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Seven lectins were employed to localize glycoconjugates in the skin of a toad (Bufo viridis). Each of the lectins exhibited a particular, specific and selective binding pattern. Peanut lectin (PNA) and WGA bound to mitochondria-rich (MR) cells, but WGA bound also abundantly, in the dermis. Band 3-like protein, as indicated by the reaction with polyclonal anti band 3 antibody, was localized exclusively in MR cells. Ionic acclimation (200 mmol/L NaCl, or 50 mmol/L KCl) affected profoundly the binding pattern of the lectins. High NaCl acclimation resulted also in diminishing anti band 3 antibody binding, whereas in skins of KCl-acclimated toads the staining remained similar to the control. The binding of WGA but not PNA, corresponded with the same cells that stained with anti band 3 antibody. PNA in concentration of < 10 μg/mL reduced reversibly, both the resting and activated Cl? conductance by 25–30%. Based on differential binding of band 3, WGA and PNA, these observations provide conclusive verification of the presence of at least two populations of MR cells in the toad skin epithelium. It is suggested that the PNA positive MR cells may correspond to a β-type MR cell. The information can be used to study molecular mechanisms that are involved in ionic acclimation.  相似文献   

The Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell line has been proposed as a model for studying intercalated (IC) cells of the renal cortical collecting duct. The IC cells are characterized by peanut lectin (PNA) binding capacity, carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity and Cl-–HCO 3 - exchange mediated by a band 3-related protein. It has been suggested that these properties are also expressed in MDCK cells. So far however, the nature of the specific protein involved in Cl-–HCO 3 - exchange, the type of CA isozyme and the relationship between these two characteristics and PNA binding, have not been investigated in MDCK cells by immunocytochemical methods. Using two antibodies raised against human erythrocyte band 3 protein and two against human erythrocyte CA I and II isozymes, our study provides evidence that a protein related to band 3 is expressed in about 5% of cultured MDCK cells; these band 3-positive cells do not bind PNA and are not reactive for CAI or CAII. About 30% of the MDCK cells bind PNA, two-thirds of which are also CAII-positive. A majority (about 65%) of MDCK cells is not reactive for the three markers used; their density is increased after incubation with aldosterone. These data indicate (i) that the Cl-–HCO 3 - exchanger of the MDCK cells could be related to human erythrocyte band 3, (ii) that the CA activity of the MDCK cell line bears antigenic identity with the erythrocyte CA II isozyme and (iii) that the latter is always co-localized with PNA binding. These results provide immunocytochemical evidence for the heterogeneity of the MDCK cell line, which might reflect the cellular heterogeneity encountered in the renal cortical collecting duct. Our data also indicate that clonal selection will be required for future functional studies of the MDCK cells.  相似文献   

Summary The cellular localization of carbonic anhydrase (CAH) in the carotid body of the rat was investigated by means of Hansson's cobalt-precipitation technique in cultures of dissociated cells. In both young (2-day-old) and old (77-day-old) cultures, the parenchymal glomus (type-I) cells were selectively stained by this technique, and in addition expressed tyrosine hydroxylase and neuron-specific enolase as revealed by immunofluorescence. Enzymic reaction product of CAH appeared to be predominantly intracellular since staining was more intense and occurred more rapidly following permeabilization of the cell membranes with Triton X-100; its formation was inhibited by the CAH-inhibitor acetazolamide (1–10 M) or by increasing the pH from 5.8 to 7.5. Cryostat sections of the carotid bifurcation revealed intense CAH-reaction product in cell clusters of the carotid body, in a few cells of the nodose ganglion, and in red blood cells. Neuronal cell bodies of the petrosal ganglion and superior cervical ganglion (SCG) were largely non-reactive. The SCG is known to contain clusters of small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells, which were also non-reactive when grown in dissociated cell culture. Thus, although glomus and SIF cells are often considered to be similar cell types, functional CAH-activity appears unique to glomus cells, and this may be important for the physiological response of the carotid body to certain chemosensory stimuli.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry was used to investigate the uptake of CO2 in Eremosphaera viridis DeBary. Upon illumination, cells preincubated at pH 7.5 with 100 M dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) rapidly depleted almost all the free CO2 from the medium. Rapid equilibrium between HCO 3 - and CO2 occurred upon addition of bovine carbonic anhydrase (CA) to the medium, showing that CO2 depletion resulted from a selective uptake of CO2 rather than an uptake of all inorganic carbon species. Glycolaldehyde (10 mM) completely inhibited CO2 fixation but had little effect on CO2 transport. Transfer of glycolaldehyde-treated cells to the dark caused a rapid efflux of CO2 from the unfixed intracellular DIC pool which was found to be at least threeto sixfold higher in concentration than that of the external medium. These results indicate that E. viridis actively transports CO2 against a concentration gradient. No external CA was detected in these cells either by potentiometric or mass-spectrometric assay. In the absence of external CA, the rate of photosynthetic O2 evolution in the pH range 7.5 to 8.0 did not exceed the calculated rate of CO2 supply, indicating a limited capacity for HCO2 uptake in these cells. Electrophysiological measurements indicate that CO2 uptake is electrically silent and thus is not a consequence of H+-CO2 symport activity. Microsomal membranes isolated from Eremosphaera showed ATPase activity which was enhanced by CO2. These results indicate that active CO2 uptake is mediated by an ATPase.Abbreviations BTP 1,3-bis[tris(hydroximethyl)-methylamino]-propane - CA carbonic anhydrase - Chl chlorophyll - DIC dissolved inorganic carbon - [14C]DMO 5,5-dimethyl-[2-14C]-oxaz-didine-2,4-dione - WA Wilbur-Anderson units This work was supported by grants to B.C. and R.R.L. from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. We thank the Department of Biology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario for the use of the mass-spectrometer facility. We are indebted to A.G. Miller for his expert advice on operating the mass spectrometer and to Ms. Shahebina Samji for running the Bradford assays.  相似文献   

Arrhenius plots of chloride and bromide transport yield two regions with different activation energies (Ea). Below 15 or 25°C (for Cl and Br, respectively), Ea is about 32.5 kcal/mol; above these temperatures, about 22.5 kcal/mol (Brahm, J. (1977) J. Gen. Physiol. 70, 283–306). For the temperature dependence of SO42− transport up to 37°C, no such break could be observed. We were able to show that the temperature coefficient for the rate of SO42− transport is higher than that for the rate of denaturation of the band 3 protein (as measured by NMR) or the destruction of the permeability barrier in the red cell membrane. It was possible, therefore, to extend the range of flux measurements up to 60°C and to show that, even for the slowly permeating SO42− in the Arrhenius plot, there appears a break, which is located somewhere between 30 and 37°C and where Ea changes from 32.5 to 24.1 kcal/mol. At the break, the turnover number is approx. 6.9 ions/band 3 per s. Using 35Cl-NMR (Falke, Pace and Chan (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 6472–6480), we also determined the temperature dependence of Cl-binding. We found no significant change over the entire range from 0 to 57°C, regardless of whether the measurements were performed in the absence or presence of competing SO42−. We conclude that the enthalpy changes associated with Cl-or SO42−-binding are negligible as compared to the Ea values observed. It was possible, therefore, to calculate the thermodynamic parameters defined by transition-state theory for the transition of the anion-loaded transport protein to the activated state for Cl, Br and SO42− below and above the temperatures at which the breaks in the Arrhenius plots are seen. We found in both regions a high positive activation entropy, resulting in a low free enthalpy of activation. Thus the internal energy required for carrying the complex between anion and transport protein over the rate-limiting energy barrier is largely compensated for by an increase of randomness in the protein and/or its aqueous environment.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin B (CB) has been used as a tool to ascertain whether the increase in the rate of 3-O-methylglucose (3-O-MeG) uptake between the 8th and the 16th day of development in chick embryo fibroblasts could be attributed to an increase in the number of hexose transport carriers. There was a 2—3-fold difference in glucose-specific CB binding between the 8- and the 16-day cells, a difference which is comparable to the previously reported differences in rates of 3-O-MeG uptake. We therefore suggest that glucose-specific CB binding represents binding to the 3-O-MeG carrier and that the increase in the rate of 3-O-MeG uptake from the 8th and the 16th day of development is probably due to an increase in the number of hexose carriers.  相似文献   

Recent evidence implicates a central role for PI3K signalling in mediating cell survival during the process of neuronal differentiation. Although PI3K activity is stimulated by a wide range of growth factors and cytokines in different cell lines and tissues, activation of this pathway by insulin‐like growth factor I (IGF‐I) most likely represents the main survival signal during neuronal differentiation. IGF‐I is highly expressed during development of the central nervous system, and thus is a critical factor for the development and maturation of the cerebellum. Upon ligand binding, the IGF‐I receptor phosphorylates tyrosine residues in SHC and insulin receptor substrates (IRSs) initiating two main signalling cascades, the MAP kinase and the phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase (PI3K) pathways. Activated PI3K is composed of a catalytic subunit (p110α or β) associated with one of a large family of regulatory subunits (p85α, p85β, p55γ, p55α, and p50α). To evaluate the contributions of these various regulatory subunits to neuronal differentiation, we have used antibodies specific for each of the PI3K subunits. Using these antisera, we now demonstrate that PI3K subunits are differentially regulated in cerebellar development, and that the expression level of the p55γ regulatory subunit reaches a maximum during postnatal development, decreasing thereafter to low levels in the adult cerebellum. Furthermore, our studies reveal that the distribution of the various PI3K regulatory subunits varies during development of the cerebellum. Interestingly, p55γ is expressed in both glial and neuronal cells; moreover, in Purkinje neurones, this subunit colocalises with the IGF‐IR. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 47: 39–50, 2001  相似文献   

The localization of albumin and transferrin was examined immunohistochemically in germ cells and Sertoli cells during rat gonadal morphogenesis and postnatal development of the testis. These proteins appeared as early as the 13th day of gestation in migrating primordial germ cells before Sertoli cell differentiation. In the fetal testis, strong immunoreactivity was only detected in the gonocytes. In the prepubertal testis, spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, and some Sertoli cells accumulate albumin and transferrin. At puberty, different patterns of immunostaining of the germ cells were observed at the various stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Diplotene spermatocytes at stage XIII, spermatocytes in division at stage XIV, and round spermatids at stages IV–VIII showed maximal staining. Labeling was evident in the cytoplasm of adult Sertoli cells. Albumin and transferrin staining patterns paralleled each other during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

End-stage hypertensive heart disease is an increasing cause of cardiac mortality. Therefore, the current study focused on the cardiac remodelling from hypertrophy to fibrosis in old-aged spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), and explored the therapeutic effects of Rosuvastatin and its possible mechanism(s) of action. Spontaneously hypertensive rats at age 52 weeks were randomly divided into three groups, the first two to receive Rosuvastatin at a dose of 20 mg/kg/day and 40 mg/kg/day, respectively, and the third to receive placebo, which was to be compared with Wistar-Kyoto as controls. After 2-month treatment, SBP, heart to body weight ratio (HW/BW%) and echocardiographic features were evaluated, followed by haematoxylin and eosin and Masson trichrome staining in conjunction with qPCR of foetal gene expressions. Transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling assay and immunofluorescent labelling for active caspase-3 were used to detect the apoptotic cardiomyocytes. Signaling pathways involved were examined by using western blot. Old-aged SHR developed end-stage hypertensive heart disease characterized by significant enhancement of HW/BW%, LVAWd and LVPWd, and decreased LVEF and LVFS, accompanied by cardiomyocytes enlargement and fibrosis along with activation of foetal gene programme. Cardiac apoptosis increased significantly during the transition process. Rosuvastatin reduced hypertrophy significantly via AT(1) Receptor-PKCβ2/α-ERK-c-fos pathway; protected myocardium against apoptosis via Akt-FOXO1, Bcl-2 family and survivin pathways and consequently suppressed the caspase-3 activity. The present study revealed that old-aged SHRs developed cardiac remodelling from hypertrophy to fibrosis via cardiac apoptosis during the end stage of hypertensive heart disease. These pathological changes might be the consequence of activation of AT(1) Receptor-PKCβ2/α-ERK-c-fos and AKT-FOXO1/Bcl-2/survivin/Caspase3 signaling. Rosuvastatin effectively attenuated the structural changes by reversing the signaling transductions involved.  相似文献   

Huertas IE  Espie GS  Colman B  Lubian LM 《Planta》2000,211(1):43-49
 Inorganic carbon (Ci) uptake and efflux has been investigated in the marine microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana Lubian by monitoring CO2 fluxes in cell suspensions using mass spectrometry. Addition of H13CO3 to cell suspensions in the dark caused a transient increase in the CO2 concentration in the medium far in excess of the equilibrium CO2 concentration. The magnitude of this release was dependent on the length of time the cells had been kept in the dark. Once equilibrium between the Ci species had been achieved, a CO2 efflux was observed after saturating light intensity was applied to the cells. External carbonic anhydrase (CA) was not detected nor does this species demonstrate a capacity to take up CO2 by active transport. Photosynthetic O2 evolution and the release CO2 in the dark depend on HCO3 uptake since both were inhibited by the anion exchange inhibitor, 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS). The bicarbonate uptake mechanism requires light but can also continue for short periods in the dark. Ethoxyzolamide, a CA inhibitor, markedly inhibited CO2 efflux in the dark, indicating that CO2 efflux was dependent upon the intracellular dehydration of HCO3 . These results indicate that Nannochloropsis possesses a bicarbonate uptake system which causes the accumulation of high intracellular Ci levels and an internal CA which maintains the equilibrium between CO2 and HCO3 and thus causes a subsequent release of CO2 to the external medium. Received: 20 September 1999 / Accepted: 25 October 1999  相似文献   

Cytokines and chemokines trigger complex intracellular signaling through specific receptors to mediate immune cell recruitment and activation at the sites of infection. CX3CL1 (Fractalkine), a membrane-bound chemokine also capable of facilitating intercellular interactions as an adhesion molecule, contributes to host immune responses by virtue of its chemoattractant functions. Published studies have documented increased CX3CL1 expression in target tissues in a murine model of spotted fever rickettsiosis temporally corresponding to infiltration of macrophages and recovery from infection. Because pathogenic rickettsiae primarily target vascular endothelium in the mammalian hosts, we have now determined CX3CL1 mRNA and protein expression in cultured human microvascular endothelial cells (HMECs) infected in vitro with Rickettsia rickettsii. Our findings reveal 15.5 ± 4.0-fold and 12.3 ± 2.3-fold increase in Cx3cl1 mRNA expression at 3 h and 24 h post-infection, coinciding with higher steady-state levels of the corresponding protein in comparison to uninfected HMECs. Since CX3CL1 is a validated target of microRNA (miR)-424-5p (miR-424) and our earlier findings demonstrated robust down-regulation of miR-424 in R. rickettsii-infected HMECs, we further explored the possibility of regulation of CX3CL1 expression during rickettsial infection by miR-424. As expected, R. rickettsii infection resulted in 87 ± 5% reduction in miR-424 expression in host HMECs. Interestingly, a miR-424 mimic downregulated R. rickettsii-induced expression of CX3CL1, whereas an inhibitor of miR-424 yielded a converse up-regulatory effect, suggesting miR-424-mediated regulation of CX3CL1 during infection. Together, these findings provide the first evidence for the roles of a host microRNA in the regulation of an important bifunctional chemokine governing innate immune responses to pathogenic rickettsiae.  相似文献   

Hepatic blood vessels consist of the hepatic artery and three types of venous channels (the portal veins, the sinusoids, and the hepatic veins). This study was undertaken to analyze, by immunohistochemistry, connexin expression throughout the vascular development of the fetal mouse liver with special attention being given to portal vein development. In the adult liver, connexin37 and connexin40 were expressed in the endothelium of the portal vein and hepatic artery, but not in those of the hepatic vein and sinusoids. Connexin43 was expressed in mesothelial cells and smooth muscle cells of the portal veins. The preferential expression of connexin37 and connexin40 in portal veins was seen throughout liver development, including its primordium formation stage (10.5-day or 11.5-day stage), although connexin37 expression was transiently seen in free nonparenchymal cells in fetal stages. The differentiation of each blood vessel in the hepatic vascular system may occur in early developmental stages, soon after hepatic primordium formation. This work was supported by Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Disc formation of rod photoreceptor cells in developing BALB/c mice retinas was studied by rapid freeze, freeze-substitution, freeze-etching, immunocytochemistry, and myosin S-1 decoration methods. Freeze-substituted photoreceptor cells contained variously shaped vesicles in the apical swelling of the connecting cilium or the base of the outer segment during postnatal development. Rapid freezing successfully arrested pinocytosis; the fusion of small vesicles to give large ones, and the compression of certain vesicles (0.3–0.6 m) appears to lead gradually to the formation of the so-called discs. We therefore propose that membranous discs are formed by the fusion of small pinocytotic vesicles and their subsequent compression. Discs formed in this way were partially stacked, but were ordered at random during the early developmental stages. During development, a partial stack of discs was progressively rearranged to a regular form as seen in mature outer segments. Cytoskeletal actin was expected to be involved in the disc formation; it was demonstrated in the distal axoneme of the connecting cilium during development and showed no change in its distribution. However, the polarity of the actin filaments, as revealed by myosin S-1 decoration in early developmental stages, was much more variable than in the adult. Barbed ends of actin filaments were associated with the plasma membrane or the membrane of vesicles. We also found actin filaments coiled up helically on ciliary microtubules.  相似文献   

In the present study, the chemopreventive effect of the active metabolite of vitamin D, 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (VD(3)), against chemically-induced and diabetes-promoted rat liver carcinogenesis was investigated. Hepatocarcinogenesis was initiated with a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of diethylnitrosamine (DEN) (125 mg kg(-1) body weight) at week 4 followed by promotion with streptozotocin (STZ) (65 mg kg(-1) body weight with a single i.p. injection) at week 7. With this basic experimental regimen, the effect of VD(3) (0.3 microg (0.1 ml)(-1) propylene glycol per os twice a week) was investigated with effect from 4 weeks prior to the exposure of DEN. The results showed that VD(3) supplementation throughout the experimental period reduced the incidence, total number and multiplicity and altered the size of visible persistent nodules (PNs) in DEN- or DEN + STZ-treated rats as compared with their respective controls. In these two groups, it also caused a significant decrease in the number (p < 0.002 and 0.001 respectively) and focal area (p < 0.05) of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT)-positive hepatic foci. Moreover, continuous supplementation of VD(3) exhibits a protective effect in maintaining the normal cellular architecture of the hepatocytes in DEN- or DEN + STZ-treated rats. Our results thus strongly suggest that VD(3) is very effective in the inhibition of DEN-initiated and STZ-induced diabetes-promoted rat liver carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Although methotrexate (MTX) is an effective drug for several types of cancer, it is not active against melanoma. Experiments following methotrexate treatment indicated a reduced accumulation of the drug in the cytosolic compartment in melanoma cells, suggesting that the mechanisms that control the transport and retention of this drug could be altered in melanoma. For this reason, we analyzed the presence and function of folate receptor‐α (FRα) in melanoma cells. In this study, we have identified the presence of FRα in normal and pathological melanocytes and demonstrated that MTX is preferentially transported through this receptor in melanoma cells. FRα‐induced endocytic transport of MTX, together with drug melanosomal sequestration and cellular exportation, ensures reduced accumulation of this cytotoxic compound in intracellular compartments. The critical role of FRα in this mechanism of resistance and the therapeutic consequences of these findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

N-Myc downstream regulated gene 2 (NDRG2) is expressed in the testis of adult animals and is involved in cell differentiation and development. However, little is known about the expression pattern of NDRG2 in the testis during postnatal development. Here, we show that NDRG2 is consistently expressed in Leydig cells in the rat testis during postnatal development. However, its expression has also been detected at a high frequency in spermatogenic cells of the seminiferous tubules in young rats but at a much lower frequency in adult rats. Furthermore, high levels of NDRG2 expression have been found in methoxyacetic-acid-induced apoptotic germ cells, particularly at stages X–XIII of the seminiferous epithelium cycle of adult rats. Interestingly, high levels of NDRG2 expression have also been observed in spontaneously apoptotic germ cells in the seminiferous tubules of young and adult rats. Thus, the expression of NDRG2 in germ cells seems to alter during spermatogenesis. These findings suggest that NDRG2 regulates testicular development and spermatogenesis in rats and is involved in the physiological and pathological apoptosis of germ cells. Wu-Gang Hou, Yong Zhao, and Lan Shen contributed equally to this study. This study was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (2006: no. 30600340; 2007: no. 30771138; 2008: no. 30871309).  相似文献   

Supramaximal dosage of the cholecystokinin analog caerulein leads to edematous pancreatitis with subsequent acinar cell destruction predominantly by apoptosis. We have used immunohistochemistry to reveal the expression of the anti-apoptotic protein galectin-3 in pancreatic acinar cells. Galectin-3, which occurs only in duct cells under physiological conditions, is expressed in a subset of acinar cells after the end of a 12-h caerulein infusion, giving rise to a patchy staining pattern. During the subsequent period of inflammation and regeneration, galectin-3 expression increases in those acinar cells that undergo apoptosis. By 48 h after the end of caerulein infusion, morphologically normal cells do not contain galectin-3 and participate in regeneration by proliferation. Tubular complexes, being transient structures from degenerative acini, accumulate galectin-3 in the remnants of the epithelium cells. Stimulation with supramaximal dosages of caerulein of the cell line AR4–2J, which is derived from rat pancreatic acinar cells, also results in a marked increase of galectin-3, confirming the in vivo results. We postulate that the high expression of the anti-apoptotic protein galectin-3 regulates the time course of the apoptotic process in pancreatic acinar cells.  相似文献   

Occluding artery disease causes a high demand for bioartificial replacement vessels. We investigated the combined use of biodegradable and creep‐free poly (1,3‐trimethylene carbonate) (PTMC) with smooth muscle cells (SMC) derived by biochemical or mechanical stimulation of adipose tissue‐derived stromal cells (ASC) to engineer bioartificial arteries. Biochemical induction of cultured ASC to SMC was done with TGF‐β1 for 7d. Phenotype and function were assessed by qRT‐PCR, immunodetection and collagen contraction assays. The influence of mechanical stimulation on non‐differentiated and pre‐differentiated ASC, loaded in porous tubular PTMC scaffolds, was assessed after culturing under pulsatile flow for 14d. Assays included qRT‐PCR, production of extracellular matrix and scanning electron microscopy. ASC adhesion and TGF‐β1‐driven differentiation to contractile SMC on PTMC did not differ from tissue culture polystyrene controls. Mesenchymal and SMC markers were increased compared to controls. Interestingly, pre‐differentiated ASC had only marginal higher contractility than controls. Moreover, in 3D PTMC scaffolds, mechanical stimulation yielded well‐aligned ASC‐derived SMC which deposited ECM. Under the same conditions, pre‐differentiated ASC‐derived SMC maintained their SMC phenotype. Our results show that mechanical stimulation can replace TGF‐β1 pre‐stimulation to generate SMC from ASC and that pre‐differentiated ASC keep their SMC phenotype with increased expression of SMC markers.  相似文献   

The mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS) is part of a coordinated response to osmotic challenges in Escherichia coli. MscS opens as a result of membrane tension changes, thereby releasing small solutes and effectively acting as an osmotic safety valve. Both the functional state depicted by its crystal structure and its gating mechanism remain unclear. Here, we combine site-directed spin labeling, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics simulations with novel energy restraints based on experimental electron paramagnetic resonance data to investigate the native transmembrane (TM) and periplasmic molecular architecture of closed MscS in a lipid bilayer. In the closed conformation, MscS shows a more compact TM domain than in the crystal structure, characterized by a realignment of the TM segments towards the normal of the membrane. The previously unresolved NH2-terminus forms a short helical hairpin capping the extracellular ends of TM1 and TM2 and is in close interaction with the bilayer interface. The present three-dimensional model of membrane-embedded MscS in the closed state represents a key step in determining the molecular mechanism of MscS gating.  相似文献   

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