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Isolation and Characterization of a Mutant Colicin E2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Escherichia coli K-12 colicinogenic for Col E2 yielded a mutant, SK95, that carries a nonsense mutation in the colicin structural gene. A derivative of SK95 that carries an as yet unidentified suppressor mutation produces a colicin E2 that is temperature sensitive (TS). This mutant colicin kills sensitive cells at low temperature but not at high temperature; the colicin adsorbs to cells at high temperature but does not kill them unless the temperature is lowered. Unlike normal colicin E2, which adsorbs rapidly to cells, TS colicin E2 adsorbs slowly over a period of several hours. The biochemical target of colicin E2 is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). When acid solubilization of DNA was compared in cells treated with either TS or normal colicin E2, striking differences were observed. Cell killing and acid solubilization of DNA by colicin E2 were shown to be separable events under certain conditions. The results are discussed in relation to the mechanism of action of colicin E2.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans responds to overcrowding and scarcity of food by arresting development as a dauer larva, a nonfeeding, long-lived, stress-resistant, alternative third-larval stage. Previous work has shown that mutations in the genes daf-2 (encoding a member of the insulin receptor family) and age-1 (encoding a PI 3-kinase) result in constitutive formation of dauer larvae (Daf-c), increased adult longevity (Age), and increased intrinsic thermotolerance (Itt). Some daf-2 mutants have additional developmental, behavioral, and reproductive defects. We have characterized in detail 15 temperature-sensitive and 1 nonconditional daf-2 allele to investigate the extent of daf-2 mutant defects and to examine whether specific mutant traits correlate with each other. The greatest longevity seen in daf-2 mutant adults was approximately three times that of wild type. The temperature-sensitive daf-2 mutants fell into two overlapping classes, including eight class 1 mutants, which are Daf-c, Age, and Itt, and exhibit low levels of L1 arrest at 25.5 degrees. Seven class 2 mutants also exhibit the class 1 defects as well as some or all of the following: reduced adult motility, abnormal adult body and gonad morphology, high levels of embryonic and L1 arrest, production of progeny late in life, and reduced brood size. The strengths of the Daf-c, Age, and Itt phenotypes largely correlated with each other but not with the strength of class 2-specific defects. This suggests that the DAF-2 receptor is bifunctional. Examination of the null phenotype revealed a maternally rescued egg, L1 lethal component, and a nonconditional Daf-c component. With respect to the Daf-c phenotype, the dauer-defective (Daf-d) mutation daf-12(m20) was epistatic to daf-2 class 1 alleles but not the severe class 2 alleles tested. All daf-2 mutant defects were suppressed by the daf-d mutation daf-16(m26). Our findings suggest a new model for daf-2, age-1, daf-12, and daf-16 interactions.  相似文献   

植物体根发育是一个复杂的过程,尽管对其研究颇多,但对其中的分子机制尚缺乏足够认识。以模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)为研究材料,在T-DNA突变体库中分离到一个拟南芥根生长缺陷突变体rei1(root elongationinhi-bited1)。通过表型分析发现,rei1在生长发育方面与野生型存在明显的差异,突变体的根较野生型短,且角果较小,花出现部分的败育。对突变体进行显微结构分析,发现突变体的根在内部结构上表现为表皮及皮层细胞形态不规则,排列疏松且横向膨大。遗传学分析表明,rei1是单基因隐性突变且与一个T-DNA插入共分离,通过图位克隆的方法成功分离了缺失的候选基因。以上研究结果表明,REI1对植物的根发育具有非常重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

We have isolated a cytokinin up-regulated cDNA clone, H13, froman early stage of cultured tobacco mesophyll protoplasts bya differential display method. The expression of this gene wasspecifically induced by natural and synthetic cytokinins includingN-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N'-phenylurea (4PU30), a diphenylurea-typecytokinin, although the simultaneous presence of auxin was alsorequired. It seems that the preceding treatment of the tobaccomesophyll protoplasts by auxin is necessary for the gene torespond to cytokinin. The addition of a cytokinin antagonist,compound 182, which suppressed the induction of cell divisionin tobacco mesophyll protoplasts, completely abolished the expressionof this gene. Though the predicted gene product of H13 did notsuggest us any sequences of defined functions, two domains ofthe predicted sequence had significant homology to several reportedsequences in the data base. The gene product of H13 is proposedto have a role in regenerating cell wall in cultured protoplasts,since a cDNA clone E6, from cotton fiber cells, which has themost closely related structure to H13, has been isolated fromcells which showed active cellulose synthesis. This suppositionis supported by the evidence that in the absence of cytokinin,cell wall regeneration was significantly suppressed, resultingin failure of the induction of cell division. Thus, the geneproduct of H13 is supposed to have a role in regenerating cellwalls and facilitating the progression of the cell cycle, resultingin the sustained cell division of tobacco mesophyll protoplasts. 1These authors are equally contributed to this work.  相似文献   

Copper is ferried in a cell complexed to chaperone proteins, and in the heart much copper is required for cytochrome c oxidase (Cox). It is not completely understood how copper status affects the levels of these proteins. Here we determined if dietary copper deficiency could up- or down-regulate select copper chaperone proteins and Cox subunits 1 and 4 in cardiac tissue of rats. Sixteen weanling male Long–Evans rats were randomized into treatment groups, one group receiving a copper-deficient diet (<1 mg Cu/kg diet) and one group receiving a diet containing adequate copper (6 mg Cu/kg diet) for 5 weeks. Hearts were removed, weighed, and non-myofibrillar proteins separated to analyze for levels of CCS, Sco1, Ctr1, Cox17, Cox1, and Cox4 by SDS–PAGE and Western blotting. No changes were observed in the concentrations of CTR1 and Cox17 between copper-adequate and copper-deficient rats. CCS and Sco1 were up-regulated and Cox1 and Cox4 were both down-regulated as a result of copper deficiency. These data suggest that select chaperone proteins and may be up-regulated, and Cox1 and 4 down-regulated, by a dietary copper deficiency, whereas others appear not to be affected by copper status.  相似文献   

The correct biogenesis and localization of Pma1 at the plasma membrane is essential for yeast growth. A subset of PMA1 mutations behave as dominant negative because they produce aberrantly folded proteins that form protein aggregates, which in turn provoke the aggregation of the wild type protein. One approach to understand this dominant negative effect is to identify second-site mutations able to suppress the dominant lethal phenotype caused by those mutant alleles. We isolated and characterized two intragenic second-site suppressors of the PMA1-D378T dominant negative mutation. We present here the analysis of these new mutations that are located along the amino-terminal half of the protein and include a missense mutation, L151F, and an in-frame 12bp deletion that eliminates four residues from Cys409 to Ala412. The results show that the suppressor mutations disrupt the interaction between the mutant and wild type enzymes, and this enables the wild type Pma1 to reach the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The gene encoding a Verotoxin 2 variant, VTvp1, was mutated by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis. Among 6 mutant toxins encoded by the mutated genes, E167Q-R170L (glutamic acid at position 167 and arginine at position 170 from N-terminus of the A subunit were replaced by glutamine and leucine, respectively) was found to have markedly decreased activities; inhibition of protein synthesis, Vero cell cytotoxicity and mouse lethality of the purified E167Q-R170L were 1/1,900, 1/125,000 and 1/2,000, respectively, of those of the purified wild-type VT2vp1. Since the antigenic property of the E167Q-R170L was demonstrated to be similar to that of the wild-type VT2vp1 by Ouchterlony double gel diffusion test and by neutralization test of Vero cell cytotoxicity of the VT2vp1, a possibility to use the mutant VT2vp1, E167Q-R170L, as a toxoid is discussed.  相似文献   

Two mutant forms (R132H and R132C) of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) have been associated with a number of cancers including glioblastoma and acute myeloid leukemia. These mutations confer a neomorphic activity of 2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG) production, and 2-HG has previously been implicated as an oncometabolite. Inhibitors of mutant IDH1 can potentially be used to treat these diseases. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of action of a newly discovered inhibitor, ML309, using biochemical, cellular, and biophysical approaches. Substrate binding and product inhibition studies helped to further elucidate the IDH1 R132H catalytic cycle. This rapidly equilibrating inhibitor is active in both biochemical and cellular assays. The (+) isomer is active (IC50 = 68 nm), whereas the (−) isomer is over 400-fold less active (IC50 = 29 μm) for IDH1 R132H inhibition. IDH1 R132C was similarly inhibited by (+)-ML309. WT IDH1 was largely unaffected by (+)-ML309 (IC50 >36 μm). Kinetic analyses combined with microscale thermophoresis and surface plasmon resonance indicate that this reversible inhibitor binds to IDH1 R132H competitively with respect to α-ketoglutarate and uncompetitively with respect to NADPH. A reaction scheme for IDH1 R132H inhibition by ML309 is proposed in which ML309 binds to IDH1 R132H after formation of the IDH1 R132H NADPH complex. ML309 was also able to inhibit 2-HG production in a glioblastoma cell line (IC50 = 250 nm) and had minimal cytotoxicity. In the presence of racemic ML309, 2-HG levels drop rapidly. This drop was sustained until 48 h, at which point the compound was washed out and 2-HG levels recovered.  相似文献   

八棱丝瓜籽核糖体失活蛋白的分离纯化及其生化性质   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过盐溶液抽提、硫酸铵分级沉淀、CM 5 2纤维素阳离子交换层析、反相毛细管液相色谱 (re verse phasecapillaryliquidchromatography ,RP CLC)等步骤 ,从八棱丝瓜籽中分离到 2种单链核糖体失活蛋白luffaculin 1和luffaculin 2 .在SDS PAGE和IEF上均显示为单一条带 ,表观分子量均为 2 8kD ,其等电点分别为 8 86 (luffaculin 1)和 9 0 5 (luffaculin 2 ) .实验表明 ,它们具有RNAN 糖苷酶活性 .蛋白质合成抑制活性测试表明 ,它们对蛋白质合成具较强的抑制作用 .体外抑制肿瘤细胞生长活性检测表明 ,luffaculin 1和luffaculin 2对人白血病细胞株K5 6 2有较强的毒性 ,IC50 分别为 1 1×10 -6mol L和 2 0× 10 -7mol L .八棱丝瓜籽核糖体失活蛋白具有可以用于或构成免疫毒素治疗癌症的应用前景  相似文献   

Aphidicolin, a mycotoxin that inhibits eucaryotic DNA polymerase alpha, blocked the growth of Toxoplasma gondii in confluent cultured human fibroblasts. Aphidicolin immediately inhibited DNA synthesis by T. gondii while it had a delayed and less dramatic effect on RNA synthesis. A mutant of T. gondii resistant to aphidicolin was isolated with the aid of mutagenesis by ethylnitrosourea. Parasite growth measured three days after drug treatment and parasite DNA synthesis measured immediately after drug treatment were, respectively, five- and four-fold more resistant to aphidicolin in the mutant as compared with the wild type parasite. The mutant had a three-fold greater capacity than the wild type to incorporate uracil into its deoxycytidine triphosphate pool. This increased deoxycytidine triphosphate pool is the probable explanation for the mutant's resistance because this deoxynucleotide is known, in mammalian cells, to reverse the inhibition of DNA synthesis by aphidicolin in a competitive manner.  相似文献   

The effects of inactivation of the genes encoding penicillin-binding protein 1a (PBP1a), PBP1b, and PBP2a in Streptococcus pneumoniae were examined. Insertional mutants did not exhibit detectable changes in growth rate or morphology, although a pbp1a pbp1b double-disruption mutant grew more slowly than its parent did. Attempts to generate a pbp1a pbp2a double-disruption mutant failed. The pbp2a mutants, but not the other mutants, were more sensitive to moenomycin, a transglycosylase inhibitor. These observations suggest that individually the pbp1a, pbp1b, and pbp2a genes are dispensable but that either pbp1a or pbp2a is required for growth in vitro. These results also suggest that PBP2a is a functional transglycosylase in S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

稀土发光材料相比于传统有机荧光染料在生物成像、分子检测和传感等领域具有独特的优势。目前,稀土发光生物探针主要以可见光发射为主,此类探针受限于组织穿透深度,应用范围较窄。具有较大组织穿透能力的近红外(NIR)稀土发光生物探针,由于其发光效率较低而少有报到。本工作合成了一种新型近红外发光的卟啉镱-铂配合物,TFPYb-Pt,表征并测试了该配合物的光物理性质。实验证实TFPYb-Pt具有较大的NIR发光效率(980/1 030 nm,Фem=0.37)和较长的NIR发光寿命(τ=49μs),表明该配合物可望被用于开发新型生物NIR发光探针。  相似文献   

From a human fetal-brain cDNA library we isolated two novel genes encoding peptides containing six EGF-like repeats. Both showed significant homologies with nel, a gene strongly expressed in neural tissues of chicken. The cDNAs, designated NELL1 (nel-like, type 1) and NELL2 (nel-like, type 2), contained open reading frames encoding 810 and 816 amino acids, respectively. NELL2 is strongly expressed in brain of adult and fetus but only weakly in fetal kidney. NELL1 and NELL2 were mapped by FISH to chromosomal bands 11p15.1–p15.2 and 12q13.11–q13.12, respectively.  相似文献   

毕赤氏酵母醇氧化酶-2基因启动子突变体的分离和鉴定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
巴斯毕赤我苯酵母表达系统已被广泛用于生产外源蛋白的寄主菌。利用该系统将外源基因整合交换到染色体上时,AOX1基因被破力的甲醇利用缓慢,给发本报生产千古 定影响。在不改变现有表达系统前提下,从AOXI功能缺陷 株分离出Mut^+自发突变化突变体,通过突变体在甲醇培养基中生长曲线的测定,HSA表达产物的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,证明突变体的甲醇利用能力和蛋白表达比原始菌株大大提高,突变体AOX2基因上游  相似文献   

Marine macroalgae are rich in bioactive compounds that can, when consumed, impart beneficial effects on animal and human health. The red seaweed Chondrus crispus has been reported to have a wide range of health-promoting activities, such as antitumor and antiviral activities. Using a Caenorhabditis elegans infection model, we show that C. crispus water extract (CCWE) enhances host immunity and suppresses the expression of quorum sensing (QS) and the virulence factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain PA14). Supplementation of nematode growth medium with CCWE induced the expression of C. elegans innate immune genes, such as irg-1, irg-2, F49F1.6, hsf-1, K05D8.5, F56D6.2, C29F3.7, F28D1.3, F38A1.5 ZK6.7, lys-1, spp-1, and abf-1, by more than 2-fold, while T20G5.7 was not affected. Additionally, CCWE suppressed the expression of PA14 QS genes and virulence factors, although it did not affect the growth of the bacteria. These effects correlated with a 28% reduction in the PA14-inflicted killing of C. elegans. Kappa-carrageenan (K-CGN), a major component of CCWE, was shown to play an important role in the enhancement of host immunity. Using C. elegans mutants, we identified that pmk-1, daf-2/daf-16, and skn-1 are essential in the K-CGN-induced host immune response. In view of the conservation of innate immune pathways between C. elegans and humans, the results of this study suggest that water-soluble components of C. crispus may also play a health-promoting role in higher animals and humans.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive (ts), high-CO2 requiring mutants of Anacystisnidulans R2 were isolated by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine(MNNG) mutagenesis and ampicillin enrichment. One of these mutantswas able to grow under ordinary air enriched with 5% CO2, butnot under ordinary air at 40?C. At 40?C, the concentration ofCO2 at which the rate of oxygen evolution reached half the maximumvelocity (apparent Km(CO2) in photosynthesis) was 1,000 timeshigher in mutant cells than in wild type cells, whereas therewas no significant difference in the maximum rate of photosynthesis. When wild type and mutant cells were incubated with 55 µmNaHC03 under illumination at 40?C, the initial rate of inorganiccarbon (IC) transport from the medium into the cells and themaximum internal IC accumulation were significantly higher inwild type cells than in mutant cells. These results indicate that the isolated high-CO2 requiringmutant lacks the ability in transporting IC into the cells at40?C. Furthermore, the finding that the mutant cells which aredefective in IC transport cannot grow under ordinary air suggeststhe importance of IC concentrating system(s) in photosynthesisof cyanobacteria. Present address: Department of Molecular Biology, The Universityof Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, U.S.A. To whom reprints should be requested. (Received April 28, 1988; Accepted September 14, 1988)  相似文献   

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