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The organization of cowbird ( Molothrus ater ) social groups affords individuals living in the groups different opportunities for learning and also structures trajectories of social development. Here, we studied the influence of adults on social organization of very young cowbirds. In three experiments, we housed juvenile birds in large, seminatural environments that either contained or did not contain adult conspecifics. We then observed the social associations and vocalizations of juveniles in each environment. The presence of adults in the social environment influenced the assortment and singing patterns of juveniles, although throughout the three experiments adults rarely interacted physically with juveniles. Juveniles housed with adults interacted with other juveniles more often and sang significantly less often than juveniles housed without adults. Effects of adult presence or absence on social organization and singing patterns emerged extremely rapidly and could be reversed quickly. Taken as a whole, the experiments revealed that very young cowbirds, in the first days of independence from their hosts, were sensitive to, and reacted rapidly to, the composition of their social environment. Specifically, presence of other age classes of individuals within the group increased juvenile associations and delayed production of vocalizations by juvenile males. Self-organization within the social group produced different social environments, which could in turn create different gateways for social learning and vocal development.  相似文献   

Social and ecological conditions can influence flock formation (e.g. number of flocks, flock size, etc.) depending on the degree of social attraction of a species. We studied group formation in brown‐headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) over short time periods (30 min) in two semi‐natural experiments conducted under controlled conditions. First, we determined the shape of the relationship between intake rate and flock size by manipulating group size in a single enclosure. Second, we assessed the role of population size, food abundance, and predation risk, and their interactions, in flock size formation in a system of four enclosures (two with and two without food) connected to a central refuge patch. In the first experiment, we found that pecking rates peaked at intermediate flock sizes (three to six individuals), which was influenced by greater availability of foraging time and more aggressive interactions in large groups. In the second experiment, flock sizes in the patches with food increased with population size likely due to the benefits of patch exploitation in groups. Flock size decreased after predator attack probably because refuge availability reduced perceived predation risk more than flocking in larger groups. Food abundance had minor effects, varying flock sizes between the two patches with food, under high food availability conditions when population size was high, probably due to social cohesion effects. Our results suggest that: (1) this species has an inverted‐U food intake–group size relationship with a range of intake‐maximizing flock sizes rather than a single peak, (2) the presence of a near refuge modifies the expected benefits of group patch exploitation under high predation risk, and (3) an increase in population size would more likely be translated into rapid increases in the size of the flocks rather than in more new flocks.  相似文献   

We carried out two experiments across 2 yr on song perception in female cowbirds (Molothrus ater). In the first experiment, juvenile and adult female brown‐headed cowbirds, living in same‐sex flocks in outdoor aviaries, were periodically tutored with recordings of local male cowbirds’ songs. In the spring, four adult male cowbirds were placed with half of the females for a 12‐d period. We then tested song preferences of all females by measuring copulation solicitation displays during the breeding season. We found that the females exposed only to tape‐tutor songs preferred those songs to those of the unfamiliar males used as companions and that the females allowed to interact with males preferred their songs over the familiar tape‐tutor songs. These data establish the modifiability of female cowbirds’ song preferences at the level of local song. In a second experiment, we studied the playback responses of juvenile females, hand‐reared from the egg, who were tape‐tutored only in the spring in the presence or absence of adult females. There were no differences between the responses of juveniles housed with or without adult females and the hand‐reared juveniles were significantly less responsive to song than adult females. Adult females responded more to familiar songs than to the unfamiliar songs: juvenile females made no such distinction. Taken as a whole, these data are the first to document that female cowbirds’ song preferences for local song can be reshaped by post‐natal experience. These data complement recent study in cowbirds and other species showing that socially more complex contexts reveal plasticity in female song preferences that are not apparent when learning opportunities are constrained by impoverished laboratory settings.  相似文献   

The ability to engage others in close proximity may be an essential component of social life and shapes the development of social skills. Variation in the willingness to initiate and sustain close interaction with conspecifics is known as sociability. The Brown‐headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) uses an affiliative display called the head‐down to bring individuals into close proximity. During fall 2009, we manipulated a large flock of cowbirds in a fission–fusion perturbation and recorded the frequency of head‐downs and social approaches. During the fission–fusion perturbation, the rate of head‐downs remained both correlated and repeatable across perturbations. In spring 2010, we separated individuals into three aviaries, a high, intermediate, and low aviary, based on the frequency of head‐down displays they initiated during the previous fall 2009. When breeding, males in the high flock produced a higher number of songs within counter‐singing matches, and females laid more eggs in comparison with the other aviaries. These findings suggest that head‐down displays performed outside the breeding season may contribute to the development and maintenance of reproductive competence by providing intimate social interactions with others.  相似文献   

Male brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) vocalize to females during pair formation, a period usually lasting several days. Males also vocalize to females in the seconds immediately prior to females' adopting copulatory postures. The two major classes of male vocalizations occurring during courtship and copulation are songs and flight whistles. Observations across the species' North American range suggest that the function of these two courtship vocalizations may differ geographically. Aviary observations of eastern and midwestern populations suggested, furthermore, that the precise timing of song and whistle used during copulation sequences differs, with flight whistles occurring most often after a copulatory posture but before the male mounts and the pair copulates. Such timing of the two signals suggested different proximate functions. Here, we report three experiments that addressed the communicative properties of the two signals in two midwestern populations. First, we tested females of the two populations in two playback experiments to determine copulatory responsiveness and discrimination of the two signals. We asked whether females of the two populations gave more copulatory responses to the playbacks of songs and flight whistles of males of their own population than to those of males of the other population, and whether females responded differently to songs than to whistles. In the third experiment, we observed courtship interactions among males and females from one population in a large aviary to assess the use of flight whistles in relation to courtship success. Females of both populations responded more frequently to playbacks of songs than to playbacks of flight whistles and showed reliably more responsiveness to local song variants. Thus, information in male song can be used by females to discriminate the local population. The aviary data revealed that the rate of flight whistling correlated strongly with male courtship success. Thus, the vocal antecedents to mating in midwestern cowbirds include close-range signaling to females followed by longer range signaling, perhaps to other males and to females other than the mate. Acoustic and behavioral differences between these two signals in diverse parts of the cowbirds' range suggest that the function of ‘speciestypical’ signals such as songs or whistles may not be fixed, a conclusion in keeping with the growing evidence of vocal and social mallcability in these brood parasitic birds.  相似文献   

Nest predation limits avian fitness, so ornithologists study nest predation, but they often only document patterns of predation rates without substantively investigating underlying mechanisms. Parental behavior and predator ecology are two fundamental drivers of predation rates and patterns, but the role of parents is less certain, particularly for songbirds. Previous work reproduced microhabitat‐predation patterns experienced by Yellow Warblers (Setophaga petechia) in the Mono Lake basin at experimental nests without parents, suggesting that these patterns were driven by predator ecology rather than predator interactions with parents. In this study, we further explored effects of post‐initiation parental behavior (nest defense and attendance) on predation risk by comparing natural versus experimental patterns related to territory density, seasonal timing of nest initiation, and nest age. Rates of parasitism by Brown‐headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) were high in this system (49% nests parasitized), so we also examined parasitism‐predation relationships. Natural nest predation rates (NPR) correlated negatively with breeding territory density and nonlinearly (U‐shaped relationship) with nest‐initiation timing, but experimental nests recorded no such patterns. After adjusting natural‐nest data to control for these differences from experimental nests other than the presence of parents (e.g., defining nest failure similarly and excluding nestling‐period data), we obtained similar results. Thus, parents were necessary to produce observed patterns. Lower natural NPR compared with experimental NPR suggested that parents reduced predation rates via nest defense, so this parental behavior or its consequences were likely correlated with density or seasonal timing. In contrast, daily predation rates decreased with nest age for both nest types, indicating this pattern did not involve parents. Parasitized nests suffered higher rates of partial predation but lower rates of complete predation, suggesting direct predation by cowbirds. Explicit behavioral research on parents, predators (including cowbirds), and their interactions would further illuminate mechanisms underlying the density, seasonal, and nest age patterns we observed.  相似文献   

Receiver sensory abilities can be influenced by a number of factors, including habitat, phylogeny and the selective pressure to acquire information about conspecifics or heterospecifics. It has been hypothesized that brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) females may locate or determine the quality of potential hosts by eavesdropping on their sexual signals. This is expected to produce different sex-specific pressures on the auditory system to detect conspecific and heterospecific acoustic signals. Here, we examined auditory filter shape and efficiency, which influence the ability to resolve spectral and temporal information, in males and females at center frequencies of 2, 3 and 4 kHz. We found that overall, cowbirds had relatively wide filters (lsmean ± SE: 619.8 ± 41.6 Hz). Moreover, females had narrower filters (females: 491.4 ± 66.8, males: 713.8 ± 67.3 Hz) and greater filter efficiency (females: 59.0 ± 2.0, males: 69.8 ± 1.9 dB) than males. Our results suggest that the filters of female cowbirds may allow them to extract spectral information from heterospecific vocalizations. The broader auditory filters of males may reflect limited spectral energy in conspecific vocalizations in this frequency range, and hence, weaker selection for high resolution of frequency in the range of 2–4 kHz.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of naturally occurring variation inexperience with adult males on development of song and courtshipcompetence in captive juvenile cowbirds. We studied birds ingroups housed in large outdoor aviaries that allowed birdsto regulate access to social stimulation. In two aviaries, we housed juvenile males and females either with or withoutadult males. Birds remained in these conditions from September1999 through their breeding season. We documented social andvocal development of juvenile males in the two aviaries bymeasuring social assortment and patterns and frequencies of their song interactions. We then brought the juveniles fromthe two aviaries together to compete against each other foraccess to females. In addition, we recorded juveniles' songsfour times over the study and played back their breeding seasonsongs to females in sound-attenuating chambers to measure the effectiveness of songs in eliciting copulatory responses fromthe females. Compared to juvenile males housed with adult males,juvenile males housed without adult males developed atypicalbehavior patterns. They (1) displayed little intrasexual aggressionor near-neighbor associations and (2) exhibited different patternsof courtship and copulation, but (3) were as successful at competing for copulations. Furthermore, they developed stereotypedsongs sooner and developed more potent breeding season songs.These different outcomes could not be traced to one variablebut to a cascade of effects involving diverging patterns ofsong acquisition and social interaction. The patterns of socialskills that emerged indicate considerable plasticity in the mechanisms underlying acquisition of courtship competence.  相似文献   

A large, partly pedunculated mass on the scapular area of a wild-caught captive Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) consisted of a multiloculated keratin cyst inhabited by a new species of harpirhynchid mite (Harpirhynchus quasimodo). The mass did not interfere with flight or behavior. This is the first record of such an infestation of cowbirds in Florida.  相似文献   

Sibling competition was proposed as an important selective agent in the evolution of growth and development. Brood parasitism by the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) intensifies sibling competition in the nests of its hosts by increasing host chick mortality and exposing them to a genetically unrelated nestmate. Intranest sibling competition for resources supplied by parents is size dependent. Thus, it should select for high development rates and short nestling periods, which would alleviate negative impacts of brood parasitic chicks on host young. I tested these predictions on 134 North American passerines by comparative analyses. After controlling for covariates and phylogeny, I showed that high parasitism rate was associated with higher nestling growth rate, lower mass at fledging, and shorter nestling periods. These effects were most pronounced in species in which sibling competition is most intense (i.e., weighing over about 30 g). When species were categorized as nonhosts versus old hosts (parasitized for thousands of years) versus new hosts (parasitized the last 100-200 years), there was a clear effect of this parasitism category on growth strategies. Nestling growth rate was the most evolutionarily flexible trait, followed by mass at fledging and nestling period duration. Adjustments during incubation (incubation period length, egg volume) were less pronounced and generally disappeared after controlling for phylogeny. I show that sibling competition caused by brood parasites can have strong effects on the evolution of host growth strategies and that the evolution of developmental traits can take place very rapidly. Human alteration of habitats causing spread of brood parasites to new areas thus cascades into affecting the evolution of life-history traits in host species.  相似文献   

In brown-headed cowbirds, Molothrus ater, as in many songbird species, vocalizations are fundamental to reproduction. In our studies, experiments utilizing different social housing regimes and geographic comparisons have indicated the social learning of males' vocalizations and associated abilities to use vocalizations effectively during the breeding season. Here, we describe studies indicating roles of cultural and genetic background, and of social influences from females, on male vocal development. These influences can interact with neural regions, including song learning and song control nuclei, but also visual-processing nuclei, in the development of signaling. We argue that a developmental systems approach to the study of vocal behavior provides a structure to organize these different influences and how they may interact with one another over development. A systems approach requires that researchers study the social context in which signals and signalers develop - both the ontogenetic arena in which young animals learn their signals from older animals, and the functional arena in which young and older animals socially interact with one another.  相似文献   

A cosmid library made from brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) DNA was examined for representation of 17 distinct microsatellite motifs including all possible mono-, di-, and trinucleotide microsatellites, and the tetranucleotide repeat (GATA)n. The overall density of microsatellites within cowbird DNA was found to be one repeat per 89 kb and the frequency of the most abundant motif, (AGC)n, was once every 382 kb. The abundance of microsatellites within the cowbird genome is estimated to be reduced approximately 15-fold compared to humans. The reduced frequency of microsatellites seen in this study is consistent with previous observations indicating reduced numbers of microsatellites and other interspersed repeats in avian DNA. In addition to providing new information concerning the abundance of microsatellites within an avian genome, these results provide useful insights for selecting cloning strategies that might be used in the development of locus-specific microsatellite markers for avian studies.  相似文献   

Brown‐headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are one of few species in which females show more complex space use than males. Female cowbirds search for, revisit, and parasitize host nests and, in a previous study, outperformed males on an open field spatial search task. Previous research reported a female‐biased sex difference in the volume of the hippocampus, a region of the brain involved in spatial memory. Neurons produced by adult neurogenesis may be involved in the formation of new memories and replace older neurons that could cause interference in memory. We tested for sex and seasonal differences in hippocampal volume and neurogenesis of brood‐parasitic brown‐headed cowbirds and the closely related non‐brood‐parasitic red‐winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) to determine whether there were differences in the hippocampus that reflected space use in the wild. Females had a larger hippocampus than males in both species, but hippocampal neurogenesis, measured by doublecortin immunoreactivity (DCX+), was greater in female than in male cowbirds in the absence of any sex difference in blackbirds, supporting the hypothesis of hippocampal specialization in female cowbirds. Cowbirds of both sexes had a larger hippocampus with greater hippocampal DCX+ than blackbirds. Hippocampus volume remained stable between breeding conditions, but DCX+ was greater post‐breeding, indicating that old memories may be lost through hippocampal reorganization following breeding. Our results support, in part, the hypothesis that the hippocampus of cowbirds is specialized for brood parasitism. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 1275–1290, 2016  相似文献   

Sarcocystis-infected muscles from ducks, cowbirds, and grackles were fed to cats, opossums, rats, and a dog. Only the opossum (Didelphis virginiana) was a suitable definitive host. All opossums that were fed Sarcocystis-infected cowbirds (Molothrus ater) and grackles (Cassidix mexicanus and Quiscalus quiscula) passed sporocysts in their feces. Opossums that ate the cowbirds had prepatent periods of 5 and 10 days and remained patent for at least 105 days. Opossums that ate the grackles became patent on day 10 after the infective meal and remained patent for over 90 (Quiscalus) and 105 (Cassidix) days. A single opossum fed infected muscle from a pintail duck (Anas acuta) passed sporocysts in the feces from days 13 through 18 after infection. No sporocysts were passed by opossums fed infected muscle from the green-winged teal (Anas carolinensis) and shoveller (Spatula clypeata). Sporocysts of duck, cowbird, and grackle origin were structurally similar. Mean dimensions of sporocysts were: duck-origin, 11.2 by 8.2 micron; cowbird-origin, 11.4 by 7.8 micron; Cassidix-origin, 11.2 by 7.8 micron; and Quiscalus-origin, 11.6 by 7.7 micron. We designate the sporocysts of cowbird and grackle origin as Sarcoycstis debonei Vogelsang, 1929 (Syn. Isospora boughtoni Volk, 1938).  相似文献   

Aphodius dung beetles produce substrate vibrations by means of an abdomino-alary stridulatory organ. Applying a method that allows the recording of Aphodius vibrations under natural conditions in a small amount of dung, the stridulatory behavior of Aphodius ater was investigated. Male A. ater are acoustically active, while females rarely stridulate. Males have a complex song, which consists of a series of different patterns that are displayed in a specific order over a considerable time when a female is encountered in the dung. Different populations show the same stridulatory patterns but individual variability is high and males display songs with differing complexity. It is hypothesized that females use the information within the song in the context of mate choice.  相似文献   

Three types of evidence, variation in external coloration and patterning. characters of the distal genitalia and biochemical variation, were used to determine if A. a. ater and A. u. rufus could be recognized in Britain. From these studies it was possible to recognize the two taxa, but the variation of the morphological characters was continuous between them. The range of variation, in particular that of the distal genitalia of A. a. ater , was much wider than indicated by previous studies. The biochemical results from the use of zone electrophoresis and staining for non-specific esterases indicated that there was a high level of similarity between the taxa. It was not possible to determine whether the continuity in the variation resulted from hybridization or an overlap between two separate ranges. Consequently, although the results agreed with A. ater being two subspecies, more work is needed both in Britain and on the Continent to extend these observations and to determine the status of the two taxa.  相似文献   

The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is an established animal model of ADHD. It has been suggested that ADHD symptoms arise from deficits in executive functions such as working memory, attentional control and decision making. Both ADHD patients and SHRs show deficits in spatial working memory. However, the data on spatial working memory deficits in SHRs are not consistent. It has been suggested that the reported cognitive deficits of SHRs may be related to the SHRs’ locomotor activity. We have used a holeboard (COGITAT) to study both cognition and activity in order to evaluate the influence of the activity on the cognitive performance of SHRs. In comparison to Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats, SHRs did not have any impairment in spatial working memory and reference memory. When the rats’ locomotor activity was taken into account, the SHRs’ working memory and reference memory were significantly better than in WKY rats. The locomotor activity appears to be a confounding factor in spatial memory tasks and should therefore be controlled for in future studies. In the SHR model of ADHD, we were unable to demonstrate an impairment of working memory which has been reported in patients with ADHD.  相似文献   

Pseudopollen is found on the labella of several species of Maxillaria and is formed by the fragmentation of uniseriate, multicellular, moniliform trichomes. The resultant component cells are rich in protein. Since flowers of pseudopollen-forming species generally lack nectar, it is probable that pseudopollen gradually replaced nectar as the pollinator reward. However, direct evidence for this hypothesis is lacking. The present paper examines the labellar micromorphology of five Brazilian species of Maxillaria assigned to the M. discolor alliance. The flowers of two of these species, namely M. violaceopunctata and M. villosa , produce both food hairs and a lipoidal, labellar secretion which is rich in aromatic amino acids. Moreover, in the case of M. violaceopunctata , the secretion was found to contain reducing sugars. This may represent an intermediate stage in the transition from nectar-producing to pseudopollen-forming flowers. SEM studies indicate how pseudopollen-forming, moniliform trichomes, such as those found in the Maxillaria grandiflora complex, may have evolved from simple, uniseriate, multicellular hairs.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 143 , 151−158.  相似文献   

Among different teleost fish species, diverse sex-determining mechanisms exist, including environmental and genetic sex determination, yet chromosomal sex determination with male heterogamety (XY) prevails. Different pairs of autosomes have evolved as sex chromosomes among species in the same genus without evidence for a master sex-determining locus being identical. Models for evolution of Y chromosomes predict that male-advantageous genes become linked to a sex-determining locus and suppressed recombination ensures their co-inheritance. In the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, a set of genes responsible for adult male ornaments are linked to the sex-determining locus on the incipient Y chromosome. We have identified >60 sex-linked molecular markers to generate a detailed map for the sex linkage group of the guppy and compared it with the syntenic autosome 12 of medaka. We mapped the sex-determining locus to the distal end of the sex chromosome. We report a sex-biased distribution of recombination events in female and male meiosis on sex chromosomes. In one mapping cross, we observed sex ratio and male phenotype deviations and propose an atypical mode of genetic sex inheritance as its basis.  相似文献   

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