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The utilization of wild medicinal plants in primary healthcare system is still vital for mankind, particularly for people residing nearby the protected area. However, ethnobiological knowledge of indigenous people on plant usage is diminishing. The present study aimed at documenting the wild ethnomedicinal plants and to evaluate their importance in the healthcare among the local inhabitants in the fringe villages of Kitam Bird Sanctuary, South Sikkim, India. The methodology comprised interviews and questionnaire-based household surveys focusing on the informant's knowledge and experience in the use of wild medicinal plants against several diseases and ailments. Data was analysed using relative frequency citation (RFC), use value (UV), informant consensus factor (ICF) and fidelity level (FL%). A total of 23 ethnomedicinal plant species belonging to 20 families were recorded from the study area. Among the growth forms, herbs accounted the highest number of species (39%), followed by trees (30%), climbers (13%), ferns and shrubs with 9% each. Fruits have shown the highest use (20%), followed by leaves (16%) and whole plant. Terminalia chebula had the highest RFC (0.91) and UV (0.99), followed by Terminalia bellirica (RFC = 0.89, UV = 0.96) and Phyllanthus emblica (RFC = 0.84, UV = 0.91). Results indicate that the locals in the area had good ethnobotanical knowledge of medicinal plants which indicates their dependency on plants for treating several ailments and diseases. Some unexplored species such as Calamus erectus, Laportea bulbifera, Pteris biaurita and Solanum viarum possessing high fidelity level have scope for further pharmacological investigation.  相似文献   



Medicinal flora plays a vital role in treating various types of ailments in living beings. The present study was planned to investigate and document systematically the indigenous knowledge in a scientifically little explored area of Ladha sub-division, South Waziristan agency, Pakistan. Hence, this study would contribute positively to the field of ethnopharmacology.


Prior to ethnomedicinal data collection, regular field visits were conducted during the month of May and June 2015 to locate the sites and respondents from where the traditional knowledge was to be recorded. Ethno-medicinal data was collected during the month July and August 2015 through rapid appraisal approach (RAA) based on direct interaction with the indigenous communities by making group discussions, corner meetings and semi-structured interviews. Data was evaluated statistically by using the index of Use value (UV) and Frequency of citations (FC).


A total of 82 medicinal plants belonging to 42 families were reported in the study. Leaves were the most frequently used plant parts. Highest use values were recorded for Peganum harmala (0.93), Punica granatum (0.91), Thymus mongolicus (0.90), Chenopodium album (0.89), Coriandrum sativum (0.87), Mentha longifolia (0.87), Lactuca serriola (0.87) and Portulaca oleracea (0.87). Medicinal plants used for the gastro intestinal complexities and respiratory diseases were more than 9% followed by skin and diarrhea (7% each), liver disorders (5%) cough and cold fever (5%).


People of the area mostly still rely on traditional herbal therapies. Keeping in mind the dependence of the indigenous community for their primary health care on such herbal remedies, pharmacological and critical toxicological investigation of certain flora is necessary. Moreover, projects should be designed to analyze the existing issues and problems related with medicinal plants conservation.

14 population groups of Sikkim (India)--Lepchas (2), Bhutias (2), Sherpas, Tamangs, Gurungs, Mangars, Rais, Limboos/Subbas, Pradhans (Newars), Brahmans, Chhetris, Scheduled Castes--have been studied in regard of the intra- and intergroup variability of colour blindness, ear lobe attachment, mid-phalangeal hair and behavioural traits (tongue folding, hand clapsing, arm folding, leg folding, handedness). Some of these variables show a considerable distribution heterogeneity, which is discussed considering history and marriage patterns of these populations. As most of them are highly endogamous one can assume that this heterogeneity is caused by locally acting factors such as drift and/or founder effects, which could be preserved due to as good as lacking gene flow among the populations under study. Beyond that the Sikkim data are compared briefly with those reported for other Indian and Asiatic populations.  相似文献   

The edible wild plants are greatly valued throughout the Himalayan region and serve as an important source of food for indigenous communities. This paper describes the botanical richness, elevational distribution and dietary use of the edible wild plant resources from the Sikkim Himalaya (Eastern Himalaya), many with promising potential. A total of 190 wild plant species have been screened from the Sikkim Himalaya, this derived from 143 genera and 78 families and accounting for nearly 15% of total edible wild plants resources of India. Of the total, 65% were edible for their fruits, 22% for leaves/shoots, 7% for flowers and 3% for roots/ rhizomes. Nearly 91 wild edible species were recorded from low-hills, 70 from mid-hills and 28 species from high-hill areas. Within Sikkim state, the North and East districts represent maximum diversity of edible wild plants due to the wilderness and inaccessibility to most of the habitats. An average rural family annually consumes nearly 8 types of edible wild plants, and a few species provide over five meals in a season. Selected plants also form a source of earning to a few families that sell them in local markets. It is suggested that the high diversity of edible plants needs to be conserved for future use. Some species may be grown in traditional agroforestry systems and on marginal lands of otherwise low agricultural value. Such measures may help protect wild plant resources in their natural habitats.  相似文献   

Cattleya elongata is a rupicolous orchid species spread throughout and endemic to outcrop islands in campo rupestre vegetation of the Chapada Diamantina, northeastern Brazil. We scored nine natural populations of C. elongata for morphological and genetic variability, covering the whole distribution area of the species, using allozymes and ISSR markers and morphometric multivariate analyses. Genetic variability in allozimes was relatively high (H e?=?0.12?C0.25), and unexpectedly higher than the values based on ISSR (H e?=?0.16?C0.19). The populations present moderate structuring (allozymes, ??PT?=?0.14; ISSR, ??PT?=?0.18) and low inbreeding (allozymes, F IS?=?0.06). Genetic similarity among the populations was high in both markers, in spite of the discontinuity of the outcrops of the Chapada Diamantina. We found no particular biogeographical pattern to the distribution of the genetic and morphologic similarity among the populations of C. elongata. We found high morphological variability with moderate differentiation among the populations. We did not find any correlation among genetic, morphological, and geographical distances, and among the variability found in the morphological and genetic markers. The differences observed between the two genetic markers and the various morphological markers examined here indicated that the isolated use of any single parameter of these different populations for conservation planning or management would not consider all of the variability to be found in the species, as found in other Brazilian campos rupestres plants.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected from Gadaba, a tribal population of Andhra Pradesh, South India, in order to examine the distribution of blood groups, red cell enzymes and the gammaglobulin polymorphism. Out of 20 genetic markers studied seven protein loci exhibited monomorphism. Surprisingly a case of a rare homozygous variant and twenty-one heterozygous variants at the phosphogluconate dehydrogenase locus (6-PGD), six variants at the phosphohexose isomerase locus (PHI) and a single case of phosphoglucomutase locus 1 (PGM 1) variant were observed. Further, the tribal populations of South India reveal higher frequencies of rare variants than the caste populations. However, the presence of rare variants that are phenotypically neutral may be plausibly due to their high selective value.  相似文献   

Weekly markets in tribal areas are an important socioeconomic institution. Surveys were conducted during 1997-1999 in over one dozen rural markets in Surguja in the State of Madhya Pradesh in the central region of India. Tribals bring products of at least 30 species to these markets for sale. Traders from towns come to these markets to purchase forest produce; others set up small shops for selling consumer goods such as ready-made clothes, toiletries, utensils, stationery, some plastic goods, match boxes, and some cereals and tobacco.  相似文献   

Although a woman's menstrual history can have significant implications for health outcomes, few studies have examined menstrual cycle variability in non-western, non-clinically based populations. This study presents menstrual cycle characteristics from Bhutia women living in Gangtok, Sikkim, India. The Bhutia are one of two indigenous populations residing in this small, northeastern state of India. A total of 1067 cycles were recorded by 200 Bhutia women over the course of 12 months. Mean cycle length in this population was similar to reported mean cycle lengths for populations in the U.S (30 days vs. 28 days). Menstrual cycles in this sample were highly variable with most women experiencing more than one short or long menstrual cycle. The frequency of irregular menstrual cycles experienced by individuals also varied significantly by season. A body mass index (BMI) above or below the WHO defined normal range was associated with higher rates of irregular cycles. Leutenizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were also determined from urine samples collected just before mid-cycle, based on median cycle lengths. Although menstrual cycles in this sample were highly variable, median cycle length was still useful in predicting timing of the pre-ovulatory hormone surges of LH and FSH. Frequency of irregular cycles did impact the successful capture of the LH and FSH peak values.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):126-132

Two new species of Lejeunea Lib., L. kashyapii sp. nov. and L. mehrana sp. nov. are described from Sikkim, India. The former is characterized by sub-orbicular leaves; first tooth of leaf lobule, 1–3 cells long 1–2 cells wide at base; reniform underleaves slightly wider than long; monoicous sexuality; 2–3-paired male bracts; obcordate perianth with 4–5 smooth keels (2 lateral, auriculate; 2 ventral; 0–1 dorsal, indistinct). Whereas, the latter is characterized by oblong – ovate leaves; lobule 1/6–1/5 as long as lobe; distant – contiguous underleaves with 1–3 teeth on each lobe; dioicous (?) sexuality; 2–4-paired male bracts and 1–2 male bracteoles present near the base of androecia. A key to the Indian species of the genus are provided.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Protobothrops Hoge Romano-Hoge, 1983, was described from Jilong County, southern Tibet, China, and Chungthang, northern Sikkim, India. It differs from congeners by the following characters: 1) relatively large body size(total length up to 1510 mm); 2) dorsal scale rows 25–25–19; 3) except for the smooth outermost row, dorsal scales are weakly keeled; 4) relatively high number of ventral(198–216) and subcaudal(65–76 pairs) scales; 5) 7–8 supralabials; 6) 11 to 13 infralabials; 7) dorsal head uniform dark brown, laterally a reddish-brown obscure postocular streak; 8) dorsum of trunk and tail olive, with distinct black edged red brown transverse bands across the body and tail; and 9) eye from bright brown and reddish brown to mildly brown. The new species was also observed from the Haa Valley in western Bhutan.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present cross-sectional investigation was to assess the nutritional condition in children of three tribal communities namely Dhodia, Kinnaura and Bhil, which belong to Coastal, Himalayan and Desert ecology, respectively, in India. A total of 989 tribal children in the age group 0-1 years through 5+ years (below 6 years) was examined. There were 306 Dhodia children (164 boys and 142 girls), 327 Kinnaura children (177 boys and 150 girls) and 356 Bhil children (168 boys and 188 girls) out of 989 subjects. Crown-heel length was measured using infantometer with the child lying supine, height with Martin's anthropometer and body weight using standard weighing machine. Body mass index (BMI) was subsequently computed. 'Z' score was undertaken to obtain comprehensive pictures of undernutrition in terms of wasting, stunting and underweight in these communities. The chi2-test test was also undertaken to compare nutritional indicators by the sexes. It was observed that maximum wasting (85.3%), stunting (86.6%) and underweight (93.3%) was recorded in Kinnaura girls, who belong to Himalayan ecology. The results revealed also that so far as wasting and stunting was concerned, the situation was worst for desert dwelling Bhil, where only 7.3% wasted and 5.6% stunted pre-school children fall in between -1 SD to < or = median as compared to 11.7% wasted and 18.3% stunted pre-school children in Dhodia and 11.3% wasted and 15.3% stunted pre-school children in Kinnaura, who fall in the same category (-1 SD to < or = median). It was important to note that the prevalence of undernutrition in terms of wasting, stunting and underweight was similar in both the sexes (chi2(2) = 1.745, p > 0.05). The findings of the present study revealed the widespread prevalence of undernutrition among the children of Dhodia, Kinnaura and Bhil tribal communities and highlight a need for an integrated approach towards improving the child health as well as the nutritional status in these areas.  相似文献   

Wild edible plants form an important constituent of traditional diets in the Himalaya. In the Sikkim Himalaya a total of 190 species have been screened as edible species out of which nearly 47 species come to the market. The present paper deals with nutritive values of 27 most commonly consumed wild edible plants in the Sikkim Himalaya. Of 27 plant species that were analyzed for their nutritive values, 22 were edible for their fruits and five for leaves/shoots. Among different plant parts, generally higher nutrient concentration was recorded for leaves, followed by new shoots and fruits. For different species the crude fiber content ranged between 2.15–39.90%, and the total soluble salts between 4.66–21.00%, and the vitamin C content from 6–286 mg/100 g. The fat content was determined high in the fruits ofCastanopsis hystrix, Machilus edulis, andCinnamomum species, while the protein content was highest inHippophae rhamnoides, Cucumis melo, andEleagnus latifolia. The total carbohydrate content ranged from 32–88% in the fruits of various wild edibles, the reducing sugar from 1.25–12.42%, total sugar from 2.10–25.09%, the lignin content varied from 9.05–39.51%, the hemicellulose between 25.63–55.71% and cellulose content varied from 9.57–33.19% in different species. Among the various macronutrients estimated in the plant samples of different wild edible species, nitrogen was present in highest quantity, followed by potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium. Micronutrients, such as iron, zinc, magnesium, and copper contents were analyzed in different plant parts of various wild edible species. The iron content was higher in leaves and new shoots. The nutritive values of certain wild edible species determined in this study are comparable with various commercial fruits. It is suggested that a few wild edible species need to be grown for commercial cultivation and adopted in the traditional agroforestry systems, which will lead to reduced pressure on them in natural forest stands as well as producing economic benefits for poor farmers.  相似文献   

Summary The Kota of Nilgiri Hills, Tamilnadu, are an isolated tribal population and occupy the lowest stratum in the local social hierarchy. They have developed an economic symbiotic relationship with other tribes of the Nilgiri Hills (e.g., Toda, Kurumba, Badaga), but have almost no social relationship with other communities, such as the Hindu and Muslim, communities, etc. The total population of the Kota is about 1200. Consanguineous marriages are highly favoured in this group.This paper presents data on prenatal, infant and adolescent mortality in relation to the degree of inbreeding. No perceptible difference has been found in mortality figures between consanguineous and non-consanguineous marriages. This may be due to the long history of inbreeding among the Kota. No case of visible congenital malformation has been noticed.The estimates of genetic load as revealed by inbreeding data indicate that genetic load in the Kota is low (perhaps about 1 lethal equivalent per gamete); it is also low in comparison with that in other Indian populations.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on marketing, value addition and management concerns of the wild edible plants of the Sikkim Himalaya. At least 23 weekly markets, locally called ‘ Hats ’, have been identified in the state, and three markets, viz. Gangtok, Namchi and Singtam, were studied in detail, for one year, with reference to the availability, quantity sold and retailers involved with the marketing of wild edible species. A total of 44 wild edible species have been recorded to be sold annually in the three markets. Among all the species,Spondias axillaris was sold in highest quantity and more retailers were involved in its business than for any other wild edible plant. Other important species wereMachilus edulis, Diplazium esculentum, Eleagnus latifolia,Dendrocalamus hamiltonii, Agaricus and Baccaurea sapida. The rural economics of wild edible plants is estimated to be some 140 tons per annum, and the prices for various species have increased over the years. At Gangtok, prices increased 3 to 6 times from 1981 to 1996–1997. Analysis of the field data showed that the wild edible plants were an important source of income to the plant dwellers and subsistence for farm families. Value addition was done to a few wild edible species, and cost-benefit analysis showed that the income from the fruits could be increased by at least 3–5 times after making pickles, squash and jam. It was recorded that plant dwellers have open access for the collection of these plant resources, which often leads to their over exploitation, and the local state government at present lacks policies and strategies for protecting and promoting wild edible plants in any of its programs. It is suggested that suitable conservation practices and policies need to be formulated to conserve these plants in the wild habitats within the state.  相似文献   

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