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The well-exposed outcrops of the Bujan, northern Abadeh, and Varkan stratigraphic sections of the Qom Formation in the Iranian part of the “northeastern margin” of the Tethyan Seaway were characterized by abundant biogenic components dominated by foraminifers, coralline red algae, and corals. The Qom Formation is Rupelian–Chattian in age in the study areas. Based on the field investigations, depositional textures, and dominant biogenic components, fifteen (carbonate and terrigenous) facies were identified. These facies can be grouped into four depositional environments: open marine, open lagoon, restricted lagoon, and continental braided streams. The marine facies were deposited on a ramp-type platform. The euphotic inner ramp was characterized mainly by imperforate foraminifera, with co-occurrence of some perforate taxa. These facies passed basinward into a mesophotic (middle) ramp with Neorotalia packstone (F5), coral, coralline algae, perforate foraminiferal packstone (F4), and coral patch reefs (F7). The deeper, oligophotic ramp facies were marly packstones with planktonic and hyaline benthic foraminifera, including large lepidocyclinids and nummulitids. The abundance of perforate foraminifera and the absence of facies indicating restricted lagoonal or intertidal settings suggest that the Varkan section was deposited mainly in open marine settings with normal salinity. The prevalence of larger benthic foraminiferal and red algal assemblages, together with the coral facies, indicates that carbonate production took place in tropical–subtropical waters.  相似文献   

Summary Stratigraphic and microfacies investigations carried out on the Oligocene sequence exposed at Gabal Bu Husah, northwest of Marada Oasis, south of the Sirte Basin, Libya, showed that the Oligocene sequence conformably overlies the Late Eocene Thamat Formation and unconformably underlies the Early to Middle Miocene Marada Formation (Qarat Jahannam Member). The lithostratigraphic studies of the Oligocene sequence revealed the presence of two rock units, from base to top: 1- Umm Ad Dahiy Formation (Early Oligocene, Rupelian) and 2- Bu Hashish Formation (Late Oligocene, Chattian). The Oligocene sequence yields a rich foraminiferal assemblage with fifty-one benthonic and large formaminiferal species. The foraminiferal analysis allowed to subdivide the sequence into three local foraminiferal assemblage zones, arranged stratigraphically from base to top: 1)Elphidium minutum zone comprising the Umm Ad Dahiy Formation. 2)Miogypsinoides complanatus/Nonion granosus assemblage zone covering the lower two thirds of the Bu Hashish Formation. 3) Zone with abundantNummulites spp., including the upper part of the Bu Hashish Formation. The paleoenvironmental significance of the recorded species is described and discussed. The microfacies studies led to the recognition of eleven microfacies types. These microfacies indicate that the lower part of the Umm Ad Dahiy Formation was deposited in a shallow warm marine environment, but the conditions changed to fluviomarine in the uppermost part. The Bu Hashish Formation was deposited in a shallow-marine, inner-shelf environment (as indicated by the operculinid limestone) but a probable hiatus in its middle part is indicated by the presence of a nummulitic coquina and gypsum beds formed in a lagoonal environment. After returning to a shallow marine environment at the end of Oligocene the marine sedimentation ended.  相似文献   

Larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) are significant proxies in biostratigraphy and also act as excellent indicators of shallow-marine carbonate environments in fossil series. The Palaeogene LBF recorded from Meghalaya, NE India (eastern part of the relic eastern Tethys/Neo-Tethys) have high potential for dating shallow-marine sediments and documenting the multiple episodes of carbonate sedimentation that have contributed to the development of the Sylhet Limestone Group. Early Eocene witnessed the proliferation of LBF species worldwide, the phenomenon better known as the Larger Foraminiferal Turnover (LFT). Genera like Alveolina, Nummulites and Orbitolites with broad species complexes thrived as the dominant LBF amidst numerous other taxa on the verge of extinction or only surviving as stable forms. The current study emphasizes on the biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental account of the early Eocene Umlatdoh Limestone successions outcropping in the Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, primarily based on the recorded species of Alveolina and other larger benthic foraminifera. Five species of AlveolinaA. oblonga, A. schwageri, A. cf. ruetimeyeri, A. aff. haymanensis and A. aff. varians are recorded in the evaluated sections that indicate an early Eocene age corresponding to the Shallow Benthic Zone 10. Major carbonate facies types in the present assessment include oolitic-smaller benthic foraminiferal -green algal grainstone–packstone, smaller miliolid-Alveolina grainstone, green algal-benthic foraminiferal grainstone, larger porcellaneous (Alveolina) grainstone-packstone, Alveolina-nummulitid grainstone-rudstone, and nummulitid grainstone-rudstone, which indicate a shallow marine, high-energy depositional environment ranging from shoal-sandy bars to a distal inner ramp setting.  相似文献   

Shallow marine gastropod assemblages from Chattian, Aquitanian and Burdigalian sections in the Indian Kutch Basin are described. They provide insight into the composition and biogeographic relations of the gastropod assemblages at this junction between the Western Tethys and Proto-Indo-Pacific Ocean. For the first time, an improved biostratigraphy allows a clear separation of the assemblages, especially for the hitherto undifferentiated Early Miocene faunas. Throughout the Oligocene, about one-third of the species are also frequently found in the Western Tethys, documenting a passable Tethyan Seaway for nearshore molluscs. A considerable provincialism is evident as well. The expected turnover during the Early Miocene, due to the closing of the Tethyan Seaway, is reflected in the Miocene assemblages. Surprisingly, however, the cut appears very early, i.e. already during the Aquitanian, when the West–East interrelation drops to zero despite the passage having been open during this interval. In contrast, the Burdigalian assemblages witness a minor re-appearance of Western Tethys taxa, suggesting the re-establishment of rather ineffective migration pathways prior to the final closure of the Tethyan Seaway. Cerithium bermotiense and Lyria (Indolyria) maniyaraensis are introduced as new species.  相似文献   

A re-examination of the specimens that were identified as Biradiolites minor Pojarkova from the late Campanian to early Maastrichtian middle member of the Yigeziya Formation of southwestern Tarim Basin reveals that they should be assigned to the genus Glabrobournonia Morris and Skelton. Glabrobournonia is a genus of radiolitids characterized by indented radial bands, salient ridges on the shell margins and absence of fine ribs on the surface of the right valve. Apart from southwestern Tarim Basin, Glabrobournonia minor (Pojarkova) has also been recorded from the late Campanian of Fergana and Alai basins. The central Asian, late Campanian to early Maastrichtian G. minor differs from the late Campanian to Maastrichtian, eastern Arabian type species Glabrobournonia arabica Morris and Skelton in the flat left valve and an additional fourth ridge on the junction of the dorsal and posterior sides of the right valve. Biradiolites ingens (Des Moulins) could be the direct ancestor of Glabrobournonia. The paleogeographic distribution of Glabrobournonia suggests that this genus dispersed to central Asia from the late Campanian time, becoming widely distributed in the eastern Tethyan region rather than endemic to eastern Arabia. Correspondingly, specimens belonging to Gyropleura yielded from the same bed as G. minor in southwestern Tarim Basin, are similar to the specimens which were attributed to the eastern Arabian Gyropleura sp.; Campanian to early Maastrichtian Osculigera specimens described from the Yigeziya Formation are comparable with those known from the Campanian–Maastrichtian of Iran, Afghanistan and eastern Arabia. The similarity of the rudist assemblages between central Asia and eastern Arabia suggests a faunal connection and affinity between the north and south margins of the eastern Tethyan realm during Campanian to early Maastrichtian times.  相似文献   

Reuter, M., Piller, W.E., Harzhauser, M., Kroh, A., Rögl, F. & ?ori?, S. 2010: The Quilon Limestone, Kerala Basin, India: an archive for Miocene Indo‐Pacific seagrass beds. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 76–86. The facies of the fossiliferous Quilon Limestone in SW India is described for the first time in detail at the Padappakkara‐type locality. Facies (fossiliferous, micrite‐rich, bioturbated sediment with intercalated sand pockets) and faunal composition (epiphytic foraminifers, seagrass feeding Smaragdia gastropods, bioimmuration of celleporiform bryozoan colonies) indicate a seagrass environment. The large discoidal archaiasin foraminifer Pseudotaberina malabarica, in particular, is considered as a proxy for seagrass communities. Recent seagrasses have their centre of generic richness in the Indo‐Pacific where they cover wide areas in the tidal and shallow sub‐tidal zones. However, their geological record is only fragmentary and their palaeobiogeographic distribution has a big stratigraphical gap in the Miocene Western Indo‐Pacific region. The described nannoplankton flora and planktonic foraminifers from the Quilon Formation demonstrate that the deposition of the studied seagrass bed occurred in nannoplankton biozone NN3. This timing suggests formation during the closure of the Tethyan Seaway. The Quilon Limestone is thus an early Western Indo‐Pacific seagrass bed and an important step in reconstructing the history of seagrass communities. □Quilon Formation, Pseudotaberina malabarica, seagrass facies, Burdigalian, Indo‐Pacific.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1997,29(2):105-127
The development of benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the Paleocene outcrops of the El Haria Formation near El Kef, Tunisia is discussed qualitatively and quantitatively. The aim of the study is to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental evolution between the K/Pg boundary interval and the late Paleocene event, and to compare this evolution with results from other sites along the southern Tethyan margin. Eighty-four samples, covering virtually the entire Paleocene, provide a dataset that allows detailed qualitative and multivariate analysis. The benthic foraminiferal faunas indicate a complex pattern of environmental changes during the Paleocene, marked by the succession of different benthic associations. Following the K/Pg boundary event, community restoration was characterized by the gradual build-up of faunal diversity. Decreasing dominance and the entry of taxa common to normal marine, outer neritic to upper bathyal environments indicate the completion of the ecosystem restoration in Zone Plb. A highly diverse benthic foraminiferal assemblage persisted throughout the remainder of the early Paleocene into the earliest late Paleocene. At the P3a-P3b zonal transition relative sea-level lowering is evidenced by the sudden disappearance or decreasing abundance of deeper-water taxa (e.g. Anomalinoides affinis, A. susanaensis, Gavelinella beccariiformis). Neritic deposition continued into Zone P4, when trophic levels at the seafloor increased as indicated by the entry and increasing dominance of species such as Anomalinoides cf. aegyptiacus, Bulimina midwayensis, and B. strobila, which we consider to be sensitive to eutrophication. The combined effect of shallowing and the subsequent eutrophication led to the establishment of assemblages similar to late Paleocene benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Egyptian sections, some of which record the latest Paleocene extinction event. These assemblages were interpreted to be indicative of a middle neritic, highly eutrophic environment. Enhanced vertical fluxes of organic matter along the southern Tethyan margin may have resulted from intensified upwelling. This eventually led to oxygen deficiency at the seafloor. It appears that oxygen-deficient, high-productivity shelves were a common feature of the southern Tethyan margin during the latest Paleocene.  相似文献   

Paleogene sedimentation in the Alpes Maritimes and Alpes de Haute Provence regions is composed of one complete sedimentary sequence. This sequence begins with the continental Formation from Microcodium and continues with the Cerithium layers, the Calcaires Nummulitiques and the Marnes Bleues, which are overlaid by the turbidites of the Grès d’Annot Formation. Sedimentation starts in the Nummulites perforatus zone close to the base of ‘the Truncorotaloides rohri zone (P 14) and ends in the Cassigerinella chipolensis-Pseudohastigerina micra zone (P 18) and the NP21 zone in the upper part of the Grès d’Annot. More biomarkers were used in order to define a more detailed local biozonation (biozones AMP 1 to AMP 7). Four local zones were also defined by the last occurrence of Nummulites millecaput and N. perforatus-N. ptukhiani and then by the first appearance of N. retiatus (AMGF 1-4). The evolution of benthic foraminiferal assemblages shows an increase in bathymetry from the internal platform in the Cerithium layers to the calcareous platform with large foraminifers, then to the external platform and the deep offshore environment of the Marnes Bleues and Grès d’Annot. Low faunal diversity in the Grès d’Annot together with the predominance of agglutinated species indicates a poorly oxygenated, organic rich and turbidite environment. Seven steps (SD 1 to SD 7) in the Eocene marine transgression are shown from East to West by detailed local biozonation and sequence analysis. Grès d’Annot sedimentation is also diachronous, beginning within the Truncorotaloides rohri zone (P 14, AMP 1) in the East and ending within the Pararotalia opima opima zone (P 20, middle Rupelian) in the West (Barrême). Small foraminifer Paleogene fauna from the Alpes Maritimes and Alpes de Haute Provence was studied from 400 samples. It is composed of 378 species. Two new taxa are proposed: Fissurina niceana n. sp. and Globocassidulina alpina n. sp. The species from the Escarène and Gorbio neighborhood described by M. von Hantken (1884) were re-examined.  相似文献   

Rocks of the White Limestone Group of Jamaica, include, in the central part of the island, a succession of mainly miliolid grainstones (Walderston Limestone Formation), containing sparse gastropod and coral faunas of Oligocene age, part of the middle Tertiary megabank of the northern Nicaragua Rise. The associated larger foraminiferal genera, such as the archaiasinids, Peneroplis, and Praerhapidionina, together with rare lepidocyclinids, had a tropical, cosmopolitan distribution in the Oligocene. But several important Tethyan forms such as the alveolinids, reticulate nummulitids, Austrotrillina, Cycloclypeus, and, in the lower Oligocene, Heterostegina s.l., have not been reported from Jamaica.  相似文献   

The early Oligocene Boom Formation in Belgium yielded many avian remains from the Rupelian unit-stratotype, most of which have remained unstudied so far. Here, I describe a small loon (Gaviiformes) and a new species of large owl (Strigiformes) that are represented by associated bones of a single individual each. The loon, of which wing and pectoral girdle bones are preserved, is assigned to Colymboides (?) metzleri, a species previously known from a partial skeleton from the Rupelian of Germany. The owl is based on a tarsometatarsus and distal tibiotarsus and described as a new species, Selenornis steendorpensis. It constitutes the most substantial fossil record of the taxon Selenornis, which was before known from a distal tibiotarsus from an unknown horizon of the Quercy fissure fillings in southwestern France. It is detailed that there are differences in the higher level taxonomic composition of the known early Oligocene avifaunas of northern and southern Europe, which may reflect true zoogeographic facts owing to a different climate and vegetation.  相似文献   

Paleontological and biostratigraphical studies on carbonate platform succession from southwest Iran documented a great diversity of shallow-water benthic foraminifera during the Oligocene–Miocene. Larger foraminifera are the main means for the stratigraphic zonation of carbonate sediments. The distributions of larger benthic foraminifera in two outcrop sections (Abolhayat and Lali) in the Zagros Basin, Iran, are used to determine the age of the Asmari Formation. Four assemblage zones have been recognized by distribution of the larger benthic foraminifera in the study areas. Assemblage 3 (Aquitanian age) and 4 (Burdigalian age) have not been recognized in the Abolhayat section (Fars area), due to sea-level fall. The end Chattian sea-level fall restricted marine deposition in the Abolhayat section and Asmari Formation replaced laterally by the Gachsaran Formation. This suggests that the Miocene part of the formation as recognized in the Lali section (Khuzestan area) of the Zagros foreland basin is not present in the Abolhayat outcrop. The distribution of the Oligocene larger benthic foraminifera indicates that shallow marine carbonate sediments of the Asmari Formation at the study areas have been deposited in the photic zone of tropical to subtropical oceans. Based on analysis of larger benthic foraminiferal assemblages and microfacies features, three major depositional environments are identified. These include inner shelf, middle shelf and outer shelf. The inner shelf facies is characterized by wackestone–packstone, dominated by various taxa of imperforate foraminifera. The middle shelf is represented by packstone–grainstone to floatstone with a diverse assemblage of larger foraminifera with perforate wall. Basinwards is dominated by argillaceous wackestone characterized by planktonic foraminifera and large and flat nummulitidae and lepidocyclinidae. Planktonic foraminifera wackestone is the dominant facies in the outer shelf.  相似文献   

The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) at ~40 Ma is a significant global warming event associated with pronounced changes in the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. The Kohat Formation in the Kohat Basin (eastern Tethys, Pakistan) is studied for identifying the response of larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) to MECO. The LBF assemblages in the Kohat Formation, covering from the Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZ) 15 to 17, suggest middle Lutetian to early Bartonian in age. Microfacies analyses indicate a lagoonal (inner carbonate ramp facies belt) to open marine (middle carbonate ramp facies belt) paleodepositional environment of the Kohat Formation. A distinct positive δ13C shift marks the stratigraphic position of the MECO in this formation. At the Peak-MECO event that is marked by the onset of the positive carbon isotope excursion (CIE), no evident compositional variation in the LBF assemblages is observed. However, significant changes in the LBF assemblages with the local first and last occurrences of some LBF genera can be observed in the Post-MECO and CIE recovery phase. These changes are verified by the sudden disappearance of Alveolina and orthophragminids and initial dominance of larger shell-size Nummulites fabianii, Heterostegina, and Linderina species accompanied by an increase in the species diversity. Here, we argue that the change in the observed LBF assemblages in the uppermost part of the Kohat Formation might be related to a larger foraminiferal turnover occurring during the Post-MECO event and corresponds to the CIE recovery phase.  相似文献   

A palynological investigation of Cambro-Ordovician stratal sequences in the High Zagros Mountains of southern Iran permits the definition of a series of successive acritarch assemblage zones of chronostratigraphic significance, much improving the current knowledge of the Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy of this important area for oil exploration. The five acritarch assemblage zones can be readily correlated with previously established palynostratigraphic schemes constrained by co-occurrence of independent age evidence, confirming the utility of organic-walled microfossils for the detailed biostratigraphic characterization of sedimentary units. The proposed biozonation will facilitate accurate dating of the southern Iranian Cambrian sequences during future drilling of deep test oil wells. Acritarch assemblage zone I (Middle Cambrian), occurs at the base of Member C of the Mila Formation; assemblages zone II (late Middle to earliest Late Cambrian) extends through the middle and upper part of the same lithostratigraphic unit; zone III (early Late Cambrian in age) characterizes the lower part of the Ilebeyk Formation; zone IV (middle Late Cambrian up to Cambrian/Ordovician transitional levels) occurs in the middle and upper part of the Ilebeyk Formation; finally, acritarch assemblage zone V ranges through the basal part of the Zardkuh Formation and proves an early Tremadocian age for the latter unit. The Mid-Late Cambrian acritarch associations show a marked Avalonian palaeobiogeographical affinity, also sharing a high proportion of taxa with typical Baltican and North Africa–Gondwanan assemblages; on the other hand, they are clearly different from known Laurentian (North America) fossil microphytoplankton suites. These results are in general agreement with current palaeogeographical models which place Avalonia, Baltica, and the North African part of Gondwana, all at relatively high southern palaeolatitudes, in contrast with the sub-equatorial position of Laurentia. However, the presence of many typical “Avalonian” taxa in the Iranian Mid-Late Cambrian assemblages would suggest a closer position of Iran to Avalonia than currently envisaged. The observed breakdown of acritarch biogeographic differentiation in earliest Ordovician times possibly represents a major disruption of oceanic current patterns and a lessened palaeolatitudinal thermal gradient.  相似文献   

The Santonian-Campanian boundary in Northern Tunisia has been studied in Oued el Khannga section, based on biostratigraphic and paleoecological analysis. The detailed biostratigraphic analysis allows us to define the stratigraphic distribution of diverse planktonic foraminifera and to establish a continuous biozonation. Sixty-six planktonic foraminiferal species belonging to 13 genera have been identified and two Tethyan planktonic foraminiferal zones have been organized, indicating the upper Santonian - lower Campanian age. These zones are: Dicarinella asymetrica (Total Range Zone) and Globotruncanita elevata/Globotruncana arca (Concurrent range zone). A major turn over event was recorded in this interval including the extinction of several species characterized by complex morphotypes with a double keel such as the genera of Dicarinella, Marginotruncana. In fact, the extinction of the index species Dasymetrica is the most important event which defines the Santonian-Campanian boundary. Many representative species of the genera Globotruncanita and Globotruncana occurred, for the first time, in the uppermost of the Santonian and thrived close to the Santonian-Campanian boundary. In addition some surviving species with a simple morphotype, which are considered like opportunistic taxa, crossed the boundary. This various responses of planktonic foraminifera and the fluctuation in diversity and in the number of species may be related to an increase in temperature and a deep outer shelf upper bathyal environment deposit.  相似文献   

Afzal, J., Williams, M., Leng, M.J., Aldridge, R.J. & Stephenson, M.H. 2011: Evolution of Paleocene to Early Eocene larger benthic foraminifer assemblages of the Indus Basin, Pakistan. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 299–320. The Paleocene–Early Eocene carbonate successions of the Indus Basin in Pakistan formed on the northwestern continental shelf margin of the Indian Plate in the eastern Tethys Ocean. Based on larger benthic foraminifera (LBF), eight Tethyan foraminiferal biozones (SBZ1–SBZ8) spanning the Paleocene to Early Eocene interval are identified. The base of the Eocene is identified by the first appearance of Alveolina sp. Other stratigraphically important LBFs that are characteristic of the earliest Eocene are Ranikothalia nuttalli, Discocyclina dispansa and Assilina dandotica. Stable isotope analysis through the Paleocene–Eocene (P–E) boundary interval identifies more positive δ13C values for the Late Paleocene (+3.4‰ to +3.0‰) and lower values (+2.7‰ to +1.6‰) for the earliest Eocene. However, there is insufficient sampling resolution to identify the maximum negative δ13C excursion of the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum. During Late Paleocene times LBF assemblages in the Indus Basin were taxonomically close to those of west Tethys, facilitating biostratigraphic correlation. However, this faunal continuity is lost at the P–E boundary and the earliest Eocene succession lacks typical west Tethys Nummulites, while Alveolina are rare; LBFs such as Miscellanea and Ranikothalia continue to dominate in the Indus Basin. The absence of Nummulites from the earliest Eocene of Pakistan and rarity of Alveolina, elsewhere used as the prime marker for the base of the Eocene, may imply biogeographical barriers between east and west Tethys, perhaps caused by the initial stages of India‐Asia collision. Later, at the level of the Eocene SBZ8 Biozone, faunal links were re‐established and many foraminifera with west Tethys affinities appeared in east Tethys, suggesting the barriers to migration ceased. □Biostratigraphy, Eocene, India‐Asia collision, larger benthic foraminifera, palaeoecology, Paleocene.  相似文献   

The first high-resolution integrated biostratigraphic study for Santonian/Campanian sediments of the Tabin section in the Kurdistan Region, northeast Iraq is provided. The study, based on 28 closely spaced samples, combines data from planktic foraminifers (25 species), calcareous nannofossils (32 species) and two ammonite genera in the Kometan Formation, marking the Santonian/Campanian boundary (S/C boundary) in the Kurdistan Region. In the absence of the crinoid Marsupites testudinarius, the proposed boundary marker, secondary markers such as calcareous nannofossils, planktic foraminifers and ammonites, have been used to establish a multi-stratigraphic biozonation for the late Santonian–early Campanian duration. Based on the occurrences of calcareous nannofossils, three biozones are identified — Lucianorhabdus cayeuxii (late Santonian), Calculites obscurus (latest Santonian–earliest Campanian), and Broinsonia parca parca (early Campanian). Seven calcareous nannofossil bioevents and three planktic foraminiferal bioevents are also identified. The Santonian/Campanian boundary is marked by: (a) the LO (Last Occurrence) of the planktic foraminifera D. asymetrica, (b) the FOs (First Occurrence) of the calcareous nannofossil species B. parca parca and B. parca constricta, (c) the extinction of several planktic foraminiferal species of Dicarinella and Marginotruncana, (d) the abundance and diversification of the planktic foraminifera genera, Globotruncana and Globotruncanita at the beginning of the Campanian, and (e) the disappearance of the ammonite genus Texanites, 0.5 m below (i.e., at 19 m) the disappearance of all Dicarinella and Marginotruncana species in the study section. Similar to several other Tethyan sections, the FO of B. parca parca is above the LOs of D. concavata and D. asymetrica; the LO of D. asymetrica is used here to mark the S/C boundary  相似文献   

The uppermost Carboniferous–Lower Permian Dorud Group that crops out at the Gaduk section of Central Alborz is over 44 m thick and includes thick sequences of conglomerate, quartzarenite, calcareous sandstone, oncolitic fusulinid limestone, sandy limestone, sandstone and shale. The Toyeh, Emarat and Shah Zeid formations of this Group were dated as latest Gzhelian to Early Sakmarian. A review of the Asselian fusulinids and smaller foraminifers of Iran emphasizes (1) how the foraminiferal assemblages of Alborz and central Iran differ; (2) why non-Pseudofusulina cannot be a nomen substitutum to Pseudofusulina (even if this latter was often misinterpreted in the Tethyan regions). A new smaller fusulinid Pseudoacutella partoazari n. sp. is described from the Emarat Formation (Asselian) that crops out in the Gaduk area. The palaeobiogeographic significance of Pseudoacutella is discussed, because this genus, which was cosmopolitan from Late Bashkirian to Moscovian, became rare in the Upper Pennsylvanian of the USA and the Carnic Alps, and then, very rare in Lower Permian of Texas, Arizona and Iran.  相似文献   

In this research, biostratigraphy, microfacies analysis and sequence stratigraphic framework of the Asmari Formation are discussed at Sepidar Anticline, Interior Fars sub-Basin. The strata are Rupelian to Chattian in age. According to the distribution of benthic foraminifera, two assemblage zones were recognised (I-) Nummulites vascus–Nummulites fichteli and (II-) Archaias asmaricus/hensoni–Miogypsinoides complanatus. Eight microfacies types which can be grouped into three depositional environments are recognised. Distribution of Oligocene foraminifera together with other constituents allowed the identification of three third-order sequences at Asmari Formation. Correlation of analysed sections through Interior Fars sub-Basin represents the development of a carbonate ramp with a deepening trend from SE to NW along the Rupelian/Chattian boundary.  相似文献   

This paper documents changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages compared with high resolution ammonite biozonation along the lower Toarcian to upper Toarcian marine succession of Southern Beaujolais in southeastern France. Eight ammonite and three benthic foraminiferal zones including five subzones are distinguished based on the occurrence of twelve foraminiferal events. Each benthic foraminiferal subzone is characterized by its taxonomic and morphogroup composition, which represents the paleoecological response of these taxa and morphotypes of benthic foraminifera in the Early Jurassic and early Middle Jurassic. Major changes in abundance and diversity occur at the end of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) and near the Early-Middle Jurassic transition. The low-abundance foraminiferal assemblages recorded in the Serpentinus ammonite Zone are interpreted as reflecting adverse environmental conditions after the T-OAE. The later recovery and development of the foraminiferal assemblages is documented in the Bifrons up to the Aalensis zones and is attributed to improved bottom water oxygenation. Common occurrences of agglutinated foraminifera represented mostly by Trochammina pulchra Ziegler in the Dispensum Zone point to an influx of cooler water masses during the late Toarcian. The morphogroup analysis carried out on the foraminifera and their paleoecological interpretations shed light on the changes in the stratigraphic record at the end of the T-OAE up to the Toarcian/Aalenian boundary.  相似文献   

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