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A summary of the present knowledge ofBolboforma is presented in this paper. The genusBolboforma contains a diverse group of marine, mostly single-chambered enigmatic microfossils (phytoplankton, possibly Chrysophyta) which produced calcitic monocrystalline spheroidal tests with or without inner cysts and with various types of ornamentation. The genusBolboforma occurs in the time interval between late Early Eocene to Late Pliocene, at middle and higher latitudes, and thus, has not been recorded in Quaternary to Recent Sediments. The genus is represented globally, but the first and the last occurrence of the genus appear to be spatially diachronous in both hemispheres.Bolboforma started in the southern hemisphere at the Campbell Plateau (SW Pazific) during the Early Eocene approximately 53 Ma ago, and the genus lived there until latest Miocene times (5.3 Ma at the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean). The first occurrence ofBolboforma in the northern hemisphere is observed in Upper Eocene Sediments (ca. 36.5 Ma) in the Labrador Sea (North Atlantic), and its youngest occurrence is observed in the Hatton-Rockall Basin (North Atlantic) in the Late Pliocene at 2.84 Ma. Well established and common species permit the definition of nineteenBolboforma zones/subzones. Not all of these are observed in both hemispheres. In the southern hemisphere all four Paleogene zones, but only eight Neogene zones are present, in the northern hemisphere only one Paleogene zone, but fourteen Neogene zones have been determined. Bolboforma distribution, which appears to be broadly bipolar in temperate to cool regions at middle to higher latitudes, aso seems to be linked to the evolution of surface watermasses and their boundaries.   相似文献   

Mycorrhiza in sedges—an overview   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Most terrestrial plants associate with root-colonising mycorrhizal fungi, which improve the fitness of both the fungal and plant associates. However, exceptions exist both between and within plant families failing to associate with mycorrhizal fungi or in the incidence and the extent of mycotrophy, which may vary greatly. Sedges are important pioneers of disturbed habitats and often dominate vegetations like wetlands, and arctic and alpine vegetations, in which the mycorrhizal inoculum in the soil is often low or absent. In the past, sedges were often designated as non-mycorrhizal, though limited reports indicated the presence of mycorrhiza in certain species. However, studies since 1987 indicate widespread occurrence of mycorrhiza in sedges. Based on these studies, the family Cyperaceae is no longer a non-mycorrhizal family, but the mycorrhizal status of its members is greatly influenced by environmental conditions. Further, sedges appear to have several morphological adaptations to thrive in the absence of mycorrhizal association. Though mycorrhizal associations have been noted in many sedge species, the ecological role of this association is not well documented and no clear generalisation can be drawn. Similarly, the role of mycorrhizal fungi on sedge growth and nutrient uptake or non-nutritional benefits has yet to be fully ascertained. This paper reviews the current information available on the incidence of mycorrhiza in sedges and the possible reasons for low mycotrophy observed in this family.  相似文献   

This study makes an explorative overview on two main research topics in economics of wildlife management: determination of population sizes and policy design. The results point out a large and comprehensive research on each of these issues, in particular on the estimation of values and costs of wildlife, where this information is necessary for the determination of population size. A drawback is that most of the value and cost studies do not relate their estimates to wildlife population size, which limits their usability for efficient policy design. Most valuation studies estimate the recreational value of hunting, which can range between 13 and 545 USD/hunting day (in 2013 prices), and two thirds of the included studies have been applied to wildlife in the USA. A majority of the studies on the costs of wildlife management calculate losses from carnivore predation on livestock and ungulate damage to crops, while a few consider dispersal of diseases and the cost of traffic collisions. Unlike valuation studies, several of the cost estimates apply to wildlife in developing and emerging economies. With respect to policy design the literature, which is mainly theoretical, suggests economic incentives for conflict resolution, where those suffering from wildlife damages are compensated for their losses. However, there are some issues which remain to be addressed by economists: relating costs and benefits to wildlife populations; estimating values and costs of wildlife in developing countries; evaluating wildlife policies in practice; addressing implications of uncertainty in population size, costs, and benefits for policy design; and estimating transaction costs for implementation and enforcement of wildlife policies.  相似文献   

Mysis relicta has been recognized as an important component of many limnetic food webs. The first approach to studying the feeding habits ofM. relicta was the analysis of stomach contents. Assumptions regarding stomach content analysis have been tested and seasonal feeding estimates ofM. relicta have been reported recently. Laboratory grazing and/or predation experiments have recently been completed usingM. relicta primarily from Lakes Michigan and Tahoe.Mysis relicta is concluded to be opportunistic, capable of utilizing a variety of food resources. It may play an important role in structuring limnetic food webs.  相似文献   

Invasive species in China — an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
China is a vast country with rich biodiversity, which makes China especially vulnerable to invasive species. It has a long history of introduction of non-native species, especially those with perceived beneficial impacts. Its rapid economic development, including an explosive growth in international trade and transportation, has increased the potential for new introductions. Currently, alien species are widespread in the country, occur in many ecosystems, represent most major taxonomic groups, and are introduced unintentionally as well as intentionally for cultivation. The paper lists various cases of invasive species which have caused significant threats or damages to local natural or artificial ecosystems, and indicates that two example industries (fresh water fisheries and lawn grasses) have brought or tend to bring in many invasive species and hence have caused or will cause changes and loss of biodiversity in local ecosystems. Based on these studies, it is suggested that China combat the problem through enhancing awareness, development of a database on invasive species, strengthening international co-operation, preparing case studies and introducing the necessary legislation, regulations and monitoring.  相似文献   

An overview of the biogeography of the benthic marine algae of the North Atlantic Ocean is presented. General and specific distribution patterns are discussed in the light of current knowledge of extant species, and of known events in the evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean. The close relationships between the Arctic, NW and NE Atlantic floras suggest their possible origin as a single flora in the early Oligocene Arctic Ocean, when it was isolated by the Bering Land Bridge and the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. Migration of the flora into the North Atlantic Ocean could have occurred with the subsidence of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. The present day distribution patterns are the main clue to unravelling the past, and study of vicariant amphi-Atlantic taxa using a variety of experimental techniques will yield the most valuable information in attempts to interpret major biogeographical events in the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Canonical TRP channels (TRPCs) are a particularly enigmatic family of signaling molecules with multimodal sensing features, being involved in a wide range of biological functions. Until very recently, the main hurdle towards comprehensive mechanistic understanding of TRPC signaling has been the lack of structural information. This has changed early this year by several reports on TRPC architectures resolved by single particle cryo-EM analysis. These studies confirmed recently elaborated concepts on TRPC structure-function relations, and unveiled unanticipated features and complexity in the TRPC sensing machinery.  相似文献   

Rice field ecology and fish culture — an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rice fields are an integral part of the landscape throughout most of the tropics. Rice is also grown widely in higher latitudes. Most rice cultivation is done in flooded fields where a temporary aquatic fauna is generated. Rice cultivation has sustained some of the oldest civilizations but the use of the aquatic phase for raising a crop of fish has not been practiced widely although fragmentary records indicate that rice and fish have been cultivated concurrently but rarely over 2 or 3 millennia. We have more reliable records of rice and fish culture in rice fields during the past 150 years.Rice cultivation is now very highly mechanized and uses high fertilizer and pesticide inputs and extensive irrigation facilities have been constructed to increase the area of rice cultivation and enhance yields. Rice cultivation also provides a suitable habitat for the breeding of mosquitoes, some of which are vectors for diseases. It appears that in regions outside the tropics aquatic pests of rice are also encountered. In the tropics indigenous fishes and other organisms including copepods act as biological control agents for mosquitoes and aquatic rice pests.The rice field is usually a successor of shallow marshes or a lowland area which can be supplied with adequate water. In addition deep water rice is grown in permanent marshes and rice is also grown in terraced hillsides, not to mention relatively dry localities where dry-land rice is cultivated. The marsh habitat is usually rich in plant and animal species. Some of these survive in rice fields. The water supplied to rice fields come via irrigation systems which bring a complement of plants, animals, and other organisms seasonally to colonize the rice field. The rice field is thus a new habitat, like a reservoir, with some similarities to a marsh but manipulated for cultivation of rice. This creates a unique, temporary and rapidly changing habitat which is often very productive and can be used to raise fish on an artisanal or intensive scale.Fish culture in rice fields has had a checkered history during the past 150 years when records are available. Its earlier history is obscure. Long-term records of fish culture activities are not available from any part of the world although apparently thriving enterprises seem to have existed in Japan, Italy, USSR and China. Attempts to culture fish in rice fields have been made on all continents except Australasia and Antarctica of course. At the present time the focus of rice-cultivation seems to have shifted to China, Indonesia, and Thailand. Whether this enterprise will endure even in these countries cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty.  相似文献   

Summary Comparative anatomy and zoology both have long academic traditions in Jena. At first, the two subjects developed in parallel and had many similarites in research topics. This development is covered in the first part of the paper. The close relationship between the two subjects started to break apart when Carl Gegenbaur and Ernst Haeckel were active at Jena University. In 1865 Haeckel became the first full professor of zoology in Jena, and zoology became more independent from comparative anatomy. In the second part of our paper, we follow the developments in comparative anatomy in Jena from Gegenbaur’s immediate students up until the end of Hans B?ker’s tenure in Jena in the mid-1930s. Certain subjects are in focus throughout this period, for example vertebrate head morphology and development, (the “head problem”), the relationship between anatomy and biology, and evolutionary questions. Some of these subjects have remained important research topics in zoology and comparative anatomy in Jena until the present day.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: In this article we build a model of the CpG dinucleotide substitution rate and use it to challenge the claim that, that rate underwent a sudden mammalian-specific increase approximately 90 million years ago. The evidence supporting this hypothesis comes from the application of a model of neutral substitution rates able to account for elevated CpG dinucleotide substitution rates. With the initial goal of improving that model's accuracy, we introduced a modification enabling us to account for boundary effects arising by the truncation of the Markov field, as well as improving the optimization procedure required for estimating the substitution rates. RESULTS: When using this modified method to reproduce the supporting analysis, the evidence of the rate shift vanished. Our analysis suggests that the CpG-specific rate has been constant over the relevant time period and that the asserted acceleration of the CpG rate is likely an artifact of the original model.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying the unique survival property of human spiral neurons are yet to be explored. P75 (p75(NTR)) is a low affinity receptor for neurotrophins and is known to interact with Trk receptors to modulate ligand binding and signaling. Up-regulation of this receptor was found to be associated with apoptosis as well as with cell proliferation. Its distribution and injury-induced change in expression pattern in the cochlea have been mainly studied in rodents. There is still no report concerning p75(NTR) in post-natal human inner ear. We analyzed, for the first time, p75(NTR) expression in five freshly fixed human cochleae by using immunohistochemistry techniques, including myelin basic protein (MBP) as a myelin sheath marker and TrkB as the human spiral neuron marker, and by using thin optical sectioning of laser confocal microscopy. The inner ear specimens were obtained from adult patients who had normal pure tone thresholds before the surgical procedures, via a trans-cochlear approach for removal of giant posterior cranial fossa meningioma. The expression of p75(NTR) was investigated and localized in the glial cells, including Schwann cells and satellite glial cells in the Rosenthal canal, in the central nerve bundles within the modiolus, and in the osseous spiral lamina of the human cochleae. The biological significance of p75(NTR) in human cochlea is discussed.  相似文献   

The review article covers three major aspects of scientific research on sediment-associated contaminants during the last 20 years: (i) identification and monitoring of sources and distribution (sampling; sample preparation; analyses, mainly of non-residual fractions; estimation of pollution potential); (ii) study of processes and mechanisms of pollutant transfer (interactions between dissolved and particulate element species; particle environments; transport and diagenesis: colloids; surface microlayers; particle related processes; bioturbation; dredging operations; remobilization of toxic elements; bioaccumulation of organic chemicals: solid/dissolved distribution of contaminants); (iii) assessment of the environmental impact of particle-bound pollutations (chemical extraction sequence; sediment bioassay; combined chemical/biological test procedures). Enstead, empirical tests developed from multi-disciplinary research on biological, chemical and physical factors are applied for assessing the reactivity, mobility and bioavailability of sediment-bound pollutations and for estimating the validity of remedial measures.  相似文献   

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