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激光扫描共聚焦显微镜系统及其在细胞生物学中的应用   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
激光扫描共聚焦显微镜是近十年发展起来的医学图象分析仪器,现已广泛应用于荧光定量测量、共焦图象分析、三维图象重建、活细胞动力学参数监测和胞间通讯研究等方面。其性能为普通光学显微镜质的飞跃,是电子显微镜的一个补充。本文以美国Meridian公司的ACASULTIMA312为例简要介绍了激光扫描共聚焦显微镜系统的结构、功能和生物学应用前景。  相似文献   

Confocal laser scanning microscopy combined with a vital stain was used to study apoptosis in organogenesis-stage mouse embryos. Apoptosis has previously been visualized in whole embryos using the vital dyes acridine orange, Nile blue sulfate, and neutral red. In the present study, mouse embryos were harvested on Gestation Day 9 and stained with the vital lysosomal dye LysoTracker Red. Following incubation in the stain, embryos were fixed overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde, dehydrated in a graded methanol series, and cleared in benzyl alcohol/benzyl benzoate. The resulting embryo is almost transparent and retains specific LysoTracker Red staining. To achieve optical sectioning through embryos, it was necessary to use low-power objectives. With this procedure, the entire embryo can be optically sectioned and reconstructed in three dimensions to reveal areas of dye staining. Our results demonstrate specific regions undergoing programmed cell death in normal development and increased LysoTracker staining in embryos exposed to hydroxyurea. This procedure allows for the optical imaging of whole Day 9 ( approximately 22 somites) embryos that were greater than 700 microm thick in the z axis and can be applied to studies involving neural tube formation or other aspects of organogenesis.  相似文献   

介绍了应用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜, 结合免疫荧光技术研究卵母细胞和早期胚胎细胞骨架的方法.观察了β-微管蛋白、γ-微管蛋白、微丝以及染色体在小鼠卵母细胞和早期胚胎中的分布和形态, 讨论了实验过程中的注意事项以及实验结果的分析和处理方法.  相似文献   

天花粉蛋白(trichosanthin, TCS)是从中草药栝楼根中提取的一种核糖体失活蛋白,具有抗肿瘤和抗HIV功能.应用双光子及共聚焦激光扫描显微术结合特异性荧光探针Hoechst 33342、2′,7′-二氯荧光黄双乙酸酯 (DCFH-DA)、Indo-1和Fluo 3-AM,首次同时观察了TCS诱导人绒癌细胞(JAR细胞)凋亡过程中活性氧自由基(ROS)和细胞内钙离子浓度([Ca2+i)的变化,实验结果表明TCS引起的[Ca2+i升高和ROS形成参与了TCS诱导的JAR细胞凋亡,并且ROS形成和[Ca2+i升高有关.共聚焦激光扫描显微术的研究结果表明,[Ca2+i升高不是导致ROS形成的主要原因,TCS诱导产生的ROS可能是通过TCS与JAR细胞膜表面受体作用介导的.  相似文献   

活细胞钙动态的共聚焦扫描显微镜检测技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
共聚焦激光扫描显微镜(Confocal Laser Scarming Microscope,CLSM)广泛应用于活细胞内钙敏感探针标记的钙水平的动态测量。较之传统的显微镜CLSM在钙成像分析上有着不可比拟的优越性,但也存在一些缺陷,近些年陆续出现了一些针对这些缺陷的改善措施,如比率法、葡聚糖探针及其他一些新技术与共聚焦显微镜的联合应用等,并且出现了诸如双光子显微镜等新型激光共聚焦显微镜。随着共聚焦钙成像技术的不断发展进步,其今后的应用前景将会越越广阔。  相似文献   

The uptake of lucifer yellow CH by suspension-cultured carrotcells and protoplasts has been studied by laser scanning microscopy.This fluorochrome, which does not diffuse across membranes,gradually accumulates in the cell vacuole over a period of hours.In contrast, the central vacuole of protoplasts did not showlucifer yellow fluorescence. The latter was restricted, in protoplasts,to punctate sources in the peripheral cytoplasm. Confocal opticsallowed the complexity of the vacuolar system to be dramaticallydepicted with the laser scanning microscope. Control experimentssupport the contention that lucifer yellow uptake, as in othereukaryotic systems, occurs via endocytosis. Key words: Carrot cells, endocytosis, laser scanning microscopy, lucifer yellow CH, protoplasts, vacuolar apparatus  相似文献   

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) of natural heterogeneous biofilm is today facilitated by a comprehensive range of staining techniques, one of them being fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).1,2 We performed a pilot study in which oral biofilm samples collected from fixed orthodontic appliances (palatal expanders) were stained by FISH, the objective being to assess the three-dimensional organization of natural biofilm and plaque accumulation.3,4 FISH creates an opportunity to stain cells in their native biofilm environment by the use of fluorescently labeled 16S rRNA-targeting probes.4-7,19 Compared to alternative techniques like immunofluorescent labeling, this is an inexpensive, precise and straightforward labeling technique to investigate different bacterial groups in mixed biofilm consortia.18,20 General probes were used that bind to Eubacteria (EUB338 + EUB338II + EUB338III; hereafter EUBmix),8-10 Firmicutes (LGC354 A-C; hereafter LGCmix),9,10 and Bacteroidetes (Bac303).11 In addition, specific probes binding to Streptococcus mutans (MUT590)12,13 and Porphyromonas gingivalis (POGI)13,14 were used. The extreme hardness of the surface materials involved (stainless steel and acrylic resin) compelled us to find new ways of preparing the biofilm. As these surface materials could not be readily cut with a cryotome, various sampling methods were explored to obtain intact oral biofilm. The most workable of these approaches is presented in this communication. Small flakes of the biofilm-carrying acrylic resin were scraped off with a sterile scalpel, taking care not to damage the biofilm structure. Forceps were used to collect biofilm from the steel surfaces. Once collected, the samples were fixed and placed directly on polysine coated glass slides. FISH was performed directly on these slides with the probes mentioned above. Various FISH protocols were combined and modified to create a new protocol that was easy to handle.5,10,14,15 Subsequently the samples were analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Well-known configurations3,4,16,17 could be visualized, including mushroom-style formations and clusters of coccoid bacteria pervaded by channels. In addition, the bacterial composition of these typical biofilm structures were analyzed and 2D and 3D images created.  相似文献   

有报导,与其它动物不同,对虾的卵子一接触海水、不经过受精,就可以被活化。但是,只有受精卵才能卵裂发育。而且,各种对虾卵子内皮质棒及皮层颗粒的形态结构、活化过程各有不同。本文就中国对虾卵子的活化及卵裂过程进行了激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(LSCM)研究。该技术可以清晰地显示细胞的立体图像。采集中国对虾,人工诱导产卵,未受精卵取自产卵虾体内,受精卵分期分批取样,固定。供试样品经PBS漂洗,AO、FITC和PI染色,LSCM观察、图像处理。刚产出的、未活化卵子形态不规则,皮层内富含皮质棒和皮层颗粒(Fig1)。不论受精与否,产入海水的卵子都能被激活并恢复减数分裂。活化后的卵子释放出皮层囊泡内的皮质棒(Figs2&3)。释放出的皮质棒转变为均质的胶质层(Figs4&5)。随后,皮层颗粒释放并在卵子表面转化为均质化的孵化膜。卵子开始举起,与孵化膜之间形成卵周隙。卵周隙内具有絮状物质(Figs6,7&8)。卵子产出后笫8~10min,经过减数分裂,第一极体排放,并随着孵化膜的举起而被推向卵外(Fig5)。笫20min,第二极体排放,并由卵子表面到达孵化膜的内缘(Fig6)。在20℃水温条件下,受精卵产入海水中60  相似文献   

激光扫描共聚焦显微镜荧光探针的选择和应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
激光扫描共聚焦显微镜是检测生物荧光信号的最新技术手段。不仅广泛用于荧光定性、定量测量,还可用于活细胞动态荧光监测、组织细胞断层扫描、三维图象重建、共聚焦图象分析、荧光光漂白恢复、激光显微切割手术等。本文拟就激光扫描共聚焦显微镜常用的检测内容及其相关荧光探针的选择和应用做一简单的介绍。  相似文献   

应用激光扫描共聚焦显微术显示经荧光紫杉醇标记的阔口尖毛虫(Oxytricha platystoma)口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛、左右缘棘毛等纤毛器的微管类细胞骨架.其口围带基部含小膜托架、托架间连接微管和小膜基部微管束,波动膜基部含发达的微管骨架网,口围带和波动膜后端的汇合处含有口底托架及口后微管束,额腹横棘毛和左、右...  相似文献   

激光共聚焦扫描观察脑片及其神经元内RNA与DNA变化的技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐虹  陈耀文  韩太真 《激光生物学报》2000,9(2):159-160,F003
本研究采用双重染料Acridine Orange(AO)对常规长时程增强(LTP)电生理实验后的视皮层脑片进行荧光标记,并应用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜(confocal laser scanning microscope,CLSM),测定LTP形成过程中脑片局部RNA和DNA的变化。结果表明:长明程增强的诱导期与维持期脑片空白对照组比较,视皮层OC1区局部RNA显著增高。此外,本研究还对使用激光扫描共  相似文献   

IPL作用下鼠皮形态改变的显微观察与初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观察光子嫩肤(IPL)后鼠皮的形态学随时间的改变情况,如:表皮层、真皮层的增厚或变薄的情况。探讨IPL作用下,皮肤的表皮、真皮厚度变化与IPL在特定波长的能量密度的关系。以小白鼠作为研究对象,先去毛,用IPL在一定波长不同的能量密度照射活体小白鼠皮肤,分别在照射前、照射后,以及之后的1天,3天,7天应用激光共聚焦显微镜观察皮肤内部的结构,并对其不同的能量密度与照射前相比进行分析,讨论了真皮胶原蛋白在组织的修复过程的作用及其中的关键因素。  相似文献   

利用激光扫描共聚焦显微技术对同源四倍体双胚苗水稻的受精过程、胚胎发育过程和双胚来源进行观察鉴定。研究结果表明,同源四倍体水稻和二倍体水稻在发生受精作用的时间上不存在很大的差异。双胚苗水稻的受精作用和胚胎发育表现出明显的特异性,其双胚苗性状有其胚胎学根源,双胚可能有4种来源,即来源于由双套胚囊形成的双胚、由多卵卵器中的卵细胞和类卵细胞分别通过受精作用形成双胚、由特异性的反足细胞通过异常发育后形成额外的幼胚、由胚乳细胞通过异常发育后形成胚乳型幼胚。通过对试验材料的受精频率及其结实率进行比较后发现,双胚苗水稻具有更弱的有性生殖能力,其遗传可塑性更强,这为离子束介导技术的研究找到了比较好的受体材料。  相似文献   

共聚焦显微技术研究SA对蚕豆气孔保卫细胞的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水杨酸(salicylic acid,SA)作为植物体内一种内源性的信号分子,具有多种生理功能.实验表明水杨酸以浓度依赖的方式诱导气孔关闭,抑制气孔张开.20U/mL的CAT与SA共同处理时可逆转SA诱导气孔关闭作用的83%~90%.以H2O2荧光探针H2DCFDA结合激光扫描共聚焦显微术直接检测到SA处理可引起保卫细胞内H2O2的产生;在保卫细胞内显微注射CAT可完全阻止SA导致的DCF荧光增强.表明SA诱导的气孔关闭可能与H2O2的产生有关.  相似文献   

应用改进的整体染色透明激光扫描共聚焦显微术(WCLSM),对同源四倍体水稻PDER-2B-4x胚囊的形成与发育过程进行观察。发现其胚囊的形成发育过程与二倍体的一致,可以清楚地划分为8个发育时期,即孢原细胞形成期、大孢子母细胞形成期、大孢子母细胞减数分裂期、功能大孢子形成期、单核胚囊形成期、胚囊有丝分裂期、八核胚囊发育期和成熟胚囊期。除正常发育的过程外,大孢子发育的各个过程均出现一些异常现象,包括:细胞退化、核位置异常、核数目异常和细胞分化异常等。这些异常可能最终导致多种结构异常成熟胚囊的形成。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Using monospecific antibodies, the presence and distribution of tubulin, actin, myosin, intermediate filaments, and lamins were examined in the exoerythrocytic liver schizont of Plasmodium berghei by conventional indirect fluorescent antibody methods and confocal laser scanning microscopy. the binding reactivity of the antibodies to parasite proteins was determined by Western blot analysis. the localisation of all antibodies in control host hepatocytes followed expected distributions in both uninfected and infected hepatocytes; by contrast, reactivity to the exoerythrocytic schizont was variable. the parasite reacted positively with selected anti-tubulin, -actin, and -myosin antibodies in both fluorescence and Western blot analysis. Anti-lamin antibodies were positive by confocal indirect fluorescent antibody labelling, but no labelling was detected with anti-intermediate filament antibody. Within the technical limits of resolution of the methods as applied to asynchronous parasite infections, not one of the antibodies reacting positively with the parasite by the indirect fluorescent antibody technique could be shown to identify unequivocally the classic architectural features associated with their respective target organelles, i.e. microtubules, stress-fibres or the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

A number of histochemical chromogenic substrates for alkaline phosphatase are commercially available and give reaction products with a range of colours for brightfield examination. Some of these reaction products are also fluorescent, exhibiting a wide excitation range and a broad emission peak. We report here that one of these substrates, Vector Blue III, yields a stable, strongly fluorescent reaction product with an excitation peak around 500 nm and a large Stokes shift to an emission peak at 680 nm. The reaction product can be excited using a mercury lamp with a fluorescein excitation filter or an argon ion laser at 488 nm or 568 nm, and the emission detected using a long-pass filter designed for Cy-5. Thus, a single substrate is suitable for brightfield imaging of tissue sections and high-resolution analysis of subcellular detail, using a confocal laser scanning microscope, in the same specimen.  相似文献   

Biofilms, organic matter, iron/aluminum oxides, and clay minerals bind toxic heavy metal ions and control their fate and bioavailability in the environment. The spatial relationship of metal ions to biomacromolecules such as extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in biofilms with microbial cells and biogenic minerals is complex and occurs at the micro- and submicrometer scale. Here, we review the application of highly selective and sensitive metal fluorescent probes for confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) that were originally developed for use in life sciences and propose their suitability as a powerful tool for mapping heavy metals in environmental biofilms and cell-EPS-mineral aggregates (CEMAs). The benefit of using metal fluorescent dyes in combination with CLSM imaging over other techniques such as electron microscopy is that environmental samples can be analyzed in their natural hydrated state, avoiding artifacts such as aggregation from drying that is necessary for analytical electron microscopy. In this minireview, we present data for a group of sensitive fluorescent probes highly specific for Fe3+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Hg2+, illustrating the potential of their application in environmental science. We evaluate their application in combination with other fluorescent probes that label constituents of CEMAs such as DNA or polysaccharides and provide selection guidelines for potential combinations of fluorescent probes. Correlation analysis of spatially resolved heavy metal distributions with EPS and biogenic minerals in their natural, hydrated state will further our understanding of the behavior of metals in environmental systems since it allows for identifying bonding sites in complex, heterogeneous systems.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide probes, designed from genes coding for 16S rRNA, were developed to differentiate Methanosaeta concilii, Methanosarcina barkeri, and mesophilic methanogens. All M. concilii oligonucleotide probes (designated MS1, MS2, and MS5) hybridized specifically with the target DNA, but MS5 was the most specific M. concilii oligonucleotide probe. Methanosarcina barkeri oligonucleotide probes (designated MB1, MB3, and MB4) hybridized with different Methanosarcina species. The MB4 probe specifically detected Methanosarcina barkeri, and the MB3 probe detected the presence of all mesophilic Methanosarcina species. These new oligonucleotide probes facilitated the identification, localization, and quantification of the specific relative abundance of M. concilii and Methanosarcina barkeri, which play important roles in methanogenesis. The combined use of fluorescent in situ hybridization with confocal scanning laser microscopy demonstrated that anaerobic granule topography depends on granule origin and feeding. Protein-fed granules showed no layered structure with a random distribution of M. concilii. In contrast, a layered structure developed in methanol-enriched granules, where M. barkeri growth was induced in an outer layer. This outer layer was followed by a layer composed of M. concilii, with an inner core of M. concilii and other bacteria.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional configuration of the nuclei of the trinucleate pollen grain of Spinacia oleracea L. has been examined by means of confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy (CLSM). It shows the presence of a male germ unit (MGU) in which all three nuclei are usually positioned in the periphery of the pollen grain. After freeze fixation and freeze substitution, the ultrastructure is better preserved than with standard chemical fixation. It shows the presence inside the pollen grain of mitochondria, dictyosomes, large starch-containing plastids, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), vacuoles and the MGU. In the sperm cells mitochondria, vesicles, dictyosomes and ER are also found. No microtubules were found in the grain and only very few inside the sperm cells. This is in contrast with earlier published results where fluorescent-labeled antibodies were used.  相似文献   

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