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Though spliceosomal introns are a major structural component of most eukaryotic genes and intron density varies by more than three orders of magnitude among eukaryotes [1-3], the origins of introns are poorly understood, and only a few cases of unambiguous intron gain are known [4-8]. We utilized population genomic comparisons of three closely related fungi to identify crucial transitory phases of intron gain and loss. We found 74 intron positions showing intraspecific presence-absence polymorphisms (PAPs) for the entire intron. Population genetic analyses identified intron PAPs at different stages of fixation and showed that intron gain or loss was very recent. We found direct support for extensive intron transposition among unrelated genes. A substantial proportion of highly similar introns in the genome either were recently gained or showed a transient phase of intron PAP. We also identified an intron transfer among paralogous genes that created a new intron. Intron loss was due mainly to homologous recombination involving reverse-transcribed mRNA. The large number of intron positions in transient phases of either intron gain or loss shows that intron evolution is much faster than previously thought and provides an excellent model to study molecular mechanisms of intron gain.  相似文献   

We have determined the genomic structure of an integrin β-subunit gene from the coral, Acropora millepora. The coding region of the gene contains 26 introns, spaced relatively uniformly, and this is significantly more than have been found in any integrin β-subunit genes from higher animals. Twenty-five of the 26 coral introns are also found in a β-subunit gene from at least one other phylum, indicating that the coral introns are ancestral. While there are some suggestions of intron gain or sliding, the predominant theme seen in the homologues from higher animals is extensive intron loss. The coral baseline allows one to infer that a number of introns found in only one phylum of higher animals result from frequent intron loss, as opposed to the seemingly more parsimonious alternative of isolated intron gain. The patterns of intron loss confirm results from protein sequences that most of the vertebrate genes, with the exception of β4, belong to one of two β subunit families. The similarity of the patterns within each of the β1,2,7 and β3,5,6,8 groups indicates that these gene structures have been very stable since early vertebrate evolution. Intron loss has been more extensive in the invertebrate genes, and obvious patterns have yet to emerge in this more limited data set. Received: 5 March 2001 / Accepted: 17 May 2001  相似文献   

Most eukaryotes have at least some genes interrupted by introns. While it is well accepted that introns were already present at moderate density in the last eukaryote common ancestor, the conspicuous diversity of intron density among genomes suggests a complex evolutionary history, with marked differences between phyla. The question of the rates of intron gains and loss in the course of evolution and factors influencing them remains controversial. We have investigated a single gene family, alpha-amylase, in 55 species covering a variety of animal phyla. Comparison of intron positions across phyla suggests a complex history, with a likely ancestral intronless gene undergoing frequent intron loss and gain, leading to extant intron/exon structures that are highly variable, even among species from the same phylum. Because introns are known to play no regulatory role in this gene and there is no alternative splicing, the structural differences may be interpreted more easily: intron positions, sizes, losses or gains may be more likely related to factors linked to splicing mechanisms and requirements, and to recognition of introns and exons, or to more extrinsic factors, such as life cycle and population size. We have shown that intron losses outnumbered gains in recent periods, but that "resets" of intron positions occurred at the origin of several phyla, including vertebrates. Rates of gain and loss appear to be positively correlated. No phase preference was found. We also found evidence for parallel gains and for intron sliding. Presence of introns at given positions was correlated to a strong protosplice consensus sequence AG/G, which was much weaker in the absence of intron. In contrast, recent intron insertions were not associated with a specific sequence. In animal Amy genes, population size and generation time seem to have played only minor roles in shaping gene structures.  相似文献   

Many spliceosomal introns exist in the eukaryotic nuclear genome. Despite much research, the evolution of spliceosomal introns remains poorly understood. In this paper, we tried to gain insights into intron evolution from a novel perspective by comparing the gene structures of cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins (CRPs) and mitochondrial ribosomal proteins (MRPs), which are held to be of archaeal and bacterial origin, respectively. We analyzed 25 homologous pairs of CRP and MRP genes that together had a total of 527 intron positions. We found that all 12 of the intron positions shared by CRP and MRP genes resulted from parallel intron gains and none could be considered to be “conserved,” i.e., descendants of the same ancestor. This was supported further by the high frequency of proto-splice sites at these shared positions; proto-splice sites are proposed to be sites for intron insertion. Although we could not definitively disprove that spliceosomal introns were already present in the last universal common ancestor, our results lend more support to the idea that introns were gained late. At least, our results show that MRP genes were intronless at the time of endosymbiosis. The parallel intron gains between CRP and MRP genes accounted for 2.3% of total intron positions, which should provide a reliable estimate for future inferences of intron evolution.  相似文献   

More than one third of thyroglobulin (1190 residues out of 2750) is made of one peptide motif repeated ten times in tandem. Segments unrelated to the motif interrupt this structure at various places. The corresponding gene region, which extends over 40 x 10(3) bases, was studied in detail. All exon borders and exon/intron junctions were localized precisely and sequenced, and their positions were correlated with the repetitive organization of the protein. When intron positions were compiled on a consensus sequence of all repeats, three categories of introns were observed. Except between repeats numbers 5 and 6, an intron was invariably found within the Cys codon making the limit of each motif. This category of intron most probably reflects the serial duplication events responsible for the evolution of this region of the gene. All other introns, except no. 2, are found at positions were the repetitive structure is disrupted by "inserted" peptides. We present the hypothesis that this second category of introns was already present in the original unit before the first duplication. Thereafter, they would have experienced either complete loss (some units do not contain any intron) or partial or total exonization, resulting in the slipping of intronic material into coding sequence. Intron no. 2, finally, separates motif no. 1 at a position on the boundary between two segments presenting sequence homology. This last type of intron probably reflects an initial duplication event at the origin of a primordial thyroglobulin gene motif. With all these characteristics, the thyroglobulin gene is presented as a paradigm for the analysis of the fate of introns in gene evolution.  相似文献   

Intron conservation, intron gain or loss and putative intron sliding events were determined for a set of three genes (SPO11, MRE11 and DMC1) involved in basic aspects of recombination in eukaryotes. These are ancient genes and present in nearly all of the major kingdoms. MRE11 is of bacterial origin and can be found in all kingdoms. DMC1 is a specialized homolog of the bacterial RecA protein, whereas the SPO11 gene is of archaebacterial origin. Only unique homologs of SPO11 are found in animals and fungi whereas three distantly related SPO11 copies are present in plant genomes. A comparison of the respective intron positions and phases of all genes was performed, demonstrating that a quarter of the intron positions were perfectly conserved over more than 1000000000 years. Regarding the remaining three quarters of the introns we found insertions to be about three times more frequent than deletions. Aligning the introns of the three different SPO11 homologs of Arabidopsis thaliana we propose a conclusive model of their evolution. We postulate that at least one duplication event occurred shortly after the divergence of plants from animals and fungi and that a respective homolog has been retained in a protist group, the apicomplexa.  相似文献   

Theories regarding the evolution of spliceosomal introns differ in the extent to which the distribution of introns reflects either a formative role in the evolution of protein-coding genes or the adventitious gain of genetic elements. Here, systematic methods are used to assess the causes of the present-day distribution of introns in 10 families of eukaryotic protein-coding genes comprising 1,868 introns in 488 distinct alignment positions. The history of intron evolution inferred using a probabilistic model that allows ancestral inheritance of introns, gain of introns, and loss of introns reveals that the vast majority of introns in these eukaryotic gene families were not inherited from the most recent common ancestral genes, but were gained subsequently. Furthermore, among inferred events of intron gain that meet strict criteria of reliability, the distribution of sites of gain with respect to reading-frame phase shows a 5:3:2 ratio of phases 0, 1 and 2, respectively, and exhibits a nucleotide preference for MAG GT (positions -3 to +2 relative to the site of gain). The nucleotide preferences of intron gain may prove to be the ultimate cause for the phase bias. The phase bias of intron gain is sufficient to account quantitatively for the well-known 5:3:2 bias in phase frequencies among extant introns, a conclusion that holds even when taxonomic heterogeneity in phase patterns is considered. Thus, intron gain accounts for the vast majority of extant introns and for the bias toward phase 0 introns that previously was interpreted as evidence for ancient formative introns.  相似文献   

As part of the exploratory sequencing program Génolevures, visual scrutinisation and bioinformatic tools were used to detect spliceosomal introns in seven hemiascomycetous yeast species. A total of 153 putative novel introns were identified. Introns are rare in yeast nuclear genes (<5% have an intron), mainly located at the 5′ end of ORFs, and not highly conserved in sequence. They all share a clear non-random vocabulary: conserved splice sites and conserved nucleotide contexts around splice sites. Homologues of metazoan snRNAs and putative homologues of SR splicing factors were identified, confirming that the spliceosomal machinery is highly conserved in eukaryotes. Several introns’ features were tested as possible markers for phylogenetic analysis. We found that intron sizes vary widely within each genome, and according to the phylogenetic position of the yeast species. The evolutionary origin of spliceosomal introns was examined by analysing the degree of conservation of intron positions in homologous yeast genes. Most introns appeared to exist in the last common ancestor of present day yeast species, and then to have been differentially lost during speciation. However, in some cases, it is difficult to exclude a possible sliding event affecting a pre-existing intron or a gain of a novel intron. Taken together, our results indicate that the origin of spliceosomal introns is complex within a given genome, and that present day introns may have resulted from a dynamic flux between intron conservation, intron loss and intron gain during the evolution of hemiascomycetous yeasts.  相似文献   

The Exon/Intron (ExInt) database incorporates information on the exon/intron structure of eukaryotic genes. Features in the database include: intron nucleotide sequence, amino acid sequence of the corresponding protein, position of the introns at the amino acid level and intron phase. From ExInt, we have also generated four additional databases each with ExInt entries containing predicted introns, introns experimentally defined, organelle introns or nuclear introns. ExInt is accessible through a retrieval system with pointers to GenBank. The database can be searched by keywords, locus name, NID, accession number or length of the protein. ExInt is freely accessible at http://intron.bic.nus.edu.sg/exint/exint.html  相似文献   

Calcium vector protein (CaVP) is an EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding protein, which is unique to the protochordate, amphioxus. CaVP is supposed to act as a Ca(2+) signal transductor, but its exact function remains unknown. Not only its function but also its exact evolutionary relationship to other Ca(2+)-binding proteins is unclear. To investigate the evolution of CaVP, we have determined the complete sequences of CaVP cDNAs from two amphioxus species, Branchiostoma lanceolatum and B. floridae, whose open reading frame cDNA and amino acid sequences show 96.5 and 98.2% identity, respectively. We have also elucidated the structure of the gene of B. floridae CaVP, which is made up of seven exons and six introns. The positions of four of the six introns (introns 1, 2, 3, and 5) are identical with those of calmodulin, troponin C, and the Spec protein of the sea urchin. These latter proteins belong to the so-called troponin C superfamily (TnC superfamily) and thus CaVP likely also belongs to this family. Intron 6 is positioned in the 3' noncoding region and is unique to CaVP, so it may represent a landmark of the CaVP lineage only. The position of intron 4 is not conserved in the genes of the TnC superfamily or CaVP, and seems to result from either intron sliding or the addition of an intron (randomly inserted into or close to domain III) to the genes of the TnC superfamily during their evolution.  相似文献   

Angiosperms (flowering plants), including both monocots and dicots, contain small catalase gene families. In the dicot, Arabidopsis thaliana, two catalase (CAT) genes, CAT1 and CAT3, are tightly linked on chromosome 1 and a third, CAT2, which is more similar to CAT1 than to CAT3, is unlinked on chromosome 4. Comparison of positions and numbers of introns among 13 angiosperm catalase genomic sequences indicates that intron positions are conserved, and suggests that an ancestral catalase gene common to monocots and dicots contained seven introns. Arabidopsis CAT2 has seven introns; both CAT1 and CAT3 have six introns in positions conserved with CAT2, but each has lost a different intron. We suggest the following sequence of events during the evolution of the Arabidopsis catalase gene family. An initial duplication of an ancestral catalase gene gave rise to CAT3 and CAT1. CAT1 then served as the template for a second duplication, yielding CAT2. Intron losses from CAT1 and CAT3 followed these duplications. One subclade of monocot catalases has lost all but the 5''-most and 3''-most introns, which is consistent with a mechanism of intron loss by replacement of an ancestral intron-containing gene with a reverse-transcribed DNA copy of a fully spliced mRNA. Following this event of concerted intron loss, the Oryza sativa (rice, a monocot) CAT1 lineage acquired an intron in a novel position, consistent with a mechanism of intron gain at proto-splice sites.  相似文献   

Chromosomal linkage as well as sequence homologies provide unequivocal evidence that the genes for the alpha, beta and gamma chains of fibrinogen arose by successive duplication of a single ancestral gene. Yet, when the three fibrinogen chains are aligned by amino acid homology, the positions of intervening sequences coincide at only two positions for all three chains. While one additional intron occurs at a homologous site in the beta and gamma chains, none of the positions of the remaining 11 introns in the three genes is shared. This arrangement of introns in the three fibrinogen genes suggests that either introns were selectively lost, implying that there is essential information in the retained introns, or the common introns were present in the ancestral fibrinogen gene and introns have been randomly inserted since the triplication of the original gene. The more likely possibility of selective loss of introns implies that the ancestral gene, as it existed about one billion years ago, must have been composed of numerous small exons.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of a bovine gene encoding an epidermal cytokeratin of mol. wt. 54 500 (No VIb) of the acidic (type I) subfamily is presented, including an extended 5' upstream region. The gene (4377 bp, seven introns) which codes for a representative of the glycine-rich subtype of cytokeratins of this subfamily, is compared with genes coding for: another subtype of type I cytokeratin; a basic (type II) cytokeratin gene; and vimentin, a representative of another intermediate filament (IF) protein class. The positions of the five introns located within the highly homologous alpha-helix-rich rod domain are identical or equivalent, i.e., within the same triplet, in the two cytokeratin I genes. Four of these intron positions are also identical with intron sites in the vimentin gene, and three of these intron positions are identical or similar in the type I and type II cytokeratin subfamilies. On the other hand, the gene organization of both type I cytokeratins differs from that of the type II cytokeratin in the rod region in five intron positions and in the introns located in the carboxy-terminal tail region, with the exception of one position at the rod-tail junction. Remarkably, the two type I cytokeratins also differ from each other in the positions of two introns located at and in the region coding for the hypervariable, carboxy-terminal portion. The introns and the 5' upstream regions of the cytokeratin VIb gene do not display notable sequence homologies with the other IF protein genes, but sequences identical with--or very similar to--certain viral and immunoglobulin enhancers have been identified.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this study, all available cytochrome b (Cyt b) genes from the GOBASE database were compiled and the evolutionary dynamics of the Cyt b gene introns was assessed. Cyt b gene introns were frequently present in the fungal kingdom and some lower plants, but generally absent or rare in Chromista, Protozoa, and Animalia. Fungal Cyt b introns were found at 35 positions in Cyt b genes and the number of introns varied at individual positions from a single representative to 32 different introns at position 131, showing a wide and patchy distribution. Many homologous introns were present at the same position in distantly related species but absent in closely related species, suggesting that introns of the Cyt b genes were frequently lost. On the other hand, highly similar intron sequences were observed in some distantly related species rather than in closely related species, suggesting that these introns were gained independently, likely through lateral transfers. The intron loss-and-gain events could be mediated by transpositions that might have occurred between nuclear and mitochondria. Southern hybridization analysis confirmed that some introns contained repetitive sequences and might be transposable elements. An intron gain in Botryotinia fuckeliana prevented the development of QoI fungicide resistance, suggesting that intron loss-and-gain events were not necessarily beneficial to their host organisms.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of intron-exon structures continue to be controversial topics. Two alternative theories, the ‘exon theory of genes’ and the ‘insertional theory of introns’, debate the presence or absence of introns in primordial genes. Both sides of the argument have focused on the positions of introns with respect to protein and gene structures. A new approach has emerged in the study of the evolution of intron-exon structures: a population analysis of genes. One example is the statistical analysis of intron phases — the position of introns within or between codons. This analysis detected a significant signal of exon shuffling in the DNA sequence database containing both ancient and modern exon sequences: intron phase correlations, that is, the association together within genes of introns of the same phase. The results of this analysis suggest that exon shuffling played an important role in the origin of both ancient and modern genes.  相似文献   

The structural organization of the two closely related vitellogenin genes A1 and A2 has been determined and compared by electron microscopy. In both genes the mRNA-coding sequence of 6 kb is interrupted 33 times, leading to a total gene length of 21 kb for gene A1 and 16 kb for gene A2. Thus both genes have a mean exon length of 0.175 kb, while the mean intron length is 0.45 kb in gene A1 and 0.31 kb in gene A2. Because the introns interrupt the structural sequence at homologous positions in genes A1 and A2, we suggest that these two genes are the products of a duplication of an ancestral gene which had an intron-exon arrangement similar to that of the extant genes. Since the duplication event, the sequence and length of the analogous introns have changed rapidly, whereas homologous exons have diverged to an extent of only 5% of their sequences. The results suggest different mechanisms of evolution for exons and introns. While the exons evolved primarily by point mutations, such mutations, as well as deletion, insertion and duplication events, were important in the evolution of the introns.  相似文献   

Although spliceosomal introns are present in all characterized eukaryotes, intron numbers vary dramatically, from only a handful in the entire genomes of some species to nearly 10 introns per gene on average in vertebrates. For all previously studied intron-rich species, significant fractions of intron positions are shared with other widely diverged eukaryotes, indicating that 1) large numbers of the introns date to much earlier stages of eukaryotic evolution and 2) these lineages have not passed through a very intron-poor stage since early eukaryotic evolution. By the same token, among species that have lost nearly all of their ancestral introns, no species is known to harbor large numbers of more recently gained introns. These observations are consistent with the notion that intron-dense genomes have arisen only once over the course of eukaryotic evolution. Here, we report an exception to this pattern, in the intron-rich diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Only 8.1% of studied T. pseudonana intron positions are conserved with any of a variety of divergent eukaryotic species. This implies that T. pseudonana has both 1) lost nearly all of the numerous introns present in the diatom-apicomplexan ancestor and 2) gained a large number of new introns since that time. In addition, that so few apparently inserted T. pseudonana introns match the positions of introns in other species implies that insertion of multiple introns into homologous genic sites in eukaryotic evolution is less common than previously estimated. These results suggest the possibility that intron-rich genomes may have arisen multiple times in evolution. These results also provide evidence that multiple intron insertion into the same site is rare, further supporting the notion that early eukaryotic ancestors were very intron rich.  相似文献   

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