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Cells are coated with a glycocalyx—a layer of carbohydrate-containing biomolecules, such as glycoproteins. Although the structure and orientation of the cell-surface glycans are frequently regarded as being random, we have found, using α-1-acid glycoprotein and antitrypsin as model systems for surface glycans, that this is not the case. A glycoprotein monolayer was adsorbed onto hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates. Surface-force measurements revealed that the orientation of the glycans with respect to the aqueous solution has a profound effect on the structure of vicinal water. The glycan antennae of the surface-adsorbed glycoproteins apparently impose an ordering on the water, resulting in a strong repulsive force over some tens of nanometers with superposed film-thickness transitions ranging from ≈0.7 to 1.8 nm. When the glycan orientation is modified by chemical means, this long-range repulsion disappears. These results may provide an explanation as to why the multiantennary structure is ubiquitous in glycoproteins. Although direct, specific interactions between glycans and other biomolecules are essential for their functionality, these results indicate that glycans’ long-range structuring of water may also influence their ability to interact with biomolecules in their vicinity.  相似文献   

Communicative interactions involve a kind of procedural knowledge that is used by the human brain for processing verbal and nonverbal inputs and for language production. Although considerable work has been done on modeling human language abilities, it has been difficult to bring them together to a comprehensive tabula rasa system compatible with current knowledge of how verbal information is processed in the brain. This work presents a cognitive system, entirely based on a large-scale neural architecture, which was developed to shed light on the procedural knowledge involved in language elaboration. The main component of this system is the central executive, which is a supervising system that coordinates the other components of the working memory. In our model, the central executive is a neural network that takes as input the neural activation states of the short-term memory and yields as output mental actions, which control the flow of information among the working memory components through neural gating mechanisms. The proposed system is capable of learning to communicate through natural language starting from tabula rasa, without any a priori knowledge of the structure of phrases, meaning of words, role of the different classes of words, only by interacting with a human through a text-based interface, using an open-ended incremental learning process. It is able to learn nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns and other word classes, and to use them in expressive language. The model was validated on a corpus of 1587 input sentences, based on literature on early language assessment, at the level of about 4-years old child, and produced 521 output sentences, expressing a broad range of language processing functionalities.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus plantarum C11 produces plantaricin E/F (PlnE/F) and plantaricin J/K (PlnJ/K), two bacteriocins whose activity depends on the complementary action of two peptides (PlnE and PlnF; PlnJ and PlnK). Three of the individual Pln peptides possess some antimicrobial activity, but the highest bacteriocin activity is obtained by combining complementary peptides in about a one-to-one ratio. Circular dichroism was used to study the structure of the Pln peptides under various conditions. All four peptides were unstructured under aqueous conditions but adopted a partly alpha-helical structure in the presence of trifluoroethanol, micelles of dodecylphosphocholine, and negatively charged dioleoylphosphoglycerol (DOPG) liposomes. Far less structure was induced by zwitterionic dioleoylglycerophosphocholine liposomes, indicating that a net negative charge on the phospholipid bilayer is important for a structure-inducing interaction between (positively charged) Pln peptides and a membrane. The structuring of complementary peptides was considerably enhanced when both (PlnE and PlnF or PlnJ and PlnK) were added simultaneously to DOPG liposomes. Such additional structuring was not observed in experiments with trifluoroethanol or dodecylphosphocholine, indicating that the apparent structure-inducing interaction between complementary Pln peptides requires the presence of a phospholipid bilayer. The amino acid sequences of the Pln peptides are such that the alpha-helical structures adopted upon interaction with the membrane and each other are amphiphilic in nature, thus enabling membrane interactions.  相似文献   

Summary: The interactions and processes which structure prokaryotic cytoplasm (water, ions, metabolites, and biomacromolecules) and ensure the fidelity of the cell cycle are reviewed from a physicochemical perspective. Recent spectroscopic and biological evidence shows that water has no active structuring role in the cytoplasm, an unnecessary notion still entertained in the literature; water acts only as a normal solvent and biochemical reactant. Subcellular structuring arises from localizations and interactions of biomacromolecules and from the growth and modifications of their surfaces by catalytic reactions. Biomacromolecular crowding is a fundamental physicochemical characteristic of cells in vivo. Though some biochemical and physiological effects of crowding (excluded volume effect) have been documented, crowding assays with polyglycols, dextrans, etc., do not properly mimic the compositional variety of biomacromolecules in vivo. In vitro crowding assays are now being designed with proteins, which better reflect biomacromolecular environments in vivo, allowing for hydrophobic bonding and screened electrostatic interactions. I elaborate further the concept of complex vectorial biochemistry, where crowded biomacromolecules structure the cytosol into electrolyte pathways and nanopools that electrochemically “wire” the cell. Noncovalent attractions between biomacromolecules transiently supercrowd biomacromolecules into vectorial, semiconducting multiplexes with a high (35 to 95%)-volume fraction of biomacromolecules; consequently, reservoirs of less crowded cytosol appear in order to maintain the experimental average crowding of ∼25% volume fraction. This nonuniform crowding model allows for fast diffusion of biomacromolecules in the uncrowded cytosolic reservoirs, while the supercrowded vectorial multiplexes conserve the remarkable repeatability of the cell cycle by preventing confusing cross talk of concurrent biochemical reactions.
Are the smallest particles of living matter which still exhibit all its functions of the order of magnitude of molecules and atoms, or are they of different order? The first step toward an answer to this question was accomplished by Moritz Nussbaum, who found that if an Infusorian be divided into two pieces, one with and one without a nucleus, only the [former] will continue to live and perform all the functions of self-preservation and development which are characteristic of living organisms. This shows that not only more than two definite substances, but two different structural elements, are needed for life.—Jacques Loeb, 1906 (122)

Treatment of stigma with a lectin (Con A/PHA) before pollinationwas effective in overcoming self-incompatibility in Petuniahybrida, a gametophytic self-incompatible system, and Erucasativa, a sporophytic self-incompatible system. Treatment ofpollen with glucose/N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (tested only withPetunia) was also effective. These results suggest the involvementof pollen lectins and specific sugar components of the pistilin self-incompatibility recognition. Petunia hybrida, Eruca sativa, self-incompatibility, pollen recognition, lectins  相似文献   

In this study we report on the effects of structuring, aging, temperature, and shear history on the polymorphism and stability of structured monoglyceride stabilized oil in water emulsions, or MAG gels. With knowledge that the structure of the gel is paramount towards its functionality, this study investigated how structuring of MAG gel affects proton relaxation and monoglyceride crystal polymorphism. The structured MAG gel was compared to its compositionally equivalent unstructured components containing either dry or hydrated monoglycerides. Proton relaxation studies were conducted using pulsed proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance T2 relaxation analysis. Powder X-ray Diffraction was used to determine the monoglyceride crystal polymorphism within the system. Proton relaxation was greatly affected by the structuring of MAG gel components, with the structured MAG gel displaying faster relaxation times compared to its unstructured components. The structured MAG gel also displayed different polymorphic behaviour than its unstructured components, with structured gels exhibiting greater stability, and displaying both ?? and ?? monoglyceride polymorphic forms. The application of shear resulted in greater water mobility within MAG gels compared to non-sheared samples, as well as a greater proportion of the ?? polymorphic population. This study established a relationship between water mobility determined by T2 relaxation analysis and the proportion of the ?? polymorph population determined through XRD reflections. It clearly demonstrates that an increase in the ?? polymorph population leads to a decrease in the strength of water binding, and that shear enhances this process.  相似文献   

Plant peroxidases are composed of a peptide and associated heme, calcium and glycans. The 3D structure of the major cationic peanut peroxidase has revealed the sites of the heme and calcium. But the diffraction of the glycans was not sufficient to show their structure. This review presents research that has been executed to obtain putative glycans and their binding sites, and to gain an indirect insight into these glycans. It also offers approaches that will be used to determine the function of the glycans on the peanut peroxidase. Some comparisons are made with other plant glycoproteins including peroxidases from plants other than peanut.  相似文献   

For bacteria growing in colonies, spatial structure can allow maintenance of costly traits such as the production of antibiotics. Using spatially structured environments, Westhoff et al. examined the benefits of streptomycin production for the bacterium Streptomyces griseus in competition with a streptomycin-susceptible strain. Streptomyces griseus outcompeted susceptible competitors, but the benefit of its antibiotic decreased as competitor resistance to streptomycin increased. Spatial structure also increased the ability of S. griseus to invade susceptible competitor populations from low starting densities. These results demonstrate that spatially structured environments can both provide and amplify benefits of antibiotics to antibiotic-producing bacteria on a microbial scale.  相似文献   

Mutations affecting the ribosome lead to several diseases known as ribosomopathies, with phenotypes that include growth defects, cytopenia, and bone marrow failure. Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA), for example, is a pure red cell aplasia linked to the mutation of ribosomal protein (RP) genes. Here we show the knock-down of the DBA-linked RPS19 gene induces the cellular self-digestion process of autophagy, a pathway critical for proper hematopoiesis. We also observe an increase of autophagy in cells derived from DBA patients, in CD34+ erythrocyte progenitor cells with RPS19 knock down, in the red blood cells of zebrafish embryos with RP-deficiency, and in cells from patients with Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS). The loss of RPs in all these models results in a marked increase in S6 kinase phosphorylation that we find is triggered by an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS). We show that this increase in S6 kinase phosphorylation inhibits the insulin pathway and AKT phosphorylation activity through a mechanism reminiscent of insulin resistance. While stimulating RP-deficient cells with insulin reduces autophagy, antioxidant treatment reduces S6 kinase phosphorylation, autophagy, and stabilization of the p53 tumor suppressor. Our data suggest that RP loss promotes the aberrant activation of both S6 kinase and p53 by increasing intracellular ROS levels. The deregulation of these signaling pathways is likely playing a major role in the pathophysiology of ribosomopathies.  相似文献   

A recent model proposed that N-glycans serve as apical targeting signals for soluble and membrane proteins in epithelial cells and neurons by interacting with lectin sorters in the trans-Golgi network. However, we believe that a number of experimental observations support an alternative hypothesis, that N-glycans play a facilitative role, by providing structural support or preventing aggregation of the proteins for example, thereby allowing interaction of proteinaceous apical sorting signals with the sorting machinery. This article discusses the experimental data currently available and how they relate to the proposed models.  相似文献   

This work identifies shortcomings in water footprinting and discusses whether the water footprint should be a volumetric or impact‐oriented index. A key challenge is the current definition of water consumption according to which evaporated water is regarded as lost for the originating watershed per se. Continental evaporation recycling rates of up to 100% within short time and length scales show that this definition is not generally valid. Also, the inclusion of land use effects on the hydrological balance is questionable, as land transformation often leads to higher water availability due to locally increased runoff. Unless potentially negative consequences, such as flooding or waterlogging, and adverse effects on the global water cycle are considered, water credits from land transformation seem unjustified. Most impact assessment methods use ratios of annual withdrawal or consumption to renewability rates to denote local water scarcity. As these ratios are influenced by two metrics—withdrawal and availability—arid regions can be regarded as uncritical if only small fractions of the limited renewable supplies are used. Besides neglecting sensitivities to additional water uses, such indicators consider neither ground nor surface water stocks, which can buffer water shortages temporally. Authors favoring volumetric indicators claim that global freshwater appropriation is more important than local impacts, easier to determine, and less error prone than putting complex ecological interaction into mathematical models. As shown in an example, volumetric water footprints can be misleading without additional interpretation because numerically smaller footprints can cause higher impacts.  相似文献   

Y Chen  X Gou  X Ke  H Cui  Z Chen 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40965
Tumor angiogenesis is a complex process based upon a sequence of interactions between tumor cells and endothelial cells. Previous studies have shown that CD147 was correlated with tumor angiogenesis through increasing tumor cell secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). In this study, we made a three-dimensional (3D) tumor angiogenesis model using a co-culture system of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells SMMC-7721 and humanumbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in vitro. We found that CD147-expressing cancer cells could promote HUVECs to form net-like structures resembling the neo-vasculature, whereas the ability of proliferation, migration and tube formation of HUVECs was significantly decreased in tumor conditioned medium (TCM) of SMMC-7721 cells transfected with specific CD147-siRNA. Furthermore, by assaying the change of pro-angiogenic factors in TCM, we found that the inhibition of CD147 expression led to significant decrease of VEGF and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) secretion. Interestingly, we also found that IGF-I up-regulated the expression of CD147 in both tumor cells and HUVECs. These findings suggest that there is a positive feedback between CD147 and IGF-I at the tumor-endothelial interface and CD147 initiates the formation of an angiogenesis niche.  相似文献   



Dietary lipids play an important role in the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) through alternation of liver innate immune response.


The present study was to investigate the effect of lipid on Kupffer cells phenotype and function in vivo and in vitro. And further to investigate the impact of lipid on ability of Kupffer cell lipid antigen presentation to activate NKT cells.


Wild type male C57BL/6 mice were fed either normal or high-fat diet. Hepatic steatosis, Kupffer cell abundance, NKT cell number and cytokine gene expression were evaluated. Antigen presentation assay was performed with Kupffer cells treated with certain fatty acids in vitro and co-cultured with NKT cells.


High-fat diet induced hepatosteatosis, significantly increased Kupffer cells and decreased hepatic NKT cells. Lipid treatment in vivo or in vitro induced increase of pro-inflammatory cytokines gene expression and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) expression in Kupffer cells. Kupffer cells expressed high levels of CD1d on cell surface and only presented exogenous lipid antigen to activate NKT cells. Ability of Kupffer cells to present antigen and activate NKT cells was enhanced after lipid treatment. In addition, pro-inflammatory activated Kupffer cells by lipid treatment induced hepatic NKT cells activation-induced apoptosis and necrosis.


High-fat diet increase Kupffer cells number and induce their pro-inflammatory status. Pro-inflammatory activated Kupfffer cells by lipid promote hepatic NKT cell over-activation and cell death, which lead to further hepatic NKT cell deficiency in the development of NAFLD.  相似文献   

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