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APOBEC3G (Apo3G) is a single-stranded (ss)DNA cytosine deaminase that eliminates HIV-1 infectivity by converting C → U in numerous small target motifs on the minus viral cDNA. Apo3G deaminates linear ssDNA in vitro with pronounced spatial asymmetry favoring the 3′ → 5′ direction. A similar polarity observed in vivo is believed responsible for initiating localized C → T mutational gradients that inactivate the virus. When compared with double-stranded (ds)DNA scanning enzymes, e.g. DNA glycosylases that excise rare aberrant bases, there is a paucity of mechanistic studies on ssDNA scanning enzymes. Here, we investigate ssDNA scanning and motif-targeting mechanisms for Apo3G using single molecule Förster resonance energy transfer. We address the specific issue of deamination asymmetry within the general context of ssDNA scanning mechanisms and show that Apo3G scanning trajectories, ssDNA contraction, and deamination efficiencies depend on motif sequence, location, and ionic strength. Notably, we observe the presence of bidirectional quasi-localized scanning of Apo3G occurring proximal to a 5′ hot motif, a motif-dependent DNA contraction greatest for 5′ hot > 3′ hot > 5′ cold motifs, and diminished mobility at low salt. We discuss the single molecule Förster resonance energy transfer data in terms of a model in which deamination polarity occurs as a consequence of Apo3G binding to ssDNA in two orientations, one that is catalytically favorable, with the other disfavorable.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase encoded by bacteriophage T7 has low processivity. Escherichia coli thioredoxin binds to a segment of 76 residues in the thumb subdomain of the polymerase and increases the processivity. The binding of thioredoxin leads to the formation of two basic loops, loops A and B, located within the thioredoxin-binding domain (TBD). Both loops interact with the acidic C terminus of the T7 helicase. A relatively weak electrostatic mode involves the C-terminal tail of the helicase and the TBD, whereas a high affinity interaction that does not involve the C-terminal tail occurs when the polymerase is in a polymerization mode. T7 gene 2.5 single-stranded DNA-binding protein (gp2.5) also has an acidic C-terminal tail. gp2.5 also has two modes of interaction with the polymerase, but both involve the C-terminal tail of gp2.5. An electrostatic interaction requires the basic residues in loops A and B, and gp2.5 binds to both loops with similar affinity as measured by surface plasmon resonance. When the polymerase is in a polymerization mode, the C terminus of gene 2.5 protein interacts with the polymerase in regions outside the TBD. gp2.5 increases the processivity of the polymerase-helicase complex during leading strand synthesis. When loop B of the TBD is altered, abortive DNA products are observed during leading strand synthesis. Loop B appears to play an important role in communication with the helicase and gp2.5, whereas loop A plays a stabilizing role in these interactions.  相似文献   

DNA sequences that can form intramolecular quadruplex structures are found in promoters of proto-oncogenes. Many of these sequences readily fold into parallel quadruplexes. Here we characterize the ability of yeast Pif1 to bind and unfold a parallel quadruplex DNA substrate. We found that Pif1 binds more tightly to the parallel quadruplex DNA than single-stranded DNA or tailed duplexes. However, Pif1 unwinding of duplexes occurs at a much faster rate than unfolding of a parallel intramolecular quadruplex. Pif1 readily unfolds a parallel quadruplex DNA substrate in a multiturnover reaction and also generates some product under single cycle conditions. The rate of ATP hydrolysis by Pif1 is reduced when bound to a parallel quadruplex compared with single-stranded DNA. ATP hydrolysis occurs at a faster rate than quadruplex unfolding, indicating that some ATP hydrolysis events are non-productive during unfolding of intramolecular parallel quadruplex DNA. However, product eventually accumulates at a slow rate.  相似文献   

An insight into the conformation and dynamics of unfolded and early intermediate states of a protein is essential to understand the mechanism of its aggregation and to design potent inhibitor molecules. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy has been used to study the effects of several model protein stabilizers on the conformation of the unfolded state and early folding dynamics of tetramethyl rhodamine-labeled cytochrome c from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at single molecular resolution. Special attention has been given to arginine, which is a widely used stabilizer for improving refolding yield of different proteins. The value of the hydrodynamic radius (rH) obtained by analyzing the intensity fluctuations of the diffusing molecules has been found to increase in a two-state manner as the protein is unfolded by urea. The results further show that the presence of arginine and other protein stabilizers favors a relatively structured conformation of the unfolded states (rH of 29 Å) over an extended one (rH of 40 Å), which forms in their absence. Also, the time constant of a kinetic component (τR) of about 30 μs has been observed by analyzing the correlation functions, which represents formation of a collapsed state. This time constant varies with urea concentration representing an inverted Chevron plot that shows a roll-over and behavior in the absence of arginine. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first applications of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to study direct folding kinetics of a protein.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) is an abundant nuclear protein that binds chromatin and catalyzes the transfer of ADP-ribose groups to itself and to numerous target proteins upon interacting with damaged DNA. The molecular basis for the dual role of PARP-1 as a chromatin architectural protein and a first responder in DNA repair pathways remains unclear. Here, we quantified the interactions of full-length PARP-1 and its N-terminal half with different types of DNA damage and with defined nucleosome substrates. We found that full-length PARP-1 prefers nucleosomes with two linker DNA extensions over any other substrate (including several free DNA models) and that the C-terminal half of PARP-1 is necessary for this selectivity. We also measured the ability of various substrates to activate PARP-1 activity and found that the most important feature for activation is one free DNA end rather than tight interaction with the activating nucleic acid. Our data provide insight into the different modes of interaction of this multidomain protein with nucleosomes and free DNA.  相似文献   

Members of the Anoctamin (Ano)/TMEM16A family have recently been identified as essential subunits of the Ca2+-activated chloride channel (CaCC). For example, Ano1 is highly expressed in multiple tissues including airway epithelia, where it acts as an apical conduit for transepithelial Cl secretion and helps regulate lung liquid homeostasis and mucus clearance. However, little is known about the oligomerization of this protein in the plasma membrane. Thus, utilizing mCherry- and eGFP-tagged Ano1 constructs, we conducted biochemical and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based experiments to determine the quaternary structure of Ano1. FRET and co-immunoprecipitation studies revealed that tagged Ano1 subunits directly associated before they reached the plasma membrane. This association was not altered by changes in cytosolic Ca2+, suggesting that this is a fixed interaction. To determine the oligomeric structure of Ano1, we performed chemical cross-linking, non-denaturing PAGE, and electromobility shift assays, which revealed that Ano1 exists as a dimer. These data are the first to probe the quaternary structure of Ano1. Understanding the oligomeric nature of Ano1 is an essential step in the development of therapeutic drugs that could be useful in the treatment of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

We characterized the effect of histone acetylation on the structure of a nucleosome and the interactions between two nucleosomes. In this study, nucleosomes reconstituted with the Selex "Widom 601" sequence were acetylated with the Piccolo NuA4 complex, which acetylates mainly H4 N-terminal tail lysine residues and some H2A/H3 N-terminal tail lysine residues. Upon the acetylation, we observed directional unwrapping of nucleosomal DNA that accompanies topology change of the DNA. Interactions between two nucleosomes in solution were also monitored to discover multiple transient dinucleosomal states that can be categorized to short-lived and long-lived (~1 s) states. The formation of dinucleosomes is strongly Mg(2+)-dependent, and unacetylated nucleosomes favor the formation of long-lived dinucleosomes 4-fold as much as the acetylated ones. These results suggest that the acetylation of histones by Piccolo NuA4 disturbs not only the structure of a nucleosome but also the interactions between two nucleosomes. Lastly, we suggest a structural model for a stable dinucleosomal state where the two nucleosomes are separated by ~2 nm face-to-face and rotated by 34° with respect to each other.  相似文献   

NMDA receptors are ligand-gated ion channels with a regulatory intracellular C-terminal domain (CTD). In GluN2B, the CTD is the largest domain in the protein but is intrinsically disordered. The GluN2B subunit is the major tyrosine-phosphorylated protein in synapses. Src kinase phosphorylates the GluN2B CTD, but it is unknown how this affects channel activity. In disordered proteins, phosphorylation can tip the balance between order and disorder. Transitions can occur in both directions, so it is not currently possible to predict the effects of phosphorylation. We used single molecule fluorescence to characterize the effects of Src phosphorylation on GluN2B. Scanning fluorescent labeling sites throughout the domain showed no positional dependence of the energy transfer. Instead, efficiency only scaled with the separation between labeling sites suggestive of a relatively featureless conformational energy landscape. Src phosphorylation led to a general expansion of the polypeptide, which would result in greater exposure of known protein-binding sites and increase the physical separation between contiguous sites. Phosphorylation makes the CTD more like a random coil leaving open the question of how Src exerts its effects on the NMDA receptor.  相似文献   

The ternary complex comprising MutS, MutL, and DNA is a key intermediate in DNA mismatch repair. We used chemical cross-linking and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to study the interaction between MutS and MutL and to shed light onto the structure of this complex. Via chemical cross-linking, we could stabilize this dynamic complex and identify the structural features of key events in DNA mismatch repair. We could show that in the complex between MutS and MutL the mismatch-binding and connector domains of MutS are in proximity to the N-terminal ATPase domain of MutL. The DNA- and nucleotide-dependent complex formation could be monitored by FRET using single cysteine variants labeled in the connector domain of MutS and the transducer domain of MutL, respectively. In addition, we could trap MutS after an ATP-induced conformational change by an intramolecular cross-link between Cys-93 of the mismatch-binding domain and Cys-239 of the connector domain.  相似文献   

The nucleosome is the fundamental packing unit of the eukaryotic genome, and CpG methylation is an epigenetic modification associated with gene repression and silencing. We investigated nucleosome assembly mediated by histone chaperone Nap1 and the effects of CpG methylation based on three-color single molecule FRET measurements, which enabled direct monitoring of histone binding in the context of DNA wrapping. According to our observation, (H3-H4)2 tetramer incorporation must precede H2A-H2B dimer binding, which is independent of DNA termini wrapping. Upon CpG methylation, (H3-H4)2 tetramer incorporation and DNA termini wrapping are facilitated, whereas proper incorporation of H2A-H2B dimers is inhibited. We suggest that these changes are due to rigidified DNA and increased random binding of histones to DNA. According to the results, CpG methylation expedites nucleosome assembly in the presence of abundant DNA and histones, which may help facilitate gene packaging in chromatin. The results also indicate that the slowest steps in nucleosome assembly are DNA termini wrapping and tetramer positioning, both of which are affected heavily by changes in the physical properties of DNA.  相似文献   

A kinetic analysis has been made of the interaction of α-Hb chains with a mutant α-hemoglobin stabilizing protein, AHSPV56G, which is the first case of an AHSP mutation associated with clinical symptoms of mild thalassemia syndrome. The chaperone AHSP is thought to protect nascent α chains until final binding to the partner β-Hb. Rather than protecting α chains, the mutant chaperone is partially unfolded but recovers its secondary structure via interaction with α-Hb. For both AHSPWT and AHSPV56G, the binding to α-Hb is quite rapid relative to the α-β reaction, as expected because the chaperone binding must be quite competitive to complete the α chain folding process before α-Hb binds irreversibly to β-Hb. The main kinetic difference is a dissociation rate of AHSPV56G·α-Hb some four times faster relative to AHSP·α-Hb. Considering a role of protein folding, the AHSPV56G apparently does not bind long enough (0.5 s versus 2 s for the WT) to complete the structural modifications. The overall replacement reaction (AHSP·α-Hb + β-Hb → AHSP + αβ) can be quite long, especially if there is an excess of AHSP relative to β-Hb monomers.  相似文献   

Chromosomal replication is initiated from the replication origin oriC in Escherichia coli by the active ATP-bound form of DnaA protein. The regulatory inactivation of DnaA (RIDA) system, a complex of the ADP-bound Hda and the DNA-loaded replicase clamp, represses extra initiations by facilitating DnaA-bound ATP hydrolysis, yielding the inactive ADP-bound form of DnaA. However, the mechanisms involved in promoting the DnaA-Hda interaction have not been determined except for the involvement of an interaction between the AAA+ domains of the two. This study revealed that DnaA Leu-422 and Pro-423 residues within DnaA domain IV, including a typical DNA-binding HTH motif, are specifically required for RIDA-dependent ATP hydrolysis in vitro and that these residues support efficient interaction with the DNA-loaded clamp·Hda complex and with Hda in vitro. Consistently, substitutions of these residues caused accumulation of ATP-bound DnaA in vivo and oriC-dependent inhibition of cell growth. Leu-422 plays a more important role in these activities than Pro-423. By contrast, neither of these residues is crucial for DNA replication from oriC, although they are highly conserved in DnaA orthologues. Structural analysis of a DnaA·Hda complex model suggested that these residues make contact with residues in the vicinity of the Hda AAA+ sensor I that participates in formation of a nucleotide-interacting surface. Together, the results show that functional DnaA-Hda interactions require a second interaction site within DnaA domain IV in addition to the AAA+ domain and suggest that these interactions are crucial for the formation of RIDA complexes that are active for DnaA-ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The NMDA-sensitive glutamate receptor is a ligand-gated ion channel that mediates excitatory synaptic transmission in the nervous system. Extracellular zinc allosterically regulates the NMDA receptor by binding to the extracellular N-terminal domain, which inhibits channel gating. Phosphorylation of the intrinsically disordered intracellular C-terminal domain alleviates inhibition by extracellular zinc. The mechanism for this functional effect is largely unknown. Proline is a hallmark of intrinsic disorder, so we used proline mutagenesis to modulate disorder in the cytoplasmic domain. Proline depletion selectively uncoupled zinc inhibition with little effect on receptor biogenesis, surface trafficking, or ligand-activated gating. Proline depletion also reduced the affinity for a PDZ domain involved in synaptic trafficking and affected small molecule binding. To understand the origin of these phenomena, we used single molecule fluorescence and ensemble biophysical methods to characterize the structural effects of proline mutagenesis. Proline depletion did not eliminate intrinsic disorder, but the underlying conformational dynamics were changed. Thus, we altered the form of intrinsic disorder, which appears sufficient to affect the biological activity. These findings suggest that conformational dynamics within the intrinsically disordered cytoplasmic domain are important for the allosteric regulation of NMDA receptor gating.  相似文献   

Rac1, which is associated with cytoskeletal pathways, can activate phospholipase Cβ2 (PLCβ2) to increase intracellular Ca2+ levels. This increased Ca2+ can in turn activate the very robust PLCδ1 to synergize Ca2+ signals. We have previously found that PLCβ2 will bind to and inhibit PLCδ1 in solution by an unknown mechanism and that PLCβ2·PLCδ1 complexes can be disrupted by Gβγ subunits. However, because the major populations of PLCβ2 and PLCδ1 are cytosolic, their regulation by Gβγ subunits is not clear. Here, we have found that the pleckstrin homology (PH) domains of PLCβ2 and PLCβ3 are the regions that result in PLCδ1 binding and inhibition. In cells, PLCβ2·PLCδ1 form complexes as seen by Förster resonance energy transfer and co-immunoprecipitation, and microinjection of PHβ2 dissociates the complex. Using PHβ2 as a tool to assess the contribution of PLCβ inhibition of PLCδ1 to Ca2+ release, we found that, although PHβ2 only results in a 25% inhibition of PLCδ1 in solution, in cells the presence of PHβ2 appears to eliminates Ca2+ release suggesting a large threshold effect. We found that the small plasma membrane population of PLCβ2·PLCδ1 is disrupted by activation of heterotrimeric G proteins, and that the major cytosolic population of the complexes are disrupted by Rac1 activation. Thus, the activity of PLCδ1 is controlled by the amount of bound PLCβ2 that changes with displacement of the enzyme by heterotrimeric or small G proteins. Through PLCβ2, PLCδ1 activation is linked to surface receptors as well as signals that mediate cytoskeletal pathways.  相似文献   

CALHM1 (calcium homeostasis modulator 1) forms a plasma membrane ion channel that mediates neuronal excitability in response to changes in extracellular Ca2+ concentration. Six human CALHM homologs exist with no homology to other proteins, although CALHM1 is conserved across >20 species. Here we demonstrate that CALHM1 shares functional and quaternary and secondary structural similarities with connexins and evolutionarily distinct innexins and their vertebrate pannexin homologs. A CALHM1 channel is a hexamer, comprised of six monomers, each of which possesses four transmembrane domains, cytoplasmic amino and carboxyl termini, an amino-terminal helix, and conserved extracellular cysteines. The estimated pore diameter of the CALHM1 channel is ∼14 Å, enabling permeation of large charged molecules. Thus, CALHMs, connexins, and pannexins and innexins are structurally related protein families with shared and distinct functional properties.  相似文献   

AU-rich element RNA-binding protein 1 (AUF1) binding to AU-rich elements (AREs) in the 3'-untranslated regions of mRNAs encoding many cytokines and other regulatory proteins modulates mRNA stability, thereby influencing protein expression. AUF1-mRNA association is a dynamic paradigm directed by various cellular signals, but many features of its function remain poorly described. There are four isoforms of AUF1 that result from alternative splicing of exons 2 and 7 from a common pre-mRNA. Preliminary evidence suggests that the different isoforms have varied functional characteristics, but no detailed quantitative analysis of the properties of each isoform has been reported despite their differential expression and regulation. Using purified recombinant forms of each AUF1 protein variant, we used chemical cross-linking and gel filtration chromatography to show that each exists as a dimer in solution. We then defined the association mechanisms of each AUF1 isoform for ARE-containing RNA substrates and quantified relevant binding affinities using electrophoretic mobility shift and fluorescence anisotropy assays. Although all AUF1 isoforms generated oligomeric complexes on ARE substrates by sequential dimer association, sequences encoded by exon 2 inhibited RNA-binding affinity. By contrast, the exon 7-encoded domain enhanced RNA-dependent protein oligomerization, even permitting cooperative RNA-binding activity in some contexts. Finally, fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based assays showed that the different AUF1 isoforms remodel bound RNA substrates into divergent structures as a function of protein:RNA stoichiometry. Together, these data describe isoform-specific characteristics among AUF1 ribonucleoprotein complexes, which likely constitute a mechanistic basis for differential functions and regulation among members of this protein family.  相似文献   

Recognition and removal of DNA damages is essential for cellular and organismal viability. Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is the sole mechanism in humans for the repair of carcinogenic UV irradiation-induced photoproducts in the DNA, such as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. The broad substrate versatility of NER further includes, among others, various bulky DNA adducts. It has been proposed that the 5′-3′ helicase XPD (xeroderma pigmentosum group D) protein plays a decisive role in damage verification. However, despite recent advances such as the identification of a DNA-binding channel and central pore in the protein, through which the DNA is threaded, as well as a dedicated lesion recognition pocket near the pore, the exact process of target site recognition and verification in eukaryotic NER still remained elusive. Our single molecule analysis by atomic force microscopy reveals for the first time that XPD utilizes different recognition strategies to verify structurally diverse lesions. Bulky fluorescein damage is preferentially detected on the translocated strand, whereas the opposite strand preference is observed for a cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer lesion. Both states, however, lead to similar conformational changes in the resulting specific complexes, indicating a merge to a “final” verification state, which may then trigger the recruitment of further NER proteins.  相似文献   

The association of DNA with histones in chromatin impedes DNA repair enzymes from accessing DNA lesions. Nucleosomes exist in a dynamic equilibrium in which portions of the DNA molecule spontaneously unwrap, transiently exposing buried DNA sites. Thus, nucleosome dynamics in certain regions of chromatin may provide the exposure time and space needed for efficient repair of buried DNA lesions. We have used FRET and restriction enzyme accessibility to study nucleosome dynamics following DNA damage by UV radiation. We find that FRET efficiency is reduced in a dose-dependent manner, showing that the presence of UV photoproducts enhances spontaneous unwrapping of DNA from histones. Furthermore, this UV-induced shift in unwrapping dynamics is associated with increased restriction enzyme accessibility of histone-bound DNA after UV treatment. Surprisingly, the increased unwrapping dynamics is even observed in nucleosome core particles containing a single UV lesion at a specific site. These results highlight the potential for increased “intrinsic exposure” of nucleosome-associated DNA lesions in chromatin to repair proteins.  相似文献   

Flp-InTM T-RExTM 293 cells expressing a wild type human M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor construct constitutively and able to express a receptor activated solely by synthetic ligand (RASSL) form of this receptor on demand maintained response to the muscarinic agonist carbachol but developed response to clozapine N-oxide only upon induction of the RASSL. The two constructs co-localized at the plasma membrane and generated strong ratiometric fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) signals consistent with direct physical interactions. Increasing levels of induction of the FRET donor RASSL did not alter wild type receptor FRET-acceptor levels substantially. However, ratiometric FRET was modulated in a bell-shaped fashion with maximal levels of the donor resulting in decreased FRET. Carbachol, but not the antagonist atropine, significantly reduced the FRET signal. Cell surface homogeneous time-resolved FRET, based on SNAP-tag technology and employing wild type and RASSL forms of the human M3 receptor expressed stably in Flp-InTM TRExTM 293 cells, also identified cell surface dimeric/oligomeric complexes. Now, however, signals were enhanced by appropriate selective agonists. At the wild type receptor, large increases in FRET signal to carbachol and acetylcholine were concentration-dependent with EC50 values consistent with the relative affinities of the two ligands. These studies confirm the capacity of the human M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor to exist as dimeric/oligomeric complexes at the surface of cells and demonstrate that the organization of such complexes can be modified by ligand binding. However, conclusions as to the effect of ligands on such complexes may depend on the approach used.  相似文献   

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