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Microsurgical replantation of amputated testes were performed in two patients. Both were caused by trauma to the genitoperineal regions. These reconstructed testes are viable and not atrophic grossly. The patients are satisfied with these operations.  相似文献   

Despite advances in head and neck reconstruction with free-tissue transfer techniques, oropharyngocutaneous fistulas continue to present challenging and potentially lethal complications. The authors present a system for prioritizing these fistulas and the surgical management of nine patients in whom critical fistulas developed after microsurgical head and neck reconstruction. The indications for aggressive management of these fistulas were primarily dependent on their location. Three peristomal and six midneck fistulas were considered critical because of the risk of aspiration pneumonia and carotid artery blowout, respectively. Fistulas located in the submental and/or submandibular region were considered noncritical and were managed conservatively. Using the concept of a "tissue plug" for fistula repair, a dermal component (i.e., a deltopectoral or pectoralis major pedicled flap) is guided through the fistula, and with external traction the tissue "plugs" the tract. No sutures are placed directly in the surrounding friable tissue. There were no partial or total flap losses. There were two fistula recurrences in patients who had received postoperative radiation therapy. One of these recurrences was due to tumor recurrence within the previous fistula and was managed with palliative measures. The other fistula recurrence was closed with a local-flap procedure on an outpatient basis. All patients resumed oral feeding, except for the patient in whom tumor recurrence was suspected. This tissue-plug technique can be used in the management of critical peristomal and/or midneck oropharyngocutaneous fistulas not only to obliterate the tract but also to augment volume and vascularity in already damaged, ischemic, and deficient tissue.  相似文献   

Cerebellar connections were investigated in the turtle using a technique of unilateral application of horseradish peroxidase to the body and the nuclei of the cerebellum as well as the structures of the mesencephalic tegmentum. Findings showed that the origins of projections to the cerebellum in the caudal sections of the brain (vestibular nuclei, perihypoglossal complex, inferior reticular formation with the inferior olive, the spinal chord, etc.) were more numerous than in the rostral mesodiencephalic regions, such as the tegmentum and the pretectum. Extensive efferent cerebellar projections were detected both in the medulla, including the vestibular nuclei and nuclei of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord, and in the mesencephalic tegmentum, but were rare in the hypothalamus and the ventral somatic section of the thalamus. The conclusion was reached that the closest similarity between reptiles and mammals is seen in the afferent and efferent connections linking the cerebellum with the spinal cord, the caudal sections of the brain stem, and the mesencephalic brain structures, which have a common involvement in the regulation of muscle tonus and the coordination of locomotor activity.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 786–794, November–December, 1985.  相似文献   

Morphological study of bronchial anastomoses repair made with or without microsurgical techniques has been performed in 30 mongrel dogs. Comparative analysis of bronchoscopy, microscopy and scanning electronic microscopy data shows earlier epithelialization, more regular conjunction of bronchial tube and less marked inflammation in anastomosis made with microsurgical techniques. The fact may be explained by a less pronounced traumatization of bronchial tissues with microinstruments and also by tight suture of mucosal layer which creates favourable conditions for repair of anastomosis per primam.  相似文献   

Changes in phospholipids and their fatty acid composition in liver mitochondria obtained from allogenic rats with orthotopic liver transplants were measured with and without immunosuppressive treatment. In untreated allogenic rats, mitochondrial phosphorylation activity was severely deteriorated at 8 days after transplantation. A significant change was also found in the amount of cardiolipin compared with other classes of phospholipids. Namely, cardiolipin decreased, and lysodiphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol increased concomitantly. Furthermore, the percentage of linoleic acid in cardiolipin decreased dramatically. Decrease in cardiolipin and changes in its fatty acid composition may be attributed to the deterioration of mitochondrial function upon acute rejection.  相似文献   

In 54 dogs 76 operations on plastics of the common carotid arteries with the femoral vein segments have been performed. The animals have been observed for 3 days--1.5 years. The grafts, preserving their permeability, have been studied using a complex of anatomical, histological and micromorphometric techniques. At early stages after the operation (up to 7 days), dystrophic and necrobiotic changes predominate in the wall of the venous graft. As a result of overstretching of the denervated and devascularized vessel, under the effect of a high arterial pressure, nearly total rejection of the endothelial lining takes place, as well as death of some smooth myocytes in the middle tunic; this determines appearance of early thromboses. During 2-6 months after the operation, against the background of a good revascularization of the graft, restorative and adaptive changes develop in its wall. The intima becomes thick at the expense of formation of the obliquely situating layer of myocytes, as well as the result of parietal thromboses organizing on the deendothelized internal surface. These thickenings are especially well seen in the zones of anastomoses. In 6 months--1.5 years after the transplantation into the artery, as a result of constriction of the vessels feeding the graft and reduction of blood stream along them, atrophic and sclerotic changes increase in the wall. The intimal thickenings often acquire the pattern of fibrous patches, that make the lumen more narrow; this can cause appearance of late occlusions and thromboses of the grafts.  相似文献   

Five male and 5 female clones of Schistosoma mansoni were established and maintained for 3 yr by the serial microsurgical transplantation of sporocysts from infected to uninfected Biomphalaria glabrata snails. The clones were initially derived from 10 randomly selected snails with monomiracidial infections. Clones were characterized by several criteria, including their infectivities for mice and snails, their cercarial outputs, and their ability to produce immunity in mice. The mean infectivities of individual clones in mice ranged from 26 to 44%, and were highly consistent within each clone. The infectivities of cloned sporocysts in snails ranged from 44 to 100% and were also highly consistent within clones. Mean cercarial outputs from individual clones ranged from 450 to 4,300 per snail. In mice, clones differed significantly from each other in their ability to immunize and in their susceptibility to immunity. Each clone was unique and did not appear to differ with time or subpassaging through snails, suggesting that the differences had a genetic basis.  相似文献   

【背景】森林土壤中携带了大量种子和微生物,已经被广泛用于各种退化生态系统的植被恢复。但是,关于土壤迁播到退化生态系统后的真菌和细菌群落变化研究较少。【目的】研究土壤迁播后真菌和细菌的组成和多样性,比对其与森林母土和受体土壤之间的物种组成与群落差异。【方法】通过Illumina HiSeq高通量测序,获取迁播15个月的土壤、森林母土及受体土壤中真菌和细菌特征值,比对其多样性和丰富度。【结果】3类样地真菌优势菌门为担子菌门和子囊菌门,细菌优势菌门为酸杆菌门、变形菌门、放线菌门和绿弯菌门,土壤迁播后显著改变了真菌和细菌优势菌门的相对丰度。主成分分析表明3类样地真菌和细菌群落组成存在显著差异。聚类分析表明迁播土壤与受体土壤聚类距离更近,物种组成更相似,真菌和细菌优势属与受体土壤无显著差异。迁播土壤的真菌和细菌丰富度和多样性与森林母土差异显著(P0.05)。【结论】森林土壤迁播15月后,其细菌和真菌物种组成逐步趋同于受体土壤。该结果为进一步研究石漠化微生物生态系统、改善和提升土壤迁播技术提供支撑。  相似文献   

Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) and osteochondral autograft transplantation (OAT or mosaicplasty) are two effective surgeries for the treatment of large cartilage defects for more than two decades. But there are always some controversies about which one has the better outcomes for the patients. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to compare the outcomes of these two surgeries and give an advice to the clinical practices. The literature search was performed on multiple electronic databases with specific included criteria. After the assessments, five Randomized controlled trials (level II) were included and two of them were in the same cohort. The continuous data of outcomes were categorized into ranked ones (excellent, good, fair and poor) for comparisons. In the six comparisons of excellent or good results and poor results, the outcomes of ACI were significantly better than OAT in only one comparison (RR 2.57, 95 % CI 1.09–6.07, P = 0.03) while others had no significant differences. We may reach a primary conclusion that there is no significant different outcome between ACI and OAT in a short-term follow-up but it may indicate that the patients with OAT may be more likely to have worse condition than that with ACI for a long-term period.  相似文献   

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