analyses on more populations and verify the applicability of a single ternary set to represent the “whole species” using PERMANOVA, complemented by simple CV comparison for each parameter.  相似文献   


The Reference Dose (RfD) and Reference Concentration (RfC) are human health reference values (RfVs) representing exposure concentrations at or below which there is presumed to be little risk of adverse effects in the general human population. The 2009 National Research Council report Science and Decisions recommended redefining RfVs as “a risk-specific dose (for example, the dose associated with a 1 in 100,000 risk of a particular end point).” Distributions representing variability in human response to environmental contaminant exposures are critical for deriving risk-specific doses. Existing distributions estimating the extent of human toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic variability are based largely on controlled human exposure studies of pharmaceuticals. New data and methods have been developed that are designed to improve estimation of the quantitative variability in human response to environmental chemical exposures. Categories of research with potential to provide new data useful for developing updated human variability distributions include controlled human experiments, human epidemiology, animal models of genetic variability, in vitro estimates of toxicodynamic variability, and in vitro-based models of toxicokinetic variability. In vitro approaches, with further development including studies of different cell types and endpoints, and approaches to incorporate non-genetic sources of variability, appear to provide the greatest opportunity for substantial near-term advances.  相似文献   

Studies on fate and toxicity are important aspects in environmental impact assessments of chemicals. In order to elucidate “what is worst” a ranking of the chemicals under investigation is of significant interest, which obviously constitutes a multi-indicator system (MIS). Partial order methodologies turn out to be advantageous tools for analyses of such systems.In the present paper we focus on QSAR generated fate and toxicity indicators of 30 chemicals, comprising of a variety of chemical structures. In many risk assessment studies the level of a multi-indicator system is abandoned and the data are aggregated in order to obtain a composite index. However, such aggregation techniques are far from being trivial. The present paper describes an alternative strategy to handle MIS, i.e., applying partial order methodology leading to useful information. The paper demonstrate how partial order techniques lead to a weak order of the 30 chemicals as well as to the relative importance of the single indicators included in the study. Specifically, the paper addresses the topics on the “relations between the indicators” and “do chemical structures constitute a valid basis for ranking chemicals according to their environmental impact?”.  相似文献   

A scientific workshop was held in 2006 to discuss the use of in vitro Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion (ADME) data in chemical bioaccumulation assessments for fish. Computer-based (in silico) modeling tools are widely used to estimate chemical bioaccumulation. These in silico methods have inherent limitations that result in inaccurate estimates for many compounds. Based on a review of the science, workshop participants concluded that two factors, absorption and metabolism, represent the greatest sources of uncertainty in current bioaccumulation models. Both factors can be investigated experimentally using in vitro test systems. A variety of abiotic and biotic systems have been used to predict chemical accumulation by invertebrates, and dietary absorption of drugs and xenobiotics by mammals. Research is needed to determine whether these or similar methods can be used to better predict chemical absorption across the gills and gut of fish. Scientists studying mammals have developed a stepwise approach to extrapolate in vitro hepatic metabolism data to the whole animal. A series of demonstration projects was proposed to investigate the utility of these in vitro–in vivo extrapolation procedures in bioaccumulation assessments for fish and delineate the applicability domain of different in vitro test systems. Anticipating research progress on these topics, participants developed a “decision tree” to show how in vitro information for individual compounds could be used in a tiered approach to improve bioaccumulation assessments for fish and inform the possible need for whole-animal testing.  相似文献   

Trait‐based climate vulnerability assessments based on expert evaluation have emerged as a rapid tool to assess biological vulnerability when detailed correlative or mechanistic studies are not feasible. Trait‐based assessments typically view vulnerability as a combination of sensitivity and exposure to climate change. However, in some locations, a substantial amount of information may exist on system productivity and environmental conditions (both current and projected), with potential disparities in the information available for data‐rich and data‐poor stocks. Incorporating this level of detailed information poses challenges when conducting, and communicating uncertainty from, rapid vulnerability assessments. We applied a trait‐based vulnerability assessment to 36 fish and invertebrate stocks in the eastern Bering Sea (EBS), a data‐rich ecosystem. In recent years, the living marine resources of the EBS and Aleutian Islands have supported fisheries worth more than US $1 billion of annual ex‐vessel value. Our vulnerability assessment uses projections (to 2039) from three downscaled climate models, and graphically characterizes the variation in climate projections between climate models and between seasons. Bootstrapping was used to characterize uncertainty in specific biological traits and environmental variables, and in the scores for sensitivity, exposure, and vulnerability. The sensitivity of EBS stocks to climate change ranged from “low” to “high,” but vulnerability ranged between “low” and “moderate” due to limited exposure to climate change. Comparison with more detailed studies reveals that water temperature is an important variable for projecting climate impacts on stocks such as walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus), and sensitivity analyses revealed that modifying the rule for determining vulnerability increased the vulnerability scores. This study demonstrates the importance of considering several uncertainties (e.g., climate projections, biological, and model structure) when conducting climate vulnerability assessments, and can be extended in future research to consider the vulnerability of user groups dependent on these stocks.  相似文献   

From 1972 to 1974 the invertebrates of a woodland-brooklet of the “Naturpark Kottenforst-Ville” (Rhineland) were investigated concerning abundance and standing crop at selected sampling stations of the “epirhithron”. In the shaded brooklet the allochthonous autumn-shed leaves proved to be the most important food for the aquatic invertebrates. Carbon-14 radioisotope tags were used to get data on the primary productivity of the periphyton community, which is less important for the energy balance of the macrobenthic organisms. The most frequent macroconsumers are Gammarus fossarum KOCH, Leptophlebia marginata L. and some caddis larvae which feed directly on detritus and decomposing leaves.  相似文献   

Theoretical ecological models, such as succession and facilitation, were defined in terrestrial habitats, and subsequently applied to marine and freshwater habitats in intertidal and then subtidal realms. One such model is the soil seed bank, defined as all viable seeds (or fruits) found near the soil surface that facilitate community restoration/recovery. “Banks of microscopic forms” have been hypothesized in aquatic habitats and recent work from aquaculture has highlighted dormancy in algal life cycle stages. To reinvigorate the discussions about these algal banks, we discuss differences in life cycles, dispersal, and summarize research on banks of macroalgal stages in aquatic ecosystems that may be easier to explore with modern advances in molecular technology. With focus on seminal work in global kelp forest ecosystems, we present a pilot study in northern California as proof of concept that Nereocystis luetkeana and Alaria marginata stages can be detected within kelp forests in the biofilm of rocks and bedrock using targeted primers long after zoospore release. Considering the increased interest in algae as an economic resource, [blue] carbon sink, and as ecosystem engineers, the potential for “banking” macroalgal forms could be a mechanism of resilience and recovery in aquatic populations that have complex life cycles and environmental cues for reproduction. Molecular barcoding is becoming an important tool for identifying banks of macroalgal forms in marine communities. Understanding banks of macroalgal stages, especially in deforested habitats with intense disturbance and grazer pressure, will allow researchers and marine resource managers to facilitate this natural process in recovery of the aquatic system.  相似文献   

Environmental issues related to selenium are complex and not universally understood. This paper provides detailed information regarding selenium and associated aquatic environmental issues, and then introduces and comments on five debate/commentary papers discussing selenium in the context of the title of this paper. Selenium has a complex and not fully understood biogeochemistry in the aquatic environment as well as an unusual mode of toxicity (acute via water column exposure; chronic via food chain exposure). It has the narrowest range between nutritional requirements and toxicity of any essential element, and chronic toxicity is not readily predictable. Selenium contamination of waters or even of tissues does not necessarily indicate a ticking time bomb; there are no generally accepted or universally accepted threshold values for chronic toxicity. Assessing risk must be done site-specifically in a risk assessment framework, focusing on reproductive effects to sensitive exposed fish and waterfowl and on “worst case” hydrologic units. Unless selenium inputs decrease or site-specific biogeochemistry can be shown not to change, continued biological monitoring and testing are required. Provided the necessary investigative and monitoring studies are done, any potential selenium time bombs can be defused.  相似文献   

Spurious correlations is a fundamental problem in situations where the y‐variable is a function of x, such as ratios u/x versus x or u, or products, such as u × x versus x or u, or expressions such as (u–x) versus x. The theory of spurious correlations was developed more than 100 years ago and yet there are numerous papers in aquatic ecology presenting results as if they were mechanistically meaningful when they, in fact, are clearly spurious. This is specifically so in contexts related to some of the most important issues in aquatic ecology namely the question of “limiting” nutrient and the Redfield ratio, defined as either TN/TP or DIN/DIP (TN = total‐N, TP = total‐P, DIN = dissolved inorganic N, DIP dissolved inorganic P). We have demonstrated by systematic tests using randomly generated data that the patterns in spurious relationships can be identical to patterns in empirical data that have been interpretated in mechanistic terms. We have collected empirical data from the Baltic Sea, Kattegat and Skagerack and tested those data to see if spurious relationships exist. The r2 ‐values vary from 0.90 (TN/TP versus TP), 0.67 (DIN/DIP versus DIN), 0.40 (DIN/DIP versus DIP) to 0.014 (TN/TP versus TN). Very little mechanistic understanding about “limiting nutrient” and/or the role of TN/TP or DIN/DIP‐ratios can be deduced from these – and similar results – because they are spurious. We have also shown that the ratios TN/TP and DIN/DIP have significantly higher coefficients of variations (CV) than TN, TP, DIN and DIP individually. This explains why these ratios generally are poor predictors in contexts of nutrient limitation and in modeling of primary production. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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