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Within the supraesophageal ganglion of polynoids is a vertical fiber tract which has the appearance of a “Y” in transverse sections of the brain, and contains the axons of many neurosecretory cells. The granule-filled terminals of these neurosecretory fibers are found at the base of the tract where they are in contact with the inner surface of the sheath covering the ventral surface of the brain. This sheath separates these neurosecretory endings from an underlying pericapsular epithelium which is thicker in this region. Beneath this pericapsular epithelium is a coelomic sinus. The dorsal blood vessel is located within this sinus and is “innervated” by a pair of fiber bundles that pass out of the brain at the base of the vertical fiber tract. The outer surface of the vessel is covered by epithelioid cells which contact these fiber bundles and the thickened pericapsular epithelium, and sometimes contain granular cytoplasmic inclusions. The lumen of the vessel is continuous with the lumina of a pair of cellular, thickwalled structures of unknown function which are attached to the ventro-lateral margins of the brain. The relationship between neurosecretory endings, enlarged pericapsular cells, coelomic sinus and blood vessel provides morphological evidence for the hypothesis that these structures are elements of a neuroendocrine system, similar in some respects to the brain-infracerebral gland complex of nereid and nephtyid polychaetes.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation and faecal incontinence are common in patients with diabetes. Diabetes gastroenteropathy is a clinically relevant problem. In addition to the increased morbidity it causes, it results in severely impaired metabolic control, which in turn increases the risk of hyper-/hypoglycaemia. Moreover, the poorly controlled blood glucose level increases the risk of secondary diabetes complications, namely, retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy and cardiovascular affection. Gastrointestinal symptoms may also cause malnutrition in patients with diabetes, which, together with the disturbed immune defence in diabetes, may cause intercurrent infections. Gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with diabetes are attributed to disturbed gastrointestinal motility. Gastrointestinal dysmotility in diabetes is believed to be caused by autonomic neuropathy and/or hyperglycaemia. The neuroendocrine system of the gut secretes peptides/amines that play an important role in regulating gastrointestinal motility. It is conceivable, therefore, to assume that a disturbance in this regulatory system may contribute to the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal complications in diabetes. The present review gives an updated overview of the abnormalities in the gastrointestinal neuroendocrine system in diabetes, speculates upon the possible role of these abnormalities in the pathogenesis of diabetes gastroenteropathy and, finally, predicts the possible clinical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Summary The spiral organs of Nereis have been shown to be compound glands and not photoreceptors. The ducts of two or three types of secretory cells attach themselves in a serial manner to a spirally wound axial columella which lies just below the cuticle. The large intra-cellular ducts terminate in a number of fine ducts which penetrate the columella and open through it into the lumen of the gland. This communicates to the outside through a pore in the cuticle. The secretions are muco-polysaccharides which are probably mixed in the lumen before discharge.We should like to acknowledge the support of this work by the Science Research Council.  相似文献   

Summary Three types of unicellular glands have been identified from the parapodial epithelium of Nereis. They conform to a common plan. The cell body, which lies at the base of the epithelium, has prominent rough-faced endoplasmic reticulum and golgi. It sends a long intra-cellular duct to the cuticle where it opens through a pore lined by the epicuticle. The end of the duct in two of the glands bears a ring of microvilli. The duct of the type-6 gland is lined by cytoplasm containing elongated mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum arranged in an alternating fashion. Each of these organelles is surrounded by an array of longitudionally orientated microtubules. The secretions are contained in membrane bound vesicles. In the type-4 cells the contents are homogeneous, whilst the other two contain distinctive electron-dense granules. The type-4 secretions are PAS negative and alcianophilic, the type-5 secretions are PAS positive and non-alcianophilic whilst the type-6 secretions have a strong affinity for Orange G.This work was supported by a grant from the Science Research Council.  相似文献   

The role of the brain in inhibiting the action of corpora allata in diapausing short-day females was investigated by transplantation experiments. The function of the transplanted glands was evaluated by oviposition. Active glands from long-day females remained active for a long period of time after transplantation into short-day females, although in situ corpora allata were inhibited shortly after the transfer of females from long to short day. Moreover, inactive glands from short-day females became active after transplantation into other short-day females. In contrast, corpora allata remained inhibited when transplanted together with the brain in the neuroendocrine complex (brain-corpora cardiaca-corpus allatum) where the nervous connections between the brain and corpus allatum remained intact. It is therefore suggested that short-day conditions inhibit corpora allata via nervous connections with the brain.  相似文献   

1. Nereis coelomic fluid agglutinates rat, mouse, chicken, guinea pig and rhesus monkey erythrocytes (RBC). 2. Lipid fractions of the particulate matter from coelomic fluid are hemagglutinins exhibiting different activity inhibition profiles with complex polysaccharides. 3. The high mol. wt hemagglutinin from coelomic fluid supernatant is not a protein and is inhibited by bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM), thyroglobulin, transferrin and their asialo derivatives. 4. Coelomic fluid supernatant has a population of low mol. wt protein hemagglutinins inhibited by BSM, fetuin, antiserum to coelomic fluid and some mannan preparations. 5. Hemagglutination by lipids characterized by RBC specificity and specificity for inhibition by carbohydrate is noteworthy and may be significant in studies of cellular interactions and immunity in invertebrates.  相似文献   

Regulated secretion requires the formation of a fusion complex consisting of synaptobrevin, syntaxin and SNAP 25. One of these key proteins, synaptobrevin, also complexes with the vesicle protein synaptophysin. The fusion complex and the synaptophysin-synaptobrevin complex are mutually exclusive. Using a combination of immunoprecipitation and crosslinking experiments we report here that the synaptophysin-synaptobrevin interaction in mouse whole brain and defined brain areas is upregulated during neuronal development as previously reported for rat brain. Furthermore the synaptophysin-synaptobrevin complex is also upregulated within 10-12 days of cultivation in mouse hippocampal neurons in primary culture. Besides being constituents of small synaptic vesicles in neurons synaptophysin and synaptobrevin also occur on small synaptic vesicle analogues of neuroendocrine cells. However, the synaptophysin-synaptobrevin complex was not found in neuroendocrine cell lines and more importantly it was also absent in the adrenal gland, the adenohypophysis and the neurohypophysis although the individual proteins could be clearly detected. In the rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC 12 complex formation between synaptophysin and synaptobrevin could be initiated by adult rat brain cytosol. In conclusion, the synaptophysin-synaptobrevin complex is upregulated in neurons in primary culture but is absent in the neuroendocrine cell lines and tissues tested. The complex may provide a reserve pool of synaptobrevin during periods of high synaptic activity. Such a reserve pool probably is less important for more slowly secreting neuroendocrine cells and neurons. The synaptophysin on small synaptic vesicle analogues in these cells appears to resemble the synaptophysin of embryonic synaptic vesicles since complex formation can be induced by adult brain cytosol.  相似文献   

Study of neuropil of the abdominal brain of the polychaete Nereis diversicolor Mull. by supravital staining with methylene blue has permitted revealing tissue receptors of the origin unusual for Articulata. They are connected mainly with the dorsal and ventral associative areas of neuropil and to the lesser extent with sensory neuropils, the areas of neuropil studied in detail earlier. The revealed receptor structures are attributed to six types: (1) the widely spread bushes of the first and second types; (2) the low-ordered bushes; (3) the single ordered bushes in the region of connectives; (4) the widely spread highly-ordered bushes; (5) the glomerule-like paired receptors; (6) the glomerule-like unpaired receptors bending towards the animal diagonal muscle. It is suggested that the majority of the revealed receptor structures are mechanoreceptors perceiving the extent of stretching and contraction of certain muscles: the dorsomedial muscle tightly fused into the abdominal brain glial capsule and the diagonal muscles of the animal body, as well as the receptors perceiving the extent of stretching of intersegmental septa-dissepiments. The glomerule-like paired receptors seem to be chemoreceptors responding to molecular composition of the coelomic fluid in compartments of coelome. A possibility is considered that some of the described receptor apparatuses are derivatives not only of associative neurons of the abdominal brain, but also of the associative-motor neurons that exist in nereids (in a relatively low number); their axons leave the abdominal brain for innervation of somatic musculature, which would be an evidence of a rare phenomenon of incorporation of the mono-chain arch into the system of the abdominal brain.  相似文献   

Female specimen of the ragworm, Nereis succinea, employs a tetra-peptide, cysteinyl-glutathione (CSSG) as mate recognition and gamete release pheromone during reproduction. In the present study we review the role of peptide-based pheromones in Nereid worms focusing on pheromone production in females. New results demonstrate that the female ragworms produce the pheromone in the course of the oocyte maturation directly correlated to the oocyte diameter. Nevertheless, CSSG production is significantly increasing during the reproductive process, the nuptial dance, itself. The concentrations of the pheromone, nereithione (CSSG) and those of the possible precursors, reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG), in the coelomic fluid were determined by HPLC showing that during spawning the female worms excrete 68.5 +/- 12.5 microg/h of the pheromone. GSH is mobilized, or synthesized and continuously converted into the pheromone enabling female N. succinea to maintain a constant level of pheromone release until the GSH reserves are depleted. Upon release CSSG induces not only gamete release in males but in doses as low as 10(-8) to 10(-9) M also significantly increases male swimming activity and as such may guide males towards the slower swimming females.  相似文献   

Summary Certain subtypes of thymic epithelial cells — the medullary epithelium, the cortical surface epithelium, and some intracortical epithelial cells — show strong immunohistochemical reactivity with antisera against oxytocin, Argvasopressin and neurophysin. The epithelial nature of the neuropeptide containing cells is shown by their morphology and their reactivity with monoclonal anti-cytokeratin AE1/E3. Hassall's corpuscles are positive as well. The immunoreactivity patterns for the three neuropeptides are identical, suggesting a parallel distribution. The vast majority of cortical epithelial cells are negative, emphasizing the tightly controlled microenvironment for T-cell development. The possibility of a neuroendocrine role of the thymus is discussed.F. Robert is actually working in the Neuroendocrine Unit, University of Liège-Sart Tilman with an accord of scientific cooperation between CGRI (Belgium) and INSERM (France)  相似文献   

Cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum-glycogenolytic complex, isolated as a single peak on sucrose density gradient, may function as a “compartmented” effector site for cyclic AMP resulting in modulation of both glycogenolysis and calcium transport. The conversion of phosphorylase b to a is stimulated by ATP and inhibited by protein kinase inhibitor. Cyclic AMP alone stimulated neither phosphorylase b to a conversion nor calcium uptake. An inhibitor of adenylate cyclase depressed both calcium uptake and phosphorylase activation and both functions were subsequently stimulated by micromolar concentrations of cyclic AMP. Endogenous phosphorylation of sarcoplasmic reticulum was also inhibited by adenylate cyclase inhibitor and the inhibition was reversed by cyclic AMP. These results suggest that the sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle is an internal effector site for cyclic AMP which may regulate both calcium and metabolism. It appears that cyclic AMP formation in vitro is not the rate-controlling step in the activation sequence.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of possible neuroendocrine structures in the pulmonate gastropod Helisoma tenue show that cerebral fuchsinophilic neurons with electron-dense granules (mean diameter 1,500 Å) apparently release their secretory content in an intercerebral commissure neurohemal area near the mediodorsal bodies (MDB) or in the median labial nerve neurohemal area.The MDB cells have axon-like processes which branch and end at the cerebral surface, separated by a thin capsule from the cerebral fuchsinophilic cells. The presence of granules (mean diameter 800 Å) in the terminals of the MDB cells suggests cell body origin, distal transport and release of the granular secretory material. The secretory product may have an influence on cerebral fuchsinophilic neurons.Electron microscopy reveals the presence of granules of different sizes and densities in expanded neurites at the periphery of the intestinal nerve of the visceral ganglion which may indicate the presence of a neurohemal area. However, the granules in the intestinal nerve neurites and in the visceral ganglion fuchsinophilic cells are similar to granules found in the heart which also suggests that the granules may carry a neurotransmitter.This study was supported by NTH traineship USPHS T1 CA 5045 and NSF grant GB-6424X. The author would like to thank Professor Howard A. Bern for guidance and support during the course of this work, Mr. John Underhill and Mr. Albert Blaker for photographic assistance, and Mrs. Emily Reid for preparation of the diagram in Fig. 16.  相似文献   

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