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Abstract. Several measures of biodiversity were calculated (species richness SR, species diversity H', species evenness J', mean similarity, mosaic diversity and factorial diversity) in vascular plant communities along a landscape gradient in the Seine valley, Normandy, France. For these communities, we also recorded environmental and management data. Species and environmental data were analysed simultaneously by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) in order to study their relationships. CCA identifies one main landscape gradient linked to a set of highly linked ecological factors. Three community types were identified along this gradient: calcicolous communities on chalk slopes, mesophilous communities on colluvium and hydrophilous communities on alluviums. The measures of biodiversity between these groups and their variations along the landscape gradient indicate similar patterns for H', J' and SR. Between‐community biodiversity measures allow consideration of the distribution of species among communities in the landscape. Factorial diversity accounts for the organisation of the communities with reference to the basic mechanisms of species coexistence. Affinity analysis (similarity and mosaic diversity) measures the compositional pattern diversity, which is the function of the variation in species richness. We discuss the indicative versus the predictive value of these measures of biodiversity as regards ecological factors and processes and their application for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Scales of spatial patterns of distribution of intertidal invertebrates   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Few comparative studies of spatial patterns at different scales have examined several species in the same habitat or the same species over a range of habitats. Therefore, variability in patterns among species or among habitats has seldom been documented. This study quantifies spatial patterns of a suite of intertidal snails and a species of barnacle using a range of statistical techniques. Variability in densities was quantified from the scale of adjacent quadrats (over a distance of centimeters) to tens of kilometers. Significant differences in abundances occurred primarily at two spatial scales. Small-scale differences were found at the scales of centimeters or 1–2 m and, for many species on many shores, these accounted for most of the variability in abundances from place to place. These are likely to be determined by behavioural responses to small-scale patches of microhabitat. Large-scale differences in abundance were also found in most species at the scale of hundreds of meters alongshore. These are likely to be due to variation in recruitment (and/or mortality) because of limited dispersal by adults of these species. There was little or no additional variation among shores, separated by tens of kilometers, than was shown among patches of shore separated by hundreds of meters. Identification of the scale(s) at which significant differences in abundance are found focus attention on the processes (and the scales at which these processes operate) that influence patterns of distribution and abundance. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of various procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

Blanchette  C. A.  Raimondi  P. T.  Wilson  M.  Lohse  D.  Kendall  A.  Kusic  K.  Livingston  H.  Maloney  E.  & Williams  M. 《Journal of phycology》2003,39(S1):4-4
This research was directed to gather a better understanding about the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas acidophila, one of the 6 algal species found in the Berkeley Pit Lake. Berkeley Pit Lake is a flodded, abandoned pit mine with a pH of 2.7 and high metal concentrations. It has been found that the effective concentrations of metals that limit the growth of C. acidophila by 50% were 9.024 mg/L for Cu2+ and 75.4 mg/L for Zn 2+. We have been able to grow C. acidophila from Berkeley Pit samples at high densities in medium containing 15.36 mg/L Cu2+ and 83.65 mg/L Zn2+. Moreover, this species is able to grow in nutrified Berkeley Pit water, which contains approximately 110 mg/L Cu2+ and 323 mg/L of Zn2+. The hypothesis is that the species found in Berkeley Pit Lake represents a genetic strain adapted to high metal concentrations environments. A comparison between the American Type Culture Collection strain of C. acidophila and the strain collected from Berkeley Pit was made. Growth rate of the two strains in Bold Basil Medium, Modified Acid Medium and Berkeley Pit nutrified water were calculated and compared. Moreover, preliminary investigations of the genome of C.acidophila from the Berkeley Pit Lake were initiated.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate into the feeding ecology of the dominant copepods along a salinity gradient in Chikugo estuary. Copepod composition was studied from samples collected from stations positioned along the salinity gradient of the estuary. Copepod gut pigment concentrations were measured by fluorescence technique and hydrographical parameters such as temperature, salinity, transparency, suspended particulate matter (SPM); pigments such as chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), phaeopigment; and particulate nutrients such as particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) were measured. Two distinct zones in terms of nutrient and pigment concentrations as well as copepod distribution and feeding were identified along the estuary. We identified a zone of turbidity maximum (TM) in the low saline upper estuary which was characterized by having higher SPM, higher POC and PON but lower POC:PON ratios, higher pigment concentrations but lower Chl-a/SPM ratios and higher copepod dry biomass. Sinocalanus sinensis was the single dominant copepod in low saline upper estuary where significantly higher concentrations of nutrients and pigments were recorded and a multispecies copepod assemblage dominated by common coastal copepods such as Acartia omorii, Oithona davisae and Paracalanus parvus was observed in the lower estuary where nutrient and pigment concentrations were lower. Copepods in the estuary are predominantly herbivorous, feeding primarily on pigment bearing plants. However, completely contrasting trophic environments were found in the upper and the lower estuary. It was speculated from the Chl-a and phaeopigment values that copepods in the upper estuary receive energy from a detritus-based food web while in the lower estuary an algal-based food web supports copepod growth. Overall, the upper estuary was identified to provide a better trophic environment for copepod and is associated with higher SPM concentrations and elevated turbidity. The study demonstrates the role of estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) in habitat trophic richness for copepod feeding. The study points out the role of detritus-based food web as energy source for the endemic copepod S. sinensis in the upper estuary, which supports as nursery for many fish species.  相似文献   

A. J. Underwood 《Oecologia》1978,36(3):317-326
Summary A simple method for detecting non-random patterns of distribution of the boundaries of species is described. The method uses transects running across a community, where the number of upper and lower boundaries of species in each quadrat is recorded. The expected number of quadrats containing one or more boundaries can be calculated from the binomial distribution. The mean deviation of observed from expected number of such quadrats, for a set of transects, can be tested for departures from zero. Significant departures greater than zero indicate regular dispersion of boundaries. A mean deviation significantly less than zero indicates clustering of the boundaries. The method is unbiased and thus corrects previously published methods.  相似文献   

1. Describing and understanding patterns in biological diversity along major geographical gradients is an important topic in ecology. Samples collected from a large number of physically and chemically comparable stream sites along a 4000 m gradient of altitude in the Andes of Ecuador served to characterise patterns of family richness of aquatic macroinvertebrates at the scale of the stream site (local) and at that of discrete altitudinal zones. 2. Both mean local and zonal family richness decreased by about 50% from sea level to 4000 m a.s.l. Local richness declined linearly, while zonal richness remained constant from sea level up to a threshold altitude of about 1800 m, whereafter it decreased. 3. From sea level to 1800 m few families were lost from zonal richness and few were gained. From 1800 to 3800 m the decrease in the number of families was accounted for by a loss of families present in lowland streams, with few new families gained. Hence, there was relatively little turnover of families along the entire gradient. 4. The diverging pattern of local and zonal richness was caused by sporadically occurring families inflating zonal richness at mid‐altitudes. If the sporadic families were represented by the same species found commonly in the lowlands, then the mid‐altitudinal zonal richness would be maintained by a ‘rescue effect’. More probably, however, the sporadically occurring families found at mid‐altitudes are each represented by new species replacing each other along the gradient, the families progressively diminishing in species richness and occurrence as the overall temperature tolerance of the family is approached. 5. This study demonstrates that spatial scale affects altitudinal patterns in the taxonomic richness of stream invertebrates. It also showed that family‐level identification can facilitate interpretation of sources and sinks of biodiversity along geographic gradients.  相似文献   

Kanamori  Yuki  Fukaya  Keiichi  Noda  Takashi 《Population Ecology》2017,59(4):301-313
Population Ecology - Here we considered two fundamental questions in community ecology regarding the relationship between seasonal changes in community structure and environmental gradients: (i)...  相似文献   

The long history of human influence on northern temperate landscapes has created a mosaic of successional stages, from closed forest to open grassland. Various species thus adapted to different habitats and it is interesting to explore how these differences in species composition among particular successional stages translate into differences at the community level. For this purpose, we surveyed breeding birds in 233 patches of five different habitats covering a gradient from bare ground to forest in 29 abandoned military training sites scattered throughout the Czech Republic. Linear mixed effects modelling revealed that late-successional habitats (dense scrubland and forest) were the most species-rich, whereas early-successional stages hosted bird communities with the highest habitat specialization and threat level. These results suggest that the habitats of late-successional stages are important for the maintenance of high bird species richness, but that early-successional habitats are essential for highly specialized and threatened bird species. Given the highly adverse impacts of agricultural intensification and land abandonment on open habitats, it is necessary to promote factors creating initial successional stages suitable for specialized and threatened species.  相似文献   

Estuarine intertidal soft-bottom macrobenthic infauna of the Tagus estuary was characterised using different mesh size sieves and sediment sampling depth. The study sampled 105 sites using a hand held 0.01 m2 corer. The top layer (0–5 cm) was sieved through nested 1.0 and 0.5 mm meshes whereas the bottom layer (5–20 cm) was through a 1 mm mesh. The total survey took 26 taxa of more than 5800 individuals and a total wet weight biomass of over 650 g. The top layer, using both sieves, gathered 23 taxa (92% of the total), more than 5600 specimens (96%) but less than 8 g of biomass (1%) whereas the 1.0 mm sieve retained 21 taxa (91%), more than 1700 specimens (31%) and almost 7 g of biomass (1%). Abundance was dominated by small annelids, of which Streblospio shrubsolii was 68%, whereas biomass was dominated by molluscs, with the bivalve Scrobicularia plana representing 98%. Multivariate analyses showed an abundance pattern where the top layer data was very similar to that obtained with both layers. The bottom layer data were needed to accurately represent the total biomass pattern. The macrofaunal spatial pattern identified with the 0.5 mm sieve data differed from that identified by the 1.0 mm and was essential to discriminate a faunal assemblage located along the upper part of the shore. It was concluded that in order to characterize the macrofauna community structure, based on the presence/absence of taxa, the top layer and a 1.0 mm sieve would be sufficient. An abundance-based characterization requires the top layer and a 0.5 mm sieve whereas a biomass-based characterization requires data for both layers but it is sufficient to use the 1.0 mm sieve. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Despite being one of the most intensely studied habitat types worldwide, the intertidal region around Antarctica has received little more than superficial study. Despite this, the first detailed study of a single locality on the Antarctic Peninsula reported previously unanticipated levels of species richness, biomass and diversity in cryptic intertidal habitats. The current study extends the coverage achieved from this single locality. The intertidal zone at sites in the Scotia Arc, the Falkland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula was investigated. At all the study sites selected, a wide range of macrofauna was found inhabiting the littoral fringe. These communities, although generally cryptic and occupying predominantly the undersides of boulders and protected interstices, at some locations and sites were rich at multiple taxonomic levels. Across the study locations species richness in the intertidal zone ranged from 7 to 30 species. The highest species richness and diversity were found at high latitude localities, which experienced the highest physical disturbance due to ice scour, and appeared superficially to be denuded of life. Species assemblages varied with latitude with Adelaide Island having a high proportion of bryozoans relative to all other localities.  相似文献   


Background: Several studies have documented the variation in species diversity patterns along elevational gradients in the Himalaya, but few have reported the evolutionary and biogeographic processes behind these patterns.

Aims: To understand whether evolutionary history and phylogeny have any role in structuring plant species communities along an elevational gradient in the Sikkim Himalaya.

Methods: We used data on endemic plant species occurrence from primary and secondary sources to construct family-level phylogenetic supertrees for different growth forms with the help of Phylomatic tool of Phylocom. These phylogenetic supertrees were used as a base for testing phylogenetic diversity (PD), niche conservatism, diversification time patterns and phylogenetic structure of various plant growth forms along an elevational gradient.

Results: PD was the highest at mid-elevations for all growth forms and PD had a significant positive correlation with endemic species richness. Species at mid-elevations were dominated by the ancestral/primitive taxa. There was phylogenetic clustering at higher elevations and phylogenetic overdispersion at lower and mid-elevations for the majority of the growth forms.

Conclusions: Time-for-speciation effect and niche conservatism along elevation (retention of niche-related ancestral elevational distribution over evolutionary time scale by species) together determine plant species diversity patterns in the Himalaya.  相似文献   

Substantive encroachment of Phragmites australis (common reed) occurred since the 1970s in the Wilderness estuarine lakes, a National Park and Ramsar site. Cutting of reeds in late summer as a means of controlling reed encroachment was investigated under three different inundation regimes, termed ‘wet zone’ (permanently inundated), ‘moist zone’ (infrequently inundated) and ‘dry zone’ (rarely inundated). The effects of a single annual cut were furthermore compared to those of two successive annual cuts. Without cutting, wet zones had thinner and shorter, but more abundant reeds than drier zones. Cutting in dry and moist zones resulted after one year in more, but shorter and thinner reeds, whereas in wet zones reeds were almost eliminated. After two years, reeds in wet zones had not recovered from the first annual cut. In moist and dry zones, a second annual cut did not result in amplified detrimental effects on reeds. Throughout the experiment, moisture zone was the factor with the largest effect, cutting had the second largest impact, and inter-annual variation was relatively unimportant. We have demonstrated that cutting alone has minimal long-term effect on above-ground reed biomass, whereas reed growth and survivorship can be strongly suppressed through cutting in late-summer in conjunction with inundation with moderately saline water (5.0–7.5 g kg−1). Cut reeds must remain completely inundated for at least a four-week period, or else emerging shoots should be re-cut below the water level. Cut material should be removed from the treatment site. Whenever possible, cutting and inundation should be undertaken to coincide with periods when salinity levels of surface waters are higher. It is foreseen that reed management in the Wilderness Lakes would have positive effects on other biota by countering progression towards single species domination of wetland plant communities and reinstating exposed sandbanks which are extensively utilised by resident and migratory waterbirds.  相似文献   

中国河口湿地研究现状及展望   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
黄桂林  何平  侯盟 《应用生态学报》2006,17(9):1751-1756
河口湿地由于其发育和形成过程较为特殊,加上其丰富的动植物资源以及重要的经济地位,已成为我国湿地研究领域的一个新热点.本文在分析中国河口湿地分布与特征的基础上,从河口湿地生物多样性、河口湿地生态过程及动态变化、河口湿地的形成和发育机制、河口湿地景观格局及动态演变、河口湿地恢复与重建、河口湿地的人地关系、河口湿地与全球变化、河口湿地评价以及数字河口湿地建设等方面总结了我国河口湿地研究现状.尽管中国河口湿地研究的方向和成果已经比较丰富,但与国外相比,在技术和理念上还存在一定差距.结合国外河口湿地研究的最新动态,提出了中国河口湿地未来研究的4个重要方向:河口湿地的人地关系、河口湿地的恢复和重建、河口湿地与全球变化以及河口湿地综合信息系统建设.  相似文献   

We examined forms of solid phosphorus fractions in intertidal marsh sediments along a salinity (0–22%.) gradient in a river-dominated estuary and in a marine-dominated salt marsh with insignificant freshwater input. Freshwater marsh sediments had the highest ratio of organic N:P of between 28:1 and 47:1 mol:mol, compared to 211 to 311 molmol in the saltmarshes, which is consistent with a trend toward P-limitation of primary production in freshwater and N-limitation in salt marshes. However, total P concentration, 24.7±11.1mol P g dw–1 (±1 SD) averaged over the upper meter of sediment, was greatest in the freshwater marsh where bioavailablity of P is apparently limited. In the freshwater marsh the greatest fraction of total P (24–51%.) was associated with humic acids, while the importance of humic-P decreased with increasing salinity to 1–23%. in the salt marshes. Inorganic P contributed considerably less to total sediment P in the freshwater marsh (15–40%.) than in the salt marshes (33–85%.). In reduced sediments at all sites, phosphate bound to aluminum oxides and clays was an important inorganic P pool irrespective of salinity. Inorganic P associated with ferric iron [Fe(III)] phases was most abundant in surface sediments of freshwater and brackish marshes, while Ca-bound P dominated inorganic P pools in the salt marshes. Thus, our results showed that particle-bound P in marsh sediments exhibited changes in chemical association along the salinity gradient of an estuarine system, which is a likely consequence of changes in ionic strength and the availability of iron and calcium.  相似文献   

徐艺逸  曹敏  徐国瑞 《生态学报》2020,40(14):5008-5017
弹尾类是土壤动物中常见的优势类群,其作为土壤微食物网的重要组成部分,参与凋落物分解、土壤团聚体形成等重要生态过程。以往对弹尾类分布格局的研究通常关注其在不同海拔梯度或者不同生境类型下的分布情况,但在不同气候带下弹尾类多样性沿纬度分布格局仍不清楚。为讨论不同气候带下弹尾类沿纬度的分布格局及其潜在的环境影响机制,于2017年10月(雨季末期)在云南省同一经度(E 101°)分布的三种典型气候带设置海拔梯度样带:热带雨林(西双版纳,800 m、1000 m、1200 m、1400 m)、亚热带常绿阔叶林(哀牢山,2000 m、2200 m、2400 m、2600 m)、亚高山针叶林(丽江玉龙雪山,3200 m、3400 m、3600 m、3800 m),采集凋落物层弹尾类并调查分析土壤温度、土壤含水量、凋落物厚度、土壤pH、土壤容重及土壤孔隙度等环境因子。利用Berlese-Tullgren法收集土壤动物,共获得弹尾类19150只,隶属于10科29属,其中符■属(39.9%,等节■科)数量最多,其余优势属为棘■属(21.7%,棘■科)和球角■属(10.1%,球角■科),这3个属合计占总体的71.7%。凋落物层弹尾类的密度在亚高山针叶林明显高于热带雨林和亚热带常绿阔叶林,弹尾类的属数排序由多到少依次为热带雨林、亚高山针叶林、亚热带常绿阔叶林。通过最小二乘回归法对弹尾类多样性的海拔格局进行回归分析,得出弹尾类的丰富度指数(Margalef′s指数、Menhinick′s指数)、多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数)和均匀度指数(Pielou均匀度指数)沿热带雨林、亚热带常绿阔叶林、亚高山针叶林呈单调递减格局。通过全模型子集回归筛选最佳环境模型表明,温度是影响弹尾类多样性沿不同气候带分布格局的主要环境因子。本研究为预测不同气候带下弹尾类多样性如何响应环境变化提供参考。  相似文献   

Increasing plant diversity has long been hypothesized to negatively affect levels of invertebrate herbivory due to a lower number of specialist insect herbivores in more diverse sites, but studies of natural systems have been rare. We used a planned comparison to study herbivory in a set of 19 semi-natural montane grasslands managed as hay meadows. Herbivory was measured in transects through the plant communities, and in individuals of Plantago lanceolata and Trifolium pratense that were transplanted into each meadow. In addition, plant community biomass and arthropod abundances were determined in the grasslands. Before the first mowing in June, mean herbivory levels correlated negatively with plant species richness, as predicted by theory, but they were also significantly affected by plant community biomass and plant community composition. After mowing, herbivory levels were only significantly related to plant community composition. Damage levels in the transplants were lower than herbivory levels in the established plant communities. Most insect herbivores were generalists and not specialists. The number of insect herbivores and spiders were positively correlated and tended to increase with increasing plant species richness. Herbivory levels were correlated negatively with spider abundances. We conclude that while the predicted negative relationship between plant species richness and insect herbivory can be found in grasslands, the underlying mechanism involves generalist rather than specialist herbivores. Our data also suggest a role of natural enemies in generalist herbivore activities.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

于2006年9月和2007年7月在中街山列岛4个有居民海岛岩相潮间带设立8个断面,对大型底栖动物的群落结构进行了调查。共获得大型底栖动物34种,其中腔肠动物1种,环节动物3种,甲壳动物10种,软体动物20种。优势种有日本笠藤壶(Tetraclita japonica)、紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis)和节蝾螺(Turb articulatus)等4种。以季节和站位为因子对多样性指数进行双因素方差分析,结果表明只有夏、秋季丰富度指数(P=0.028)存在显著差异,其他指数的方差分析没有显著差异(P>0.05)。3个潮带4个岛屿共12个站位的聚类分析和MDS标序分析表明,12个群落可分为3组(Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ组)。大型底栖动物ABC曲线分析表明底栖动物群落尚未受到干扰。  相似文献   

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