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Central to the power-stroke and Brownian-ratchet mechanisms of protein translocation is the process through which nonequilibrium fluctuations are rectified or ratcheted by the molecular motor to transport substrate proteins along a specific axis. We investigated the ratchet mechanism using anthrax toxin as a model. Anthrax toxin is a tripartite toxin comprised of the protective antigen (PA) component, a homooligomeric transmembrane translocase, which translocates two other enzyme components, lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF), into the cytosol of the host cell under the proton motive force (PMF). The PA-binding domains of LF and EF (LFN and EFN) possess identical folds and similar solution stabilities; however, EFN translocates ∼10–200-fold slower than LFN, depending on the electrical potential (Δψ) and chemical potential (ΔpH) compositions of the PMF. From an analysis of LFN/EFN chimera proteins, we identified two 10-residue cassettes comprised of charged sequence that were responsible for the impaired translocation kinetics of EFN. These cassettes have nonspecific electrostatic requirements: one surprisingly prefers acidic residues when driven by either a Δψ or a ΔpH; the second requires basic residues only when driven by a Δψ. Through modeling and experiment, we identified a charged surface in the PA channel responsible for charge selectivity. The charged surface latches the substrate and promotes PMF-driven transport. We propose an electrostatic ratchet in the channel, comprised of opposing rings of charged residues, enforces directionality by interacting with charged cassettes in the substrate, thereby generating forces sufficient to drive unfolding.  相似文献   

The assembly of bacterial toxins and virulence factors is critical to their function, but the regulation of assembly during infection has not been studied. We begin to address this question using anthrax toxin as a model. The protective antigen (PA) component of the toxin assembles into ring-shaped homooligomers that bind the two other enzyme components of the toxin, lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF), to form toxic complexes. To disrupt the host, these toxic complexes are endocytosed, such that the PA oligomer forms a membrane-spanning channel that LF and EF translocate through to enter the cytosol. Using single-channel electrophysiology, we show that PA channels contain two populations of conductance states, which correspond to two different PA pre-channel oligomers observed by electron microscopy—the well-described heptamer and a novel octamer. Mass spectrometry demonstrates that the PA octamer binds four LFs, and assembly routes leading to the octamer are populated with even-numbered, dimeric and tetrameric, PA intermediates. Both heptameric and octameric PA complexes can translocate LF and EF with similar rates and efficiencies. Here, we report a 3.2-Å crystal structure of the PA octamer. The octamer comprises ∼ 20-30% of the oligomers on cells, but outside of the cell, the octamer is more stable than the heptamer under physiological pH. Thus, the PA octamer is a physiological, stable, and active assembly state capable of forming lethal toxins that may withstand the hostile conditions encountered in the bloodstream. This assembly mechanism may provide a novel means to control cytotoxicity.  相似文献   


Bacillus anthracis, a spore-forming infectious bacterium, produces a toxin consisting of three proteins: lethal factor (LF), edema factor (EF), and protective antigen (PA). LF and EF possess intracellular enzymatic functions, the net effect of which is to severely compromise host innate immunity. During an anthrax infection PA plays the critical role of facilitating entry of both EF and LF toxins into host cell cytoplasm. Crystal structures of all three of the anthrax toxins have been determined, as well as the crystal structure of the (human) von Willebrand factor A (integrin VWA/I domain)—an anthrax toxin receptor. A theoretical structure of the complex between VWA/I and PA has also been reported. Here we report on the results of 1,000 psec molecular dynamics (MD) simulations carried out on complexes between the Anthrax Protective Antigen Domain 4 (PA-D4) and the von Willebrand Factor A (VWA/I). MD simulations (using Insight II software) were carried out for complexes containing wildtype (WT) PA-D4, as well as for complexes containing three different mutants of PA-D4, one containing three substitutions in the PA-D4 “small loop” (residues 679–693) (D683A/L685E/Y688C), one containing a single substitution at a key site at the PA-D4—receptor interface (K679A) and another containing a deletion of eleven residues at the C-terminus of PA (A724–735). All three sets of PA mutations have been shown experimentally to result in serious deficiencies in PA function. Our MD results are consistent with these findings. Major disruptions in interactions were observed between the mutant PA-D4 domains and the anthrax receptor during the MD simulations. Many secondary structural features in PA-D4 are also severely compromised when VWA complexes with mutant variants of PA-D4 are subjected to MD simulations. These MD simulation results clearly indicate the importance of the mutated PA-D4 residues in both the “small loop” and at the carboxyl terminus in maintaining a PA conformation that is capable of effective interaction with the anthrax toxin receptor.  相似文献   

目的:对炭疽毒素保护性抗原(PA)的不同结构域进行了缺失突变,以期找到免疫原性降低而功能变化不大的PA蛋白突变体。方法:在对PA结构域的缺失突变体进行表达时,意外发现不同的突变体表达效果之间存在很大差异,遂用DNAStar软件对PA的4个结构域和突变体进行分析。结果:PA蛋白结构域2的表面特性与其他结构域存在很大差异。结论:推断这种表面特性影响了PA突变体的可溶性特征。  相似文献   

人工优化设计并合成炭疽毒素保护性抗原第四结构域基因,并与噬菌体gⅢ蛋白N端结构域基因融合,在大肠杆菌中可溶性表达融合蛋白。结果表明合成了炭疽毒素保护性抗原第四结构域基因,并在大肠杆菌中获得了高效可溶性融合表达,可溶性表达产物占细菌总蛋白量的36%左右;经亲和层析纯化获得了重组蛋白;Western印迹分析表明,表达产物能与His单抗(重组蛋白羧基端带有6xHis)发生特异性结合反应。以上结果表明获得了炭疽毒素保护性抗原第四结构域,为利用人抗体库进行筛选抗炭疽毒素的人源性中和抗体奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Anthrax is caused by strains of Bacillus anthracis that produce two key virulence factors, anthrax toxin (Atx) and a poly-γ-D-glutamic acid capsule. Atx is comprised of three proteins: protective antigen (PA) and two enzymes, lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF). To disrupt cell function, these components must assemble into holotoxin complexes, which contain either a ring-shaped homooctameric or homoheptameric PA oligomer bound to multiple copies of LF and/or EF, producing lethal toxin (LT), edema toxin, or mixtures thereof. Once a host cell endocytoses these complexes, PA converts into a membrane-inserted channel that translocates LF and EF into the cytosol. LT can assemble on host cell surfaces or extracellularly in plasma. We show that, under physiological conditions in bovine plasma, LT complexes containing heptameric PA aggregate and inactivate more readily than LT complexes containing octameric PA. LT complexes containing octameric PA possess enhanced stability, channel-forming activity, and macrophage cytotoxicity relative to those containing heptameric PA. Under physiological conditions, multiple biophysical probes reveal that heptameric PA can prematurely adopt the channel conformation, but octameric PA complexes remain in their soluble prechannel configuration, which allows them to resist aggregation and inactivation. We conclude that PA may form an octameric oligomeric state as a means to produce a more stable and active LT complex that could circulate freely in the blood.  相似文献   

重组炭疽保护性抗原的表达、纯化与生物活性分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
构建分泌型表达质粒 ,在大肠杆菌中实现了重组炭疽保护性抗原 (rPA)的分泌型表达。重组蛋白位于细菌外周质 ,表达量约占菌体总蛋白的 10 %。以离子交换、疏水层析和凝胶过滤为基础 ,建立了rPA的纯化工艺 ,每升培养物可获得约 15mgrPA ,纯度可达 95 %以上。体外细胞毒性试验显示rPA具有较好的生物学活性。用rPA免疫家兔产生的抗血清在体外可抑制炭疽致死毒素的活性 ,表明rPA可诱导机体产生保护性免疫。以上结果为今后发展新一代炭疽疫苗打下基础  相似文献   

Anthrax toxin receptors act as molecular clamps or switches that control anthrax toxin entry, pH-dependent pore formation, and translocation of enzymatic moieties across the endosomal membranes. We previously reported that reduction of the disulfide bonds in the immunoglobulin-like (Ig) domain of the anthrax toxin receptor 2 (ANTXR2) inhibited the function of the protective antigen (PA) pore. In the present study, the disulfide linkage in the Ig domain was identified as Cys255-Cys279 and Cys230-Cys315. Specific disulfide bond deletion mutants were achieved by replacing Cys residues with Ala residues. Deletion of the disulfide bond C255-C279, but not C230-C315, inhibited the PA pore-induced release of the fluorescence dyes from the liposomes, suggesting that C255-C279 is essential for PA pore function. Furthermore, we found that deletion of C255-C279 did not affect PA prepore-to-pore conversion, but inhibited PA pore membrane insertion by trapping the PA membrane-inserting loops in proteinaceous hydrophobic pockets. Fluorescence spectra of Trp59, a residue adjacent to the PA-binding motif in von Willebrand factor A (VWA) domain of ANTXR2, showed that deletion of C255-C279 resulted in a significant conformational change on the receptor ectodomain. The disulfide deletion-induced conformational change on the VWA domain was further confirmed by single-particle 3D reconstruction of the negatively stained PA-receptor heptameric complexes. Together, the biochemical and structural data obtained in this study provides a mechanistic insight into the role of the receptor disulfide bond C255-C279 in anthrax toxin action. Manipulation of the redox states of the receptor, specifically targeting to C255-C279, may become a novel strategy to treat anthrax.  相似文献   

The three components of the toxin of Bacillus anthracis, edema factor (EF), protective antigen (PA), and lethal factor (LF), were purified 197-, 156-, and 1,025- fold, with 38, 78, and 11% recovery, respectively. Each purified component was serologically active, distinct, and free from the other components. The purified EF produced edema when mixed with PA, and the purified PA was an active immunogen. The components did not appear to be simple proteins by spectrophotometric analysis. As they were purified, the pH range in which they were most stable narrowed, centering between pH 7.4 and 7.8. Heat readily destroyed the biological activity of the components but not their serological activity. The rat lethality test showed that, with a constant amount of LF and an increasing amount of PA, the time to death reached a minimum and then was extended. When an increasing amount of LF was added to a constant amount of PA, the time to death became shorter as more LF was added. The biological, immunological, and serological properties of the components were shown to vary independently with storage and extent of purification so that serological activity was not always directly correlated with biological activity. Evidence is presented that the components can exist in different molecular configurations or as aggregates, and that this property is influenced by the state of component purity and by the environment.  相似文献   



Plant viruses such as Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) are increasingly being developed for applications in nanobiotechnology including vaccine development because of their potential for producing large quantities of antigenic material in plant hosts. In order to improve efficacy of viral nanoparticles in these types of roles, an investigation of the individual cell types that interact with the particles is critical. In particular, it is important to understand the interactions of a potential vaccine with antigen presenting cells (APCs) of the immune system. CPMV was previously shown to interact with vimentin displayed on cell surfaces to mediate cell entry, but the expression of surface vimentin on APCs has not been characterized.


The binding and internalization of CPMV by several populations of APCs was investigated both in vitro and in vivo by flow cytometry and fluorescence confocal microscopy. The association of the particles with mouse gastrointestinal epithelium and Peyer''s patches was also examined by confocal microscopy. The expression of surface vimentin on APCs was also measured.


We found that CPMV is bound and internalized by subsets of several populations of APCs both in vitro and in vivo following intravenous, intraperitoneal, and oral administration, and also by cells isolated from the Peyer''s patch following gastrointestinal delivery. Surface vimentin was also expressed on APC populations that could internalize CPMV. These experiments demonstrate that APCs capture CPMV particles in vivo, and that further tuning the interaction with surface vimentin may facilitate increased uptake by APCs and priming of antibody responses. These studies also indicate that CPMV particles likely access the systemic circulation following oral delivery via the Peyer''s patch.  相似文献   



We have previously demonstrated that stem cells isolated from fetal porcine skin have the potential to form oocyte-like cells (OLCs) in vitro. However, primordial germ cells (PGCs), which must also be specified during the stem cell differentiation to give rise to these putative oocytes at more advanced stages of culture, were not systematically characterized. The current study tested the hypothesis that a morphologically distinct population of cells derived from skin stem cells prior to OLC formation corresponds to putative PGCs, which differentiate further into more mature gametes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

When induced to differentiate in an appropriate microenvironment, a subpopulation of morphologically distinct cells, some of which are alkaline phosphatase (AP)-positive, also express Oct4, Fragilis, Stella, Dazl, and Vasa, which are markers indicative of germ cell formation. A known differentially methylated region (DMR) within the H19 gene locus, which is demethylated in oocytes after establishment of the maternal imprint, is hypomethylated in PGC-like cells compared to undifferentiated skin-derived stem cells, suggesting that the putative germ cell population undergoes imprint erasure. Additional evidence supporting the germ cell identity of in vitro-generated PGC-like cells is that, when labeled with a Dazl-GFP reporter, these cells further differentiate into GFP-positive OLCs.


The ability to generate germ cell precursors from somatic stem cells may provide an in vitro model to study some of the unanswered questions surrounding early germ cell formation.  相似文献   

The OP9/OP9-DL1 co-culture system has become a well-established method for deriving differentiated blood cell types from embryonic and hematopoietic progenitors of both mouse and human origin. It is now used to address a growing variety of complex genetic, cellular and molecular questions related to hematopoiesis, and is at the cutting edge of efforts to translate these basic findings to therapeutic applications. The procedures are straightforward and routinely yield robust results. However, achieving successful hematopoietic differentiation in vitro requires special attention to the details of reagent and cell culture maintenance. Furthermore, the protocol features technique sensitive steps that, while not difficult, take care and practice to master. Here we focus on the procedures for differentiation of T lymphocytes from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC). We provide a detailed protocol with discussions of the critical steps and parameters that enable reproducibly robust cellular differentiation in vitro. It is in the interest of the field to consider wider adoption of this technology, as it has the potential to reduce animal use, lower the cost and shorten the timelines of both basic and translational experimentation.  相似文献   

Current treatment of T cell mediated autoimmune diseases relies mostly on strategies of global immunosuppression, which, in the long term, is accompanied by adverse side effects such as a reduced ability to control infections or malignancies. Therefore, new approaches need to be developed that target only the disease mediating cells and leave the remaining immune system intact. Over the past decade a variety of cell based immunotherapy strategies to modulate T cell mediated immune responses have been developed. Most of these approaches rely on tolerance-inducing antigen presenting cells (APC). However, in addition to being technically difficult and cumbersome, such cell-based approaches are highly sensitive to cytotoxic T cell responses, which limits their therapeutic capacity. Here we present a protocol for the generation of non-cellular killer artificial antigen presenting cells (KaAPC), which allows for the depletion of pathologic T cells while leaving the remaining immune system untouched and functional. KaAPC is an alternative solution to cellular immunotherapy which has potential for treating autoimmune diseases and allograft rejections by regulating undesirable T cell responses in an antigen specific fashion.  相似文献   

It is of interest to define bacterial toxin biochemical properties to use them as molecular-syringe devices in order to deliver enzymatic activities into host cells. Binary toxins of the AB7/8-type are among the most potent and specialized bacterial protein toxins. The B subunits oligomerize to form a pore that binds with high affinity host cell receptors and the enzymatic A subunit. This allows the endocytosis of the complex and subsequent injection of the A subunit into the cytosol of the host cells. Here we report that the addition of an N-terminal His6-tag to different proteins increased their binding affinity to the protective antigen (PA) PA63-channels, irrespective if they are related (C2I) or unrelated (gpJ, EDIN) to the AB7/8-family of toxins. His6-EDIN exhibited voltage-dependent increase of the stability constant for binding by a factor of about 25 when the trans-side corresponding to the cell interior was set to −70 mV. Surprisingly, the C. botulinum toxin C2II-channel did not share this feature of PA63. Cell-based experiments demonstrated that addition of an N-terminal His6-tag promoted also intoxication of endothelial cells by C2I or EDIN via PA63. Our results revealed that addition of His6-tags to several factors increase their binding properties to PA63 and enhance the property to intoxicate cells.  相似文献   


Although pore formation by protective antigen (PA) is critical to cell intoxication by anthrax toxin (AT), the structure of the pore form of PA (the PA63 pore) has not been determined. Hence, in this study, the PA63 pore was modeled using the X-ray structures of monomeric PA and heptameric α-hemolysin (α-HL) as templates. The PA63 pore model consists of two weakly associated domains, namely the cap and stem domains. The ring-like cap domain has a length of 80 Å and an outside diameter of 120 Å, while the cylinder-like stem domain has a length of 100 Å and outside diameter of ~28 Å. This provides the PA63 pore model with a length of 180 Å. Based on experimental results, the channel in the PA63 pore model was built to have a minimum diameter of ~12 Å, depending on side chain conformations. Because of its large size and structural complexity, the all-atom model of the PA63 pore is the end-stage construction of four separate modeling projects described herein. The final model is consistent with published experimental results, including mutational analysis and channel conductance experiments. In addition, the model was energetically and hydropathically refined to optimize molecular packing within the protomers and at the protomer-protomer interfaces. By providing atomic detail to biochemical and biophysical data, the PA63 pore model may afford new insights into the binding mode of PA on the membrane surface, the prepore-pore transition, and the mechanism of cell entry by anthrax toxin.  相似文献   

目的:建立CHO细胞表达的抗炭疽保护性抗原人源化单抗纯化工艺和质量控制方法。方法:收获50 L生物反应器中无血清悬浮培养的CHO工程细胞培养液,通过高速离心去除细胞及碎片后超滤浓缩上清液,经亲和层析、SPFF阳离子交换层析后,将所得目的蛋白质经G25凝胶柱更换缓冲液以完成纯化;对纯化的产品进行单抗鉴别(Western印迹)、相对分子质量(SDS-PAGE和MOLDI-TOF)、纯度(SEC-HPLC)、生物学活性(毒素中和试验)、产品相关杂质(SEC-HPLC检测聚集体、降解产物)、工艺相关杂质(ELISA分析残余宿主蛋白、残余蛋白A)、安全性(凝胶法检测内毒素、薄膜过滤法考察无菌)分析。结果:样品回收率达61.7%;单抗鉴别实验阳性;MOLDI-TOF测定完整分子的相对分子质量为147 995,与预期相符;单体比例为99.25%,二聚体比例为0.75%;EC50值为0.1516μg/m L。残余宿主蛋白、残余蛋白A、内毒素、无菌检查结果符合药典要求。结论:初步建立了纯化工艺和质量控制方法,为抗炭疽人源化单抗药物的研制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:克隆并分析抗重组炭疽芽孢杆菌保护性抗原(rPA)单克隆抗体4B2、5E1和2A8轻、重链可变区基因。方法:从分泌抗rPA特异性单抗的杂交瘤细胞株4B2、5E1和2A8中提取总RNA;利用RT-PCR技术克隆抗rPA单抗4B2、5E1和2A8的VL、VH基因,并将其连入pMD18-T载体中进行测序分析。结果:4B2VL基因全长378bp,VH基因全长414bp;5E1VL基因全长420bp,VH基因全长426bp;2A8VL基因全长384bp,VH基因全长342bp。通过分析,这些基因均符合小鼠IgGV区基因的特征,含有4个框架区、3个抗原互补决定区,而且抗体特征性的半胱氨酸残基的数量和位置也正确。结论:克隆了抗rPA单抗4B2、5E1和2A8的VL、VH基因,为下一步构建多种形式的基因工程抗体奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of tetanus toxin on the uptake and release of radiolabelled transmitters from slices prepared from substantia nigra (SN) and striatum of rats has been investigated. Tetanus toxin-500–750 mouse lethal doses (MLD)-injected into the SN 6 h before preparing the slices significantly reduced the calcium-dependent, potassium-evoked release of [3H]GABA. Endogenous GABA levels in the SN and [3H]GABA uptake by nigral slices were unaffected by pretreatment with the toxin. Injections of tetanus toxin (1000–2000 MLD) into the striatum significantly reduced the calcium-dependent, potassium-evoked release of [14C]GABA and also [3H]dopamine, but had no effect on the K+-evoked release of [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine or [14C]acetylcholine. It is concluded that tetanus toxin inhibits GABA release directly and not by interference with synthesis or inactivation processes.  相似文献   

Abstract Ca2+-dependent K+-stimulated γ-aminobutyric acid release from rat hippocampal slices was reduced about 30% by pre-incubation of the slices with 104 mouse LD50/ml tetanus toxin for 3 h at 37°C.  相似文献   

As tumors grow larger, they often experience an insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients. Hence, cancer cells must develop mechanisms to overcome these stresses. Using an in vitro transformation model where the presence of the simian virus 40 (SV40) small T (ST) antigen has been shown to be critical for tumorigenic transformation, we investigated whether the ST antigen has a role to play in regulating the energy homeostasis of cancer cells. We find that cells expressing the SV40 ST antigen (+ST cells) are more resistant to glucose deprivation-induced cell death than cells lacking the SV40 ST antigen (−ST cells). Mechanistically, we find that the ST antigen mediates this effect by activating a nutrient-sensing kinase, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). The basal level of active, phosphorylated AMPK was higher in +ST cells than in −ST cells, and these levels increased further in response to glucose deprivation. Additionally, inhibition of AMPK in +ST cells increased the rate of cell death, while activation of AMPK in −ST cells decreased the rate of cell death, under conditions of glucose deprivation. We further show that AMPK mediates its effects, at least in part, by inhibiting mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), thereby shutting down protein translation. Finally, we show that +ST cells exhibit a higher percentage of autophagy than −ST cells upon glucose deprivation. Thus, we demonstrate a novel role for the SV40 ST antigen in cancers, where it functions to maintain energy homeostasis during glucose deprivation by activating AMPK, inhibiting mTOR, and inducing autophagy as an alternate energy source.The localization of most mammalian cells within a 100- to 150-μm distance from blood vessels ensures a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients, a prerequisite for cell survival. However, tumors often grow beyond this limit, thereby experiencing oxygen and nutrient deprivation (28). Tumors overcome this barrier by initiating neoangiogenesis, a process that supplies new blood vessels (44). However, before neoangiogenesis can set in, incipient tumors must survive the stresses of nutrient deprivation. Therefore, an understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate cancer cell survival under conditions of nutrient deprivation is fundamental in cancer biology. Additionally, targeting the ability of cancer cells to survive under nutrient-deprived conditions can be exploited for designing novel cancer therapeutics.Glucose is the major source of energy for mammalian cells. Several types of cancer cells exhibit marked resistance to cell death upon glucose deprivation (22). In this study we have attempted to delineate the mechanisms that allow cancer cells to survive under conditions of glucose deprivation by using human foreskin fibroblasts that have been transformed by the serial introduction of the simian virus 40 (SV40) early region (coding for the large T [LT] and small T [ST] antigens), the catalytic subunit of human telomerase (hTERT), and an oncogenic allele of H-Ras (H-Ras V12) (referred to below as +ST cells) (32). In this model, human cells lacking the ST antigen but expressing the rest of these genetic elements (referred to below as −ST cells) are nontumorigenic (16, 32), highlighting the importance of the ST antigen in human cell transformation. However, little is known about the specific cellular functions moderated by the ST antigen that aid in transformation (3).Since glucose is the major source of energy for mammalian cells, and cancer cells experience glucose deprivation when they are beyond the diffusion limit, we investigated whether the ST antigen has any role to play under conditions of glucose deprivation. We report here a novel link between the ST antigen and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation that enables cancer cell survival under glucose deprivation via inhibition of protein synthesis and activation of autophagy as an alternate energy source.  相似文献   

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