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Paktylenchus tuberosus gen.n., sp.n. is described and illustrated from soil around Solanum tuberosum from Kaghan Valley, Pakistan. Paktylenchus gen.n, can be distinguished from the most closely related genus, Agelenchus Andrassy, 1954, by the distinct longitudinal striae, three incisures in the lateral field, and absence of males. Paktylenchus tuberosus shows affinities to Coslenchus Siddiqi, 1978 but differs in having an oblique vagina-to-body axis and a prominent sunken vulva with vulval flaps. Four genera of the subfamily Tylenchinae are also discussed herein.  相似文献   

Pratylenchoides hispaniensis n. sp. is described and illustrated from a bisexual population found in a natural habitat at Santa Elena, Jaen, central Spain. Its main distinctive characters are very long esophageal gland lobe (81-117 μm; N'' = 51-71) overlapping the intestine 3 to 5 times the body width; lateral field with six incisures; stylet knobs sloping posteriorly; labial disc encircled by the irregular sectors of the first annule; tail cylindrical, extremity annulated, and frequently with a slight dorsal indentation of the hyaline portion at the end of the lateral field. Pratylcnchoides hispaniensis n. sp. appears closely related to P. megalobatus and P. nevadensis. It differs from the former primarily by its longer body length (761-998 vs. 430-621 μm), longer stylet length (20.5-24.4 vs. 18-21 μm), six incisures in the lateral field vs. four for P. megalobatus, and posteriorly sloping stylet knobs vs. rounded or anteriorly flattened knobs in P. megalobatus. It differs from P. nevadensis mainly by the shape of the stylet knobs (sloping in P. hispaniensis vs. rounded in P. nevadensis), length of esophageal lobe (81-117 vs. 34-82 μm), and position of esophageal gland nuclei (all posterior to esophago-intestinal junction in P. hispaniensis vs. at least one nucleus anterior to junction in P. nevadensis).  相似文献   

Trichodryas slipinskii sp. n. from Yunnan Province of China is described and illustrated. A key to the known species of this genus is provided.  相似文献   

Pratylenchoides camachoi n. sp. from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) in Sierra De Cazorla in southeastern Spain is described and illustrated. Pratylenchoides camachoi n. sp. is a bisexual species characterized by a cylindroid, sometimes clavate-shaped, male tail with a uniquely shaped smooth, rounded terminus. Females are characterized by a short esophageal overlap and six lines in the lateral field, which reduce to four in the tail region; not areolated except outer bands in the esophageal and tail regions.  相似文献   

A new gregarious larval-pupal endoparasitoid of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is described and illustrated: Aphaereta ceratitivora sp. n. (Braconidae: Alysiinae: Alysiini).  相似文献   

Hemicycliophora biosphaera n. sp. (Nemata: Criconematidae) was found in soil from a fallow field plot within the Biosphere 2 Center, Oracle, Arizona. The nematode species is characterized by continuous and irregular breaks in transverse striae in the lateral field, smooth annules, a rounded-truncate lip region with rounded anterior margins, three lip annules, first labial annule elevated and widened laterally, dome-shaped and elevated labial disc, stylet length (76-97 (μm), VA%T value (30-59), 234-273 body annules, and tail with a terminus offset, cylindrical to slightly conoid digit. Hemicycliophora biosphaera n. sp. most closely resembles H. armandae but differs from it in body width (30-39 vs. 38-54 μm), stylet length (76-97 vs. 95-119 μm), greater number of annules between the excretory pore and esophagus base (4-16 vs. 2), length of the tail terminal spike (16-28 vs. 32 μm), lower Rvan value (9-15 vs. 16), and indistinct spetanatheca vs. distinct spermatheca.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne microcephala n. sp. is described and illustrated from specimens obtained from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in Thailand. The female perineal pattern usually has a low dorsal arch, coarse striae, and a series of small cuticular flaps around the tail terminus. The stylet of the female is 14.4 μm long, with large, square to rectangular stylet knobs, The distinctive male head region is narrow, small, and truncate with a low, flattened head cap. The stylet length is 20.6 μm, and the knobs are small, angular, and set off from the shaft. Mean length of second-stage juveniles is 457.5 μm, and stylet length is 9.3 μm. The tail tip in the juveniles is set off from the rest of the tail as a small finger-like projection. M. microcephala reproduces by mitotic parthenogenesis, and has a chromosome number of 2n = 36.  相似文献   

Gonzalez VH  Florez J 《ZooKeys》2011,(141):71-77
Leioproctus Smith is a diverse colletine genus found in the Australian region and primarily temperate areas of South America. A new species of Leioproctus subgenus Perditomorpha Ashmead, Leioproctus rosellae Gonzalez, sp. n., from a tropical dry forest of the Caribbean coast of Colombia is described and figured. This is the first record of the genus from northern South America.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne nataliei n. sp. is described and illustrated from grape (Vitis labrusca) in a declining vineyard at Mattawan, Michigan, USA. Infected grape roots exhibit no hyperplastic symptoms. Females protrude from the roots and are surrounded by a massive egg sac containing many eggs. This new species is distinguishable from other species of the genus especially by its large, striking perineal pattern with, usually, two ropelike separated striae on each side extending laterally from the vulval and anal areas. Among other diagnostic characters are the location of the female excretory pore adjacent to or near the base of the head and the heavy larval stylet averaging about 22 μm in length. Examination of males, females, and larvae with the scanning electron microscope confirmed observations made by optical microscopy and revealed diagnostic and other structures in greater detail. Of particular significance was the nature of the male head, with a massive circular labial disc on which is located a rectangular structure surrounding the oral opening, and the six distinct lips appearing as a rosette in en face view. The known distribution of this new species is presently limited to its original location in Michigan.  相似文献   

Explorations in Brazil to find parasites of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, have uncovered a new species of the Tetradonematidae, Tetradonema solenopsis n. sp. The nematode parasite was fatal to about 25% of the colony. The female nematodes are large and sausage shaped and the males are small and difficult to find, which is typical of the genus. The ant is a new host record for tetradonematids.  相似文献   

Bakernema dauniense n. sp., a bisexual species from the rhizosphere of Pinus halepensis Mill. in Italy, is described and illustrated. Primary differentiating characteristics of the female are body annules bearing short, membranous projections 1.4-2.2 μm long, an anterior vulval lip slightly overlapping the posterior, and a linearly arcuate vagina. The juvenile differs markedly from adults by having annules with a beaded margin, which lack membranous projections. Generic and specific relationships of B. dauniense n. sp. are discussed. This occurrence is the first for a species of Bakernema in Europe.  相似文献   

Dolichodorus cobbi n. sp. is described and illustrated from soil around roots of "woods" on the Stanley Farm, Scott County, Arkansas. This species is distinguishable from others of the genus by its short tail projection. It is most closely related to D. marylandicus but differs in having a short tail projection, longer stylet, greater body length, larger c value, and also in position of excretory pore. A limited number of Cobb''s original specimens and drawings of D. heterocephalus were examined. A lectotype and paralectotype were designated to establish the taxonomic base for the genus. Cobb''s original modified labeled drawing of D. heterocephalus is also included. Morphometric data on D. heterocephalus from the type locality and several other populations are given. Some variations in female tail shape, body length, and stylet length were noted.  相似文献   

Pungentus porosus n. sp. is described and illustrated. The differential characters are a short odontostyle of 6-8 μm or slightly less than one head width, vulva at 44-50%, goblet-shaped amphids, presence of a prevulval uterine sac, and a hemispherical tail with a variable number of pores. Pungenlus sublatum, P. vesiculosus, P. orthocephalus, P. granosus, and P. parvus sensu Eroshenko are considered to be incertae sedis. A key is provided to the 21 valid species of Pungentus. The following species are new Canadian records: P. angulosus, P. clavatus, P. engradinensis, P. marietani, P. microdentatus, P. monohystera, P. obscurus, P. parvus, P. pungens and P. silvestris.  相似文献   

Gibbs J 《ZooKeys》2012,(168):1-12
A new species of Habralictus Moure (Apoidea, Halictidae) is described from the island of Dominica, Habralictus gonzalezisp. n. The species is distinguished from other West Indian Habralictus and a key is provided to the West Indian Habralictus. Brief comments on the genus Habralictus and bee species of Dominica are provided.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne platani n. sp. is described and illustrated from specimens obtained from roots of American sycamore, Platanus occidentalis, in Virginia. This new species shows certain similarities with M. arenaria but differs from it by a number of distinctive characters. The perineal pattern of females is rounded with fine, wavy to zig-zag striae and raised, convoluted striae in the inner lateral line regions. The stylet of females is 16.5 μm long with large, rounded stylet knobs set off from the shaft. Males have a low head cap and smooth head region. The styler length is 22.0 μm, and the stylet knobs are rounded and set off from the shaft. Mean second-stage juvenile length is 443.0 μm, and stylet length is 12.2 μm. The head region of juveniles is not annulated, and the tail has a definite terminus. This nematode causes severe galling and reproduces well on sycamore. Other good hosts include white ash and tobacco cv. NC 95. M. platani n. sp. reproduces by mitotic parthenogenesis and has a somatic chromosome number of approximately 45 (2n).  相似文献   

A stunt nematode, Tylenchorhynchus thermophilus n. sp., is described and illustrated from soil collected around roots of saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) in Death Valley, California. It is distinguished from the similar species, T. ewingi, T. mexicanus, and T. mashoodi, in having a longer female body, longer tail with more annules, and larger phasmids. Physical and chemical analysis of soil from saltgrass roots showed it to consist of 71% sand and possess high salinity (salt content of 0.51%) and a pH of 9.3.  相似文献   

Criconema proclivis n. sp. from soil around roots of woodland trees in the northeastern USA is described and illustrated. It is characterized by a total of 67-74 annules, two naked offset head annules, a stylet length of 68.7 -80.7 μ, a sculpted vulval flap, and forward-projecting body annules. The annules at midbody are covered with a continuous fringe of 60-70 spines.  相似文献   

Chitwoodius brasiliensis n.sp. is described from soil around plant roots in Vicosa, MG State, Brazil. It has a body 1.9 mm (1.6-2.5) long, odontostyle and odontophore 33 μm (31-37) and 34 μm (31-36) long, respectively, and males with spicules 59-61 μm long. Chitwoodius rusticulus n.sp. from Colombian rain forest differs from other species of the genus in having a weakly muscular anterior part of the oesophagus, a pore-like vulva, and an unsclerotized vagina. Vanderlindia venata n.sp. from lucerne soil in South Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, differs from the type and only other known species of its genus in having a smaller and less slender body (L = 3.34 mm [3.15-3.71], a = 50 [46-53]), odontostyle 2.3-2.5 times lip region width long, and stylet guiding ring located at 1.2-1.4 times lip region width from anterior end.  相似文献   

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