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The underlying molecular mechanism of carcinogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is poorly understood and appears to be controlled on many genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors. Obestatin and ghrelin, two recently discovered hormones, are co-expressed in endocrine cells. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the immunohistochemical features of OSCCs in relation to the tissue concentration of ghrelin and obestatin. The association between OSCC and Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) status was also explored. The expression of ghrelin and obestatin was examined by immunohistochemistry and immunoassay in oral biopsy specimens: 10 benign squamous epithelial cell samples, 10 microinvasive squamous cell carcinomas, and seven well-differentiated and seven poorly differentiated OSCCs. The presence of EBV was evaluated in these samples using immunohistochemistry. The concentrations of ghrelin and obestatin in tissue homogenates were measured by RIA and ELISA, respectively. Squamous cell carcinomas and benign tissue samples were positive for anti-EBV antibody, and obestatin and ghrelin were shown to be co-expressed in all stratified squamous epithelium samples. Expression of ghrelin and obestatin was decreased or absent in OSCCs in relation to the invasiveness of the carcinoma; ghrelin and obestatin levels in cancerous tissue homogenates were lower than in benign tissue homogenates. These results indicate that the concentrations and distribution of immunoreactive obestatin and ghrelin might be helpful in distinguishing OSCC from benign tumors. Maintaining normal levels of these hormones might be required for regulation of normal cell division. However, detailed studies will be required for better understanding of the complex mechanism of carcinogenesis relating to OSCCs.  相似文献   

Collagenase-3 (matrix metalloproteinase-13) is a metalloproteinase (MMP) that is associated with bone lesions and exhibits variable expression patterns in odontogenic cysts; it may play a role in regulating focal proliferation and maturation of jaw cyst epithelium. We studied the localization, staining intensity and distribution of collagenase-3 in 13 periapical granulomas with epithelium, 16 periapical granulomas without epithelium and 10 radicular cysts using archived formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissues. A monoclonal antibody against human collagenase-3 was used to evaluate its expression. Immunohistochemical staining intensities of collagenase-3 in all periapical lesions were (?), 4 (10%); (+), 1 (3%); (++), 22 (56%) and (+++), 12 (31%); differences were not statistically significant. Immunohistochemical distribution of collagenase-3 in epithelial cells was (?), 17 (44%); (+), 17 (44%); (++), 5 (13%); in fibroblasts it was (?), 8 (20%); (+), 23 (59%); (++), 8 (21%); in plasma cells it was (?), 7 (18%); (+), 22 (56%); (++), 10 (26%); in macrophages it was (?), 7 (18%); (+), and 15 (38%); and (++), 17 (44%). Statistically significant differences were found in epithelial cells (p = 0.00) and fibroblasts (p = 0.02), whereas differences were not statistically significant for plasma cells and macrophages. Collagenase-3 may play a role in the conversion of a periapical granuloma with epithelium to radicular cyst. MMP's influence not only epithelial rest cell migration, but also invasion of various stromal cells into granulomatous tissue.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,122(5):1103-1117
Squamous carcinomas of both human and rodent origin can undergo a transition to a more invasive, metastatic phenotype involving reorganization of the cytoskeleton, loss of cell adhesion molecules such as E-cadherin and acquisition of a fibroblastoid or spindle cell morphology. We have developed a series of cell lines from mouse skin tumors which represent different stages of carcinogenesis, including benign papillomas, and clonally related squamous and spindle carcinomas derived from the same primary tumor. Some spindle cells continue to express keratins, but with a poorly organized keratin filament network, whereas in others no keratin expression is detectable. All of the spindle cells lack expression of the cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin and the desmosomal component desmoplakin. Loss of these cell surface proteins therefore appears to precede the destabilization of the keratin network. At the genetic level, it is not known whether such changes involve activation of dominantly acting oncogenes or loss of a suppressor function which controls epithelial differentiation. To examine this question, we have carried out a series of fusion experiments between a highly malignant mouse skin spindle cell carcinoma and cell lines derived from premalignant or malignant mouse skin tumors, including both squamous and spindle carcinoma variants. The results show that the spindle cell phenotype as determined by cell morphology and lack of expression of keratin, E-cadherin, and desmoplakin proteins, is recessive in all hybrids with squamous cells. The hybrids expressed all of these differentiation markers, and showed suppression of tumorigenicity to a variable level dependent upon the tumorigenic properties of the less malignant fusion partner. Our results suggest that acquisition of the spindle cell phenotype involves functional loss of a gene(s) which controls epithelial differentiation.  相似文献   

P-cadherin, a transmembrane molecule similar to E-cadherin involved in the cell-cell adhesion, and catenins form complexes between its cytoplasmic domain and the cytoskeleton. Five cell lines, 108 specimens of oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC), 9 metastasis and 10 of normal oral mucosa were examined to evaluate P-cadherin expression and cellular localization by immunohistochemistry and western-blotting. In normal oral mucosa there was a membranous expression only in basal and parabasal layers. 91 cases (84%) showed membranous/cytoplasmic positivity, whereas 17 cases (16%) were negative. In particular, while well-differentiated carcinomas showed P-cadherin upregulation, the protein was homogeneously hypo- or unexpressed in low-differentiated carcinomas. There was a statistically significant correlation between P-cadherin expression and tumour grading: G3 tumours had a lower score than G1-G2 tumours (P<0.05). When analysed for prognostic significance, patients with no P-cadherin expression (score 0) had poorer overall and diseases-free survival rates than the P-cadherin-expressing group (score 1) (P=0.0463 and P=0.0471, respectively). Western blotting analysis of cell lines and tissue samples confirmed immunohistochemical findings. When cell staining pattern of positive cases was examined, 52 cases showed a prevalent membranous pattern, while 39 had a prevalent cytoplasmic pattern. Cases with prevalent cytoplasmic staining showed high rates of lymph node metastases (P>0.05), and regional relapse (P <0.05) and poorer survival rates than the group with prevalent membranous expression (P<0.0001). An absent P-cadherin expression could constitute a hallmark of aggressive biological behaviour in oral squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Central Giant Cell Lesion (CGCL) is an uncommon benign jaw lesion, with uncertain etiology, and a variable clinical behavior. Studies of molecular markers of CGCL, may help understanding better the nature and behavior of this lesion, and eventually may represent a definitive target to pharmacological approach in the treatment of CGCL. Chronic inflammation has been found to mediate a wide variety of diseases including neoplasms. Among the gene products involved in the induction of the inflammatory process, Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) has been shown to have a close relationship with tumorigenesis, however COX-2 expression has never been evaluated in CGCL. The aim of the study was to investigate the expression of COX-2 in CGCL. Immunohistochemical assessment for COX-2 expression was performed in 18 patients previously diagnosed with CGCL. Multinucleated giant cells (MGC) and mononucleated stromal cells (MSC) were used in the slide analysis. Among the patients studied, 10 were male and 8 were female, with a median age of 15.4 years. Lesions in the mandible were observed in 11 cases and 7 were found in the maxilla. There were 9 aggressive and 9 non-aggressive CGCLs. COX-2 immunopositivity was present in only 3 cases stained in both MGC and MSC. All 3 cases presented with ulcerations in the mucosa lesion, suggesting that the COX-2 expression is due to the presence of inflammation. This study does not support the involvement of COX-2 in the etiophatogenesis of CGCL.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the basal lamina (BL), the key structure of the basement membrane (BM), was investigated in three xenografted human carcinomas of the sigmoid colon (CA 1), the lung (L 261), and the hypopharynx (H-Stg 1) following heterotransplantation to athymic mice. The study involved the use of electron microscopy and indirect immunofluorescence techniques employing highly specific antibodies against the intrinsic BL components, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, laminin and type-IV collagen. Following transplantation, the extracellular matrix material of the transplanted tumors decomposed and was phagocytozed by invading macrophages within 1 to 2 days. During this stage, no specific binding of the applied antibodies to BL components could be detected within the xenografts. Following the ingrowth of host-derived connective tissue between days 2 to 6, small fluorescence-positive granules appeared within the cytoplasm and around those tumor cells that were located close to the invaded strands of connective tissue. Ultrastructurally, typical secretory granules were detectable in the cytoplasm of many xenografted carcinoma cells. Thereafter, a tannic acid-positive, patchy material appeared in the extracellular space of CA 1 and L 261 and aggregated to form small fragments of a discontinuous BL. In the H-Stg 1 xenografts, this material assembled to form continuous mono-, bi- and multilayered structures. Large amounts of excess BL material remained accumulated in the L 261 and H-Stg 1 xenografts until the end of the observation period (day 24). These findings reveal that discontinuities of the BL occur independent of the active invasion processes of tumor cells, since xenografted human carcinomas neither grow invasively nor metastasize in nude mice. Moreover, they confirm that these discontinuities are not caused by a quantitatively insufficient production of BL material, but rather arise from qualitative imbalances of the composition of the synthesized BL material.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase (COX) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the production of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid. This enzyme exists in at least two isoforms, COX-1 and COX-2. COX-1 is constitutively expressed in most tissues and plays various physiological roles. However, COX-2 expression is induced by a variety of agents, which include pro-inflammatory agents and mitogens. Evidence exists to indicate that increased expression of COX-2 occurs in several types of epithelial neoplasms. In this study, we show the effect of chronic exposure of murine skin to carcinogenic UVB on cutaneous COX-2 expression. SKH-1 mice were irradiated with 180 mJ/cm(2) UVB daily for five days a week for periods ranging from 1 to 20 weeks. Nontumor bearing skin areas of irradiated mice, skin of age-matched controls and benign papillomas and malignant tumors were assessed immunohistochemically for COX-2 expression in these mice. No epidermal staining occurred in any of the non-UVB-treated controls throughout the experiment. Epidermal COX-2 expression only occurred in UVB-irradiated mice. After 1 and 5 weeks of irradiation, patchy epidermal staining mostly confined to the granular layer and stratum corneum was observed. At week 9, staining intensity had increased, particularly in the granular layer. At week 13, staining was uniformly seen in all epidermal layers with particular prominence in the basal cell layer underlying areas of visible epidermal hyperplasia. It is of interest that the most intense staining was seen in the perinuclear region of keratinocytes and at the plasma membrane. At week 20, COX-2 staining was predominant in the granular layer, although in some tissue sections, the entire epidermis was positive. In benign papillomas, staining was confined to the superficial layers of the epidermis and in squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), patchy staining in the granular and spinous layers predominated. In general, COX-2 expression was more intense in well-differentiated SCCs than in papillomas. In summary, our results indicate that COX-2 serves as an early marker of epidermal UVB exposure and its expression increases in benign papillomas and in SCCs. These results suggest that pharmacological intervention using specific COX-2 inhibitors could have anticarcinogenic effects in UVB-induced human skin cancer.  相似文献   

Significance of eIF4E expression in skin squamous cell carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant tumour of keratinising epidermal cells. This type of skin cancer is the second leading cause of death after melanoma, and it is the second most common type of non-melanoma skin cancer after basal cell carcinoma. The cellular and molecular events involved in the progression of skin cancers are largely unknown. Increased protein synthesis is necessary for the transition of cells from quiescence to proliferation. Translational control is critical for the proper regulation of the cell cycle, tissue induction and growth. Eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4E, an important regulator of translation, plays critical roles in neo-plastic transformation and cancer progression. We investigated eIF4E expression in 49 skin samples (six normal tissues, eight Bowen diseases, seven stage I, 10 stage II, 13 stage III and five stage IV SCCs). Results obtained demonstrated that all SCC samples, evaluated by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting and cap-affinity chromatography using m7GTP-sepharose, presented eIF4E expression (13.6+/-1.2), whereas, starting from stage 0 (4.1+/-0.9) to stage I (7.4+/-1.4), stage II (12.1+/-2.4), stage III (18.1+/-3.0) and stage IV (26.2+/-3.8) SCCs, a constant and significant increase of protein over expression (P<0.001) was observed. A high expression of eIF4E is correlated with advanced stages. The results presented in this study demonstrate a possible role of eIF4E in SCC.  相似文献   

The cellular localization of the human androgen receptor was visualized immunohistochemically using a mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb) F39.4, directed against a fragment of the N-terminal domain of the androgen receptor. The nuclear immunoreactivity of various human tissues with F39.4 was generally consistent with earlier biochemical and autoradiographic data. However, previously suggested androgen receptor expression in thyroid, pancreatic, gastrointestinal, and bladder tissues was not confirmed immunohistochemically. Stratified squamous epithelia of vagina and cervix showed selective immunostaining of the basal cell layer, whereas in the preputial epithelium the intensity of immunoreactivity decreased gradually with maturation. In contrast, glandular epithelia of the sweat glands, male accessory sex organs, and female breast showed nearly exclusive F39.4 staining of the inner cylindric layer. In the testis, Sertoli cells, peritubular myoid cells, and interstitial cells were immunoreactive with MAb F39.4. Expression of the androgen receptor by smooth muscle tissue was largely confined to the male reproductive organs. The specificity and sensitivity of this simple and rapidly performed immunohistochemical technique in the detection of the human androgen receptor at the cellular and subcellular level makes it worthwhile to study tissue androgen receptor expression by immunohistochemistry in physiological and pathological states.  相似文献   

Desmoglein 2 (Dsg2), a transmembrane cadherin of the desmosomal cell-cell adhesion structure, is downregulated with epithelial differentiation. We recently demonstrated that overexpression of Dsg2 in epidermal keratinocytes deregulates multiple signaling pathways associated with increased growth rate, anchorage-independent cell survival, and the development of skin tumors. While changes in Dsg2 expression have been observed in neoplastic lesions, the correlation of expression levels and localization of Dsg2 and the state of tumor development has not been fully established. Here we generated a highly sensitive Dsg2 antibody (Ab10) and characterized that antibody along with a previously developed Dsg2 specific antibody 10D2. Using these antibodies in immunostaining of tissue microarrays, we show a dramatic upregulation of Dsg2 expression in certain human epithelial malignancies including basal cell carcinomas (BCC; n = 12), squamous cell carcinomas (SCC; n = 57), carcinomas of sebaceous and sweat glands (n = 12), and adenocarcinomas (n = 3). Dsg2 expression was completely absent in malignant fibrosarcomas (n = 16) and melanomas (n = 15). While Dsg2 expression was consistently strong in BCC, it varied in SCC with a minor correlation between a decrease of Dsg2 expression and tumor differentiation. In summary, we have identified Dsg2 as a potential novel marker for epithelial-derived malignancies.Key words: carcinogenesis, desmoglein, desmosome, skin  相似文献   

Chen Q  Zhou H  Guo W  Samaranayake LP  Zhou M  Li B 《Cytobios》2001,106(412):87-99
Cyclins and wild-type p53 protein are prime cell cycle regulators and may be involved in tumorigenesis. Cyclin A is a late S cyclin and its abnormalities have been reported in several cancers, including oral squamous cell carcinomas. To explore whether aberrant G1/S in p53 mutant tumours leads to increased cyclin A protein in oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC), a total of 39 samples were evaluated for the expression of cyclin A and p53 protein by an immunohistochemical method using a labelled polymer assay. These samples comprised two hyperkeratotic and three oral premalignant lesions (two moderate and one severe dysplastic lesions), and 27 OSCC, together with seven healthy controls. The results demonstrated that the cyclin A protein was localized and highly expressed in the nuclei of the tumour cells. Although there was no correlation between cyclin A detection and the local lymph node involvement, a positive correlation was noted between the positivity of cyclin A and p53 protein (p <0.05). The results suggested that cyclin A may contribute to the progression of oral cancer and correlated to some degree with that of the p53 gene activity.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to evaluate Ki-67 and B72.3 immunostaining in 20 selected cases of breast cancer. In particular, we have examined the intracellular localization of TAG 72 and the tumour growth fraction, identified by Ki-67 antibody, on frozen sections of mammary carcinoma, by immunohistochemical technique (ABC method sec.Hsu). Immunostaining of TAG 72 and Ki-67 antigen was related to histologic subtype, diameter, nodal involvement, and number of positive axillary nodes. The preliminary results suggest that: (a) the presence of Ki-67 nuclear staining appeared to be associated with a poorer degree of differentiation, but no direct relationships were observed with diameter and nodal involvement; (b) no correlation between Ki-67 labelling rates and B72.3 intracytoplasmic immunostaining was observed; (c) myoepithelial cells show weak intracytoplasmic positivities.  相似文献   

The human tissue kallikrein 13 gene (KLK13), encoding for hK13 protein, was recently cloned and characterized. Here we describe the immunohistochemical (IHC) localization of hK13 in normal human tissues and compare it with the expression of two other kallikreins, hK6 and hK10. We performed the streptavidin-biotin IHC method on 204 paraffin blocks from archival, current, and autopsy material prepared from almost every normal human tissue, using a polyclonal and a monoclonal hK13 antibody. The staining was cytoplasmic and both antibodies yielded similar results. The hK13 protein was revealed in a variety of tissues, mainly in glandular epithelia. Other epithelia that expressed hK13 included the urothelium, the spermatic epithelium, and the epithelium of the choroid plexus. hK13 was intensely immunoexpressed by some endocrine organs, such as the adenohypophysis, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid glands, the adrenal medulla, the Leydig cells of the testis, and the cells of the endocrine pancreas. Immunoreactivity was also observed in the primordial follicles, the corpus luteum, and sparse luteinized cells in the stroma of the ovary, the trophoblastic cells of the placenta, the Hassall's corpuscles of the thymus, and chondrocytes. Nerves and ganglia of the peripheral nervous system, and both neurons and glial cells in the central nervous system, were positive. In short, hK13 was expressed by many glandular epithelia, some endocrine organs, and some specialized epithelia and cells. Comparison of these data with hK6 and hK10 expression suggests that the three kallikreins have a similar IHC pattern in normal human tissues.  相似文献   

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