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We present here a Tribute to Klaus Apel (1942–2017), a photosynthesis pioneer—an authority on plant molecular genetics—in five parts. The first section is a prologue. The second section deals with a chronological discussion of Apel’s research life, prepared by the editor Govindjee; it is based on a website article at the Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) by Patricia Waldron (https://btiscience.org/explore-bti/news/post/bti-says-goodbye-klaus-apel/), as approved for use here by Keith C. Hannon and David Stern of BTI. The third section, which focuses on Apel’s pioneering work on singlet oxygen-mediated EXECUTER-dependent signaling in plants, is written by two of us (J-DR and CK). The fourth section includes three selected reminiscences, one from BTI and two from ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule). This tribute ends with section five, which is a very brief presentation of Klaus Apel’s personal life, by Wiebke Apel.  相似文献   

(1) A mathematical investigation has been made of the prevalence of a disease in a population from which certain individuals are being removed as the result of the disease, whilst fresh individuals are being introduced as the result of birth or immigration. Allowance is made for the effects of the immunity produced as the result of an attack of the disease, but the effect of deaths from other causes is not taken into account, and the action of the disease is supposed to be independent of the age of the individual. (2) As a special case of the above, results have been obtained for a closed population in which no deaths occur and to which no fresh individuals are added, but in which the individuals after being infected acquire immunity, and then may be again infected. A threshold density of population exists analogous to that described in the previous paper, which is such that no disease can exist in a population, the density of which is below the threshold. (3) In other special cases investigated when either immigration or birth is operative in the supply of fresh individuals, as well as in the general case, only one steady state of disease is possible. To reach this state the population must be of a certain density which will be determined by the functions characterizing the infectivity, morbidity, etc., of the disease. (4) Increase of the immigration rate or of the birth-rate results in an increase in the rate of infection of the healthy individuals and also in the percentage rate of infection, the percentage of sick, and in the percentage of mortality from the disease. This result is, of course, a necessary consequence of our assumption that the disease is the only cause of death. (5) More particular results have been obtained by substituting constants in the place of the undetermined functions assumed in the general theory. Further, under these conditions the nature of the steady states has been more fully investigated and it has been shown that in all cases, except one, the steady states are stable ones. In the exception, a disturbance would result in purely periodic oscillations about the steady state.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Jacques Breton spent his 39 years of professional life at Saclay, a center of the French Atomic Energy Commission. He studied photosynthesis with various advanced...  相似文献   



International Congress of the German Mycological Society, University Hamburg, Sept. 16th–23th 2010  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) has caused mass mortality events worldwide. However, no epizootics had been recorded in the South Atlantic, until an unusual mortality event (UME) linked to Guiana dolphin cetacean morbillivirus (GD-CeMV) began in Ilha Grande Bay, southeastern Brazil, in November 2017. In a five-month period, the UME spread to neighboring Sepetiba Bay and accounted for the death of at least 277 Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis). Prevalence of morbillivirus positive dolphins, as estimated from RT-PCR diagnostics, was 92.3% (24/26) in Ilha Grande Bay and 91.9% (57/62) in Sepetiba Bay. Females had higher mortality rates during the UME (1.5:1), in contrast with historical mortality data from both bays that showed a 2:1 male to female death ratio. Calf mortality rates also increased in both bays. These results suggest that females and calves were more vulnerable to morbilliviral infection. Herein, we discuss possible explanations for such sex-biased death pattern during the UME and their implication for the conservation of endangered Guiana dolphins. We also speculate about the origin and spread of morbillivirus in the South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The timely characterization of high-altitude freshwater habitats allows an assessment of the diversity of its biota and provides the basis for monitoring community change. In this study, we investigate the Cladocera fauna of 29 water bodies (pools, freshwater lakes, and surrounding swamps sampled at various occasions between 2005 and 2009) in the Rwenzori Mountains (Uganda, D. R. Congo), which are part of the East African Sky Island Complex. All sites except one are located above 3700 m altitude. We include notes on the morphology, taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of each recorded taxon and describe a new species of the Alona rustica-group (Alona sphagnophila n.sp.; Chydoridae). We found 11 species of which seven are restricted to Lake Mahoma, the lowest lake in our study area (2990 m) (Alona affinis barbata, A. intermedia, Alonella exisa, Alonella nana, Daphnia cf. obtusa, Pleuroxus aduncus) and/or Lake Bujuku (Daphnia cf. curvirostris, P. aduncus) (3900 m). Two taxa (Ilyocryptus cf. gouldeni, A. sphagnophila n.sp.) are restricted to Carex/Sphagnum bogs surrounding lakes in the afroalpine zone. Pigmented populations of Chydorus cf. sphaericus occur in all the sites. It is the only cladoceran species surviving the extreme alpine and nival conditions in the Rwenzori. The species is joined by A. guttata at locations at lower altitudes (ca. 3000–4000 m), present in about half of the sites. The Rwenzori Cladocera fauna is characterized by a strong extratropical temperate component and a low level of speciation/endemism. Harboring an impoverished boreal cladoceran community, Lake Mahoma is given closer attention. At 2990 m, the lake is a cold-temperate aquatic island in the tropics and may function as a stepping stone for Palaearctic taxa. We introduce a new term for high-altitude, cold-water habitats in the tropics, which act as climatic islands for extratropical freshwater faunas, Löffler Islands, in honor of Dr Heinz Löffler. In comparison to surveys in 1961, we list five new records in Lake Mahoma, which could indicate cladoceran community changes over the past few decades at ca. 3000 m in the Rwenzori. Since the species distributions correlate to temperature and catchment properties of the lakes, the Rwenzori cladoceran fauna can be expected as sensitive indicators for local changes.  相似文献   

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