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Adaptation to ecologically complex environments can provide insights into the evolutionary dynamics and functional constraints encountered by organisms during natural selection. Adaptation to a new environment with abundant and varied resources can be difficult to achieve by small incremental changes if many mutations are required to achieve even modest gains in fitness. Since changing complex environments are quite common in nature, we investigated how such an epistatic bottleneck can be avoided to allow rapid adaptation. We show that adaptive mutations arise repeatedly in independently evolved populations in the context of greatly increased genetic and phenotypic diversity. We go on to show that weak selection requiring substantial metabolic reprogramming can be readily achieved by mutations in the global response regulator arcA and the stress response regulator rpoS. We identified 46 unique single-nucleotide variants of arcA and 18 mutations in rpoS, nine of which resulted in stop codons or large deletions, suggesting that subtle modulations of ArcA function and knockouts of rpoS are largely responsible for the metabolic shifts leading to adaptation. These mutations allow a higher order metabolic selection that eliminates epistatic bottlenecks, which could occur when many changes would be required. Proteomic and carbohydrate analysis of adapting E. coli populations revealed an up-regulation of enzymes associated with the TCA cycle and amino acid metabolism, and an increase in the secretion of putrescine. The overall effect of adaptation across populations is to redirect and efficiently utilize uptake and catabolism of abundant amino acids. Concomitantly, there is a pronounced spread of more ecologically limited strains that results from specialization through metabolic erosion. Remarkably, the global regulators arcA and rpoS can provide a “one-step” mechanism of adaptation to a novel environment, which highlights the importance of global resource management as a powerful strategy to adaptation.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2021,27(7):728-735
ObjectiveProlactin (PRL) is a polypeptide hormone named for its crucial role in lactation. Recently, PRL has been recognized as a metabolic hormone that regulates energy metabolism. The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between circulating PRL and metabolic alterations in overweight/obese patients and the effect of weight loss through bariatric surgery on circulating PRL.MethodsA total of 448 overweight/obese patients aged between 18 and 40 years and 120 age- and sex-matched healthy controls with normal weight were enrolled. Among all participants, 156 obese patients underwent bariatric surgery.ResultsCirculating PRL levels were significantly increased in the overweight (15.27 ± 9.58 μg/L) and obese (17.75 ± 9.15 μg/L) groups compared with the normal weight (13.57 ± 9.03 μg/L) group. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that the adipose tissue insulin resistance (adipo-IR) level was an independent predictor for PRL (β = −0.451, P < .01). Despite comparable anthropometric parameters, the overweight/obese patients with a higher PRL tertile had decreased levels of triglycerides, nonesterified fatty acids, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, and adipo-IR compared with the patients in the moderate and lower PRL tertiles. Serum PRL levels were significantly decreased following the alleviation of metabolic parameters after bariatric surgery (from 17.12 ± 8.27 to 13.00 ± 5.78 μg/L, P < .05), and the decrease in PRL levels was significantly greater in the lower adipo-IR group than in the higher adipo-IR group (P < .01).ConclusionAn increased serum PRL level might be an adaptive response for protecting against metabolic disorders in obesity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Chemosensory adaptation is seen in Tetrahymena thermophila following prolonged exposure (ten minutes) to micromolar concentrations of the chemorepellents lysozyme or guanosine triphosphate (GTP). Since these cells initially show repeated backward swimming episodes (avoidance reactions) in these repellents, behavioral adaptation is seen as a decrease in this repellent-induced behavior. The time course of this behavioral adaptation is paralleled by decreases in the extents of surface binding of either [32P]GTP or [3H]lysozyme in vivo. Scatchard plot analyses of repellent binding in adapted cells suggests the behavioral adaptation is due to a dramatic decrease in the number of surface binding sites, as represented by decreased Bmax values. The estimated KD values for nonadapted cells are 6.6 μM and 8.4 μM for lysozyme and GTP binding, respectively. Behavioral adaptation and decreased surface receptor binding are specific for each repellent. The GTP adapted cells (20 μM for ten minutes) still respond behaviorally to 50 μM lysozyme and bind [3H]lysozyme normally. Lysozyme adapted cells (50 μM for ten minutes) still bind [32P]GTP and respond behaviorally to GTP. All the behavioral and binding changes seen are also reversible (deadaptation). Neomycin was shown to be a competitive inhibitor of [3H]lysozyme binding and lysozyme-induced avoidance reactions, but it had no effect on either [32P]GTP binding or GTP-induced or avoidance reactions. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that there are two separate repellent receptors, one for GTP and the other for lysozyme, that are independently downregulated during adaptation to cause specific receptor desensitization and consequent behavioral adaptation.  相似文献   

Grapevine flower development and fruit set are influenced by cold nights in the vineyard. To investigate the impact of cold stress on carbon metabolism in the inflorescence, we exposed the inflorescences of fruiting cuttings to chilling and freezing temperatures overnight and measured fluctuations in photosynthesis and sugar content. Whatever the temperature, after the stress treatment photosynthesis was modified in the inflorescence, but the nature of the alteration depended on the intensity of the cold stress. At 4°C, photosynthesis in the inflorescence was impaired through non-stomatal limitations, whereas at 0°C it was affected through stomatal limitations. A freezing night (−3°C) severely deregulated photosynthesis in the inflorescence, acting primarily on photosystem II. Cold nights also induced accumulation of sugars. Soluble carbohydrates increased in inflorescences exposed to −3°C, 0°C and 4°C, but starch accumulated only in inflorescences of plants treated at 0 and −3°C. These results suggest that inflorescences are able to cope with cold temperatures by adapting their carbohydrate metabolism using mechanisms that are differentially induced according to stress intensity.  相似文献   

Enzymes scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) are important for cell protection during stress and aging. A deficiency in these enzymes leads to ROS imbalance, causing various disorders in many organisms, including yeast. In contrast to liquid cultures, where fitness of the yeast population depends on its ROS scavenging capability, the present study suggests that Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells growing in colonies capable of ammonia signaling use a broader protective strategy. Instead of maintaining high levels of antioxidant enzymes for ROS detoxification, colonies activate an alternative metabolism that prevents ROS production. Colonies of the strain deficient in cytosolic superoxide dismutase Sod1p thus developed the same way as wild type colonies. They produced comparable levels of ammonia and underwent similar developmental changes (expression of genes of alternative metabolism and center margin differentiation in ROS production, cell death occurrence, and activities of stress defense enzymes) and did not accumulate stress-resistant suppressants. An absence of cytosolic catalase Ctt1p, however, brought colonies developmental problems, which were even more prominent in the absence of mitochondrial Sod2p. sod2Δ and ctt1Δ colonies failed in ammonia production and sufficient activation of the alternative metabolism and were incapable of center margin differentiation, but they did not increase ROS levels. These new data indicate that colony disorders are not accompanied by ROS burst but could be a consequence of metabolic defects, which, however, could be elicited by imbalance in ROS produced in early developmental phases. Sod2p and homeostasis of ROS may participate in regulatory events leading to ammonia signaling.  相似文献   

Aspergillus nidulans has many histidine-to-aspartate (His-Asp) phosphorelay components, including 15 histidine kinases (HKs), four response regulators (RRs), and a histidine-containing phosphotransfer intermediate (HPt). Of these, NikA (HK) is highly conserved in many filamentous fungi. It has been found that NikA is responsible for the responses of filamentous fungi to fungicides such as iprodione and fludioxonil. Two RRs, SskA and SrrA, are also involved in the fungicide response, providing a typical example of the His-Asp phosphorelay system, in which NikA functions as a sensor upstream of SskA and SrrA in response to fungicides. To gain further insight into the physiological roles of the NikA-SskA/SrrA phosphorelay system, we constructed a pair of ΔnikAΔsskA and ΔnikAΔsrrA double mutants. Here we provide evidence regarding the crucial involvement of the NikA-SskA/SrrA phosphorelay system in both osmotic adaptation and asexual development, including conidia formation. Based on these results, a general insight into the A. nidulans His-Asp phosphorelay network is also discussed.  相似文献   

Cold treatment of donor carnation plants (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) at 4 C for 3 days or more resulted in a doubling in the percentage of excised, frozen shoot apices which survived freezing and a 6- to 7-fold increase in the percentage which formed leaf primordia or shoots. The optimal freezing parameters for both survival and differentiation were as follows: size of the shoot apex-two to three sets of leaf primordia; dimethylsulfoxide concentration in the freezing solution-5%; time in dimethylsulfoxide prior to freezing->30 minutes; average cooling rate-≥50 C/minute; initial warming rate-about 1450 C/minute. In general, the cells in the meristematic region of the shoot apex remained viable after freezing while those in the leaf primordia did not. Viability of the meristematic cells appears to be maintained by preventing the growth of intracellular ice crystals formed during rapid cooling by rapidly passing the tissue through the temperature zone in which lethal crystal growth occurs (mechanism of Luyet). Applications of this technique are discussed.  相似文献   

平流层臭氧破坏导致地球表面紫外辐射(主要是UV-B)增强逐渐受到人们重视。由于蓝藻在生态系统中的重要性和在生物进化过程中的特殊性,用于研究UV-B对生物体的影响具有诸多优势。目前国内关于UV-B与蓝藻的研究报道较少,所以本文介绍了近年来国外该领域的相关研究,主要包括UV-B对蓝藻生物量、光合机构以及固氮等方面的影响,同时着重介绍了蓝藻对UV-B的适应策略。  相似文献   

The replenishment of lipid reserves of adipocytes following the removal of litters from lactating rats is associated with a 3-fold decrease in both the response of lipolysis to noradrenaline and the maximum rate of lipolysis (measured in the presence of noradrenaline plus adenosine deaminase); these adaptations do not appear to result from the changes in serum prolactin and insulin concentrations that occur on litter removal.  相似文献   

Leishmania parasites alternate between extracellular promastigote stages in the insect vector and an obligate intracellular amastigote stage that proliferates within the phagolysosomal compartment of macrophages in the mammalian host. Most enzymes involved in Leishmania central carbon metabolism are constitutively expressed and stage-specific changes in energy metabolism remain poorly defined. Using 13C-stable isotope resolved metabolomics and 2H2O labelling, we show that amastigote differentiation is associated with reduction in growth rate and induction of a distinct stringent metabolic state. This state is characterized by a global decrease in the uptake and utilization of glucose and amino acids, a reduced secretion of organic acids and increased fatty acid β-oxidation. Isotopomer analysis showed that catabolism of hexose and fatty acids provide C4 dicarboxylic acids (succinate/malate) and acetyl-CoA for the synthesis of glutamate via a compartmentalized mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. In vitro cultivated and intracellular amastigotes are acutely sensitive to inhibitors of mitochondrial aconitase and glutamine synthetase, indicating that these anabolic pathways are essential for intracellular growth and virulence. Lesion-derived amastigotes exhibit a similar metabolism to in vitro differentiated amastigotes, indicating that this stringent response is coupled to differentiation signals rather than exogenous nutrient levels. Induction of a stringent metabolic response may facilitate amastigote survival in a nutrient-poor intracellular niche and underlie the increased dependence of this stage on hexose and mitochondrial metabolism.  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

Tranilast, in addition to its capacity to inhibit mast cell degranulation, has other biological effects, including inhibition of reactive oxygen species, cytokines, leukotrienes and prostaglandin release. In the current study, we analyzed whether tranilast could alter endothelial function in rat mesenteric resistance arteries (MRA).

Experimental Approach

Acetylcholine-induced relaxation was analyzed in MRA (untreated and 1-hour tranilast treatment) from 6 month-old Wistar rats. To assess the possible participation of endothelial nitric oxide or prostanoids, acetylcholine-induced relaxation was analyzed in the presence of L-NAME or indomethacin. The participation of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) in acetylcholine-induced response was analyzed by preincubation with TRAM-34 plus apamin or by precontraction with a high K+ solution. Nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide anion levels were measured, as well as vasomotor responses to NO donor DEA-NO and to large conductance calcium-activated potassium channel opener NS1619.

Key Results

Acetylcholine-induced relaxation was greater in tranilast-incubated MRA. Acetylcholine-induced vasodilation was decreased by L-NAME in a similar manner in both experimental groups. Indomethacin did not modify vasodilation. Preincubation with a high K+ solution or TRAM-34 plus apamin reduced the vasodilation to ACh more markedly in tranilast-incubated segments. NO and superoxide anion production, and vasodilator responses to DEA-NO or NS1619 remained unmodified in the presence of tranilast.

Conclusions and Implications

Tranilast increased the endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine in rat MRA. This effect is independent of the nitric oxide and cyclooxygenase pathways but involves EDHF, and is mediated by an increased role of small conductance calcium-activated K+ channels.  相似文献   


Oxygen and oxidative stress have become relevant components in clarifying the mechanism that weakens bacterial cells in parallel to the mode of action of bactericidal antibiotics. Given the importance of oxidative stress in the overall defense mechanism of bacteria and their apparent role in the antimicrobial mode of action, it is important to understand how bacteria respond to this stress at a metabolic level. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of oxygen on the metabolism of the facultative anaerobe Enterococcus faecalis using continuous culture, metabolomics, and 13C enrichment of metabolic intermediates. When E. faecalis was rapidly transitioned from anaerobic to aerobic growth, cellular metabolism was directed toward intracellular glutathione production and glycolysis was upregulated 2-fold, which increased the supply of critical metabolite precursors (e.g., glycine and glutamate) for sulfur metabolism and glutathione biosynthesis as well as reducing power for cellular respiration in the presence of hemin. The ultimate metabolic response of E. faecalis to an aerobic environment was the upregulation of fatty acid metabolism and benzoate degradation, which was linked to important changes in the bacterial membrane composition as evidenced by changes in membrane fatty acid composition and the reduction of membrane-associated demethylmenaquinone. These key metabolic pathways associated with the response of E. faecalis to oxygen may represent potential new targets to increase the susceptibility of this bacterium to bactericidal drugs.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes (T cells) undergo metabolic reprogramming after activation to provide energy and biosynthetic materials for growth, proliferation and differentiation. Distinct T cell subsets, however, adopt metabolic programs specific to support their needs. As CD4 T cells coordinate adaptive immune responses while CD8 T cells become cytotoxic effectors, we compared activation-induced proliferation and metabolic reprogramming of these subsets. Resting CD4 and CD8 T cells were metabolically similar and used a predominantly oxidative metabolism. Following activation CD8 T cells proliferated more rapidly. Stimulation led both CD4 and CD8 T cells to sharply increase glucose metabolism and adopt aerobic glycolysis as a primary metabolic program. Activated CD4 T cells, however, remained more oxidative and had greater maximal respiratory capacity than activated CD8 T cells. CD4 T cells were also associated with greater levels of ROS and increased mitochondrial content, irrespective of the activation context. CD8 cells were better able, however, to oxidize glutamine as an alternative fuel source. The more glycolytic metabolism of activated CD8 T cells correlated with increased capacity for growth and proliferation, along with reduced sensitivity of cell growth to metabolic inhibition. These specific metabolic programs may promote greater growth and proliferation of CD8 T cells and enhance survival in diverse nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

In the future, periods of strongly increased temperature in concert with drought (heat waves) will have potentially detrimental effects on trees and forests in Central Europe. Norway spruce might be at risk in the future climate of Central Europe. However, Douglas-fir is often discussed as an alternative for the drought and heat sensitive Norway spruce, because some provenances are considered to be well adapted to drier and warmer conditions. In this study, we identified the physiological and growth responses of seedlings from two different Douglas-fir provenances to increased temperature and atmospheric drought during a period of 92 days. We analysed (i) plant biomass, (ii) carbon stable isotope composition as an indicator for time integrated intrinsic water use efficiency, (iii) apparent respiratory carbon isotope fractionation as well as (iv) the profile of polar low molecular metabolites. Plant biomass was only slightly affected by increased temperatures and atmospheric drought but the more negative apparent respiratory fractionation indicated a temperature-dependent decrease in the commitment of substrate to the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The metabolite profile revealed that the simulated heat wave induced a switch in stress protecting compounds from proline to polyols. We conclude that metabolic acclimation successfully contributes to maintain functioning and physiological activity in seedlings of both Douglas-fir provenances under conditions that are expected during heat waves (i.e. elevated temperatures and atmospheric drought). Douglas-fir might be a potentially important tree species for forestry in Central Europe under changing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

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